The Smartest Materials: The Future of Nanoelectronics in Medicine
The Smartest Materials: The Future of Nanoelectronics in Medicine
The Smartest Materials: The Future of Nanoelectronics in Medicine
ver the past several decades, elec-
tronics have become central to ABSTRACT
many aspects of biomedicine, rang-
ing from fundamental biophysical studies
of function in excitable tissues, such as the
heart and brain, to medical monitoring
and interventions. Implantable pacemakers
and defibrillator devices have allowed Electronics have become central to many aspects of biomedicine, ranging from fundamental
the detection and treatment of cardiac
biophysical studies of excitable tissues to medical monitoring and electronic implants to
arrhythmias,1 and “grids-and-strips” devices
have been used to map cerebral cortical restore limb movement. The development of new materials and approaches is needed to
activity in epilepsy.2 Deep brain stimulation enable enhanced tissue integration, interrogation, and stimulation and other functionalities.
(DBS) has been delivered by implanted Nanoscale materials offer many avenues for progress in this respect. New classes of molecular-
electrodes for the treatment of the disabling scale bioelectronic interfaces can be constructed using either one-dimensional nanostructures,
motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease, such as nanowires and nanotubes, or two-dimensional nanostructures, such as graphene.
essential tremor, and dystonia.3 Recently,
Nanodevices can create ultrasensitive sensors and can be designed with spatial resolution as
there has been a growing interest in the
development of electrical interfaces with fine as the subcellular regime. Structures on the nanoscale can enable the development of
tissues, and in electronic implants to restore engineered tissues within which sensing elements are integrated as closely as the nervous
limb movement directly or via a brain- system within native tissues. In addition, the close integration of nanomaterials with cells and
to-machine interface to control a robotic tissues will also allow the development of in vitro platforms for basic research or diagnostics.
arm.4,5 An artificial retina has been devel- Such lab-on-a-chip systems could, for example, enable testing of the effects of candidate
oped that combines state-of-the-art micro-
therapeutic molecules on intercellular, single-cell, and even intracellular physiology. Finally,
fabrication techniques to create photo-
voltaic elements that will supply the energy advances in nanoelectronics can lead to extremely sophisticated smart materials with
needed for stimulation of subretinal neu- multifunctional capabilities, enabling the spectrum of biomedical possibilities from diagnostic
rons in order to transfer an image to the studies to the creation of cyborgs.
visual cortex.6 Such a fully integrated wire-
less implant is a step toward the restoration
of vision to patients blinded by degenera-
tive retinal diseases.
Nanomaterials and Nanoelectronics. The pre-
one-dimensional wires and tubes,8 two-
ceding examples show the enormous po-
dimensional layered materials,9 and three-
tential of implanted electronics in the
dimensional assemblies of the lower-order
human body. As in many other fields of building blocks.10 The wide range of purposes
science, the furtherance of such technolog- for such devices includes delivery of molecu-
ical advances will necessitate the develop- les of interest,11 tissue engineering,12,13 and
ment of new materials and approaches, to nanogenerators for self-sustained biosystems.14
enable enhanced tissue integration, inter- One-dimensional nanostructures such as * Address correspondence to
rogation, and stimulation of tissues and nanowires and nanotubes15,16 serve as pro-
other functionalities. Nanoscience offers many mising nanoelectronic building blocks for a
avenues for progress in this respect. Recent variety of applications including sensing,17,18
Published online July 31, 2012
years have seen the development of a photonics,19 energy conversion,14,20 and elec- 10.1021/nn302915s
wide range of nanoscale materials (Figure 1), trical devices capable of forming complex
including zero-dimensional nanoparticles,7 logical functions.21 A variety of materials can C 2012 American Chemical Society
be used to achieve the aforemen- because of their high surface-to- subcellular building blocks of bio-
tioned applications, including those volume ratios, exhibit high sensi- logical entities, such as proteins
from periodic table groups IV (Si Ge), tivities with signal-to-noise ratios within the cell membrane. For si-
III V (InAs InP), II VI (ZnO),14 16 that outperform planar structures.17,18 milar reasons, they can monitor
and carbon-based materials such Therefore, they can be used as ultra- biological events with subcellular
as carbon nanotubes,22 graphene,9 sensitive sensors for various ana- resolution.
and either conductive or coordina- lytes including single virus particle The spatial resolution of extant
tion polymers.23 Electrical signal detection,24 protein sensing in the cell electrical interfaces, as well the
recording with nanostructures, such femtomolar range,17,18 and DNA degree to which they are integrated
as Si nanowires, has several advan- sequencing using nanowire-based with the surrounding tissue, is lim-
tages compared to conventional de- sensors.25 Nanostructures can also ited by their size scale, which is
tection techniques with planar field- enhance cellular adhesion and usually in the range of hundreds of
effect transistors (FETs) and multi- activity,26 28 perhaps because their micrometers to millimeters. They
electrode arrays (MEAs). Nanodevices, dimensions are closer to those of the are typically a few cells in length,