Game Theory & Nash Equilibrium

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In Economics, Game Theory occupied a rather isolated niche in the 1960s and 1970s.

It was pursued by
people who were known specifically as game theorists and who did almost nothing but game theory,
while other economists had little idea what game theory was. Game theory was taught only in
occasional specialty courses. Nonetheless, game theory was surrounded by a buzz of anticipation and
excitement, especially moving into the 1980s and early 1990s. Game theory is now a standard tool in
economics. Contributions to game theory are made by economists across the spectrum of fields and
interests, and economists regularly combine work in game theory with work in other areas. Students
learn the basic techniques of game theory in the first-year graduate theory core. Excitement over game
theory in economics has given way to an easy familiarity. This essay examines this transition, arguing
that the initial excitement surrounding game theory has dissipated not because game theory has
retreated from its initial bridgehead, but because it has extended its reach throughout economics. We
begin with an overview of the development of game theory, with emphasis on its integration with
economics. In the process, both the practice of economics and the nature of game theory have been
transformed. We then turn to some key challenges for game theory, including the continuing problem of
dealing with multiple equilibria, the need to make game theory useful in applications, and the need to
better integrate non-cooperative and cooperative game theory. The paper concludes with brief remarks
about the current status and future prospects of game theory.

Game Theory in Economics Aggregating Individual Behavior

The social sciences are distinguished from one another not so much by what they study, but by how
they study their subject. Economists stand out among the social sciences for their belief in
methodological individualism—the tenet that explanations of social phenomena should be built up from
the study of individual behavior—and the further belief that, within this paradigm, a common and
parsimonious model can be consistently applied to examine whatever question arises. This model is
built up from two principles. The first principle addresses individual behavior. The assumption here is
that people have consistent and stable preferences, and that they choose the alternative from the set of
feasible alternatives that is ranked highest under these preferences. The second principle addresses the
aggregation of individual behavior to examine more complex phenomena. The standard organizing
principle here was once the concept of a competitive market, with occurrences of market power viewed
as exceptional cases. These twin principles were evident in the standard first-year graduate theory
sequence, which consisted of a semester studying theories of optimization and its application to
consumer and firm behavior, followed by a semester studying competitive equilibrium. As the theory of
competitive markets was reaching its culmination in Arrow and Debreu (1954), Debreu (1959), and
McKenzie (1954) (see Düppe and Weintraub 2014 for a historical account), the foundations of game
theory were also being laid (von Neumann and Morgenstern 1944; Nash 1950a,b, 1951, 1953). Game
theory retains the familiar model of individual behavior, but offers an alternative and more general view
—containing competitive markets as a limiting case—of how models of individual behavior are
aggregated to examine more complex phenomena. Game theory has subsequently become the standard
organizing principle for examining interactions between people, and has become established as the
second pillar of methodological individualism. One again sees this evolution in the typical first-year
graduate theory sequence, where general equilibrium theory has been nearly swept off stage in order to
make room for game theory. It will help to maintain a running example. We begin with the simplest
model of a Cournot (1838) duopoly. Firms 1 and 2 simultaneously choose quantities of a homogenous
good that they costlessly produce and sell. They sell their outputs at a common price, determined by a
linear market demand function that gives the price as a function of the total quantity produced by the
two firms. Figure 1 illustrates the Nash equilibrium 1 of this Cournot duopoly game. The point of
departure is a market demand function, presumably derived from utility-maximization models
describing the price-taking consumers in the market. A model based on competition would similarly
derive a supply curve from profit maximizing models of price-taking firms. The Cournot model instead
assumes there is a small number of firms (for simplicity of illustration, two), each cognizant of its effect
on price, and seeks quantities satisfying the equilibrium condition that each firm maximizes profits given
the residual demand function induced by the other firm’s quantity. One can view a competitive market
as the limiting case of this model as the number of firms grows arbitrarily large. Classical Game Theory
Game theory has been transformed as it has percolated into economics. Game theory was initially
dominated by a classical view, whose key component was that the game should be viewed as a literal
description of the situation of interest, rather than just an approximation. Perhaps the clearest
statement of this classical view appears in Kohlberg and Mertens (1986, p. 1005), who state: We adhere
to the classical point of view that the game under consideration fully describes the real situation—that
any (pre)commitment possibilities, any repetitive aspect, any probabilities of error, or any possibility of
jointly observing some random event, have already been modelled in the game tree. … In principle, in
situations where those restrictions are not met, the game tree is just used as a shorthand notation for
the rules of a much bigger ‘extended game’ … , and it is the stability of the equilibria of the extended
game that has to be analyzed. The classical view makes game theory neatly self-contained. There is no
need to worry about whether the players in the game can communicate, or make agreements, or
collude, or send signals to one another, or make commitments, and so on. If any of these were possible,
they would be already included as moves in the game. For example, Cournot’s (1838) model of
imperfect competition viewed firms as choosing their quantities of output, and then selling these
outputs at a common market price determined by the total quantity produced in the market, as in
Figure 1. In 1883, with the dates perhaps reflecting a slower pace of academic life, Bertrand wrote a
review of Cournot’s work (from 1838), arguing that firms should be modeled as choosing prices rather
than quantities of output.

2. When the firms set different prices, all consumers buy from the lower-priced firm. The differing
implications are dramatic. In the market portrayed in Figure 1, Cournot’s firms choose quantities that
lead to a market price higher than marginal cost and to positive profits, while ruthless price-cutting
forces Bertrand’s firms to set prices equal to marginal cost and to earn zero profits. How do we choose
between the two models? Under the classical view, the answer is conceptually straightforward—we
should check what firms actually do. If they choose quantities, we should use the Cournot model. If they
set prices, we should use the Bertrand model. If they do some combination of the two, or do something
else, then we need a different model (for example, Kreps and Scheinkman 1983). Once one has selected
the appropriate game, attention typically turns to equilibrium behavior. Under the classical view of
game theory, one should be able to deduce the equilibrium play from the specification of the game and
the hypothesis that it is commonly known that the players are rational. An analyst observing the game
should be able to make such a deduction, as should the players in the game. This immediately answers
an obvious question: Why are we interested in the equilibrium of a game? In the classical view, the
equilibrium implication of a game will be obvious to rational players, and will just as obviously be
reflected in their behavior. In the Cournot duopoly of Figure 1, it is straightforward to identify Nash
equilibrium behavior, and to ascertain that there is only one such equilibrium. In general, however,
games have many equilibria. Suppose, for example, that our two firms from Figure 1 interact not just
once, but repeatedly. It is an equilibrium for the firms to act in each period just as they do in the
equilibrium of the one-shot game. However, following the lead of Friedman (1971), if the firms are
sufficiently patient, it is also an equilibrium for them to set the monopoly price and share the monopoly
profits in each period, with any cheating on such collusion prompting a switch to the behavior described
in the preceding sentence. Indeed, the folk theorem (Fudenberg and Maskin 1986) tells us that with
sufficiently patient players, virtually anything is an equilibrium outcome. Multiplicity of equilibria is not
limited to repeated games. If the firms in Figure 1 faced nonlinear demand functions or nontrivial cost
functions, there could well be multiple equilibria. Settings characterized by uncertainty, such as signaling
models, are well-known breeding sites for multiple equilibria. More generally, multiple equilibria arise in
many settings for many reasons. How are we to identify the equilibrium implication of the game in the
presence of multiple equilibria? Equilibrium Refinements The response to this question was the
equilibrium refinements literature (van Damme 1991, 1992), which sought “refinement” criteria for
limiting attention to a subset of the set of Nash equilibria. For example, one might restrict attention to
Nash equilibria that do not play weakly dominated strategies.

3. For much of the 1980s, work on refinements lay at the center of game theory and economic theory
more generally. The holy grail of this quest was an equilibrium notion that economists and game
theorists could embrace as the equilibrium notion, giving rise to a unique specification of play in any
game to which it might be applied. Perhaps the culmination of the refinements program was Harsanyi
and Selten’s (1988) theory of equilibrium selection, which indeed delivered unique outcomes, but is now
most often cited for having introduced the distinction between risk dominance and payoff dominance.

4. The equilibrium refinements literature was not a complete success. Instead of producing an
equilibrium refinement that could command consensus, the literature gave rise to an ever-growing
menagerie of refinements. New refinements tended to give rise to examples highlighting their
weaknesses, followed by successor refinements destined to serve as the raw material for the next

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