Design and Fabrication of Bore Well Rescue Machine
Design and Fabrication of Bore Well Rescue Machine
Design and Fabrication of Bore Well Rescue Machine
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor Submitted By
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Supervisor Submitted By
This is to certify that the project titled “Design and Fabrication of Borwell Rescue
Machine” is a bona fide record of the work submitted by
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of
Technology in Mechanical Engineering at Shri Mata Vaisho Devi University,
Katra during the year 2016-2017.
To aid in such rescue, we have proposed a system to recover the children from the
bore well without any danger. Bore well rescue machine consists of power supply,
aluminum pipes, DC gear motors, mobile camera, wings and pulley. This is light
weight machine that will go down into the bore well, perform the action and save the
child life systematically. The movement of trapped child is captured by mobile and
can be monitored on laptop which is connected by mobile through hotspot. This robot
type machine can rescue trapped body from bore well in the minimum amount of time
and safely.
We take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regard to our
Guide, Mr. Amit Kumar Sinha for this exemplary guidance, monitoring and
constant encouragement through out the course of this thesis. The blessing help and
guidance given by him time to time shell carry us a long way of journey of life on
which we our about to embark.
I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Balbir Singh,
I/C Head of Department (HOD), for this cordial support, valuable information and
guidance, which helped us in completing this task through various stages.
Lastly, we thank almighty, our parents, family and friends for their constant
encouragement without which this project would not be possible.
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................iii
LIST OF FIGURES..................................................................................................... i
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………….
LIST OF NOMENCLATURE.....................................................................................
1.1 ………………………………………………………………………..
1.1.1 …………………………………………………………………
2.2 Incidents………………………………………………………………...
Bore well is got enlarge when it has been abandoned for a long time which makes it
more prone to accidents. Further, the rain water makes the soil slippery around the
bore well which also accelerate the chance of accidents. Child falls down into the bore
well till it get trapped and stuck.
Small children generally falls down into the bore well while they play outside from
the home. Common mass left the bore well uncovered, when they feel the bore well is
not necessary for them anymore.
Once the child goes into the bore well, there are different non solvable problem
present for child as well as for the society near the bore well. When the child is stuck
in deep there is insufficient supply of oxygen, food, water, and proper communication
with the family. Most of the child died due to suffocation and fear. Since these cases
mostly held in rural areas and due to unavailability of proper equipment regarding
these accident, society also suffers a lot they don’t apply the quick methods to rescue
the child.
The conventional method of rescuing the child is to dig a well like condition by
measuring a suitable gap from bore well, the diameter of well should be large enough
so that an adult person can able to go inside and at the level of the position of the child
the person can again dig hole towards the child from which both of them came back.
In this conventional method some extra problems are also present, to follow the above
procedure there is requirement of quick digging of the well which requires earth
removing machine and it takes almost 25-30 hours of digging time which is to large.
In addition with this the person who is ready to go inside have the requirement of
oxygen for breathing. The above whole procedure is shown in the figure 1. Some
researcher tried to make machine which go inside into the bore well take out the child,
but they have some other problems for example how to begin to grabbing if condition
is not allow them to grab easily, gives a solid proof to the society of rescuing the child
There are many important facts or we can say condition in which all the previously
designed methods are not giving concrete solution to rescue the child. Let’s deals with
some of them which plays a major role in rescuing, in conventional method there is
more than required time lag between commencement of rescuing and final rescue,
some machine made for rescue do not defined which part of the body of child they are
going to use for rescue operation, they don’t have any concrete criteria of specific
doctrine from which they can easily and safely take out the child from the hell what
we call bore well.
In our rescuing machine there is straight and forward procedure of rescuing the child,
as soon as the child fallen in the bore well if this machine will used to rescue we are
damn sure to take out the child without hurting him anymore, provided the child not
get unconscious. If child is giving response to the rescue team we can rescue the child
with full confidence. Let me be clear in brief suppose the child just fallen into the bore
well and child is still conscious then immediately our team will pass a mobile phone
to the child and give command for standing straight with face in contact with wall of
the bore well. After doing this we are going to dip our machine and as it reaches to the
child we seek for appropriate condition to grab the child from its back and finally with
application of holding force we hold the child tightly and start lifting. This takes
hardly 2-3 hours of rescuing operation.
Forty five deaths of children have been reported in the country since September
2001. From that we have only nineteen with the proof of newspaper that shown
below. Their deaths are caused due to fallen down into uncovered dry bore wells.
When the casing pipes costing hardly Rs.2000-3000/- are removed, even a six inch
bore became wider and trap an unwary child. In the recent history of the country,
Sandhya of Bellary on April 11, 2002, and Prince from Haryana, was rescued alive
from bore well. Six year old boy Dev Raj on 8 th June, 2004 was rescued from the
bore well, but later he died in the hospital due to injuries during the rescue
operation and lack of medical aid .The list of child and their status after rescue has
been given between 2001 to 2010 (Table 1) [C]. Usual method followed by the
rescue team is first to find the depth of the child in the bore well by using a rope.
After finding the depth, a parallel pit is dug using earthmoving vehicles.
There has been no dearth of causalities even though the regulation has been
released by the government. Inspite of having so many causalities, no national
register is maintained by the government which have a record of all the causalities
occurred due to bore well. Home Ministry shows that the number of deaths of
children up to 14 years due to fall in bore well have increased with the years from
175 in 2010, to 192 in 2011 and further to 194 in 2012.
However, the Home Ministry has no details about the action taken against the
guilty or the compensation paid for the deaths of children. The largest number of
these child causalities was in Madhya Pradesh (67) followed by Maharashtra (39),
Uttar Pradesh (19), Gujarat (18) and Tamil Nadu (13) occurred in 2012 (I).
S.N. Name of the Age Place of the Recovered Source of
1. Dilraj Kaur 3 Chandigarh Not alive The Hindu-4th June2010
(Dheera village)
2. Ankitma Wade 2.5 MP, Bhopal Not alive ND TV-29th Jan2010
12. Ajith 3 Dharamapuri Not alive The Hindu15 Feb,2004
Table1. Incidents Occurred in and around the Country (Sakhale et al., 2013)
Prince, 24th July, 2006
Prince Kumar Kashyap, five-year-old child who had fallen into 55-foot deep bore well
at Hardaheri village in Kurukshetra district in July 2006. He was rescued after a 49-
hour long and intensive operation.
In an initial attempt, an effort was made to dig up a hole parallel to the bore well.
However, that plan was dropped as it was not feasible. Thereafter, an adjoining
abandoned well was used to rescue Prince. After rescuers had managed to establish
contact with the child through a tunnel dug from an adjoining well, it took about an
hour more before the child could be brought out safely. The Army coordinated rescue
operation was a great success.
Maahi, four year old child from Khoh village near Manesar in Gurgaon in June, 2012.
She fell into a 68-foot-deep bore well in front of her house while she was playing with
other children. A parallel tunnel was dug which was 8 feet away from the bore well by
the personal of NDRF to reach the child. Though an intensive rescue operation was
managed which extended about 90 hours. Rescue personnel inside the tunnel carrying
oxygen pipes with them were hardly able to stay for more than 5 to 10 minutes in the
tunnel at a stretch and she was found dead even after so rigorous rescue mission and
the post-mortem report also found that Maahi died due to suffocation. She did not get
enough oxygen to breathe and died within a few hours after she fell into the bore
Kaveri Ajit Madar, fell into an abandoned farm bore well in Junjarwad village of
Athani taluk in Belagavi district of Karnataka in April, 2017. The presence of hard
and rocky soil was delaying the digging process to reach out to the girl, who fell into a
400-feet bore well. She was reportedly trapped at a depth of 30 feet. Experts dug a
parallel pit near the bore well to drill a tunnel to the point where Kaveri was trapped.
But digging was slow as there was hard and rocky soil at the spot. After a 54-hour
operation, The NDRF team pulled out the body and she found dead.
There was no proper rescue machine for the child trapped in the bore well. Rescue
team normally follows the parallel pit process to save the child. In normal rescue
operation, a parallel pit is dug deep to reach to the child .Rope is used as a common
method to find the depth of child in bore well (Kaur, 2014). they dig a parallel hole to
the original hole that is width of more than a size so a adult person can easily go into
the that and can be drawn safely with the child. First the team will find the depth of
the child in the bore well by using rope. Earth moving vehicles are used to dig the
parallel pit near the bore hole. It takes long time. At the time the child would have
died either due to lack of oxygen or lack of food and water. Due to the lack of
visualization the rescue team faces many difficulties.
There was many incident where local dwellers was even aware of the fact that is it
even possible to rescue child trapped in any kind of pit like bore hole. Then they call
the local police station, police come and analysis the situation even knowing the fact
that they have neither technical knowledge and then they call the army and finally
army start digging before that they measure the length of the bore well. Check the
topography and relief of the place where incident happened.
Sometime injuries during the rescue operation also leads to the death of child. The
lack of oxygen inside the deep hole makes it impossible for the child to survive for
long time due to suffocation. Hence this operation is very difficult, risky and time
consumptive. A survey in Haryana shows that in every three children fall into bore
well only 1 is alive. As per the survey we found that the ratio of dead and alive
children is 15:1 (Bharathi & Samuel, 2013).
Rescue personnel need more expertise and equipment to deal with such exigencies. At
least four children who slipped into poorly closed bore wells died in different parts of
Tamil Nadu in the last three years (Vijay & Palaniappan, 2014).In most of the cases,
rescuer team takes several hours to reach the children. Generally Child has been died
before first aid could reach them.
2.2.1 No Standard Operating Procedure
In the case of three-year-old Madhumitha who stepped into a deep bore well, rescuers
reached the spot in less than an hour. When attempts to reach the girl using a rope
failed, Fire and Rescue Service personnel managed to use earthmover that was
engaged in road laying works nearby (Vijay & Palaniappan, 2014).
Rocky terrain delayed attempts to dig a parallel well. Efforts were to rescue the girl
who slipped into the 8-inch bore well and got stuck at 30 feet where the diameter
shrunk to six inches. While pumping oxygen into the bore well, police kept a medical
team and ambulance at the scene.
2.2.3 Proposal
It had been proposed to the government to equip the force with gadgets to handle such
situations. Now a days such issues have become very common. So it is definitely
necessary to find a proper solution for this problem and try to equip the local police
station for this emergency and police men should be trained for this.
Many developments has been done in this field. When so many incidents came into
media then scholar, technician and even government started to find a proper solution
of this very grave problem. Many university also initiated the project to rescue a child
trapped in bore well. So many machines came into as a model for this problem but
still we are unable to find the final and concrete solution of this problem. Here are
some of the researches and models, describe the development till now.
Raj et al., (2014) describes as the diameter of the bore well is narrow for any adult
person and light goes dark inside it, the rescue task in those situations is challenging.
The robot holds the child with the help of pneumatic arms for picking up. A
teleconferencing system is also attach to the robot for communication with the child
(Raj et al., 2014).
B.Bharathi et al., (2013) describes the designing of a robot for rescuing a child which
is capable of moving inside the bore well. It is pick and place type of robot based on
arm design. The robot is operated through PC using wireless Zigbee technology. The
wireless camera attached to the robot can view both audio and video on the TV. This
robot has a high power LED which acts as a light source when light intensity inside
the pipe is low. It is a low cost human controlled robot that helps in rescuing the child
safely (Bharathi & Samuel, 2013).
John Jose Pattery et al., (2011) describes the facility to monitor the trapped child,
supply of oxygen and provide a supporting platform to lift up the child. The 1st motor
placed at top turns a gear mechanism which, in turn, pushes 3 blocks arranged at 120
degrees from each other towards the side of the bore well. The 2nd motor placed
below the plate turns the bottom shaft by 360 degrees, helping to locate the gap
through which the lifting rod passes. This is done with the help of a wireless camera
attached to the lifting rod [F].
Palwinder Kaur et al., (2014) describes the rescue operations without human
intervention. Here the wheeled leg mechanism is design to go inside the pipe and the
legs are circumferentially and symmetrically spaced out 120° apart. The robot can
adjust its legs according to the pipeline dimensions. The robot is empowered with
power supply, switch pad, and gear motor. The child position is captured from bore
well with USB Camera and monitored on PC. The LM35 temperature sensor and
16*2 LCD are interfaced with PIC 16F877A microcontroller to sense and displays on
LCD (Kaur et al., 2014).
S. Rajesh et al.(2015), describes “manipulator prosthetic bore well rescue system” and
even won The Silver Leaf certificate for it at the International Conference on
Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Sciences (ICEMS-2015), held at Hyderabad
recently. This innovative system would be useful to rescue children falling into bore
wells accidentally. This device was completely safe and effective in rescuing children
trapped in open bore wells than the conventional method of digging a parallel tunnel
at some distance from the bore well and going into it. The operations of the prosthetic
bore well rescue system are controlled from the ground. The device will be sent into
the narrow bore well and will take out the child with the help of grippers. He further
explained that the system consists of a manipulator, sensors, controllers and power
conversion unit [H].
M Manikandan et al., (2014) who runs the Madurai Rescue Team. The robotic arms,
or 'bore well robot', developed by Manikandan with his friends has also been used
outside Tamil Nadu. When a four-year-old girl fell into a bore well in Bijapur in
Karnataka, Manikandan and his team rushed to be a part of the rescue efforts.
However, the effort was given up after three attempts. The 48-hour-long operation
ended in tragedy with rescuers retrieving the girl's lifeless body from the 60-ft-deep
open bore well.Fitted with an air piston, the device can be inserted into deep and
narrow pits. The instrument, operated by electricity and battery, has features like
camera, light and a vacuum cleaner. The camera footage can be seen on a television
monitor on the surface to ascertain the position of the trapped child [J].
It takes about 40 hours to dig the parallel pit, by that time the child would have
Lack of oxygen inside the bore well leads to suffocation and finally child has
been died.
There is no such special equipment which can rescue the child trapped inside
the bore well.
Local body is not equip with the technology and training to handle such type
of accidents and finally Army has to be called to handle such exigencies.
It is not only a time taking process, but also risky in various ways.
Moreover, it involves a lot of energy and expensive resources which are not
easily available everywhere.
Lack of visualization causes the major difficulty during the rescue operation.
Heavy machine used to dig a parallel pit to bore well leads very high vibration
inside the bore well that causes physical and mental damage to the child.
We are now going to demonstrate the concept behind this machine, there are different
parts of the machine which are going to play a crucial role to fabricate this rescue
machine. The dimensions of different parts are according to easy handle of the
Figure 2: Hinge
Here is the hinge of the machine from which the main frame and the wings are to be
joined as shown in fig.2, this hinge have a torsional restoring force from which it tries
to make the wings always in open position. The hinge is also made up of aluminum
with the specification of ASTM-B-221.
Figure 3: Angle
The main frame of the machine is made of combination of flat angles, angles with
perpendicular curve with the suitable cuts and hole of proper sizes, as shown in the
fig.3, one of its angle made up of aluminum metal with metal specification ASTM-B-
221. To make this angle hurt free we have to give appropriate fillets to its edges.
Figure 4: Curved flat angle
The above figure is also a one of the integral part of the machine as shown in fig.4,
which is welded at the top of the vertical angle and made up of aluminum metal with
appropriate strength. The free end of this curved flat angle is welded with the socket
which further connects long pipes. This curved part actually gives its important role in
holding camera.
Figure 5: Socket
This socket is of either structural steel or of aluminum having proper threading which
connect the machine with series of 10 or 20 feet pipes as shown in fig.5.
Figure 6: Wings
This machine have one of its important part which is named as wing as shown in
fig.6, the grabbing of child is accomplished by these wings, the frame of wings are
made up of aluminum rod with suitable diameter and the backing sheet is of GI sheet
attached either from making groove like structure in the Al rod or with iron wire.
Figure 7: Pulley
As we all know that pulley transfer the force from one point to another with least loss,
this pulley is also playing its role for same purpose as shown in fig.7, a rope of
suitable strength connected between wing and shaft of the motor via this pulley.
Figure 8: DCgeared motor
This is the 10 RPM DC geared motor having the torque of 12 kg-cm as shown in
fig.8, attached on flat angle of the main frame with strong flexible iron wire. This
motor is attached in such position from which the one end of the rope bind from its
shaft and another is from wing via pulley. When the motor rotate it tries to take the
wings closer i.e. rotate it about hinge so that wings grab the child when found exact
Figure 9: Mobile camera holder
This is the design of mobile camera holder as shown in fig.9, a mobile app can
connect the mobile camera with laptop which will give us the live video condition
from mobile to laptop screen. This app is connected with laptop via Bluetooth which
is astonishing(really?).
This is the first step of the assembly of the machine as shown in fig.10, which
includes the flat angle is welded by vertical perpendicular curved angle, the dimension
of attaching these two components are as shown in 2D view of the assembly.
Figure 11: Main back frame with curved angle
As shown in fig.11, the next step of the assembly of the machine in which the upper
curved flat angle is welded by TIG welding with the main back frame of the machine.
All the attachment is done in such a manner so that the machine should fulfilling the
requirement of dimension regarding the diameter of bore well and connecting the
socket to the upper end of the machine.
Figure 12: Main back frame with pulley
The above figures show two views of the machine first one is showing the isometric
view of the machine and the second one showing the top view of the machine here
pulley is also assemble with lower flat angle, this raises a question why the pulleys are
attached on lower flat angle?
Since the child when fallen into the bore well and got trapped, while rescuing the
child the wings will come in contact first as we found the exact condition we are
going to start the motor to grab the child, when the child totally come in the machine
it is easy to hold the child in between the wings because the holding force is acting
from bottom side of the wing which ensure a proper and required force for holding the
Figure 13: Main back frame with socket
The machine looks little bit more interesting and good looking because here a more
part is added which is named as socket as shown in fig.13, it is mentioned above the
socket may be of aluminum or structural steel, it plays its role to connect the machine
to ground via series of pipes which are of either 10 or 20 feet.
Figure 14: Machine with motor and hinge
Now this machine is attached with two more parts which contribute to complete the
machine first is the DC geared motor with the torque of 12 kg-cm and second is the
hinge with torsional spring as shown in the fig.14. The motor is placed in such a way
so that the rope via pulley connected with wings when rotate it makes wings to come
closer to grab the child. The wings are connected with this hinge with the nut and bolt
of required diameter.
Machine is now further decorated with wings which plays an essential role to grab the
child as shown in fig.15, initially wings are open due to the torsional spring mounted
in the hinge. As the shaft of motor rotates the rope connected via pulley with wings
comes closer for grabbing the child as we found the required amount of force we will
stop the motor and then start uplifting the machine. While uplifting the machine we
have to take some precautions which we later discuss.
Figure 16: Bore well rescue machine
Here is the final assembly of the machine which include all the parts of the machine.
We are trying to demonstrate all the views of the machine so that the viewer could
easily understand the concept behind the machine generation. Now we will proceed
further and try to know the exact working of this child rescue machine.
To understand the full working of the machine let us first make the background
knowledge of the machine. Make sure you are familiar with the parts of the machine,
while making the machine inside connect the pipe with machine and by using the
clamp wrench loosely tight the pipe and vibrate the wrench, it make continuous and
slow dip of the machine in the bore well. The operator should continuously check the
condition of machine by viewing the live condition on the laptop screen, make sure
the flash of the mobile phone always remain open. When it appears the child position
come closer to the machine, it is required to slow further the movement of machine
and seek for favourable condition to hold the child in between the wings of the
machine. Make sure that while holding, the machine cannot hurt and make serious
injuries in the child body. The operator must apply that much of the grabbing force so
that the child must properly trapped in between the wings. As all these conditions and
precautions are fulfilled, slowly commence uplifting the machine by using the clamp
Finally when the child comes out on ground take him out from wings by rotating the
shaft of motor in reverse direction and give him/her proper medical treatment.
In the last few years, a lot of child life has been lost due to the uncovered bore well
accidents. Still we can hear the so many cases related to this due to mainly two
reasons. First one is due to lack of awareness among the people that small
carelessness of not covering the bore well may lead to grave incident. Second one is
that, still no concrete solution is not in practice inspite of having so many casualties
related to this which can rescue the child safely and quickly.
In this proposed System, the Rescue operation will be completed shortly and trapped
child in bore well safely. This project is used to reduce human efforts in bore well
rescuing operation. The process in bore well is continuously monitored with the help
of the camera, which is connected to the laptop. The structure is made strong enough
to sustain all possible loads. So many advancement has been taken place in this field
and our advancement is one of them. Our system is light one in weight and strong in
rescuing the child.
This system can be used in two ways. First, we can use pulley for the small length of
the bore well and we can also use the DC motor as well if the length of the bore well
is long. System with DC motor would neither have any problem related to force
distribution nor in taking out the pipes from the bore well. This is also not more costly
so with some modification it can we provided to every police station with some
training. No highly trained person is required to handle this. We can save innocent life
with such initiatives and method.
This project is vital for the country those are in developing state because there are lots
construction work is going on such type of places are prone to this type of casualties
so that we are going to suggest the future design which will have some advantages
over existing design at the time of design there are few factors which was our main
concern, weight and the structure of the design should not harm the child and took
less space in the bore well because we don’t have enough space in the bore well it
have some constrain over there and other factor is the metal we have to choose which
is having light weight and economical for this project there are few changes in this
design which is having advantages this mechanism take low space over the previous
one and it can grab the child in any situation and it does not contain any part in
grabbing side which is in contact with the child except the wing.
Base part
The purpose of the base frame is to support the other component of the machine, this
frame is only in one part it is having shape like two U shape fig.(4.1.2) joined with
each other where the curvature is like that it can easily fitted in the bore well dia. and
other side is having flat section with holes shown in fig.(4.1.1) where the shaft of the
motor can fitted easily for functioning, the base frame also provide the support for
holding the whole machine to the person who is operating the machine and space for
the camera which is very necessary for the monitoring the movement of the child.
Upper part
This part is for the safety of the child and base frame it is having same curvature dia.
as the base frame shown in top view fig.(4.2.2) this part also consist the hook shown
in fig. (4.2.1) by which the machine can be lift up and put down, this part and hook
should have enough strength to sustain the whole weight of the machine.
Figure 18: Front view of upper part
This type of screw is used for the lifting of the heavy object shown in fig.(4.3.1) in
our project we will use this fundamental for the purpose of transverse motion of the
machine parts we make this type of screw for the gripping of the child by giving
transverse motion to the wing for increasing and decreasing the distance between the
two wing, and increasing and decreasing the length of the wing, In this screw the lead
screw will connected from the motor which will rotate the lead screw the advantage of
this jackscrew is self-locking when we will remove the diving force it will get locked
this thing will also help us lot in our project at the time of lifting the weight.
Figure 19: Jackscrew
There is another shaft which will be used for rotating the wing this shaft is specially
designed shown in fig.(4.4.1) for our project in this shaft one is hollow and another is
grooved shaft both the shaft will rotate with each other but grooved shaft can also
move transverse direction on the other shaft because the one shaft have grove on its
upper surface and hollow shaft have grove inside, the surface grooved shaft will
rotated by the geared motor, this motor will fixed on the base frame and having
enough power to rotate the wing connected with this shaft.
In this mechanism we will use small dc motor which will have enough torque to take
the proper load fig. (4.5.1) And one of the advantage of the dc motor is it having
good load capacity there are different type of motor available in the market which is
having variable torque with rpm so we have to choose proper one for this project,
these motor have small in size this is very important key factor for our project and
having low noise which will not upset the child who is going to be rescue.
This part is made with that metal which is light in weight and having good strength
because when it will grab the child there should be enough holding power and the
structure should be such that it should not to scathe the child, because the child will
not be in holding position so design consideration is very important according to bore
This wing is made in two isolated parts one is basic frame with the light aluminum
sheet having good strength but this sheet may harm the child so we will put some
padding on it, and another is the foundation to fix the motor, where Dc motor will be
fixed to rotate the jackscrew. The wing of aluminum sheet is made with two isolated
parts and fixed with the jack screw because both the parts will have to in transverse
motion with each other for increasing and decreasing the length of the wing in any
situation shown in fig. (4.7.1)
The upper portion of the wing is made for fix the dc motor. And the shafts coming out
from the base frame will rotate the wing and another will move the wings in
transverse direction to increase and decrease the distance between both the wings.
To maintain the proper humidity the electric air blower shown in fig. (4.8.1) is
necessary for the child, because the depth of bore well is very high and it is very
difficult for child to breathe inside the bore well, so by using the air small air blower
we can maintain the oxygen level accordingly and by using small dia. Rubber pipe
shown in fig. (4.8.2) the fresh air is send inside the bore well.
The purpose of the padding is to provide the comfort and safety of the child padding
is to be done on the parts those are going to contact with the child like wing inner side
on the wings the padding is to be done with the help of foam because foam will get
the shape of the wing structure and provide enough padding for child.
Pressure sensor fig. (4.9.1) are the electronic component and easily available in
market the it is very small component hence , when it will put inside the wing it will
give the correct pressure applied on the child by the wings this will help the operator
to apply correct grasping force to grasp the child by the motor.
Figure 28: Pressure sensor
Light and camera is also important for the monitoring the movement of the child
because inside the bore well the visibility is zero so by using light fig. (4.10.1) and
camera we can see the child the camera and light can be fixed on the base frame, now
a days every person has smartphone so it also can be used as camera there are many
apps available which can convert mobile camera as CCTV.
Power source
In this project we need some power source .Because motor, Led light can’t be run
without power source so we have to use adapter fig. (4.11.1) or small rechargeable
battery fig. (4.11.2) which can give us proper amount of power for desired operation.
After having parts we will assemble some parts to proper position on base frame for
the required function this assembly should be such that every part should be fixed and
there should be no vibration during operation and the base frame should be proper
strength to support all the parts. After fixing the two motors and shafts as shown in
fig. (4.6.1&4.6.2) we will fix the upper part of on the base frame fig. (4.6.3) to
prevent any damage from any object fall down form upside and to lift the machine
this upper portion will be fixed on some distance from the base frame with the help of
After assembly of the whole base frame we will go to the another part which is very
vital for the gripping of the child this frame is design for only this purpose this part is
called wing of the machine.
Final product
After having base assembly the two wings also be fixed with the base frame
appositely on the shafts. One of the shaft is rotated by the motor and another worked
as jackscrew, both shafts are fixed with the wing. For grabbing the child respectively
wing may increase and decrease distance fig. (4.12.1) between them with the help of
jackscrew, both the wing can also be rotate fig. (4.12.2) on its axis for grabbing the
child, which is at any position in the bore well. When both wings will rotate that time
surface of the bore well will dash the lower side of wing this time switch on the
motors those are fixed on the wings will rotate the jack screw this will decrease the
length of wings and after that wings may rotate with in the bore well, then after move
the one wing transversely with the help of motor which is attached with base frame
and jack screw according to the size of child for the grabbing. After successful
grabbing the child, operator will pull out the machine from bore well. This product
gives the maximum grabbing area, having robust design , light in weight and takes
less space over the another design. This product have much more potential for the
future scope.
6.2.1 Parts Required For Rescue Arm (TRIBHUJ)
After different analysis and testings we are found that our present rescue machine
have some shotcommings such as when the child get unconscious our machine will
fail to rescue in its best efficiency, there is chance of skipping of child at mid way in
bore well if the child is unconscious.
To deal with all such problem we are going to suggest this future design which
encludes all the basic requirement and safety factors regarding the rescue of child.
There are more than 80 percent of the chance of rescuing the child safely and this
future design have less complexity of parts. This is going to be the best way of rescue
the child if adopted in correct procedure, and it is necessary for the society to fulfill all
the requiremnet of this rescue arm(tribhuj) so that it can work properly and finally
save a precious life of the chile from the hell what we call bore well. Here are the
some parts of the machine which clears the understanding of the assembly of the
rescue arm, after individual parts we are going to see how assembly will takes place
and finally the a imagination of operation in the bore well.
In this design socket have the main role of connecting all other integral parts of the
machine and its orthographic views are shown in fig.1, a specially designed 120
degrees curved surface with suitable strength are mounted with this socket tightly.
Socket also plays its role to connect the rescue arm with ground via 10 or 20 feet
This cylindrical pipe is used for grabbing the child when the rescue arm found the
favorable condition. After grabbing the child, it should uplift by rotating the shaft in
the reverse direction. Which is shown in fig.3, a flexible and smooth rubber wire will
go from inside of this pipe and tight with the shaft of the motor in such a manner so
that according to the requirement this cylindrical pipe moves up and down.
Figure 37: Rubber wire
This rubber wire is used for moving the circular pipe up and down by making such
arrangement with the DC motor so that according to the condition we perform our
action to uplift the child which is shown in fig.4.
Since in this rescue arm mechanisms we are giving two distinct method to grab the
child, for different purposes we have to use this air bag as shown in fig.5, which we
discuss later how to attach and where to attach this air bag mechanisms.
This is the first step of the assembly as shown in fig.6 in which socket is mounted
with a curved structure as shown, this structure is maintain in equilibrium position by
mounting them in 120 degrees with each other.
Figure 40: Arms with legs
In this assembly we added the legs of the rescue arm as shown in fig.7, which will
play its crucial role by supporting the child while taking out from the bore well, it
mainly make a space where the child safely trapped.
Figure 41: Rescue arm with legs
This assembly as shown in fig.9, a more part of the arm which is motor, here motor
have to make these vertical circular pipes up and down according to the requirement.
Actually this motor is of DC power driven so as we reverse the polarity of the current
rotation of shaft can be changed. This make up and down motion of the vertical
cylindrical pipe, further working of these component will discuss later.
Method A
In first method of working of this rescue arm we are going to use its vertical
cylindrical pipes in which on its bottom end a suitable strength air bag will be
connected, which will initially kept inside in the pipes as shown in figure given
below. The vertical cylindrical pipes moves below the legs of the rescue arm where at
bottom end the air bag is connected, as the operator on ground have to find the desired
condition in the bore well and after achieving this condition vertical pipes goes below
the hip of the child by using the power of the DC motor. Now by giving the air to this
air bag externally from the ground we have to blow the air bag in such level so that air
bag can hold the child without much hurting the child.
Since after holding the child around the air bag it is required to uplift the child by
rotating the motor in the reverse direction to that height so that the legs of the rescue
arm can make such a condition to hold the child safely as shown in fig.10.
Figure 45: Itermediate position of holded child
When the child will come in the mid position of the legs as shown in fig.11, then
simultaneously we have to short the distance between the ends of legs of the rescue
arm so that the child completely trapped in the legs of the rescue arm, and on the other
side while shortening the distance between legs we have to also remove the air from
the air bag so that required space can be there for the proper holding of the child.
Now finally make the required gap at bottom of the legs as shown if fig.12, so that
trapped child cannot fall back to the bore well. Rotate the motor in required direction
so that the vertical cylindrical pipes moves at the top as shown in the figure.Start
slowly raising the rescue arm towards ground and it results the child safely comes out
from the hell what we call bore well.
Method B
In second method of rescuing the child, there is no need of three DC motor and three
vertical cylindrical pipes. In this arm have only one motor and it have a single specific
The main difference between former rescue method and present rescue method is
position of the air bag, here it will put at the edge of the legs of the rescue arm. Size
must be equal to the length of the leg and initially the rescue arm should looks like the
perfect cylinder of diameter of 20 cm as shown in the figure but due to some reason
we are not able to show the air bag in the given figure. At the beginning of the
grabbing the arm should go straight in the bore well and as it looks nearer to the
location of child, the operator have to move the rescue arm with very slow speed
towards the child and seeking for the correct grabbing position, after fulfilling all the
requirement regarding to hold the child the arm slowly moves further and it is
necessary to take the end of the leg at the hip of the child. As achieving all these
condition then there is requirement of the blow of the air bag which is possible
Here we suppose that the arm is at the grabbing condition as shown in fig.13, we start
blow of the air bag slowly by providing air from ground as it found that the air bag
swelled sufficiently to hold the child, we should stop further blow of air. Then there is
requirement of the second stage of the
rescuing which is shown below.
Figure 48: Grabbed position
Now at last we have to pull the whole arm including the child as shown in fig.15,
make sure that the pulling should be slow and continuous. it is required that the
amount of the air in bag should be steadily constant
so that at the time of lift the child should not fall
back in the bore well again.
Here the rescue arm now ready to move upward after holding the child completely, as
shown in the fig.16.
While taking out the child from the arm as shown in fig.18, care should be taken.
After removing it is suggested that the child should under proper medical care.
Conclusion(future scope)
These were the two designs that are capable of overcoming the problems that we
faced in our original design, we took into consideration every aspect by experimenting
and analyzing the situation from a different perspective, it turns out that this design
needed some improvement. Though we tried to improve our original design, but it
requires some modification to overcome every shortcoming in the original design.
These new designs can be used by government for the betterment of society. Other
than borewell rescue this mechanism can also be used by army, because sometimes
army men get trapped in a place and situation that is not accessible, so this mechanism
can be used there to save their life.
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