NotN - Spacefarers Digest 008 - Advanced Spacefarer Feats 3
NotN - Spacefarers Digest 008 - Advanced Spacefarer Feats 3
NotN - Spacefarers Digest 008 - Advanced Spacefarer Feats 3
Alex Riggs, Joshua Zaback
Rosa Gibbons
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Introduction Deadly Driving
You are skilled at firing a weapon while piloting
The Starfinder Roleplaying Game presents the
option for players to boldly ride forth into the a vehicle or riding on a mount.
final frontier, exploring space in a futuristic • Prerequisites: Piloting 14 ranks or Survival
fantasy setting. As much as things are shiny 14 ranks.
and new in the future, though, there are plenty • Benefit: You never suffer a penalty to attack
of things that long-time Pathfinder Roleplaying rolls due to a vehicle’s movement (including
Game players will find familiar. Still, there are moving at full speed) and may still use the
plenty of things from Pathfinder that are ready full attack action in any round in which you
and waiting to be “rediscovered” in the future, move a vehicle or mount, though you may not
and long-time Pathfinder players are eager for perform other full actions.
some of their favorite options to be converted
over for Starfinder use.
Defensive Driving
This book, along with three others in the
You are able to drive vehicles in such a way as
series, is devoted to converting the feats of
to avoid incoming dangers.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s
Guide from Pathfinder to Starfinder. While some • Prerequisites: Piloting 3 ranks, Dex 13.
of these feats translate over fairly easily and • Benefit: Any vehicle you pilot gains a bonus
directly, the differences in the systems mean to its AC equal to your Dexterity bonus.
that other feats require a bit more effort in Additionally, you add your Dexterity bonus
order to work with the new system. While there on Survival checks made to ride a mount.
are a few feats that defy a straightforward
conversion, we have made an effort when
converting these feats to keep them as close as Defensive Specialization
possible to the spirit of the original, while at You are an expert at interposing obstacles to
the same time ensuring that they also match the protect your vitals.
spirit and realities of the new system. • Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3.
• Benefit: Whenever you have cover, you gain an
additional +2 bonus to your AC against rolls
New Feats made to confirm a critical hit against you.
The following feats are presented in Additionally, you double the AC bonus from
alphabetical order. cover against combat maneuvers.
Sidebar: Renamed Feats
There are a number of feats from Pathfinder Table: Renamed Feats
Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player’s Guide which
were not suitable for this book, whether because New Feat Name Original Name
they had already been converted to Starfinder Alien Ancestry Racial Heritage
rules and can be found in the Starfinder Defensive Driver Mounted Shield
Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook, because they
relied heavily on classes or mechanics that are Good Luck Charm Lucky Halfling
not part of Starfinder, or for other reasons. In Missile Defense Missile Shield
other cases, the nature of the feat remained Pass for Human Pass for Race
fairly similar, but the flavor needed to be
updated to match Starfinder’s setting. Whether
they were completely scrapped in favor of
something else, or were simply renamed, the
following table shows which original Advanced
Player’s Guide feat inspired each of the
following feats:
Pushing Assault Rending Claws
You can use melee attacks to shove back You can tear into your foe in order to rend them
similarly sized opponents. to pieces with your razor-sharp claws.
• Prerequisites: Str 15, Deadly Aim. • Prerequisites: Claw attack, base attack
• Benefit: Whenever you successfully hit a bonus +6.
character of your size or smaller with a • Benefit: Whenever you use the full attack
melee attack modified by the Deadly Aim feat, action and make both attacks with claws,
you may choose to push the target 5 feet if you hit the same target with both claw
directly away from you instead of dealing attacks, you automatically rend the target,
additional damage from Deadly Aim. On a dealing an additional amount of damage equal
critical hit, the target is pushed back 10 to your claw damage + 1d6.
feet, instead. The target does not provoke
attacks of opportunity for moving in this
way, and if they would be moved into an Repositioning Strike
unsafe space or a space in which they cannot You can maneuver your enemies around the
stand, they may attempt a Reflex save (DC 10) battlefield with a successful melee attack.
to end their movement in the nearest safe • Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +9.
space in which they can stand, instead. • Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit
against a character with a melee weapon,
you may choose to make a free reposition
Raging Vitality combat maneuver against that character. The
You are at your most vigorous when you are close movement occurs after applying damage and
to death. any effects from the critical hit.
• Prerequisites: Con 16, base attack bonus +5. • Special: An attack can be modified by only
• Benefit: Whenever you are damaged by an one of the following feats: Bull Rush
attack which reduces you to half your total Strike, Disarming Strike, Repositioning
hit points or less, you may spend a resolve Strike, Sundering Strike, or Tripping
point as a reaction to immediately regain Strike.
all your stamina points.
Saving Shield
Ray Defense At great personal risk, you can interpose
You are especially adept at tracking bolts of yourself in front of another creature to keep
light and are better able to defend yourself them safe from harm.
against such attacks. • Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +3.
• Prerequisites: Dex 15, Missile Defense, • Benefit: Whenever an adjacent ally is the
Spell Breaker. target of an attack, you can choose to use
• Benefit: Once per round, when you are your reaction to grant that character a +2
targeted by an attack that targets your EAC, bonus to their AC against that attack. If
you may spend a resolve point to cause that you do, and the attack hits the ally anyway,
attack to miss you, exactly as though you you suffer damage equal to half of what your
had the Deflect Projectiles feat. If you have ally suffered.
cover or improved cover, you do not need to
spend the resolve point, but still cannot
use this feat more than once per round. Second Chance
Quick reflexes can turn a missed strike into a
second chance.
Razor Bite • Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +6.
You possess teeth and jaws capable of delivering • Benefit: If you take the full attack action
painful and even deadly bites. and miss the 1st attack, you can spend 1
• Prerequisites: Shirren, vesk or ysoki. point of resolve in order to reroll the
• Benefit: You gain a bite attack that deals a attack you just made without the penalty
number of points of damage equal to 1d4 + from full attacking. If you do, you forgo
your Strength modifier. You are considered the additional attack from the full attack
to be proficient in this bite attack and can action.
always choose it for Weapon Specialization.
Additionally, when using the bite as part
of a full attack action, the bite does not Shadow Strike
suffer the normal penalty to attack rolls You attack more accurately when concealed from
made as part of a full attack. your enemy.
• Prerequisites: Trick attack.
• Benefit: Whenever you use your trick attack, Spell Perfection
if you have concealment from the target, the You are a master of casting a single spell.
DC for the trick attack is reduced by 5. • Prerequisites: Mysticism 15 ranks, at least
one metamagic feat.
• Benefit: Choose a single spell you know and
Shared Insight can cast. Whenever you cast that spell, you
You can share your insight with those nearby, may apply any one metamagic feat you possess
alerting them to dangers or hidden treasures to that spell without increasing its level
they may have missed. or casting time. Additionally, numerical
• Prerequisites: Wis 13. bonuses from other sources, such as the
• Benefit: As a move action, you can grant Spell Focus feat or Weapon Focus (ray) are
all allies within 30 feet a +2 bonus on doubled with respect to the chosen spell.
Perception checks for a number of rounds
equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Spider Step
• Prerequisites: Acrobatics 6 ranks, Athletics
Shield of Swings 6 ranks.
You can swing a two-handed weapon with alacrity,
• Benefit: You can move along solid surfaces
blocking incoming attacks and making it difficult
to harm you, at the cost of some of your such as walls or along ropes, wires, or even
offensive power. water, which could not normally support
• Prerequisites: Weapon Focus with a two- your weight. As a move action, you can move
handed melee weapon, base attack +3. along such surfaces an amount equal to 1/2
• Benefit: When making a full attack with a your movement speed. You must still end your
two-handed melee weapon, you may choose movement on a solid surface or otherwise be
to reduce the damage you deal by half in able to support yourself, or you will fall
order to gain a +4 bonus to your AC until as normal.
the start of your next round. The penalty
to damage applies for this entire period,
including on attacks of opportunity.
Steel Soul
Your soul is hardened like steel against harm.
• Prerequisites: Base Fortitude, Reflex, and
Side Step Will save bonus +2.
You can dart around an opponent’s blow to gain a • Benefit: You gain a +2 divine bonus on
superior tactical position. saving throws against spells and spell-like
• Prerequisites: Mobility. abilities.
• Benefit: Whenever an opponent misses you with
a melee attack, you may use your reaction to
move 5 feet, as long as you remain within Step Back Shot
the target’s threatened area. This movement • Prerequisites: Dex 13.
does not provoke attacks of opportunity. • Benefit: When making a full attack with a
ranged weapon against a character adjacent
to you, you may choose to make a special
Smash attack designed to force that character
You overcome obstacles by breaking them. back from you. If you do, the attack does
• Prerequisites: Deadly Aim, Str 13. not provoke attacks of opportunity and
• Benefit: When attacking an unattended if successful, the target can choose to
inanimate object, you ignore the first 5 either suffer normal damage or move 5 feet
points of hardness. You also gain a +5 bonus directly back from you. In the case of the
on Strength checks made to break down doors. latter, the target suffers no damage. You can
continue your full attack when making this
You are exceptionally gifted in social arts and
people simply love to be around you. Stone Faced
• Prerequisites: Cha 13. Rocks show more expression than you do.
• Benefit: As a move action, you can provide • Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Bluff checks
a + 2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to all to lie about or conceal your motives, but
allies within 30 feet. This bonus lasts for not on other Bluff checks.
a number of rounds equal to your Charisma
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