Current Members of The Commission Are
Current Members of The Commission Are
Current Members of The Commission Are
implement the Data Privacy Act of 2012, and to monitor and ensure compliance of the country
with international standards set for data protection. In discharging its mandate, it upholds the law
for those who handle personal data called information controllers and reminding individuals or
data subjects their rights over their personal data and the way it is processed -meaning how it is
collected, stored, altered, erased and even destroyed. With the the creation of the NPC, the
Philippines joins the growing network of privacy authorities all over the globe. These are the 90+
economies who recognize privacy as a fundamental right of their citizens but at the same time
see the importance of the free flow of information as a means to advance innovation and growth.
As part of this global chain the NPC is committed to promote international standards in data
processing to be adopted locally and address cross border privacy concerns that are also expected
to rise as economies get more connected to one another. Countries have started to adopt stricter
measures in protecting their own information. Take the case for example of the European Union
that had recently passed critical legislation that would guarantee that data subjects get back
control of their personal information. The NPC’s mandate includes the following:
1. Ensure compliance with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act of 2012;
2. We are mandated to receive and resolve complaints. Complaint from citizens and
businesses alike and we’re mandated to look for resolutions to these complaints. We can
initiate queries and call for investigations on matters affecting privacy.
3. The NPC also has the power to Issue cease and desist orders, impose a temporary or
permanent ban on the processing of personal information, upon finding that the
processing will be detrimental to national security and public interest .Resolve disputes
between persons and personal information controllers in an efficient and transparent
manner, using all the powers granted unto us as a quasi-judicial and as a regulatory body;
4. We possess the general authority to compel any entity whether government or any of its
instrumentality to abide by its orders or take action on a matter affecting data privacy.
5. Promote a culture protective of the data privacy rights of persons;
6. Provide guidance on the protection of data and data privacy to any party seeking our
assistance; and
7. Facilitate cross-border enforcement of data privacy laws.