PSC 1. Ntroduction

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Pre-stressed Concrete

Lesson 1:
PhD. Structural Engineering - on progress

Ass. Lecturer
Dept. of Structural and Construction Engineering
College of Engineering and Technology
University of Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Cell Phone: +255 (0) 655 004212
Topics to be covered
 Basic Concepts of Pre-stressing
 Historical Development and Application of
Pre-stressed Concrete
 Advantages of Pre-stressed Concrete
 Pre-stressing materials
 Pre-stressing systems
Pre-stressed Concrete

“The Slackers”
Danny Efland
Maria Cuellar
Joel Irvine
1.1 Basic Concepts of Pre-stressing
 Definition:
 “Pre-stressed concrete is a form of reinforced
concrete that builds in compressive stresses during
construction to oppose those found when in use.”
 In other words it is a combination of steel and
concrete that takes advantages of the strengths of
each material.
In its general form, the term prestressing means the
deliberate creation of permanent stresses in a structure
before it is subjected to any imposed load. Because the
object of prestressing a structure is to improve its
performance, the stresses resulting from prestressing are
designed to counteract those induced by the acting
Main purpose of Prestressed concrete

To improve the resistance of the member to the

dead and live loads (service load) and to modify the
behavior of the member or structure in such a way as
to make it more suitable for its intended purpose.

Prestressing involves the application of an initial

compressive load on a structure to reduce or
eliminate the internal tensile forces and thereby
control or eliminate cracking. The initial compressive
load is imposed and sustained by highly tensioned
steel reinforcement reacting on the concrete.
In short, the objectives of Prestressed
concrete are to :-
• Control or eliminate tensile stresses in the
concrete (cracking) at least up to service
load levels.

• Control or eliminate deflection at some

specific load level.

• Allow the use of high strength steel and

1.2 Historical Background
 The idea of pre-stressed concrete has been around
since the latter decades of the 19th century, but its
use was limited by the quality of the materials at the
 1886: Jackson of San Francisco applied for a
patent for construction of artificial stone and
concrete pavement in which pre-stress was
introduced by tensioning the reinforcing rods set in
 1886: Dohrin of German manufactured slabs and
small beams using embedded tensioned wires in
concrete to avoid cracks.
1.2 Historical Background…...
Cont.Empenger of Vienna developed a
 1923: method of
making wire-bound reinforced concrete pipes by
binding high-tensile steel wires on pipes at stresses
ranging from 160 to 800 N/mm2.
 1928: Dischinger demonstrated the use of
unbounded tendons in the construction of a major
bridge of the deep-girder type, in which pre-stressing
wires were placed inside the girder without any bond.
Losses of prestress were compensated by subsequent
re-tensioning of the wires.
 It took until the 1920s and ‘30s for its materials
development to progress to a level where prestressed
concrete could be used with confidence.
 Freyssinet in France, Magnel in Belgium and Hoyer in
Germany were the principle developers of vibration
1.2 Historical Background …... Cont.

 Freyssinet in France, Magnel in Belgium and Hoyer in

Germany were the principle developers of vibration
techniques for the production of high-strength
concrete and the invention of double acting jack
for stressing high-tensile steel wires (1928-1933).
 1945-1950: Rapid application of prestressed
concrete in long span bridges in Europe and USA.
 Recently: PSC is used in construction of long span
bridges, industrial shell roofs, marine structures,
nuclear pressure vessels, water retaining structures,
transmission poles, railway sleepers etc.
1.3.1Advantages of pre-stressed
concrete (PSC)
 The use of high strength concrete and steel in
prestressed members results in lighter and slender
members than is possible with RC members.
 In fully prestressed members the member is free from
tensile stresses under working loads, thus whole of the
section is effective.
 In prestressed members, dead loads may be counter-
balanced by eccentric prestressing.
 Prestressed concrete member posses better resistance
to shear forces due to effect of compressive stresses
presence or eccentric cable profile.
1.3.1 Advantages of pre-stressed concrete
 Use of high strength concrete and freedom from
cracks, contribute to improve durability under
aggressive environmental conditions.
 Long span structures are possible so that saving in
weight is significant & thus it will be economic.
 Factory products are possible.
 Prestressed members are tested before use.
 Prestressed concrete structure deflects appreciably
before ultimate failure, thus giving ample warning
before collapse.
 Fatigue strength is better due to small variations in
prestressing steel, recommended to dynamically
loaded structures
1.3.2 Disadvantages of
prestressed concrete

 Need higher quality materials

 Initial equipment cost is very high.
 Availability of experienced technical personnel is
 Prestressed sections are brittle
 Prestressed concrete sections are less fire resistant
Pre-stressing materials
The main factors for concrete used in PSC are:
 Ordinary portland cement-based concrete is used
but strength usually greater than 50 N/mm2;
 A high early strength is required to enable quicker
application of prestress;
 A larger elastic modulus is needed to reduce the
shortening of the member;
 A mix that reduces creep of the concrete to minimize
losses of prestress
1.4 Pre-stressing materials
 The steel used for prestressing has a nominal yield
strength of between 1550 to 1800 N/mm2. The
different forms the steel may take are:
 Wires: individually drawn wires of 7 mm diameter;
 Strands: a collection of wires (usually 7) wound
together and thus having a diameter that is different
to its area;
 Tendon: A collection of strands encased in a duct –
only used in post tensioning;
 Bar: a specially formed bar of high strength steel of
greater than 20 mm diameter
Steel for pre-stressing
1.5 Pre-stressing systems
 Pre-Tension Concrete: pre-stressing steel is tension
stressed prior to the placement of the concrete
and unloaded after concrete has harden to
required strength.
 Pre-tensioned concrete is when the steel
reinforcement is stressed prior to concrete being
placed around the steel.
Pre-stressing systems
 Post-tensioned concrete: The tension is applied to
the tendons (located in a duct) after hardening of
the concrete. The pre-compression is transmitted
from steel to concrete by the anchorage device
(at the end blocks).
Bonded post-tensioned concrete: unstressed pre-
stressing steel is placed with in the concrete and
then tension stressed after concrete has harden
to required strength.
Un-bonded post-tensioned concrete: differs from
bonded post-tensioning by providing the pre-
stressing steel permanent freedom of movement
relative to the concrete.
Pre-Tension Concrete
General erection stages
1. Install Prestressing Strands
2. Tension Strands
Strands After Tensioning
3. Install Mild Reinforcement
4. Install Inserts and Assemblies
5. Set Form Sides
6. Place Concrete
7. Cure Concrete with Accelerated Methods
8. Remove Girder From Casting Bed
9. Move Girder To Storage
10. Transport to Jobsite
Pre-tensioned Concrete
 Summary of erection stages
Advantages of Pretensioning

 Pre-tensioning is suitable for precast members

produced in bulk.
 In pre-tensioning large anchorage device is not
 Pretension is the easiest controlled of the bonded
stressings with the least chance of error in the
bonding process.
 Tension caused by the steel is spread throughout the
length of the concrete since it is bonded within the
concrete along the length of the member.
Concerns With Pre-tension

 Usually uses a mold which

is able to resist the forces
within the tendons which
are more expensive than
regular molds.
 Exception comes when
the sides of the mold our
anchored allowing mold
to be created between
the anchors without
supporting stress.
Concerns Cont.
 Concrete sample should be taken for every new mix so
that strength obtained may be determined before
cutting the tendons releasing the stresses onto the
 Since pre-tension may only be set once calculations for
the camber must be correct. So, pre-stress takes a large
amount of preplanning. Must consider self-weight
deflections, pre-stress deflections, dead load deflections,
and live load deflections.
 Since it may only tightened once and cannot be
retightened the designer must also account for Creep of
concrete, elastic shortening of concrete, shrinkage of
concrete, relaxation of steel, slip at the anchorage, and
friction losses due to intended and unintended (wobble)
curvature in the tendons in calculations for the camber of
the member in order to have lasting quality of the
Basic Common Construction Process
of Members
 Mould capable of supporting stresses created by
the steel is either delivered to job site or molds are
located off site.
 Required or preplanned pre-stresses are
determined and required reinforcement steel is
determined and set.
 Proper concrete mix is determined and placed into
molds. Self-consolidating concrete is massively
used for ease of finishing.
 Concrete is allowed to cure and reach a needed
strength great enough to support the tension in the
steel without cracking. Then steel is cut and
member is removed from mold and is ready to
Steel tensioned after concrete is hardened
Bonded Post-tensioned Concrete
 Process
 Concrete is casted around a curved
duct (usually corrugated), to allow room
for the Tendon to be inserted.
 After the concrete has hardened the
tendons are pulled in tension and then
 The duct is then injected with gout
Bonded Post-tensioned
 Advantages
Tendons are less likely to de-stress in accidents
Tendons can be easily 'weaved' allowing more
efficient designs
Higher ultimate strength due to bond generated
between the strand and concrete
No issues with maintaining the anchor
Un-bonded Post-Tension
 In post-tensioning, the steel in the concrete is
stretched after the curing process.
 Unlike bonded, un-bonded provides tendons
freedom of movement by coating each tendon
with grease and covering it with a plastic
 Tension on the concrete is achieved by the
cables acting against the steel anchors that are
buried in the perimeters of the concrete
Un-bonded Post-Tension

Why Un-bonded?
 Advantages

Post-stress grouting is eliminated

Ability to de-stress the tendons



 Simple stressing equipment

Prestressing Steel
(High Strength steel)
 Forms
 Wires
 Strands
 Tendons
 Cables
 Bars
 Source of Force
 Mechanical
 Hydraulic
 Electrical
 Chemical
Recap: Why Prestressed
 Concrete remains un-cracked
 Reduction of steel corrosion
 Increases durability
 Good for pressure vessels
 High span to depth ratio (ex: 45:1 vs. 28:1)
 less dead load
 More economical

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