SECOND SEMESTER 2017-2018 Course Handout Date: 07.01.2019: Course No. Course Title Instructor-In-Charge

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Date: 07.01.2019

In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the timetable), this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.

Course No. : BITS F314

Course Title : Game Theory
Instructor-in-charge : Dushyant Kumar

1. Scope and Objective: The breadth of field of Economics mesmerizes some and astonishes many.
While studying such a vast subject that draws upon a plethora of branches of knowledge, one needs not
just one or two skills but a set of skills that should be an eclectic blend of tools and techniques from
various branches of knowledge. Game Theory is such a tools and stands as a beautiful mix of
mathematics, economics, and psychology.
Game theory is a technique that can be used to analyze strategic problems in diverse settings. The
foundation of Game Theory was laid by John von Neumann, who in 1928 proved the basic minimax
theorem, and with the publication (co-authored with Oskar Morgenstern) of the Theory of Games and
Economic Behaviour in 1944, the field was established. Game Theory became a buzzword and attained a
particular glamor with the coveted Nobel Prize going to John Nash for his contribution in Game Theory
that has found applications in almost every branch of knowledge. Its application is not limited to a single
discipline such as economics or business studies. This is used in many decision making problems be it a
firm that needs to take strategic decisions for optimum output or a couple deciding whether to go for a
music concert or a football match or a global issue like minimum credible level of nuclear deterrence to
be maintained by two warring countries. It can help suggest a solution in cases where a deadlock looms
Games are a convenient way in which to model the strategic interaction among the self-interested
economic agents. Broadly, Game Theory can be divided into cooperative and non-cooperative game
theory. Typically a game is cooperative if the players are allowed to communicate and make binding
agreements, they work as coalitions. In the non-cooperative game theory, player can’t make binding
agreements, they act independently, and we only deal with self-enforceable contracts. The course deals
with non-cooperative games only.

1. The main objective behind this course is to introduce game theory as a tool of logical thinking to the
2. Students will learn the basics of game theory and strategic behavior, and explore the ways in which
game theory applies to real life. The course would attempt at illustrating economic concepts with the help
of game theory and making students adept in approaching economic problems in a strategic perspective.
3. Illustrating with the help of examples how the theory can be applied in almost every field of
4. Game Theory would equip the students with an understanding and analytical perspective toward real
life situations like market behavior, voting patterns and outcome etc.
5. World is becoming more and more complex. To analyze and understand such a complex world students
need better tools and game theory is one such tool. The new knowledge would then be applied to areas
such as competitive policy, designing and implementing incentives, regulations, auctions etc., just to
name a few. This would give an edge to students in their professional life.

2. Text Book:
i. Osborne, M.J. (2004): An Introduction to Game Theory, Oxford
University Press, India.

ii. Gibbons, R (1992): Game Theory for Applied Economists, Princeton

University Press.

3. Reference Books:
i. Bierman Scott H, Luis Ferandez (2005): Game Theory with Economic Applications,
Pearson Education, Singapore.
ii. Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole (2005): Game Theory, MIT Press.
iii. González-Dı́az Julio, Ignacio Garcı́a-Jurado, M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro (2010): An
Introductory Course on Mathematical Game Theory, Graduate Studies in Mathematics,
Volume 115, American Mathematical Society.
iv. Osborne Martin J, Ariel Rubinstein (1994): A Course in Game Theory, The MIT Press
v. Rasmusen, E (2007): Games and Information: An Introduction to Game Theory, 4th ed.,
Basil Blackwell.

4. Course Plan:
Topic No. of Learning Topics to be Covered Chapter in the
Lectures Objectives Text Book
To introduce 1. What is Game Theory? Chapter 1 (TB i),
students to ‘rational’ 2. Theory of rational choice Notes
1 01-03
thinking & Game
To introduce 1. Strategic games: examples Chapter 2 & 12
strategic games and 2. Dominance (TB i),
solution concepts 3. Rationalizability Chapter 1 (TB ii)
2 04-11
including Nash 4. Nash equilibrium: concept and examples Notes
equilibrium 5. Best response functions
6. Symmetric games and symmetric equilibria
3 12-17 Illustrations of Nash 1. Cournot’s model of duopoly market Chapter 3 (TB ii),
equilibrium in 2. Bertrand’s model of duopoly market Chapter 1 (TB i)
different settings 3. Electoral Competition Notes
4. War of Attrition
5. Auctions
6. Accident Laws
To introduce and 1. Strategic games with randomization Chapter 4 (TB i),
apply mixed strategy 2. Dominated Actions Chapter 1 (TB ii)
4 18-21 Nash equilibrium 3. Formation of Players’ beliefs Notes
4. Mixed strategy Nash equilibrium: concept and
To introduce 1. Introduction to extensive games Chapter 5 (TB i),
extensive form 2. Strategies and outcomes Chapter 2 (TB ii)
representation of 3. Nash equilibrium Notes
5 22-26
games, and 4. Sub-game perfect Nash equilibrium
application of Nash 5. Backward induction
equilibrium there
Illustrations of 1. Stackelberg model of duopoly markets Chapter 6 (TB i),
Extensive Games 2. Ultimatum game Chapter 2 (TB ii)
6 27-31
and Nash 3. Multistage (finite and infinite) Bargaining Notes
To introduce the 1. Introduction to repeated games Chapter 14-15
Repeated Games 2. Finitely repeated games (TB i)
7 32-34 and its implications 3. Infinitely repeated games Notes
on sustainability of
the cooperation
To introduce and 1. Bayesian games Chapter 9 (TB i),
analyze games with 2. Illustrations Chapter 3 (TB ii)
8 35-40
imperfect 3. Auctions Notes

5. Learning Outcomes:
Topic 1: Introduction to Game Theory?
The students should be introduced to the idea of rational thinking in the case strategic interaction. They
will be exposed to game theoretic way of thinking.

Topic 2: Strategic Games and Nash Equilibrium

The students should be able to formulate different situations from all walks of life in game
framework. We will be covering solution concepts like dominance, rationalizability and Nash
equilibrium; this will make them appreciate the concept of a reasonable solution concepts and
implications. We will be going through examples from different settings.

Topic 3: Illustrations of Nash Equilibrium

The Nash equilibrium has become the corner stone of the analysis of strategic interaction in
many fields including economics. Here students will learn to apply the concept of Nash
equilibrium in different settings.

Topic 4: Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium

The concept of mixed strategy will be introduced. Its interpretation and applications in different
setting will be analyzed.
Topic 5: Extensive Games and Nash Equilibrium
The students will learn the extensive form representation of a game. We are going to cover a refinement
of Nash equilibrium, called subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (SPNE). SPNE is suitable when a game is
played in a sequential, which is the case in many real life settings.

Topic 6: Illustrations of Extensive Games and Nash Equilibrium

We go through different illustrations of sequential games; we discuss the application of Nash equilibrium
and subgame perfect Nash equilibrium. The students will become comfortable with the SPNE concepts.

Topic 7: Repeated Games

We have seen earlier that often individual as-well-as institutions can be stuck in `bad’ equilibrium. How
does this analysis change if these individual or institutions are engaged in repeated interactions? This is
applicable in many situations like companies operating in same industry, two nations dealing with each-
other, etc. We are going to look particularly when is it possible to sustain cooperation.

Topic 8: Games with Imperfect Information

Here we deviate from our assumption of perfect information. We introduce the concept of Bayesian
games and application of the Nash equilibrium in this setting. We will go through many applications from
different areas. Auctions and firms operating in same industry can be modelled using this setup.

6. Evaluation scheme:
Component Duration Weightage Date and Time Remarks
Mid-sem 90 mts 30 OB
9.00 - 10.30AM
Quizzes- (02) - 15 CB
Assignments- (02) 15 OB
Comprehensive 3 hrs 40 01/05 FN CB
7. Chamber Consolation Hour: To be announced in the class
8. Notices: Notices, if any, would be put on CMS.
9. Make-up Policy: Make-up will be granted only on genuine grounds and if prior permission is taken.
No application will be accepted in the Exam Hall. Make-up will be given only on
Doctor’s/Warden’s recommendation and with prior (at least 01 day before the test/exam)
permission of the Instructor-in-Charge/Instructor. Make-up application via sms/messages is
not acceptable.
10. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be
maintained by all the students throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is


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