Modeling A Phase-Locked Loop Using Pspice

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Analog Behavioral Modeling Using PSpice 15

A simple example is using a controlled source as a gain block

rather than using a complete operational amplifier model:
Eamp 1 0 TABLE {1e6*(v(pos,neg))}
+ (-15 -15) (+15 +15)

PSpice extensions allow black-box simulation of many high-

level circuit elements. The use of arbitrary expressions, lookup
tables and Laplace formulations are powerful tools.

Modeling a Phase-Locked Loop

To contrast the high-level and low-level modeling approaches,
consider a simple phase-locked loop (Figure 6). Phase locked
loops contain three major components: a voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO); a Phase Detector which compares the output
of the VCO with the input (target) signal to derive an error
signal; and a Loop Filter. The inverted output of the Loop Filter
becomes the controlling voltage for the VCO, thus forming a
negative feedback control loop.




Figure 6 Phase-locked loop

Mathematical Description: The general time-domain equation
for a phase-locked loop can be written as:
φo' = K sin[φi(t) -φo(t)] Θ f(t)
The input signal yi and the VCO output signal yo are given by:
yi(t) = A sin[wt + φi(t)] yo(t) = B sin[wt
+ φo(t)],

The symbol Θ represents convolution, and f(t) is the impulse

response of the filter.
This nonlinear differential equation is not solvable in the general
case. Approximate solutions may be found when the equation is
linearized. The typical case where the loop filter is a simple RC
network when linearized gives rise to a second-order linear
differential equation.
Behavioral Model: Each of the three main components of the
PLL can be expressed succinctly in PSpice’s extended
Behavioral Modeling syntax.
The Phase Detector is a multiplier with the output range
constrained to [-1,+1]. This is written as a TABLE device, with
the controlling expression being the product of the input
voltages and a 2-element lookup table being used to limit the
Epd 3 0 TABLE {v(1)*v(2)} (-1 -1)(+1 +1)
The VCO is described as a sinusoidal function of time with an
additional term controlling the phase:
Evco 5 0 VALUE {sin(2*pi*fc*TIME + v(4))}
The Loop Filter is conveniently described by giving its Laplace
Transform, using s-domain notation. For example, for a one-
pole filter with phase lead correction:
Elpf 7 0 LAPLACE {v(6)} {(1+t2*s)/(1+t1*s)}
A complete phase-locked loop description consists of these
three “devices,” an integrator and a few dummy loads.
Circuit Level Model: A model of the same PLL was developed
using bipolar transistor circuits.
The VCO was an astable multivibrator with the charging current
proportional to the VCO control voltage. The multiplier was a
double-balanced modulator using 6 BJTs. The Loop Filter
consisted of two resistors and a capacitor.
A complete description consists of these circuit fragments,
together with power supplies, bias resistors, bypass capacitors,
Comparing the two Approaches: Table 1 contrasts the two
approaches to modeling the PLL.
Analog Behavioral Modeling Using PSpice 17

Compared with the Circuit model, it took about 20% of the time
to develop the Behavioral model, and the transient analysis ran
in about 4% of the time.
The time required to run the analysis is significant. The
Behavioral model allows many more analyses to be run in a
given time, permitting a higher degree of design refinement and/
or test.

Table 1 Comparison of Modeling Approaches

Model Behavior Circuit

Devt. Time 1 day 5 days

Simulation Time 24 sec* 606 sec*

* lines 9 43

* run times measured on a Sun 4/110

Future Challenges
Modeling state behavior
Many real devices exhibit two or more stable states. Transitions
between these states occur under well-defined circumstances.
For example, consider a spark gap. This has two persistent
states. An arc may be present, in which case the device is in its
ON (low resistance) state. Or there may be no arc, in which case
the device is in its OFF state. A combination of applied voltage
and dV/dt causes the device to transition from its OFF to its ON
state, via a transitory “arc forming” phase. If the arc current falls
below a holding value, the device turns OFF, via an “arc
extinguishing” phase.
The question arises, how to model this kind of device with
SPICE-based simulators. Macro models are difficult to
construct. Representing the state variable requires some
component with memory. Possibilities include hysteresis blocks
and digital primitives (if a mixed-mode simulator is available).
Neither of these offers an easy or elegant solution.

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