Unetich USPTO 9050166 Coupling Resonant Diathermy
Unetich USPTO 9050166 Coupling Resonant Diathermy
Unetich USPTO 9050166 Coupling Resonant Diathermy
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U.S. Patent Jun. 9, 2015 Sheet 1 of 3 US 9,050,166 B2
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U.S. Patent Jun. 9, 2015 Sheet 2 of 3 US 9,050,166 B2
US 9,050,166 B2
1. 2
COUPLING METHOD FOR RESONANT coil 10 is required to encompass a body part Such as an arm or
DATHERMY AND OTHER BO-TISSUE leg and is therefore of minimum size. Being conductive
HEATINGAPPLICATORS because of its inductive properties, secondary coil 10 must
also be made of metal wires, which add weight. The weight
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED and size inherent to these requirements hamperS mobility and
APPLICATIONS flexibility, from the points of view of both the patient and the
therapy administrator.
The present application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Moreover, the wire windings of secondary coil 10 are
Patent Application No. 61/476,514, filed Apr. 18, 2011, inherently sensitive to spacing. Specifically, the windings of
which is incorporated herein by reference. 10 secondary coil 10 are desirably constructed in a periodic way,
that is to say that the distance between consecutive turns of the
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION winding of secondary coil 10 is desirably kept as constant as
possible at a predetermined separation distance for optimal
1. Technical Field power transferas is known in the art.
This invention relates to diathermic devices used for thera 15 Furthermore, in order to be used in a point-of-treatment
peutic heating and, in particular, to systems for administering environment, secondary coil 10 must be portable and oper
the application of diathermic energy in a controlled way. able by health personnel with no guaranteed knowledge of its
2. Background Art internal electrical function.
Resonant-circuit diathermic devices used for therapeutic Yet another disadvantage is the non-uniform distribution of
heating (as opposed to non-resonant devices which have been magnetic field in the secondary coil assembly 10 due to the
eclipsed) represent a growing market. These devices have the effects of induction. Still a further disadvantage is the inci
ability to provide accurate warming of body areas without dental and undesired capacitive coupling between coils 6 and
heating the intervening skin. U.S. Pat. No. 4,685.462, for 10 which “unbalances' secondary coil assembly 4 by forcing
example, describes warming of the body in the treatment of the end of secondary coil 10 near primary coil 6 to be closer
severe hypothermia, wherein a victim may be warmed inter 25 to the normally near ground potential of RF source 8.
nally in order to minimize the risk of cardiac arrest or skin While inductive coupling of coils 6 and 10 suggests that it
burns. U.S. Pat. No. 6,094,599 describes the use of such a is balanced since current flowing in secondary coil 10 is
device in a controlled medical or therapeutic environment, caused by current in primary coil 6 and not by the Voltages
Such as a series of therapy sessions, to provide deep warming present relative to ground by either end of primary coil 6, in
of injured tissue to enhance the therapeutic effect of improved 30 reality inductive coupling of coils 6 and 10 is not well bal
blood flow. U.S. Pat. No. 5,160,828 teaches the use of body anced. This is because there is Substantial stray capacitive
conforming garments for the purpose of precisely controlling coupling from primary coil 6 to whatever portions of second
the duration and location of heating application during thera ary coil 8 are located nearby, which Stray capacitive coupling
peutic sessions. adds a current path from primary coil 6 to secondary coil 10.
With reference to FIG.1, prior art resonant assemblies rely 35 If primary coil 6 is driven by an unbalanced shielded co
upon the use of two inductively-coupled coil assemblies 2 and axial cable 30, as is normally the case, one end of primary coil
4. These assemblies typically include a first source-side 6 is connected to ground G (as shown in FIG. 1) and the other
inductive coil (or primary coil or winding) 6 which is driven end is near ground potential because primary coil 6 represents
by a tuned RF source 8 and inductively-coupled to a second a low impedance path to ground G.
patient-side inductive coil (or secondary coil or winding) 10 40 U.S. Pat. No. 6,853,865 suggests adding a balanced trans
which acts as a resonant applicator. Coil assembly 4 may former (a balun) before primary coil 6 to convert the drive
include a tuning device 12, Such as a variable capacitor, that signal to primary coil 6 to an unbalanced feed relative to
facilitates tuning of coil assembly 4 into resonance with coil ground. This has proven to be less than ideal in practice
assembly 2 when coil assembly 4 is positioned to apply thera because building a balanced balun of sufficiently high output
peutic heating to a patient (not shown). 45 impedance, relative to the very high impedance of the reso
Inductive coupling is achieved by placing primary winding nant secondary coil 10, is not practical. It has also been
6 near a portion of the tuned secondary winding 10. The Suggested to place primary coil 6 at the center of secondary
patient-side inductive coil (or secondary winding) 10 is coil 10. This is also difficult to do because primary and/or
placed adjacent the source-side coil (or primary winding) 6 at secondary coils of diathermic applicators can take on an
a predetermined distance D from said source-side coil 6. 50 asymmetric shape(s). Furthermore, primary and/or second
Typically, the chosen distance D is some known Small frac ary coils designed to conform to body part shapes, as is
tion of a wavelength in order to facilitate constructive wave usually the case, are not perfect cylinders. Still further, the
induction Such as is common in applications regarding the human body presents stray capacitances to ground, which
transfer of electromagnetic wave energy from one medium to make the physical center of the secondary coil an uncertain
another. The combination of the patient-side coil 10, together 55 effective ground point. Furthermore, inductive coupling
with the patient’s body tissue and a suitable tuning device 12 between primary and secondary coils suffers from being Sub
(such as a variable capacitor), constitute a circuit. The vari ject to subtle details of wire placement and it is difficult to
able capacitor 12 allows the resonant frequency of this circuit retain this exact placement over time. Also, inductive cou
to be adjusted, or “tuned to resonance for efficient delivery of pling cannot be done in a well-balanced manner because of
power to the patient. 60 uncertainty of the virtual center of the secondary coil. The
Careful placement of the coils 6 and 10 achieves desired prior art has not identified the source of this problem.
coupling. By selecting an optimum turns ratio, the impedance In some ways unbalanced inductive coupling resembles the
of the tuned circuit (10, 12 and the patient’s body tissue) can problem in the field of audio amplifiers of common-mode
be transformed to a convenient value, such as 50 or 70 ohms, Voltage caused by poor grounding leading to a 60-cycle hum.
for connection to RF source 8. 65 U.S. Pat. No. 4,979.218 teaches common-mode rejection to
However, the source-side coil 6 thus inductively coupled overcome poor grounding in audio amplifiers. However,
Suffers from several disadvantages. For example, secondary audio amplifiers do not suffer from the same kind of unpre
US 9,050,166 B2
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dictable variation in output circuit dynamics since they do not In fact, the effective ground point in the secondary coil may
radiate at frequencies Sufficient to inadvertently incorporate arbitrarily drift as a result between the outer radius of the
Surrounding objects into their resonant circuit. conical cylinder and its most central point (seen in cross
Also, the problem of unbalanced inductive coupling cannot section). The prior art has no recourse but to persuade the
simply be solved by providing shielding. Such as in the case of 5 diathermic treatment patient to maintain an absolutely fixed
a microwave oven (U.S. Pat. No. 4,431,888) because the posture for the duration of the diathermic treatment, which is
element being heated by the present invention (in this case the not likely given the usual duration of hours or fractions
patient) has a path to ground which is not contained. thereof.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,996,484 teaches noise cancellation to 10
In fact, in a preferred arrangement of the present invention,
remove power line noise from geophysical equipment, but the conical cylinder is further complicated in shape to con
requires the use of complicated electronics such as phase form to applications of diathermy for treatment of the shoul
locked loops. U.S. Pat. No. 4,837.514 teaches tracking and der region of a patient. In this case the drifting of the effective
digitally removing noise. ground point may be expected to generalize from the wan
However, neither the balun nor any other feature of the 15 dering mentioned above to even less predictable patterns. The
prior art is capable of overcoming the leakage problem due to unbalancing of the secondary coil and the attendant building
the unintentional unbalancing of the secondary coil and atten code violations, which prevent the device from ever achieving
dant de-tuning of the entire resonant circuit unavoidably FCC approval for household use, are thus even more extreme.
caused by the patient. As a further feature, the present invention teaches the appli
While capacitive coupling networks for signal transmis cation of a balun in Such a way that the driving device is free
sion are generally known, capacitive coupling networks to adopt a ground point in whatever manner is dictated by the
designed to overcome the unpredictable, adverse and stray circumstances, without causing penalties in Stray conducted
capacitances that couple through leakage into a patients radiation, which is not taught by the prior art.
body are not known in the prior art. As a further feature of the present invention, capacitors are
Consequently, there exists a need to provide a compact, 25 used to establish the needed coupling. Capacitors have the
robust system that stably applies tuned-power through a advantage, as is known in the art, that as passive devices they
patient-side coil for the purposes of therapeutic treatment. can be specified accurately and remain stable over time.
Also, as discussed above, the effective ground of the sec
ondary coil cannot be guaranteed to be situated half-way
through the turns.
The present invention overcomes the problem in the art of As will be described in greater detail below, some aspects
resonant diathermic heating by disclosing a method and of the problem solved by the present invention resemble the
means for reliably and efficiently boosting the common problems faced by designers in the art of broadcast antennas,
mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of the circuit driving the sec
ondary coil. More specifically, the present invention provides 35 such as is taught in U.S. Pat. No. 6,853,337. However, broad
a method and system which avoids the foregoing problems cast antennas have a remedy that is not available to the present
and others by eliminating inductive coupling. The present invention, in that they typically are not forced to transceive in
invention replaces inductive coupling with capacitive cou Such close proximity to large bodies of highly-electrody
pling done in a symmetrical manner to each end of the sec namically absorbing materials. Furthermore, broadcast
ondary winding. 40 antennas do not face the complication that such bodies
Diathermic circuits do exist to reduce common-mode Volt present modifications to the effective circuit topology of the
age with a balun, such as the equivalent resonant circuits output stage whose characteristics vary nonlinearly and tem
disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,094,599 and 6,853,865. How porally, like Stray capacitances and such.
ever, unintentional capacitive coupling on the secondary coil Therefore, as can be seen by a person of skill in the art, the
(due to motion or other interaction of the treatment recipient) 45 benefits of the balun by itself are not sufficient to overcome
is not effectively prevented from adversely affecting the char the additional problems presented by the art of resonant
acteristics of the equivalent resonant circuit. diathermy.
A typical secondary coil of the applications intended for Further, inductive coupling Suffers from having cancella
the present invention and its body-conforming garment has tion of magnetic fields near the point of maximum coupling,
the shape of a conical cylinder. In cross-section, such typical 50 making the use of the coil as a heat applicator to tissue
secondary coil resembles somewhat the Archimedean spiral non-uniform. Capacitive coupling overcomes this disadvan
of the prior art (e.g., U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,094.599 and 6,853,865) tage because it has completely symmetrical field distribu
but also extends a Substantial distance in a third dimension, tions.
namely, a longitudinal axis of a conical (or cone-shaped) More specifically, the present invention is a diathermy
cylinder. 55 apparatus comprising: a cylindrical coil 24 defining an open
For the case of a symmetrical, balanced secondary coil, as ing 42; a pair of capacitors of Substantially similar capaci
is desirable in order to reject the common mode as much as tance 20 and 22, each capacitor connected to one end of the
possible, the effective ground point is assumed to be situated coil 24; an RF signal source 26; and a balun 28 connected
Somewhere along the wire close to the middle of its longitu between the RF signal source 26 and the pair of capacitors 20
dinal axis (if the wire were stretched out) but cannot be relied 60 and 22, said balun 28 operative for converting an unbalanced
upon to adopt a fixed point. Consequently, the ground point signal received from the RF signal source 26 into a balanced
exhibits a kind of spiral- and cylindrical-based parametric signal Supplied to coil 24 via the pair of capacitors 20 and 22.
wandering. Any point below this ground point in Voltage is The diathermy apparatus can include a co-axial cable 30
thus free to couple RF energy back through the ground of the connecting the RF signal source and the balun. The balun can
generator, which cannot be relied upon to be effective at 65 be operative for converting the unbalanced signal received
diathermic treatment frequencies, into building electrical sys from the RF signal source via the co-axial cable 30 into the
tems in contravention of established building codes. balanced signal Supplied to the coil via the pair of capacitors.
US 9,050,166 B2
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An impedance matching circuit can be provided between stantially symmetrical) coupling to each end of a circuit C.
the RF signal source and the balun. An adjustable capacitor 36 comprised of a conical cylindrical (or cone-shaped) spiral
can be in parallel with the coil 24, which can be disposed on coil 24 and an optional parallel tuning capacitor 36, that is
a Substrate or garment. utilized for the application of RF diathermy treatment to a
The opening 42 can be adapted to receive a body part. patient P. The present invention relies on the specific values of
The cylindrical coil can be a conical cylindrical (or cone capacitors 20 and 22 to achieve the capacitive coupling
shaped) spiral coil. desired.
The invention is also a diathermy apparatus comprising: a Capacitive coupling is done in a manner symmetrical to
cylindrical coil 24 having a first end and a second end; a first each end of coil 24. The values of coupling capacitors 20 and
capacitor 20 connected to the first end of the coil 24; a second 10 22 can be selected to achieve the desired coupling and since
capacitor 22 connected to the second end of the coil 24; a they are electrically symmetrically placed, the Voltage across
balun connected to the first capacitor 20 via a first lead 32. each capacitor 20 and 22 is identical (or substantially identi
said balun connected to the second capacitor 22 via a second cal), greatly reducing common-mode Voltages between an RF
lead 34; and an RF signal Source operative for Supplying an signal source 26 and coil 24, wherein common-mode Volt
unbalanced signal to the balun which converts the unbalanced 15 ages, as opposed to differential-mode Voltages, being unde
signal into a balanced signal which the balun outputs on the sirable are reduced or eliminated by a balun 28 disposed in a
first and second leads 32 and 34. path of RF current between RF source 26 and coil 24 and a
The cylindrical coil can be a conical cylindrical (or cone very large reactance to ground realized by capacitive-cou
shaped) spiral coil. The first and second capacitors can have pling to the skin of a patient (the patient is shown Schemati
the same or Substantially the same values. A Support Substrate cally in FIG. 2 by line P).
can be coupled to the coil. The coil can define an opening Balun 28 receives unbalanced driving current from RF
adapted to receive a body part. Source 26, for example, via a co-axial cable 30 and an optional
An impedance matching network can be coupled between impedance matching network 40, which can be adapted to
the RF signal source and the balun. match (or Substantially match) the input impedance of balun
In response to the RF signal source outputting an RF signal, 25 28 to the output impedance of RF source 26 and co-axial cable
each capacitor can have impressed thereon about 500 Vac, 30 seen by impedance matching network 40. This driving
and the coil can have impressed thereon about 1000 Vac. current is considered unbalanced because it oscillates about
The diathermy apparatus can further include an adjustable Some effective ground potential G that changes little over
capacitor 36 in parallel with the coil 24. time, if at all. The driving current is supplied through co-axial
Lastly, the invention is an RF diathermy treatment method 30 cable 30 and optional impedance matching network 40 by RF
comprising: (a) converting an unbalanced input RF signal source 26 to balun 28 which, through use of the transforming
into a balanced RF signal output on first and second wires 32 aspects of balun 28, removes the effective ground potential G.
and 34; (b) applying the balanced RF signal output on the first This causes current output by balun 28 on leads 32 and 34
wire 32 to a first end of a cylindrical coil 24 positioned about to oscillate between said leads 32 and 34 independent of
a body part of a patient via a first capacitor 20; and (c) 35 ground potential. The advantage created by balun 28, for
applying the balanced RF signal output on the second wire 34 purposes of this invention, is that a balanced output Voltage of
to a second end of the cylindrical coil 24 via a second, similar balun 28 is desirable in order to minimize, to the extent
or Substantially similar capacitor 22. possible, wasted power which leaks into intended or unin
The cylindrical coil 24 can be a conical cylindrical (or tended receiving matter, either electrodynamically or non
cone-shaped) spiral coil. 40 electrodynamically. The same need for a balanced output is
The body part of the patient can be received in an opening true in the case of an antenna transceiver, as is known in the
of the cylindrical coil 24 that is adapted to receive the body non-analogous art of broadcasting. In particular, the present
part of the patient. invention identifies the further problem, inherent to its proper
The cylindrical coil 24 can be disposed on a Support Sub native art, that RF energy can inadvertently be sunk into
Strate. 45 nearby ground-loops, causing power-wastage and problems
An adjustable capacitor can be electrically coupled in par in an entire distribution network, a consequence which is an
allel with the cylindrical coil 24. express barrier to FCC approval of resonant diathermic
devices and the like for home use.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS As was mentioned above, the benefits of balun 28 by itself
50 are not sufficient to overcome the additional problems pre
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing a typical coupling sented by the art of resonant diathermy.
network of a prior art doubled-coil diathermy apparatus; The present invention capitalizes in a novel way on the
FIGS. 2 and 3 are diagrams showing a capacitively above-mentioned properties of balun 28 by allowing the
coupled diathermy apparatus according to the present inven effective ground point of coil 24 to drift somewhat in response
tion; and 55 to natural variation in the position of the patient wearing coil
FIG. 4 is an isolated perspective view of the conical (cone) 24, either alone or disposed on a Support Substrate 38, Such as
shaped secondary coil shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 disposed on a a wearable garment (FIG. 4), or other incidental Surrounding
truncated cone-shaped support Substrate or garment. objects which may inadvertently become part of or coupled to
circuit C during the course of diathermic treatment. Conical
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 60 spiral coil 28 and substrate 38, (if provided), define along a
longitudinal axis thereofan opening 42 of coil 28, the size of
The present invention will now be described with reference which is adapted to receiving a body part BP of a patient
to the accompanying figures where like reference numerals during diathermy treatment. When support substrate 38 is
correspond to like elements. provided, coil 28 can be affixed to and supported by substrate
With reference to FIG. 2, in the present invention, capaci 65 38, which can also have a generally conical shape that
tive coupling with two identical (or substantially identical) matches the shape of conical spiral coil 24 or which facilitate
capacitors 20 and 22 is used to achieve symmetrical (or Sub coil 24 having a conical spiral shape.
US 9,050,166 B2
7 8
With reference to FIG.3 and with continuing reference to be floating relative to ground with no change in the perfor
FIG. 2, a further advantage of the present method will now be mance of coil 24 to heat the patient’s body part.
described. As mentioned above, capacitive coupling via The invention has been described with reference to an
capacitors 20 and 22 overcomes the cancellation of magnetic exemplary embodiment. Obvious modifications and alter
fields near the point of maximum coupling, thereby enabling ations will occur to others upon reading and understanding
coil 24 to apply uniform heat to a patient's tissue because coil the preceding detailed description. It is intended that the
24 has completely (or substantially completely) symmetrical invention be construed as including all such modifications
and alterations insofar as they come within the scope of the
field distributions. Although the effective groundpoint of coil appended claims or the equivalents thereof.
24 may wander from one end of coil 24 to another in response 10
The invention claimed is:
to transient stray capacitances constantly created and 1. A diathermy apparatus comprising:
destroyed by shifting of the patient’s posture and other fac a cylindrical coil (24) having a first end and a second end;
tors, the driving Voltage recovers with no change in the per a first capacitor (20) connected to the first end of the coil
formance of coil 24. Furthermore, the adverse effects of (24);
unbalancing coil 24 are greatly reduced, allowing predictable 15
a second capacitor (22) connected to the second end of the
constant warming to be delivered to appropriate areas with coil (24);
minimal waste and minimal ground-loop disruption of cir a balun connected to the first capacitor (20) via a first lead
cuitry C. (32), said balun connected to the second capacitor (22)
Use of capacitors 20 and 22 eliminates the problems asso via a second lead (34); and
ciated with the two-winding inductive method shown in FIG. an RF signal source operative for supplying an unbalanced
1. Another advantage is that capacitors 20 and 22 are passive signal to the balun which converts the unbalanced signal
elements that rely entirely on their specific capacitor values to into a balanced signal which the balun outputs on the
achieve the capacitive coupling desired. first and second leads (32 and 34):
For example, without limitation, the 18 pF capacitors wherein, in response to the RF signal source outputting an
shown in FIG.3, with a reactance of approximately -700 jS2 25
RF signal, each capacitor has impressed thereon about
(-650 jS2 in FIG. 3) have an impedance at the driving fre 500 Vac, whereupon the coil has impressed thereon
about 1000 Vac.
quency of RF signal source 26 which, in the 25 meter band 2. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, wherein the cylin
usually used for diathermy application is about 13 or 14 MHz, drical coil is a conical cylindrical or cone-shaped spiral coil.
takes 40 or so watts from the output of balun 28. 3. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, wherein the first and
The current output by balun 28, which is approximately 0.7 30
Second capacitors have the same or substantially the same
Amps, symmetrically produces about 500 volts across each values.
coupling capacitor 20 and 22, which thereby produces 4. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, wherein the coil is
approximately 1 kV at the input to coil 24, as can be easily coupled to a support.
verified empirically. Such a voltage is ideal for diathermic 5. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, wherein the coil
heating. 35
By using balun 28 to establish a balanced feed (or drive defines an opening adapted to receive a body part.
signals) to two equal (or substantially equal) value capacitors 6. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, further including an
20 and 22 (without limitation, 18 pF capacitors in this impedance matching network between the RF signal source
and the balun.
example) connected to the ends of coil 24, circuit C is natu 7. The diathermy apparatus of claim 1, further including an
rally in balance and floating relative to actual ground poten 40
adjustable capacitor (36) in parallel with the coil (24).
tial. Thus, a patient's body part inserted in opening 42 of coil
24 may be grounded by stray capacitance to ground or it may