Save Warcraft

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The Saving Warcraft Compendium.

What needs to be done to not only save World of Warcraft

but preserve it for generations to come.

Faction Identity/Player Agency

Ability to change your faction trough in game quests.

At max level, a player should be able to undertake actions (dailies, events, scenarios) to slowly
decrease its reputation with its current faction while slowly being able to exit “Hated” reputation with
the opposite faction. To achieve success, not only the player will need to progress
decreasing/increasing its reputation but doing ultimate heroic scenarios for 3 of the leaders of
opposite factions to prove them your value and where you stand with them.

By having success in those heroic scenarios, the player will become Neutral with that new
faction and officially a member of such faction (with all Pros and Cons of doing so). But you never will
receive full benefit of reputation gains with the main races gaining only 50% of the normal amount a
player would receive and will never receive any faction discount regardless of your reputation with
them. Reputation gains with other expansions factions will remain 100%.

More complete and meaningful naming conventions.

An engineering revamp would allow a more deep and complete naming scheme for the
characters, allowing blank spaces, prefix subtitle (a title before the character name), regular titles (a
title after the character name). All max level characters would be able to receive a name change token
free after such implementation, so everyone can enjoy having a more meaningful name.

New possible name examples:

Private Dark Stalker of the Shattered Sun

Zeratul the Dark Templar

Archdruid Fandral Staghelm II

Gladiator Russel Crowe

Ragnaros the Firelord

A Renegade third faction

A new faction would be added and to join them a player would need to undermine its current
faction reputation slowly, and after being a renegade a player would receive the ability to be neutral
with all main factions and both Alliance and Horde.

Pros of being Renegade:

Ability to enter in every main city in the game and be treated like a neutral character.

Ability to speak with every character/person in common language.

Ability to use both factions trade/defense/recruit chats (but needing to enter in a main city so
the game can determine which faction he will be able to talk to at a giving time).

You can do Mythic Raiding with players with Alliance or the Horde but weekly mythic raid
lockout still apply. Same for battlegrounds.

You can do Renegade specific quests for cosmetic and seasonal content.

Cons of being Renegade:

You are unable to gain any reputation with the main factions and main races. You will always
be Neutral to them.

No faction discounts.

Inability to use any faction related item (pvp, cosmetic, mount, etc.)

You need to pay 2 times as much deposit and cost values for items in the Auction House and
Faction Vendors.

You can be targeted as hostile by both factions and other Renegade players in world PVP.

You cannot join faction specific cosmetic/seasonal quests events.

Improving build diversification

Deeper Spell Customization

Players receive the ability to customize up to 7 main core spells of their current specialization
into one of 3 options for each spell. Those options can only be changed once per day, they are not
intended to be changed between every fight in a raid environment for example.

Customization Examples:


One with the Nature – Regrowth no longer has an initial healing value and all its healing is
turned into an overtime effect. Healing amount increased by 20%.

Critical Insurance – After healing a character with less than 33% of maximum hp, the overtime
amount is instead applied instantly, Regrowth will always score a critical strike.

Omen Alignment – After scoring a critical healing with Regrowth the druid receives the Omen
of Clarity buff reducing by 100% the cost of its next heal that have a cast time.

Summon Demon: Imp.

Pack of Monsters – You will summon 3 additional imps to fight by your side. Your Imps deal
50% less damage.

Shadowy Demons – Your Imp firebolts hits all nearby targets and might apply a stacking
immolate on the main target.

Mindless Aberration – Your imp will only last for 30 seconds. Dealing 700% increased damage
for the duration. 2min cooldown.
Blessing of a Fallen Hero

Players can obtain a blessing of a hero of the past, those blessings would be very small buffs,
some with minor cosmetic effects with very little to no impact in gameplay. Blessings last until another
one is selected, with no duration and cannot be purged.

Blessing Examples :

Blessing of Cenarius – Wherever you tread, life will flow spawning plants and flowers. Receive
10% extra movement speed while in Kalimdor. Critters are more likely to follow you around.

Blessing of Uther – While dead you gain the ability to apply a small heal on nearby living allies.
You carry a librarm attached to your belt and can occasionally read it while not in combat hearing
Uther voice giving you a random advice.

Curse of the Lich King – You can hear the Lich Kings commands on your mind, it alters your
voice, laughter and creates an exotic cosmetic icy aura around you occasionally. You might fear low
level undead enemies (players or not) at sight.

Corrupted Blood – When hit your blood spills in the floor, slowly moving around in different
ways and animations reaching other allies or enemies, this effect does not pull other enemies or draw
aggro being purely cosmetic. Receive 20% extra movement speed while at 20% health or lower.

Blessing of Elune – At night you receive the shadow meld ability, that can only be used
outdoors. Night Elfs can shadow meld with no cooldown. Your eyes glow like the moon and if killed
Elune can resurrect you once each 60 minutes (only outdoors).

Permanent class orders

Class orders would be made permanent, with a small incentive for visitation every week, with
specific vendors that only change one time per week that may sell pets, cosmetic glyphs or rare
mounts. And a Monthly quest that is class specific rewarding currents expansion item-level gear, with
some cosmetic value added as well.

Class orders no longer have access to Trade chat and offers a portal to the main city instead
of Dalaran.
Spell glyphs revamp

In addition to the regular talent system, another tab would be added with the same layout
and leveling interval but this time enabling the player to change the visuals of a given spell in each

The game would present a single option (the actual in game effect) and the player could unlock
additional options for each row by either an achievement, buying a glyph on the auction house,
unlocking specific PVP criteria (based on PVP rating for example), specific PVE criteria (mythic boss kill
for example), micro-transactions (specific effects that might only be obtainable trough in-game shop).

Those effects are purely cosmetic and grant a player the ability to distinguish their
dance/effects/audio/color/spells/particles from other players.

Ascension System

Players can ascend in a subclass of your current class, receiving cosmetic mounts, cosmetic
gear, sometimes additional skin effects/scars/marks and the ability to ascend in combat. The process
for ascension is slow, and might take several weeks or months to accomplish, it requires a player to
prove their value, loyalty and sometimes even more than their dedication to a single cause.

Having successfully completed the task grants the player the ability to ascend in combat. Every
spec has a different requirement to ascend, for example a tank might require having 7 enemies nearby
to ascend or to reach lower than 10% HP, while a Healer might ascend whenever an ally is killed or
brought to extreme low health, a Mage after casting a 5s casting time ability, a warlock after using a
health stone, A rogue after using Vanish.

Every ascension effect is relative to the specialization and should improve the player
capabilities, the effect its intended so the player can demonstrate all the powers he can master and
have obtained trough extensive time and training. Some effects might last for longer while having
lower impacts, other effects might have a shorter duration with increased impact on gameplay. The
effects its intended so a single player can have huge impact in a given time being able to act like a true
Hero of their cause.

A player can only ascend to a single subclass, and a subclass is common to up to 2 classes. For
example, a Priest and a Paladin can ascend to a High Inquisitor, a Monk and a Rogue can ascend to a
Paragon of the Klaxxi, a Druid can ascend into a Druid of the Fang, a Rogue and a Demon Hunter into
an Avatar of Vengeance.

The Ascension should provide effects accordingly to the chosen subclass, sometimes
increasing raw stats of a player, or giving access to a new spell (in a form of cooldown), refreshing
player cooldowns, improving certain core spells, with longer effects providing less benefits and vice-

Each Ascended player will have its size drastically increased, having additional
lightening/particles effects applied to it so everyone in the group can distinguish who is ascended and
who is not.

The System its only usable in noncompetitive game modes

Where ascension can be activated:

Regular Dungeons, Heroic Dungeons, Mythic Dungeons.

Battlegrounds, World PVP.

Regular Scenarios, Heroic Scenarios.

Looking For Raid, Regular Raid, Heroic Raid, Deprecated Raids (regardless of difficulty).

Where ascension cannot be activated:

Mythic+ Keystone Dungeons.

Rated Battlegrounds.

Rated Arenas.

Current Mythic Raid tier.

Current Expansion Mythic Scenarios that have intended extra difficulty.

The ascension cooldown should be tiered with the ease of use, for example a more difficult
way to trigger a specific ascension should have a lower cooldown, than one that requires less effort.
It should also be tiered with the duration having longer duration effects having bigger cooldowns.
In game shop

Big Revamp of the in-game shopping system and business model. Blizzard should open
technical ways so independent artists can submit content for selling in the Shop. The assets will need
to follow specific guidelines and be approved by blizzard and the artists would receive a proper
feedback on why a specific asset have being declined.

After an asset is approved it can be sold by Either gold or real money on the in-game shop and
the artist would receive a share on that value (with the gold portion being converted to real money
for them). Example of viable third-party assets that can be sold in the in-game shop: Mounts, Cosmetic
Gear, Spell Glyphs (read spell glyphs revamp section), In game music that can be triggered trough
engineering items or specific locations.

With the success of this model, we can hope that this is also reach other blizzard popular
related communities like Overwatch and Heroes of Storm that both have great potential for third party
designed cosmetic content.

The shop should NOT sell any content that could alter player perspective or gameplay, so it
should no longer sell newer pets that are only obtainable trough shop (with no gold option), the
purpose of the in-game shopping should always to help player trough services and cosmetic but never
to change their gameplay experience in any meaningful way.
Guild system

Huge revamp of the entire guild system. In addition to guild chat the main aspect of the new
system would be a Guild Live Feed that behaves exactly like a Facebook Feed. Example of the main
features of that Guild Live:

Characters can post status, the status can receive Like and Dislikes, the ability to include a
WoW In-Game print screen attached, status can be moderated and can be fixed or unfixed.

Characters can create polls, determining the lifespan of the poll.

Ability to mute members individually or based on their Guild Rank, controlling their ability to
create (or even read) posts.

Guild Rank can be configured to grant a certain rank the ability to have their posts more
visibility than others, so you can grant the raid leaders, or the recruitment officers the ability to have
their posts read more often.

Ability to access the Guild Feed through the internet outside the game, so people can access
guild chats, and guild feed, create posts, read posts, interact with online and offline people while not
being in game. Maybe a partnership with facebook where it could allow each guild created and active
in WoW to automatically have a facebook page attached to them, so people can link their battlenet
and facebook accounts (if they haven’t yet) and their guild page will be accessible trough facebook no
matter the guild they are and even multiple guilds if they have multiple characters in distinct guilds.

In-game Armory, so people can checkup a full featured armory of a guild member (or a random
person in the game) while in-game with just a few clicks. A player should have their Guild History
(which guild they were and for how long) easy to find in their in-game armory.

Better calendar integration, the guild calendar could be attached to an iCloud Calendar or
Google Calendar so people can receive notifications on their cellphone is something is about to start
or happen in real time if they opted for it.
World of Warcraft Graphic Engine

Major update of the World of Warcraft graphic engine. WoW engine has received updates
trough 15 years, but the core system has fundamental flaws and limitations that prevent Blizzard itself
to create even better-looking content and the players with great setups to have better framerates and
overall performance. The system itself it’s a remarkable engineering feat but was made when players
used to have computers with 1 or 2 cores, which is no longer the case.

The major point would be the need to still preserve the game roots, so the newer system
would be capable to show both cartoonish (legacy) and more realistic/fluid models (newer). The
amount of assets the game has right now its huge and the work of remodeling every asset into a newer
engine would be colossal, but there is an approach that can work in the long-term run. Like that was
done to the No Mans Sky game where was used artificial intelligence (trough bots) were used to code
extensive parts of the game (the planets were coded by bots, they would receive the fauna, flora,
animals and visuals determined by IA and bots would sometime flag them to be reviewed by actual
persons), an artificial tool could be created to slowly rewrite/suggest the rework needed in certain
assets of the game.

The main and more critical point would be the engine needed to be used, blizzard could opt
for a more realistic (Like Unreal 4) or a more stylish cartoonish engine (like the one used in overwatch
that was primary intended for Titan MMO). The advantages of the Unreal engine would be the huge
porting capabilities making it easier to run in multiple engines, consoles, Linux, an easier mac osx
version and even mobile if so they wish. While Blizzard (with exception of Hearthstone which was
made in Unity3d) have the history of creating or developing their own engines over the course of time,
in either way they need to make this difficult step. Nowadays people barely perceives difference
between a low tier GPU (like GTX 1050) and a High end GPU (like a RTX 2080 TI), the multithreaded
performance is also laughable, even with the use and adaptions required to have a better directx12
experience, the game cant compare its current state optimization with an MMO like Elder Scrolls
Online that have a very good multithreaded performance, exceptional shading and global illumination.
Again, World of Warcraft was made in a time where players had very limited computing power, but
today the average person have 6 threads and the high-end user have over 8 threads, sometimes 12 to
16 threads. To secure its next 15 years of future, World of Warcraft needs to once again make the big
step forward.

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