1 Conservation Laws: Weston Barger August 3, 2016
1 Conservation Laws: Weston Barger August 3, 2016
1 Conservation Laws: Weston Barger August 3, 2016
Weston Barger
August 3, 2016
1 Conservation Laws
We begin to discuss a class of mathematical models (in the form of PDE’s) which are
derived from conservation laws. First, what is a conservation law?
Definition 1.1. A conservation law is an equation which accounts for all the ways that
the amount of a particular quantity can change.
This accounting is one of the basic principals behind mathematical modeling and can
be applied to many, many quantities. A few examples include mass, momentum, energy,
population, and vehicles on a road. This language is a little vague. So, let’s give an
Let u(x , t ) denote the density of Q, and let S = [a, b] denote a segment on the x -axis.
The quantity in S is given by
Z b
Q= u(x , t ) dx .
Let φ(x , t ) be the flux function. The function φ(x , t ) is the rate at which Q is
flowing past a position x at a time t . This function has units
unit of Q
φ(x , t ) ↔ .
We follow the convention that if φ(x , t ) < 0, Q is flowing to the left, and φ(x , t ) > 0
denotes rightward flow. Note that the total rate at which Q is flowing into S through
the endpoints is given by
φ(a, t ) – φ(b, t ).
Let f (x , t ) be the source function. The source function describes the rate at which
Q is begin added or removed from a system at a point x at time t . The units of
f (x , t ) are
unit of Q
unit of time unit of Q · unit of length
f (x , t ) ↔ = .
unit of length unit of time
Note that the total rate at which Q is created or destroyed in S is
Z b
f (x , t ) dx .
Therefore, we set
dQ d Zb Z b
= u(x , t ) dx = φ(a, t ) – φ(b, t ) + f (x , t ) dx . (1.1)
dt dt a a
so that
Z b
[ut (x , t ) + φx (x , t ) – f (x , t )] dx = 0. (1.2)
If we assume that (1.2) holds for all a and b,then since we have assumed that the integrand
in (1.2) is continuous, the fact that the integral in (1.2) equals zero implies the integrand
must me zero i.e.
ut + φx = f . (1.3)
ut + φx (u) = ut + ux φ0 (u) = f .
u + uux = 0
1.3 Examples of conservation laws
1.3.1 Plug flow chemical reactor
A plug flow chemical reactor consists of a long tube in which a chemical A is fed in at one
end, a reaction occurs, and the resulting chemical B flows out the other end. Let us use
a conservation law approach to derive an equation for the amount and distribution of A
throughout the tube.
Let a(x , t ) denote the concentration (e.g. kg/m) of A at position x and time t in the
tube. In this setting, our flux φ(x , t ) gives the rate (e.g. kg/s) at which a chemical A
passes through our pipe at a position x and time t . The source term f (x , t ) describes the
rate (e.g. kg · m/s) at which the chemical A is removed from the medium by the reaction.
Let us make the assumption that A is moving a constant speed c through the tube.
φ(x , t ) =
length mass
= ·
time length
= c · a(x , t ).
This is a constitutive equation. This type of flux function describes an advection process.
Here, changes in a are due to movements in the medium.
Within the tube, assume that the chemical reaction removes A at a rate proportional
to concentration i.e.
f (x , t ) = –ka(x , t ),
where k > 0 is a constant. The negative sign is to indicate that the chemical A is begin
With the flux φ(x , t ) and the forcing term f (x , t ) derived above, we get that the
conservation law in differential equation form is
at (x , t ) + cax (x , t ) = –ka(x , t ).
1.3.2 Diffusion
Suppose we have pollution spreading in stagnate water in a pipe. Let u(x , t ) denote the
concentration of the pollutant (in mass / length). Assume further that no pollution is
being created or destroyed in our pipe i.e. f = 0.
Figure 1: This figure shows the initial concentration of pollution in our pipe.
We expect that pollution will flow from areas with higher concentration to areas with
lower concentration. If ux (x , t ) > 0 then an area of higher concentration lies to the right,
so we expect the flow to be to the left i.e. φ(x , t ) < 0. Similarly, if ux (x , t ) < 0 then an
area of higher concentration lies to the left, so we expect the flow to to be to the right i.e.
φ(x , t ) > 0. This is visualized in Figure 1. The simplest way to capture the phenomenon
we just described is Fick’s law:
φ(x , t ) = –σux (x , t ),
where σ > 0 is the diffusion constant i.e. the willingness of the pollution to spread. So,
construction our differential law gives
ut + φx = f
⇒ ut + (–σux )x = 0
⇒ ut = σuxx .
Let us turn our attention to the study of traffic flow on an interstate highway. We approx-
imate the number of cars per unit length by a continuous function u(x , t ). Let us make
the simplifying assumption that there are no exists or entrances i.e. f = 0. As before, we
need to determine the relationship between φ and u. Let v be the average rate at which
cars are traveling on the highway. Then
Now, we need to determine how the density of cars on our stretch of highway relates to
the average velocity the cars are traveling i.e. we need to relate u and v . From your
experience on the road, you should be able to vouch for the fact that when u is large (
high car density) that v is low, and when u is low, v is at or near the speed limit. The
simplest way to do this is
v = v` – au,
where v` is the speed limit and a is some positive constant. We set v` /a = u` to be the
maximum density possible. We can rewrite the velocity as
v = v` 1 – ,
φx = u · v = v` u – .
ut + φx = f
⇒ ut + v ` ux – =0
⇒ ut + v` 1 – ux = 0.
2 Method of haracteristics
Recall that we used the method of characteristics to solve the wave equation utt = c 2 uxx
with initial data u(x , 0) = u0 (x ) and ut (x , 0) = 0. We used characteristic lines through the
xt -plane to track the transport of the initial data u0 (x ), resulting in a complete solution.
We will now use the method of characteristics to solve several conservation law initial value
problems of the form
ut + φx = f , u(x , 0) = u0 (x ). (2.1)
φ(x , t ) = cu(x , t ),
for some constant c. Then the intial value problem (2.1) becomes
x ∈ (–∞, ∞), t ∈ (0, ∞),
ut + cux = 0, (2.2)
u(x , 0) = u0 (x ).
The method of characteristics uses special curves in the xt -plane along which the PDE
(2.1) becomes an ODE. Choose a point x0 on the x -axis, and consider a curve
(x (t ), t ), where x (0) = x0 ,
i.e. (x (t ), t ) is a curve in the xt -plane which starts at x0 . Let û(t ) be the restriction of
u to the curve (x (t ), t ). That is, let û(t ) = u(x (t ), t ). As x (t ) moves along the curve
(x (t ), t ), the value û(t ) = u(x (t ), t ) changeds at a rate of û 0 (t ). By the chain rule
d d
û 0 (t ) = û(t ) = u(x (t ), t )
dt dt
∂u ∂u dx (t )
= + ·
∂t ∂x dt
dx (t )
= ut + ux .
Now, if we were to select the curve (x (t ), t ) such that
dx (t )
= c, (2.3)
then we would have
d û d
= u(x (t ), t )
dt dt !
dx (t )
= ut + ux
= ut + cux .
Now, since we have assumed that u(x , t ) satisfies (2.2), we have that
u(x (t ), t ) = ut + cux = 0.
Therefore, selecting x (t ) such that (2.3) holds, then u(x (t ), t ) is constant. In other words,
the function u(x (t ), t ) is constant when (2.3) is satisfied. Since we have assumed that
x (0) = x0 , we have the ode
dx (t )
= c, x (0) = x0 ,
whose solution is
x (t ) = x0 + ct .
This curve is called the characteristic curve of the advection equation. Using the
fact that u is constant along characteristic curves, we can find the solution to (2.2) for all
points (x , t ) in the plane. Since u(x0 , 0) = u0 (x0 ), we have
dx (t )
= 4, x (0) = x0 .
We get
x (t ) = x0 + 4t .
Since u is constant along (x (t ), t ), we have
u(x , t ) = arctan(x – 4t ).