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International Journal of Business

Management & Research (IJBMR)

ISSN (P): 2249-6920; ISSN (E): 2249-8036
Vol. 9, Issue 1, Feb 2019, 13-22
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.





Professor in Management, Department of MBA, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Ongole, India
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, PACE Institute of Technology & Sciences, Ongole, India

Entrepreneurship education is extremely important from the national point of view as promotes job creation
and ensures economic development. Entrepreneurship education in India has gained momentum in the recent past, but
it is not free from deficiencies. There needs to be restructuring of pedagogy to suit the native requirements if at present
the role of entrepreneurship education in India. This paper attempts to present the role of entrepreneurship education in
India. If entrepreneurship education in India cannot completely remove the major hindrances in the pursuit of economic
development and employment, at least it can make a fine restart. The Government also needs to play their part in

Original Article
encouraging entrepreneurship education directed at nurturing entrepreneurial competencies and formulating
favourable policies to reinforce the entrepreneurial eco-system in the country.

KEYWORDS: Entrepreneurship, Economic Development, Entrepreneurship & Education

Received: Dec 08, 2018; Accepted: Dec 28, 2018; Published: Jan 14, 2019; Paper Id.: IJBMRFEB20193


Globalization is a process of rapid cultural and Institutional integration among countries. The unification
driven by Liberalization of Trade, Investment and Capital flow, Technological advances and pressures for
assimilation towards international standards. Globalization mainly intends to integrate the country’s economy, with
the global economy with a view to reduce of Trade Practices so as to allow free flow of goods and services across
national frontiers, creation of an environment in which free flow of capital can be taken place, the creation of an
environment permitting free flow of technology among nations and creation of in which free movement of labour
between different countries of the world.

With the globalization as the order of the day, entrepreneurship has been receiving accolades alike from
government as well as educational Institutions. Changes in the global economy have led fewer avenues for
students, which made the government to develop plans to foster creativity among student’s entrepreneurial
activities and programs. Entrepreneurship education in India has gained momentum in the recent past as it may
help the students to hone up their knowledge and skills, which in turn could benefit them to begin their start-ups.

Entrepreneurship education is extremely important from the national point of view as it stimulates
Innovation; Promotes job creation and ensures economic development. To achieve this mission and objectives,
teaching of pedagogy of entrepreneurship education should be appropriate and relevant enough to enable the
learner to acquire knowledge, develop creative talents and managing skills of an enterprise.

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However entrepreneurship education in India is not free from deficiencies.

There needs to be restructuring of pedagogy to suit the native requirements if at all India wants to nurture a pool
of talented entrepreneurs who can contribute to economic growth.


• To understand the role of entrepreneurship in economic development.

• To present the role of entrepreneurship education in augmenting the economic growth of a nation.

• To analyse the trends in entrepreneurship education in India, to assess the challenges faced by Entrepreneurship
education in India.

• To suggest measures for the improvement of entrepreneurship education in India.

• To understand the pertinent concepts undertaken for the study and to arrive at drawing suggestions and


To understand the nature of entrepreneurship, it is important to consider some of theory development so as to

better recognize the importance of entrepreneurship. The Research on entrepreneurship has grown dramatically over the
years. As the field has developed, research methodology has progressed from empirical surveys of entrepreneurs to more
contextual and process oriented research. The theory of entrepreneurship is defined as a verifiable and logically coherent
formulation of Relationships, or understanding the principles that either explain entrepreneurship, predict entrepreneurial

Indian economy, which has traditionally been agriculture based, is taking big leaps and bounds towards promoting
manufacturing, which constitutes 16% of the GDP in India. But its contribution to the employment sector and growth is
well below its true potential. Restrictive and rigid labour laws, abundance of unskilled workforce over skilled workforce,
lack of Technology innovations are some factors contributing to this paradigm. Inadequate growth in manufacturing has
had its adverse impact on employment generation in India. The current mismatch between the distribution of workforce
and value added in agriculture is one of the main reasons for the large number of poor in our country. This needs urgent
correction. Manufacturing has to be sponge which absorbs people who need to move out of agriculture in pursuit of higher
incomes. In this context, it is observed that entrepreneurship has become a hot policy issue. The upward trend of
Innovative and or ambitious entrepreneurship at the high end of economic development is of particular interest for
competitiveness, economic growth and job creation. The recent programs of the prime minister of India, Sri Narendra
Modi, like “Make in India” Skill India, MUDRA are aimed at encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship and making India
the manufacturing Hub of the world. The Budget also tries to address issues relating to lack of robust infrastructure,
constraints on energy supply, importance of Innovation and Technology etc.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.3125 NAAS Rating: 3.43

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Entreprenuers to Fuel the Economic Growth Engine- A Study


• According to Jones & English 2004, it is the process of giving Individuals the prospect that enables them to
identify profitable opportunistic ventures and the needed application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to initiate
action to enter in to the venture.

• According to chandler 1990, it is observed that entrepreneurship is dealing with uncertainty, making a distinction
between risk, which can be calculated and uncertainties which cannot be overcome.

• According Peter Drucker 1985 advocates that Entrepreneurship as a systematic innovation consists of purposeful
and organization search for changes, and systematic analysis of the opportunities such changes might offer for
economic development and Social Innovation.An entrepreneur is a person who is willing to risk his capital and
other resources in a new Business Venture. From which he expects substantial rewards if not immediately, then in
the foreseeable future.

• According to Schumpeter 1934 advocates that the Entrepreneur is the bearer of the Mechanism for change and
economic development, and Entrepreneurship as the undertaking of new Ideas and new combinations that is


Economic Development essentially means a process of upward change whereby the real per capita of Income of a
country increased over a long period of time. The ability to save is governed by Improvement in Productivity to the
increase in the dexterity of every worker due to division of labour. The Role of Entrepreneurship in economic development
varies from economy to economy depending upon its material, Resources, Industrial climate and the Responsiveness of the
Political system to the Entrepreneurial function. The Entrepreneurs contribute more in a favourable opportunity conditions
than in the economies with relatively less favourable opportunity conditions. Viewed from the opportunity conditions point
of view, the underdeveloped regions, due to the paucity of funds, lack of skilled labour and non-existence of minimum
social and economic overheads are less conducive to the emergence to innovative opportunities. Under the conditions of
Paucity of funds and the problem of Imperfect market in underdeveloped regions, the entrepreneurs are bound to launch
their enterprises on a small scale.

• Entrepreneurship education promotes Capital formation by mobilizing the idle saving of the Public.

• It provides immediate employment on a massive scale by reducing the unemployment problem in the country i.e.,
the root of all socio-economic problems.

• It promotes balanced regional development.

• It helps to reduce the concentration of economic power.

• It stimulates the equitable distribution of wealth, Income and even political power in the interest of the country.

• It encourages effective resource mobilization of capital and skill which might otherwise remain unutilized and

• It also promotes countries export trade, i.e., an important ingredient to the economic development of the country.

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Creativity, risk taking and innovation in Entrepreneurship are essential not only to the Inception of new products
and ventures, but also to a new firm’s successful transition in to global markets. In the Digital age of today, digital
inclusion of Entrepreneurship education is seen as an obligatory tool to provide maximum access to opportunities to the
Individuals. The digital India programs are aimed at transforming India in to a digital empowered society and a knowledge
Economy. The program symbolizes the vision of connecting and empowering 125 crore citizens by creating unprecedented
levels of transparency and Accountability in governance, and leveraging Technology for quality Education, health care,
forming financial inclusion and empowering citizens.


EDII in collaboration with Face Book launched the project. Boost your Business thus training 20,000
Entrepreneurs through 200 workshops across the country. Organized with the objective of imparting learning on the power
of digital media, methods of using on-line marketing platforms for Boosting the Business in the present times of digital
advancement, planning effective and economic marketing/ promotional strategy of various media, generating more views
and attracting traffic through the use of marketing platforms and promotional tools.


Entrepreneurship is getting importance as the current economic situation demand job provides to have a dominant
role in the nation’s economic development as India is struggling to provide jobs and income security to its citizens.
Entrepreneurship assumes a significant role in the global as well as the domestic economy by Industrializing rural and
backward areas, as a supplier of input to large Industries, creating employment opportunities. It is the key driver to
transform the agrarian economy into the industrial economy. This is vital for India, as its 31% of the population resides in
rural areas that are devoid of basic amenities forcing them to mitigate from rural areas to urban areas. Despite the
importance of entrepreneurship environment for venturing in to it is not so favourable in India even though it has improved
significantly. The study of Entrepreneurial framework condition in India proves that there are some loose ends that are to
be fixed up for realizing the benefits of entrepreneurship to the fullest extent.

Entrepreneurship education includes all activities aiming to foster entrepreneurial mindsets attitudes and skills and
covering a range of aspects such as idea generation, start-up, growth and Innovation.

The objectives of entrepreneurship education as predicted by experts:

• To provide meaningful education for the youth to make them self-reliant and subsequently encourage them to be
self- independent.

• To provide graduates with the training and support necessary to help them establish a career in small and medium
size business.

• To provide graduates with training skills that will make them the manpower needs of the society.

• To provide graduates with enough training in risk management to make uncertainty bearing possible and easy.

• To stimulate Industrial and economic growth of rural and less developed areas.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.3125 NAAS Rating: 3.43

The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Nurturing the Potential 17
Entreprenuers to Fuel the Economic Growth Engine- A Study

• To provide graduates enough training that will make them creative and Innovative in identifying new Business

• To provide small and medium sized companies with the opportunity to recruit qualified graduates who received
training and tutoring in the skills relevant to the management of the business.

Understanding the benefits related with entrepreneurship education, many researchers are now shifting their
attention to the study of economic development through entrepreneurship education. Today, entrepreneurial education has
become an important part of both Industrial and education policy in many countries. Entrepreneurship contributed to the
creation of 27 million jobs in the United States between 1980 and 1995. The self employment intentions among students of
institutions of higher learning could be increased through entrepreneurship education and training programs.
The most common reason that researchers and experts promote entrepreneurial education is that entrepreneurship is seen as
a major engine for economic growth and job creation. Entrepreneurial education is also frequently seen as a response to the
increasingly globalized, uncertain and complex world we live in, requiring all people and organizations in society to be
increasingly equipped with entrepreneurial competencies.



Reason Individual Level Organization Level Societal Level.

More individuals are
Entrepreneurship and
needed that are willing and Growing organizations
Job creation Innovation are primary paths to
capable to create job create more jobs.
growth and job creation.
Entrepreneurship can give Organizational renewal is Renewal processes are
individuals economic fundamental to every firm’s fundamental to the vitality of
success. long term success. economies.
People need
Globalization, Entrepreneurial firms play a A deregulated and flexible
entrepreneurial skills and
Innovation and crucial role in changing market requires people with
abilities to thrive in an
renewal market structures. higher level general skills.
ever changing world.
Creation/Value Employee creativity and joy
Economic wealth of nations
Joy, engagement, creation/creativity is a is essential for the
correlates with happiness of its
Creativity main source of joy and performance of new and
pride for people. existing organizations.
People can make a Corporations can collaborate Social Entrepreneurship
Societal difference to society, and with small social Addresses problems in society
challenges marginalized people can Entrepreneurship initiatives that the market economy has
achieve economic success. to create social value. failed to address.
Source: Martin Lackeus “Entrepreneurship Education- What, why, How

Having appreciated the contribution of Entrepreneurship education in economic development many Institutions of
Higher learning have enriched their entrepreneurship program with Practical pedagogy such as case studies, simulations
and internships in order to bring out the entrepreneurship competencies of students. Such approaches allow enhanced job
creation and not only help the government but also Individuals and the society by reducing the dependency rate and
consequently leading to the growth and development. It is a fact that Entrepreneurship education has earned a global status,
given that it is no pursued with equal passion even in the developing countries. Most of the studies on entrepreneurial
training look at the whether people who have received this education perform better as entrepreneurs that those who have

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18 V. Venkateswara Rao & D. Pushpa Sri


In the Digital age of today, digital Inclusion is seen as an obligatory tool to provide Maximum access to
opportunities to the Individuals. The Digital India programs aim at transforming India in to a digitally empowered society
and a knowledgeable Economy. The3 program symbolizes the vision of connecting and empowering 125 crore citizens by
creating unprecedented levels of transparency and Accountability in governance, and leveraging technology for quality
Education, health care, farming financial Inclusion and empowering citizens. Entrepreneurship education plays a crucial
role in the influencing motives, aspirations and mental makeup of students, thus facilitating acceptance and propagation of
entrepreneurship as a career by students. The benefits of entrepreneurship education charms of being an entrepreneur, the
scope of this discipline are the areas that need to delved in to by students for them to be convinced about it as a career
option. EDII has taken upon itself the task of grooming teachers so that they are updated with the latest in the discipline,
including the methods of gaining approval of the students. These programs are extremely critical at a time when the
government is geared to promote start-ups & Innovations, and is implementation measures to float a conducive eco-system.


In the 21st century scenario, management practices and organization functions need a fresh approach so that the
promising opportunities could be capitalized and explored optimally. If the opportunities were harnessed effectively the
emerging economies would sure fuel the growth globally.



Entrepreneurship is a multi-faceted phenomenon. Entrepreneurship is more than the mere creation of business.
It is a dynamic process of vision, change, and creation. It requires an application of energy and passion towards the
creation and implementation of new ideas and creative solutions. Entrepreneurs are people who turn dreams to reality.
They supply goods and services, which increase the standard of living of the entire population substantially.
They are wealth creators. This self-created wealth insulates the economy from recession and helps strengthen local
economy. Global downturns will not affect the economy, as much as it would have in other circumstances. According to
“Special Report: A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education and Training”, GEM, 2008, Entrepreneurship
education is defined in broad terms as the building of knowledge and skills for the purpose of entrepreneurship generally,
as part of recognized education programs at primary, secondary or tertiary-level educational institutions. An environment
where entrepreneurship can prosper and where entrepreneurs can try new ideas and empower others needs to be ensured.
Education needs to address the development of skills required to generate an entrepreneurial mindset and to prepare future
leaders for solving more complex, interlinked and fast-changing problems. Education needs to come back to the top of the
priorities of governments and the private sector and be seen as the fundamental mechanism for attaining sustainable
economic development and social progress. Challenges faced by the Higher Educational Institutions to become more
empowered by the sponsored funds from the government.

The Indian government has developed an ambitious plan to transform India into a competitive, high-growth, and
productive middle-income country with a strong emphasis on increasing the supply of skilled workers to drive the

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.3125 NAAS Rating: 3.43

The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Nurturing the Potential 19
Entreprenuers to Fuel the Economic Growth Engine- A Study



Education is paramount for an individual who wants to bring his idea successfully into the market.
And educational institutes can help these individual in nurturing and developing necessary skills and competencies.
These Institutions provide guidance, allow for routines to develop and ultimately reduce the uncertainty of social
interaction. The B-Schools are the most appropriate nursery of shaping and developing management graduates for
entrepreneurship who possess integrity and ethical standards, a deep sense of social responsibility, a commitment to the
upliftment of their communities, understand the protection and sustainability of the environment, and the improvement of
the people’s quality of life. The educational institutions play important role in the development of entrepreneurial
competencies through various courses, training and development programs. These may be in the form of short term or long
term programs, requiring graduation or no by an individual. Entrepreneurship is the activity driven by need for the
achievement of an individual and these institutions help the individuals with motivational training. Individuals are
encouraged by the course structure and activity based programs by the institutions to identify, develop and sharpen their
skills and competencies. Case studies of various successful entrepreneurs help them to identify the processes and potholes
in their entrepreneurial journey so that they can learn and formulate their strategies based on them. Also case studies
prepared by the institutions help the individuals to link themselves and encouraged by their role models, which provides a
positive motivation. Educational institutions provide a platform for individuals to nurture their creativity and
innovativeness. These play an important role both in financial and technical assistance to the individuals through guides,
mentors and consultants. Patenting ones product not only gives an individual legal protection over duplication of his
product but also helps him to gain higher profit margins, reduce competition and results in bigger market share.
Also, it is an asset to an individual but most of the entrepreneurs fail to realize the importance of these intellectual
properties. Educational institutes help individuals realize their importance and sometimes even help in the process of filing
a patent for their product. Social interaction is an important skill for a successful entrepreneur. An entrepreneur has to
regularly interact with bureaucratic departments and market personals at early startups. Educational institutions impart
communication skills and personality development through their various programs. At the B-school level, the programs are
developed to cater to students of all disciplines. The topics covered include new venture planning and venture creation,
business strategy and formulation, innovation, leadership and management, technology management, venture capital
funding, finance and operations, etc. As part of the curriculum, business schools also create a business in-house experience
for new entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into a business plan and thereby simulate the experience of working in
a start-up.

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI), which operates under the Government of India at
designated locations, offers post graduate diploma courses in business entrepreneurship, management, NGO management,
etc. It also provides programs for working professionals with flexible schedules and a distance learning option for those
unable to attend on campus programs

The educational institutes should design the curriculum such that they have the scope of creativity and innovation.
The traditional education system prevailing in India lacks the spirit of innovation and does not provide adequate scope for
entrepreneurship. Therefore, there is a need to re-evaluate and redesign the course curriculum of various educational
institutes, including primary schools so that motivation and awareness of entrepreneurship education should be provided at
a very beginning stage of an individual’s development and thus provide immense opportunities for creativity and

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20 V. Venkateswara Rao & D. Pushpa Sri

innovation. A broad understanding of entrepreneurship should be the strategic objective of the university, and there should
be top-down support for it. Objectives of entrepreneurship education include generating entrepreneurial attitudes,
behaviours and skills, as well as enhancing growth entrepreneurship (both high-tech and low-tech). There should be clear
incentives and rewards for entrepreneurship educators, professors and researchers, who actively support graduate
entrepreneurship (mentoring, sharing of research results, etc.) so that they can contribute their maximum towards it.
Recruitment and career development of academic staff should take into account entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviour and
experience as well as entrepreneurship support activities. Education and training should not be only limited to the specific
institutions rather it should be provided by almost every educational institute. Need for achievement is the major driver of
entrepreneurial activities.


Entrepreneurship Training and Education Technological innovations and the shift towards knowledge-based
economies make human capital investment a prerequisite for sustained economic growth and central to the establishment,
growth, and productivity of enterprises. A firm’s competitive advantage stems from its entrepreneurial capabilities,
management abilities, and technical know-how, and its adaptability to the internal and external business environment.
Basic education and continuing investment in on the-job and management training for developing entrepreneurial skills is
therefore important. Initiatives taken in various countries in this regard are described below. Entrepreneurship
Development Institutions/Centers NISIET is the pioneer training institution in India to have developed an integrated model
for entrepreneurship development. It also pioneered trainers’ training programs to develop potential trainers in local areas.
NISIET has targeted specific training programs for educated unemployed youth, technical persons, rural youth, women,
and artisans. In addition to NISIET, there are four other national enterprise development institutions and 14 other local
regional institutions promoting and developing entrepreneurship in the country through a variety of programs, mainly in
training and skill development. In addition,

The NSTEDB promotes the implementation of Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps in specialized institutions,
Entrepreneurship Development Training Programs, Faculty Development Programs, the Open Learning Programme in
Entrepreneurship, and Technology-based Entrepreneurship Development Programs. It has created Entrepreneurship
Development Cells in academic institutions to foster techno-entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship has long been a subject in
postgraduate courses in the Indian Institutes of Management (IIM), the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT), and other
engineering institutes in India. At the same time, the National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Entrepreneurship Development for Competitive Small and Medium Enterprises – 16 –Business Development (NIESBUD)
has accelerated programs for developing model syllabi for various target groups and manuals and tools for spreading the
entrepreneurship movement.

• No. of EDP programs in Higher education’s Institutions in India.

• A table showing the classification regarding gender, age, education level.

• Satisfied / not satisfied.

• Bar diagrams. Statistical inference.

• Social networks and Institutional guidance.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.3125 NAAS Rating: 3.43

The Role of Entrepreneurship Education in Nurturing the Potential 21
Entreprenuers to Fuel the Economic Growth Engine- A Study

• No. of start-ups in India.

• Women entrepreneur’s privileges.


Factors N MEAN SD
1. Self-interested 54 0.72 7.299
2. Family members 21 0.28 4.511
3. Motivated by the government programs - - -
4. Competence in managing business. - - -
Availability of the resources 46 0.61 6.73
Product quality 29 0.38 5.34
Obstacles in estd/run - - -
No obstacles 42 0.56 6.43
Self confidence 12 0.16 3.44
Gender discrimination 8 0.1 2.81
Intension of labor forces 13 0.17 3.58

Here self-interested factors have high value for mean in comparison of other motivating factors, and competence
to manage business availability of resources highest mean in comparison of product quality and it may observe that for 75
respondents, 72 are motivated in start-up business by self-interest. There is 20% influence by family background by
entrepreneurial activity, 61% of respondents choose availability of resources and 38% of respondents choose the product
quality of the barriers on development, entrepreneurial activity, 56% of respondents choose no obstacles when start-up the
business, and 16% of the respondents select lack of self-confidence, 17% of respondents opted retention of labour forces
when start-up business.


We understand that conducting a robust methodological analysis is the most important, as well as the most
challenging part of your research. It defines a large extent the quality of your findings, whether your paper will be accepted
or rejected for publication and which grade your dissertation will eventually get.

We as experienced researchers provide support at every stage of conducting your methodological analysis both
quantitative and qualitative.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.3125 NAAS Rating: 3.43

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