Association of Body Mass Index and Waist-To-Hip Ratio With Brain Structure
Association of Body Mass Index and Waist-To-Hip Ratio With Brain Structure
Association of Body Mass Index and Waist-To-Hip Ratio With Brain Structure
Dr. Hamer
Neurology 2019;92:e1-e7. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000006879
To examine the association of body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) with brain
We used cross-sectional data from the UK Biobank study (n = 9,652, age 55.4 ± 7.5 years, 47.9%
men). Measures included BMI, WHR, and total fat mass as ascertained from bioimpedance.
Brain images were produced with structural MRI.
After adjustment for a range of covariates, higher levels of all obesity measures were related to
lower gray matter volume: BMI per 1 SD (β coefficient −4,113, 95% confidence interval [CI]
−4,862 to −3,364), WHR (β coefficient −4,272, 95% CI −5,280 to −3,264), and fat mass
(β coefficient −4,590, 95% CI −5,386 to −3,793). The combination of overall obesity (BMI
≥30 kg/m2) and central obesity (WHR >0.85 for women, >0.90 for men) was associated with
the lowest gray matter compared with that in lean adults. In hypothesis-free testing with
a Bonferroni correction, obesity was also related to various regional brain volumes, including
caudate, putamen, pallidum, and nucleus accumbens. No associations between obesity and
white matter were apparent.
The combination of heightened BMI and WHR may be an important risk factor for gray matter
From School Sport (M.H.), Exercise & Health Sciences, Loughborough University; and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health (M.H., G.D.B.), University College London, UK.
Go to for full disclosures. Funding information and disclosures deemed relevant by the authors, if any, are provided at the end of the article.
In the absence of effective treatment modalities, the primary The aim of this study was to examine the joint associations of
prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, including de- BMI and WHR with brain structure using cross-sectional data
mentia, has gathered much research interest1–3 but remains from a large-scale population based imaging study of >9,000
poorly understood. Obesity was associated with lower rates of adults.
dementia in a large-scale study of >2 million adults,4 although
cohort studies with extended follow-up have shown null
findings5 or even the reverse gradient.6 That weight loss is Methods
common in the preclinical phase (up to a decade before di-
agnosis) of dementia6,7 may go some way to explaining these
Participants 40 to 69 years of age were recruited in 2006
apparently paradoxical findings.
to 2010 as part of the UK Biobank study and attended 1
of 22 clinical assessment centers in England, Wales, and
The mechanisms underlying the association between obesity
and neurodegenerative diseases are not well known. Struc-
tural alterations in gray and white matter have been linked to Standard protocol approvals, registrations,
episodic memory decline and dementia risk.8 Various small- and patient consents
scale imaging studies9–16 have shown that higher levels of Ethics approval was provided by the National Health Service,
body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are National Research Ethics Service (reference 11/NW/0382).
linked to lower gray matter volume. Although studies have Participants provided written informed consent.
examined BMI and WHR (as a marker of central obesity)
separately, there has been no investigation of the joint Obesity measures
effects, which may be important given the existing evidence Body weight and fat mass were collected with a Tanita
in relation to other disease outcomes.17 Some data have (Tokyo, Japan) BC418MA body composition analyzer using
suggested greater risk of cardiovascular disease in partic- bioimpedance.19 Nurses measured standing height using
ipants with both elevated BMI and WHR,17 which may be of a Seca (Hamburg, Germany) height measure with the head
relevance to neurodegenerative disorders given the apparent positioned in the Frankfort plane. BMI was calculated with
vascular origin. the standard formula (weight in kilograms divided by height
Statistical analysis
In all our analyses, underweight participants (BMI <18.5
kg/m2, n = 41) were removed because this subsample was
too small to analyze in its own right and inclusion within
the healthy weight category may have introduced bias
Age at examination 54.7 (7.5) 56.0 (7.5) 55.0 (7.3) WHR −4,272 (−5,280 to −3,264) a
294 (−790 to 1,379)
(mean, SD), y
Fat indexb −4,590 (−5,386 to −3,793)a −367 (−1,226 to 493)
Sex, %
Women 63.7 42.2 49.9 Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; WHR = waist-to-hip ratio.
Coefficients reflect a 1-SD increase in obesity marker and are adjusted for
age, sex, smoking, vigorous physical activity, alcohol, education, major de-
Men 36.6 57.6 50.1
pression, heart disease, and hypertension.
p < 0.001.
Educational attainment, 48.4 42.4 38.1 b
Calculated from impedance data; total fat mass (kg)/height (m).
% degree/college
Alcohol intake, % daily 22.9 23.6 19.2 Second, data were available on “fluid intelligence” (a task
Frequency vigorous with 13 logic/reasoning-type questions and a 2-minute time
physical activity, % limit23) in a subsample of participants (n = 3,477). We
None 29.0 32.7 43.2
conducted a sensitivity analysis on obesity and gray matter
volume with additional adjustment for fluid intelligence
1 or 2 times per week 34.1 33.3 29.6
score in this subsample. Again, results remained largely un-
≥3 times per week 36.9 33.9 27.2 changed: 1-SD unit increase in BMI (β = −3,292, 95%
CI −4,560 to −2025), WHR (β = −3,661, 95% CI −5,322
Heart disease, % 1.9 3.6 4.8
to −2000), and fat index (β = −3,448; 95% CI −4,790 to
Hypertension, % 11.7 21.6 31.7 −2,107).
Diabetes mellitus, % 1.1 2.6 7.2
Third, we examined the combined influences of BMI
Major depression, % 2.6 2.5 2.8
and WHR on brain volume. Within normal and overweight
Whole-brain gray 804,047 ± 789,089 ± 787,577 ± BMI categories, there were no differences in gray matter
matter, mm3 47,524 46,979 49,573
volume between participants with and those without central
Whole-brain white 711,042 ± 711,459 ± 710,707 ± obesity. Within obese participants (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) with
matter, mm3 41,074 41,327 39,831
central obesity (present in 72%), however, there was evi-
Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index.
dence of lower gray matter volume compared with those
who were not categorized as centrally obese (β = −4,496,
95% CI, −8,820 to −172, p = 0.04) (figure 3). These dif-
ferences were marginally attenuated with further adjustment
conventional levels of statistical significance. The linear nature for total body fat percentage (β = −3,907, 95% CI, −8,246 to
of the BMI–gray matter association was similar across age 432, p = 0.078).
categories (figure 2) (p for interaction = 0.50) and sex (p for
interaction = 0.23). Lastly, an exploratory analysis was conducted to examine
associations between obesity and 7 specific brain region
Next, we conducted a series of sensitivity analyses. First, volumes using partial correlations. These tests were hy-
diabetes mellitus is likely to be on the intermediate pathway pothesis free, and, owing to their frequency, we applied
between obesity and brain atrophy. To test its role, we ad- a Bonferroni correction. Obesity was associated with a lower
ditionally controlled for a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus volume of the caudate (only WHR), putamen (only BMI
(sample prevalence 2.9%). Participants with diabetes melli- and total fat mass), pallidum, and nucleus accumbens
tus demonstrated lower gray matter volume (β = −14,200, regions (p < 0.001) (table 3).
95% confidence interval [CI] −18,595 to −9,804) compared
to those without the condition. When we added diabetes
mellitus to the models featured in table 2, the associations
between BMI and gray matter (β = −3,847, 95% CI −4,600 to
−3,093) and WHR and gray matter (β = −3,942, 95% CI The aim of the present paper was to examine associations
−4,954 to −2,930) were, in fact, only partially attenu- between obesity and brain volumes, taking advantage of
ated (≈6%–8%). a considerably larger study population than in previous work.
Our main finding was that people with obesity, as ascertained disease.26 Epidemiological studies of mortality risk have
with BMI and WHR, had a lower gray matter volume. BMI tested whether WHR can provide additional predictive
and WHR appeared to have additive effects only in obese utility over and above BMI, although results have been
(BMI ≥30 kg/m2) participants, although associations mixed.17,25,27,28 The present data suggest that the combi-
appeared to be driven partly by total body fat percentage. For nation of high BMI and high WHR is associated with
the first time, we also found apparent associations of obesity greater gray matter atrophy. Visceral fat is thought to be
with specific brain regions, relationships that need detailed a major site for inflammatory cytokine production and has
replication with other datasets. been linked to other vascular risk factors (hypertension,
diabetes mellitus)29 that may be important mechanisms in
The association between obesity and health outcomes has brain atrophy.13,30,31 Associations between obesity and gray
been controversial,24,25 and this might be partly explained matter volume were only partly explained by diabetes
by specific health effects of different fat depots. BMI is mellitus in the present study. In contrast, subcutaneous fat
thought to be more reflective of fat stored peripherally, in the hips and legs has been linked to healthier metabolic
whereas WHR is an indicator of fat located viscerally and profiles,32 which may provide partial support for the con-
potentially considered a greater risk factor for heart cept of metabolically healthy obesity. Indeed, our data
suggested that obese participants (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) with-
out central obesity had a gray matter volume similar to that
of overweight participants.
Figure 3 Body mass index and waist-to-hip in relation to
gray matter brain volume Hippocampal atrophy is thought to be particularly relevant
to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alz-
heimer disease,33 although we did not observe consistent
associations with obesity. Previous work has hypothesized
obesity–gray matter associations specifically in areas in-
volved in behavioral control, reward processing (e.g., the
prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobe or striatum with caudate
nucleus, globus pallidus, and putamen), homeostasis (hy-
pothalamus), and motor control (cerebellum and gyrus
precentralis). These areas could conceivably be linked to
obesogenic behavior such as appetite and satiety regula-
tion.15 The present results confirm earlier work15 by dem-
onstrating associations between obesity and smaller volumes
in some of these specific areas of the brain (i.e., caudate,
putamen). Structural brain abnormalities that disrupt ap-
Data are presented as means adjusted for age, sex, smoking, vigorous petite regulation/reward could precede the development of
physical activity, alcohol, education, major depression, heart disease, and
hypertension. obesity. Although brain imaging data were collected after
measures of obesity, these were essentially cross-sectional
a a a
WHR −0.036 −0.047 −0.025 −0.050 −0.024 −0.011 −0.031
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