Bulletin - November 2 2019
Bulletin - November 2 2019
Bulletin - November 2 2019
that you have chosen to worship with us today. 9) November 10 at 10 AM, if you are 55 or older, you are
We extend our sincere welcome to our church family and guests. invited to join our Golden Agers for a mall walk at
Song Service…………………………………………………………………………………… ANNOUNCEMENTS Westmount Mall at Kidney Care Centre inside upper level
Opening Hymn…………......................................................................... 1) Please join an interactive Study of God's Word this door. Some of us will be going for brunch at Angelos
afternoon, after lunch at 2:30 p.m. Topics will vary based on following the walk. Please talk to Don Topper, Adrien Intering
Scripture Reading……………….…………………………………………………………. or any members of the Senior's Ministry for more
interest, Bible reading and an expansion of the Sabbath
Opening Prayer………………………………………………………………………………. School weekly study. information.
Superintendent…………………………………………………………….Lo Richards
2) The Friends of Jesus Adventurer club meets today, 10) November 11 - Church Board Meeting at 7p.m.
Lesson Study…………….” Violating the Spirit of the Law”………………..
November 2nd from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
11) November 13 - Monthly Open House Community Service
WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 A.M. from 4 to 7 pm. Setting up is done on Tuesday evening
3) Make a Joyful Noise!!! Come and raise your voice in song;
Announcements & Welcome…………………………………………………………. Choir Practices resume this fall at a new day and time. starting at 5 pm. Volunteers are needed for both dates.
Practice November 9th at 3:30 pm and every other Sabbath Please speak to Teresa Ferreira or any member of the
Prelude……………………………………………………………………………Musicians Community Services Team for more details.
afternoon thereafter. New members welcome! Please
Call to Worship………………………………………………………… Praise Leader contact Heather Baptiste at hfbnotes@gmail.com
12) On November 23, we will be celebrating our Cultural
*Introit………………”Great Are you Lord”…………………….Congregation
4) Are you seeking to improve your walk with God and would Diversity and Homecoming with guest speaker Pastor Frank
*Invocation…..………………………………………………………Ritchi Pandaleke like a team of fellow growing Christians to assist you along Dell'Erba of the New Life Seventh-day Adventist church in
your journey? Every Wednesday @ 7:00PM. Oshawa. Plan to invite your family and friends to join in
Praise & Worship………………………………………………………...Choir (Men)
praising God together. An ethnic international potluck lunch
*Hymn of Praise……………”Wonderful Words of Life”..……………#286 5) Parents with Children: The Mother’s room is available for will follow. If your national flag is not in the Fellowship Hall,
parents with infants and toddlers. Resources in the room is please inform Larris Biggs or Clara Baptiste.
Congregational Prayer……………………….......................Camron Munro
(Praying for Gulf States & Kentucy-Tennessee Conference and Teachers) not available to your child(ren)
1) November 27 - ABC Bookmobile will be at the Church, 8 – 9
Offering.....................”Local Church Budget”…………….……Bob Reeve 6) Security Reminder - Parents and guardians please be aware p. m. Please call to place an order no later than two days
Children’s Story………….…..……………………………………Simone Shepherd of your child/children whereabouts in church. Your prior to scheduled date: Tel: 1-800-263-3791 or Fax: 905-579-
child(ren) MUST always BE in your company. 5686
*Scripture Reading……….”2nd Peter 1:19-21” ……….…Reneicia Eccles
Special Music…..……………………………………………………………………..Band 7) November 2-9 Annual Week of Prayer. This is an 13) Community Services- Sponsor a Family. To help a needy
opportunity to invite members who live in your area to join in family this Christmas, speak to Teresa Ferreira or put your
Week of Prayer Reading……………”Why did God send Prophets” reading, discussion and prayer. The theme is "Faithful to His donation in an envelope and mark “Sponsor A Family”.
*Benediction……………………………..………………………...Ritchi Pandaleke Prophets,” readings are available online at
www.adventistworld.org/week of prayer, the Adventist 14) Community Service is in need of 5oo packages for the
World, or a copy can be picked up at the church. homeless. Donations of toiletries, socks, gloves/hats and
Legend: *Congregation stands
other food items are welcomed. Please see list in foyer or
Elder on Duty: Bob Reeve
8) November 10 at 10 a.m. Women's Ministry Prayer Breakfast speak to Teresa Ferreira or any member of the Community
Offering next week: Annual Sacrifice
at the church fellowship hall. Please come prepared to share Services Team for more detail.
Sunset today: 6:17P.M. Next Friday: 5:10 P.M.
your ''go to” scripture and admonition to women as we
journey with Christ. More prayer, more power! Please join us 15) Treasury - Church Giving Made Easy. A debit terminal is
and be blessed. available in the church foyer for your convenience in giving.
Your ongoing faithful financial support to the church is
Sermon Notes
16) Should you require a pastoral visit at home or in hospital,
please let Pastor Atencio know. The elders and
deacons/deaconesses are also available to visit and pray with
you. Please be aware that due to privacy laws, your permission
is required to include your name on the prayer list in the
17) Need your prayers – The Villers family, Connie Soares, Ruth LONDON
Stoddard, Yvonne Thuillard, and the Dowdell family. 805 Shelborne Street, London, ON N5Z 5C6
Adventist Christian Elementary School (ACES)
Website: www.aceslondon.ca November 2, 2019
Principal: Mr. David Forsey; Cell: 226-232-5444
Office Phone: 519-601-2277; Office Email: davids4c@gmail.com
School Hours: M - TH 8:30 - 4:15
Communication Card
In order for us to serve you better, please complete this Communication
Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or place it in the Offering Plate.
Name: _______________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________ Pastor: Juan Carlos Atencio First Elder: Clara Baptiste
Email: _______________________________________________ (519) 535-8945 (519) 685-6110
Is ill at home jatencio@adventistontario.org cmbaptiste@hotmail.com
Requests Visitation
I want to be baptized www.adventistlondon.ca
Seeks transfer of membership (519) 680-1965
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request