Artefact 1

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Artefact 1.

Intention Introduction Mini Lesson Whole Class Focus Group Share

Lesson 1 of 10 Students use "Think Pair Share" Revise the sections which make Students work in partners to High writing group: Students Students sit in a circle. Teacher
to revise what makes an up a narrative, based off sharing. read My Place 1798 and create a read My Place 1798 and each calls out pairs to perform their
We are learning the language of information narrative unique. skit of either the introduction, group works out an alternative skit. Teacher encourages active
an information narrative. Read My Place 1788 identify complication or resolution.^ beginning or complication or listening to give the class a basis
which scenes make up the resolution and create a skit. to analyse as a class which part
introduction, complication, of the story it is and what
resolution. features make it that part.
Teacher encourages students to
voice opinions and ideas.
Lesson 2 of 10 A game of snowman (previously Use Noun Group Youtube Clip to Provide students with containers Low writing students: Students Teacher has three students share
We are learning the parts that known as hangman) to make a reintroduce the concept of noun that that each have a selections are provided with picture and a sentence. Other students need
make up a noun group. whole sentence. After the groups.** of verbs, adjectives, nouns.**** word cards to create a sentence. to show active listening and
sentence is found identify what Show a sentence from My Place Students use these words to They will then go through each identify what parts of a noun
parts make up a noun group.* 1798*** and have students write 5 of their own sentences. part of the noun group and how group is each sentence.
identify which word is what part Students then use at least one of they fit into a sentence.
of the noun group. Discuss ways these sentences to form a
to alter the parts of the paragraph.
Lesson 3 of 10 Teacher will describe a student in Watch the My Place: Episode 20. Individually, students will write a Low Group: Teacher works with Gallery Walk: Every person will
We are learning to create the class, without using their Focus on character of Liam. Ask paragraph that describes a students to brainstorm specific put their description and
interesting character descriptions name, using noun groups. The questions that make students member of their family as if they noun groups that apply to their drawing together on the table.
using our knowledge of noun class will guess who the teacher is think of ways to describe Liam. were living in the early 1800's. families and the theme of The class will walk around each
groups. describing. Repeat multiple Through Shared Writing create a Use of noun groups must be convicts. Teacher oversee writing table, when the teacher decides
times.۶ paragraph that describes the evident. of the paragraph. there has been enough looking,
character of Liam. Make focus on In pairs, they will read their they will stop the students.
using noun groups: identifying paragraph and have the other Students will write 3 positives
each part as the sentence is person draw what they see and 1 improvement for a class
written. based on the description.۶۶ member.

Lesson 4 of 10 Word Poster: Students to As a class, students will A variety of images that Middle Focus Group: Teacher Teacher will choose one or two
brainstorm adjectives that can be participate in a brainstorm using represent the era of convicts will works with students to enhance students that have written
be given to children. Students their writing by doing the See quality paragraphs and have
Artefact 1.1

We are learning to create used as part of a noun group that See, Think, Wonder routine on will use See Think Wonder Think, Wonder routine with them them share their writing. The
interesting settings using noun describe setting of a convict era. boat image. ٦ thinking routine to write up a and scaffolding through guided class will engage in a discussion
groups. Using shared writing together creative setting description, writing. of the noun group features used
create a paragraph on that using noun groups as their basis. and what makes it quality
image, ensuring noun groups are writing.
used to describe.
Lesson 5 of 10 Students will be provided with Teacher will show a number of Students will use ‘Generate, Sort, Low Focus Group: Work with Students will use Think, Pair,
My Place 1818 story in cut up complications and resolutions Connect, Elaborate’ thinking students to discuss possible Share to discuss with each other
We are learning to create an pieces. In pairs, they will identify from different stories.٥٥ As a routine to brainstorm their options. Use shared writing to what they have worked on
interesting complication (and the parts that make the class do compare and contrast: complication and resolution. create a complication that could during the class. They will
resolution) using noun groups.٥ introduction, complication and what makes each one unique? be written into their story. provide TAG٥٥٥ feedback for
resolution. How are noun groups used? Students will have time to do each other.
Individual Writing to start
creating their own complication

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