Method 352.1
Method 352.1
Method 352.1
gov 1971
INSTRUMENTATION: Spectrophotometer
1.1 This method is applicable to the analysis of drinking, surface and saline
waters, domestic and industrial wastes. Modification can be made to remove
or correct for turbidity, color, salinity, or dissolved organic compounds in the
1.2 The applicable range of concentrations is 0.1 to 2 mg NO3-N/liter.
2.1 This method is based upon the reaction of the nitrate ion with brucine sulfate
in a 13 N H2SO4 solution at a temperature of 100°C. The color of the resulting
complex is measured at 410 nm. Temperature control of the color reaction is
extremely critical.
3.1 Analysis should be made as soon as possible. If analysis can be made within
24 hours, the sample should be preserved by refrigeration at 4°C. When
samples must be stored for more than 24 hours, they should be preserved with
sulfuric acid (2 mL conc. H2SO4 per liter) and refrigeration.
4.0 Interferences
4.1 Dissolved organic matter will cause an off color in 13 N H2SO4 and must be
compensated for by additions of all reagents except the brucine-sulfanilic acid
reagent. This also applies to natural color present not due to dissolved
4.2 The effect of salinity is eliminated by addition of sodium chloride to the
blanks, standards and samples.
4.3 All strong oxidizing or reducing agents interfere. The presence of oxidizing
agents may be determined with a total residual chlorine test kit.
4.4 Residual chlorine interference is eliminated by the addition of sodium arsenite.
4.5 Ferrous and ferric iron and quadrivalent manganese give slight positive
interferences, but in concentrations less than 1 mg/L these are negligible.
4.6 Uneven heating of the samples and standards during the reaction time will
result in erratic values. The necessity for absolute control of temperature
during the critical color development period cannot be too strongly
5.0 Apparatus
6.0 Reagents
6.1 Distilled water free of nitrite and nitrate is to be used in preparation of all
reagents and standards.
6.2 Sodium chloride solution (30%): Dissolve 300 g NaCl in distilled water and
dilute to 1 liter.
6.3 Sulfuric acid solution: Carefully add 500 mL conc. H2SO4 to 125 ml distilled
water. Cool and keep tightly stoppered to prevent absorption of atmospheric
6.4 Brucine-sulfanilic acid reagent: Dissolve 1 g brucine sulfate
[(C23H26N2O4)2 H2SO4 7H2O] and 0.1 g sulfanilic acid (NH2C6H4SO3H H2O)
in 70 mL hot distilled water. Add 3 mL conc. HCl, cool, mix and dilute to 100
mL with distilled water. Store in a dark bottle at 5 °C. This solution is stable
for several months; the pink color that develops slowly does not effect its
usefulness. Mark bottle with warning: CAUTION: Brucine Sulfate is toxic;
take care to avoid ingestion.
6.5 Potassium nitrate stock solution: 1.0 mL = 0.1 mg NO3-N. Dissolve 0.7218 g
anhydrous potassium nitrate (KNO3) in distilled water and dilute to 1 liter in a
volumetric flask. Preserve with 2 mL chloroform per liter. This solution is
stable for at least 6 months.
6.6 Potassium nitrate standard solution: 1.0 mL = 0.001 mg NO3-N. Dilute 10.0 mL
of the stock solution (6.5) to 1 liter in a volumetric flask. This standard solution
should be prepared fresh weekly.
6.7 Acetic acid (1 + 3): Dilute 1 volume glacial acetic acid (CH3COOH) with 3
volumes of distilled water.
6.8 Sodium hydroxide (lN): Dissolve 40 g of NaOH in distilled water. Cool and
dilute to 1 liter.
7.0 Procedure
7.1 Adjust the pH of the samples to approximately 7 with acetic acid (6.7) or
sodium hydroxide (6.8). If necessary, filter to remove turbidity.
7.2 Set up the required number of sample tubes in the rack to handle reagent
blank, standards and samples. Space tubes evenly throughout the rack to allow
for even flow of bath water between the tubes. This should assist in achieving
uniform heating of all tubes.
7.3 If it is necessary to correct for color or dissolved organic matter which will
cause color on heating, a set of duplicate samples must be run to which all
reagents except the brucine-sulfanilic acid have been added.
7.4 Pipette 10.0 mL of standards and samples or an aliquot of the samples diluted
to 10.0 mL - into the sample tubes.
7.5 If the samples are saline, add 2 mL of the 30% sodium chloride solution (6.2)
to the reagent blank, standards and samples. For fresh water samples, sodium
chloride solution may be omitted. Mix contents of tubes by swirling and place
rack in cold water bath (0 - 10°C).
7.6 Pipette 10.0 mL of sulfuric acid solution (6.3) into each tube and mix by
swirling. Allow tubes to come to thermal equilibrium in the cold bath. Be sure
that temperatures have equilibrated in all tubes before continuing.
7.7 Add 0.5 mL brucine-sulfanilic acid reagent (6.4) to each tube (except the
interference control tubes, 7.3) and carefully mix by swirling, then place the
rack of tubes in the 100°C water bath for exactly 25 minutes.
CAUTION: Immersion of the tube rack into the bath should not decrease the
temperature of the bath more than 1 to 2°C. In order to keep this temperature
decrease to an absolute minimum, flow of bath water between the tubes
should not be restricted by crowding too many tubes into the rack. If color
development in the standards reveals discrepancies in the procedure, the
operator should repeat the procedure after reviewing the temperature control
7.8 Remove rack of tubes from the hot water bath and immerse in the cold water
bath and allow to reach thermal equilibrium (20-25°C).
7.9 Read absorbance against the reagent blank at 410 nm using a 1 cm or longer
8.0 Calculation
8.1 Obtain a standard curve by plotting the absorbance of standards run by the
above procedure against mg NO3-N/L. (The color reaction does not always
follow Beer’s law).
8.2 Subtract the absorbance of the sample without the brucine-sulfanilic reagent
from the absorbance of the sample containing brucine-sulfanilic acid and
determine mg NO3-N/L. Multiply by an appropriate dilution factor if less than
10 mL of sample is taken.
1. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 14th Edition, p 427,
Method 419D (1975).
2. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 31, "Water", Standard D 992-71, p 363 ( 1976).
3. Jenkins, D., and Medsken, L., "A Brucine Method for the Determination of Nitrate in
Ocean, Estuarine, and Fresh Waters", Anal Chem., 36, p 610, (1964).