Pile Test Loading
Pile Test Loading
Pile Test Loading
4.4.1 Descriptions General
This Section deals with the testing of a pile by the application of an axial load or force.
It covers vertical piles tested in compression. Definitions
A) Allowable Load
The load which may be safely applied to a pile after taking into account its ultimate
bearing capacity, negative friction, pile spacing, overall bearing capacity of the ground
below and allowable settlement.
B) Compression Pile
A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to penetrate
further into the ground.
C) Kentledge
A loading test in which each increment of load is held constant either for a defined
period of time or until the rate of movement (settlement or uplift) falls to a specified
E) Pilot Pile
A pile installed before the commencement of the main piling works or a specific part of
the works for the purpose of establishing the suitability of the chosen type of pile and
for confirming its design, dimensions and bearing capacity. Pilot piles may be utilised
as working piles, subject to the Engineer’s approval.
F) Proof Load
A load applied to a selected pile to confirm that it is suitable for the load at the
settlement specified. A proof load should not normally exceed 200% of the working load
on a pile except in circumstances where Special Provisions are provided for the testing
of precast piles driven to a set. In these circumstances, 300% is specified.
G) Reaction System
H) Tension Pile
A pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to be extracted
from the ground.
I) Test Pile
The load at which the resistance of the soil becomes fully mobilised.
K) Working Load
L) Working Pile
4.4.2 Supervision
All tests shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced and competent
supervisor conversant with the test equipment and test procedure. All personnel
operating the test equipment shall have been trained in its use. General
When preparing for, conducting and dismantling a pile test the Contractor shall carry
out the requirement of the various regulations and other statutory instruments that are
applicable to the work for the provision and maintenance of safe working conditions,
and shall in addition make such other provision as may be necessary to safeguard
against any hazards that are involved in the testing or preparations for testing. Kentledge
Where kentledge is used the Contractor shall construct the foundations for the
kentledge and any cribwork, beams or other supporting structure in such a manner that
there will not be differential settlement, bending or deflexion of an amount that
constitutes a hazard to safety or impairs the efficiency of the operation. The kentledge
shall be adequately bonded, tied or otherwise held together to prevent it falling apart,
or becoming unstable because of deflection of the supports.
The weight of kentledge shall be greater than the maximum test load and if the weight
is estimated from the density and volume of the constituent materials an adequate
factor of safety against error shall be allowed.
Where tension piles or ground anchors are used the Contractor shall ensure that the
load is correctly transmitted to all the tie rods or bolts. The extension of rods by welding
shall not be permitted unless it is known that the steel will not be reduced in strength by
welding. The bond stresses of the rods in tension shall not exceed normal permissible
bond stresses for the type of steel and grade of concrete used.
In all cases the Contractor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load
measuring device are mounted on the pile head the whole system shall be stable up to
the maximum load to be applied. Means shall be provided to enable dial gauges to be
read from a position clear of the kentledge stack or test frame so that failure in any part
of the system due to overloading, buckling, loss of hydraulic pressure will not constitute
a hazard to personnel.
The hydraulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and other apparatus to be operated
under hydraulic pressure shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 1.5 times
the maximum working pressure without leaking.
The maximum test load or test pressure expressed as a reading on the gauge in use
shall be displayed and all operators shall be made aware of this limit.
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 48 hours notice of the commencement
of construction of any pilot pile, which is to be test loaded.
Each pilot test pile shall be constructed in a manner similar to that to be used for the
construction of the working piles, and by the use of similar equipment and materials.
Any variation shall only be permitted with prior approval.
Extra reinforcement and concrete of increased strength shall be permitted in the shafts
of pilot piles at the discretion of the Engineer.
For each pilot pile which is to be tested a detailed record of the soils encountered
during boring, or of the progress during driving shall be made and submitted to the
Engineer daily not later than noon on the next working day.
The pile shaft shall terminate at the normal cut-off level, or at a level required by the
The pile shaft shall be extended where necessary above the cut-off level of working
piles so that gauges and other apparatus to be used in the testing process are not
damaged by water or falling debris.
For a pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap shall be formed to give a
plane surface which is normal to the axis of the pile, sufficiently large to accommodate
the loading and settlement-measuring equipment and adequately reinforced or
protected to prevent damage from the concentrated application of load from the
loading equipment.
If a test is required on a working pile the Contractor shall cut down or otherwise
prepare the pile for testing as required by the Engineer in accordance with Sections and
Compression tests shall be carried out using kentledge, tension piles or specially
constructed anchorages.
Where working piles are used as reaction piles their movement shall be measured to
within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. Spacing
Where kentledge is used for loading vertical piles in compression, the distance from
the edge of the test pile to the nearest part of the crib supporting the kentledge stack
in contact with the ground shall be not less than 1.3 metres.
The centre to centre spacing of vertical reaction piles, including working piles used as
reaction piles, from a test pile shall be not less than three times the diameter of the test
pile or the reaction piles or 2 metres, whichever is the greatest.
The size, length and number of the piles or anchors, or the area of the rafts, shall be
adequate to transmit the maximum test load to the ground in a safe manner without
excessive movement or influence on the test pile.
The method employed in the installation of any reaction piles, anchors or rafts shall be
such as to prevent damage to any test pile or working pile.
The loading arrangement used shall be designed to transfer safely to the test pile the
maximum load required in testing. Full details shall be submitted to the Engineer prior
to any work related to the testing process being carried out on the Site.
The equipment used for applying load shall consist of one or more hydraulic rams or
jacks with the total capacity of the jacks being at least equal to the required maximum
load. The jack or jacks shall be arranged in conjunction with the reaction system to
deliver an axial load to the test pile. The complete system shall be capable of
transferring the maximum load required for the test.
Suitable approved measuring devices for determining the load on the pile shall be
supplied by the Contractor. Certificates of calibration shall be supplied to the Engineer.
In addition, large diameter (i.e. exceeding 1.2 metre) test piles shall be instrumented at
5 different depths to measure the load distribution along the piles. The instrumentation
shall consist of both a mechanical system and strain gauges for measuring the pile
deformation. The mechanical system shall consist of 6 mm steel rods or high tensile
steel wires gauge No. 23, placed in steel tubes down to the various depths, and
connected to dial gauges at the top. The strain gauges shall be of a stable type, wholly
protected by a steel capsule. They shall be welded to the steel reinforcement, 2
gauges at each depth.
The Engineer shall approve the type of gauges to be used and other details on the
The loading equipment shall be capable of adjustment throughout the test to obtain a
smooth increase of load or to maintain each load constant at the required stages of a
maintained loading test. General
In a maintained load test movement of the pile head shall be measured by two of the
methods as described below. One method for settlement measurements, the other
method for control.
Where a level and staff are used, the level and scale of the staff shall be chosen to
enable readings to be made to within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. A scale attached to the
pile or pile cap may be used instead of a levelling staff. At least two datum points shall
be established on permanent objects or other well-founded structures, or deep datum
points shall be installed. Each datum point shall be situated so that only one setting up
of the level is needed.
No datum point shall be affected by the test loading or other operations on the site.
The measurement of pile movement shall be made by two dial gauges rigidly mounted
on the reference frame that bear on surfaces normal to the pile axis fixed to the pile
cap or head. Alternatively the gauges may be fixed to the pile and bear on surfaces on
the reference frame. The dial gauges shall be placed in diametrically opposed
positions and be equidistant from the pile axis. The dial gauges shall enable readings
to be made to within an accuracy of 0.1 mm.
The Contractor may submit for approval any other method for measuring the
movement of pile heads.
Throughout the test period all equipment for measuring load and movement shall be
protected from the weather.
Construction equipment and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall
be kept at a sufficient distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measurement
4.4.12 Supervision
The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours notice of the commencement
of the test. Records
During the progress of a test, the testing equipment and all records of the test as
required in Section shall be available for inspection by the Engineer.
The maximum load, which shall be applied in a proof test, is shown on the Drawings.
The loading and unloading shall be carried out in stages as shown in Table 4.4-1 or as
required by the Engineer.
Following each application of an increment of load the load shall be held for not less
than the period shown in Table 4.4-1 or until the rate of settlement is less than 0.25
mm/hour and is slowing down. The rate of settlement shall be calculated from the slope
of the curve obtained by plotting values of settlement versus time and drawing a
smooth curve through the points.
Each stage of unloading shall proceed after the expiry of the period shown in Table
For any period when the load is constant, time and settlement shall be recorded
immediately on reaching the load and at approximately 15 minute intervals for 1 hour,
at 30 minute intervals between 1 hour and 4 hours, and at 1 hour intervals between 4
hours and 12 hours after the application of the increment of load.
The Engineer may require that the full loading, or any portion of the loading, be
maintained on the pile for periods longer than shown in Table 4.4-1.
Table 4.4-1
Loading Sequence
Load as Percentage of Working Load Minimum Time of
Bored Piles Driven Piles Holding Load
25 50 1 hour
50 100 1 hour
75 125 1 hour
100 150 1 hour
75 125 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour
100 150 6 hours
125 200 1 hour
150 250 6 hours
175 275 1 hour
200 300 24 hours Proof Load
175 275 10 minutes
150 250 10 minutes
125 225 10 minutes
100 200 10 minutes
75 150 10 minutes
50 100 10 minutes
25 50 10 minutes
0 0 1 hour
b) The completed schedule of recorded data as in Section within seven days
of the completion of the test.
The Contractor shall provide information about the tested pile in accordance with the
following schedule where applicable.
A) General
1) Site location
2) Contract identification
3) Proposed structure
4) Date of test
B) Pile Details
C) Installation Details
1) Dates and times of boring, driving and concreting of test pile and adjacent piles
2) Date and time of casting concrete
3) Driven length of pile or temporary casing at final set
4) Hammer type, size or weight
5) Dolly and packing, type and condition before and after driving
6) Driving log (depth, blows per 250 mm, interruptions or breaks in driving)
7) At final set and at redrive set, for drop or single acting hammers, the length of the
drop or stroke, for diesel hammers the length of the stroke and the blows per
minutes, for double-acting hammers the number of blows per minute
8) Condition of pile head or temporary casing after driving
D) Test Procedure
1) Weight of kentledge
2) Tension pile, ground anchor or compression pile details
3) Plan of test arrangement showing position and distances of kentledge supports,
rafts, tension or compression piles and reference frame to test pile
4) Jack capacity
5) Method of Load measurement
6) Method(s) of penetration measurement
7) Relevant dates and times
E) Test Results
1) In tabular form
2) In graphical form: loads plotted against movements and time Kentledge
Kentledge and its supporting structure shall be removed from the test pile and stored
so that they are available for use in further tests or removed from the Site.
On completion of a preliminary test, temporary tension piles shall be cut off below
ground level, removed from the Site and the ground made good with approved material
as specified.
Load tests on large diameter (i.e. exceeding 1.2 metre) cast in place bored piles shall
normally be carried out on working piles using other working piles as anchor piles. The
test pile and anchor piles will be paid for at the normal rates for working piles as
provided in Section 4.1. Separate payments will be made for carrying out each load
test, individual rates shall be provided for different proof loads, which are specified in
the Bill of Quantities. Payment for load tests on large diameter cast in place bored piles
shall include provision of special instrumentation to test piles, anchor bars to reaction
piles, provision of all testing equipment, carrying out of the tests, dismantling of
equipment and removal from site, breaking out pile heads etc. in accordance with the
requirements for working piles, preparation of all reports etc.
Load tests on pilot driven piles shall normally be carried out using temporary anchor
piles or kentledge. The pilot pile will be paid for at the rates provided for pilot piles in
Section 4.2. Separate payment shall not be made for anchor piles. Separate payments
will be made for carrying out each load test and individual rates shall be provided for
different proof loads, which are specified in the Bill of Quantities. Payment for load tests
on pilot driven piles shall include provision of anchor piles or kentledge, provision of all
test equipment, carrying out of the tests, dismantling of equipment and removal from
site, cutting off below level of temporary anchor piles, preparation of all reports etc.
Load tests on pilot cast in place piles, less than 1.2 metre diameter, shall normally be
carried out using temporary anchor piles or kentledge. The pilot pile will be paid for at
the rates provided for pilot piles in Section 4.1. Separate payment shall not be made
for anchor piles. Separate payments will be made for carrying out each load test and
individual rates shall be provided for different proof loads, which are specified in the Bill
of Quantities. Payment for load tests on pilot piles shall include provision of anchor
piles or kentledge, provision of all test equipment, carrying out of the tests, dismantling
of equipment and removal from site, cutting off below level of temporary anchor piles,
preparation of all reports etc.