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Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Technique To Change Detection in Land Use/Land Cover Mapping of Igbokoda, Ondo State, Nigeria

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Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Technique to Change Detection in

Land Use/Land Cover Mapping of Igbokoda, Ondo State, Nigeria

Article · March 2016


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4 authors, including:

J. R. Adewumi Fidelis O. Ajibade

Federal University of Technology, Akure Federal University of Technology, Akure


Blessing Bolarinwa Fabeku

Ondo State University of Science and Technology


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Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Application of GIS and Remote Sensing Technique to Change Detection in

Land Use/Land Cover Mapping of Igbokoda, Ondo State, Nigeria

James R. Adewumi1, James K. Akomolafe2, Fidelis O. Ajibade3 and Blessing B. Fabeku4

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
Works and Physical Planning Unit, Ondo State University of Science and Technology,
Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria
Meteorology Unit, Ondo State University of Science and Technology,
Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria.
Email: jradewumi@gmail.com, 2Email: kolawoleakomolafe@gmail.com,
Email: fydelyx87@yahoo.com, 4Email: blesong4u@yahoo.com


This paper aims at establishing changes in land use and land cover in Igbokoda municipality using
Geographic Information System and remote sensing techniques. Three satellite images for three
different epochs 1986, 1999 and 2013 were used to produce a land use/land cover map classification
for Igbokoda. In determining the extent of land use/land cover changes in the township from 1986
through 1999 to 2013, Landsat images of the town were downloaded from the United State Geological
Survey online archive. The images were analyzed using change detection technique (NDVI
differencing) along with SRTM 90m DEM of the study area to generate the extent of the changes that
have occurred. Ground trotting was carried out to ascertain the accuracy of data and the major
changes in the land use/land cover. Results show that vegetation has decreased from 75.04% in 1986
to 46.81% in 2013 which was due to increase in population and rapid urbanization. In 1996 the Built-
up area covers 19.6321 km2 of the study area but has increased rapidly to 39.1505 km2 in the year
1999 with an average annual increment of 2.025Km2/year. By the year 2013, the built-up area has
increased to 64.1520Km2. Also in the same vein, the bare surface area which was 13.28029km2 in
1986 was increased to 39.6053 and 50.240Km2 in 1999 and 2013 respectively. On the contrary, the
vegetated area of Igbokoda reduced from 196.3046Km2 in 1999 to 122.4680Km2 in 2013. This study
has demonstrated that remotely sensed data and GIS based approach is timely and cost effective than
the conventional method of analysis, classification of land use pattern effective for planning and
management. It further shows that If the rapid change in land use is not properly manage, the
situation poses a serious threat to Igbokoda town by increasing surface runoff and susceptibility to

Keywords: GIS, Remote Sensing, Land Use/Land cover, Landsat TM imagery, NDVI

1. Introduction

Land cover is one of the most important factors for planning and managing activities
concerning the use of land surface, climate change studies and understanding complex interactions
between human activities and global change [1; 2]. The demand for land use/land cover data has

Manuscript History:
Received 15 February, 2016, Revised 21 March, 2016, Accepted 22 March, 2016, Published 31 March, 2016

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

grown in multiple folds over the years as an indispensable means of planning and implementation of
developmental projects. Without considering the implications of planning for major developmental
projects, there has been unprofessional use of agricultural land and open spaces in an unplanned
situation. The data derived for land use/land cover gives insights to better understand land utilization
aspects as well as play a vital role in the formulation of policies and programme implementation for
development. It is important to note that, land is very important resource to man and it should be better
managed for continuous existence and its progress depends on our ability to avoid its mismanagement
[3]. Studies have shown that there remains only a few landscapes on Earth which are currently in their
natural state. Due to anthropogenic activities, the Earth’ surface is being significantly altered and the
presence of man and his use of land has had a profound effect upon the natural environment [4; 5]. As
a result since the early 1980s vast transformations have occurred in the land use and land cover
patterns as evidenced by persistent expansion in cultivated land, decrease in natural woodland and
grassland in the world [6; 7; 8]. It can therefore be stated that the land use and land cover pattern of a
region is an outcome of natural and socio-economic factors and their utilization by man in time and
Land-use suitability mapping and analysis is one of the most useful applications of
Geographical Information System (GIS) for spatial planning and management [9; 10]. Such analysis is
a multicriteria evaluation, which aims at identifying the most appropriate spatial pattern for future land
uses according to specified requirements, preferences, or predictors of some activity [11; 9]. GIS
serves the multicriteria evaluation function of suitability assessment well, providing the attribute
values for each location and both the arithmetic and logical operators for combining attributes [12].
Remote sensing has long been an effective means for land cover mapping with its ability to quickly
collect information on a large regional scale, and many land cover maps on global and regional scales
have been produced in recent years using remote sensing data [13; 14].
Change detection is the technique, which is used for the assessment of resources, where multi-
date images are compared to find out the type and amount of change that have occurred. The various
applications of change detection are in agricultural, hydrological, forestry, environmental and
ecological fields [15]. The important goal in change detection is to compare spatial representations of
two points in time by controlling all variances caused by differences in variables of non-interest (i.e.
variation in orbital and platform altitudes) and to measure change caused by differences in variables of
interest. Currently, land use/land cover change detection relies primarily upon some types of
techniques: map-to-map and image-to-image comparison. The goal of remote sensing change
detection according to [16] is to:
a) detect the geographic location of change found when comparing two (or more) dates of
b) identify the type of change if possible (e.g., from forest to agriculture); and
c) quantify the amount of change.
From the ecological perspective, land degradation is seen as damage to the healthy functioning of
land-based ecosystems [17]. Soil degradation phenomena occurs via a complex interaction between
natural (e.g. soil properties and climate conditions) and human factors (e.g. over-grazing, over-
cultivation and deforestation) [18]. The main types of land degradation factors identified in the north
Nile Delta include: salinity, compaction and water logging as well as water erosion which can be
attributed to the Mediterranean Sea level rise [17].
Land degradation can be investigated in different ways, such as direct field observation and
remote sensing. In comparison to field methods, the remote sensing technique is more cost-effective
and time-efficient in which a huge land area can be monitored using one image. A large number of
studies have been carried out using different methods of remote sensing and GIS to determine the
extent of degradation. Remotely sensed imagery is appropriate for revealing land that has been
affected by degradation to various levels [19]. Furthermore, remotely sensed data is effective in
identifying and mapping land degradation and modeling soil loss [20; 21; 22; 23]. The swift growth of

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Igbokoda area and its agricultural area have probably resulted very rapidly and have had a detrimental
effect on the environment. Due to this, multi-temporal Landsat TM imagery for assessment land cover
change is chosen as appropriate tool for this study. The study therefore is aimed at detecting the land
use/land cover change in Igbokoda municipality using landsat TM imagery {Landsat 5 (TM), Landsat
7 (ETM+) and Landsat 8 (LC)}.

2. Research Methodology

2.1. Descriptions of the Study Area

Igbokoda town extends from latitude 6’ 20’’ N to 6’24’’ N and longitude 4’45’’E to 4’48’’E.
The town comprises of many quarters. It is about 24 km from the coast of Atlantic Ocean. The
existing road network which links the town with the neighbouring towns such as Okitipupa, Aboto,
Mayin, Igbo Nla, among others, further promotes the town accessibility to regional centers. History
has it that the indigenes of Igbokoda are Ilajes who in the course of searching for dry land to promote
their economic activities and make contact with the people of upland, settled in the present Igbokoda
Traditionally, the Ilajes are highly successful traders, merchants, fishermen, farmers and boat
builders. Bitumen and crude oil are found in large quantities in this area which make Ondo State as a
recognized oil-producing State in South-West Nigeria. Culturally, Ilaje people celebrates annually,
Boat Regatta, Ilaje Day, Twins Festival, Olokun Festival, and Christian anniversaries by various
churches [24].In addition, Ilaje is also blessed with agricultural raw materials like fish, poultry, maize,
palmoil vegetables, timber, rafia, poultry okro, cocoyam, banana, cassava and piggery. The natural
environment of Ilaje land is particularly suitable for the development of large scale rice plantation and
salt industry. It is believed that the town has undergone many evolutionary processes of political
administrative, spatial, demographic and economic changes. The map of Ondo State showing Ilaje
Local Government and Igbokoda road map and rivers are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Figure 1: Map of Ondo State showing Geographical Location of the Study Area (Igbokoda) within
Ilaje Local Government Area

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Figure 2: Digitized Map of the Study Area showing the Road Network and other Features

2.2. Data Acquired, Sources and Software Packages

The steps involved in data collection are the downloading of Landsat satellite images, Ikonos
Image and Aster SRTM DEM from USGS online data archives (www.glovis.usgs.gov); clipping of
the area of interest, data processing, generation of the colour composite images and vegetation cover
(VC) images, generation of Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) map, generation of
digital elevation model (DEM) and creation of cadastral map.
Other software packages used are:
a) ArcGIS 9.3 – This is used to create map boundary of the study area in this project, also the
power option of IDW is used to interpolate the SPI results and its reclassification to obtain
Drought Spatial Pattern maps. NDVI calculations and their images are also done here.
b) Erdas Imagine 9.1 – this is used for displaying and clipping area of interest from the
downloaded imageries for it to be imported into Ilwis environment for further processing.
c) Ilwis 3.5 – This is used to perform the bands staking in order to obtain the color composite
and image classification.
d) Microsoft Excel is used for SPI analysis and also in producing the graph.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

2.2.1. Satellite Data

These are sets of information about the features on the surface of the earth remotely acquired
by the sensors onboard via the means of electromagnetic energy, stored in the form of digital picture
(e.g. geotiff).

2.2.2. SRTM 90m DEM

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) was launched on February 11, 2000 and was
a joint project between U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence agency (NGA) and U.S. National
Aeronautics and space Administration that obtained digital elevation data of the Earth’s surface on a
near-global scale (almost 80% of the earth’s surface) between 56oS and 60oN [25]. Edited data became
available by year 2004 at a spatial resolution of one arc second for the United States (approximately
30m) and three arc second (90 m) for the rest of the world [25; 26]. The production of a near global
SRTM data has enabled global assessments especially on extraction of drainage networks and
upstream catchment areas in the flood risk zones [27].
SRTM 90 m DEM of the study area (Igbokoda) is derived from United State Geological
Survey/National Aeronautics and Space Administration/Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
(USGS/NASA SRTM) in which data already in decimal degrees and datum WGS84. The data is
downloaded from the CIAT—CSI SRTM website (http://srtm.csi.giar.org). It is projected to the UTM
coordinate system and clipped to the extent of the study area.

2.2.3. Landsat Data

The Landsat program originated in the United States in July 23, 1972, Landsat 1 was launched
as the first Earth Observation Satellite with the objective of studying and monitoring landmasses on
the Earth Surface. At the time of its launch, it was known as Earth Resources Technology Satellite
ERTS [28], seven more Landsat satellites had been launched since then as Landsat 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and
In this study, Landsat 5 (TM), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and Landsat 8 (LC) imageries are used.
Landsat 5 was launched on 1st March, 1985. In addition to the multispectral scanner system that was
available in the first four Landsat satellites, Landsat 5 is developed with a unique feature, a sensor that
has better spatial and spectral resolution that enable the satellite to capture image from a wider view
[29]. This feature is the Thematic Mapper (TM). Landsat 7 was launched on 15th April, 1999 with an
Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+). Both Landsat satellites have seven spectral bands but
Landsat 7 ETM+ has an additional eight band known as panchromatic band with 15m spatial
resolution and it responds spectrally from the green through the near infra–red region of the
wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum [30]. Table 1 shows the spectral sensitivity of the seven
bands of Landsat satellites, the panchromatic band and their applications.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Table 1: Spectral bands of Landsat Satellites and their applications

Band Spectral response Wave Resolution Application

No length
1 Blue – green 0.45- 30m Useful in mapping aquatic
0.52nm ecosystem and classification of
forest features
2 Green 0.52 – 0.60 30m Useful in vegetation
discrimination / health
monitoring and identification
Of manmade features
3 Red 0.63 – 30m Useful in identification of plant
0.69nm species, vegetation health
monitoring and manmade

4 Near infra-red 0.76 – 0.90 30m Useful in vegetation monitoring

Nm water body discrimination and
definite water/land interface
5 Near infra red (SWR) 1.55 – 30M Useful in monitoring moisture
1.75Nm content in vegetation and
distinguishing between clouds
and snow
6 Thermal infra-red 10.40 – 60m /30m Useful in monitoring volcanic
12.50Nm (ETMT), 125 features, surface temperature and
(TM ) cloud differentiation
7 Mid infra-red (SWIR) 2.08 -2.35 30M Useful in soil and geological
Nm mapping especially in mineral
and rock discrimination
8 Green to Near infra red 0.5 – 0.9Nm 15M More sparally detailed mapping
panchromatic band of land features
Source: [28; 29; 30; 31; 32]

Landsat images are generally known to be efficient, simple and first choice when it comes to mapping
of flood vulnerable areas [33], three Landsat Images are downloaded from [34]. Table 2 shows a list
of Landsat images acquired and their dates.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Table 2: Summary of Landsat Images Acquired

S/N Landsat Satellite Date Pathrow

1. Landsat 5 (TM) 25 April, 1986 190/056

2. Landsat 7 (ETM+) 13 December, 1999 190/056

3. Landsat 8 (LC) 12 June, 2013 190/056

2.2.4. High Resolution Imagery----Ikonos Image

Geometrically rectified high resolution imagery (Ikonos image) of resolution of 0.8m covering
the study area was obtained. Road networks and building across the town was digitized. Properties
that will be affected were mapped out considering the buffering zone.

2.2.5. Vector Data

The study area boundary map used to clip out area of interest from the satellite imageries was
curved out from the local government boundary map and Nigerian Administrative map on the scale of
1:15,140,906 which was obtained from National Space Research and Development Agency, Abuja

2.2.6. Clipping of study area

Each composite of the satellite imageries used in this study were susbseted using Igbokoda
boundary map gotten from NASRDA to delineate the spatial extent of the area of interest over each of
the satellite scene. This was done using processed the vector data in Erdas Imagine 9.0 and later
export to Iliwis 3.5 and ArcGIS 9.3 environment for further analysis.

2.2.7. Data Re-processing

The satellite imageries downloaded have already been corrected from the manufacturer
radiometrically and geometrically to raster image (Geotiff). The images coordinate is in projection
coordinate (WGS_84).

2.2.8. Panchromatic Sharpening

Pan- sharpening involves the fusion of the high resolution (1.5 m) panchromatic band/image
with the lower resolution bands (30 m) of the same Landsat Image [35; 36; 37]. The three (3) Landsat
composite images were pan- sharpened with their respective panchromatic images which enhanced
their respective features for the purpose of image recognition while classifying the Images.

2.2.9. Generation of Composite image and Land Cover image

Colour composite involves stacking or combination of different bands (band 4, band 3, &
band 2) together to produce a false colour composite image purposely for features recognition while
Land Cover (LC) image comprises of vegetation cover types which is a prime indicator of
spatial impact extent and flood plain since their population and growth are greatly affected by human

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

anthropogenic activities and prolong accumulation of flooding water. LC image for respective epoch
was obtained after classifying the colour composite image using maximum likelihood method of
image classification. The classification was done based on the selection of a set of pixels been
assigned to each of the four classes created (Land cover categories) which are bare surface, built-up
area, vegetation and water body.

Table 3: Land covers classification categories

S/N Classes Colour

1 Bare Surface Light Brown
2 Built-up Area Red
3 Vegetation Deep Green
4 Water Body Blue

The above (Table 3) Land Cover categories were arrived after a brief reconnaissance survey
had been carried out to obtain information about the study area.

2.10. Generation of Greenness Index (NDVI) and Greenness Index image

NDVI calculation was performed to find out the changing pattern of the vegetation during the
selected period of this study due to satellite data available (1986, 1999 and 2013). The following
algorithm developed by [38] was used for the analysis.

𝑁𝐷𝑉𝐼 = (𝑁𝐼𝑅+𝑅) (1)

Where: NIR and R is the reflectance in the near-infrared (band 4) and red (band 3) portion of
Electromagnetic spectrum respectively. NDVI is the most widely used index in studying vegetation
related issue [39]. It can also be used to indicate deficiencies/improvement in rainfall and portray
drought/flood event impact on vegetation in a particular geographical location both timely and
spatially. NDVI is an important factor in flood risk analysis and the technique is used for analyzing
the response of vegetation cover to flooding characteristics [40]. The NDVI is calculated from two
bands in the Landsat images: the near infra-red (NIR) band (band 4) and the red band (band 3). The
NDVI takes advantage of the feature of these two bands that is the high reflectance for plants
materials of the NIR band and the chlorophyll pigment absorption of the red band to produce an image
that presents greenness or relative biomass [41; 42; 43]. In order to generate Greenness Index (GI)
map, the resulted NDVI maps were classified in ArcGIS 9.0 environment using the threshold NDVI
values in the Table 4

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Table 4: Greenness Index threshold values

Land Cover Categories NDVI Values
Dense Vegetation +0.04 - +1.00
Less Dense Vegetation +0.04 - +0.07
Bare Surface Area -0.08 - +0.04
Water Body -0.08 - -1.00

Greenness Index (GI) map reveals the spatial extent of vegetation cover over the selected parts of the
study area.

2.11. Elevation of the study area above sea level

The elevations of the study area mapped out from the re-sampled Ikonos image were obtained
from SRTM 30M DEM data in Arc GIS 9.3 environment.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Vegetation Cover Index Maps

Normalized Differential Vegetation (NDVI) Index maps over the study area (Igbokoda) for
the year 1986, 1999 and 2013 as generated from NDVI analysis are shown in Figure 3. Each of these
NDVI maps has NDVI value on their respective legend ranging from -1 to +1, with the positive values
indicating Vegetative part and the negative values denoting the water-body/built-up area while the
values very close to zero shows the areas of bare soil/surface. The Greenness Index Maps as shown in
Figure 3 were obtained from the NDVI maps produced for the study area. These maps consist of three
distinct features namely; Vegetation, water-body/Built-up area and Bare-Surface (Figure 4), purposely
done for easy assessment of change in the vegetative part of the area of interest over the study area.
Most of the spatial extent of Igbokoda as based on its geographical location (coastal area) is covered
with wetland (swampy area). These wetlands are responsible for vegetation growth over the area
which in turns play important role in every flood event that takes place. The vegetation forms a kind
of resistant to the free flow of water from the swamps into the residential area whenever there is heavy
downpour. It could be noted from Figure 4 that there is reduction in vegetation across the study area to
the recent year 2013 from 1986 as two-third of the whole spatial extent was revealed to be cover with
bare surface in the year 2013.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Figure 3: Normalized Differential Vegetation Index Maps part of the Study Area (Igbokoda):
(a) 1986, (b) 1999 and (c) 2013

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Figure 4: Greenness Index Map over the study area for periods: (a) 1986, (b) 1999 and (c) 2013

Greenness Index Map also pointed to the fact that the built up area have almost similar
reflectance’s in both the Near-Infrared band and Visible or red band as they always revealed negative
NDVI value.

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

3.2. Land Cover Distribution Maps

Land use/Land cover geo-analysis of Igbokoda was carried out in order to depict the spatial
extent to which, not only the vegetation has changed but the contribution of anthropogenic activities in
this geographical location to flood occurrence. This become highly imperative in vegetation
assessment analysis as related to flood event in any geographical location since vegetation depletion
could result to reduction of the surface resistivity to water accumulation and high susceptibility to
surface run off (water flow).
Figure 5 shows the classified Landsat image over the study area for the year 1986, 1999, and
2013 and simply revealed the change in the vegetation cover (the green tone), water bodies (the blue
tone) and other features as depicted on their respective legend.
Presented in Table 5 is the Landuse/Land cover (LULC) result. The result was converted into
percentage as presented in Table 6 and average to determine the rate at which each of the land cover
category has change over the time. All the results gotten from the classified images were shown in
Table 6 and summarized in Figure 6 for easy interpretation.

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Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016




Figure 5: Classified Landsat image over study area for the year 1986, 1999, and 2013

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Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Table 5: The spatial extent of land cover over Igbokoda after classification

Land Cover types 1986 Area (km2) Area in % 1999 Area (km2) Area in % 2013 Area (km2) Area in %
Bare Surface 13.28029 5.08 39.60531 15.14 50.240 19.20
Built-up Area 19.63208 7.50 39.15045 14.97 64.152 24.52
Vegetation 196.30458 75.04 165.2766 63.18 122.468 46.81
Water Body 32.38441 12.38 17.56897 6.72 24.741 9.46
TOTAL 261.6014 100 261.6014 100 261.601 100

Table 6: Comparison of areas and rates of change of the four Landuse/Landcover classes between 1986-1999 and 1999-2013 for study area (Igbokoda)

Land Cover 1986 Area 1999 Area 2013 Area Change between Average rate of Change between Average rate of
types (km2) (km2) (km2) 1986 and 1999 change 1999 and 2013 change
(Km2) (km2/yr) (km2) (km2/yr)
Bare Surface 13.2803 39.6053 50.2400 26.325 2.025 10.6347 0.7596
Built-up Area 19.6321 39.1505 64.1520 19.5184 1.5014 25.0016 1.7858
Vegetation 196.3046 165.2766 122.4680 -31.02 -2.3868 -42.8086 -3.0578
Water Body 32.3844 17.5690 24.7410 -14.8154 -1.1397 7.1720 0.5123

Note: A decrease carries Negative sign while an increase carries positive sign

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016




50.00 46.81
Area Cover (%)

40.00 1999


15.14 14.97
10.00 7.50 6.72

Bare_Surface Built-up Area Vegetation Water_Body
LandUse/LandCover Categories

Figure 6: Percentage Area of the Land Cover Categories for 3 different years considered over

Figure 6 show that there exists a change in each of the Landuse/Landcover categories
considered in this study (that is, Bare Surface, Built-up Area, Vegetation and water body). Vegetation
which formed a resistive feature against flood has actually decreased from 75.04% in 1986 to 46.81%
in 2013 which was due to increase in population resulting in high urbanization. The portion within the
study area that reflects the influence of human activities (i.e., anthropogenic activities) was denoted as
Built-up area. The Built-up area covers 1963.21 ha (19.6321 km2) of entire study area which was
7.50% of the whole spatial extent in 1986, but has increased to 14.97% that is 3915.05 ha (39.1505
km2) in the year 1999 and by the year 2013, 24.52% increment was recorded for Built-up (Table 5 and
Figure 6). Though, most of these built up are situated in the area associated with high elevation and
along the road sides that had already been sand filled during road construction activity.
As depicted in Figure 7, areas associated with lower slope angles within the closer proximity
of the stream channels receives more flooded water faster than high elevated areas. The slope of the
basin influences both the speed of runoff and the rate of infiltration of water. The areas with low slope
are associated with higher infiltration rate and do experienced decrease in surface runoff which in
turns increases their susceptibility to the risk of flooding [44]. Igbokoda township is characterized by
low elevation slope angles with its major residential part fall within elevation ranging from 10m to
20m above sea level and slope angles less than or equals 7 degrees (Figure 7). Hence, land use
planners with the intention of developing infrastructures with this information at their disposal will
ensure such developments are either built on natural or artificially made higher grounds to avoid

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

Figure 7: The map of the study area showing the elevation and slope angles

4. Conclusion

GIS is a valuable tool to better manage, clarify and maintain resources. It is a proven decision
support system employing land cover change maps among other data resources that are major
products created from remotely sensed data. This study has established the fact that there has been a
reduction in the vegetation cover over the area in 1986 towards 1999 and the decrease was still on the
course towards 2013 which simply means there has been less hindrances to flow of water over the
area and thereby enhancing the surface runoff. It could also be concluded from the DEM analysis that
Igbokoda is a low land area with very low slope angle which make it highly susceptible to flooding.

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e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

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e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE

Journal of Applied Science & Process Engineering
Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016

James Rotimi Adewumi

James Rotimi Adewumi is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of

Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Federal University of Technology
Akure in Nigeria, where he teaches water engineering subjects at undergraduate
and postgraduate levels. He obtained his PhD at the School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
His research interests lie in the fields of wastewater reuse, water resources
planning and conservation. He has published several journal and conference
papers, and has received two awards for portions of his PhD research.

Akomolafe James Kolawole

Akomolafe James Kolawole graduated from the Department of Civil and

Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology Akure. He is
currently a staff of Works and Physical Planning Unit at Ondo State University
of Science and Technology Okitipupa Ondo State.His areas of interest include
Water Resources Planning and Management

Ajibade Fidelis Odedishemi

Ajibade Fidelis Odedishemi is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department

of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Technology,
Akure, Ondo State Nigeria. He obtained B.Eng. (Agricultural Engineering – Soil
and Water Engineering option) in 2009 from University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
and Master degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria in 2013. His research interests include Water and
Wastewater Engineering, Solid Waste Management and Waste to Bioresource

Fabeku Blessing Bolarinwa

Fabeku Blessing Bolarinwa graduated from the Department of Meteorology and

Climate Science. He is currently a staff of Meteorology Unit, Ondo State
University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria. His
areas of interest include Meteorology, GIS and Remote Sensing

e-ISSN 2289-7771
Copyright © 2016 JASPE


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