Astm D 5397
Astm D 5397
Astm D 5397
This guide was developed by the Geosynthetic Research Institute (GRI) with the cooperation of
the member organizations for general use by the public. It is completely optional in this regard
and can be superseded by other existing or new guides on the subject matter in whole or in part.
Neither GRI, the Geosynthetic Institute, nor any of its related institutes, warrant or indemnifies
any materials produced according to this guide either at this time or in the future.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide covers polyethylene in the resin density range of 0.932 g/cc or greater, which
results in a geomembrane with minimum density of 0.940 g/cc when mixed with carbon
black and additives. This compounded material is commonly referred to in the
geomembrane industry as high density polyethylene (HDPE) and this terminology will
be used accordingly in this guide.
1.2 This guide uses data obtained from the Notched Constant Tensile Load (NCTL) test, per
ASTM D5397 Test Method, to generate a behavioral curve. It then prescribes the
procedure to be used to obtain the transition time (Tt) from this curve and furthermore
sets a minimum value for "Tt". The guide is oriented toward test specimens taken from
fabricated sheets of the geomembrane under consideration. The guide also recommends
the frequency of such testing.
1.3 This guide also addresses data obtained from the Single Point-Notched Constant Tensile
Load (SP-NCTL) test, per the Appendix of the ASTM D 5397 Test Method. It
prescribes the number and orientation of test specimens and sets a value for minimum
This GRI standard is developed by the Geosynthetic Research Institute through consultation and review by the
member organizations. This guide will be reviewed at least every 2-years, or on an as-required basis. In this regard
it is subject to change at any time. The most recent revision date is the effective version.
Copyright © 1997, 2003, 2006, 2013, 2015 Geosynthetic Institute
All rights reserved
GM10 - 1 of 7 Rev. 4: 07/23/15
acceptable times without failure. The guide is oriented toward test specimens taken from
fabricated geomembrane sheets. It also recommends the frequency of such testing.
1.4 For textured or structured geomembranes the test specimens must be taken within the
smooth (nontextured) surfaces along the edges of the sheet.
1.5 In the context of quality systems and management, this guide is focused on
manufacturing quality control (MQC).
2. Referenced Documents
3. Classification
3.1 This guide covers the stress crack resistance of HDPE geomembranes. According to
ASTM D 883, stress crack is defined as "an external or internal crack in a plastic caused
by tensile stresses less than its short-time mechanical strength."
3.2 This guide focuses on those geomembranes produced from virgin polyethylene in the
density range of 0.932 g/cc or greater. When formulated with typical amounts of carbon
black and additives, the resulting minimum density is 0.940 g/cc. This compounded
material is commonly referred to as HDPE in the geomembrane industry.
3.3 While stress cracking in plastics is a fundamental resin property it should be recognized
that it can be influenced by the thermal history of the sheet during the manufacturing
4. Sample Preparation
4.1 Test specimens to be used for the full NCTL test and the SP-NCTL test are taken
directly from samples of the as-manufactured geomembrane sheet. They should be taken
at uniform distances across the roll width with the exception of textured surfaces as
discussed in section 1.4.
5.1 Geomembrane sheet thicknesses that are applicable for this guide are from 0.75 mm (30
mil) to 3.0 mm (120 mils).
Note 3: It should be noted that the failure time at any applied stress level is somewhat
effected by the thickness of the geomembrane sheet. Generally, specimens of
small thickness will result in a longer failure times than those of large thickness
due to their density variation.
5.2 Dimensions of the individual dumbbell shaped test specimens shall be in accordance with
ASTM D1822 for both the NCTL and SP-NCTL tests.
5.3 The thickness of the test specimens must be within 5% of the nominal thickness of the
geomembrane sheet.
5.4 Per ASTM D5397 and its Appendix, the notch depths for both NCTL and SP-NCTL test
specimens shall be such that a ligament of 80% of nominal sheet thickness remains after
notching to sustain the applied loads.
5.5 The yield stress used for calculating the percent applied loads in Section 6.4 shall be
obtained according to ASTM D6693.
Note 4: The applied stress to be imposed on the notched test specimens are percentages
of the yield stress of the sheet per ASTM D6693 at 21C 2C. In contrast, the
NCTL and SP-NCTL tests are tested at 50 1C.
5.6 Test specimens shall be immersed in a suitable bath containing a 10% Igepal (CO
630)/90% tap water solution, maintained at 50C 1C.
Note 5: In case of disputes between the parties involved, deionized water should be used
instead of tap water.
5.7 The constant load test device shall be equipped with timers and other incidental items per
ASTM D5397.
6.1 Data Required - Per ASTM D5397, data sets of percent yield stress (% y) versus average
failure time (Ft) shall be generated.
6.2 A minimum of thirty test specimens are die cut in one direction from the sample of the
geomembrane sheet (3 replicates at 10 different loads). The longitudinal axis of the
dumbbell shaped test specimens will generally be the cross machine direction of the
geomembrane sheet.
6.3 The test specimens, in sets of three, are subjected to each applied stress. The applied stress
levels should range from approximately 50% to 20% of the yield strength, in maximum
increments of 5%.
6.4 Tests at the lowest stress level shall start first and incrementally increase through each
stress interval to the highest stress level.
6.5 For this guide focused on manufacturing quality control (MQC) testing, the yield value
used to calculate the applied loads shall be the manufacturer's mean value for the
geomembrane resin/formulation under consideration.
Note 8: For manufacturing quality assurance (MQA) testing, the yield value will
generally be from five tests per ASTM D6693 for the particular
resin/formulation under consideration. Since this is a statistically small sample,
the value will generally be different (higher or lower) than the manufacturer's
mean value of yield stress. Communication between the parties involved is
recommended to resolve possible differences.
6.6 The resulting test data shall be presented on a log-log plot of the percent yield stress
versus average failure time of the three tests at each load, as shown in Figure 1. At least 3
points shall be located in the ductile region of the curve and at least 3 points shall be
located in the brittle region of the curve. Adequate points shall be available to define the
shape of the transition region of the curve.
6.7 The transition time (Tt) shall be identified as the time corresponding to the onset point of
the brittle portion of the curve provided that such point has a lower failure time than any
point in the transition region of the curve. If no such point has been determined, back
extrapolation of the brittle curve shall be used to identify a smooth curve from the points
located in the transition region.
6.8 The minimum value for the transition time for an acceptable HDPE geomembrane sheet
using the above procedure shall be 250 hours.
Note 9: The original value of 100 hours1 transition time value was deduced from a data
base which included fourteen commercial virgin geomembranes and seven field
exhumed geomembranes. The majority of the evaluated geomembranes had a
thickness of 2.0 mm (0.080 in.). In light of recent upgrade of SCR to 500 hours
this value is now increased to 250 hours.
6.9 For sheets with transition times well in excess of 250 hours the determination of the
complete brittle portion of the curve can be extremely long. For example, if the test is
ongoing and a linear ductile line is still in evidence after 1000 hours, a conclusion can be
reached that the geomembrane sheet under consideration will possess a transition time
greater than 100 hrs. In this case, the test can be concluded and a report written as to the
satisfaction of this guide.
6.10 A full NCTL test shall be conducted on each resin/formulation used by the geomembrane
7.1 SP-NCTL tests per the Appendix of ASTM D 5397 shall be performed on samples of
geomembrane sheet for each two resin lots. For the purposes of this guide, a lot is defined
as a railcar of pellets which is typically in the range of 70,000 Kg to 90,000 Kg (150,000
Hsuan, Y.G., Koerner, R.M., and Lord, A.E., (1993) "Stress-Cracking Resistance of High-Density Polyethylene
Geomembranes" Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 11, pp. 1840-1857.
Note 10: If multiple gauges of sheet are made from a given resin lot only the sheet with
highest gauge thickness needs to be tested to comply with this guide.
7.2 Samples can also be taken from a small scale laboratory extruder, however, the
correlation of results to the as-manufactured sheet must be developed on a material and
process specific basis.
7.3 Test specimens are to be taken in the cross machine direction of the geomembrane sheet
under consideration.
7.4 The constant load applied to the test specimen(s) shall be 30% of the yield stress per
ASTM D6693. The yield stress value used in the test shall be the manufacturer's mean
value for the geomembrane resin/formulation under consideration.
7.5 The criteria to be used for pass/fail decisions shall be set forth in Table 1.
8. Certification
8.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or order, a manufacturer's certification that
the geomembrane was manufactured and tested in accordance with this guide together
with a report of the test results shall be furnished.
9.1 If the results of any test do not conform to the requirements of this guide, retesting to
determine conformity may be performed as agreed upon between the parties involved.
Revision 3 – Decreased frequency of testing from 1 resin lot to 2 resin lots. See Section 7.1.
Revision 4 - July 23, 2015 - Increased SCR value from 300 to 500 hours per GM13.
Increased noncomplying specifier from 150 to 250 hours. Added Note 7.
The standard’s identification was changed from a specification to a guide
which better reflects the content of the document.