US20220304938A1 Lipid Nanoparticle Compositions

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US 20220304938A1

( 19 ) United States
( 12 ) Kaufman
Patent Application Publication ((4310)) Pub
Pub.. Date
No .: :US 2022/0304938 A1
Sep. 29 , 2022
AND METHODS AS CARRIERS OF A61K 47/36 (2006.01 )
A61K 31/047 ( 2006.01 )
( 71 ) Applicant: NANOSPHERE HEALTH A61K 36/185 ( 2006.01 )
SCIENCES INC . , Vancouver (CA) (52) U.S. CI.
CPC A61K 9/5123 (2013.01 ) ; A61K 31/352
( 72 ) Inventor: Richard Clark Kaufman , Santa (2013.01 ) ; A61K 9/006 (2013.01 ) ; A61K 47/36
Monica , CA (US ) (2013.01 ) ; A61K 9/12 (2013.01 ) ; A61K 9/0014
( 21 ) Appl . No .: 17 /841,672 (2013.01 ) ; A61K 9/0043 ( 2013.01 ) ; A61K
9/0053 ( 2013.01 ) ; A61K 9/06 ( 2013.01 ) ; A61K
(22) Filed : Jun . 16 , 2022 31/047 (2013.01 ) ; A61K 36/185 (2013.01 )
Related U.S. Application Data
( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 16/ 827,601 , filed on
Mar. 23 , 2020 , which is a continuation of application This disclosure teaches phospholipid nanoparticle composi
No. 16 /015,179 , filed on Jun . 21 , 2018 , now Pat. No.
10,596,124 , which is a continuation of application tions of cannabinoids formed from phospholipids and sim
No. 15 / 103,850 , filed on Jun . 10 , 2016 , now Pat. No. pler lipids in an unfired sequential process that encapsulate
10,028,919 , filed as application No. PCT/US15 / a high concentration of cannabinoids, and create standard
34153 on Jun . 4 , 2015 . ized precision -metered dosage forms of cannabinoids; yield
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 62 / 130,775 , filed on Mar. ing an increase cannabinoid transport across hydrophobic
10, 2015 . mucosa ; increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoid
2 - fold to 8 -fold , decrease the dose of cannabinoids 2 - fold to
Publication Classification 8 - fold less than an amount of cannabinoids needed to illicit
the same therapeutic effect compared to raw and non
( 51 ) Int. Ci. encapsulated cannabinoids; where the nanoparticle dynamic
A61K 9/51 ( 2006.01 ) structure reduces the adverse effects of cannabinoids; and
A61K 31/352 ( 2006.01 ) enable safe more efficacious cannabinoid therapy.
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US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

LIPID NANOPARTICLE COMPOSITIONS [ 0004 ] Emerging clinical applications for cannabinoid

AND METHODS AS CARRIERS OF therapies include Alzheimer's Disease , Amyotrophic Lateral
CANNABINOIDS IN STANDARDIZED Sclerosis (ALS ), atherosclerosis, chronic pain , Diabetes
PRECISION - METERED DOSAGE FORMS mellitus, dystonia, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal
disorders, gliomas , cancer, Hepatitis C , Human Immunode
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED ficiency Virus ( HIV ) , Huntington Disease hypertension ,
APPLICATIONS incontinence, methicillin - resistant Staphyloccus aureus
[ 0001 ] This application is aa continuation of U.S. applica ( MRSA ) , multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, post - traumatic
tion Ser. No. 16 / 827,601 filed Mar. 23 , 2020 , entitled “ Lipid stress disorders ( PTSD ) , pruritus, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep
Nanoparticle Compositions and Methods as Carriers of apnea and Tourette Syndrome.
Cannabinoids in Standardized Precision -Metered Dosage [ 0005 ] One of the primary adverse effects of cannabinoid
Forms ” , which application is a continuation of U.S. appli therapies in humans is disruption of short - term memory .
cation Ser. No. 16 / 015,179 , filed Jun . 21 , 2018 , now U.S. That is consistent with the abundance of CB1 receptors in
Pat . No. 10,596,124 , entitled “ Lipid Nanoparticle Compo the hippocampus, the brain region most closely associated
sitions and Methods as Carriers of Cannabinoids in Stan with memory. Cannabinoids impinge on the central nervous
dardized Precision -Metered Dosage Forms ” , which applica system by attaching to brain's neurons and interfering with
tion is a continuation of U.S. application Ser. No. 15/103 , normal communication between the neurons . These nerves
850 , filed Jun . 10 , 2016 , now U.S. Pat . No. 10,028,919 , respond by altering their initial behavior.
entitled “ Lipid Nanoparticle Compositions and Methods as [ 0006 ] The most psychoactive phytocannabinoid in can
Carriers of Cannabinoids in Standardized Precision -Metered nabis, Delta - 9 - Tetrahydrocannabinol 1 (THC ) , alters the
Dosage Forms ” , which application is a 35 U.S.C. § 371 way information is processed by the hippocampus, the part
national phase application of PCT /US2015 /034153 ( WO of the brain that is important for memory , learning, and the
2016/144376 ) filed on Jun . 4 , 2015 , entitled “ Lipid Nan integration of sensory experiences with emotions and moti
oparticle Compositions and Methods as Carriers of Can vation . The hippocampus converts information into short
nabinoids In Standardized Precision - Metered Dosage term memory . THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits
Forms ” , which application claims the priority benefit of U.S. memory retrieval and how sensory information is inter
Provisional Application No. 62 / 130,775 , filed Mar. 10 , preted. When THC attaches to CB1 receptors in the hip
2015 , and entitled “ Lipid Nanoparticle Compositions and pocampus, it weakens the short - term memory and creates
Methods as Carriers of Cannabinoids” . The entire disclo structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain .
sures of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their With high dosages , new information does not register into
entirety. Any disclaimer that may have occurred during the the brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not
prosecution of the above -referenced applications is hereby able to retrieve new information for more than a few
expressly rescinded , and reconsideration of all relevant art is minutes. Cannabinoid induced memory defects may, in part,
respectfully requested. be due to a reduction in acetylcholine release causing
cholinergic hypofunction. THC reduces both extracellular
TECHNICAL FIELD and intracellular hippocampal acetylcholine concentrations.
[ 0002 ] This disclosure teaches phospholipid nanoparticle [ 0007] The phytocannabinoid THC in cannabis may
impair cognitive functions on a number of levels — from
compositions of cannabinoids formed from phospholipids basic motor coordination to complex executive function
and simpler lipids in an unfired sequential process that tasks, such as the ability to plan , organize , solve problems,
encapsulate a high concentration of cannabinoids, and create make decisions , remember, and control emotions and behav
standardized precision -metered dosage forms of cannabi ior. Acute exposure impairs inhibition, promotes impulsivity
noids ; yielding an increase cannabinoid transport across and impairs working memory. Residual deficit effects over a
hydrophobic mucosa; increase the bioavailability of the period of abstinence are most evident in tasks that require
cannabinoid 2 - fold to 8 -fold , decrease the dose of cannabi concept formation, planning and sequencing abilities . Emo
noids 2 - fold to 8 - fold less than an amount of cannabinoids tional impairments are attributed to the way canabinoids
needed to illicit the same therapeutic effect compared to raw affects the brain's limbic system .
and non -encapsulated cannabinoids; where the nanoparticle [ 0008 ] The phytocannabinoids in cannabis may produce
dynamic structure reduces the adverse effects of cannabi adverse cardiovascular effects. A consistent effect from the
noids ; and enable safe more efficacious cannabinoid therapy. phytocannabinoids in cannabis is increased heart rate . They
can reduce the level of exercise which can be tolerated
before the onset of angina. Cannabinoids produce profound
[ 0003 ] Cannabis contains more than 460 compounds of coronary and cerebral vasodilatation in vivo by activation of
which around 70 are considered as phytocannabinoids. vascular cannabinoid CB1 receptors. Their prominent, pre
Hempseed oil also contains the phytcannabinoid cannabidiol dictable effects on the heart, including increased work - load,
( CBD ) . Cannabis - based medications have been intensely increased plasma volume and postural hypotension that can
studied since the endogenous cannabinoid system was dis impose threats to the individuals' hypertension, cerebrovas
covered two decades ago . Cannabis - based medications exert cular disease or coronary arteriosclerosis. High doses of
their effects mainly through the activation of cannabinoid cannabis measured as 15 mg of THC are shown to increase
receptors CB1 and CB2 . Cannabinoids produce numerous heart rate , gross motor disturbances, and can lead to panic
therapeutic effects. They have antispastic , analgesic, anti attacks.
emetic , neuroprotective, and anti - inflammatory actions . [ 0009 ] Cannabinoids also produce a tolerance. Prolonged
They are an effective treatment against certain psychiatric exposure to phyto synthetic or endogenous cannabinoid
diseases . agonists is associated with the development of tolerance for
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

most of their pharmacological effects essentially due to therapeutic efficacy, increase suitability for long -term or
adaptive down - regulation and desensitization of cannabi daily cannabinoid therapy and reduce cannabinoids adverse
noid receptors . effects .
[ 0010 ] Currently employed methods of delivery of can [ 0017] The disclosure teaches methods and delivery sys
nabis derived cannabinoids include inhalation delivery tem compositions of cannabinoids that increase the bioavail
methods of smoking , vaporization and aerosols ; oral inges ability , bioactivity , therapeutic activity and therapeutic index
tion delivery methods into the GI tract of infused products, of cannabinoids for cannabinoid therapy.
edibles , extract oils , tinctures and soft gel caps ; and intraoral [ 0018 ] The disclosure teaches methods and delivery sys
delivery methods to the oral mucosa via sprays and drops of tem compositions of cannabinoids in standardized precision
cannabis as tinctures, extracts, and emulsion compositions, metered dose forms that deliver the same amounts of can
and cannabis containing chewing gums. nabinoids in each administration, rapidly reach the systemic
[ 0011 ] Methods of delivering hempseed derived cannabi circulation and maintain consistent plasma levels over time ;
noids include oral ingestion delivery into the GI tract of with the ability to enable precision dispensing and create a
infused products, edibles extract oils , tinctures and soft gel high degree of user compliance .
caps and intraoral delivery to the oral mucosa via sprays and [ 0019 ] The disclosure teaches methods and compositions
drops of cannabis as tinctures, extracts , and emulsion com that provide enhanced cannabinoid bioactivity, increased
positions , and chewing gums. therapeutic activity, at lower doses and with fewer adverse
[ 0012 ] Inhalation delivery methods of smoking and vapor actions; deliver standardized precision -metered dosage
ization have no reliable dosage as medicine . Bioavailability forms of cannabinoids ; and administration by more effective
following the smoking route was reported as 2-56 % , due in methods of delivery, making cannabinoid drug treatments
part to intra- and inter -subject variability in smoking dynam more efficacious and available to a larger number of patients .
ics , which contributes to uncertainty in dose delivery. The
number, duration, and spacing of puffs, hold time , and SUMMARY OF THE EMBODIMENTS
inhalation volume , or smoking topography, greatly influ
ences the degree of exposure and blood levels . [ 0020 ] This disclosure teaches phospholipid nanoparticle
[ 0013 ] Oral delivery methods of ingesting extracts , infu compositions of cannabinoids formed from phospholipids
sions and edibles forms have typically a delay in the onset and simpler lipids in an unified sequential process that
of their actions making it extremely difficult in ingest the encapsulate a high concentration of cannabinoids ; yielding
correct dosage of cannabinoids. The oral absorption of THC an increase cannabinoid transport across hydrophobic
and CBD are typically reported as 6 % bioavailability to the mucosa; increase the bioavailability of the cannabinoid
systemic circulation after extensive first pas liver metabo 2 -fold to 8 - fold , decrease the dose of cannabinoids 2 -fold to
lism . Oral delivery is slow and unpredictable, with peak 8 - fold less than an amount of cannabinoids needed to illicit
concentrations occurring 1-5 hours post dose . the same therapeutic effect compared to raw and non
[ 0014 ] Several factors account for the low oral bioavail encapsulated cannabinoids; where the nanoparticle dynamic
ability of cannabinoid as compared to intravenous adminis structure reduces the adverse effects of cannabinoids; and
tration . They include low solubility and dissolution, variable enable safe, daily , long term and more efficacious cannabi
absorption , degradation in the stomach , and significant first noid therapy.
pass metabolism to active and inactive metabolites in the [ 0021 ] The disclosure teaches the use of phospholipid
liver. There may be variation in potency of cannabinoid nanoparticle compositions encapsulating cannabinoids
constituents from crop to crop and even in the same can enabling cannabinoids to more efficiently bind to receptors
nabis depending upon its , age , moisture content and meth for therapeutic activity.
ods of curing. Furthermore oral ingested products often lack [ 0022 ] The disclosure teaches the use of phospholipid
accurate information of the cannabinoid content per dosage nanoparticle compositions encapsulating cannabinoids
and an accurate and reliable method to regulate the dosage enabling cannabinoids to produce fewer adverse side effects
of cannabinoids administered . during cannabinoid therapy .
[ 0015 ] Intraoral delivery of cannabinoids to the sublingual [ 0023 ] This disclosure teaches encapsulating cannabi
or buccal oral mucosa delivery by spray and drops has not noids in phospholipid nanoparticles liquid gels enabling
demonstrated significant pharmacokinetic differences from cannabinoids to be taken by sublingual intraoral, nasal and
that of oral administration . Research found no statistically transdermal routes of administration and produce greater
significant differences in bioavailability and pharmacokinet therapeutic acclivity with a higher therapeutic index com
ics between similar dosages of oral administered THC and pared to similar doses of the same cannabinoids taken by
the oral mucosal spray Sativex of GW Pharma delivering 2.7 peroral administration .
mg THC and 2.5 mg cannabidiol ( CBD ) per actuation as
demonstrated by their comparative by Cmax , time to maxi [ 0024 ] This disclosure teaches encapsulating cannabi
mum concentration or in their AUC . If THC in Sativex was noids in phospholipid nanoparticles liquid gels enabling
primarily absorbed through the oral mucosa, bypassing first cannabinoids to be taken by sublingual intraoral, nasal and
pass metabolism in place of being swallowed, one would transdermal routes of administration and produce greater
expect a difference between oral THC and Sativex 11 -OH therapeutic acclivity with a higher therapeutic index com
THC/THC ratios. Their high ratio indicates gastric degra pared to similar doses of the same cannabinoids taken by
dation and extensive first-pass metabolism ; however, no peroral administration .
statistical difference was found . [ 0025 ] This disclosure teaches encapsulating cannabi
[ 0016 ] This disclosure teaches methods and compositions noids in phospholipid nanoparticles liquid gels compositions
of cannabinoids to overcome their intrinsic low oral bio that deliver standardized and precision -metered dosages of
availability, reduce cannabinoid dosages without loss of cannabinoids.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0026 ] This disclosure teaches methods of treatment for a phospholipids like phosphatidylcholine sphingosine , gan
patient comprising phospholipid nanoparticle carrier com gliosides, and phytosphingosine and combinations thereof
positions of cannabinoid delivery. derived from soy and lecithin that are preferable for use in
this disclosure and the synthetic phospholipids that include
DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES but are not limited to diacylglycerols, phosphatidic acids ,
[ 0027] FIG . 1 shows the average plasma THC concentra phosphocholines, phosphoethanolamines, phosphoglycer
tions during 4 hours after administration of 5.0 mg i.v. This ols ,
figure is derived from FIG . 2 from Agurell et al . , PharmRev [ 0037] The term “ essential phospholipids ” in the present
1986_vol.38_21PK -MetabD1THC . disclosure refers to the highly purified extract of character
[ 0028 ] FIG . 2 is the average plasma THC concentrations istic fatty acid composition of the phospholipids distin
during 5 hours after administration of 5.0 mg of THC in a guished by their particular high content of polyunsaturated
brownie . This figure is derived from FIG . 2 from Agurell et fatty acids , predominantly linoleic acid ( approx. 70% ) , lino
al . , PharmRev 1986_vol.38_21PK -MetabD1 THC . lenic acid and oleic acid and with a high content exceeding
[ 0029 ] FIG . 3 is the observed plasma THC concentrations 75 % of ( 3 -sn - phosphatidyl) choline. Beside phosphatidyl
in a group of women administered 2.2 mg and men admin choline molecules , the essential phospholipid fraction
istered 4.0 mg by slow i.v. injection ( 20-30 min) . This figure includes phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol
is derived from FIG . 3 from Agurell et al . , PharmRev and other lipids .
1986_vol.38_21PK -MetabD1THC . [ 0038 ] The term “ medium chain triglyceride ” ( MCT ) “ in
[ 0030 ] FIG . 4 is the observed plasma THC concentrations the present disclosure refers to aa class of triglyceride oil that
in a group of women administered 15 mg and men admin are probably naturally derived from fatty acids that are
istered 20 mg in sesame oil by oral administration . This usually about 8 to about 12 carbons in length . Such oil is
figure is derived from FIG . 3 from Agurell et al . , PharmRev commercially available as Miglyol 812 , Miglyol 810 , Cap
tex 355 and Neobees M - 5 .
1986_vol.38_21PK - MetabD1THC . [ 0039 ] The term “ cannabinoid ” in this disclosure refers to
[ 0031 ] FIGS . 1-4 are derived from Agurell et al . , Pharm
any of the diverse chemical compounds that act on cannabi
Rev 1986_vol.38_21PK -MetabD1THC -22-43. noid receptors on cells in the brain, act on orthosteric or
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE allosteric sites and modulate endocannabinoid activity . They
DISCLOSURE include the phytocannabinoids found in cannabis, hempseed
oil , other plants, and synthetic cannabinoids manufactured
[ 0032 ] Unless otherwise indicated , all numbers expressing artificially. They include the phytocannabinoids delta -9
quantities of ingredients, dimensions reaction conditions and tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ) , cannabidiol (CBD ) , cannabi
so forth used in the specification and claims are to be nol ( CBN) cannabigerol ( CBG) , cannabigerol (CBG) , can
understood as being modified in all instances by the term nabichromene (CBC ) , cannabicyclol (CBL ) , canabivarol
" about ” . (CBV) , tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) , cannabidivarin
[ 0033 ] In this application and the claims , the use of the (CBDV) , cannabichromevarin (CBCV) , cannabigerol
singular includes the plural unless specifically stated other monoethyl ether ( CBGM) , or the like ; or mixtures or com
wise . In addition , use of “ or” means " and /or” unless stated binations thereof. Other botanical cannabimimetics include
otherwise . Moreover, the use of the term “ including ”, as well N -alkylamides from Echinacea and B -caryophyllene. They
as other forms, such as “ includes” and “ included ” , is not include mixtures of phytocannabinoids separated from the
limiting . Also , terms such as “ element ” or “ component” plant by extraction techniques and high purity cannabinoids
encompass both elements and components comprising one obtained
sis .
by purification from natural sources or via synthe
unit and elements and components that comprise more than
one unit unless specifically stated otherwise . [ 0040 ] The term “ bioavailability ” in this disclosure refers
[ 0034 ] The term “ phospholipid nanoparticle ” in the pres to the physiological availability of a given amount of a drug
ent disclosure refers to different types of compositions of as distinct from its chemical potency ; proportion of the
nano - scale particles as carriers containing essential phos administered dose that is absorbed into the bloodstream .
pholipids that encapsulate cannabinoids by using a molecu [ 0041 ] The term “ therapeutic activity ” in this disclosure
lar assembly technique to carry the cannabinoid across cell refers to the effect or response of a cannabinoid in the
membranes and biological barriers to deliver the cannabi treating or curing of disease .
noid to target cell sites of the human ody where they [ 0042 ] The term “ therapeutic index ” in this disclosure
produce therapeutic activity . refers to the therapeutic window or safety window and
[ 0035 ] The term “ NanoSphere ” in the present disclosure comparison of the amount of a cannabinoid that causes the
refers to phospholipid lipid nanoparticles as liquid gels that therapeutic effect to the amount that causes adverse effects.
are mostly less than 100 nm diameter and typically in the [ 0043 ] The term " cannabinoid adverse effects” in this
range of 50 nm to 150 nm . NanoSpheres have high stability disclosure refers to the adverse effect of cannabinoid
and minimal leakage of contents into the GI tract and blood . therapy. These problems include impaired cognition, disrup
NanoSpheres possess high long -term stability. NanoSpheres tion of memory , behavioral changes , emotional changes , and
readily pass across cell membranes. Nanospheres allow for cardiovascular effects, including increased heart rate ,
high encapsulation of cannabinoids, and strong protection of increased work - load , increased plasma volume and postural
ingredients. Nanospheres have a high degree of compatibil hypotension and developing a tolerance to cannabinoids.
ity, versatility , usability and safety for cannabinoids. [ 0044 ] The term “ cannabinoid therapy ” in this disclosure
[ 0036 ] The term “ phospholipids ” in the present disclosure refers to the use of cannabinoids to prevent, treat and /or
refers to a triester of glycerol with two fatty acids and one ameliorate and disease and / or pathology that includes and is
phosphate ion . Phospholipids include natural occurring not limited to Alzheimer Disease , Amyotrophic Lateral
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

Sclerosis (ALS ) , chronic pain , diabetes mellitus , dystonia , [ 0053 ] The term “ cannabis extracts ” in this disclosure
epilepsy, fibromyalgia , gastrointestinal disorders, gliomas, refers to the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant that have
cancer, Hepatitis C , Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) been extracted and concentrated using one of the many
Huntington Disease , hypertension, incontinence , methicil known extraction methods including non -hydrocarbon sol
lin - resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA) , multiple sclero vent extracts from water, carbon dioxide and isopropyl
sis , osteoporosis, pruritus, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep apnea alcohol ; hydrocarbon solvent extracts from butane , propane,
and Tourette Syndrome. and hexane ; and dry sieve method.
[ 0045 ] The terms “ cell membranes ”, “ biological barriers ” [ 0054 ] The term " ultrasonification ” in this disclosure
and “ mucosa barriers” in this disclosure refer to 1 ) the refers methods in the assembly of phospholipid nanopar
mucosal membrane barriers of the oral cavity; 2 ) the ticles from ultrasound waves in which ultrasonic amplitudes
mucosal membrane barrier of the GI tract; 3 ) the dermal and generate intense cavitation alternating high -pressure and
epidermal cell membrane barriers; 4 ) the BBB ; 5 ) the low -pressure cycles that disperse and break up particle
blood- ocular barrier consisting of the blood -aqueous barrier down to the nanometer scale . In one embodiment ultrasoni
and the blood - retinal barrier; 6 ) ocular barriers of the con fication refers to high power ultrasonic liquid processors
junctiva and corneal epithelium ; and 7 ) the mucosa of the also known as sonicators , ultrasonic homogenizers, sono
nasal cavity 8 ) the cell membrane barriers of the nervous chemical reactors ultrasonic mixers and ultrasonic wet
system , respiratory system , circulatory system , GI system , milling systems.
muscular system , urinary system , genital system , internal [ 0055] The term “ homogenization ” in this disclosure
refers to high - shear fluid processing reducing the size of
organs, and tissues .
[ 0046 ] The term " encapsulate ” in this disclosure refers droplets and particles in liquid -liquid dispersions to submi
coating of various substances within another material at cron sizes . In one embodiment homogenization refers to
sizes on the nano scale . The encapsulated material is referred high shear fluid processors such as the Ultra - Turrax, Kine
to as the internal phase , the core material the fill. The matika Polytron and Silverson processors used for dispers
encapsulation material is known as the external phase, the ing , particle reduction and liquid mixing . In one embodi
shell, coating or membrane . In one embodiment this refers ment homogenization refers high pressure homogenization
to lipid nanoparticles have an external phase (membrane) of piston gap and microfluidization methods such as APV
essential phospholipids and an internal phase ( core) of Gaulin , Avestin and Microfluidics homogenizers used for
cannabinoids and simpler lipids or aqueous / lipid emulsions . making nanoparticles.
[ 0047] The term “ ligand ” in this disclosure refers to any [ 0056 ] In one embodiment of this disclosure homogeni
material that may be bound to the surface of the nanoparticle zation methods that include high pressure homogenization
or nanostructure for the linking of nanoparticles to form and microfludization are the method of assembly for pro
ducing phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of
nanometer - scale geometric structures. cannabinoids of nanoparticle with viscoelastic gels and
[ 0048 ] The term “ viscoelastic ” in this disclosure refers to standardized precision -metered dosage forms of cannabi
the simultaneous existence of viscous and elastic properties noids .
of nanoparticles and their behavior thereof from intermo [ 0057] The term “milling ” in this disclosure refers meth
lecular and interparticle forces in their compositional mate ods in the assembly of phospholipid nanoparticles by which
rial . an external force is applied to a solid that leads to its
[ 0049 ] The term “ biocompatible ” in this disclosure refers break -up into smaller particles. In one embodiment milling
to the ability of nanoparticle compositions and biomaterials refers Milling refers wet grinding carried out using methods
to perform their desired functions without eliciting any as a roller ointment mill , tumbling ball mill , vibratory ball
undesirable local or systemic effects in the recipient, gen mill , a planetary ball mill , a centrifugal fluid mill , an
erating the most appropriate beneficial cellular and tissue agitating beads mill , a flow conduit beads mill , an annular
responses and optimizing the performance of their payloads. gap beads mill , and wet jet mill . In one embodiment milling
This is especially relevant on the nanoscale where bioma refers to dry grinding by compression or by friction , using
terials function differently can introduce undesirable, methods as a jet mill , a hammer mill , a shearing mill , a roller
adverse and sometimes toxic effects . mill , a shock shearing mill , a ball mill , and aa tumbling mill .
[ 0050 ] The term “ biodegradable ” in this disclosure refers In one embodiment milling refers to wet processes for
to the ability of nanoparticle compositions and biomaterials preventing the condensation of the nanoparticles so formed ,
and obtaining highly dispersed nanoparticles.
to rapidly metabolize in vivo and resulting metabolites that
are nontoxic and readily eliminated . [ 0058 ] The term mammal is intended to include , but not
[ 0051 ] The term “ surfactant” in this disclosure refers to limited to , humans in this disclosure .
compounds that lower the surface tension (or interfacial Cannabinoid Therapy
tension) between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid
act as emulsifiers, dispersants, wetting agents and viscosity [ 0059 ] Cannabinoid based medications have been
modifiers. In one embodiment surfactants means amphi intensely studied since the endogenous cannabinoid system
philic molecules which are manufactured by chemical pro was discovered two decades ago . Cannabis -based medica
cesses or purified from natural sources or processes that can tions exert their effects mainly through the activation of
be anionic, cationic, nonionic , and zwitterionic . cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 .
[ 0052 ] The term “ cannabis concentrate ” in this disclosure [ 0060 ] Cannabinoids produce numerous therapeutic
refers to the cannabinoids of the cannabis plant that have effects . They have antispastic, analgesic, antiemetic, neuro
been extracted using one of the many known extraction protective and anti - inflammatory actions . They are an effec
methods In one embodiment cannabis concentrates refer to tive treatment against certain psychiatric diseases . Emerging
cannabis oil , budder, wax or shatter. clinical applications for cannabinoid therapies include
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

Alzheimer Disease , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS ) , and promote the expression of certain genes within the cell
chronic pain , Diabetes Mellitus , dystonia, epilepsy, fibro that alter cellular communication .
myalgia, gastrointestinal disorders, gliomas / cancer, Hepati [ 0067] Endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids or can
tis C , Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) , Huntington nabinoid - like compounds can activate different signaling
Disease, Hypertension, Incontinence, Methicillin -resistant pathways engaging receptors independent of CB1 and CB2
Staphyloccus aureus ( MRSA) , Multiple Sclerosis, osteopo receptors . Behavioral effects of cannabinoids may occur
rosis , pruritus, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep apnea and Tourette through other receptors or a synergic action of CB receptors
Syndrome. with these other receptors . Other receptors for cannabinoids
[ 0061 ] Due to the chemical complexity of the cannabis include the transient receptor potential vanilloid type - 1
plant material compared to synthetic THC , extracts of can ( TRPV1) receptor, the deorphanized G protein - coupled
nabis that capture the full range of phytocannabinoids are receptor GPR55 , the peroxisome proliferatoractivated
being explored as therapeutic medications. Product offerings receptors (PPAR , the N -arachidonoyl glycine (NAGly )
includes Tetranabinex® , which is high in THC , and Nabidi receptor, serotonin receptor ( 5 - HT ) 3 , acetylcholine recep
olex® , which is high in CBD and Sativex® which contains tors (nACh ), the glutamate receptor (NMDA ). TASK - 1
equal amounts of THC and CBD . channel and Na + channel T - type Ca2 + channels.
[ 0062 ] Phytocannabinoids are separated from the canna [ 0068 ] Cannabinoids interactions with proteins transduce
bis plant by extraction techniques. Once extracted , cannabi signals that effect the actions and efficacy of other neu
noid blends can be separated into individual components rotransmitters receptors . They act on specific neurotransmit
using wiped film vacuum distillation or other distillation ters in respect to certain memory regions of the brain .
techniques. The relative amount of each principal phytocan Glutamate , dopamine and acetylcholine are three neu
nabinoid in cannabis extract varies according to the can rotransmitter systems that are thought to play in the adverse
nabinoid profile and levels of the particular plants and memory effects of cannabinoids.
methodology of extraction. High purity cannabinoids are [ 0069 ] In particular, recent research focuses on glutamate
obtained by purification from a natural source or via syn for its responsibility in hippocampus long - term depression
thetic means. (LTD ) the long - lasting decrease of synaptic excitability.
[ 0063 ] Phytocannabinoids predominatly CBD are sepa Additionally, dopamine is often investigated for its possible
rated from hempseed by extraction techniques. The relative role in working memory within the prefrontal cortex . Other
amount of CBD in hempseed extract varies according to research has observed decreased levels of hippocampus
CBD content of the hemp plants and methodology of acetylcholine from cannabinoids producing adverse effects
extraction . on behavioral tasks.
[ 0064 ] Cannabinoids produce their effects through their Cannabinoids Effects on Cell Membranes
interaction with specific receptors. The two known types of
cannabinoid receptors, called CB1 and CB2 , form the basis [ 0070 ) Cell membranes are primarily composed of a vari
of the Endocannabinoid System . The Endocannabinoid Sys ety of lipids in the form of two asymmetric leaflets and
tem regulates numerous fundamental physiological pro functional proteins. The membranes define aa cellular bound
cesses involving the CNS and autonomic nervous system , ary and provide a basic platform for tight regulation of many
immune , endocrine, reproductive and cardiovascular activ biological processes , including material transport, signal
ity. Imbalances in the Endocannabinoid System can produce transduction, trafficking, pathogenic pathways, intercellular
impairments of various processes including neuroinflamma organization and response to the extracellular matrix .
tion, immunomodulation and food control. The Endocan [ 0071 ] Owing to their lipophilicity, the cannabinoids accu
nabinoid System has been shown to be involved in different mulate in the lipid part of cell membranes and they occupy
pathologies including Alzheimer disease, Multiple Sclerosis , binding sites localized on hydrophobic portions of integral
Parkinson disease , chronic inflammation, chronic pain , can membrane proteins. Furthermore, cannabinoids exhibit a
cer, nausea , vomiting, obesity, epilepsy, glaucoma , asthma slow clearance from the body. They alter the functions of
and mood disorders. various membrane proteins which participate in signal trans
[ 0065 ] CB1 receptors are found primarily in the brain , duction, the function of the lipid part of cell membranes and
specifically in the basal ganglia and in the limbic system , the role of essential fatty acids .
including the hippocampus. CB2 receptors are almost exclu [ 0072 ] Because of their high hydrophilic properties, high
sively found in the immune system , with the greatest density concentrations of cannabinoids alter cell membrane fluidity.
in the spleen . CB2 receptors appear to be responsible for the Lipids constitute 40 % to 80% of the total membrane and
anti - inflammatory and possible other therapeutic effects of phospholipids accounting for a major proportion of the lipid
cannabis . Cannabinoids bind reversibly and stereo -selec fraction . Phosphatidylcholine is the most abundant phos
tively to the cannabinoid receptors . The affinity of an indi pholipid in the membrane accounting for 50 % of its content.
vidual cannabinoid to each receptor determines the effect of The fluidity or flexibility of membranes is dependent on the
that cannabinoid. Cannabinoids that bind more selectively to degree of unsaturation of the fatty acids forming the mem
certain receptors are more desirable for medical usage . brane. As the degree of unsaturation increases, the cell
[ 0066 ] Cannabinoid receptors are what are known as membrane becomes more flexible and fluid .
G - Protein Coupled Receptors ( GPCRs ) . These receptors are [ 0073 ] Cannabinoids are deposited on cell membranes,
embedded in the cell membrane where they are coupled to positioning themselves in the lipid portion, where they alter
G - proteins . The binding of the cannabinoid ligand to the the fluidity and functional state of the membrane. It is
receptor leads to a signaling cascade that either decreases or thought that the various adverse effects associated with the
increases the activity of a particular enzyme to raise a chronic use of cannabinoids, including increased tolerance
receptor response above basal activity They target proteins to cannabinoids over time , result from the interaction of
that are usually transcription factors, proteins that bind DNA cannabinoids with cell membranes .
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

Low Bioavailability of Oral and Intraoral Delivered safe carrier for cannabinoids. By contrast, the cytotoxicity of
Cannabinoids lipid nanoparticles can be minimal or absent, due to their
[ 0074 ] Cannabinoids are nearly insoluble in water but better physiological acceptability when compared to poly
soluble in lipids , alcohols and other non -polar organic meric nanoparticles.
solvents . Their poor solubility and low dissolution rate in the Safety Considerations of Cannabinoid Nanoparticles
aqueous gastrointestinal fluids and significant first -pass liver
metabolism result in low oral cannabinoid bioavailability. [ 0080 ] At the nanoscale , the physical and chemical prop
The bioavailability of the orally administered cannabinoids erties of materials differ in fundamental ways from the
THC and CBD was tested at 6 % compared to 27 % when properties of the atoms and molecules of bulk materials.
inhaled. The bioavailability of pharma kinetics of the same These effects occur because reduced particle size exponen
dosage Sativex cannabis extract by GW Pharma ( 10 mg of tially increasing the surface area for biological interactions
THC + 10 mg of CBD ) administered by intraoral spray to the and increased ability of the nanoparticle to cross biological
sublingual and buccal mucosal was statically the same as the membranes and excipients to alter metabolism . The various
same as an identical dose of the orally administered can combinations of polymers , surfactants, emulsifiers and
nabinoid . The lack of a statistical difference between oral excipients used the different techniques described in the
THC and oral mucosal spray Sativex 11 - OH - THC/THC literature for producing nanostructured carriers of cannabi
ratios would indicate that Sativex spray is not being noids can produce adverse effects, including toxicity and
absorbed through the oral mucosa and passing into the inflammation. There is inadequate testing of many of these
systemic circulation . Rather the composition is being swal ingredients for safety in nanocarriers and these techniques of
lowed and passing into the GI tract for absorption and the manufacturing nanoparticles to conclude they are safe for
THC is undergoing gastric degradation first pass liver commercial drug applications.
metabolism before reaching the systemic circulation . [ 0081 ] Phospholipid nanoparticles can be manufactured
[ 0075 ] Consequentially , cannabinoids require high doses with biocompatible, physiological and GRAS structural
in order to reach therapeutic plasma concentrations after oral materials and excipients that degrade quickly into non - toxic
and intraoral mucosal administration . Their low bioavail compounds that are easily eliminated through physiologic
ability of 6 % may contribute towards the occurrence of their metabolic pathways and endogenous enzymes . The lipid
adverse effects . matrix degradation occurs mostly by lipases whereas only
[ 0076 ] Dissolution rate is a function of the surface area of non - enzymatic hydrolytic processes degrade a minor part.
the particles and solubility. The surface area can be deter Lipid carriers prepared with several lipids and emulsifying
mined through the control of the particle size . Therefore , the agents have shown low toxicity in humans .
bioavailability of cannabinoids can be improved by reduc [ 0082 ] Surfactants are important excipients frequently
tion in their particle size that increases surface area and used in nanoparticulate systems as stabilizers and solulibi
encapsulating them in the lipid nanoparticle delivery system lizers . There are many commercially available surfactants .
of this invention . They have different properties and the same surfactant may
[ 0077] The phospholipid lipid nanoparticles encapsula have a wide range of applications. The pharmaceutical
tions of cannabinoids in this disclosure both reduce the surfactants lecithin ; phosphadylcholine fractions, polox
particle size of cannabinoids and encapsulates them in a amer, sodium cholate and polysorbate 80 are well tolerated
dynamic phospholipid membrane carrier to improve passage and non- toxic in nanoparticles. They are unlikely to induce
across the cell membrane barriers of the GI tract, oral allergic reactions, hypersensitivity or cytokine production .
mucosa, nasal mucosa and dermal mucosa . The phospho [ 0083 ] Cytotoxicity of lipid nanoparticles can occur due to
lipid lipid nanoparticles encapsulations of cannabinoids in the inclusion of unsafe components such as non - ionic emul
this disclosure improve, increase cannabinoid bioavailabil sifiers and harmful preservatives. The method of manufac
ity, cannabinoid receptor binding, reduce the required dos turing a lipid nanoparticle can risk contamination . Methods
ages for therapeutic activity and decrease the occurrence of like solvent evaporation and emulsification ; emulsification
adverse effects from cannabinoid administration . solvent diffusion technique and micro emulsion technique
Toxicity of Polymer Carriers of Cannabinoids can produce nanoparticles with toxic solvent residues left
over from product production or high levels of surfactants
[ 0078 ] Nanoparticle /polymer carriers of cannabinoids and other excipients that cause toxicity.
formed from natural and synthetic polymers have been [ 0084 ] This nanoparticle
disclosure teaches production techniques
investigated. Studies show solubility and dissolution phospholipid comprising of milling , homogeof
improvement of the synthetic cannabinoid CB13 ( 1-Naph nation and ultrasonic processing that use biocompatible,
thalenyl [ 4-(pentyloxy ) -1 -naphthalenyl ]methanone) loaded physiological and GRAS excipients have produced lipid
into PLGA polymer nanoparticles were shown . Other stud nanoparticle structures showing minimal toxicity.
ies have used cyclodextrin complexes to improve cannabi
noid bioavailability . Intraoral Sublingual Delivery of Nanoparticle Cannabinoids
[ 0079 ] Polymer carrier structures include a wide range of
surfactants, emulsifiers and excipients in their molecular [ 0085 ] The absorption of the lipid nanoparticle drugs
compositions . Polymer nanoparticles are recognized to con through the sublingual route is 3 to 10 times greater than the
tain toxic monomers and solvents that form toxic degrada oral route and is only surpassed by hypodermic injection.
tion products. From the past studies of polymeric nanopar Sublingual administration of aa cannabinoid avoids contact
ticles exhibiting cytotoxic effects, the safety profile of with the GI tract and avoids barrier functions of the GI tract
current polymer carriers of cannabinoids is not encouraging and the first passage of the drug in the liver where some of
or not reported extensively so as to conclude that they are a the cannabinoid is metabolized to inactivity.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

Transdermal Delivery of Nanoparticle Cannabinoids adverse effects of the cannabinoids; and increase cannabi
noid bioavailability and therapeutic activity.
[ 0086 ] In transdermal administration , the Cannabinoid [ 0093 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
pass the stratum corneum layer to reach lower layers of the carrier compositions of cannabis and methods of delivery
skin and / or to enter systemic circulation . Several formula where the nanoparticle carrier or constituents act to reduce
tion approaches for cutaneous administration of cannabi adverse effects of the cannabinoid and increase cannabinoid
noids have proposed in conventional pharmaceutical forms bioavailability, therapeutic activity and therapeutic index for
and vehicle preparations, including topical patches creams, long term and safe cannabinoid therapy.
salves and ointments . Studies found transdermal delivery [ 0094 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
achieved a sustained and steadier action than inhalation or carrier compositions of cannabinoids for delivery into the
oral administration of the cannabinoid THC . systemic circulation across the GI tract mucosal barrier, and
Intranasal Delivery of Nanoparticle Cannabinoids where the nanoparticle carrier and phospholipid constituents
act to reduce effects of the cannabinoids, and increase
[ 0087] Transmucosal routes of drug delivery via mucosal cannabinoids bioavailability and therapeutic activity.
linings of the nasal cavity show distinct advantages over [ 0095] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
peroral administration for systemic drug delivery. Compared carrier compositions of cannabinoids for administration and
to other biological membranes , the nasal mucosa is a rather delivery into the systemic circulation across the sublingual
porous and thin endothelial basal membrane. It also has a or buccal oral mucosal barrier where the nanoparticle car
rapid blood flow , with a highly vascularized epithelial layer riers increase cannabinoids bioavailability and therapeutic
and a vast absorption area with microvilli in epithelial cells . activity.
The passage of drugs across the nasal mucosa occurs in three [ 0096 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
ways : paracellular, transcellular or transcytotic. carrier compositions of cannabinoids for administration and
[ 0088 ] The proven advantages for intranasal delivery of delivery into the systemic circulation across the epidermal
cannabinoids include bypassing first pass effect, avoiding and dermal barriers and to where the nanoparticle carriers
presystemic metabolism , achieving rapid systemic therapeu increase cannabinoids bioavailability and therapeutic activ
ity .
tic blood levels , increasing cannabinoid bioavailability, [ 0097 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
increasing bioactivity and increasing the therapeutic index . carrier compositions of cannabinoids’ administration and
The cannabinoid cannabidiol ( CBD ) was absorbed intrana delivery into the systemic circulation across the mucosal
sally within 10 minutes into the systemic circulation with a barrier of the nasal cavity where the nanoparticle carriers
bioavailability of 34-46 % . increase cannabinoids bioavailability and therapeutic activ
[ 0089 ] Intranasal delivery can enable the transport of ity.
cannabinoids into the central nervous system in a few 25 [ 0098 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle
minutes along the olfactory and trigeminal neuronal path carrier compositions of cannabis and methods of delivery
ways . Smaller sized lipid nanoparticle compositions are where the nanoparticle carrier composition or constituents
recognized for direct nose - to - brain drug delivery of lipo that deliver standardized and precision -metered dosages of
philic drugs via intransal administration. The highest con cannabinoids suited for oral, intraoral, intranasal and /or
centration of nanoparticles delivered through the nose ends transdermal administration .
up in the olfactory bulb , medulla , and brainstem at the entry
point of the trigeminal nerves . However, widespread deliv General Methods for Making the General Compositions
ery to the striatum and cortex also occurs .
[ 0099 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
General Compositions phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi
tions of cannabinoids that are formed from essential phos
[ 0090 ] This disclosure relates to phospholipid nanopar pholipids ( phosphatidylcholine) and lipids .
ticle compositions of cannabinoids formed from phospho [ 0100 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
lipids and simpler lipids in an unfired sequential process that phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi
encapsulate a high concentration of cannabinoids ; increase tions of cannabinoids and phytochemicals of the cannabis
cannabinoid transport across hydrophobic mucosa ; increase plant that are formed from phospholipids and lipids .
the bioavailability of the cannabinoid 2 - fold to 8 - fold , [ 0101 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
decrease the dose of cannabinoids 2 - fold to 8 - fold less than phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi
an amount of cannabinoids needed to illicit the same thera tions of cannabis extract that are formed from phospholipids
peutic effect compared to raw and non - encapsulated can and lipids.
nabinoids; where the nanoparticle structure reduces the [ 0102 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
adverse effects of cannabinoids; and enable safe , more phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi
efficacious cannabinoid therapy. tions of CBD hempseed oil extract that are formed from
[ 0091 ] The disclosure provides methods of delivering phospholipids and lipids .
phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of cannabi [ 0103 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
noids as NanoSphere liquid gels for effective cannabinoid phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
therapy; and circumvents the intrinsic problems of inhala nabinoids and phytochemicals of the cannabis plant where
tion, oral and intraoral delivered cannabinoid compositions. the production method is free of polymers.
[ 0092 ] The disclosure provides phospholipid nanoparticle [ 0104 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
carrier compositions of cannabinoids where the nanoparticle phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
carriers ' constituents include the essential phospholipid nabinoids where the production method is free of non
phosphatidylcholine and method of delivery that reduce biocompatible and non -biodegradable surfactants.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0105 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing [ 0116 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
nabinoids where the production method is free of non nabinoids where the production method comprises a com
biocompatible , non -biodegradable surfactants, solvents and / bination of milling , homogenization and ultrasonic process
or expedients that cause adverse and cytoxic effects as ing in sequence that does use hot techniques and
nanoparticles. nanoparticle production methods causing degradation to
[ 0106 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing cannabinoids and phytochemicals of the cannabis plant.
phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi [ 0117 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of
tion that provides a composition efficiently encapsulating a assembly wherein the assembly comprises three assembly
high concentration and a high percentage of a cannabinoid techniques in a sequential unified process without hot tech
or a mixture of cannabinoids and phytochemicals of the niques, without polymers that encapsulate cannabinoids
cannabis plant comprising a production method incorporat with biocompatible biodegradable essential phospholipids ,
ing nanoparticle production schemes. This phospholipid lipids and solvents that are FDA approved and safe as
lipid nanoparticle carrier system is used for the delivery of nanoparticles .
cannabinoids into mammals . [ 0118 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of
[ 0107 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing assembly wherein the assembly comprises three assembly
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can techniques in a sequential unified process without the use of
nabinoids where the production method comprises a com hot techniques, without polymers that encapsulate cannabi
bination of milling , homogenization, and ultrasonic process noids , with biocompatible non -toxic biocompatible essential
ing in sequence in sequence that localizes cannabinoids in phospholipids, lipids , surfactants, solvents and excipients
and on the outer membrane of the nanoparticle and targets that are FDA approved and safe as nanoparticles.
receptors of the endocannabinoid system . [ 0119 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
[ 0108 ] In one embodiment, the disclosure teaches a phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
method of assembly for producing phospholipid lipid nan nabinoids where the production method is free of surfac
oparticle carrier compositions of cannabinoids where the tants, solvents and / or expedients that cause toxicity, inflam
production method comprises two of the three techniques of mation and adverse effects as nanoparticles.
milling homogenization, and ultrasonic processing in a [ 0120 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
unified sequence . phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
[ 0109 ] In one embodiment, the disclosure teaches a nabinoids that localizes cannabinoids in and on the outer
method of assembly for producing phospholipid lipid nan membrane of the nanoparticle.
oparticle carrier compositions of cannabinoids where the [ 0121 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
production method comprises homogenization and ultra phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
sonic processing in a unified sequence . nabinoids that localizes cannabinoids in and on the outer
[ 0110 ] In one embodiment, the disclosure teaches a membrane of the nanoparticle and targets receptors of the
method of assembly for producing phospholipid lipid nan endocannabinoid system .
oparticle carrier compositions of cannabinoids where the [ 0122 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
production method comprises homogenization . In one phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
embodiment, the disclosure teaches a method of assembly nabinoids where the production method comprises a com
for producing lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of
cannabinoids in standardized and precision -metered dos bination of milling , homogenization and ultrasonic process
ages . ing in sequence using cold techniques in each step . At least
[ 0111 ] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos one cannabinoid is incorporated into the process, effective
pholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of cannabi for administration to mammals .
noids comprising the full range of phytocannabinoids and [ 0123 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of
phytochemicals found in cannabis concentrates and canna assembly wherein the assembly comprises three assembly
bis extracts . techniques in a sequential unified process without the use of
[ 0112 ] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos heat , without polymers that encapsulate cannabinoids with
pholipid lipid nanoparticles carrier compositions of cannabi biocompatible biodegradable essential phospholipids, sim
noids comprising a mixture of phytocannabinoids and phy pler lipids and solvents that are FDA approved and safe as
tochemicals concentrated and extracted from Cannabis nanoparticles.
sativa . [ 0124 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
[ 0113 ] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can
pholipid lipid nanoparticles carrier compositions of cannabi nabinoids and phytochemicals of the cannabis plant where
noids comprising phytocannabinoids that are concentrated the production method is free of surfactants, solvents and / or
and extracted from hempseeds. expedients that cause cytotoxicity, inflammation and adverse
[ 0114 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing effects as nanoparticles .
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can [ 0125 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing
nabinoids that localizes cannabinoids in and on the outer phospholipid lipid structural nanoparticle carrier composi
membrane of the nanoparticle. tion that provides a composition including a high concen
[ 0115 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing tration of cannabinoids and phytochemicals of the cannabis
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can plant comprising a production method incorporating nan
nabinoids that localizes cannabinoids in and on the outer oparticle production schemes . This phospholipid lipid nan
membrane of the nanoparticle and targets receptors of the oparticle carrier system is used for the delivery of cannabi
endocannabinoid system . noids into mammals .
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0126 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing ticle assembly techniques in a sequential unified process
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can encapsulating cannabinoids . The nanoparticles are stable
nabinoids where the production method comprises a com phospholipid nanoparticle compositional structures that pro
bination of milling, homogenization and ultrasonic process vide standardized precision -metered dosages of cannabi
ing in sequence using cold techniques in each step , and is noids as viscoelastic gels for methods of delivery that
effective for administration to mammals . include oral, intraoral, intranasal and transdermal adminis
[ 0127] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of tration .
assembly wherein the assembly comprises three assembly [ 0136 ] The disclosure further teaches the products for
techniques in a sequential unified process without hot tech administration via the sublingual mucosa and buccal mucosa
niques , without polymers that encapsulate cannabinoids of a mammal. The disclosure further teaches a product, by
with biocompatible non - toxic biocompatible essential phos the process disclosed above , for transdermal administration
pholipids , simpler lipids and solvents that are FDA approved across dermal and epidermal barriers . The disclosure further
and safe as nanoparticles. teaches a product, by the process disclosed above , for
[ 0128 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of administration across the gastrointestinal ( GI ) tract mucosal
assembly wherein the assembly comprises three assembly barrier. The disclosure further teaches a product, by the
techniques in a sequential unified process without the use of process disclosed above for administration across the nasal
hot techniques, without polymers that encapsulate cannabi mucosal barrier.
noids with biocompatible non -toxic biocompatible essential [ 0137] The disclosure further teaches a method for pro
phospholipids, simple lipids , surfactants , solvents and ducing a cannabinoid for delivery via the sublingual mucosa
excipients that are FDA approved and safe as nanoparticles . and buccal mucosa of a mammal for cannabinoid therapy
[ 0129 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing and the reduction of cannabinoid adverse effects.
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can [ 0138 ] The disclosure further teaches a method for pro
nabinoids where the production method comprises a com ducing a cannabinoid for administration across dermal and
bination of milling , homogenization and ultrasonic process epidermal barriers for cannabinoid therapy and the reduction
ing in sequence. of cannabinoid adverse effects .
[ 0130 ] The disclosure teaches a process for producing [ 0139 ] The disclosure further teaches a method for pro
phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of can ducing a cannabinoid for administration across the GI tract
nabinoids where the production method comprises a com mucosal barrier for cannabinoid therapy and the reduction of
bination of milling , homogenization and ultrasonic process cannabinoid adverse effects .
ing in sequence that localizes cannabinoids in and on the [ 0140 ] The disclosure further teaches a method for pro
outer membrane of the nanoparticle and targets receptors of ducing a cannabinoid for administration across the nasal
the endocannabinoid system . mucosal barrier for cannabinoid therapy and the reduction of
[ 0131 ] In one embodiment, the disclosure teaches a cannabinoid adverse effects .
method of assembly for nanosphere compositional struc [ 0141 ] The disclosure further teaches a method for encap
tures wherein the method of assembly efficiently encapsu sulating a cannabinoid into a phospholipid nanoparticle for
lates cannabinoids into a stable phospholipid nanoparticle delivery into the systemic circulation via the sublingual
structure with a particle size distribution from 50 to 150 nm . mucosa and buccal mucosa of a mammal for cannabinoid
This method of assembly allows for commercial production . therapy.
[ 0132 ] In one embodiment, the disclosure teaches a [ 0142 ] The disclosure further teaches aa method for encap
method of assembly for nanosphere compositional struc sulating a cannabinoid into a phospholipid nanoparticle
tures wherein the method of assembly efficiently encapsu composition, for delivery into the systemic circulation
lates cannabinoids into a phospholipid nanoparticle structure across the GI tract mucosal barrier for cannabinoid therapy.
that contains ligands and / or coatings and / or specific surface [ 0143 ] The disclosure further teaches a method for encap
charges to improve cannabinoid transport across cell mem sulating a cannabinoid into a phospholipid nanoparticle
branes, improve cannabinoid - to -receptor binding and composition for delivery across dermal and epidermal bar
decrease adverse effects . riers into the systemic circulation for cannabinoid therapy.
[ 0133 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of [ 0144 ] The disclosure further teaches aa method for encap
assembly wherein the assembly comprises three nanopar sulating a into a phospholipid nanoparticle for delivery
ticle assembly techniques in a sequential unified process across the mucosa barrier of the nasal cavity into the
encapsulating cannabinoids. The nanoparticles are stable systemic circulation for cannabinoid therapy.
phospholipid nanoparticle compositional structures with a [ 0145 ] The disclosure teaches formulating phospholipid
particle size distribution from about 50 to 150 nm . The lipid nanoparticles containing cannabinoids into solid dose
assembly can be scaled for commercial production and forms including dissolvable tablets , granule, gums, loz
scalable to commercially available size production . enges, pellets , and other forms for intraoral delivery by
[ 0134 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of sublingual and buccal administration . Suitable formulation
assembly wherein the assembly comprises three nanopar methods include spray drying of lyophilization of lipid
ticle assembly techniques in a sequential unified process structured nanoparticle dispersions with suitable excipients
encapsulating cannabinoids. The nanoparticles are stable followed by incorporation of a dry powder into a tablet, or
phospholipid nanoparticle compositional structures that pro pellet . Another method is granulating phospholipid nanopar
vide standardized precision -metered dosages of cannabi ticles liquid dispersions with excipients and binders into
noids for methods of delivery that include oral, intraoral, powders for compression into tablets or pellets for sublin
intranasal and transdermal administration . gual and buccal delivery. Phospholipid nanoparticles may be
[ 0135 ] The disclosure teaches a nanoparticle method of incorporated into lozenges, lollipops, gum , gels and films for
assembly wherein the assembly comprises three nanopar intra -oral delivery.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0146 ] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos release, efficient targeting, stability, natural biodegradability
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising of at least one of the and high therapeutic index to their payload .
phytocannabinoids found in cannabis that include delta - 9 [ 0157] Lipid nanoparticles may be assembled as solid lipid
tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC) , cannabidiol ( CBD ) , cannabi nanoparticles ( SLN) , nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC ) ,
nol ( CBN ) cannabigerol ( CBG ) , cannabigerol ( CBG ) , can and NanoSpheres (NS ) . The preferred cannabinoid lipid
nabichromene (CBC ), cannabicyclol (CBL ), canabivarol nanoparticle carrier assemblies of this disclosure are Nano
( CBV ), tetrahydrocannabivarin ( THCV ) , cannabidivarin Spheres (NS ).
( CBDV ) , cannabichromevarin ( CBCV ) , cannabigerol [ 0158 ] Nanoemulsions (NE ) are carrier systems in the
monoethyl ether (CB GM) . nanometer size comprising a continuous aqueous phase and
[ 0147] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos at least one dispersed oily phase , in which the oily phase
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising the full range of comprises at least one amphiphilic lipid such as phospho
phytocannabinoids and phytochemicals found in cannabis lipids and at least one solubilizing lipid with a monolayer
extract. around an amorphous core .
[ 0148 ] The disclosure teaches aa method of forming phos [ 0159 ] " Solid lipid nanoparticles ( SLN ) ” are colloidal
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising of at least one of the drug carriers and dynamic structures that are typically
botanical cannabimimetics include N -alkylamides from synthesized from phospholipids, lipids , and excipients. They
Echinacea and B -caryophyllene.
[ 0149 ] The disclosure teaches aa method of forming phos are composed of an outer phase membrane of lipids and / or
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising synthetic cannabi phospholipids and an inner phase solid lipid inner core . SLN
noids . have a mean particle size in the nanometer range . SLN
[ 0150 ] The disclosure teaches aa method of forming phos combine the advantages of emulsions, liposomes and poly
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising pure cannabinoids . meric nanoparticles. The solid matrix can protect incorpo
rated active ingredients against chemical degradation and
[ 0151 ] The disclosure teaches a method of forming phos provide the highest flexibilities in the modulation of the drug
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising a mixture of phyto release profiles. SLN provide controlled release , efficient
cannabinoids and phytochemicals extracted from Cannabis targeting, and stability. SLN are particulates structurally
sativa . related to polymeric nanoparticles. However , in contrast to
[ 0152 ] The disclosure teaches aa method of forming phos polymeric systems, SLN can be composed of biocompatible
pholipid lipid nanoparticles comprising phytocannabinoids lipids that are physiologically well tolerated when adminis
extracted from hempseeds. tered in vivo and may also be prepared without organic
[ 0153 ] The disclosure teaches a method of making nan solvents .
oparticle compositions of cannabinoids formed from phos [ 0160 ] “ Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC ) ” are colloidal
pholipids and simpler lipids and in an unfired sequential carriers and a second generation evolvement of SLN . NLC
process. The disclosure teaches standardized precision -me are characterized by an outer phase phospholipid and / or
tered dosage forms of cannabinoids for different routes of lipid membrane and an inner phase lipid core consisting of
delivery. The disclosure teaches increasing cannabinoid a mixture of solid and liquid lipids . NLC have a mean
transport across hydrophobic mucosa ; increasing the bio particle size in the nanometer range . NLC a controlled
availability of the cannabinoid delivered ; decreasing the nanostructuring of the lipid matrix is performed due to the
dose of cannabinoids needed to illicit the same therapeutic mixture of solid and liquid lipids , in order to increase
effect compared to raw and non -encapsulated cannabinoids. drug - loading and prevent its expulsion. In addition , the NLC
Phospholipid Nanoparticle Compositions of Cannabinoids nanostructured lipid matrix gives more flexibility in modu
lation of drug release . NLC are composed of a lipid matrix
[ 0154 ] Many synthetic polymers and even natural poly of cannabinoids with a nanostructure that improves cannabi
mers can have toxic properties and produce adverse biologi noid loading and firmly retains the cannabinoids during
cal in humans. Most polymers have not been tested as storage.
nanoparticles at this time to recommend them safe for [ 0161 ] “ NanoSpheres (NS )” are dynamically structured
human use . For example, both synthetic and natural poly highly stable lipid nanoparticles in the form of nanosized
mers may act upon the complement system . Natural poly viscoelastic gels . Their viscosities are controlled in com
mers can lead to lead to cellular and humoral immune parison to SLN and NLC . NanoSpheres are synthesized
responses from being recognized as foreign substances . from biocompatible , and biodegradable essential phospho
[ 0155 ] For example , polyethylene glycol (PEG ) and its lipids , lipids , and excipients in aa unified sequential process .
derivatives are widely used polymers and non - ionic surfac NanoSpheres in this disclosure are characterized by an outer
tants . PEG is aa hydrophilic biocompatible and non -biode phospholipid membrane and adjustable viscoelastic lipid gel
gradable nanoparticle biomaterial. PEG is degraded by oxi core containing cannabinoids. NanoSpheres have a mean
dative degradation under biologically relevant conditions . particle size in the nanometer range .
The generation of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) may have [ 0162 ] The lipid dispersed phase weight fraction , dis
biological consequences. PEG has the propensity to induce persed cannabinoid load phase weight fraction , solvent and
blood clotting and clumping of cells . Diverse reactions of carrier system fraction characteristics, and the phospholipid
PEG often occur through complement (C ) activation , which membrane's characteristics determines the NanoSpheres
leads to hyper - sensitivity reactions (HSR ). viscosity and viscoelastic properties. The fluidity and vis
[ 0156 ] As a result , the types of nanoparticles used as coelastic properties of the NanoSpheres phospholipid mem
nanoparticle carriers of cannabinoids in this disclosure are brane and core's properties favorably influences properties
phospholipid / lipid nanoparticles. Lipid nanoparticles are such as cannabinoid transport across cell membranes, bind
known for their high degree of biocompatibility, controlled ing to receptor sites and signal transduction .
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0163 ] The adjustable viscoelastic lipid gel core of Nano pathway of cannabinoid to cannabinoid receptor coupling in
Sphere phospholipid nanoparticles improves cannabinoid the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane for greater therapeutic
loading , and enables administering cannabinoids in preci bioactivity, prevent adverse effects from the administration
sion -metered dosages through different routes of adminis of cannabinoids and decrease developing a tolerance to
tration that encompass intranasal, intraoral, peroral and cannabinoids during therapy.
transdermal routes of administration . [ 0174 ] The phospholipids in the process of synthesizing
[ 0164 ] NanoSpheres firmly retain the cannabinoids during the phospholipid nanoparticle compositions encapsulating
storage, are stable structures and provide high - loading effi cannabinoids in this disclosure include phosphatidycholine,
ciencies. Nanospheres present numerous advantages over phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phospha
other carrier formulas . They are biocompatible , biodegrad tidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, cardiolipin, and the deriva
able and can easily be produced by the versatile and up tives of these phospholipids. Preferred phospholipids in lipid
scalable unified sequential assembly process of this disclo nanoparticles of this disclosure should be biocompatible ,
sure . GRAS listed and non- toxic as nanoparticles.
[ 0165 ] The internal physical state of lipid core nanopar [ 0175 ] Suitable commercially available natural essential
ticles has been shown to dramatically affect their encapsu phospholipids from soya lecithin fractionation for this dis
lation and release properties. SLN have limited controlla closure include Lipoid Phospholipon 80 , 80 N , 80 H 85 G ,
bility. Crystallization of their lipid core generally leads to 90 G , 90 H and 100 H ; and Lipoid's solubilized lecithin
separation of encapsulated agents from their lipid core and liquid carrier systems that include Phosal 35 B. 50 SA , 53
expulsion causing a high burst release . MCT and 75 SA .
[ 0166 ] NLC are composed of a mixture of liquid and solid [ 0176 ] The lipids in the process of synthesizing the lipid
lipids that produce less crystallization in their core . This structured nanoparticle compositions in this disclosure may
enables aa better encapsulation ratio and control over release include fatty acids , triglycerides triacylglycerols, acylglyc
kinetics . erols, fats, waxes , cholesterol, sphingolipids , glycerides ,
[ 0167] NanoSpheres that are formed from phospholipids, sterides, cerides, glycolipids , sulfolipids, lipoproteins, chy
lipids and excipients in a unified sequential process of lomicrons and the derivatives of these lipids . The preferred
milling , homogenization and ultrasonic processing are very simpler lipids in this disclosure are medium chained triglyc
stable . They're comprised of an amorphous viscoelastic erides, hemp seed oil , safflower oil and sesame oil . Preferred
internal core and external membrane for characteristics of simpler lipids used in forming phospholipid nanoparticles of
long - term stability and aa desirable high -encapsulation, local this disclosure should biocompatible, GRAS listed and
ization and release behavior of their cannabinoid payloads. non - toxic as nanoparticles.
[ 0168 ] The Localization of cannabinoids in lipid nanopar [ 0177 ] The preferred of weight/ volume ratios of phospho
ticles affects their release and bioactivity. In lipid nanopar lipids to simpler lipids in forming phospholipid nanopar
ticles they can either be can be distributed homogenously ticles of this disclosure is from 4 : 1 to 1 : 4 . Preferably, the
throughout the entire nanoparticle's matrix or more likely be weight ratio is from about 2 : 1 to about 1 : 2 .
distributed in relatively different amounts in different [ 0178 ] The preferred percentage of weight/volume ratios
regions of the nanoparticles. Cannabinoids and other phy of cannabinoids to phospholipid nanoparticle structural
tochemicals in cannabis extract can be localized in their
inner core , attached to the surface of the outer membrane , materials ( phospholipids + lipids) in forming phospholipid
and be localized in the outer membrane of lipid nanopar nanoparticles of this disclosure is from 4 : 1 to 1 : 5 . Preferably,
ticles . the weight ratio is from about 3 : 1 to about 1 : 2 .
[ 0169 ] Nanosphere phospholipid nanoparticles are opti [ 0179 ] Surfactants are surface tension lowering com
mized for localizing lipophilic cannabinoids inside and on pounds used as emulsifiers, solubilizers , and dispersants in
the outer surface of the phospholipid lipid membrane . the assembly of nanoparticles. They're a surface active
Between 20-35 % of the encapsulated material can be local group of amphiphilic molecules which are manufactured by
ized in and on the lipid membrane based on test models . chemical processes or purified from natural sources or
[ 0170 ] Attaching the cannabinoids THC , CBD and others processes. These can be anionic , cationic , nonionic, and
in cannabis extract to the membrane surface in the mem zwitterionic .
brane of Nanospheres enables the efficient targeting of [ 0180 ] Surfactants may be selected to provide coatings
endocannabinoid system receptor located in brain and and functional groups on the nanoparticle membrane, alter
throughout the body for therapeutic activity. the membrane surface charge adjust the core's viscoelastic
[ 0171 ] The physical properties of the phospholipid nan properties, and alter nanoparticle's physiological behavior.
oparticle vesicles of this disclosure are similar to those of [ 0181 ] The assembly of the phospholipid nanoparticle
native cell membranes in which the cellular interior is compositions of cannabinoids in this disclosure may include
isolated from the external environment by lipid and protein biocompatible and biodegradable surfactants such lecithins,
rich dynamic boundaries. polysorbates, monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides,
[ 0172 ] The highly purified essential phospholipid phos glyceryl oleate , polaxamers and other non- toxic , non - ionic
phatidylcholine fractions forming the structural material of surfactants that are known to the art.
the phospholipid nanoparticles in this disclosure are known [ 0182 ] Surfactants that should not be used in assembly of
as a “ membrane therapeutic ”. They improve the integrity of the nanoparticle compositions of this disclosure are surfac
the cell membrane and up -regulates the fluidity of the cell tants that are not biocompatible , not biodegradable and
membrane. produce adverse biological interactions. Surfactants that
[ 0173 ] Their membrane dynamics in the smaller size (less should not be used in assembly of nanoparticle compositions
than 100 nm diameter and preferably ) and spherical shaped of this disclosure include ionic , synthetic, and polymer
lipid nanoparticle carriers of this disclosure can improve the surfactants recognized as toxic and irritants.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0183 ] For example, Polyethylene glycol ( PEG ) is a non monostearate, glyceryl behenate , palmitostearate , and softi
biodegradable non - ionic surfactant PEG that can induce san ; and others such as cacao butter, castor oil , anhydrous
blood clotting and clumping of cells , generate ROS species milk fat, and hydrogenated palm oil .
and induce adverse immunological reactions which leads to [ 0191 ] In one embodiment of this disclosure, Suppocire
hyper -sensitivity reactions (HSR) . NC is used in conjunction with lipids in an assembly method
[ 0184 ] The preferred surfactant for making lipid nanopar for producing phospholipid lipid nanoparticle carrier com
ticles in this disclosure is lecithin , the source of the essential positions of cannabinoids and nanoparticle viscoelastic gels .
phospholipids forming the outer membrane of lipid nanopar [ 0192 ] Surfactants should be selected that do not induce
ticles . The phospholipids present in liquid lecithin phospha adverse changes in barrier functions, do not induce toxic and
tidylcholine phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinosi allergic effects, do not induce adverse effects to the nan
tol and phosphatidic acid . oparticles, and do not induce adverse effects to the trans
[ 0185 ] Lecithins work as emulsifiers dispersing normally ported cannabinoids. Preferred surfactants in nanoparticles
unmixable material into another by mixing, colloidal milling of this disclosure should be biocompatible, biodegradable
or homogenization . Their surface - active simultaneous GRAS listed and non- toxic as nanoparticles.
hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties enable lecithin to [ 0193 ] Surfactants excluded from assembly of the phos
make stable blends of biomaterials that otherwise do not pholipid nanoparticle compositions of cannabinoids in this
mix . Lecithins can provide fast, complete wetting of pow disclosure include ionic and synthetic surfactants recognized
ders into aqueous systems. to be toxic and irritants.
( 0186 ] An important function of lecithin in the assembly [ 0194 ] The assembly of the phospholipid nanoparticle
of phospholipid nanoparticle of this disclosure is modifying compositions of cannabinoids in this disclosure includes a
the viscosity of liquids and semi- liquids of the inner core in solvent and carrier fluid system . Suitable carrier fluids and
forming adjustable viscoelastic gels for precision dose solvents include water, sterile saline , glycerides glycerine,
metered dosages of cannabinoids. and ethanol, sorbitol, lipids , fatty acids , glycine , and silicone
[ 0187] Suitable and synergistic surfactants to lecithin in oils ; and their dispersions emulsions, suspensions , mixtures ,
the assembly of phospholipid nanoparticles of this disclo self-assembly and other methods of incorporation in the
sure are polysorbates ( Tweens ). They are non - ionic liquids assembly of nanoparticles. Suitable carrier fluids and sol
used as surfactants for dispersing hydrophobic particles in vents should be GRAS listed, biocompatible, biodegradable
aqueous solutions ion the assembly of lipid nanoparticles of and non - toxic as nanoparticles .
this disclosure. Polysorbate 80 is a polyethylene sorbitol [ 0195] The assembly of the phospholipid nanoparticle
ester, also known as Tween 80 , sorbitan monooleate , poly compositions in this disclosure may include preservatives
oxyethylenesorbitan monooleate is used for emulsifying and selected according to the route of delivery, barrier function ,
dispersing substances. Polysorbate 20 is a polyoxyethylene properties of nanoparticle materials , and properties of the
sorbitol ester member of the polysorbate family used as encapsulated cannabinoids. Plus , preservatives should be
emulsifying agents for the preparation of stable oil - in -water selected that do not induce changes in barrier functions, do
emulsions . not induce toxic and allergic effects, do not induce adverse
[ 0188 ] The assembly of the phospholipid nanoparticle effects to the nanoparticles, and do not induce adverse
compositions of cannabinoids in this disclosure may include effects to the transported cannabinoids. Some of the preser
ligands formed from biocompatible materials and function vatives for consideration in use include tocopherols,
alized to bind to the nanoparticles for the construction of ascorbyl palmitate , sorbates, parabens, optiphen, thimersal,
geometric nanostructures. benzoic acid, benzalkonium chloride, benzehtkonium chlo
[ 0189 ] The assembly of the phospholipid nanoparticle ride polyquaternium - 1, ethyl lauroyl arginate , and rosemary
compositions of cannabinoids in this disclosure may include oleoresin , Jeecide and Optiphen .
surfactants that are biocompatible and biodegradable . They [ 0196 ] The preservatives in this disclosure include but are
include lecithins such as Alcolec S , Alcolec BS and Alcolec not limited to tocopherols, ascorbyl palmitate and sorbates
XTRA - A , polysorbates such as Polysorbate 80 and Poly for intraoral and peroral administered formulations; ben
sorbate 20 , monoglycerides , diglycerides, triglycerides, zalkonium chloride, benzehtkonium chloride for ocular and
glyceryl monoleate, polysorbates polaxamers and other non intranasal administered formulations; and sorbates , Jeecide
toxic ionic and ionic surfactants that are known to the art . and Optiphen for transdermal administered formulations .
Surfactants may be selected to provide coatings and func Preferred preservatives in phospholipid nanoparticles of this
tional groups on the nanoparticle membrane and alter the disclosure should be biocompatible , GRAS listed and non
membrane surface charge for greater transport of cannabi toxic as nanoparticles . Preferred preservatives should not
noids across cell membranes, binding to receptor sites and interfere with the delivery of the cannabinoids .
signal transduction . [ 0197] Nanoparticle size , shape, functional groups on their
[ 0190 ] In one embodiment of this disclosure , non -bilayer surface coatings and their membrane charge are extremely
lipids are used in place of or in conjunction with phospho important to the biological properties and effectiveness of
lipids in an assembly method for producing lipid nanopar cellular uptake of the nanoparticle cannabinoid carriers of
ticle carrier compositions of cannabinoids. These lipids this disclosure . Nanoparticles with 50 nm show the most
include fatty acids such stearic acid, palmitic acid , belenic efficiency of uptake . Furthermore spherical particles of
acid, myrisitic acid and oleic acid ; free fatty acid alcohols similar size were taken up 500 % more than rod - shaped
such as stearyl alcohol , cetyl alcohol , myristyl alcohol , particles.
lauryl alcohol; triglycerides such as trimyristin , tripalmitin , [ 0198 ] The small nanoparticle sizes and the spherical
trilaurin ; waxes such as bees wax , cetyl palmitate , carnuba shape of the phospholipid nanoparticle dynamic composi
wax , cannabis wax extract; mono , di and triglycerides tion of this disclosure facilitate better endocytotic cell mem
mixtures such as Suppocire NC , witepsol bases , glyceryl brane internalization and superior cannabinoid to receptor
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

binding . These results in greater cannabinoid bioactivity in to produce equivalent therapeutic actions compared to the
therapy and fewer adverse effects compared to administra standard doses of commercial cannabinoid tablets and cap
tion of raw and non - encapsulated cannabinoids. sules to illicit a given therapeutic effect response. The dose
[ 0199 ] The assembly of phospholipid nanoparticle com reduction can range from aa 2 - fold reduction in mg dose to an
positions in the present disclosure may include sweeteners 8 - fold reduction in mg dose. Preferably, the range is from
for intraoral and peroral routes of delivery to enhance about aa 2 - fold reduction to about an 8 - fold reduction in mg
acceptability to the consumer . The sweeteners used may be cannabinoid dose .
natural sweeteners or artificial sweeteners . Natural sweet [ 0207] The decrease in cannabinoid dosages from a phos
eners include Stevia extract Steviol Glycosides , xylitol , pholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid composition of this dis
sucrose, fructose , fructooligosaccharides , glucose , glucose closure decreases the occurrence of cannabinoid adverse
syrup, invert sugar, maltodextrins, Magnasweet, eryritol, effects, increases the therapeutic index and has other tan
sorbitol, maltitol , lactitol , mannitol, and isomalt . Examples gible benefits that include increased patient compliance ,
of artificial sweeteners include sucralose , aspartame, ace increased cost effectiveness .
sulfame K , neohesperidine, dihydrochalcone, thaumatin , [ 0208 ] The process of synthesizing lipid nanoparticles in
saccharin and saccharin salts . Preferred sweeteners for this the present disclosure may include homogenization tech
disclosure should be sucralose , Acesulfame K and natural niques such as hot high pressure homogenization technique,
sweeteners such such as steviol glycosides , xylitol , erythritol cold high pressure homogenization technique, melt emulsi
and thaumatin . Magnasweet. fication ultrasound ( ultrasonication ) homogenization tech
[ 0200 ] Typically the sweetener content will be about 0.05 nique, high shear homogenization and / or ultrasound tech
to 2.5 % w / w . Preferred sweeteners in nanoparticles of this nique, microemulsion technique, emulsification - solvent
disclosure should be biocompatible, GRAS listed and non evaporation technique, solvent displacement or injection
toxic as nanoparticles. technique, emulsification - solvent diffusion technique, phase
[ 0201 ] The assembly of phospholipid nanoparticle com inversion technique, film ultrasonication dispersion tech
positions in the present disclosure may include flavors for nique, and multiple emulsion technique.
intraoral and peroral routes of delivery to enhance accept [ 0209 ] The disclosure teaches a method for manufacture
ability to the consumer . The flavors used may be natural of lipid nanoparticles by a combination of three techniques,
sweeteners or artificial sweeteners. Examples of flavoring sequentially performed for dispersion comprising milling
agents useful in the compositions of the invention include ( physical grinding ), homogenization (high speed stirring
fruit (e.g. pineapple or citrus) concentrates and concentrated emulsification) and ultrasonic processing (high wattage flow
aqueous or non - aqueous flavors such as flavor oils . Typically through ultrasound sonification ). These techniques can be
the sweetener content will be about 0.1 to 1 % w / w . preferred performed in this sequential order or may be performed
flavors in phospholipid nanoparticles of this disclosure sequentially in alternate orders.
should be biocompatible, GRAS listed and non- toxic as [ 0210 ] The disclosure teaches a method for manufacture
nanoparticles. of lipid nanoparticles by homogenization techniques and /or
[ 0202 ] A smaller nanoparticle size and a natural lipid and ultrasonic processing.
phospholipid nanoparticle composition (that mimics a
plasma lipoprotein) , can avoid extensive presystemic Administration of Cannabinoid in Phospholipid
metabolism , avoid uptake by the reticuloendothelial system Nanoparticles by Different Methods
of the liver and spleen as a foreign substance, and prevent
premature clearance from the body, is the preferred nan [ 0211 ] This disclosure teaches administration of cannabi
oparticle composition in this disclosure . noids encapsulated in phospholipid NanoSpheres via the
[ 0203 ] This disclosure relates to the significant increase of intraoral, intranasal or transdermal methods prevent first
phospholipid nanoparticles compositions to carry cannabi pass liver metabolism and maintains relatively consistent
noids across mucosal barriers into the systemic circulation plasma levels for long -term cannabinoid therapy.
and across cell membranes to bind with cannabinoid recep [ 0212 ] The Phospholipid Nanoparticle carrier composi
tors ; and increase the bioavailability, bioactivity and efficacy tions of cannabinoids in this disclosure can be designed for
of cannabinoids for therapeutic activity in cannabinoid all possible routes of administration , generally improving
therapy both bioavailability and bioactivity of the carried cannabi
[ 0204 ] This disclosure relates to the significant increase of noid or cannabinoids. They represent an alternative class of
phospholipid nanoparticles compositions to carry cannabi vehicles to liposomes, emulsions, aqueous solutions, vapor
noids across mucosa barriers into the systemic circulation izing, smoking, transdermal patches, chewing gums, edible
and across cell membranes to bind with cannabinoid recep food forms and solid formed tablets and capsules to for
tors and decrease the adverse effects of cannabinoids. cannabinoid therapy .
[0205 ] The increased bioavailability and bioactivity of Intraoral Transport of Phospholipid Nanoparticle Cannabi
cannabinoids can range from a 2 - fold increase to 8 - fold noids Compositions across the Oral Mucosa
increase . The actual increase amount depends on the [ 0213 ] The disclosure teaches methods of administering
molecular characteristics of the cannabinoid , the encapsu phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compositions of cannabi
lation characteristics into phospholipid nanoparticles, the noids to the sublingual mucosa and buccal mucosa of the
structural characteristic of the phospholipid nanoparticles, oral cavity to increase the delivery, absorption and the
the method and vehicles of administration and metabolic bioavailability of cannabinoids into the blood stream and to
difference between users . target receptors of mammals.
[ 0206 ] The increase in bioactivity and bioactivity of can [ 0214 ] The disclosure teaches intraoral sublingual or buc
nabinoids produced by a phospholipid nanoparticle cannabi cal delivery of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composi
noid composition of this disclosure results in dose reduction tions of cannabinoids to increase the cannabinoids, onset of
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

bioactivity, bioavailability, bioactivity, therapeutic activity [ 0226 ] The disclosure teaches the transdermal administra
and therapeutic index in cannabinoid therapy. tion of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of
[ 0215 ] The disclosure teaches intraoral sublingual or buc cannabinoids to bypass GI track barriers and eliminate first
cal delivery of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composi pass liver metabolism effects with the inclusion of essential
tions of cannabinoids to decrease the adverse effects of phospholipids in the nanoparticle's structural composition .
cannabinoid therapy. [ 0227] The disclosure teaches the transdermal administra
[ 0216 ] The disclosure teaches intraoral sublingual or buc tion of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of
cal delivery of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composi cannabinoids to deliver standardized and precision -metered
tions of cannabinoids to bypass GI track barriers and elimi dosages .
nate first pass liver metabolism effects with the inclusion of
essential phospholipids in the nanoparticle's structural com Intranasal Transport of Phospholipid Nanoparticle
position . Cannabinoids Compositions Across the Nasal Cavity
[ 0217] The disclosure teaches intraoral sublingual or buc [ 0228 ] The disclosure teaches methods of the intranasal
cal delivery of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composi administration of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compo
tions of cannabinoids to deliver standardized and precision sitions of cannabinoids across the membranes of the nasal
metered dosages. cavity to increase the delivery, absorption and the bioavail
Peroral Transport of Phospholipid Nanoparticle ability of cannabinoids into the blood stream and to target
Cannabinoids Compositions Across the GI Mucosa receptors of mammals.
[ 0229 ] The disclosure teaches intranasal administration of
[ 0218 ] The disclosure teaches methods of the oral admin phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi
istration of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compositions noids across the membranes of the nasal cavity to increase
of cannabinoids across the mucosal membrane barriers of the cannabinoids bioavailability ; and / or the cannabinoids
the GI tract to increase the delivery, absorption and the therapeutic activity and / or cannabinoids potencies in can
bioavailability of cannabinoids into the blood stream and to nabinoid therapy.
target receptors of mammals. [ 0230 ] The disclosure teaches intranasal administration of
[ 0219 ] The disclosure teaches oral administration of phos phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi
pholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabinoids noids across the membranes of the nasal cavity to increase
across the mucosal membrane barriers of the GI tract to the cannabinoids bioavailability, bioactivity, therapeutic
increase the cannabinoids bioavailability, bioactivity , thera activity and therapeutic index in cannabinoid therapy.
peutic activity and therapeutic index in cannabinoid therapy. [ 0231 ] The disclosure teaches intranasal administration of
[ 0220 ] The disclosure teaches oral administration of phos phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi
pholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabinoids noids across the membranes of the nasal cavity to decrease
across the mucosal membrane barriers of the GI tract to the adverse effects of cannabinoid therapy.
decrease the adverse effects of cannabinoid therapy. [ 0232 ] The disclosure teaches intranasal administration of
[ 0221 ] The disclosure teaches the oral administration of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi
phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi noids across the membranes of the nasal cavity to decrease
noids across the mucosal membrane barriers of the GI tract the adverse effects of cannabinoid therapy.
to decrease or eliminate first pass liver metabolism effects [ 0233 ] The disclosure teaches the transdermal administra
with the inclusion of essential phospholipids in the nanopar tion of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of
ticle's structural composition . cannabinoids to bypass GI track barriers and eliminate first
[ 0222 ] The disclosure teaches the oral administration of pass liver metabolism effects with the inclusion of essential
phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of cannabi phospholipids in the nanoparticle's structural composition.
noids across the mucosal membrane barriers of the GI tract [ 0234 ] The disclosure teaches the transdermal administra
to deliver standardized and precision -metered dosages. tion of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of
cannabinoids to deliver standardized and precision -metered
Transdermal Transport of Phospholipid Nanoparticle dosages .
Cannabinoids Compositions Across the Dermis [ 0235 ] The compositions of the invention may be admin
[ 0223 ] The disclosure teaches methods of transdermal istered to the nasal cavity in any suitable form , for example,
administration of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier compo in the form of drops or a spray. The preferred method is a
sitions of cannabinoids across the epidermis and dermis to NanoSphere liquid gel . Methods suitable for administering
increase the delivery, absorption and the bioavailability of a composition to the nasal cavity will be well known by the
cannabinoids into the blood stream and to target receptors of person of ordinary skill in the art. Any suitable method may
mammals . be used . The preferred method of administration is the use
[ 0224 ] The disclosure teaches transdermal administration of a pump device .
of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of can Phospholipid Nanoparticle Cannabinoids Compositions for
nabinoids across the epidermis and dermis to increase the Intraoral Delivery Transport Across the Oral Mucosa
cannabinoids bioavailability, bioactivity , therapeutic activity
and therapeutic index in cannabinoid therapy. [ 0236 ] The disclosure further teaches a method of admin
[ 0225 ] The disclosure teaches transdermal administration istering and delivering lipid structured nanoparticles con
of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition of can taining cannabinoids to the oral mucosa for transport into the
nabinoids across the epidermis and dermis to decrease the systemic circulation by employing an intraoral phospholipid
adverse effects of cannabinoid therapy. nanoparticle delivery system composition.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

[ 0237] This disclosure teaches NanoSphere phospholipid 5-50 % Penetration Enhancer (Ethanol)
nanoparticle compositions that are taken by sublingual [ 0242 ] ( -40 % Surfactants ( lecithins such as Alcolec S ,
administration . The liquid nanosphere gel is administered Alcolec BS and Alcolec XTRA - A , polysorbates such as
under the tongue for transport directly into the blood stream . Polysorbate 80 and Polysorbate 20 , monoglycerides, diglyc
Sublingual drug solutes are rapidly absorbed into the reticu erides, triglycerides, glyceryl Oleate, polaxamers )
lated vein, which lies underneath the oral mucosa , and
transported through the facial veins, internal jugular vein , 1-3 % —Gelling Agent (Xanthum Gum , Carbopol)
andbraciocephalic vein and then drained in to systemic
circulation . 0.1-1 % —Preservatives (Optiphen , Jeecide Potassium
EXAMPLES Sorbate )
[ 0243 ] q.s. Carrier (distilled water)
Basic Intraoral Cannabinoid Phospholipid Nanoparticle 0-5 % —Preservatives ( Polyquaternium - 1, benzalkonium
Carrier Composition Formulation chloride)
25-75 % -Cannabinoids Basic Cannabinoid Intransal Nanoparticle Carrier
15-75 % — Phospholipids ( Lipoid Phospholipon 90 G , Lipoid
Phospholipon 90 H , Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , Lipoid S 75 , 5-40 % Cannabinoids
Lipoid S 40, Lipoid S 80, Lipoid E 80, Lipoid Phosal 75 SA
Lipoid , Lipoid Phosal 53 MCT) 5-35 Phospholipids
% ( Lipoid Phospholipon 90 G , Lipoid
[ 0238 ] 25-75 % —Lipids (medium chain triglycerides, Phospholipon 90 H , Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , Lipoid S 75 ,
glycerides, hemp seed oil , safflower oil , sunflower oil , etc. ) Lipoid E 80 , etc.)
0-30 % Surfactants ( lecithins such as Alcolec S , Alcolec [ 0244 ] 2-15 % Lipids (medium chain triglycerides, glyc
BS and Alcolec XTRA - A , polysorbates such as Polysorbate erides, hemp seed oil , safflower oil , sunflower oil , etc. )
80 and Polysorbate 20 , monoglycerides, diglycerides, tri 0-40 % Surfactants ( lecithins such as Alcolec S , Alcolec BS
glycerides , glyceryl Oleate, polaxamers) and Alcolec XTRA - A , polysorbates such as Polysorbate 80
0-10 % -buffers ( Sodium hydroxide) and Polysorbate 20 , monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglyc
20-60 % —Solvents and Carrier Fluids (distilled water, glyc erides, glyceryl Oleate , polaxamers)
erides, lipids) 0.5-2.5 % —Buffers (monobasic potassium phosphate, diba
0-5 % —Preservatives ( ascorbyl palmitate , rosemary oleo sic potassium phosphate )
resin , tocopherol, potassium sorbate ) 0.6-1.8 % Tonicity Adjustor (Sodium chloride )
Basic Peroral Cannabinoid Phospholipid Nanoparticle 0 - .25 % —Chelating Agents (EDTA )
Carrier Composition Formulation
15-75 % -Cannabinoids
[ 0245 ] 0.01-0.05 % Preservatives (Benzalkonium chlo
15-75 % -Phospholipids ( Lipoid Phospholipon 90 G , Lipoid q.s.- Carrier (distilled water, lipids )
Phospholipon 90 H , Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , Lipoid S 75 , Example 1
Lipoid S 40 , Lipoid S 80 , Lipoid E 80 , Lipoid Phosal 75 SA ,
Lipoid Phosal 53 MCT ) Procedure for a 20 : 1 CBD to THC Cannabinoid
[ 0239 ] 25-75 % Lipids (medium chain triglycerides , Phospholipid Nanoparticle Carrier Composition for
glycerides, hemp seed oil , safflower oil , sunflower oil , etc. ) Intraoral Delivery
0-40 % Surfactants ( lecithins such as Alcolec S , Alcolec [ 0246 ] Completely dissolve 2285 mg of phospholipids
BS and Alcolec XTRA - A , polysorbates such as Polysorbate ( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G ) into 3800 mg of Hempseed Oil
80 and Polysorbate 20 , monoglycerides, diglycerides, tri in a vessel under low heat and stirring at low RPM . Next,
glycerides, glyceryl Oleate, polaxamers ) discharge 2000 mg of 95 % purified 20 : 1 CBD ( cannabidiol)
0-10 % —buffers ( Sodium hydroxide) to THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) Cannabis sativa extract into
20-60 % -Solvents and Carrier Fluids (distilled water, glyc the blend . In sequence , pre -nanoparticle blend is ground
erdies, lipids ) through a product mill for particle size reduction, at 10,000
0-5 % —Preservatives ( ascorbyl palmitate , rosemary oleo RPM for 10 minutes with an Ultra - Turrax homogenizer
resin , tocopherol, potassium sorbate ) under cooling , and processed in an ultrasonification system
[ 0240 ] Basic Cannabinoid Transdermal Nanoparticle Car for 35 minutes with 3000 watts of power in aa flow through
rier Composition in a Topical Gel Formulation: chamber under cooling to form the phospholipid nanopar
15-75 % -Cannabinoids ticle cannabinoid composition. Next , 20 mg of potassium
sorbate preservative, 150 mg of flavor oil and 50 mg of
5-30 % Phospholipids ( Lipoid Phospholipon 90 G , Lipoid steviol glycoside sweetener is thoroughly dispersed into the
Phospholipon 90 H , Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , Lipoid S 75 , composition.
Lipoid E 80 , Lipoid Phosal 75 SA , Lipoid Phosal 50 SA , [ 0247] The weight concentration of CBD + THC in the
Lipoid Phosal 53 MCT ) phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid carrier composition
is 25 % . Composition is administered to the sublingual
[ 0241 ] 5-20 % Lipids (medium chain triglycerides, glyc mucosa by a precision liquid pump device bottle that deliv
erides, hemp seed oil , safflower oil , sunflower oil , etc. ) ers 125 mcl per pump. Each pump dose contains 30 mg of
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

CBD and 1.5 mg of THC as a phospholipid nanoparticle sodium chloride , 30 mg of EDTA sodium and 1.5 mg of
delivered intra -orally into the systemic circulation with benzalkonium chloride preservative into the composition
increased bioavailability, therapeutic activity and therapeu while stirring.
tic index . [ 0251 ] The weight concentration of THC + CBD in the
phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid carrier composition
Example 2 is 20 % . Composition is administered to nasal mucosa by
Procedure for 20 : 1 CBD to THC Cannabinoid
precision liquid pump device bottle that delivers 75 mcl per
Nanoparticle Gel Composition for pump. Each pump dose contains 7.5 mg of THC and 7.5 mg
of CBD as a phospholipid nanoparticle delivered intra -orally
Transdermal Delivery into the systemic circulation with increased bioavailability,
[ 0248 ] Completely dissolve 2595 of phospholipids therapeutic activity and therapeutic index .
( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , 2525 mg of 95 % purified 20 : 1 Example 4
CBD (cannabidiol) to THC (delta -9 -tetrahydrocannabinol ,
1450 mg of medium chain triglycerides and 1635 mg of Procedure for 30 mg of CBD and 1.5 mg of THC
polysorbate 80 is into aa closed vessel containing 6535 mg of Cannabinoids in Phospholipid Nanoparticles for Intraoral
ethanol stirring at 1250 RPM . Heat this vessel to 300 C. Delivery
Next, discharge 900 mg of water heated to 300 C into the
vessel from a separate heated vessel . Stir this vessel con [ 0252 ] Completely disperse 1,3396.37 gm of phospholip
taining pre -nanoparticle blend for 5 minutes . In sequence, ids (Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G) , with 1,6425.50 gm of
pre -nanoparticle blend is ground through a product mill for medium chain triglycerides in a closed vessel stirring at
particle size reduction, homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10 1500 RPM and heated 45 ° C. Disperse 1,467.42 gm of 95 %
minutes with a Ultra - Turrax homogenizer under cooling, purified CBD full spectrum cannabis oil extract supplying
and processed in an ultrasonification system for 40 minutes 20 : 1 CBD ( cannabidiol) to THC (delta -9 -tetrahydrocannabi
with 3000 watts of power in aa flow through chamber under nol ) in the heated vessel . Disperse 38.25 gm of soya lecithin
cooling to form the phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid ( Alcolec LPC 20 ) and 607 gm polysorbate 80 into the vessel
composition . Discharge 3425 mg of ethanol into a vessel followed by 2475 gm of water into the vessel . Stir until
containing the blend stirring at 1250 RPM . Next discharge completely dispersed.
250 mg of Xanthum gum into a vessel containing the blend [ 0253 ] In sequence process pre -nanoparticle blend
stirring at 1250 RPM . Follow by discharging 33 mg of through an ointment mill , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10
potassium sorbate preservative in the vessel and stir for 5 minutes with an Ultra - Turrax at 45 ° C. , and process with
minutes. ultrasonification for 30 minutes with 3000 watts of power in
[ 0249 ] The weight concentration of CBD + THC in the a flow through chamber under cooling to forma phospho
phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition is 20 % . The lipid nanoparticle cannabinoid viscoelastic gel composition .
NanoSphere Gel composition is administered topically to Next, 16.2 gm of potassium sorbate preservative 22.5 gm
skin by precision liquid pump device bottle that delivers 250 steviol glycoside sweetener and 67 gm of natural flavor is
mcl per pump. Each pump contains 50 mg of CPD and 2.5 thoroughly dispersed into the phospholipid lipid nanopar
mg of THC as cannabinoid phospholipid nanoparticles ticle composition .
delivered transdermally into the systemic circulation with [ 0254 ] The weight concentration of cannabinoids encap
increased bioavailability, therapeutic activity and therapeu sulated in the NanoSphere phospholipid nanoparticle com
tic index position for CBD and THC are 17.32 % . and 87 % . The
dosage is 175 mcl . The NanoSphere gel composition is
Example 3 administered to the sublingual mucosa by a precision liquid
pump device bottle that delivers 175 mcl per pump. Each
Procedure for a 1 : 1 THC to CBD Cannabinoid Phospholipid pump intraorally delivers aa standardized precision -metered
Nanoparticle Carrier Composition for Intranasal Delivery dose of 30 mg of CBD and 1.5 mg of THC of a full spectrum
[ 0250 ) Completely dissolve 2285 mg of phospholipids cannabis high CBD extract encapsulated in Nanosphere
( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G) into 3800 mg of medium chain phospholipid nanoparticle viscoelstic gel into the systemic
triglycerides in a vessel under low heat and stirring at low circulation .
RPM . Next , discharge 1300 mg of 95 % purified 1 : 1 THC Example 5
( delta - 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol) to CBD ( cannabidiol) Can
nabis sativa extract into the blend . Follow by discharging Procedure for 35 mg of CBD of Hempseed Oil Cannabinoid
1280 mg of polysorbate 80 into the blend . In sequence , Extract in Phospholipid Nanoparticles for Intraoral Delivery
pre -nanoparticle blend is ground through a product mill for
particle size reduction , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10 [ 0255 ] Completely disperse 1,291.95 gm of phospholipids
minutes with an Ultra - Turrax homogenizer under cooling, (Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G) , with 3,786.75 gm of 42 % CBD
and processed in an ultrasonification system for 35 minutes hempseed oil extract in a closed vessel stirring at 1500 RPM
with 3000 watts of power in aa flow through chamber under and heated to 45 ° C. Disperse 35.20 gm of soya lecithin
cooling to form the phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid ( Alcolec LPC 20 ) and 601.42 gm of polysorbate 80 into the
composition . Next discharge 1346 mg of distilled water and vessel followed by 2227.5 gm of water into the vessel . Stir
4 mg of ethanol into phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid until completely dispersed .
composition while stirring at 10,000 RPM for 10 minutes. [ 0256 ] In sequence process pre -nanoparticle blend
Next discharge 35 mg monobasic potassium phosphate and through an ointment mill , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10
34 mg of dibasic potassium phosphate in to the composition minutes with an Ultra - Turrax at 45 ° C. and process with
while stirring at 2500 rpm . Follow by discharging 75 mg of ultrasonification for 30 minutes with 3000 watts of power in
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

a flow through chamber under cooling to form a phospho gm polysorbate 80 followed by 1,650 gm of water into the
lipid nanoparticle cannabinoid viscoelastic gel composition . vessel. Stir until completely dispersed .
Next, 14.48 gm of potassium sorbate preservative and 22.27 [ 0262 ] In sequence process pre -nanoparticle blend
gm steviol glycoside sweetener is thoroughly dispersed into through an ointment mill , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10
the phospholipid lipid nanoparticle composition . minutes with an Ultra - Turrax at 45 ° C. , and process in an
[ 0257] The weight concentration encapsulated in the ultrasonification for 30 minutes with 3000 watts of power in
NanoSphere phospholipid nanoparticle composition for a flow through chamber under cooling to forma phospho
CBD is 19.9 % . The he dosage is 175 mcl . The Nanosphere lipid nanoparticle cannabinoid viscoelastic gel composition.
gel composition is administered to the sublingual mucosa by Next discharge 16.8 of EDTA sodium , 10.5 gm of monoba
a precision liquid pump device bottle that delivers 175 mcl sic potassium phosphate and 11.4 gm of dibasic sodium
per pump . Each pump intraorally delivers a standardized phosphate in to the composition while stirring at 2500 rpm .
precision -metered dose of 35 mg of CBD from aa 42 % CBD
hempseed oil extract encapsulated in NanoSphere phospho [ 0263 ] The weight concentration of THC + CBD in the
lipid nanoparticle viscoelstic gel into the systemic circula phospholipid nanoparticle cannabinoid carrier composition
is 12 % . The dosage is 125 mcl . The NanoSphere Gel
composition is administered to nasal mucosa by precision
Example 6 liquid pump device bottle that delivers 125 mcl per pump.
Each pump delivers a standardized precision - metered dose
Procedure for 25 mg THC and 5 mg CBD Cannabis Oil of 7.5 mg of THC and 7.5 mg of CBD encapsulated in
Cannabinoid Extract in Phospholipid Nanoparticles for NanoSphere phospholipid nanoparticle gel intranasal deliv
Intraoral Delivery ered into the systemic circulation .
[ 0258 ] Completely disperse 1,125 gm of phospholipids Example 8
( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , with 990.2 gm of medium chain
triglycerides in a closed vessel stirring at 1500 RPM and Procedure for 50 mg of CBD and 2.5 mg of THC
heated 45 ° C. Disperse 1,401 gm of full spectrum butane Cannabinoids in Phospholipid Nanoparticle for Transdermal
cannabis oil extract supplying 47.32 % THC (delta -9 -tetra Delivery
hydrocannabinol ). 9.52 % CBD and 3.82 % CBN into the
heated vessel . Disperse 38.25 gm of soya lecithin (Alcolec [ 0264 ] Completely disperse 1,755 gm of phospholipids
LPC 20 ) and 652.5 gm polysorbate 80 followed by 2430 gm ( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G , with 1,170 gm of medium chain
of water into the vessel . Stir until completely dispersed. triglycerides in a closed vessel stirring at 1500 RPM and
[ 0259] In sequence process pre -nanoparticle blend heated 45 ° C. Disperse 2,387.36 gm of 95 % purified CBD
through an ointment mill , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10 full spectrum cannabis oil extract supplying 20 : 1 CBD
minutes with an Ultra - Turrax at 45 ° C., and process with ( cannabidiol) to THC ( delta - 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol, in the
ultrasonification for 30 minutes with 3000 watts of power in heated vessel . Disperse 990 gm polysorbate 80 into the
a flow through chamber under cooling to form a phospho vessel followed by 2,475 gm of water mixed with 2,272.5
lipid nanoparticle cannabinoid viscoelastic gel composition . gm of ethanol into the vessel . Stir until completely dispersed
Next, 16.2 gm of potassium sorbate preservative 20.15 gm [ 0265] In sequence process pre -nanoparticle blend
steviol glycoside sweetener and 60 gm of natural flavor is through an ointment mill , homogenate at 10,000 RPM for 10
thoroughly dispersed into the phospholipid lipid nanopar minutes with an Ultra - Turrax at 45 ° C. , and process in an
ticle composition . ultrasonification for 30 minutes with 3000 watts of power in
[ 0260 ] The weight concentration of cannabinoids encap a flow through chamber under cooling to forma phospho
sulated in the NanoSphere phospholipid nanoparticle com lipid nanoparticle cannabinoid viscoelastic gel composition.
position for THC , CBD and CBN are 14.29 % , 2.88 % , and Next discharge 202.5 gm of xanthum gum into a vessel
2.88 % . The dosage is 175 mcl . The Nanosphere gel com containing the blend stirring at 1500 RPM . Follow by
position is administered to the sublingual mucosa by a discharging 22.5 gm of potassium sorbate preservative in the
precision liquid pump device bottle that delivers 175 mcl per vessel and stir for 5 minutes.
pump. Each pump intraorally delivers aa standardized preci [ 0266 ] The weight concentration of CBD + THC in the
sion -metered dose of 25 mg of THC and 1.5 mg of CBD of phospholipid nanoparticle carrier composition is 21 % . The
a full spectrum cannabis butane extract encapsulated in dosage is 250 mcl . The NanoSphere Gel composition is
NanoSphere phospholipid nanoparticle viscoelastic gel into administered topically to skin by precision liquid pump
the systemic circulation . device bottle that delivers 250 mcl per pump. Each pump
Example 7 delivers a standardized precision - metered dose of 50 mg of
CBD and 2.5 mg of THC of a full spectrum high CBD
cannabis extract encapsulated in NanoSphere phospholipid
Procedure for 7.5 mg of THC and 7.5 mg of CBD nanoparticle viscoelstic gel transdermally delivered into the
Cannabinoids in Phospholipid Nanoparticle for Intranasal systemic circulation .
Delivery [ 0267] While the apparatus and method have been
[ 0261 ] Completely disperse 690 gm of phospholipids described in terms of what are presently considered to be the
( Lipoid Phospholipon 85 G) with 390 gm of medium chain most practical and preferred embodiments, it is to be under
triglycerides in a closed vessel stirring at 1500 RPM and stood that the disclosure need not be limited to the disclosed
heated 45 ° C. Disperse 1,401 gm of aa full spectrum CO2 embodiments . It is intended to cover various modifications
cannabis oil extract supplying 32.25 THC ( delta - 9-tetrahy and similar arrangements included within the spirit and
drocannabinol) and 32.25 . CBD into the heated vessel . scope of the claims , the scope of which should be accorded
Disperse 24 gm of soya lecithin ( Alcolec LPH 20 ) and 240.2 the broadest interpretation so as to encompass all such
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

modifications and similar structures . The present disclosure [ 0276 ] In this regard, it should be understood that for
includes any and all embodiments of the following claims . practical reasons and so as to avoid adding potentially
[ 0268 ] While the method and agent have been described in hundreds of claims , the applicant has presented claims with
terms of what are presently considered to be the most initial dependencies only.
practical and preferred embodiments, it is to be understood [ 0277] Support should be understood to exist to the degree
that the disclosure need not be limited to the disclosed required under new matter laws — including but not limited
embodiments . It is intended to cover various modifications to United States Patent Law 35 USC 132 or other such
and similar arrangements included within the spirit and laws — to permit the addition of any of the various depen
scope of the claims , the scope of which should be accorded dencies or other elements presented under one independent
the broadest interpretation so as to encompass all such claim or concept as dependencies or elements under any
modifications and similar structures. The present disclosure other independent claim or concept .
includes any and all embodiments of the following claims . [ 0278 ] To the extent that insubstantial substitutes are
[ 0269 ] It should also be understood that a variety of made, to the extent that the applicant did not in fact draft any
changes may be made without departing from the essence of claim so as to literally encompass any particular embodi
the disclosure . Such changes are also implicitly included in ment, and to the extent otherwise applicable, the applicant
the description. They still fall within the scope of this should not be understood to have in any way intended to or
disclosure . It should be understood that this disclosure is actually relinquished such coverage as the applicant simply
intended to yield a patent covering numerous aspects of the may not have been able to anticipate all eventualities; one
disclosure both independently and as an overall system and skilled in the art, should not be reasonably expected to have
in both method and apparatus modes . Further, each of the drafted aa claim that would have literally encompassed such
alternative embodiments .
various elements of the disclosure and claims may also be [ 0279 ] Further, the use of the transitional phrase " com
achieved in a variety of manners . This disclosure should be
understood to encompass each such variation , be it a varia prising " is used to maintain the open - end ” claims herein ,
tion of an embodiment of any apparatus embodiment , a according to traditional claim interpretation . Thus, unless
method or process embodiment, or even merely a variation the context requires otherwise , it should be understood that
of any element of these. the term “ compromise ” or variations such as “ comprises ” or
" comprising ”, are intended to imply the inclusion of a stated
[ 0270 ] Particularly, it should be understood that as the element or step or group of elements or steps but not the
disclosure relates to elements of the disclosure, the words for exclusion of any other element or step or group of elements
each element may be expressed by equivalent apparatus or steps.
terms or method terms even if only the function or result [ 0280 ] Such terms should be interpreted in their most
is the same . expansive forms so as to afford the applicant the broadest
[ 0271 ] Such equivalent, broader, or even more generic coverage legally permissible.
terms should be considered to be encompassed in the [ 0281 ] The description of the present invention has been
description of each element or action . Such terms can be presented for purposes of illustration and description, but is
substituted where desired to make explicit the implicitly not intended to be exhaustive or limiting of the invention to
broad coverage to which this disclosure is entitled . the form disclosed . The scope of the present invention is
[ 0272 ] It should be understood that all actions may be limited only by the scope of the following claims . Many
expressed as a means for taking that action or as an element modifications and variations will be apparent to those of
which causes that action . ordinary skill in the art . The embodiment described and
[ 0273 ] Similarly, each physical element disclosed should shown in the figures was chosen and described in order to
be understood to encompass a disclosure of the action ,
best explain the principles of the invention , the practical
application, and to enable others of ordinary skill in the art
which that physical element facilitates. to understand the invention for various embodiments with
[ 0274 ] Any patents , publications, or other references men various modifications as are suited to the particular use
tioned in this application for patent are hereby incorporated contemplated.
by reference . In addition , as to each term used it should be 1. A drug delivery system comprising nanoparticle struc
understood that unless its utilization in this application is tures; wherein a single layer of essential phospholipids
inconsistent with such interpretation, common dictionary encapsulates liquid lipids and drug in each nanoparticle
definitions should be understood as incorporated for each structure; wherein the phospholipid content (weight/vol
term and all definitions, alternative terms, and synonyms
such as contained in at least one of a standard technical ume) of the nanoparticle structures is 5-30% ; wherein the
dictionary recognized by artisans and the Random House nanoparticle structures have a particle size distribution from
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, latest edition are hereby 50 to 150 nm ; and wherein the nanoparticle structures yield
incorporated by reference . standardized precision -metered dose drug.
[ 0275 ] Finally, all referenced listed in the Information 2. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the
Disclosure Statement or other information statement filed essential phospholipids are comprised of greater than 85 %
with the application are hereby appended and hereby incor phosphatidylcholine.
porated by reference ; however, as to each of the above, to the 3. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the
extent that such information or statements incorporated by nanoparticle structures do not contain surfactants .
reference might be considered inconsistent with the patent 4. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the
ing of this/ these disclosure ( s ), such statements are expressly nanoparticle structures can be administered via the sublin
not to be considered as made by the applicant ( s ). gual mucosa and buccal mucosa of aa mammal.
US 2022/0304938 A1 Sep. 29, 2022

5. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the 8 - fold less than an amount of drug needed to elicit the same
nanoparticle structures can be administered across dermal therapeutic effect compared to raw and non -encapsulated
and epidermal barriers. drug in a patient in need thereof.
6. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the 11. The drug delivery system of claim 1 ; wherein the
nanoparticle structures can be administered across nasal nanoparticle structures reduce the adverse effects of drug
mucosal barriers. compared to adverse effects of drug without nanoparticle
7. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the encapsulation .
nanoparticle structures can be administered across the intes 12. A method of drug therapy comprising treatment with
tinal mucosal barriers. the drug; wherein the drug is encapsulated in nanoparticle
8. The drug delivery system of claim 1 , wherein the structures; wherein a single layer of essential phospholipids
nanoparticle structures are composed of an outer phospho encapsulate liquid lipids and drug; wherein the nanoparticle
lipid membrane and adjustable viscoelastic gel lipid core . structure has a particle size distribution from 50 to 150 nm ;
9. The drug delivery system of claim 1 ; wherein the and wherein the nanoparticle structure yields standardized
nanoparticle increases the bioavailability of the drug 2 - fold precision -metered dose drug.
to 8 - fold compared to bioavailability without nanoparticle 13. The method of claim 12 wherein the therapeutic
encapsulation . activity of drug is increased ; and wherein drug adverse
10. The drug delivery system of claim 1 ; wherein the effects are reduced .
nanoparticle structures decrease the dose of drug 2 - fold to

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