Using Mathlab

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Using Matlab For Geological Applications

Written by George Hilley

With modifications and additions by Ramon Arrowsmith

An Introduction to Matlab
1.1 Introduction
Matlab is a program that has been developed for the general solution of mathematical equations, data
processing, and data display. MATLAB is an acronym for MATrix LABoratory and it is a highly
optimized numerical computation and matrix manipulation package. It is an excellent tool for
developing numerical models of problems, performing mathematical operations on large data sets,
displaying data in one, two, three, or four dimensions, and solving simultaneous equations. In general,
Matlab has been developed as a numerical tool and so best works on real numbers, rather than symbolic
operations. However, some versions of Matlab (for example, the Solaris version) are capable of
symbolic solutions of equations, symbolic integration and differentiation, and reduction of symbolic
equations. The IRIX (Silicon Graphics Incorportated ) version is not capable of many symbolic
operations at this time.

In short, if you can write an equation that you think represents a relationship between two or more
variables and need to graph your results, Matlab is the tool to use. First, we will go through a short
introduction on Matlab concepts, entry formats, graphics, M-files, and functions.

1.2 Matlab Concepts and Basic Data Entry

First and foremost, it is important to know how to start Matlab. To start up the program, log into Alai or
Darkwing (both machines have about the same version of the software). At the prompt, type ``matlab''.
This will start the program. If you are telneting to the machine, graphics will be disabled; however, if
you are on the console or are using an XDMCP connection (i.e., eXodus) to one of the machines, you
will be able to display graphics. The standard Matlab prompt is ``$>>$'', so once you get this prompt,
Matlab is ready to be used.

1.2.05 Desktop calculations

Matlab can be used like a calculator with standard arithmatic operations on numbers.

>> 1+2

ans =

>> 45-9

ans =

>> 34*9.9

ans =


>> 12/4

ans =

Notice that all un-named operations produce and immediate output in the form ans = value. The symbol
ans is actually a variable which can then be used in another calculation:

>> 45 *pi/180

ans =


>> sin(ans)

ans =


You can use the power operator (^):

>> 5^3

ans =


It is a good idea to nest things in parentheses in the usual way so that the order of operations is clear:

>> 3 * (sin(4) + sqrt(6)) / 12.5

ans =


If you type in a complex expression and make an error, you can edit the previous expression by pressing
the Up arrow on your keyboard to recall the last line. Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow several times
to recall other recent command lines. Use the Left and Right Arrow to move through the command and
insert numbers or text or you may also delete something.

1.2.1 Variable Assignments in Matlab

Matlab is a vector-based program and works most efficiently if you can pose your problem in the
context of vector, matrices, and tensors. In general, all mathematical operations are performed on
matrices (a vector is a one column/row matrix, a single number is simply a one element matrix). In
order to assign values to a matrix, you need a variable name for the value (which should have some
significance to the variable in the problem you are addressing). Here is how to make a variable

>>myVariable = 6

You will notice that Matlab will echo your output by saying:

myVariable =

If you do not wish to see a confirmation of your assignment, include a semicolon after the operation.
This rule holds for all assignments or operations-- if you do not want to see the result of the operation,
but simply wish to store it in another variable, use a semicolon:

>> myVariable = 6;

The assignment that you have just made consists of a one element vector. If you wish to assign an entire
vector to a variable, enclose the vector's values in brackets. Columns are designated by spaces, while
rows are designated by semicolons. For example

>> myVariable = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

myVariable =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

creates a ten element row vector on which operations can be performed. To create a column vector,
instead of spaces, use semicolons:

>> myVariable = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10;]

myVariable =


This creates a ten element column vector with the assigned values for each of the elements. A row
vector is the transpose of a column vector, therefore, you can use the transpose command to convert
from a row vector to a column vector and vice versa. The transpose command can be called in a couple
of different ways. The first is to use the transpose() command which will return the transpose of the
vector that you give the command:

>> newVariable = transpose(myVariable)

newVariable =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
will return the transpose of myVariable and store the result in newVariable. Alternately, you could
specify that the result of the transpose could be stored back into myVariable, and thus you are directly
converting myVariable from a column vector to a row vector or vice versa:

>> myVariable = transpose(myVariable)

myVariable =

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The other way to transpose a vector is to use the ' (forward single quote) shorthand:
>> myVariable = myVariable'

myVariable =


Another way that you can make a vector assignment is to assign each element one after the other by
using array notation. In this notation, the jth element of the vector myVariable is represented by
myVariable(j). Therefore, you could assign a three element vector with the following commands:

myVariable(1) = 1;
myVariable(2) = 2;
myVariable(3) = 3;

These commands are equivalent to the following command:

>> myVariable = [1 2 3];

The final transition is from vectors to matrices. A vector is a one row or column matrix; therefore, a set
of i row vectors of length j forms the i x j matrix (a matrix with i rows and j columns). Matrix
assignments can be made as follows:

>> myMatrix = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]

myMatrix =

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Thus creating the 3 x 3 matrix. To reference some element of the matrix, you can refer to it by its

>> myMatrix(1,2)
ans =

>> myMatrix(2,1)

ans =

to reference the entire first column, you can use a wildcard symbol (the colon):

>> myMatrix(:,1)

ans =


how about the first row?

>> myMatrix(1,:)

ans =

1 2 3

An alternative way to assign values to a matrix is to use the element array assignment method. This
method is the same as assigning elements in a vector; however, elements of a matrix are denoted as (i,j)
elements. For example, to set the element in the ith row and jth column of the matrix myMatrix to 2, use
the >>myMatrix(i,j) = 2 command at the Matlab prompt. To set up the matrix myMatrix shown above,
you can issue the following commands:

>> myMatrix(1,1) = 1;
>> myMatrix(1,2) = 2;
>> myMatrix(1,3) = 3;
>> myMatrix(2,1) = 4;
>> myMatrix(2,2) = 5;
>> myMatrix(2,3) = 6;
>> myMatrix(3,1) = 7;
>> myMatrix(3,2) = 8;
>> myMatrix(3,3) = 9;

Those are the basics of variable assignment which is the first thing that you should learn with Matlab.
Now that we have assigned variables, we can start to manipulate the variables in order to perform
mathematical operations. Notes on Matlab variables

• MATLAB variable names are case sensitive, so A is not the same as a. Variable names can be up
to 32 characters long.
• In addtion to the standard keyboard characters, you can use the underscore, _, in a variable name.
Hence, variable names like radius_of_curvature and _time are perfectly valid. A space is not
allowed in a variable name (nor most other special UNIX characters (/,%,&, etc.).
• Semicolons at the ends of statements in MATLAB are optional; they act to suppress output from
that command.
• Multiple statements may appear on a single line. They can be separated by commas (in which
case output is not suppressed), or by semicolons (in which case the output is suppressed).
• There are three types of variables in MATLAB: real numbers, arrays of real numbers, and
character strings. Variables of type integer (common in other programming languages) do not
actually exist in MATLAB; so if you write a = 6, a is a double precision real number not an
• There are some built in constants:
>> pi

ans =


>> inf

ans =


1.2.2 Making Incremental Variables in Matlab

If you need to make variables that increment regularly, Matlab has some simple built-in functions to do
this. For example, if you need to create a vector that starts at 1 and ends at 100 with a spacing of 1:

incrementVector = [1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 100]

just use the command:

>> x=1:1:100;

Notice that the first number in the assignment is the starting point, the second number is the
increment, and the third is the ending point. Both the starting and ending points are inclusive;
therefore, the above command creates a 100 element vector.

This command is very useful when setting up a domain for the independent variable(s) in an analysis. In
addition, graphics in Matlab are made easier with is feature. Below, we will see how the incremental
vector is used in both analysis and graphics.

1.2.3 Mathematical Operations in Matlab

Once you have created one or more vectors, you can perform mathematical operations on these vectors.
Adding and subtracting matrices, vectors, and elements uses the same syntax for each operation and is
independent of matrix dimension. For example, if you would like to add vector a to vector b and store
the result in vector c, you would type something like the following:

>> a = [1 2 3]

a =
1 2 3

>> b = [1 2 3]

b =

1 2 3

>> c = a + b

c =

2 4 6

The key points are that the two vectors a and b need to be defined already and that the matrix
dimensions have to agree:

>> d = [1 2 3 4]

d =

1 2 3 4

>> e = a + d
??? Error using ==> +
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Likewise, if you would like to subtract vector b from vector a and store the result in vector c, use the

>> c = b - a

c =

0 0 0

As with any matrix addition or subtraction, the operation is elementwise, thus both vectors a and b must
be the same dimensions and the resultant vector c will have the dimensions of vectors a and b.

As in linear algebra, multiplication of matrices must be more specific due to the fact that there are two
ways to multiply a matrix (i.e. dot product of two matrices or cross product of two matrices). If you
wish to take the dot product of the matricies a and b (elementwise multiplication of matrix a and
matrix b[i.e., c(1,1)=a(1,1)*b(1,1) and c(1,2)=a(1,2)*b(1,2), etc.), and store the result in matrix c use
the following command:

>> c = a.*b

c =

1 4 9

Notice that when you take the dot product of two matrices, they must have the same dimensions and the
resulting matrix will also have those dimensions. You can also do element-by-element division:

>> c = a./b

c =
1 1 1

Here is an explanation of the action of the dot product on 2 2x2 matrices:

If you need to take the cross product of a two matrices a and b and store the result in matrix c, use the
following command:

>> c = a * b

c =


When taking the cross product of two matricies, the dimensions of matrix a must be (i,j) and the
dimensions of matrix b must by (j,i). The resulting matrix c will have dimensions of (i,j). Here is the
cross product (basically a pair of simultaneous equations):

To raise an element to a power, use the power operator in Matlab, which is a ^. For example, if you
would like to raise a matrix or vector to a power of 2 (using cross products), type:

>> z = [2 2; 1 2]

z =

2 2
1 2

>> c = z^2

c =

6 8
4 6

Notice that when you do this, the matrix z must be square. If you would like to perform a power
operation elementwise on a matrix or vector, use the .^ operator:

>> c = z.^2

c =

4 4
1 4

Square roots are easily computed with fractional powers.

If you would like to find the inverse of a matrix (note that z-1 cross product with z = the identity matrix
(0s everywhere except 1s on the diagonal)0, you can use the inv() command in Matlab. For example, if
you would like to find the inverse of the matrix z and store the result in matrix c, use the following

>> c = inv(z)

c =

1.0000 -1.0000
-0.5000 1.0000

These are the basic arithmetic operators that you will use in Matlab. Remember to be careful to specify
the method of operation on multiplication, division, and matricies raised to powers.

1.2.4 Displaying Data in Matlab

A nice feature of Matlab is its easy to use graphics interface. It can create 1, 2, 3, and 4 dimensional
plots of your data. We will stick to 2 and 3 dimensions but there is more information about making data
animations in the Matlab Manual.

There are all kinds of plots that Matlab can make. Explanations of all of these plots and how to use them
are given in the Matlab Graphics manual. However, two common plots that you will likely use are
simple two-dimensional line and point plots, two-dimensional contour plots, and three-dimensional
mesh plots. All of these types of plots take vectors and/or matricies as arguments, so you can directly
put your vector and matrix variables into a plot command and get a plot to visualize your results.

Two Dimensional Plots

The basic two-dimensional plot can be created with the plot() command. The plot(m,n) command
takes two vectors, m and n and plots m as the abscissa and n as the ordinate in two dimensional space.
For example, if you have a vector x which represents all of the x-values of the points you wish to plot
and a vector y with all of the y-values of the points that you wish to plot, make the plot by typing: plot
(x,y) This will create a two-dimensional plot whose points are the x(i), y(i) pairs given to the plot
function. The plot command by default connects the (x,y) pairs as a line; however, below I discuss how
to change this option. The following is an example of how to create a two-dimensional plot:

>> x = [1 3 7 5 9 12 1 4 3 7];
>> y = [14 3 2 9 6 8 3 9 3 1];
>> plot(x,y)
The following plot is printed by Matlab:

Notice that the line follows the path in order of the (x,y) coordinates. This is a bit messy, so we will
want to change the plot output to plot as circles, rather than lines:

>> plot(x,y,'ko')

You can alter the appearance of the way Matlab graphics plot by manipulating the third argument in the
plot command. First, note that the third argument is always surrounded by quotes. Next, there are two
parts to the third argument of the plot command-- the first is a plot color, the second is a plot style.
Characters such as `r' (red), `b' (blue), `g' (green), may be used to alter the color of the plotted line or
point. Likewise, characters such as `.' (point plot), `+' (points are plotted as crosses), `v' (points are
plotted as upside-down triangles), '--' (plot as dashed line), '-' (plot as solid line) may be used to alter the
appearance of the line. For example, if you would like to plot the $(x,y)$ pairs as a red, dashed line, use
'r--' as the third argument of the plot command. You may overlay plots by using the hold on command
at the Matlab prompt. This causes overlaying of graphics. For example, let's say that you think that the
above points obey some sort of relationship which is a straight line. You know that the slope of the line
is 3 and its y-intercept is 2. In the equation:

y=ax+b a=3 and b=2. In order to calculate where this line will fall in relationship to the data, we can
type the Matlab commands:
>> a = 3;
>> b = 2;
>> ycalc = a.*x + b;

Therefore, we have two y vectors-- one that contains the actual data (y), and one that contains the
calculated (or modeled if you prefer) relationship (ycalc). Let's plot the actual data as black crosses and
the calculated relationship as a red dashed line:

>> plot(x,y,'k+')
>> hold on
>> plot(x, ycalc, 'r--')
This creates the following output:

Now, you may wish to dress up your plot a little bit by adding a title and axes labels. Matlab will allow
you to create a title using the title() command and make axis labels using the xlabel() ylabel()
commands. So, let's add a title and axes labels to the figure:

>> title('My First Figure')

>> xlabel('Something without units')
>> ylabel('Something else with units (m)')
So, here is your finished figure:

Contour Plots

Matlab is capable of graphing three variables as a contour plot. In this system, there are two
independent variables which are varied along the x- and y-axes with a resultant z-value. The z-values
may be contoured as long as the function at any point does not have multiple solutions.

In order to demonstrate how to make a contour plot in Matlab, we will use some built in Matlab
functions to contour. For demonstration purposes, the function ``peaks'' is built into the Matlab system.
In order to set a variable equal to this function, type:

>>Z = peaks;

This will fill the variable Z with the distribution and return a 49x49 matrix of values representing the
Z-values of the distribution. If you wish to change the number of elements in the matrix, simply put
those numbers in the parentheses in the ``peaks'' function.

There are several ways to contour data. First, you can make a basic contour plot in which the contour
lines represent a given interval. Second, you can contour using area contours which color the area in
between contours a solid color. A third variation on the contour plot is to have uneven contour intervals.
This is especially useful when contouring data which may have a wide range of Z-values which may be
logarithmically distributed, for example. We will start with the simplest case of making a plain contour
plot and build into the more complicated scenarios.

At this time, it is appropriate to introduce the concept of graphics handles. Graphics handles are values
that are returned when calling some graphics functions which represent different aspects of the graphic
that you are working on. For example, if I called the function >>contour(myDistribution), Matlab
would return several numbers which act as references to the graphic that I just created with contour.
These references are called ``handles'' and may be used to transfer the information created in the
graphics function to another function. For example, when contour is called, handles are returned and
may be put into the clabel function which will label the appropriate contour lines in the figure. An
example of this is shown below.

To make a basic contour plot, we first need a distribution of data (a matrix of Z-values). This may have
been created from some data that you have or we can call on Matlab's built in peaks function to create a
matrix of Z-values for demonstration purposes. First, issue the command:

>>Z = peaks;

Next, you want to create a contour plot with ten contour lines and keep the reference handles of the
contour plot in the variables c and h. To do this, issue the following command:

>>[c,h] = contour(Z,10);

Notice that the contour inverval of 10 is entered after the Z-value matrix. The result of this function is
shown below:

Now, let's put some labels on the contour lines. To do this, we will use the clabel command. The
clabel command takes the contour plot's handles as arguments and will automatically label the lines:

>>[c,h] = clabel(c,h);

The result of this operation is:

% \includegraphics{}

title, xlabel, and ylabel commands, you can add annotation to your contour plot.

With contour, you can specify the size of each of the elements of the Z-matrix by passing contour two
additional variables, a vector containing the X-values for each column in the Z-matrix, and a vector
containing the Y-values for each row in the Z-matrix. For example, if the width of each of the elements
in the Z-matrix is one and the height of each element in the Z-matrix is 0.5, you can make two vectors
which let contour know this information. Use the incremental fill function (described above) to set the
values of the X- and Y- vectors to their appropriate values:

>> Y = 1:.5:25;
>>[c,h] = contour(X,Y,Z,10);
>>axis equal;
>> title('some peaks')
>> xlabel('x distance'), ylabel('y distance')

The axis equal command simply forces the size of the X-increment to equal the size of the
Y-increment on the axes of the figure. If this is not done, Matlab will scale the axes to fit all of the data
onto the plot.

Here is the plot:

Surface plots

Along with contouring, one can often make true 3D plots of datasets like the one above. You can do this
with a couple of commands:
>>Z = peaks;
>> Y = 1:.5:25;

mesh, surf, and surfl.

>> mesh(X,Y,Z)

>> surf(X,Y,Z)
>> surfl(X,Y,Z)
>> shading interp
>> colormap pink

Note that we have used the command shading interp with that plot. The shading function selects
between faceted, flat, or interpolated shading. Although it can take more graphics computations, the
interpolated shading usually looks best. We also used a colormap other than the default. The colormap
is a data structure that is ues to represent color values. It is an array of three columns and some number
of rows of RGB values. I have made the same plot as above with a number of different built-in Matlab
colormap colormap colormap
colormap pink colormap cool colormap flag
autumn winter copper
And here is the finally labeled plot with a couple of different versions of the view:
>> surfl(X,Y,Z)
>> shading interp
>> colormap copper
>> title('some peaks')
>> xlabel('x-axis'),ylabel('y-axis'),zlabel('z-label')
>> view(45,45)

view(45,45) view(270,90) view(135,35)


In many cases in earth science, we do not have evenly spaced observations. We need to grid our
unevenly spaced data by determining some set of evenly spaced estimates that approximate the
observations. So let's take a simple dataset of topography from the Salt River bottom just north of ASU:
Here are the data.
You have to convert it into E, N, H vectors and get it onto the computer.
>>load E.txt, load N.txt, load H.txt
First make a plot of E and N to see where they are located:

So you can see that they are irregularly spaced.

Now we will use the command griddata:
>> help griddata

GRIDDATA Data gridding and surface fitting.

ZI = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) fits a surface of the form Z = F(X,Y)
to the data in the (usually) nonuniformly-spaced vectors (X,Y,Z)
GRIDDATA interpolates this surface at the points specified by
(XI,YI) to produce ZI. The surface always goes through the data
points. XI and YI are usually a uniform grid (as produced by
MESHGRID) and is where GRIDDATA gets its name.

XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with

constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it
specifies a matrix with constant rows.

[XI,YI,ZI] = GRIDDATA(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) also returns the XI and YI

formed this way (the results of [XI,YI] = MESHGRID(XI,YI)).

[...] = GRIDDATA(...,'method') where 'method' is one of

'linear' - Triangle-based linear interpolation (default).
'cubic' - Triangle-based cubic interpolation.
'nearest' - Nearest neighbor interpolation.
'v4' - MATLAB 4 griddata method.
defines the type of surface fit to the data. The 'cubic' and 'v4'
methods produce smooth surfaces while 'linear' and 'nearest' have
discontinuities in the first and zero-th derivative respectively. All
the methods except 'v4' are based on a Delaunay triangulation of the


Basically, we need to tell griddata what the x and y grid looks like on which it will operate. So I did this
for our topography:
>> estep = (min(E)-max(E))/100

estep =


>> estep = abs(estep)

estep =


>> e = [min(E):estep:max(E)]

>> nstep = (min(N)-max(N))/100

nstep =


>> nstep = abs(nstep)

nstep =


>> n = [min(N):nstep:max(N)]

Those are the vectors of easting and northing positions for our grid.
Now, let's grid it:
>> [xi,yi,zi] = griddata(E,N,H,e,n');
Now, let's plot it:
>> contour(xi,yi,zi)
>> hold on
>> plot(E,N,'o')
>> xlabel('easting (m)')
>> ylabel('northing (m)')
>> title('Elevation and observation points')
>> plot(xi,yi,'+')
>> title('Elevation and observation points and grid')

Finally, let's look at it as a surface:

>> surfl(xi,yi,zi)
>> shading interp
>> colormap pink
>> hold on
>> plot3(E,N,H,'o')
>> title('oblique view of gridded data with observations plotted')
>> xlabel('easting(m)'),ylabel('northing(m)'),zlabel('Elevation(m)')
>> view (65,45)

Pages maintained by
Prof. Ramón Arrowsmith

Last modified November 16, 1999

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