Sensor Based Autonomous Medical Nanorobots A Cure To Demyelination

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Abstract Nowadays medical science is more and more

improving with the blessings of new scientific discoveries.
Nanotechnology is such a field which is changing vision of
medical science. New automated procedures are being discovered
with new aspects of self guided nanorobots. Nanorobot is an
excellent tool for future medicine. We can envision a day when
you could inject billions of these nanorobots that would float
around in your body. Nanorobots could carry and deliver drugs
into defected cells. These nanorobots will be able to repair tissues,
clean blood vessels and airways, transform our physiological
capabilities, and even potentially counteract the aging process [1].
Many scientist working on this bright field of nanorobotics
specially on Alzheimer disease and cancer treatments [2]. The
researchers are also working on nanomanipulation,
nanopositioning and also on the nano-level control systems [3]. In
this paper we are going to address a disease called dymyelination
and propose a nanorobotic control system for the cure.
Demyelination is a disease of the nervous system where the
protecting layer of neurons called myelin sheath is damaged. This
disease hampers the conduction of signals in the affected nerves,
causing impairment in sensation, movement, cognition, or other
functions depending on which nerves are involved. This paper
describes an innovative approach for the development of
nanorobots that use neural network for identifying and repairing
the damaged, demyelinated neurons. Firstly, the disease it self
will be addressed to understand the later work easily, then a
control system for automated nanorobots to cure dymyelination
will be described. In later portion the proposed control system
will be simulated to show the stability and usefulness of proposed
design. The nanorobots operate in a virtual environment with
nerve signals carrying nerve impulses. This paper also presents
the control and the simulation of nerve-borne nanorobots to
find and repair the affected nerves.

Index Terms demyelination, control system, nanorobots,
neural nanotechnology.

ANOROBOTS are expected to enable significant new
methodologies in diagnosis, medical therapies, and
minimally invasive surgery [4-8]. The nanorobots
hardware feasibility may be observed as the result of most
recent advances in a broad range of manufacturing techniques
[9]. A first series of nanotechnology prototypes for molecular
machines are being investigated in different ways [6, 10-15],
and some interesting device propulsion and sensing approaches
have been presented [16-19]. Some work has been done in
2D on cellular automata with the examination of collective
behaviors of large numbers of robots to locate specific types of
tissue [20]. More complex molecular machines, or nanorobots,
having embedded nanoscopic features may provide broad
advances on health care sector [21-26].
Most researches on Nanorobots have been done for different
type of automated and accurate medical target identification. [4]
For example- Chemical signals can be used for identifying
medical target in cerebral treatment. The amyloid- protein
deposits show changes on gradients as a symptom of
Alzheimer disease [28, 29]. This information serves for the
early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease and to guide possible
immunotherapy treatments, with more efficient
neurotransmitters delivery, like dopamine and amino acids
such as g-aminobutyrate (GABA), with better medical
administration. Nanorobots can use such signals to delivery
genomic improved myelin basic protein [30].
Considering the ability of the nanorobots to be able to
navigate over the myelin sheath of a nerve, they can help in
better diagnosis and improved treatment procedures for
diseases in relation to nerve signal disorders. A very
promising application of nerve-borne nanorbots is the efficient
delivery of genomic improved myelin basic protein. Here a
nanorobot can be made to detect leakage of charge and
thereby detecting demyelinated portion of a nerve. And then
Synthetic myelin, carried by nanorobots, can then be
effectively delivered to these affected portions. In our work we
point out this possible application of using nanorobots on
nerves and demonstrate a control system based on classical
approach where nanorobots repair a damaged
(demyielinated) nerve.

Recent developments in nano-electronics and nano-
biotechnology is providing feasible development pathways to
enable molecular machine manufacturing, including embedded
and integrated devices which can comprise the main sensing,
actuation, data transmission, remote control uploading, and
coupling power supply subsystems addressing the basics for
operation of medical nanorobots [4].
The application of new materials has demonstrated a
large range of possibilities for use in manufacturing better
sensors and actuators with nano-scale sizes [4].
Manufacturing silicon-based chemical and motion sensor
arrays using a two-level system architecture hierarchy has been
successfully conducted in the last 15 years [32]. Tunneling
current sensor for a long-range nano-positioning device has
been developed and demonstrated few days back [33]. A
recent actuator with biologically-based components has been
proposed [35]. Such actuators can be utilized in nano-scale
Sensor based Autonomous Medical Nanorobots
A cure to Demyelination
S. M. Masudur Rahman Al-Arif, Niamul Quader, Al Mamun Shaon, Dr. Kazi Khairul Islam
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Islamic University of Technology (IUT)
BoardBazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh.

Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology, Journal of Selected Areas in Nanotechnology (JSAN), September Edition, 2011

mechanical devices to pump fluids, open and close valves, or
to provide translational movement. Different other kinds of
nano-sized actuators, such as electromagnetic,
electrostatic, electro-thermal are also being researched and
demonstrated now-a-days [34].
Nanotechnology is moving fast towards nano
fabrication. Chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology
provides an alternative to using a Complemen
Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) for constructing circuits with
feature sizes in the tens of nanometers [36]. The feasibility of
advancing techniques for control [31] and
molecular machines should be understood as emergent
results from actual and upcoming stages of
nanotechnology based on nano-electronics
and genomics research. New possibilities are coming from
these developments which will enable new medical procedures.
As a result of these researches CNTs (carbon nano
DNA (Deoxyribo-Nucleic acid) are now being considered as
recent candidates for new forms of nano-electronics [
lastly recent developments in bio-molecular computing have
demonstrated the feasibility of bio-computers [27
promising and much needed first step toward future

A. Neuron
The nervous system is an organ system
network of specialized cells called neurons that coordinate the
actions of an animal and transmit signals between different
parts of its body. The protecting layer of neurons is called
Myelin. It is a dielectric (electrically insulating
forms a layer, the myelin sheath, usually around only the
of a neuron. It is essential layer for the proper functioning of
the nervous system.

Figure 1: Structure of Neuron
B. Nerve Impulse Propagation
Neurons send signals to other cells as electrochemical
waves travelling along thin fibers called axons
chemicals called neurotransmitters to be released at junctions
called synapses. A cell that receives a synaptic signal may be
excited, inhibited, or otherwise modulated.
Neurones and muscle cells are electrically excitable cells,
which mean that they can transmit electrical nerve impulses.
These impulses are due to events in the cell membrane.
mechanical devices to pump fluids, open and close valves, or
ifferent other kinds of
electromagnetic, piezoelectric,
thermal are also being researched and
Nanotechnology is moving fast towards nano-electronics
fabrication. Chemically assembled electronic nanotechnology
omplementary Metal
emiconductor (CMOS) for constructing circuits with
The feasibility of
] and manufacturing
molecular machines should be understood as emergent
results from actual and upcoming stages of
electronics, new materials
possibilities are coming from
enable new medical procedures.
CNTs (carbon nano-tubes) and
Nucleic acid) are now being considered as
electronics [37]. And
molecular computing have
computers [27], a very
needed first step toward future nano-
organ system containing a
that coordinate the
and transmit signals between different
parts of its body. The protecting layer of neurons is called
electrically insulating) material that
lly around only the axon
. It is essential layer for the proper functioning of

Figure 1: Structure of Neuron
Neurons send signals to other cells as electrochemical
axons, which cause
to be released at junctions
. A cell that receives a synaptic signal may be
Neurones and muscle cells are electrically excitable cells,
which mean that they can transmit electrical nerve impulses.
These impulses are due to events in the cell membrane. The
resting potential tells us about what happens when a neuron is
at rest. An action potential occurs when a neuron sends
information down an axon. This involves an explosion of
electrical activity, where the nerve and muscle cells resting
membrane potential changes. In nerve and muscle cells the
membranes are electrically excitable, this means they can
change their membrane potential, and this is the basis of the
nerve impulse. The neurotransmitters
potassium channels in these cells are voltage
means that they can open and close depending on the voltage
across the membrane. The normal membr
the axon of nerve cells is 70mV, and since this potential can
change in nerve cells it is called the resting potential. When a
stimulus is applied a brief reversal of the membrane potential,
lasting about a millisecond, occurs. This b
called the action potential.
Once an action potential has started it is moved
(propagated) along an axon automatically. The local reversal
of the membrane potential is detected by the surrounding
voltage-gated ion channels, which open whe
changes enough.
Figure 2: Nerve Impulse Propagation
C. Demyelination
Demyelination is the loss of the myelin sheath insulating
the nerves, and is the hallmark of some
autoimmune diseases, including
disseminated encephalomyelitis, transverse myelitis
demyelinating polyneuropathy, Guillain
central pontine myelinosis etc. W
conduction of signals along the nerve can be impaired or lost
and the nerve eventually withers.
Figure 3: Loss of signal in Demyelinated Neuron
resting potential tells us about what happens when a neuron is
An action potential occurs when a neuron sends
This involves an explosion of
where the nerve and muscle cells resting
membrane potential changes. In nerve and muscle cells the
membranes are electrically excitable, this means they can
change their membrane potential, and this is the basis of the
neurotransmitters i.e. sodium and
potassium channels in these cells are voltage-gated, which
means that they can open and close depending on the voltage
across the membrane. The normal membrane potential inside
70mV, and since this potential can
change in nerve cells it is called the resting potential. When a
stimulus is applied a brief reversal of the membrane potential,
lasting about a millisecond, occurs. This brief reversal is
Once an action potential has started it is moved
(propagated) along an axon automatically. The local reversal
of the membrane potential is detected by the surrounding
gated ion channels, which open when the potential

Figure 2: Nerve Impulse Propagation
is the loss of the myelin sheath insulating
the nerves, and is the hallmark of some neurodegenerative
diseases, including multiple sclerosis, acute
transverse myelitis, chronic
Guillain-Barr Syndrome,
etc. When myelin degrades,
conduction of signals along the nerve can be impaired or lost

Figure 3: Loss of signal in Demyelinated Neuron

Demyelination can results in thousand complexities
starting from loss of balance, optical illusions to short term
memory loss and loss of concentration, judgment
Each year thousands of people around the world
this disease. And most of the people have to live with it
because the expensive conventional surgery method is very
complex, almost inaccessible and do not cure perfectly.

Nanorobot being placed on nerves, it can detect electrical
signals i.e nerve impulses and takes decision on which path it
will take. We address this procedure by illustrating a
nanorobot whose sole aim is to find demyelinated area and to
deliver synthetic myelin sheath on it. A team of this nanorobot
can deliver us an autonomous, accurate and minimum invasive
surgical procedure to cure demyelination.
Figure 4: Hypothetical model of Proposed Nanorobot
A. Actuator
There are different kinds of actuators, such as
electromagnetic, piezoelectric, electrostatic, electrothermal,
where they should be utilized depending on the aim and the
workspaces where they will be applied. A agella motor has
been quoted quite frequently as an example for a kind of
biologically inspired actuator for molecular machine
propulsion. Adenosine triphosphate, also known in short as
ATP, is equally used as an alternative for nanomotors [
DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) prototypes were also
proposed for designing different types of devices. A set of
fullerene structures were presented for nanoactuators. The use
of CNTs as conductive structures permits electrostatically
driven motions providing the forces necessary for nano
manipulation [4]. For ours purpose, the use of CMOS as an
actuator based on biological patterns and CNTs is cons
natural choice.

B. Directional Control
While nerve impulses in unmyelinated neurons have a
maximum speed of around 1 m/s, in myelinated neurons they
travel at 100 m/s. electrical voltage is to be detected and
passed over low pass filter to get the sensor voltages V

can results in thousand complexities
starting from loss of balance, optical illusions to short term
judgment or reasoning.
of people around the world suffer from
le have to live with it
because the expensive conventional surgery method is very
complex, almost inaccessible and do not cure perfectly.
Nanorobot being placed on nerves, it can detect electrical
ecision on which path it
will take. We address this procedure by illustrating a
nanorobot whose sole aim is to find demyelinated area and to
on it. A team of this nanorobot
can deliver us an autonomous, accurate and minimum invasive

Figure 4: Hypothetical model of Proposed Nanorobot
There are different kinds of actuators, such as
tic, electrothermal,
where they should be utilized depending on the aim and the
agella motor has
been quoted quite frequently as an example for a kind of
biologically inspired actuator for molecular machine
ion. Adenosine triphosphate, also known in short as
ATP, is equally used as an alternative for nanomotors [7].
DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) prototypes were also
proposed for designing different types of devices. A set of
ed for nanoactuators. The use
of CNTs as conductive structures permits electrostatically
driven motions providing the forces necessary for nano-
]. For ours purpose, the use of CMOS as an
actuator based on biological patterns and CNTs is considered a
While nerve impulses in unmyelinated neurons have a
m/s, in myelinated neurons they
m/s. electrical voltage is to be detected and
sensor voltages V
Figure 5: Sensor positions and angel of rotation

The outputs of four sensors are fed into a summing circuit

with consideration to their weights. The resulting
input for an actuator which is connected to the front wheels.
Figure 6: Block diagram of Directional Co
Vehicle dynamics is considered to be of the form


C. Speed Control:
The back wheels are for speed control. Stability in speed
and rejection of disturbances like Brownian motion is crucial
for positive performance of the nan
controller is used and stability and performance of the system
is studied by using hypothetical actuator model.
Figure 7: Block Diagram of Speed Control System
Now here Es Rs Ys ; for unity feedback


Where L(s) = k G
(s) Ga(s).
(s) is dominant in low frequency. We want Sensitivity
function [1/{1+L(s)}] to be small for T
and Complementary Sensitivity function [L(s)/{1+L(s)}] to be
low at high frequency.

Figure 5: Sensor positions and angel of rotation

The outputs of four sensors are fed into a summing circuit
with consideration to their weights. The resulting Veffective is
input for an actuator which is connected to the front wheels.

Figure 6: Block diagram of Directional Control
Vehicle dynamics is considered to be of the form

The back wheels are for speed control. Stability in speed
and rejection of disturbances like Brownian motion is crucial
for positive performance of the nanorobots. A lead lag
controller is used and stability and performance of the system
is studied by using hypothetical actuator model.
Figure 7: Block Diagram of Speed Control System
; for unity feedback


(s) is dominant in low frequency. We want Sensitivity
function [1/{1+L(s)}] to be small for T
(s) at low frequency,
and Complementary Sensitivity function [L(s)/{1+L(s)}] to be

So we want loop gain L(s) to be large at low frequency and
small at high frequency. To meet this lead lag controller is

Figure 8: Lead Lag controller with a=10, b=1
D. Weight Control
A very significant design requirement is that the
nanorobots always stay nerve-borne. To do this we simply
propose to use the concept of attractive force between two
current carrying conductors- one being the nerve and the other
being current carrying nanowire on the nanorobot

Figure 9: Simple illustration of forces between nano

E. Energy Supply
The most effective way to keep the nanorobot operating
successfully is to establish the use of a continuous available
source of power. The energy must be available and delivered
to the nanorobot while it is performing prede
operational environment. For a medical nanorobot, this means
that the device has to keep working inside the human body,
sometimes for long periods, and requires easy access to clean
and controllable energy to maintain efficient operation.
Some possibilities to power the nanorobot
from ambient energy. Temperature displacements could
likewise generate useful voltage differentials. Electromagnetic
radiation from light is another option for energy generation in
determined open environments [39] but not for in vivo
medical nanorobotics. Most recently, remote inductive
powering has been used both for RFID (radio frequency
So we want loop gain L(s) to be large at low frequency and
lead lag controller is

Figure 8: Lead Lag controller with a=10, b=1
A very significant design requirement is that the
borne. To do this we simply
propose to use the concept of attractive force between two
one being the nerve and the other
wire on the nanorobot.

Figure 9: Simple illustration of forces between nano-wires
The most effective way to keep the nanorobot operating
successfully is to establish the use of a continuous available
The energy must be available and delivered
to the nanorobot while it is performing predened tasks in the
operational environment. For a medical nanorobot, this means
that the device has to keep working inside the human body,
d requires easy access to clean
and controllable energy to maintain efficient operation.
Some possibilities to power the nanorobot can be provided
from ambient energy. Temperature displacements could
likewise generate useful voltage differentials. Electromagnetic
radiation from light is another option for energy generation in
] but not for in vivo
cal nanorobotics. Most recently, remote inductive
powering has been used both for RFID (radio frequency
identification device) and biomedical implanted devices to
supply power on the order of milliwatts. A low frequency
energy source can be sufficient to o
functional approach presents the possibility of supplying
energy in a wireless manner [4]. Thus, it enables one to
operate sensors and actuators necessary for the controlled
operation of nanorobots inside the human body.
A. Simulation for Directional Control
Transfer function of directional control can be found from
the block diagram of Figure 7.

Assuming T
(s) = 0 (i.e. no disturbances) it can be written as

2.26 10



Values used in the equations are hypothetical and calculated
based on practical speculations by taking mass and volume in
nano-scale. The actuator transfer function is taken similar to a
macro-level actuator but in nano-range.
Figure 10: Step response of Directional Control
Step response of the open loop directional control indicates
that even a small V
can rotate the direction of
movement. This sensitive control ensures that nanorobot
moves toward the damaged area only.
B. Simulation for Speed Control
The speed control transfer function for speed control can be
written as-

As stated before we will use a lead lag controller as a
compensator with a pole at b and zero at
will be same as direction control actuator and vehicle
dynamics as used before. So above mentioned equation can be
identification device) and biomedical implanted devices to
supply power on the order of milliwatts. A low frequency
energy source can be sufficient to operate nanorobots. This
functional approach presents the possibility of supplying
]. Thus, it enables one to
operate sensors and actuators necessary for the controlled
operation of nanorobots inside the human body.
Simulation for Directional Control
function of directional control can be found from
(i.e. no disturbances) it can be written as-
04 10



2 7

Values used in the equations are hypothetical and calculated
based on practical speculations by taking mass and volume in
nsfer function is taken similar to a

Figure 10: Step response of Directional Control
Step response of the open loop directional control indicates
can rotate the direction of
movement. This sensitive control ensures that nanorobot
moves toward the damaged area only.

The speed control transfer function for speed control can be

As stated before we will use a lead lag controller as a
b and zero at a; actuator model
will be same as direction control actuator and vehicle
sed before. So above mentioned equation can be


re-written as-


1 2 7

2.26 10

9.04 10

Now to find out appropriate range of values of a, b and
k we have applied classical approach of stability analysis,
Routh Criterion.
Table 1: Routh Table

235.04 524.32 610.2p=C 126.5p+k

610.2+235.04p=B 126.5 524.32p D kz


From the table it is eminent that to have a stable system-


> 0


So we have found valid range of a, b and k which can
also be demonstrated in 3D plot.

Figure 11: Three dimensional plot of stability region

The stability region exists above the stability surface. So we
can choose a=10 and b=1. So Compensator transfer function

Root locus and step response of the compensated system
now can be plotted to show the stability.

Figure 12: Root Locus Plot of Proposed System

Figure 13: Step response of proposed System

So the compensated system is stable. Nanorobot with this
control system can successfully move on the nerve to find
demyelinated neurons. State space representation of this
system have been found using MATLAB and rank of system
was 6, same as the order of the system which means the
system is both controllable and observable.

Although the direction, speed and energy supply system
was discussed but we are still working on the payload delivery
system, where it is necessary to sense where exactly the
delivery of myelin sheath should be made.
Here in this paper we have presented a theoretical
development of a stable nanorobotic system that can be used
to cure demyelinated neurons, but practically manufacturing
of such nanorobots is not yet possible due to several practical


limitations in the process. However technologies are
developing so fast and time will come when producing
nanorobots like this one will not be difficult. With the
appropriate technologies in hand we can even think of
improving the system for further complex operations.
The perspective that the same manufacturing technologies
required to assemble this nanorobot could also be applied to a
broad range of fields. The research and development of
nanorobots can also provide new technologies and devices for
enhanced industrial automation. As a result of such
development, more effective and safe operations are expected
for manufacturing processes, as well as better electronics,
featuring higher performance and lower requirements.
The application of nanorobots with embedded sensor
devices for drug and diagnosos is an interesting subjcet, which
can enable significant improvements as a big precission device
for medical treatments [5]. Thus all the possibilities needs to
be considered to have better utilisation nanorobots in future
medical applications.

This paper has proposed a new concept of using nerve-
borne sensor based nanorobots for medical applications.
Nerve-borne nanorobots should help, through sensing nerve
impulse singnals, to provide better understanding of
correlation of nerve signals and disease. They should also be
able to help give early diagnosis and provide new therapeutic
procedures. Again even they can help us to invastigate the
nervous system from close point of vies. Here classical control
systems analysis was adopted to illustrate one specific
application: to find the demyelinated neuron automatically and
to deliver synthetic myelin sheath to demyelinated portion of
Stability of the nanorobots and disturbance rejection, like
brownian motion and electrical noise, are crucial to the
performance of the nanorobots. They define the limitations of
the nanorobots, and thus limit the applications where they can
be used. Therefore, collecting data and adapting to the new
situation with better control methods is paramount to the
future success of the use of nanorobots in medicine.
Although this nanorobot is not a reality today but with the
advancement of technology this proposed nanorobot can cure
thousands of demyelination disease victims with very low cost
and accurate minimal invasive surgery.

All praises are for ALMIGHTY ALLAH, without whose
help anything would be impossible.
The authors would like to thank Professor Dr. Kazi Khairul
Islam his help at different stages of this publication.
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