Adjective Activity-Barber

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Gradual Release Responsibilities of the Teacher Responsibilities of the

of Responsibility Student
Valerie Barber
Grade: 1
Standards and Objectives:
Language Standard 1
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or
G. Use frequently occurring adjectives.
Book: Go Away Big, Scary Monster
Prepared graphic organizer
Coloring utensils
Essential Questions:
How can we use words to give more information about a noun?
Adaptations for EL and students with disabilities:
Completing the word web with the input of students is an effective way of heavily scaffolding before
releasing responsibility to students. I will leave the word web on display for students to reference as
they write and draw. I will give one-on-one scaffolding in phase III to those students who need it. I will
give examples of adjectives in Spanish.
Phase I (5-7  Write the word, adjective, on the board and ask  Students are
minutes) students to give a definition participating,
 I will tell students that an adjective is a word volunteering, and
that describes or gives more information about listening to the
a noun. An adjective tells how something story in whole
tastes, looks, feels, or sounds. group setting.
 Give some examples of adjectives
 Ask students to raise their hand to name some
adjectives. List them on the board
 Read the book, Go Away, Big Scary Monster,
and ask students to look for adjectives while I
 Ask students to raise their hand to share
adjectives from the book.
 List them on the board
Transition to  Review new information  Ask any questions
Phase II  Ask if anyone has questions they may have
Phase II (5-7  As a class, we will make a word web on a large  Volunteer and
minutes) piece of paper, using adjectives that describe a participate in
picture of a monster. whole group
Transition to  Explain directions for Phase III  Listen to directions
Phase III  Ask if students have any questions and ask questions
Phase III (15-  Students choose six adjectives to write on their  Come up with 6
minutes) paper. adjectives on their
 Students will draw a monster to fit the own
adjectives they chose to describe it.  Draw a monster
 I will walk around the room, scaffolding as that these
needed, paying special attention to students adjectives describe
who I know will need extra help.
 As students finish, they can do the activity a  Use their best
second time, describing and coming up with hand writing,
adjectives to describe another noun of their drawing, and
choice (house, person, dinosaur). They can also coloring
choose to read their book bags.

Adjective Monster!


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