A Report On Air Powered Vehicle
A Report On Air Powered Vehicle
A Report On Air Powered Vehicle
A Seminar Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Mechanical Engineering
(Roll No.1516440182)
Certified that Mr. VISHAL SRIVASTAVA (Roll Number 1516440182) has carried
out the research work presented in this thesis entitled “AIR POWERED VEHICLE” for
Lucknow under my supervision. The seminar embodies results of original work, and
studies are carried out by the student himself and the contents of the seminar do not form
the basis for the award of any other degree to the candidate or to anybody else from this
Currently in India, there are more than 20 million vehicles, mostly driven by internal
combustion engines, and the pollutants, Carbon Monoxide (CO) and unburned
Hydrocarbons (HC), generated by vehicles are responsible for more than 20% of the air
pollutants released to the atmosphere.
The studies show that the internal combustion engines of motorcycles may generate up to
two times more pollutants than those of automobiles.
In order to improve the air pollution condition and estimate the pollutants exhausting, a
new idea of using COMPRESSED AIR as the power source for vehicles, is presented.
Instead of an internal combustion engine, the vehicles will be equipped with an air motor,
which transforms the energy of the compressed air into mechanical motion energy.
So, the air powered vehicle is an eco-friendly vehicle which works on compressed air. An
air powered vehicle uses air as a fuel. It uses the expansion of compressed air to drive the
piston of an engine. An air driven engine is a pneumatic actuator thus creates useful work
by expanding compressed air.
There is no mixing of fuel with air as there is no combustion.
I would also like to offer thanks to Dr. S UJO Y BH ATT ACH ARYA , Director,
PSIT, Kanpur, for allowing me to do this work.
I am also thankful to all the faculty members of PSIT Kanpur, for providing me various
kind of support and help directly or indirectly, during my present work.
Date: 08/11/2017 Roll No.1516440182
List of figures…………………………………….……………………………………….06
List of tables…....................................................................................................................06
2.2 Mechanism………………………………………….…………………………………11
Chapter 5 Working
6.1 Principle…………………………………………………………………………….…23
9.3 Disadvantages……………………………………….…………………………………29
Chapter 10 Conclusion
10.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………31
Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………...33
Figure No. Page No.
Figure 1……………………………………………………………………………………09
Figure 2……………………………………………………………………………………09
Figure 3……………………………………………………………………………………10
Figure 4……………………………………………………………………………………10
Figure 5……………………………………………………………………………………11
Figure 6……………………………………………………………………………………12
Figure 7……………………………………………………………………………………13
Figure 8……………………………………………………………………………………14
Figure 9…………………………………………………………………………………....15
Figure 10……………………………………………………………………..……………16
Figure 11……………………………………………………………………..……………18
Figure 12…………………………………………………………………..………………19
Figure 13……………………………………………………………..……………………21
Figure 14……………………………………………………………..……………………24
Figure 15……………………………………………………………..……………………26
Figure 16…………………………………………………………..………………………28
Table 1…………………………………………………………..…………………………30
Chapter 1
We know that our world is facing fuel crisis now a days. All kind of conventional source
of fuel are on the verge of exhaustion. Gasoline which has been the main source of fuel for
the history of cars is becoming more and more expansive and impractical (especially from
an environment standpoint). These factors are leading car manufacturers to developed cars
We are confident that AIR POWERED TECHNOLOGY holds the key to the
automobile’s future. At the same time, though we are aware that no one type of vehicle can
meet all society’s needs. That’s why we are pushing ahead with research on a range of
which the emission of large amounts of CO, NOx, Hydrocarbons and soot produces some
of the most adverse environmental effects. These emissions, which are above all caused by
road traffic and power plants, damage the flora and fauna and deteriorate human health.
NOx, for example after oxidation forming nitric acid, contributes to the acid rain which has
The internal combustion engine is still the predominant means of propulsion, and we have
made great strides in reducing its impact on environment. Hybrid vehicles have been
TECHNOLOGY, which is the zero emission vehicles, may become the ultimate power
In order to comply with the increasingly stringent in the field of emissions from the road
traffic, the automobile industry as well as other firms and research institutes have
increasingly placed emphasis on the development of zero emission vehicles i.e. AIR
Air powered technology has been used since the 19th century to power mines, locomotive
and trains in cities was previously the basis of naval torpedo propulsion.
In 1903, the LIQUID AIR COMPANY located in LONDAN ENGLAND manufactured a
number of air powered and liquefied air cars. The major problem with these cars and all air
powered cars is the lack of Torque produced by the Engines and the Cost of compressing
the air.
Chapter 2
2.1 Working of Air Engine in cars-
2.2 Mechanism-
In practical terms compressed air at 300bars is stored in the Carbon Fiber Tank ‘A’. Air is
released through the main line firstly to an Alternator ‘B’ where the first stage of
decomposition takes place. Now cold air passes through a Heat Exchanger ‘C’ which adds
thermal energy to the air and provides a convenient opportunity for Air Conditioning ‘D’.
Figure 6 the Chassis
The warmed compressed air now passes to the motor ‘E’ where two more stages of
decompression and re-heating take place. The motor drives the rear axle ‘G’ through the
transmission ‘F’. Control of engine speed is done through a conventional accelerator pedal
controlling a valve within the motor.
Chapter 3
Components of an Air Powered Car
3.1 The Body-
The car body is built with fiber and injected foam, as are most of the cars in the
market today.
This technology has two main advantages: cost and weight.
Nowadays the use of sheet steel for car bodies is only because of cost- it is cheaper
to serially produce sheet steel bodies than fiber ones.
However, the fiber is safer, is easier to repair, doesn’t rust etc.
Based on the experience in aeronautics, MDI has put together highly resistant, yet
light, chassis, aluminum rods glued together.
Using rods enables us to build a more shock resistant chassis than regular chassis.
Additionally, the rods are glued in the same way as in aircraft, allowing quick
assembly and a more secure joint than with the welding. The system helps to
reduce manufacture time.
Compressed air tanks are the one of the major parts of these cars. These tanks hold
90 cubic meters of air compressed to 300 bars. It is similar to the tanks used to
carry the liquid gas used by the buses for public transport.
The tanks enjoy the same technology developed to contain natural gas. They are
designed and officially approved to carry an explosive product- methane gas.
In the case of a major accident, where the tanks are ruptured, they would not
explode since they are not metal.
Instead they would crack, as they are made of carbon fiber.
An elongated crack would appear in the tank, without exploding, and the air would
simply escape, producing a loud but harmless noise.
Of course, since this technology is licensed to transport an inflammable and
explosive gas (Natural Gas), it is perfectly capable in offensive and non-flammable
In the fitting, therefore, the MDI has reached an agreement with the European
Leader in aerospace technology air bus industries for the manufacture of the
compressed air storage tanks.
With a remote supervision arrangement, Airbus Industries oversees the making of
the storage tanks at each MDI factory.
The coiled carbon fiber technology used in the construction of the tanks is complex
and requires a substantial quality control process which the MNC, home of the
Airbus, Aircraft, will provide for its vehicles.
Thus only one cable is needed for the whole car. So, instead of wiring each
component (headlights, dashboard lights, lights inside the car, etc), one cable
connects all electrical parts in the car.
The most obvious advantages are the ease of installation and repair and the removal
of the approximately 22kg of wires no longer necessary.
The entire system becomes an anti-theft alarm as soon as the key is removed from
the car.
3.8 Moto-Alternator-
The Moto-alternator connects the engine to the gearbox. It has many functions-
Chapter 4
temperature difference between the low chambers creates pressure waves in the
expansion chamber, thereby producing work in the exhaust chamber that drives the
piston to power engine.
The air tanks for storing the compressed air are localized underneath the vehicle. They are
constructed of Reinforced Carbon Fiber with a thermoplastic liner. Each tank can hold
3.180 ft^3 of air at a pressure of up to 4300psi. When connected to a special compressor
station, the tanks can be recharged within 3-4 minutes. They can also be recharged using
the on-board compressor 3-4 hours after connecting to a standard power outlet.
Numerous innovations have been integrated in the engine design. As for example,
there is a patented system of articulated condors that allow the piston to pause at top dead
centre. The following graph indicates the movement of piston in relation to the driving
shaft rotation-
The car engine runs on compressed air and incorporates the three laws of thermodynamics-
1. The first law states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
2. The second law describes the disorder within the substances.
3. The third law defines that only in crystal at 0k, there is absolute disorder.
The car incorporates these laws of thermodynamics in the following ways- First; the
pressure that is created within on-board tanks during compression is in direct proportion to
the energy that has been stored in it. This process is equivalent to the energy stored in a
wire spring when it is compressed. Furthermore, thermal energy is dissipating from the
system, thereby lowering the temperature of a compressed gas volume that expands. This
process is equivalent to harnessing energy that has been stored.
Chapter 5
Air powered car runs on compressed air instead of gasoline. Since the car is working
on air, there is no pollution.
A two cylinder, compressed air engine, powers the car. The engine can run either on
compressed air alone or act as an internal combustion engine.
Compressed air is stored in fiber or glass fiber tanks at a pressure of 4351 pounds per
square inch.
The air is fed through an air injector to the engine and flows into a small chamber,
which expands the air.
The air pushing down on the piston moves the crankshaft, which gives the vehicle
The car is also working on a hybrid version of their engine that can run on traditional
fuel in combustion with air.
The change of energy source is controlled electronically. When the car is moving at
speed below 60kph, it runs on air. At higher speed, it runs on a fuel such as gasoline
diesel or natural gas.
Air tanks fixed to the underside of the vehicle can hold about 79 gallons (300 liters) of
This compressed air can fuel the car up to 200km at a top speed of 96.5kph. When the
tank nears empty it can be refilled at the nearest air pump.
The car motors require a small amount of oil about 0.8 liters worth that have to change
just every 50,000km.
Chapter 6
6.1 Principle-
It uses an innovative system to control the movement of the second generation
piston and one single crank shaft.
The piston works in two stages and one intermediate stage of compression and
The engine has four stage pistons that are 8 compression and/or expansion
chambers. They have two functions:
1. To compress ambient air.
2. To make successive expansion thereby approaching isothermal expansion.
Chapter 7
Another version of an air powered car is being developed by researchers at the University
of Washington using the concept of a steam engine, except there is no combustion. The
Washington researchers use liquid nitrogen as the propellant for their LN2000 prototype
air car. The researchers decided to use nitrogen because of its abundance in the
atmosphere- nitrogen makes up about 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere and the
availability of liquid nitrogen. There are five components to the LN2000 engines:-
The liquid nitrogen, stored at -320 degree is vaporized by the heat exchanger. The heat
exchanger is the heart of the LN2000’s CRYOGENIC ENGINE, which gets its name from
the extremely cold temperature at which the liquid nitrogen is stored. Air moving around
the vehicle is used to heat the liquid nitrogen to a boil. Once the liquid nitrogen boils, it
turns to gas in the same way that heated water from steam in a steam engine.
Nitrogen gas formed in the heat exchanger expands to about 700 times the volume of its
liquid form. This highly pressurized gas is then fed to the expander, where the force of the
nitrogen gas is converted into mechanical power by pushing on the engine’s piston. The
only exhaust is nitrogen and since nitrogen is a major part of the atmosphere, the car gives
of little pollution. However, the cars may not reduce pollution as much as we think. While
no pollution exits the car, the pollution may be shifted to another location. As with the
evolution car, the LN2000 requires electricity to compress the air. That use of electricity
means there is some amount of pollution produced somewhere else. Some of the leftover
heat in the engine’s exhaust is cycled back through the engine to the economizer, which
preheats the nitrogen before it enters the heat exchanger, increasing efficiency. Two fans at
the rear of the vehicle draw in the air through the heat exchanger to enhance the transfer of
heat to the liquid nitrogen.
The Washington researchers have developed a crude prototype of their car, using a
converted 1984 Grumman- Olson Kubvan mail truck. The truck has a radial five cylinder
that produces 15 horsepower with the liquid nitrogen fuel. It also features a five speed
manual transmission. Currently, the vehicle is able to go only about two miles on a full
tank of liquid nitrogen, and its top speed is only 22mph. However, because a liquid
nitrogen propelled car will be lighter, the researchers think that a 60 gallon tank will give
the LN2000 a potential range of about 200 miles. With gas price soaring, as they have over
the past two years, it might not be long before many motorists turn to vehicles powered by
alternative fuels.
Although air powered vehicles are still behind their gasoline counterparts when it
comes to power and performance, they cost less to operate and are arguably more
environment friendly, which makes them attractive as the future of highway transportation.
Chapter 8
Tanks are refilled by plugging the car into a mains socket to feed the motor- alternator
which compresses the air with the motor compressor.
Refilling time obviously depends on the source of electricity used. Here are the initial
Chapter 9
9.2 Advantages of Air Powered Vehicle-
Refueling can be done at home using an air compressor or at service station. The
energy required for compressing air is produced at large centralized plants, making
it less costly and more effective to manage carbon emissions than from individual
Compressed air engine reduce the cost of vehicle production by about 20%,
because there is no need to build a cooling system, spark plugs, starter motor or
The rate of self discharge is very low opposed to batteries that deplete their charge
slowly over time. Therefore, the vehicle may be left unused for longer period of
time than electric cars.
Expansion of the compressed air lowers its temperature; this may be exploited for
use as air conditioning.
Compressed air vehicle emits few pollutants, mostly dust from brake and tire wear.
Lighter vehicles would result in less wear on roads.
9.3 Disadvantages-
When air expands, as it would in the engine, it cools dramatically (Charles's law)
and must be heated to ambient temperature using a heat exchanger similar to
the Intercooler used for internal combustion engines. The heating is necessary in
order to obtain a significant fraction of the theoretical energy output. The heat
exchanger can be problematic. While it performs a similar task to the Intercooler,
the temperature difference between the incoming air and the working gas is
smaller. In heating the stored air, the device gets very cold and may ice up in cool,
moist climates.
Refueling the compressed-air container using a home or low-end conventional air
compressor may take as long as 4 hours, while the specialized equipment at service
stations may fill the tanks in only 3 minutes.
Tanks get very hot when filled rapidly. SCUBA tanks are sometimes immersed in
water to cool them down when they are being filled. That would not be possible
with tanks in a car and thus it would either take a long time to fill the tanks, or they
would have to take less than a full charge, since heat drives up the pressure.
However, if well insulated, such as Dewar (vacuum) flask design, the heat would
not have to be lost but put to use when the car was running.
Early tests have demonstrated the limited storage capacity of the tanks; the only
published test of a vehicle running on compressed air alone was limited to a range
of 7.22 km (4 mi).
9.4 Comparison with competition-
Table 1
Chapter 10
10.1 Air car in India-
Tata Motors has signed an agreement with ‘Motor Development International’ of
France to develop a car that runs on compressed air, thus making it very
economical to run and be almost totally pollution free.
Although there is no official word on when the car will be commercially
manufactured for India, reports say that it will be sooner.
The car would cost around Rs 350,000 in India and would have a range of around
300 km between refuels. The cost of a refill would be about Rs 90.
10.2 Conclusion-
From all the disruption made, one can easily say that by using air car there is
reduction in air pollution.
The emission benefits of introducing this zero emission technology are obvious.
Also, the aim of the project is to cut cost, create job locally. Also air car provides
an answer to the shortage of fuel and the high price of fuel.
With petrol and diesel price going up and the price of oil subjects to fluctuation for
motorists, this becomes headache; use of air motor is only the solution.
All know that there will be storage of gasoline in future, the engine that runs on
compressed air is only the alternative for it.
1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compressed-air_vehicle
2. http://zeropollutionmotors.us/
3. https://www.howstuffworks.com/search.php?terms=compressed+air+vehicle
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6xuetOpOtY
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRpxhlX4Ga0
6. Internal Combustion Engines- M.L. Mathur- Dhanpat Rai Publication