Scarred Lands Prestige Class Guide
Scarred Lands Prestige Class Guide
Scarred Lands Prestige Class Guide
Compiled by Alex Cresswell (
Last Updated March 12, 2005
Prestige Classes .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Acolyte of Justice............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Adept of Flame ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Aerial Cavalier................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Ancestral Warrior ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Anchorite ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Angel-blooded ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Animator .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Archer of the Steppes....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Beastmaker .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Black Thorn Ranger....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Blood Sea Pirate............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Blood Witch................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Bounty Hunter ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Brother of Steel.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Brother of the Crimson Temple ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Brother of the Scarred Hand .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Calastian Battle-Mage.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Chain Legionnaire.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Constellation Weaver..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Courtesans of Idra.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Crypt Lord ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Cultist of the Forge ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Cultist of the Shade........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Dancer of Steel............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Dawn Spear Adept ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Death-touched................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Defender of the Faith ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Demonologist................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Divine Archer ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Dragon Knight ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Dragon Warrior.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Exemplar........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Forgemaster ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Gold Knight ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Goreguard ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Grenadier ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Halfling Stalker.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Hearthguardian............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
High Chorister ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
High Judicator................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
High Magus ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Hornsaw Sentinel........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Horseman of Vangal ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Huntsmaster ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Illtrawler ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Incarnate ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Incarnate ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Initiate of the Forge........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Initiate of the Ram ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Iron Guardsman ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Iron Knight..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Iron Lord........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Japhinian Dynast............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
Keeper of Epics.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Keeper of the Eternal Flame .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Keeper of the Great Laws .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Khetan Phagist ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Kilharman League Envoy .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Knight of Tears .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Knight of the Coventacle ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Knight of the Oak .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Knight of the Morning Sky ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Knight of the Silver Heart.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Liliandeli Archer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Locus Master ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Lodge-Warrior ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Master Cabalist .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Master of the Iron Wind................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Master of the Scaled ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Mercenary of the Hawk ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Mind Hunter................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Mithril Disciple.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37
Mithril Knight ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Mithril Knights .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Monk of the Sacred Chain ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Moonlight Lord.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Moonwitch..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Mourner ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Nightblade...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Nine-Stings Master ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Oaken Shadow ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Occultist......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42
One in Black .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 43
Oracle of Hedrada .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Order of Obsidian .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Ornamancer.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Paragon Warrior............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Penumbral Lord ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Pursuivant ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Rage-Bringer.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Ragewitch ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Ramrider ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Relic Hunter................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Renewer ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Rune Master................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Scourge of Tanil............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 48
Seaborn .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Sea Witch....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Sea Witch....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Seeker on the Wind........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 50
Shade Touched............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Shelzari Eroticist............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Shelzari Knife-Fighter ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Silver Knights ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52
Sister of the Sun............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Slaver of the Dead.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Speaker of the Dead ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Stone Guardsman........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Stormsinger.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Summoner...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Swan Knight .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Tail Fighter .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Tattoo Adept .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Tepuje Winddancer........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 57
The Blessed of Mesos .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
The Unfailing................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Thorned Purifier............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Totem Caller .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Totem Warrior ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Trapmaster ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Twilight Warden ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 60
Vigil Stalker................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 60
Vigilant .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Vigilant Arcanist............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61
Viromancer .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Voice of Sumara ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 62
Warped One ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Warrior of White Fire .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Waverider ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Weaver of Spirits ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
White Fist....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Whitefur......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Spell Lists ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 66
Adept of Flame Spell List .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 66
Angel-blooded Spell List ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Black Thorn Ranger Spell List ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Courtesan of Idra Spell List ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
Gold Knight Spell List ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Master of the Scaled Spell List ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Occultist Spell List......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
One in Black Spell List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Penumbral Lord Spell List ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
Sea Witch Spell List ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Silver Knight Spell List ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 76
Twilight Warden Spell List:........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Vigil Stalker Spell List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Vigilant Spell List.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Viromancer Spell List .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Prestige Class Availability.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Ranger............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 80
References: PGFB: Players Guide to Fighters and Barbarians, PGMP: Players Guide to Monks and Paladins, PGWBS: Players Guide to Wizards, Bards, and
Sorcerers, CSG: Campaign Setting Ghelspad, CST: Campaign Setting Termana, VWA: Vigil Watch: Assathi, VWWR: Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen,
PGCD: Players Guide to Clerics and Druids, PGR&R: Players Guide to Rangers and Rogues, R&R: Relics and Rituals, R&RII: Relics and Rituals II, S&S:
Secrets and Socities, EI: Edge of Infinity, F&F: The Faithful and the Forsaken, BT: Burok Torn, Mithril, Hornsaw, Hollowfaust, Shelzar, EotP: Echos of the
Past, Calastia, BS: Blood Sea
Prestige Classes
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Must be able to cast HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Aura of truth, mantle of
Acolyte of Justice detect evil as a spell-like Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration law
PGMP (p. 91) ability. Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge (local), 2: Smite chaos 1/day
Alignment: Lawful good Good save: Fort Search 3: Touch of justice
BAB: +6 Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 4: Turn chaos
Faith: Hedrada Armor: all and shields Motive 5: Domain of law
Feats: Skill Focus (Sense Class levels: 10 Cha: Diplomacy, Gather 6: Hallowed hammer
Motive) Spells: +1 existing paladin Information, Handle Animal, 7: Inquisitor’s empathy
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, spells per level. Intimidate 8: Extra turning
Knowledge (local) 2 ranks, 9: Smite chaos 2/day
Sense Motive 5 ranks 10: Pass judgement
Min lvl: Pal 6
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 8 HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: fire resist 5, circle of fire
Adept of Flame ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Spellcraft (minor)
PGWBS (p. 113) Speak Language(Dark Attack: Wizard Wis: Profession, Survival 2: Circle of fire(first),
Speech of Thulkas) Good save: Ref, Will Pyromancy 1/day
Spellcasting: Must be able to Weap: simple 3: fire resist 15, circle of fire
cast arcane versions of Armor: - (second)
burning hands, protection Class Levels: 10 4: Circle of fire (third),
from energy, and fireball. Spells: +1 existing spells per pyromancy 2/day
Special: Must undergo level. See Adept of Flame 5: fire immunity, blood
training by an adept of flame. spell list for additional spells damage 1d4, circle of fire
At the end of this period of granted through the Circle of (fourth), elixir of the adepts
training, the spellcaster Fire ability. 6: Circle of fire (fifth), flames
undergoes a ritual that of purity, touching the true
culminates in the drinking of flame
a vessel of alchemist’s fire. 7: Circle of fire (sixth), blood
Min lvl: Soc 6, Wiz 5 damage 1d6
8: Circle of fire (seventh),
Pyromancy 3/day
9: blood damage 1d8, circle
of fire (eigth)
10: Circle of fire (ninth),
pyromancy (contact other
plans), sacred immolation
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Skills: Ride 8 ranks, Handle HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Aerial defense, flyby
Aerial Cavalier Animal 8 ranks Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Ride, Tumble attack, paladin’s mount
CSG (p. 228) Feats: Mounted Combat, Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Aerial evasion
Lightening Reflexes Good save: Fort, Ref (geography), Knowledge 3: Aerial archery
Special: The character must Weap: simple, martial (nobility and royalty) 4: Enhanced maneuverability
own or have access to an Armor: light, medium, and Wis: Profession, Sense I
aerial mount. shields Motive, Spot, Survival 5: Crash land
Min lvl: Bbn 5, Drd 5, Ftr 5, Class Levels: 10 Cha: Handle Animal 6: Empathic link
Pal 5, Rgr 5, All 13 7: Spirited charge
8: Enhanced maneuverability
9: Extended empathic link
10: Improved aerial evasion
BAB: +6 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Weapon familiar, bonus
Ancestral Warrior Skill: Knowledge (ancestors) Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride feat
VWA (p. 84) 5 ranks Attack: Fighter Int: Knowledge (ancestors) 2: Ancestral avatar 1/day,
Special: The aspirant must Good save: Fort, Will Wis: Sense Motive hallowed arts
meet the prerequisites of the Weap: simple, martial Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy 3: Bonus feat
Weapon Familiar feat: Armor: light, medium and 4: Ancestral avatar 2/day
Weapon Focus (chosen shields 5: Bonus feat
weapon), Weapon 6: Ancestral avatar 3/day
Proficiency (chosen weapon), 7: Bonus feat
one of Summon Familiar 8: Ancestral avatar 4/day
ability or Weapon 9: Bonus feat
Specialization (chosen 10: Apotheosis, ancestral
weapon) or Ancestral Daisho avatar 5/day
ability. The character must
also possess a masterwork
version of the chosen
Min lvl: Ftr 6, Sam 6
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Base Fort Save: +5 HD: d8 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Animal familiar, solitude
Anchorite Skills: Survival 6 ranks Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration, Ritual DC 15
PGCD (p. 92) Spellcasting: Ability to cast Attack: Wizard Casting 2: Meditation, wild empathy
2nd level divine spells. Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Immunity to disease,
Min lvl: Clr 9, Drd 6, Pal 9, Weap: simple (nature), Spellcraft mortification
Rgr 8 Armor: light, medium, Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, 4: Spiritual defense +1
shields. Survival 5: Solitude DC 20
Class Levels: 10 6: Mortification
Spells: +1 to existing spells 7: Spiritual defense +2
per level. 8: Child of nature
9: Mortification, solitude DC
10: Spiritual defense +3,
uncanny awareness
Alignment: Any good HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1:Angelic insight, divine
Angel-blooded Feats: Child of the Heavens, Skill Points: 2 Casting assistance
PGWBS (p. 116) Iron Will Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Eyes of heaven, lore of the
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) Good save: Fort, Will (arcana), Knowledge heavens (1st)
4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks Weap: - (religion), Knowledge (the 3: Heavenly ally
Min lvl: Armor: - planes), Spellcraft 4: Lore of the heavens (2nd)
Sor 5 Class Levels: 10 Wis: Heal, Profession 5: Divine companion
Spells: +1 existing spells per 6: Lore of the heavens (3rd)
level. See Angel-blooded 7: Blood of angels (average),
spells for Lore of the celestial channeling
Heavens spells. 8: Lore of the heavens (4th)
9: Divine guidance
10: Blood of angels (good),
divine exaltation, lore of the
heavens (5th)
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Spellcasting: Ability to cast HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Turn/rebuke undead
Animator seven necromantic spells, Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 3: Animate dead
Hollowfaust (p. 111) including animate vermin, Attack: Wizard Spellcraft 4: Extra turning
cadaver dance and gentle Good save: Will Wis: Profession, Heal 6: Create undead
repose. Weap: - 7: Control undead
Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 8 Armor: - 9: Golem creation
ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 8 Class Levels: 10 10: Destruction
ranks, Knowledge (Religion) Spells: +1 existing spells per
8 ranks, Knowledge level
(anatomy) 8 ranks
Feats: Skill Focus
(knowledge [anatomy]), Spell
Focus (necromancy), Spell
Min lvl: Wiz6
Ability to rage HD: d10 Str: Jump 1: Archer’s rage 1/day, arrow
Archer of the Steppes BAB: +5 Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Ride, Tumble jab
PGFB (p. 95) Feats:Mounted Archery, Attack: Fighter Int: Search 2: Bonded mount
Mounted Combat, Point Good save: Fort, Ref Wis: Spot, Survival 3: Archer’s rage 2/day, bonus
Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Handle Animal feat
Weapon Focus (any bow) Armor: Light, medium, and 4: Improved mounted archery
Skills: Craft(bowmaking) 5 shields 5: Archer’s rage 3/day, flurry
ranks, Handle Animal 8 Class Levels: 10 of arrows
ranks, Ride 8 ranks 6: Bonus feat
7: Archer’s rage 4/day, share
8: Improved mounted archery
9: Archer’s rage 5/day, bonus
10: Flurry of arrows
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Base Fort Save: +6 HD: d8 Str: Swim 1: Immunity
Beastmaker Faith: Kadum Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 2: Blood frenzy 1/day
BS (p. 118) Feats: Toughness Attack: Cleric Casting, 3: Imbue creature
Skills: Craft(alchemy) 10 Good save: Fort Int: Craft, Spellcraft 4: Twisted summoning
ranks Weap: Simple Wis: Heal, Survival 6: Blood frenzy 2/day
Spells: Ability to cast 5th Armor: Light and medium Cha: Bluff 10: Child of Kadum, blood
level druid spells. and shields. frenzy 3/day
Special: Someone wishing to Class Levels: 10
become a beastmaker must Spells: +1 druid spells per
drink a special potion made level
from the blood of the titan
Kadum. Should the initiate
survive, he is then inducted
into the mysteries of this
group and taught how to
continue the Father of
Monster’s work.
Ability: Favored Enemy class HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Favored Enemy, Poison
Black Thorn Ranger ability Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently, Use
Alignment: Any Evil Attack: Fighter Ride, Use Rope 2: Combat perception +1
(rangers dedicated to BAB: +4 Good Save: Fort, Ref Con: Concentration 3: Detect good
Chardun) Diety: Chardun Weap: Simple, Martial Int: Craft, Knowledge 4: Favored enemy
PGR&R (p.85) Feats: Improved Initiative, Armor: Light, Med, Sheilds (nature), Search 5: Combat perception +2
Track, Two-Weapon Fighting Class Lvls: 10 Wis: Heal, Listen, Spot, 6: Dark blessing
Skills: Hide 6 ranks, Survival Survival 7: Favored enemy
6 ranks Cha: Handle Animal, 8: Combat perception +3
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Intimidate 9: Eye of the General
Chardun’s Glory (1st level 10: Favored enemy
spell, see R&RII p. 97)
Special: Must be a member of
the Order of the Black Thorn
Min lvl: Rgr 4
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Non-good, non- HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Rage of the Blood Sea
Blood Sea Pirate lawful Skills: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 1/day
(Blood Sea grants pirates BAB: +4 Attack: Fighter Open Lock, Tumble 2: Blood Sea Alchemy
mystical powers) Feats: Alertness, Iron Will Good save: Fort, Ref Con: Concentration 3: Skills of the sea
PGR&R (p.88) Skills: Climb 5 ranks, Weap: Simple, rapiers, short Int: Craft, Search 4: Blood Sea Alchemy
Profession(sailor) 10 ranks, swords, scimitars, and short Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot 5: Fierce fighting +1, Rage
Swim 5 ranks, Use Rope 5 bows. Cha: Bluff, Intimidate 2/day
ranks. Armor: light 6: Blood Sea Alchemy,
Special: Must have sailed the Class Levels: 10 Buccaneer’s defense +1
Blood Sea at least one year 7: Fierce fighting +2
and have been immersed 8: Blood Sea Alchemy
fully in the Blood Sea at least 9: Buccaneer’s defense +2
once during that time. 10: Corsair of the Sea, Rage
Min lvl: Rog 7, Rgr 7, Brd 7, 3/day
Clr 7, Drd 7, Mnk 7, Soc 7,
Wiz 7
Skills: Concentration 10 HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Blood enhancement
Blood Witch ranks, Knowledge (arcana) Skill Points: d4 Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Nature magic
R&R(p. 8) 10 ranks Attack: Wizard (arcana), Spellcraft 3: Blood enhancement
Feats: any two metamagic Good save: Will Wis: Heal, Profession, 4: Alter self
feats, Skill Focus Weap: - Survival 5: Blood enhancement
(Concentration) Armor: - 6: Minor sacrifice
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Class Levels: 10 7: Blood enhancement
3rd level spells Spells: +1 existing spells per 8: Wild shape
Special: Must establish some level 9: Blood enhancement
sort of link with the titans’ 10: Major sacrifice
power, commonly by
ingesting their flesh or blood
Min lvl: Wiz7, Soc7
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d8 Skills: 1: Mighty unarmed strike
Bounty Hunter Feats: Improved Disarm, Skills: 4 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim (1d4)
PGR&R (p.91) Improved Unarmed Strike, Attack: Fighter Dex: Escape Artist, Use Rope 2: Manacle snap, disarm trap
Track, Two-Weapon Good save: Fort Con: Concentration 3: Hunt quarry +1
Fighting. Weap: simple, martial Int: Craft, Decipher Script, 4: Batter (+1d6)
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Armor: light, medium, Disable Device, Search 5: Mighty unarmed strike
Sense Motive 3 ranks, shields Wis: Survival (1d6)
Survival 4 ranks, Use Rope 6 Class Levels: 10 Cha: Diplomacy, Disguise, 6: Hunt quarry +2
ranks Gather Information, 7: Batter (+2d6)
Min lvl: Rog9, Rgr7, Mnk9, Intimidate 8: Mighty unarmed strike
Bbn9, Brd9, Clr9, Drd9, Ftr9, (1d8)
Pal9, Soc10, Wiz10 9: Hunt quarry +3
10: Improved manacle slap
Alignment: Lawful neutral or HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Adamantine blade mastery,
Brother of Steel lawful good Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Hide, Move gift of devotion
PGMP (p. 94) Feats: Adamantine blade Attack: Rogue Silently, Tumble 2: Touch from beyond +1
style, Improved unarmed Good save: Fort, Ref, Will Con: Concentration 3: Gift of devotion
strike, at least one paragon Weap: - Int: Decipher Script, 4: Touch from beyond +2
feat Armor: - Knowledge (arcana), 5: Gift of devotion
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Class levels: 10 Knowledge (the planes), 6: Touch from beyond +3
Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Spells: - Search 7: Gift of devotion
Spellcraft 2 ranks. Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 8: Touch from beyond +4
Special: Still Mind monk Spot 9: Gift of devotion
ability, must be a member of Cha: Diplomacy, Gather 10: Touch from beyond +5
the Adamantine Church. Information
Min lvl: Mnk 5
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-good HD: d8 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, 1: Favored weaponry +1
Brother of the Crimson BAB: +5 Skills: 4 Move Silently 2: Envenoming weapon
Temple Faith: Must be a follower of Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, 3: Blood of venom
(defenders of Mormo’s Mormo Good save: Fort, Ref Knowledge(nature), Search 4: Bonus feat, strike of the
temples) Feats: Great Fortitude, Two Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense serpent
PGR&R (p.94) Weapon Fighting, Weapon Armor: light Motive, Spot, Survival 5: Scales of the
Focus(kukri or scimitar) Spells: +1 of existing Cha: Handle Animal Serpentmother(+2)
Gender: Male only spellcasting every other level 6: Ophidian affinity
Skills: Craft(alchemy) 3 starting at 2nd level 7: Favored weapon +2
ranks, Hide 4 ranks, 8: Bonus feat
Knowledge(nature) 7 ranks, 9: Scales of the
Move Silently 4 ranks, Speak Serpentmother(+3)
Language (Dark Speech of 10: Serpent apotheosis
Spellcasting: Must be able to
cast 1st level ranger or druid
Special: Must be initiated
into the Brotherhood, which
involves being bitten by a
venomous snake from a
Min lvl: Rgr 5, Drd 7
Alignment: Any lawful. HD: d8 Con: Concentration 1: Altruism 1
Brother of the Scarred Skills: Concentration 10 Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Minor sacrifice
Hand ranks, Knowledge (arcana) Attack: Rogue (arcana), Knowledge 3: Altruism 2
CSG (p. 230) 10 ranks, Heal 5 ranks, Craft Good save: Fort, Will (religion) 4: Discipline
(Alchemy) 5 ranks. Weap: - Wis: Heal, Profession 5: Altruism 3
Feats: Skill Focus Armor: - Cha: Diplomacy 6: Major sacrifice
(Concentration), Improved Class Levels: 10 7: Altruism 4
Unarmed Strike, Toughness 8: Absorb illness
Special: May not worship any 9: Altruism 5
god or demi-god. 10: Phoenix touch
Min lvl: Mnk 7, Sor 7, Wiz 7,
All 17
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Feats: Battle-Mage Training, HD: d4 Dex: Ride 1: Kiss of Mesos
Calastian Battle-Mage Combat Casting Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration, Ritual 2: Armored spellcasting 5%,
Calastia (p. 93) Proficiency: Simple and Attack: Rogue Casting veteran nerves +1
martial weapons and light Good save: Will Int: Knowledge (any), 3: Enhanced counterspell
armor Weap: - Spellcraft 4: Armored spellcasting 10%,
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Armor: - Cha: Intimidate veteran nerves +2
Knowledge (arcana) 4 ranks, Spells: +1 existing spells per 5: Sorceries aafield +2
Ride 4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 level 6: Quick counterspell,
ranks. veteran nerves +3
Spells: Ability to cast 3rd 7: Armored spellcasting 15%
level arcane spells. 8: Sorceries afield +4,
Special: Calastian battle- veteran nerves +4
mages are trained, they don’t 10: Armored spellcasting
just happen. A mentor, 20%, veteran nerves +5
political favor or other such
introduction to the ranks of
the “true” battle-mages is
necessary to learn the finer
points of this class.
Min lvl: Wiz 5/Ftr 1,
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Superior disarm/trip
Chain Legionnaire Feats: Bind, Combat Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Ride, Use 2: Bonus feat
PGFB (p. 97) Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Attack: Fighter Rope 3: Sweeping arc
Feat(spiked chain), Weapon Good save: Fort, Ref Int: Craft 4: Bonus feat
Finesse, Weapon Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Bluff, Gather 5: Signature weapon
Focus(spiked chain), Weapon Armor: All Information, Handle Animal, 6: Bonus feat
Specialization(spiked chain) Intimidate 7: Binding chain (suggestion)
Special: The character needs 8: Bonus feat
to find an appropriate school 9: Iron grasp technique
or a mentor who teaches this 10: Binding chain (dominate
fighting style. person), bonus feat
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Race: Any elf or half-elf HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Mark the Cloth, Mastery of
Constellation Weaver Feats: Create Wondrous Item Skill Points: 2 Int: Appraise, Craft, Forms +1
F&F (p. 99) Skills: Craft (any) 9 ranks, Attack: Wizard Knowledge (arcana), 3: Mastery of Forms +2
Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks Good save: Will Spellcraft 4: Emblems of Magic
Special: In order to advance Weap: - Wis: Survival 5: Mastery of Forms +3
to the 5th level and beyond in Armor: - 7: Mark the Flesh, Mastery of
this prestige class, a character Spells: +1 existing spells per Forms +4
must additionally possess the level. 9: Mastery of Forms +5
Inscribe Magical Tattoo feat 10: Emblems of the Earth
and Craft (tattoo) at 9 ranks Mother
or more.
Min lvl: Wiz 6, Soc 6
Alignment: Any neutral HD: d6 Str: Climb, Swim 1: Amorous performance,
Courtesans of Idra Religion: The courtesan Skill Points: 6 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, seduction
S&S (p. 22) prestige class does not Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Sleight 2: Amorous suggestion
require any specific religion, Good save: Ref, Will of Hand, Tumble, Use Rope 3: Seduction 2/day
but on Ghelspad those who Weap: crossbow (hand, light, Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 4: Dance of Desire
are members of the actual and heavy), dagger, dart, Speak Language 5: Amorous suggestion 2/day
organization must worship rapier, sap, shortbow, and Wis: Listen, Profession, 6: Seduction 3/day
Idra. short sword. Sense Motive 7: Infatuation
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Armor: light Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 8: Amorous suggestion 3/day
Disguise 5 ranks, Gather Spells: See Courtesans of Disguise, Gather Information, 9: Seduction 4/day
Information 5 ranks, Perform Idra spell list. Perform, Use Magic Device 10: Mistress of Desire
6 ranks, Profession
(courtesan) 8 ranks
Min lvl: Rog 5, Brd 5, Clr 5,
Drd 5, Mnk 5, Pal 5, Rgr 5,
Sor 5, Wiz 5
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any evil HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Extended necromancy,
Crypt Lord Spellcasting: Ability to cast Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Knowledge rebuke undead
R&R(p.10) seven necromantic spells at Attack: Wizard (arcana), Knowledge 2: Undead appearance
least one being 3rd level or Good save: Will (religion), Spellcraft 3: Energy drain resistance
higher. Weap: - Wis: Profession 4: Undead familiar
Skills: Knowledge (religion) Armor: - 5: Natural armor +1
7 ranks Class Levels: 10 6: Raise the dead
Feats: Spell Focus Spells: +1 existing spells per 7: Natural armor +2
(Necromancy) level 8: Create undead
Special: Must have suffered 9: Energy drain immunity
the life-draining attack of an 10: Lichdom
undead, be it energy drain or
ability score loss.
Min lvl: Wiz5, Soc11
Feats: Craft Magical Arms HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Tempered soul, touch of
Cultist of the Forge and Armor Skill Points: 2 Casting fire
PGCD (p. 95) Patron: Corean or Golthagga Attack: Rogue Int: Appraise, Craft, Disable 2: Stoking the fires
Skills: Craft (any smithing) 8 Good save: Fort, Will Device, Knowledge 3: Great fortitude
ranks. Weap: simple (religion), Spellcraft 4: Soul of steel
Min lvl: Wiz 5, Clr 6, Sor 6, Armor: light, medium, heavy, Wis: Heal, Profession 5: Soul of the hearth
Drd 6, Rgr 12, Pal 12, Brd 6 and shields. Cha: Intimidate 6: Lighting the darkness
Class Levels: 7: The Forge within
Spells: +1 to existing spells 8: Repairing the soul
per level. 9: The Undying embers
10: The Awakening
Alignment: Any evil HD: d6 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Shadowcloak I, Slarecian
Cultist of the Shade BAB: +3 Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration Pact
R&R (p. 216) Base Power Points/Day: 5+ Attack: Rogue Int: Decipher Script, 2: Sneak attack +1d6
Feats: Encode Stone, Hide Good save: Ref, Will Knowledge (history), 3: Summon shadowspawn
Power Weap: simple, martial Knowledge (psionics), 4: Darkblade +1d6
Skills: Hide 4 ranks, Armor: light Psicraft, Remove View 5: Shadowcloak II
Knowledge (psionics) 6 Powers: +1 existing powers Wis: Autohypnosis 6: Sneak attack +2d6
ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks every other level starting at Cha: Bluff, Disguise 7: Summon shadows
Min lvl: Psi 6, Psw 5 1st 8: Darkblade +2d6
9: Shadowcloak III
10: Sneak attack +3d6
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Longsword finesse
Dancer of Steel Feats: Cloth Dancing, Skills: 2 Dex: Balance, Move Silently, 2: Bonus feat
PGFB (p. 99) Combat Expertise, Dodge, Attack: Fighter Perform, Ride, Tumble 3: Evasion
Weapon Focus (longsword), Good save: Fort, Ref Int: Craft 4: Uncanny dodge, bonus feat
Weapon Specialization Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Bluff, Handle Animal, 5: Signature weapon
(longsword) Armor: All, but not shields Intimidate 6: Bonus feat
Skills: Perform(dance) 5 7: Hypnotic dance
ranks, Tumble 4 ranks 8: Uncanny dodge, bonus feat
Special: The character needs 9: Tumbling strike
to find a mentor or school 10: Bonus feat
that teaches this fighting
Alignment: Lawful good or HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Dance the dawn, spear
Dawn Spear Adept lawful neutral. Skills: 4 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, specialist
PGMP (p. 97) Feats: Dawn Spear Attack: Rogue Move Silently, Tumble 2: Leathered skin (1), warm
Technique. Good save: Fort, Ref, Will Con: Concentration the soul
Ability: Purity of Body Weap: Add longspear to her Int: Knowledge (religion), 3: Glimpse the morning’s
(monk ability) list of Monk weapons. Search light, sun spear maneuver
Skills: Heal 4 ranks Armor: - Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense +1d6
Special: The character must Spells: - Motive, Spot 4: Leathered skin (2)
have trained under another Cha: Diplomacy 5: Hand slap, touch of gentle
Dawn Spear adept. sunlight
Min lvl: Mnk 5 6: Leathered skin (3), sun
spear maneuver +2d6
7: Morning renewal
8: Leathered skin (4)
9: Sun spear maneuver +3d6
10: Aolib’s grace, leathered
skin (5)
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +2 HD: d12 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Necromantic attunement,
Death-touched Skills: Gather Information 3 Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration flesh of the dead
CST (p. 200) ranks, Knowledge (religion) Attack: Rogue Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Pallor of death,
6 ranks Good save: Fort, Will (religion) necromantic art I
Special: Sufficient exposure Weap: - Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, 3: Blasphemous health
to the necromantic energy of Armor: - Sense Motive, Spot 4: Necromantic art II
the Isle of the Dead to risk Cha: Bluff, Gather 5: Undying perseverance
level loss. Information, Intimidate 6: Necromantic art III
Min lvl: Brd 4, Clr 4, Mnk 4, 7: Unliving physiology
Pal 3, Wiz 4, Bbn 9, Drd 9, 8: Necromantic art IV
Ftr 9, Rgr 9, Rog 9, Soc 9 9: Mantle of the undead
10: Necromantic art V
BAB: +5 HD: d8 Str: Climb 1: Prayer leader
Defender of the Faith Feats: Leadership, Power Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Fanatic abandon 1/day
PGCD (p. 97) Attack, Ritualist Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration, Ritual 3: Leader of the faithful
Skills: Knowledge (religion) Good save: Fort, Will Casting 4: Fanatic’s bravery
8 ranks, Ritual Casting 8 Weap: simple, martial Int: Craft, Knowledge 5: Bonus feat
ranks. Armor: light, medium, (religion), Spellcraft 6: Fanatic abandon 2/day
Spellcasting: Ability to cast shields Wis: Profession 7: Prayer of the faithful
3rd level divine spells. Class Levels: 10 Cha: Intimidate 8: Bonus feat
Min lvl: Clr 6, Drd 6, Rgr 11, Spells: +1 to existing spells 9: Fanatic’s prayer
Pal 11 per level. 10: Fanatic abandon 3/day
Feats: Spell Focus HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Tainted familiar
Demonologist (Abjuration), Spell Focus Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Devil’s bargain
PGWBS (p. 121) (Conjuration) Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Speak Language, 3: Enhanced demonology +4
Skills: Knowledge (the Good save: Will Spellcraft 4: Fiendish lore
planes) 6 ranks, Speak Weap: - Wis: Sense Motive 5: Fiendish servants
Language (Infernal, Abyssal, Armor: - Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Enhanced demonology +6
or Daemonic) Class Levels: 10 Intimidation 7: Greater summoning
Spellcasting: Must have Spells: +1 to existing spells 8: Improved binding
access to and ability to cast per level. 9: Enhanced demonology +8
dimentional anchor and lesser 10: Devil’s bargain
planar binding.
Min lvl: Wiz 9, Sor 10
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Race: Any elf or half-elf HD: d10 Con: Concentration 1: Divine Bow +1d6
Divine Archer Alignment: Any non-evil Skill Points: 4 Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Archers’ Benediction
F&F (p. 102) BAB: +6 Attack: Fighter (religion), Spellcraft 3: Divine Bow +2d6
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Good save: Fort, Ref Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 4: Spare Innocence
Precise Shot, Weapon Focus Weap: simple, martial Spot 5: Divine Bow +3d6
(any bow other than a Armor: light, medium 6: Healing Arrow
crossbow) 7: Divine Bow +4d6
Special: Ability to cast divine 8: Holy Arrow
spells 9: Divine Bow +5d6
Min lvl: Clr 8, Drd 8, Pal 6, 10: Arrow of Life
Rgr 6
Alignment: Lawful neutral or HD: d10 Str: Jump 1: Detect chaos, dragon
Dragon Knight lawful evil Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride mount
Calastia (p. 95) BAB: +8 Attack: Fighter Wis: Heal, Spot, Survival 2: Blindfighting
Feats: Leadership, Mounted Good save: Fort Cha: Handle Animal 3: Dragon warrior +1,
Combat, Spirited Charge, Weap: simple, martial endowment of scales +1
Ride-by Attack, Weapon Armor: all and shields 4: Dragon spear technique
Focus (lance) 1/day
Race: Human, native of 5: Endowment of scales +2
Calastia. 6: Dragon warrior +2
Skills: Handle Animal 4 7: Dragon spear technique
ranks, Ride 6 ranks 2/day, endowment of scales
Min lvl: Ftr 8, Rgr 8, Pal 8 +3
8: Dragon warrior +3
9: Dragon spear technique
3/day, endowment of scales
10: Wrath of the Black
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Non-chaotic HD: d8 Str: Climb 1: Dance of the dragon -3
Dragon Warrior BAB: +3 Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance 2: Bite of the dragon,
VWA (p. 87) Spellcasting: Capable of Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration virulence
casting 2nd level spells Good save: Ref, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge, 3: Evasion
Special: Claw and bite Weap: club, dagger, kama, Search, Spellcraft 4: Transcendent flesh
natural weapons, natural quarterstaff, shuriken and Wis: Profession, Spot 5: Poison spitting
poison sling. 6: Strike of the dragon +1
Min lvl: Wiz 6, Sor 6, Brd 4, Armor: - 7: Poisoned flesh
Clr 4, Drd 4, Pal 8, Rgr 8 Spells: +1 existing spells per 8: Dance of the dragon -1,
level. strike of the dragon +2
9: Improved evasion
10: Transference, strike of the
dragon +3
Alignment: Lawful neutral HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Exemplar feat
Exemplar Feats: One paragon feat, one Skills: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Ki strike
PGMP (p. 100) martial arts feat, Weapon prof Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Tumble 3: Exemplar feat
(appropriate weapon; only Good save: Fort, Ref, Will Int: Knowledge (religion), 4: Ki strike
applies for weapon Weap: - Search 5: Exemplar feat
exemplars). Armor: - Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense 6: Ki strike
Ability: Ki strike (lawful) Spells: - Motive, Spot 7: Exemplar feat
(monk ability). 8: Ki strike
Min lvl: Mnk 10 9: Exemplar feat
10: Perfected One
Alignment: Lawful good HD: d6 Con: Concentration 1: Maker of virtue, forge
Forgemaster Skills: Craft (weaponsmith) 8 Skill Points: 6 Int: Appraise, Craft, Disable blessing
CSG (p. 232) ranks Attack: Rogue Device 2: Forge blessing
Min lvl: Bbn 5, Clr 5, Ftr 5, Good save: Fort, Will Wis: Profession 3: Turn/rebuke constructs
Mnk 5, Pal 5, Rgr 5, Wiz 5, Weap: simple 4: Forge blessing
Sor 5 Armor: light, shields 5: Weapon link
Class Levels: 10 6: Forge blessing
7: Weapon union
8: Forge blessing
9: Physical antipathy
10: Forge blessing,
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Lay on hands, and HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Healer’s touch +1, master
Gold Knight remove disease Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration, Ritual healer
CSG (p. 235) Alignment: Lawful Good Attack: Rogue Casting 2: Remove disease 1/week,
Diety: Corean Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge toughness
BAB: +5 Weap: simple, martial (religion) 3: Healer’s touch +2, token of
Skills: Concentration 4 ranks, Armor: all and shields Wis: Heal, Profession gold
Heal 8 ranks, Knowledge Class Levels: 10 Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 4: Remove disease 2/week,
(religion) 3 ranks. Spells: +1 to existing spells Animal spontaneous curing
Spellcasting: Must be able to per level. Also gains 5: Healer’s touch +3,
cast cure light wounds. additional spells listed under empowered curing
Special: Must be part of the Gold Knight Spell List. 6: Remove disease 3/week
Order of Gold. 7: Healer’s touch +4, curative
Min lvl: Pal 6 enchanter
8: Remove disease 4/week
9: Healer’s touch +5,
maximized curing
10: Remove disease 5/week
Alignment: Any non-good HD: d6 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, 1: Bite(1d6), Corpulence
Goreguard BAB: +6 Skills: 6 Move Silently, Open Lock, 2: Weaponry of the pit +1
(deadly gladiators) Feats: Exotic weapon Attack: Rogue Slight of Hand, Use Rope 3: Sneak attack (+1d6)
PGR&R (p.97) proficiency(Net), Two- Good save: Fort Int: Appraise, Craft, Decipher 4: Showboating
Weapon Fighting Weap: Simple, guisarme, Script, Disable Device, 5: Corpulence
Skills: Intimidation 7 ranks, spiked chain, trident, and Forgery, Search, Spellcraft 6: Sneak attack (+2d6)
Perform (act) 11 ranks. two-bladed sword. Wis: Listen, Profession, 7: Weaponry of the pit +2
Special: Must have ingested Armor: light, medium Sense Motive, Spot 8: Hunger of the glutton
distilled blood of Gaurak. Class levels: 10 Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 9: Sneak attack (+3d6)
Min lvl: Brd11, Mnk11, Gather Information, 10: Corpulence
Rog8, all others 19 Intimidate, Perform, Use
Magic Device
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +4 HD: d6 Str: Jump 1: Bonus feat, grenade use
Grenadier Skills: Craft(Alchemy) 6 Skill Points: 2 Dex: Hide 2: Bonus feat
VW:WR (p. 79) ranks, Profession (Herbalist) Attack: Rogue, Grenadelike Int: Craft 3: Line of fire
4 ranks attack: Fighter 4: Bonus feat
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft Good save: Ref 5: Seeking grenade
[Alchemy]), Weapon Focus Weap: simple and martial 6: Bonus feat
(grenadelike weapons) thrown weapons 7: Barrage
Special: Most mentors Armor: light 8: Bonus feat
require prospective students 9: Phase grenade
to offer a gift in the form of a 10: Bonus feat
unique grenadelike weapon.
Certain gifted pupils can
provide it on their own, but
many quest for a long-lost
relic of unusual power.
Min lvl: Bbn 4, Ftr 4, Rgr 4,
Pal 4, Brd 6, Rog 6, Mnk 6,
Clr 6, Wiz 8, Soc 8
BAB: +4 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Improved weapon focus +1
Halfling Stalker Feats: Far Shot, Point Blank Skill Points: 2 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, 2: Stalker’s guile +2
Calastia (p. 98) Shot, Precise Shot, Run Attack: Fighter Move Silently 3: Puissant surprise +2d4
Proficiency: Any bow, Good save: Ref Int: Craft 4: Improved weapon focus +2
crossbow, or sling. Weap: simple, ranged martial Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival 5: Stalker’s guile +4
Race: Halfling weapons 6: Puissant surprise +4d4
Skills: Hide 4 ranks, Spot 2 Armor: light 7: Improved weapon focus +3
ranks 8: Stalker’s guile +6
Min lvl: Any 9 9: Puissant surprise +6d4
10: Improved weapon focus
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful good HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Spirited charge
Hearthguardian BAB: +5 Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Improved bull rush
PGMP (p. 103) Faith: Goran Attack: Fighter Con: Concentration 3: Ferocity
Feats: Mounted Combat, Good save: Fort Int: Craft, Knowledge 4: Inspiring presence
Trample. Weap: simple, martial, and (religion) 5: Thick skulled
Race: Mountain dwarf. exotic weapon (Tusked Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 6: Goran’s chosen
Special: Must have a boar as Boar’s Helm) Motive 7: Tenacity
a paladin’s special mount. Armor: all and shields Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 8: Improved spirited charge
Min lvl: Pal 5 Spells: +1 existing paladin Animal, Intimidate 9: Superior Bull Rush
spells per level. 10: Goran’s image
Alignment: NG, LN, TN, HD: d6 Con: Concentration 1: Denev’s blessing, chorister
High Chorister CN, NE Skill Points: 6 Int: Craft, Decipher Script, memory
PGWBS (p. 123) Faith: Denev Attack: Rogue Knowledge (any), Search, 2: Eidetic memory 1/day
Feats: Enhanced Knowledge Good save: Fort, Will Spellcraft 3: Record memory
Skills: Gather Information 8 Weap: club, dagger, dart, Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense 4: Eidetic memory 2/day
ranks, Knowledge (any) 8 longspear, quarterstaff, Motive, Spot, Survival 5: Death record
ranks, Speak Language scimitar, shortspear, sickle Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Eidetic memory 3/day
(Middle Elven) and sling. Gather Information, 7: Inflict Obscurity
Special: She must have a Armor: light, medium, and Intimidate, Perform, Use 8: Eidetic memory 4/day
masterwork harp and be part shield (no metal armor or Magic Device 9: Steady mind
of the Chrous of Ages, with shields) 10: Denev’s memory, eidetic
the attendant tattoo of a sickle Class Levels: 10 memory 5/day
and harp on the hand she uses Spells: +1 to existing spells
to play her instrument. per level
Min lvl: Brd 5
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Base Will Save: +5 HD: d8 Str: Climb 1: Insightful warning +1,
High Judicator Feat: Iron Will, Sacred Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration, Ritual truthseeker +2
PGCD (p.99) Defender Attack: Rogue Casting 2: Judge’s inquisition
Skills: Sense Motive 6 ranks Good save: Will Int: Appraise, Craft, Search, 3: Firm resolve +1,
Spellcasting: Access to the Weap: simple, martial Spellcraft truthseeker +4
Law or Judgement Domains. Armor: all, and shields Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 4: Insightful warning +2
Min lvl: Clr 6 Class Levels: 10 Motive, Spot 5: Judge’s inquisition,
Spells: +1 to existing spells Cha: Diplomacy, Intimidate truthseeker +6
per level. 6: Firm resolve +2
7: Insightful warning +3,
truthseeker +8
8: Judge’s inquisition
9: Truthseeker +10,
uncorruptable will
10: Inquisitor destiny
Feats: Spell Focus HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Dual specialty
High Magus (Abjuration), Spell Focus Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Merged casting
CST (p. 203) (Illusion) Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 4: Enhanced focus
Race: Forsaken Elf Good save: Will Spellcraft 6: Skill focus
Skills: Knowledge (arcane) Weap: - Wis: Profession 8: Enhanced focus
10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks, Armor: - 10: Shatter resistance
and the appropriate Order Spells: +1 existing spells per Order skills:
class skill at 5 ranks. level. Rose: Knowledge (the
Spellcasting: Must be able to planes)
cast five separate Illusion and Leaf: Survival
Abjuration arcane spells, one Star: Spellcraft
of each must be at least level Wave: Swim
4. Blade: Tumble
Special: Character must be Eagle: Diplomacy
accepted for training by the
appropriate order.
Min lvl: Wiz 7, Soc 9
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-lawful, HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Unicorn companion
Hornsaw Sentinel non-good. Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently, 2: Hornsaw blade (double,
Hornsaw (p. 91) BAB: +4 Attack: Fighter Ride +1), Hornsaw proficiency
Feats: Alertness, Track Good save: Fort, Ref Con: Concentration 3: Favored enemy
Weapon Focus(scimitar). Weap: simple, martial Int: Craft, Knowledge (local - 4: Hornsaw blade +2
Skills: Knowledge (local - Armor: light Hornsaw Forest), Knowledge 5: Magic fang skill
Hornsaw Forest) 3 ranks, Class Levels: 10 (nature), Search, Spellcraft 6: Favored enemy, Hornsaw
Survival 9 ranks. Spells: +1 to ranger spells per Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, blade +3
Spellcasting: Ability to cast level. Sense Motive, Spot, Survival 7: Venomous blade
magic fang as a ranger or Cha: Handle Animal, 8: Hornsaw blade +4
druid spell. Intimidate 9: Favored enemy
Min lvl: Rgr 6, Drd 6 10: Hornsaw blade +5
Alignment: Chaotic evil or HD: d12 Str: Jump 1: Two-axe fighting
Horseman of Vangal neutral evil Skill Points: 4 Dex: Ride, Use Rope 2: Fear 1/day
S&S (p. 39) BAB: +6 Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 3: Wounding strike 1/day
Skills: Ride 5 ranks Good save: Fort Wis: Listen, Survival 4: Greater cleave
Feats: Mounted Combat, Weap: simple, martial Cha: Handle Animal, 5: Fear 2/day
Trample Armor: light, medium, and Intimidate 6: Wounding strike 2/day
Special: The Horseman must shields 7: Thunderous Strike
worship Vangal exclusively. 8: Fear 3/day
Min lvl: Bbn 6, Ftr 6, Rgr 6, 9: Wounding strike 3/day
Brd 8, Rog 8, Wiz 12, Sor 12 10: Shout of Wrath
Alignment: Any non-evil HD: d10 Skills: 1: Moon rage 1/night, wolf
Huntsmaster BAB: +5 Skills: 4 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim master
PGR&R (p.100) Feats: Alertness, Track, Attack: Fighter Dex: Hide, Move Silently 2: Fast movement, scent
Track by Scent Good save: Fort Con: Concentration 3: Uncanny stealth +2,
Skills: Handle Animal 8 Weap: simple, martial Int: Craft, Knowledge(nature) woodland stride
ranks, Survival 8 ranks Armor: light, medium Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot, 4: Wolf master
Special: Animal companion Class levels: 10 Survival 5: Moon rage 2/night
class ability (which must be a Cha: Handle Animal 6: Uncanny stealth +4
wolf), and the wild empathy 7: Wolf master
class ability. 8: Fast healing
Min lvl: Rgr 5, Drd 7 9: Moon rage 3/night,
uncanny stealth +6
10: Summon the pack, wolf
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: CE or NE HD: d8 Str: Climb, Swim 1: Consume 1, trawling bonus
Illtrawler Base Fort Save: +4 Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance 2: Unnatural health
BS (p. 1210 Skills: Knowledge(nature) 4 Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Net mastery 1
ranks, Profession (fisherman) Good save: Fort, Will (nature), Spellcraft 4: Bonus feat
4 ranks, Swim 6 ranks, Use Weap: Club, dagger, Wis: Profession, Spot, 5: Consume 2, healing wade
Rope 6 ranks harpoon, halfspear, net, small Survival 1
Feats: Exotic Weapon spear and trident. 6: Bestial visage, net mastery
Prof(Net) Armor: - 2
Special: Must be able to cast Spells: +1 existing spells 7: Bad blood, consume (+4)
2nd level spells as a druid, every other level starting at 8: Bonus feat
ranger, or adept. 2nd level 9: Net mastery 3
Special: The character must 10: Healing wade 2
perform a ceremony, first
drowning a worshipper of the
gods in the Blood Sea and
then devouring live catch
infected with the taint of
Kadum’s blood.
Alignment: neutral HD: d8 As per druid 1: 1st pastlife form, fixed
Incarnate Class: 4th level druid Skill Points: 4 alignment, reincarnate
R&R (p. 12) Feat: Quicken spell Attack: Rogue 2: 2nd pastlife form
Ability: Wild shape Good save: Fort, Will 3: Domain, spontaneous
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 7 Weap: club, dart, longspear, casting
ranks quarterstaff, shortspear, stone 4: 3rd pastlife form
Special: Must have never sickle and sling. (no metal 5: Baseform, venom
voluntarily possessed an weapons) immunity
alignment other than neutral. Armor: padded, leather, hide, 6: 6th pastlife form
Min lvl: Drd4 wooden or leather shields (no 7: Domain, spontaneous
metal armor) casting
Spells: +1 existing spells per 8: 5th pastlife form
level 9: Timeless body
10: 6th pastlife form,
designate life form
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Neutral HD: d8 Same as druid 1: Fixed alignment, pastlife
Incarnate Feat: Dreams of the Past Skill Points: 4 form(1st), Soul of the cycle
S&S (p. 52) Ability: Wild Shape Attack: Rogue: 2: Pastlife form (2nd)
Skills: Knowledge (nature) 8 Good save: Fort, Will 3: Lore of life, Spontaneous
ranks Weap: club, dart, longspear, casting
Special: The character must quarterstaff, shortspear, stone 4: Pastlife form (3rd)
have never voluntarily sickle, sling 5: Baseform, Venom
possessed an alignment other Armor: padded, leather, hide immunity
than neutral. armor, wooden or leather 6: Pastlife form (4th)
Min lvl: Drd 5 shields 7: Domain, spontaneous
Spells: +1 existing spells per casting
level. 8: Pastlife form (5th)
9: Timeless body
10: Designate Incarnation,
Pastlife form (6th)
Ability: Purity of Body HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Tempered steel technique
Initiate of the Forge (monk ability) Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Hide, Move 2: Wholeness of body
PGMP (p. 106) Alignment: any lawful. Attack: Rogue Silently, Tumble 3: Ironskin, toughness
BAB: +3 Good save: Fort, Will Con: Concentration 4: Armor of iron +2
Feats: Endurance, Great Weap: - Int: Craft 5: Ironbody
Fortitude, Ironbone Armor: - Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession 6: Resilience, toughness
Skill: Concentration 8 ranks, Spells: - Cha: Intimidate 7: Superior fortitude
Craft (any smithing) 4 ranks. 8: Armor of iron +4
Min lvl: Mnk 5 9: Toughness, tusker’s hide
10: Heart of Thulkas
Ability: Wild empathy, wild HD: d8 Str: Swim 1: Amalthean helm, wild
Initiate of the Ram shape. Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide shape advancement
PGCD (p. 104) Feats: Improved Bull Rush Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration, Ritual 2: Ram companion
Special: Must be trained by Good save: Fort, Ref Casting 3: Ewe’s milk
another initiate of the Ram, Weap: club, dagger, dart, Int: Craft, Knowledge 4: Amalthean bull rush (size
and then initiated into the longspear, quarterstaff, (nature), Spellcraft increase)
Order. scimitar, sickle, sling and Wis: Heal, Profession, Spot, 5: Amalthean charge
Min lvl: Drd 5 spear. Survival 6: Ram’s fortitude
Armor: light, medium (no Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 7: Ewe’s milk
metal armor) Animal 8: Amalthean bull rush
Spells: +1 to existing spells (increased distance)
per level. 9: Create Amalthean Helm
10: Amalthean wild shape
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any lawful HD: d12 Str: Jump 1: Special training
Iron Guardsman Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Skill Points:2 Int: Craft 2: Bond of fealty
BT (p. 78) Toughness, Power Attack, Attack: Fighter Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 3: Strength of iron 1/day
Cleave, Combat Reflexes Good save: Fort, Will Spot 4: Health of iron +1
Class: Must have at least 3 Weap: All 5: Eternal vigilance
levels of Dwarven Defender Armor: All 6: Strength of iron 2/day
Special: The guardsman must Spells: - 7: Health of iron +2
swear to protect and serve the 8: Heart of iron
current king of Burok Torn 9: Strength of iron 3/day
without question 10: Health of iron +3
Alignment: Lawful Good HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Bless forge, forge of
Iron Knight Diety: Corean Skill Points: 2 Int: Appraise, Craft, Corean (1st), master
CSG (p. 237) Skills: Craft (armorsmith or Attack: Fighter Knowledge (architecture & craftsman
weaponsmith) 8 ranks, Craft Good save: Fort engineering), Knowledge 2: Balancing the steel, siege
(siege weaponry) 3 ranks, Weap: simple, martial (religion) mastery
Knowledge (architecture & Armor: all, and shields Wis: Profession 3: Forge of Corean (2nd),
engineering) 2 ranks, Class Levels: 10 Cha: Intimidate killing edge
Knowledge (religion) 3 Spells: +1 to paladin spells 4: Siege Mastery, vessel of
ranks, Profession (siege every other level starting at faith(1st)
engineer) 3 ranks 2nd. +2 to existing spells 5: Craft magic arms & armor,
Feats: Skill Focus (Craft every other level starting at forge of corean (3rd)
[armorsmith or 1st. 6: Skill focus (craft), vessel
weaponsmith]) of faith (2nd)
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 7: forge of corean (4th)
the divine spell magic 8: enchantment mastery,
weapon. vessel of faith (3rd)
Special: Must be part of the 9: siege mastery
Order of Iron. 10: Vessel of faith (4th)
Min lvl: Pal 5, Clr 5
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful evil or HD: d8 Int: Craft, Knowledge 1: Aura of hatred, leadership
Iron Lord lawful neutral. Skill Points: 4 (religion) +2
EI (p. 119) Base Will Save: +6 Attack: Rogue Wis: Profession, Sense 2: Unnerving faith
Faith: Chardun Good save: Fort, Will Motive, Survival 3: Zeal of iron 1/day
Feats: Leadership, Skill Weap: simple, martial Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 4: Fearsome gaze
Focus (Intimidate) Armor: all and shields Gather Information, 5: Leadership +4
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Intimidate 6: Unnerving faith
Intimidate 10 ranks, 7: Chardun’s glory
Knowledge (religion) 5 8: Zeal of iron 2/day
ranks, Sense Motive 5 ranks. 9: Leadership +6
Special: The character must 10: Unnerving faith
gain command of a military
unit devoted to the faith of
Chardun. The size of the unit
does not matter so much as
its zeal in pursuing the goals
of the Great General.
Min lvl: Ftr 6, Bbn 6, Rgr 6
Alignment: Any non-lawful HD: d4 Str: Climb, Swim 1: Kadum’s fury 1/day,
Japhinian Dynast Feats: Combat casting Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Use Rope arcane blood
PGWBS (p. 126) Race: Half-orc Attack: Wizard Con: Concentration, Ritual 2: Water equilibrium
Skills: Profession (sailor) 8 Good save: Fort Casting 3: Bladethirst chant
ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks Weap: Scimitar Int: Appraise, Craft, 4: Kadum’s embrace
Spellcasting: Must be able to Armor: - Knowledge (arcana), 5: Kadum’s fury 2/day
spontaneously cast arcane Class Levels: 10 Knowledge (local - Blood 6: Blood adoption
spells. Spells: +1 existing spells per Sea), Spellcraft 7: Mass equilibrium
Special: Must be a member of level. Wis: Profession 8: Greater bladethirst chant
the Japhinian dynasty by Cha: Bluff, Intimidate 1/day
blood. This can be through 9: Kadum’s fury 3/day
birth or via the “Blood 10: Patriarch’s curse, no
Adoption” ability. longer winded after Kadum’s
Min lvl: Sor 5 fury
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-lawful HD: d6 Con: Concentration 1: Epic mastery
Keeper of Epics Feat: Memory of the Ages Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft (Instrument), 2: Epic mastery
PGWBS (p. 129) Skills: Perform (string Attack: Rogue Knowledge (any), Speak 3: Epic mastery
instruments) 8 ranks Good save: Ref, Will Language, Spellcraft 4: Epic mastery
Spellcasting: Must be able to Weap: - Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, 5: Epic mastery
spontaneously cast 2nd level Armor: - Sense Motive, Spot, Survival 6: Epic mastery
arcane spells. Class Levels: 10 Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 7: Epic mastery
Special: Must have bardic Spells: +1 to existing spells Perform, Use Magic Device 8: Epic mastery
music ability. per level. 9: Epic mastery
Min lvl: Brd 5 10: Epic mastery
Ability: Must be able to turn HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Blessings of the eternal
Keeper of the Eternal undead. Skill Points: 2 Casting flame
Flame Alignment: Any good. Attack: Rogue Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Healing flame
CSG (p. 240) Diety: Corean or Madriel. Good save: Fort, Will (religion), Spellcraft 3: Blessings of the Eternal
Skills: Concentration 5 ranks, Weap: longspear and Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense Flame
Heal 5 ranks, Knowledge longsword Motive 4: Inner Fire
(religion) 8 ranks. Armor: all and shields. Cha: Diplomacy 5: Blessings of the Eternal
Spellcasting: Must be able to Class Levels: 10 Flame
cast divine version of resist Spells: +1 to existing spells 6: Sovereignty of the Flame
elements. per level. 7: Blessings of the Eternal
Special: Must make the Flame
Pilgrimage of Light. 8: Inner Fire
Min lvl: Pal 8, Clr 5 9: Blessings of the Eternal
10: Pilgrimage of Fire
Alignment: Lawful neutral HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Imbue law
Keeper of the Great Faith: Hedrada Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Law immunity
Laws Skills: Knowledge (law) 10 Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any) 3: Champion of law +4
EI (p. 121) ranks, Knowledge (religion) Good save: Will Wis: Listen, Profession, 4: Chaos resistance
10 ranks. Weap: simple Sense Motive, Spot 5: Maze 1/day
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Armor: all and shields, except Cha: Diplomacy, Intimidate 6: Champion of law +6
5th level divine spells. tower shields 7: Maze 2/day
Min lvl: Clr 9 Spells: +1 existing spells per 8: Champion of law +8
level. 9: Maze 3/day
10: Bound by law
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-good. HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Meat-teeth
Khetan Phagist Skills: Knowledge (nature) Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Curing the meat
PGCD (p. 101) 10 ranks. Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Consume the flesh
Special: Member of the Good save: Fort, Will (religion), Spellcraft (moderate)
druidic theocracy of Kirdet. Weap: simple Wis: Heal, Profession 4: Quicken body
Min lvl: Drd 7, Rgr 7, Brd 7, Armor: - Cha: Diplomacy 5: Strengthen body
Wiz 7, All 17 Class Levels: 10 6: Invigorate body
Spells: +1 to existing spells 7: Curing the meat
per level. 8: Cannibal’s frenzy,
consume the flesh (serious)
9: Blood feast
10: Honor the fallen
Alignment: Any non-good HD: d6 Dex: Escape Artist 1: Sneak attack +1d6
Kilharman League Envoy Feats: Noble Immunity, Skill Skill Points: 6 Int: Appraise, Forgery, 2: Inscrutable
Calastia (p. 100) Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Attack: Wizard Knowledge (local), 3: Scoundrel’s luck +4
Focus (Bluff) Good save: Ref, Will Knowledge (nobility and 4: Sneak attack +2d6
Skills: Bluff 6 ranks, Gather Weap: simple royalty), Search 5: Pulse of the underworld
Information 6 ranks Armor: light Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 6: Scoundrel’s luck +8
Special: As the Kilharman Spells: - Spot 7: Sneak attack +3d6
League is an outgrowth of Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 8: Sense scrying
exiled or blacklisted noble Disguise, Gather Information, 9: Scoundrel’s luck +12
families, the character must Intimidate, Perform 10: Sneak attack +4d6
have some degree of relation
to one of these families. This
must be a “blooded” relation
- one cannot marry into the
Kilharman League - though a
single parent with a
connection to the League or a
Family is enough
Min lvl: Brd 6, Rog 6, All 9
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful good HD: d8 Dex: Ride 1: Spirit medium, sanctity
Knight of Tears BAB: +6 Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration 2: Shield of tears +2
PGMP (p. 109) Feats: Ghostspeaker, Iron Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Improved turning
Will Good save: Fort (religion) 4: Shield of tears +4
Skills: Diplomacy 9 ranks, Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 5: Ghost blade
Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks Armor: all and shields Motive 6: Shield of tears +6
Special: Aura of courage Spells: +1 existing paladin Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 7: Visions of the lost
ability, ability to turn undead. spells per level. Handle Animal, Intimidate 8: Shield of tears +8
Min lvl: Pal 6 9: Exorcism
10: Shield of tears +10
BAB: +7 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Titan’s blessing, loyalty of
Knight of the Coventacle Faith: Must worship the titans Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Ride ages
PGFB (p. 101) Feats: Mounted Combat, Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 2: Skilled rider
Ride-by Attack, Spirited Good save: Fort Wis: Profession 3: Titan’s blessing
Charge, Trample Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 4: Bonus feat
Skills: Ride 10 ranks, Handle Armor: All Animal, Intimidate 5: Titan’s blessing
Animal 5 ranks. 6: Mounted warrior
Special: Must have been 7: Titan’s blessing
initiated into the Knights by 8: Bonus feat
another, senior Knight. 9: Titan’s blessing
10: Superior charge
Alignment: Any neutral HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Forest friend, living armor
Knight of the Oak BAB: +6 Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Hide, Move 2: Seizing the high ground
PGFB (p. 105) Feats: Military Training, Attack: Fighter Silently 3: Tree-leap (20 feet)
Weapon Focus(spear), Good save: Fort Int: Craft 4: Oakspear 1/day
Weapon Specialization(spear) Weap: Simple and martial Wis: Heal, Profession, 5: Leaping strike (x2)
Race: Wood elf or half-elf (of Armor: All Survival 6: Treewalker
wood elf blood) Cha: Handle Animal 7: Tree-leap (30 feet)
Skills: Balance 4 ranks, 8: Oakspear 2/day
Climb 8 ranks, Jump 4 ranks 9: Improved critical
Special: The character must 10: Leaping strike (x3)
have already been accepted
as a knight-aspirant of the
Knights of the Oak. In
addition they must have
sworn an oath of loyalty and
service to the Verdant Seat.
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Neutral Good or HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Divine health, lay on
Knight of the Morning Chaotic Good Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration hands, Redeemer’s blessings,
Sky BAB: +5 Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge turn undead
CSG (p. 243) Diety: Madriel Good save: Fort, Will (religion), Search 2: Great fortitude, remove
Skills: Diplomacy 3 ranks, Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense disease 1/week
Heal 5 ranks, Knowledge Armor: all and shields Motive 3: Smite undead
(religion) 4 ranks Class Levels: 10 Cha: Diplomacy, Gather 4: Remove disease 2/week,
Special: Must be a member of Spells: Prepares spell as a Information, Handle Animal, spontaneous curing
the Order of the Morning Cleric. Spell may be chosen Intimidate 5: Greater turning
Sky. from the Knight of the 6: Remove disease 3/week
Min lvl: Ftr 7, Clr 7, Drd 7, Morning Sky Spell List. 7: Weapon of the Sun
Rgr 5, Wiz 10, Sor 10, Brd 7 8: Remove disease 4/week
9: Circle of sunlight
10: Redeemer’s avatar,
remove disease 5/week
Ability: Aura of Courage HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Oaken oath
Knight of the Silver Heart (paladin ability) Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Ride 2: Aura of the righteous,
PGMP (p. 112) Alignment: Lawful good Attack: Fighter Con: Concentration flyby attack
BAB: +5 Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Aerial dodge
Faith: Corean Weap: simple, martial (religion) 4: Great fortitude
Feats: Mounted Combat, Armor: all and shields Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 5: Leadership
Spirited Charge. Spells: +1 existing paladin Motive, Spot 6: Eagle’s eye
Race: Wood elf spells per level. Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 7: Aerial archery
Skills: Ride 8 ranks. Animal 8: Charge of the faithful
Special: Must have bonded a 9: Enhanced maneuverability
flying creature as a paladin’s 10: Gift of the harrier
Min lvl: Pal 9
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Bonus feat, kiss of the
Liliandeli Archer Skills: Climb 6 ranks, Craft Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, Huntress (silver)
Hornsaw (p. 95) (bowyer/fletcher) 8 ranks, Attack: Wizard (Archery: Hide, Move Silently, Tumble 2: Broadreach training,
Survival 4 ranks Fighter) Int: Craft, Search Tanil’s blessings
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Good save: Ref Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, 3: Bonus feat, kiss of the
Weapon Focus (any bow) Weap: simple, all bows Spot, Survival Huntress +1
Special: The character must Armor: light Cha: Handle Animal 4: Broadreach training
have created a masterwork Class Levels: 10 5: Hornet shot +1d6
bow entirely on her own in Spells: Levels of Liliandeli 6: Bonus feat, kiss of the
order to gain entry into the Archer stack with cleric Huntress +2
order. (Tanil), bard, or ranger levels 7: Broadreach training
Min lvl: for the purpose of 8: Broadreach training
Bbn 5, Ftr 5, Rgr 5, Pal 9, Clr determining caster level. 9: Bonus feat, kiss of the
9, Rog 7, Drd 9, Brd 7, Mnk Certain spells are cast at a Huntress +3
7, Wiz 10, Sor 10 lower level due to 10: Hornet shot +2d6, invest
membership in this class. the bow
See Liliandeli Archer Spells
for details.
Feats: Any three locus feats. HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Bestow locus
Locus Master Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Decipher Script, 2: Locus mastery
VWA (p. 90) ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. Attack: Wizard Knowledge (arcana), 4: Shared locus
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Good save: Will Knowledge (history), Speak 5: Locus mastery
3rd level spells. Weap: - Language, Spellcraft 7: Mass shared locus
Min lvl: Wiz 6, Soc 6 Armor: - Wis: Survival 8: Locus mastery
Spells: +1 existing spells per Cha: Gather Information 10: Awaken locus
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d12 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Beast mind
Lodge-Warrior Feats: Fur-like-Dusk, Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Hide, Move 2: Bonus feat, enhanced
PGFB (p. 107) Improved Grab, Merciful Attack: Fighter Silently channeling
Strike, Toughness or Good save: Fort, Ref Int: Knowledge(nature) 3: Animal companion, beast-
Alertness, Point-blank shot, Weap: Simple and martial Wis: Listen, Profession, lore
Weapon Focus(bow), Wings- Armor: Light Survival 4: Bonus feat
of-Fire or Improved Bull Cha: Handle Animal, 5: Beast form 1/day
Rush, Mounted Combat, Intimidate 6: Bonus feat, enhanced
Stag-of-Seven-Tines, channeling
Weapon Focus(spear) or 7: Movement of the beast
Battle Cry, Dodge, Military 8: Bonus feat
Training, Moon-in-the-Eyes 9: Beast form 2/day
Race: Wood elf, or half-elf 10: Bonus feat
(of wood elf lineage)
Skills: Handle Animal 4
ranks and Climb 8 ranks or
Jump 8 ranks or Ride 8 ranks
Base Will Save: +5 HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Cabalistic lore
Master Cabalist Feats: Cabalist Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Invocation secrets
PGWBS (p. 131) Skills: Knowledge (Religion) Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 3: Invoke domain 1/day
8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) Good save: Will Speak Language, Spellcraft 4: Invocation secrets, greater
8 ranks. Weap: - Wis: Profession invocation
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Armor: - Cha: Diplomacy 5: Invoke domain 2/day
arcane spells. Class Levels: 10 6: Invocation secrets, prepare
Special: Must make contact Spells: +1 to existing spells domain spell
with one of the various per level. 7: Invoke domain 3/day
cabalist societies in the 8: Invocation secrets
Scarred Lands and undergo 9: Invoke domain 4/day
initiation. 10: Invocation secrets, true
Min lvl: Wiz 5, Sor 13, Brd 5 invocation
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Increased attacks
Master of the Iron Wind Feats: Cloth Dancing, Dodge, Skills: 2 Dex: Balance, Ride 2: Bonus feat
PGFB (p. 111) Exotic Weapon Proficiency Attack: Fighter Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 3: Signal
(iron war fan), Weapon Good save: Fort, Ref Intimidate 4: Bonus feat
Finesse, Weapon Focus(iron Weap: Simple and martial 5: Zephyr of iron (defensive)
war fan), Weapon Armor: All 6: Bonus feat
Specialization(iron war fan) 7: Signature weapon
Special: The character needs 8: Bonus feat
to find a mentor or school 9: Iron Wind mastery,
that teaches this fighting signature weapon (returning)
style. 10: Bonus feat, zephyr of iron
Ability: Evasion HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Uncanny dodge
Master of the Scaled Base Reflex Save: +3 Skills: 6 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Sneak attack (+1d6)
PGR&R(p. 103) Feats: Dodge, Silent Spell Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Open 3: Fast talker, guild master
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Move Good save: Ref, Will Lock, Sleight of Hand, 4: Unbindable
Silently 7 ranks, Search 5 Weap: same as rogue Tumble, Use Rope 5: Bonus feat, sneak
ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks Armor: light, anything Con: Concentration attack(+2d6)
Spellcasting: 2nd level arcane heavier than leather interferes Int: Appraise, Craft, Decipher 6: Improved uncanny dodge
spells. with spellcasting Script, Disable Device, 7: Rogue special ability
Special: Must undergoe Class Levels: 10 Forgery, Knowledge(any), 8: Bonus feat, sneak attack
extensive training in a Scaled Search, Spellcraft, Speak (+3d6)
academy and work for the Language 9: Rogue special ability
Scaled organization Wis: Survival, Listen, 10: Bonus feat, Rogue special
Min lvl: Rog2/Wiz3, Profession, Sense Motive, ability
Rgr9/Wiz3 Spot
Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy,
Disguise, Gather Information,
Intimidate, Perform
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Bond the raptor
Mercenary of the Hawk Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Empathy
PGFB (p. 113) Military Training, Skill Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Search 3: Alertness, harry +1d6
Focus(Handle Animal) Good save: Fort Wis: Profession, Spot 4: Telepathy
Skills: Handle Animal 8 Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Handle Animal 5: Shared sight
ranks Armor: All 6: Uncanny Dodge, harry
Special: A mercenary of the +2d6
Hawk must have trained a 7: Shared sight
raptor herself and taught it a 8: Friend in the sky
minimum of three tricks. 9: Two eyes, harry +3d6
10: Uncanny dodge
Ability: Favored enemy: HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Wall of fury
Mind Hunter (anything with psionic Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Hide, Move 2: Bonus feat
EotP (p. 111) abilities), Uncanny dodge Attack: Fighter Silent, Ride, Use Rope 3: Mind body fusion (½)
Alignment: not evil and not Good save: Ref, Will Con: Concentration, Stabilize 4: Bonus feat
lawful Weap: simple and martial Self 5: Static blast
Base Will Save: +2 Armor: light armor and Int: Craft, Knowledge 6: Bonus feat
Feats: Iron Will, Track shields (psionics), Psicraft, Search 7: Mind body fusion (1:1)
Skills: Survival 8 ranks Wis: Autohypnosis, Heal, 8: Bonus feat
Special: Must have psionic Listen, Profession, Spot, 9: Psionic rage
potential, must swear fealty Survival 10: Mind body fusion (x2)
to the Mind Hunter Cha: Handle Animal,
organization Intimidate
Alignment: Lawful good HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Iron blessing, smite evil
Mithril Disciple Base Fortitude Save: +7 Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration 2: Damage reduction 2/-
EI (p. 123) Faith: Corean Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Divine health
Feats: Endurance, Great Good save: Fort (religion) 4: Damage reduction 4/-,
Fortitude, Toughness Weap: simple, martial Wis: Profession, Survival silver blessing
Skills: Craft (blacksmithing) Armor: all and shields 5: Massive damage immunity
5 ranks, Knowledge 6: Damage reduction 6/-
(religion) 10 ranks. 7: Gold blessing
Special: Must submit to a 8: Damage reduction 8/-
religious and physical test of 9: Spell resistance
her devotion to the teaching 10: Mithril blessing
of Corean and his church.
Min lvl: Bbn 17, Clr 10, Drd
17, Ftr 17, Mnk 10, Pal 10,
Rgr 17
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful good HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Divine focus
Mithril Knight BAB: +6 Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration 2: Leadership +1, mithril
PGMP (p. 115) Faith: Corean Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge sword
Feats: Leadership, Weapon Good save: Fort (religion) 3: Smite evil 1/day
Focus (longsword) Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 4: Leadership +2
Skills: Craft Armor: all and shields Motive 5: Virtue
(weaponsmithing) 5 ranks, Spells: +1 existing paladin Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 6: Leadership +3
Diplomacy 5 ranks, spells per level. Animal 7: Righteous aura
Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks 8: Leadership +4
Special: ability to smite evil 9: Smite evil 2/day
Min lvl: Pal 6 10: Leadership +5
BAB: +6 HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Lay on hands, smite evil,
Mithril Knights Alignment: Lawful Good Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration turn undead
Mithril (p. 87) Feats: Weapon Focus Attack: Fighter Int: Knowledge (geography), 2: Craft magic arms and
(longsword) Good save: Fort Knowledge (history), armor level bonus
Skills: Craft Weap: simple, martial Knowledge (local), 3: Leadership, smite evil
(Weaponsmithing) 8 ranks, Armor: all and shields Knowledge (nobility and 2/day
Diplomacy 5 ranks, royalty), Knowledge 4: Turn outsiders
Knowledge (religion) 5 (religion) 5: Mithril sword
ranks. Wis: Heal, Profession 6: Smite evil 3/day
Special: Must have the Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 7: Righteous aura
supernatural ability smite Animal 8: Turn titanspawn races
evil. 9: Smite evil 4/day
Min lvl: Pal 6 10: Turn evil
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Still Mind (monk HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Slaver’s strike, spiked
Monk of the Sacred ability) Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, chain mastery
Chain Alignment: Lawful neutral or Good save: Fort, Will Tumble 2: Climbing the chain,
Calastia (p. 102) lawful evil Weap: monk weapons Con: Concentration snaking chain
BAB: +5 Armor: - Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Dervish of terror (shaken),
Base Will Save: +5 (religion) mind of iron
Faith: Chardun Wis: Listen, Profession, 4: Infusion of hate +1d4
Feats: Exotic Weapon Sense Motive, Spot 5: Improved two-weapon
Proficiency (spiked chain), Cha: Intimidate fighting
Thousand Chain Style, Two- 6: Savage blow
weapon fighting, Weapon 7: Dervish of terror
Focus (spiked chain) (frightened), infusion of hate
Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, +2d4
Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks 8: Iron tempest
Min lvl: Mnk 7 9: Mind of steel
10: Infusion of hate +3d4
Alignment: Any non-good, HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Fast movement +10ft, eyes
Moonlight Lord non-lawful. Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently of the owl - eyes of the wolf
EI (p. 125) BAB: +8 Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 2: Bonus feat
Feats: Blind Fight, Good save: Fort, Ref Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival 3: Black howl 1/day
Endurance, Night Predator, Weap: simple, martial Cha: Intimidate 4: Lord of night beasts
Track Armor: light, medium 5: Black howl 2/day
Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, 6: Lord of moonlight
Survival 9 ranks 7: Fast movement +20ft
Min lvl: Bbn 9, Brd 15, Clr 8: Bonus feat
15, Drd 11, Ftr 15, Mnk 15, 9: Black howl 3/day, fast
Pal 15, Rgr 8, Rog 15, Sor movement +30ft
16, Wiz 16 10: Lord of savagery
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-good HD: d4 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, 1: Belsameth’s blessing,
Moonwitch Skills: Spellcraft 8 ranks Skill Points: 2 Move Silently granted domain
PGWBS (p. 134) Feats: Spell Focus Attack: Wizard Con: Concentration, Ritual 2: Divine spell focus
(Enchantment, Illusion, Good save: Will Casting 3: Belsameth’s blessing
Necromancy, or Weap: - Int: Craft, Forgery, 4: Divine spell focus
Transmutation) Armor: - Knowledge (any), Speak 5: Belsameth’s blessing
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Class Levels: 10 Language, Spellcraft 6: Divine spell focus
3rd level arcane or 3rd level Spells: +1 to existing spells Wis: Sense Motive, Spot 7: Belsameth’s blessing
divine spells granted by a per level. Cha: Disguise, Gather 8: Divine spell focus
god. Information 9: Belsameth’s blessing
Special: Must have invoked 10: Lycanthropy
Belsameth at least three times
in a single Lunar month.
Min lvl: Wiz 5, Sor 6, Clr 5,
Brd 7
Spellcasting: Ability to cast HD: d6 Str: Jump 1: Phantom Howl
Mourner bard spells of 2nd level or Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Speak with Souls
Hollowfaust (p. 113) higher. Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Tumble 3: Dirge of Woe
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) Good save: Ref, Will Con: Concentration 4: Resolute Aura
7 ranks, Perform 7 ranks Weap: as bard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 5: Song of Vengeance
Feats: Skill Focus (Perform) Armor: as bard Speak Language, Spellcraft 6: Find the Truth
Min lvl: Brd4 Class Levels: 10 Wis: Listen, Profession, 7: Hymn of Life
Spells: +1 existing spells per Sense Motive, Survival 8: Wrath of the Righteous
level Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 9: Doomwail
Disguise, Gather Information, 10: Lay the Dead to Rest
Perform, Use Magic Device
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Evasion, Slow Fall HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Ki suppression, poison use
Nightblade 30 feet (monk ability) Skill Points: 6 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Improved evasion
PGMP (p. 118) Alignment: Lawful evil Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Open 3: Sneak attack +1d6
Flurry of Blows Attack Good save: Ref, Will Lock, Sleight of Hand, 4: Poison immunity, uncanny
Bonus: +3/+3 Weap: - Tumble, Use Rope dodge
Skills: Hide 10 ranks, Move Armor: - Con: Concentration 5: Shadow invisibility
Silently 10 ranks. Int: Decipher Script, Disable 6: Sneak attack +2d6
Min lvl: Mnk 9 Device, Forgery, Search, 7: Wall walking
Speak Language 8: Improved uncanny dodge,
Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, shadow step
Spot 9: Sneak attack +3d6
Cha: Bluff, Disguise, Gather 10: Death attack
Information, Intimidate, Use
Magic Device
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Increased attacks
Nine-Stings Master Feats: Two-Weapon Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Bonus feat
PGFB (p. 116) Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 3: Defensive block
Weapon Focus(short sword), Good save: Fort, Ref Cha: Handle Animal, 4: Bonus feat
Weapon Specialization(short Weap: Simple and martial Intimidate 5: Signature weapon
sword) Armor: All, but not shields 6: Bonus feat
Special: The character needs 7: Split perceptions (-1/-2)
to find a mentor or school 8: Defensive block, bonus
that teaches this fighting style feat
9: Double strike +1d6
10: Split perceptions (0/-1),
bonus feat
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any non-evil HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Of the forest
Oaken Shadow BAB: +6 Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Favored enemy
PGR&R(p.107) Feats: Forest Terrain, Point Attack: Fighter Hide, Move Silently, Ride, 4: Forest Walker
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Good save: Fort, Ref, Will Use Rope 6: Favored enemy, skin of
Track Weap: simple, martial Con: Concentration wood
Race: Wood elf or half elf Armor: light, medium, Int: Craft, Disable Device, 8: Guardian of the forest
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Move shields Knowledge(nature), Search 10: Between the light and
Silently 8 ranks, Survival 9 Class Levels: 10 Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense dark, favored enemy
ranks Spells: +1 of existing class Motive, Spot, Survival
Spellcasting: Ability to cast every other level starting at
pass without trace. 1st
Min lvl: Rgr6, Drd3/Rog3,
Feats: Spell Focus HD: d4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Occult lore (1st), see
Occultist (Conjuration), Ghost Spell, Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration invisibility
EI (p. 128) Greater Spell Focus Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge, 2: Ghost touch
(Conjuration) Good save: Ref Spellcraft 3: Favored plane, occult lore
Skills: Concentration 6 ranks, Weap: - Wis: Profession (2nd)
Knowledge (the planes) 10 Armor: - Cha: Use Magic Device 4: Occult servant, shadow
ranks. Spells: +1 existing spells per walk
Spellcasting: Must have level. 5: Favored plane, occult lore
access to, and be able to cast, (3rd)
dimension door, dream, 6: Dreamwalk
secret chest, and shadow 7: Favored plane, occult lore
conjuration. (4th)
Special: Must have visited at 8: Etherealness
least two of the occult planes. 9: Favored plane, occult lore
Min lvl: Wiz 9, Sor 10 (5th)
10: Astral projection
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful evil HD: d8 Dex: Use Rope 1: Rebuke undead, Fear aura
One in Black BAB: +5 Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration 10ft
CST (p. 206) Feats: Exotic Weapon Attack: Fighter Int: Knowledge (religion), 2: Iron Mind +2
(warscepter), Iron Will Good save: Fort, Will Spellcraft 3: Necromancy
Race: Charduni dwarf Weap: simple, martial Wis: Profession, Sense 4: Craft Rod
Skills: Intimidate 5 ranks, Armor: all and shields Motive 5: Fear aura 20 ft
Knowledge (religion) 5 Spells: See One in Black Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Iron Mind +4
ranks, Profession (soldier) 10 spell list. Intimidate 7: Improved Fear
ranks. 8: Chardun-Slain
Spellcasting: If cleric, must 9: Fear Aura 30 ft
have access to the 10: Iron Mind +6
Domination domain.
Patron: Chardun
Min lvl: Bbn 17, Brd 7, Clr 7,
Drd 7, Ftr 5, Mnk 7, Rgr 7,
Rog 7, Sor 10, Wiz 10
Alignment: Neutral HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Divination bonus,
Oracle of Hedrada Feats: Alertness Skill Points: 6 Casting meditative trance
PGCD (p. 107) Skills: Knowledge (arcana) Attack: Wizard Int: Decipher Script, 2: True seeing
10 ranks, Knowledge Good save: Will Knowledge (any), Speak 3: Oracular insight
(religion) 10 ranks. Weap: - Language, Spellcraft 4: Uncanny dodge
Spells: Must be able to cast Armor: - Wis: Heal, Profession 5: Channeling
4th level divine spells and Class Levels: 10 Cha: Gather Information, 6: Trap sense +2
have access to the Spells: +1 to existing spells Perform, Use Magic Device 7: Meditative trance
Knowledge domain. per level. 8: Improved uncanny dodge
Min lvl: Clr 7 9: Vision
10: Foresight, trap sense +4
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +3 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Slarecian bane
Order of Obsidian Power Points/Day: 5+ Skill Points: 4 Dex: Tumble 2: Obsidian body 1
R&RII (p. 214) Feats: Power Penetration, Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration, Stabilize 3: Obsidian shield (2pp)
Rapid Metabolism, Iron Will Good save: Fort, Will Self 4: Bonus feat
Skills: Autohypnosis 2 ranks, Weap: simple, martial Int: Disable Device, 5: Breach resistance
Concentration 6 ranks, Armor: all and shields Knowledge (psionics), 6: Obsidian shield (3pp)
Knowledge (psionics) 8 Powers: +1 existing powers Psicraft, Search 7: Obsidian body II
ranks, Psicraft 8 ranks, every other level starting at Wis: Autohypnosis, Spot 8: Bonus feat
Stabilize Self 2 ranks 1st 9: Obsidian shield (4pp)
Special: Must be accepted 10: Power resistance 25
and trained by the order
Min lvl: Psi 6, PsW 6
Feats: Craft Wondrous Item, HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Improved creation, gem
Ornamancer one other Item Creation feat. Skill Points: 2 Int: Appraise, Craft, resistance (SR10)
VWA (p. 94) Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Attack: Wizard Knowledge (arcana), Search, 2: Imbue gemstone (1st level)
Craft (jewelcraft) 8 ranks, Good save: Will Spellcraft 3: Enhanced jewel magic
Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks. Weap: simple 4: Gem resistance (SR15)
Spellcasting: Must be able to Armor: - 5: Imbue gemstone (2nd level)
cast 3rd level arcane spells. Spells: +1 existing spells per 7: Redirect imbuing, gem
Min lvl: Brd 7, Sor 13, Wiz level. resistance (SR20)
13 8: Imbue gemstone (3rd level)
10: Jewel mastery, gem
resistance (SR25)
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +6 HD: d8 Int: Craft, Knowledge 1: Weapon familiar, virtue
Paragon Warrior Alignment: Any lawful Skill Points: 2 Wis: Heal, Listen, Sense awakened
VWA (p. 96) Special: The aspirant must Attack: Fighter Motive, Spot 2: Paragon’s strike +1
meet the prerequisites of the Good save: Fort, Will Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 3: Bonus feat
Weapon Familiar feat: Weap: simple, martial Animal, Perform 4: Paragon’s strike +2
Weapon Focus (chosen Armor: light, medium and 5: Bonus feat
weapon), Weapon shields 6: Paragon’s strike +3
Proficiency (chosen weapon), 7: Bonus feat
one of Summon Familiar 8: Paragon’s strike +4
ability or Weapon 9: Bonus feat
Specialization (chosen 10: Virtue is mine, paragon’s
weapon) or Ancestral Daisho strike +5
ability. The character must
also possess a masterwork
version of the chosen
weapon. Must truly
exemplify one of the central
three tenets: conscience,
honor, or insight.
Min lvl: Ftr 6, Sam 6
Skills: Hide 10 ranks HD: d4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Darkvision, shadow
Penumbral Lord Spellcasting: Ability to cast Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration strength
R&R (p. 15) three different illusion Attack: wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge 2: Shadowcat form
(shadow) spells, one of which Good save: Will (arcana), Spellcraft 3: Shadowcast I
must be shadow conjuration. Weap: dagger, club, Wis: Profession 4: Improved darkvision
Feats: Silent Spell quarterstaff and all simple 5: Shadowcast II
Min lvl: ranged weapons 6: Shadowraven form
Brd10, Wiz7/Rog2, Spells: Prepare and cast as a 7: Shadowcast III
Soc8/Rog2 wizard using Intelligence. 8: Shadowstep
See Penumbral Lord spell 9: Shadowcast IV
list. 10: Shadow home
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks, HD: d8 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Detect scion, divine
Pursuivant Knowledge (religion) 6 Skill Points: 4 Casting blessing
PGCD (p. 110) ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks, Attack: Rogue Int: Knowledge (arcana), 2: Smite spellcaster
Spellcraft 3 ranks. Good save: Fort, Will Knowledge (religion), 3: Improved counterspell +1
Feats: Skill Focus Weap: - Search, Spellcraft 4: Compel titanspawn,
(Knowledge [religion]). Armor: - Wis: Sense Motive, Spot conviction +1
Abilities: Must be able to Class Levels: 10 Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 5: Improved counterspell +2
turn or rebuke undead. Spells: +1 to existing spells Gather Information, 6: Conviction +2,
Special: Must receive the per level. Intimidate counterspell substitution
formal blessing of a church 7: Improved counterspell +3
devoted to the gods to 8: Conviction +3
undertake the vocation of 9: Improved Counterspell +4
pursuivant. 10: Conviction +4, Flames of
Min lvl: Clr 9, Pal 9 righteousness
Alignment: Any non-lawful HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Lesser songs of war, rage-
Rage-Bringer Feat: War song Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Move Silently, bringer music
PGWBS (p. 137) Skills: Perform (percussion Attack: Rogue Ride 2: Fast movement
instruments, wind Good save: Fort, Ref Con: Concentration 4: Greater songs of war
instruments, or singing) 9 Weap: Simple, martial Int: Knowledge (any), 7: Drums of war
ranks. Armor: light (wearing armor Spellcraft 10: Rage-song
Spellcasting: Must be able to may cause spell failure) Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival
spontaneously cast 2nd level Class Levels: 10 Cha: Bluff, Intimidate,
arcane spells including Spells: +1 to existing spells Perform
battlecry and rage. per level.
Special: Must be able to use
bardic music.
Min lvl: Brd 6
Ability to rage HD: d6 Con: Concentration 1: Rage casting (0-level, 1st)
Ragewitch Feats: Combat casting, Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, 2: Witch’s fury (+2)
PGFB (p. 118) Empower spell Attack: Rogue Knowledge(arcana), Search, 3: Rage casting (2nd)
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Good save: Fort Spellcraft 4: Unshakable will
Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Weap: Simple Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival 5: Rage casting (3rd), witch’s
Survival 5 ranks Armor: Light fury (+3)
Spellcasting: Must be able to Spells: +1 to existing spells 6: Channel spell
spontaneously cast 2nd level per level. 7: Rage casting(4th)
arcane spells, including at 8: Witch’s fury(+4)
least two spells of the 9: Rage casting(5th)
Evocation school 10: Combat sorcery
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Mount Bond, Ride-by
Ramrider Base Fort Save: +4 Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride, Tumble Attack bonus feat
F&F (p. 104) Feats: Mounted Combat, Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 2: Mount Link, ram 6 HD,
Trample Good save: Fort, Ref Cha: Handle Animal Rider’s Intuition
Race: Dwarf Weap: simple, martial 3: Mounted Archery bonus
Skill: Handle Animal 6 ranks, Armor: all and shields feat, ram 7 HD
Ride 6 ranks 4: Ram 8 HD
Special: Character must have 5: Spirited Charge bonus feat
been born and raised in a 6: Life Share, ram 9 HD
ramrider family within the 7: Weapon Focus
Charduni Empire and must (warscepter) bonus feat
have been assigned a young 8: Ram 10 HD, Summon
(5HD) charduni battle ram as Mount
a mount. 9: Ram 11 HD, Weapon
Min lvl: Bbn 5, Brd 12, Clr 9, Specialization (warscepter)
Drd 7, Ftr 5, Mnk 9, Rgr 5, bonus feat
Rog 12, Sor 12, Wiz 12 10: Healing Bond
BAB: +3 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Relic lore, trapfinding
Relic Hunter Feat: Toughness Skill Points: 6 Dex: Escape Artist, Open 2: Specialized lore, trap sense
VWA (p. 99) Skills: Appraise 5 ranks, Attack: Rogue Lock +1
Disable Device 3 ranks, Good save: Fort, Ref Int: Appraise, Craft 3: Fast recovery, skill
Gather Information 5 ranks, Weap: simple, martial (alchemy), Decipher Script, mastery
Knowledge (history) 7 ranks, Armor: light Disable Device, Knowledge 4: Uncanny dodge,
Search 5 ranks. (history), Search, Speak construction sense +2, trap
Special: Must be literate. Language sense +2
Min lvl: Brd 7, Clr 7, Wiz 7, Wis: Survival 5: Evasion
All 11 Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Damage reduction 2/-,
Gather Information, Use specialized lore, trap sense
Magic Device +3
7: Spell resistance
8: Improved uncanny dodge,
construction sense +4, trap
sense +4
9: Damage reduction 4/-
10: Improved evasion,
specialized lore, trap sense
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any good. HD: d8 Str: Swim 1: Verdant restoration
Renewer BAB: +5 Skill Points: 4 Dex: Ride 2: Nature’s vengeance,
CSG (p. 246) Faith: Denev Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration favored enemy
Skills: Survival 10 ranks, Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Call upon nature
Concentration 10 ranks, Weap: - (nature), Spellcraft 4: Smite Abomination
Knowledge (nature 5 ranks) Armor: - Wis: Heal, Profession, 5: Nature’s favor
Spellcasting: 1st level druid or Class Levels: 10 Survival 6: Nature’s vengeance,
ranger spells. Spells: +1 to existing spells Cha: Handle Animal favored enemy
Special: Must slay a hornsaw every other level starting at 7: Restore the land
unicorn single-handedly. 1st level. 8: Craft nature magic
Min lvl: Rgr 7, Drd 7 9: Warrior of nature
10: Nature’s vengeance,
favored enemy
Alignment: LG or LN HD: same as original class Con: Concentration 1: Runecasting
Rune Master Feats: Inscribe Rune Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft(stonemasonry), 2: Design of faith
BT (p. 74) Skills: Knowledge(runes) 5 Attack: Wizard Decipher Script, 3: Runic shield 1/day
ranks, Knowledge(religion) 3 Good save: Fort, Will Knowledge(runes), 4: Craft rune
ranks Weap: - Knowledge(religion), 5: Runic healing
Armor: - Spellcraft 6: Runic shield 2/day
Class Levels: 10 Wis: Heal, Sense Motive 7: Share rune
Spells: +1 to existing spells at Cha: Perform, Use Magic 8: Rune collision
every level Device 9: Runic shield 3/day
10: Recall rune
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral HD: d10 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 1: Divine rage
Scourge of Tanil BAB: +6 Skill Points: 2 Int: Knowledge (nature) 2: Animal companion
PGCD (p. 113) Feats: Dodge, Great Fortitude Attack: Fighter Wis: Survival 3: Defend the weak +1,
Skills: Handle Animal 6 Good save: Fort Cha: Handle Animal, empathic link
ranks, Knowledge (nature) 6 Weap: simple, martial Intimidate 4: Wrath of the huntress +1d6
ranks, Survival 6 ranks. Armor: light 5: Natural armor, speak with
Spells: Must be able to cast Class Levels: 10 master
2nd level divine spells and Spells: +1 to existing spells 6: Defend the weak +2
have access to the Animal every other level starting at 7: Wrath of the huntress +2d6
domain. 2nd level. 8: Beast blessing
Min lvl: Clr 9 9: Defend the weak +3
10: Wrath of the huntress
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: CN HD: d8 Str: Jump, Swim 1: Powerful swimmer
Seaborn Skills: Survival 6 ranks, Attack: Rogue Dex: Escape Artist, Use Rope 2: Auspices of Manawe
BS (p. 127) Swim 10 ranks Good save: Fort Con: Concentration 3: Tears of the sea 1
Faith:Manawe Weap: Simple Int: Craft, Knowledge 4: Bestow curse
Feats: Sea’s Kindness Armor: - (nature), Knowledge 5: Transformation, voice of
Class Levels: 10 (religion), Spellcraft the waters
Spells: +1 to existing spells Wis: Profession, Spot, 6: Companion
per level. Survival 7: Tears of the sea 2
Cha: Sense Motive 8: Fast healing
9: Resistance
10: Weaponry of the surf
Feats: Great fortitude, Skill HD: d6 Str: Climb, Swim 1: Bond with small boat
Sea Witch Focus(profession[sailor]) Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Use Rope 2: Ignore metamagic penalty
BS (p. 125) Skills: Profession (sailor) 8 Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration (1)
ranks Good save: Ref, Will Int: Appraise, Craft, 3: Aquatic wild shape 1
Special: A sea witch must Weap: Simple Knowledge (any), Speak 4: Bond with large boat
accept the character as a Armor: Light armor and Language 5: Ignore metamagic penalty
student. Mentor sea witches shields. Wis: Profession, Sense (2)
typically arrange tests that try Class Levels: 10 Motive 6: Aquatic wild shape 2
all of their pupils’ attributes Spells: They cast spells Cha: Bluff, Handle Animal 7: Bond with small ship
and abilities. Would-be sea spontaneously as a Sorcerer 8: Ignore metamagic penalty
witches rarely come away and their primary attribute is (3)
from their testing and their Charisma. 9: Aquatic wild shape 3
training unchanged, and 10: Bond with large ship
many have long unkempt hair
that seems tormented by the
wind even on still days.
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Spellcasting: Ability to cast HD: d6 Str: Swim 1: Bond with small boat
Sea Witch 3rd level spells. Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Use Rope 2: Ignore metemagic penalty
R&R (p. 18) Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration (1 level)
Profession (sailor) 8 ranks. Good save: Ref, Will Int: Appraise, Craft, 3: Aquatic wild shape (med.
Special: A sea witch must Weap: simple Knowledge (any), Speak Size 1/day)
accept the character as a Armor: light, shield Language 4: Bond with large boat
student. Class Levels: 10 Wis: Profession, Sense 5: Ignore metemagic penalty
Min lvl: Spells: They must choose a Motive, Survival (2 levels)
Wiz5, Soc6, Drd5, Brd7, spellcasting class they Cha: Bluff, Handle Animal 6: Aquatic wild shape (small,
Rng11, Pal11, Clr5 previously had, and cast all large, 2/day)
sea witch spells as they cast 7: Bond with small ship
spells previously. See Sea 8: Ignore metamagic penalty
Witch spell list for spells. (3 levels)
9: Aquatic wild shape (tiny,
huge, 3/day)
10: Bond with large ship
Feats: Bloodline of Power, HD: d6 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Eddying magics 0-level,
Seeker on the Wind Empower Spell, Eyes of Skill Points: 4 Casting rider on the wind
PGCD (p. 116) Magic, and one other Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 2: Read the wind
metamagic feat. Good save: Fort, Will Spellcraft 3: Eddying magics 1st
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 Weap: - Wis: Heal, Profession, 4: Calm the wind
ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks. Armor: - Survival 5: Eddying magics 2nd
Spellcasting: A total of 5 Class Levels: 10 Cha: Handle Animal 6: Power surge
levels in sorcerer and druid Spells: +1 to existing spells 7: Eddying magics 3rd
spellcasting ability. These per level. 8: Hurricane of magic
levels can be in any mix of 9: Eddying magics 4th
the two magic types and may 10: Wind of Mesos
be drawn from multiple
classes. The ability to cast
arcane spells without
Min lvl: Sor5/Drd4
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Skills: Hide 8 ranks, Listen 7 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Shade’s Kiss (1d6 DC14)
Shade Touched ranks, Move Silently 8 ranks, Skill Points: 6 Dex: Balance, Excape Artist, 2: Drain resistance +1,
Hollowfaust (p. 115) Perform 5 ranks, Spot 7 ranks Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Sleight shadow cloak +5
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Good save: Ref of Hand, Tumble, Use Rope 3: Chill aura, Mantle of
Dodge, Mobility Weap: club, crossbow (hand, Int: Appraise, Craft, Decipher Twilight 1/day
Min lvl: Rog6, Brd11, Mnk6, light, or heavy), dagger, dart, Script, Search 4: Drain resistance +2,
Rgr7, All 13 mace, Morningstar, Wis: Listen, Profession, Shade’s Kiss (2d6, DC18)
quarterstaff, rapier, sap, Sense Motive, Spot 5: Shadow cloak +10
shortbow, and short sword. Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Drain resistance +3,
Armor: light Disguise, Gather Information, Mantle of Twilight 2/day
Class Levels: 10 Intimidate, Perform 7: Chill aura, Shade’s Kiss
(3d6, DC22)
8: Drain resistance +4,
shadow cloak (+15)
9: Mantle of Twilight 3/day
10: Drain resistance +5,
Shade’s Kiss (4d6, DC26)
Alignment: Any non-lawful HD: d6 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 1: Dances of the perfumed
Shelzari Eroticist Feats: Eroticist Skill Points: 4 Hide, Move Silently, Open blossom, Shelzari dance
PGWBS (p. 140) Skills: Bluff 9 ranks, Attack: Rogue Lock, Sleight of Hand, 4: Dance of the radiant lotus
Diplomacy 9 ranks, Perform Good save: Ref Tumble 7: Acclaim of the masses
(dance) 9 ranks Weap: - Con: Concentration 10: Dance of the stolen heart
Spellcasting: Must be able to Armor: - Int: Appraise, Knowledge
spontaneously cast arcane Class Levels: 10 (any), Search, Speak
spells. Spells: +1 to existing spells Language, Spellcraft
Min lvl: Brd 6 per level. Wis: Listen, Profession,
Sense Motive, Spot
Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy,
Disguise, Gather Information,
Intimidate, Perform
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +6 HD: d10 Str: Jump 1: Monk-like AC bonuses,
Shelzari Knife-Fighter Feats: Combat Reflexes, Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, uncanny dodge
Shelzar (p. 110) Dodge, Two-Weapon Attack: Fighter Tumble 2: Puissant strike +1d4, flurry
Fighting, Weapon Focus Good save: Ref Con: Concentration of blades
(dagger) Weap: all knives Wis: Sense Motive, Spot 3: Uncanny dodge, improved
Special: If the character is not Armor: - Cha: Bluff, Intimidate, critical 1
already a slave, she must join Perform 4: Improved Two-Weapon
a fighting stable and agree to Fighting
a term of service of at least 5: Puissant strike +2d4
three years. 6: Improved critical 2
Min lvl: Ftr 6, Bbn 6, Rgr 6, 7: Imbue knife +1, dexterous
Pal 6, Rog 8, Brd 8, Mnk 8, parry
Clr 8, Wiz 12, Soc 12 8: Puissant strike +3d4
9: Improved critical 3
10: Imbue knife +3, phase
Ability: Detect evil as a spell- HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Blade blessing +1, sense
Silver Knights like ability Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration, Ritual for evil
S&S (p. 75) Alignment: Lawful Good Attack: Fighter Casting 2: Protective enlargement,
BAB: +6 Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge smite outsiders 1/day
Diety: Corean Weap: simple, martial (arcana), Knowledge (the 3: Blade blessing +2, sacred
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 2 Armor: all and shields planes), Knowledge defense +2, turn outsiders
ranks, Knowledge (religion) Spells: +1 to paladin spells (religion), Search, Spellcraft 4: Protective extension, smite
4 ranks, Knowledge (the per level. The spells from the Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense outsiders 2/day
planes) 2 ranks, Spellcraft 3 Silver Knight Spell list are Motive 5: Holy aegis (SR 15), holy
ranks added to the knight’s paladin Cha: Diplomacy, Gather strike, blade blessing +3
Special: Must be a member of spell list. Information, Intimidate 6: Banish summonings,
the Order of Silver. protective quickening
Min lvl: Pal 6 7: Blade blessing +4, holy
aegis (SR20), sacred defense
8: Consecration of silver,
smite outsiders 3/day
9: Blade blessing +5, holy
aegis (SR25)
10: Holy banishment
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Detect evil as a spell- HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Convert
Sister of the Sun like ability. Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration 2: Power of mercy 1/day
CST (p. 209) Alignment: Lawful Good Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Light of justice 1/day, stun
BAB: +5 Good save: Fort, Will (arcana), Knowledge evil
Deity: Madriel Weap: simple, martial (religion), Spellcraft 4: Convert 2/day
Skills: Knowledge (religion) Armor: all and shields Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 5: Power of mercy 2/day
4 ranks, Knowledge Spells: - Motive 6: Light of justice 2/day
(religion) 2 ranks, Spellcraft Cha: Diplomacy, Gather 7: Convert 3/day, paralyze
3 ranks Information, Intimidate evil
Special: Must be female 8: Power of mercy 3/day
Min lvl: Pal 5 9: Light of justice 3/day
10: Convert 4/day, destroy
Feats: Spell Focus HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Enslave the dead (+5HD)
Slaver of the Dead (necromancy), Spell Mastery Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Slaver’s eye
PGWBS (p. 142) (one of the spells chosen Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 3: Enslave the dead (+10HD)
must be animate dead) Good save: Will Spellcraft 4: Eternal servitude
Skills: Intimidate 2 ranks, Weap: - Wis: Profession 5: Create lieutenant
Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks, Armor: - Cha: Intimidate 6: Enslave the dead (+15HD)
Knowledge (religion) 5 Class levels: 10 7: Visage of Chardun
ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks Spells: +1 to existing spells 8: Conscripts of the Overlord
Spellcasting: Must be able to per level. 9: Enslave the dead (+20HD)
cast both necromancy and 10: Create commander
enchantment spells and be
capable of casting at least two
necromancy spells of 5th
level, one of which must be
animate dead.
Min lvl: Wiz 9
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Spellcasting: Ability to cast HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Speak with the dead
Speaker of the Dead seven necromantic spells, Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 2: Guidance +1
Hollowfaust (p. 117) including speak with dead. Attack: Wizard Spellcraft 3: Turn/Rebuke undead
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 8 Good save: Will Wis: Profession 4: Guidance +2
ranks, Knowledge Weap: - 5: Spiritual Possession
(genealogy) 8 ranks, Armor: - 6: Guidance +3
Knowledge (history) 8 ranks, Class Levels: 10 7: Extra Turning
Knowledge (religion) 8 Spells: +1 existing spells per 8: Guidance +4
ranks. level 9: Exorcism
Feats: Skill Focus( 10: Guidance +5
knowledge [history]), Spell
Focus (Necromancy)
Min lvl: Clr9
Class: Must have at least 3 HD: d10 Str: Jump 1: Track
Stone Guardsman levels of dwarven defender Skill Points: 2 Dex: Use Rope 2: Target prey
BT (p. 80) Special: The defender must Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Search 3: Favored weapon +1
be given a special Good save: Fort, Will Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 4: Dogged pursuit
commission by the King of Weap: All Spot, Survival 5: Enchanted strike 1/day
Burok Torn to slay a Armor: All 6: Favored weapon +2
particular enemy of the Class Levels: 10 7: Enchanted strike 2/day
dwarves. Upon completion Spells: - 8: Fortification
of this task, the dwarf may 9: Favored weapon +3
advance as a stone 10: Enchanted strike 3/day
guardsman. The enemy is
usually a monster or other foe
of a level and CR comparable
to the defender.
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Patron: Lethene. HD: d8 Str: Climb, Swim 1: Storm resistance 5
Stormsinger Skills: Perform 10 ranks, Skill Points: 2 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 2: Stormflight, stormsense
PGCD (p. 119) Survival 8 ranks. Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration, Ritual 3: Storm resistance 10
Spellcasting: Ability to cast Good save: Fort, Ref Casting 4: Spontaneous casting (call
call lightening. Weap: club, dagger, dart, Int: Craft, Knowledge lightening)
Special: Must have been longspear, quarterstaff, (nature), Spellcraft 5: Storm resistance 15
struck by either summoned or scimitar, sickle, sling and Wis: Heal, Listen, Spot, 6: Eye of the storm
natural lightening. spear. Survival 7: Storm resistance 20
Min lvl: Drd5/Rog1 Armor: light, medium, Cha: Perform 8: Spontaneous casting (chain
shields (armor and shields lightening)
must be metal) 9: Storm immunity
Class Levels: 10 10: Stormsinging
Spells: +1 to existing spells
per level.
Spellcasting: Ability to cast HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Metamagic feat
Summoner three different summoning Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, Knowledge (the 2: Summoning spell
R&R (p. 20) spells, all of the same Attack: Wizard planes), Spellcraft 3: Metamagic feat
type(arcane or divine) Good save: Will Wis: Profession 4: Summoning spell
Skills: Knowledge (the Weap: - Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy 5: Metamagic feat
planes) 8 ranks Armor: - 6: Summoning spell
Feats: Skill Focus Class Levels: 10 7: Metamatic feat
(Knowledge (the planes)) Spells: +1 to existing spells 8: Summoning spell
Special: The Pact: The per level 9: Metamagic feat
formation of the pact must be 10: Summoning spell
roleplayed extensively.
Some sort of test should be
required before a pact is
Brd5, Wiz5, Clr5, Soc13,
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Woman’s wrath 1/day
Swan Knight Faith: Madriel Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Compassion
PGMP (p. 121) Feats: Chastity Attack: Fighter Con: Concentration 3: Steadfast +2
Race: any female Good save: Fort Int: Craft, Knowledge 4: Charming presense +1
Skills: Diplomacy 8 ranks, Weap: simple, martial (religion) 5: Mercy, woman’s wrath
Heal 5 ranks Armor: all and shields Wis: Heal, Profession, Sense 2/day
Special: Must have sworn a Spells: +1 existing paladin Motive 6: Steadfast +4
vow of chastity. spells per level. Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 7: Vow to the innocent
Min lvl: Clr 7, Pal 5, Ftr 5 Animal Perform 8: Charming presence +2
9: Golden virtue, steadfast
+6, woman’s wrath 3/day
10: Knight of the swan
BAB: +7 HD: d8 Same as previous class 1: Tail use
Tail Fighter Feats: Two-Weapon Skill Points: 2 2: Tail strike 1d4
VW:WR (p. 80) Fighting, Expertise Attack: Fighter 3: Tail shield
Special: Has a tail Good save: Fort 4: Tail trip
Min lvl: Bbn 7, Ftr 7, Pal 7, Weap: all weapons designed 5: Tail strike 1d6
Rgr 7, Brd 10, Rog 10, Mnk to be used by the tail 6: Tail fend
10, Wiz 14, Soc 14 Armor: - 7: Improved tail shield
8: Tail strike 1d8
9: Scorpion stance
10: Improved tail trip
Race: Dark elf HD: d6 Con: Concentration 1: Inscribe magical tattoo
Tattoo Adept Skills: Craft(tattoo) 9 ranks, Skill Points: 2 Int: Craft, 2: Instant access
BT (p. 82) Heal 2 ranks, Attack: Wizard Knowledge(arcana), 3: Tattoo armor ½ ranks
Knowledge(arcana) 9 ranks, Good save: Will Spellcraft 4: Embrace of pain 1
Special: Must possess at least Weap: - 5: Tattoo transcendence +1
one magical tattoo of at least Armor: - 6: Ink augmentation
rank two. Spells: +1 existing spells 7: Enduring markings
every other level starting at 8: Tattoo transcendence +2
1st 9: Embrace of pain 2
10: Tattoo mastery
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +3 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Fluid strike
Tepuje Winddancer Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Skill Points: 6 Dex: Balance, Tumble, Use 2: Enduring vigil
CST (p. 211) Windrider Attack: Fighter Rope 3: Grace of the sparrow
Skills: Balance 5 ranks, Craft Good save: Fort, Ref Int: Craft 4: Eagle’s sight
(Wind-glider) 5 ranks, Weap: simple, martial Wis: Listen, Profession, 5: Strike of the night owl
Diplomacy 3 ranks, Listen 3 Armor: light Sense Motive, Spot, Survival 6: Harness the man-wings
ranks, Spot 3 ranks Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 7: Ceaseless vigil
Min lvl: Ftr 3, Pal 3, Rgr 3, Gather Information 8: Embracing the sky
Rog 4, Mnk 4, Brd 4, Wiz 6, 9: Wheeling of the falcon
Soc 6 10: Master of the heavens
Feats: Bloodline of Power, HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Meta-sorcery
The Blessed of Mesos any two metamagic feats Skill Points: 2 Casting 2: Gift of Mesos
PGWBS (p. 119) Skills: Knowledge (arcana) Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Legacy of blood
10 ranks, Spellcraft 10 ranks Good save: Will (arcana), Knowledge (the 4: Gift of Mesos
Spellcasting: Ability to Weap: - planes), Spellcraft 5: Unravel sorcery
spontaneously cast 4th level Armor: - Wis: Profession 6: Legacy of blood
arcane spells. Class Levels: 10 7: Devourer’s devotion
Min lvl: Sor 8 Spells: +1 to existing spells 8: Gift of Mesos
per level. 9: Legacy of blood
10: Reclaim sorcery
BAB: +5 HD: d10 Wis: Listen, Sense Motive, 1: Harm’s way
The Unfailing Skills: Spot 5 ranks, Listen 5 Skill Points: 2 Spot 2: DR 1/-, drain resistance +1
Hollowfaust (p. 119) ranks Attack: Fighter Cha: Intimidate 3: Critical immunity
Feats: Endurance, Great Good save: Fort, Will (piercing)
Fortitude, Iron Will, Weap: simple, martial 4: Drain resistance +2,
Toughness Armor: all, shields Improved Initiative
Min lvl: Ftr 9, Rgr 6, Bbn9, Class Levels: 10 5: DR 3/-
Brd9, Rog9, Clr9, Pal9, Sor 6: Critical Immunity
10, Wiz 10 (slashing), drain resistance +3
7: Undying
8: DR 5/-, drain resistance +4
9: Critical Immunity
10: Drain resistance +5,
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful evil HD: d8 Con: Concentration 1: Rebuke undead
Thorned Purifier Base Will Save: +4 Skill Points: 2 Int: Knowledge (religion), 2: Rending the sovereign soul
Calastia (p. 104) Faith: Chardun Good save: Fort, Will Search, Spellcraft 4: Chardun’s torments
Feats: Iron Will Weap: simple Wis: Heal, Sense Motive 6: Immunity to charm
Proficiency: Warscepter Armor: all and shields Cha: Bluff, Gather 8: Overlord’s disfavor
Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Spells: +1 existing spells per Information, Intimidate 10: Return to the Halls of
Knowledge (religion) 8 ranks level Dominion
Min lvl: Ftr 4, Rgr 4, Bbn 4,
Rog 6, Mnk 6, Brd 6, Clr 6,
Wiz 8, Soc 8
Feats: Initiate of the Spirit HD: d10 Str: Swim 1: Extra wild shape, master
Totem Caller Ways, Totemic Shapeshifter, Skill Points: 4 Con: Concentration, Ritual channeler 2
PGCD (p. 122) any two Totem feats. Attack: Fighter Casting 2: Blessing of the Totems,
Skills: Handle Animal 8 Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, Knowledge shamanic immunity
ranks. Weap: - (nature), Spellcraft 3: Extra totem feat, extra wild
Abilities: Wild empathy, wild Armor: - Wis: Heal, Profession, shape
shape. Class Levels: 10 Survival 4: Master channeler 3,
Min lvl: Drd 9 Cha: Diplomacy, Handle totem’s endurance
Animal 5: Extra wild shape
6: Extra totem feat, totem’s
7: Extra wild shape, master
channeler 4
8: Totem’s roar
9: Extra totem feat, extra wild
10: Master channeler 5,
totem’s fury
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Skills: Knowledge(nature) 5 HD: d10 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Extra channeling
Totem Warrior ranks, Survival 8 ranks Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Ride 2: Totem feat
PGFB (p. 120) Feats: Initiate of the Spirit Attack: Fighter Int: Knowledge(nature) 3: Totem form 1/day
Ways, any one totem feat Good save: Fort Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival 4: Totem feat, extra
Weap: Simple and martial Cha: Handle Animal channeling
Armor: Light and medium 5: Greater channeling
and shields 6: Totem feat, totem form
7: Extra channeling
8: Totem feat, enhanced
9: Totem form 3/day
10: Totem feat, composite
Base Reflex Save: +5 HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Trapmastery +2
Trapmaster Feats: Lightening Reflexes, Skill Points: 4 Dex: Escape Artist, Hide, 2: Favored enemy trap, sneak
PGR&R(p.110) Skill Focus (Craft Attack: Wizard Move Silently, Open Lock, attack +1d6
[trapmaking]) Good save: Ref Tumble, Use Rope 3: Monkey leap, slow
Race: Gnome Weap: simple Int: Craft, Disable Device, fall(20ft)
Skills: Craft (trapmaking) 7 Armor: light Knowledge(nature), Search 4: Sneak attack +2d6, wood-
ranks, Hide 4 ranks, Class Levels: 10 Wis: Listen, Profession, bound
Knowledge (nature) 2 ranks, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival 5: Trapmastery +4
Move Silently 4 ranks 6: Favored enemy trap, slow
Min lvl: Rog6, Rgr6, Brd6, fall(40ft), sneak attack +3d6
Mnk6 7: Spirits of the Gamulganjus
8: Sneak attack +4d6
9: Slow fall(60ft),
trapmastery +6
10: Favored enemy trap,
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any evil HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: 1st Favored Ally
Twilight Warden BAB: +9 Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently 2: Swamp affinity
VW:WR (p. 81) Skills: Any three of the Attack: Fighter Int: Craft(Alchemy), 3: Swamp step
following at 10 ranks: Craft Good save: Fort Knowledge(Nature) 4: 2nd Favored Ally
(Alchemy), Handle Animal, Weap: simple, martial Wis: Listen, Spot, Survival 5: Affect terrain
Hide, Intimidate, Move Armor: all and shields Cha: Handle Animal, 6: Affect wildlife
Silently, Spot, Survival Spells: See Twilight Warden Intimidate 7: 3rd Favored Ally
Feats: Any three, though spell list. 8: Master terrain
these feats must increase or 9: Master wildlife
allow for the increase of the 10: 4th Favored Ally
slitheren’s attack bonus,
damage, AC, and/or number
of attacks. Note that feats
which reduce penalties to the
above values can count
toward this total.
Special: All twilight wardens
swear an oath to repel
trespassers and carry out the
dictates of the priest-kings.
Min lvl: Ftr 9, Bbn 9, Rgr 9,
Rog 12, Mnk 12, Clr 12, Brd
12, Wiz 18, Soc 18
Ability: Uncanny dodge HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump 1: Read faces
Vigil Stalker Alignment: Any non-evil Skill Points: 6 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Blend in, sneak attack
PGR&R(p. 116) Base reflex save: +4 Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Open +1d6, spells
Feats: Run, Urban Track Good save: Ref, Will Lock, Sleight of Hand, 3: Toughness, true lies
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, Weap: as rogue Tumble, Use Rope 4: Lightning reflexes
Disguise 5 ranks, Gather Armor: light Con: Concentration 5: Iron will, sneak attack
Information 7 ranks, Search 5 Class Levels: 10 Int: Craft, Decipher Script, +2d6
ranks Forgery, Search, Speak 6: Great fortitude
Special: Vigil stalkers must Language 7: Toughness
pass an initiation test and Wis: Listen, Profession, 8: Perfect disguise, sneak
swear an oath of allegiance to Sense Motive, Spot attack +3d6
Vesh, an oath that is enforced Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 9: Undeceivable
by their fellow vigil stalkers. Disguise, Gather Information, 10: Natural healing
Min lvl: Rog 6, Bbn 4 Intimidate, Perform
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
BAB: +5 HD: d12 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Sprint
Vigilant Alignment: Any non-evil Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, 2: Tireless, favored enemy
R&R (p. 22) Feats: Endurance, Track Attack: Fighter Hide, Move Silently, Ride, 3: Toughness, Diehard
Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks, Good save: Fort Use Rope 4: Great Fortitude
Gather Information 5 ranks, Weap: simple, martial Int: Appraise, Decipher 5: Iron Will
Handle Animal 5 ranks, Armor: light, medium (except Script, Search 6: Lightening Reflexes
Survival 7 ranks chainmail) and shields. Wis: Listen, Profession, 7: Toughness
Special: Vigilants must pass Class Levels: 10 Sense Motive, Spot, Survival 8: Resist massive damage
an initiation test and swear Spells: Prepares and casts as Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 9: Natural armor
an oath of allegiance to Vesh, a druid using Wisdom as the Disguise, Gather Information, 10: Natural healing
an oath that is enforced by primary ability. Handle Animal
their fellow Vigilants.
Min lvl: Rgr7, Bbn7, Drd7,
All 11
Alignment: Any non-evil HD: d6 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Favored enemy focus +2,
Vigilant Arcanist Feats: Endurance, Track Skill Points: 4 Dex: Hide, Move Silently vigilant spells
PGR&R(p.113) Skill: Spellcraft 7 ranks Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration 2: Favored enemy damage +1
Spellcasting: Must be able to Good save: Will Int: Craft, Knowledge 3: Sprint, tireless
cast 2nd level arcane spells. Weapons: simple, martial (arcana), Knowledge 4: Favored enemy
Special Ability: Favored Armor: none (nature), Spellcraft 5: Favored enemy focus +3
enemy. Class Levels: 10 Wis: Heal, Listen, Profession, 6: Favored enemy damage +2
Special: Vigilant arcanists, Spells: +1 existing class per Survival 7: Great fortitude
like all other members of the level Cha: Handle Animal 8: Favored enemy
Vigils of Vesh, must pass an 9: Favored enemy focus +4
initiation test and swear an 10: Favored enemy damage
oath of allegiance to Vesh +3
Min lvl: Rgr1/Wiz3,
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Base Fort Save: +3 HD: d4 Con: Concentration, Ritual 1: Poison use, enhanced spell
Viromancer Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 5 Skill Points: 2 Casting progression
CST (p. 214) ranks, Heal 8 ranks, Attack: Wizard Int: Craft, Knowledge (any), 2: Disease/poison immunity
Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Good save: Fort, Will Search, Spellcraft 3: Disease artistry
or Knowledge (religion) 5 Weap: - Wis: Heal, Profession, 4: Disease/poison immunity
ranks Armor: - Survival 5: Poison artistry
Spellcasting: Must be able to Spells: +1 existing spell per 6: Disease/poison immunity
cast 3rd level spells including level, except for 3rd and 7th 7: Disease artistry
3 spells from the viromancer level. See Viromancer Spell 8: Disease/poison immunity
specialty list. list for additional spells. 9: Master of plague
Special: Must have been 10: Master of venom
affected by and recovered
from a disease or poison.
Min lvl: Clr 5, Drd 5, Wiz 5,
Soc 6
Feats: Inheritor of Sumara, HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Deathly knowledge, lore of
Voice of Sumara Spell Focus (Necromancy) Skill Points: 2 Int: Decipher Script, the dead, teachings of the
PGWBS (p. 144) Skills: Knowledge (local - Attack: Wizard Spellcraft, Knowledge (any) dead
Hollowfaust) 6 ranks, Speak Good save: Fort, Will Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy 2: Inspiration from the dead
Language (Sumaran), Weap: - 1/day
Knowledge (religion) 9 ranks Armor: - 3: Teachings of the dead
Min lvl: Sor 15 Class Levels: 10 4: Inspiration from the dead
Spells: +1 to existing spells 2/day
per level. 5: Teachings of the dead
6: Inspiration from the dead
7: Teachings of the dead
8: Inspiration from the dead
9: Teachings of the dead
10: Epiphany from the dead
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Any chaotic HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Insanity, Improved
Warped One BAB: +5 Skill Points: 4 Int: Decipher Script, Psycrystal
R&RII (p. 218) Feats: Psionic Focus Attack: Wizard Knowledge (Psionics), 2: Draining madness
(Telepathy), Psychic Bastion, Good save: Will Psicraft, Remove View 3: Virus shield
Iron Will Weap: - Wis: Autohypnosis, Spot, 4: Lunatic’s charm
Psionics: Ability to manifest Armor: - Sense Motive 5: Mind trap
1st-level psionic powers, at Powers: +1 existing powers Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, 6: Inflict virus
least one of which must be per level Gather Information 7: Insanity bastion
from the Telepathy discipline 8: Inflict insanity
Skills: Bluff 5 ranks, 9: Enhanced mind trap
Concentration 5 ranks, 10: Ultrablast
Knowledge (Psionics) 4
Special: Must have been
infected with the Slarecian
language virus
Min lvl: Psi 6, Psw 15
BAB: +3 HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Increased attacks
Warrior of White Fire Feats: Combat Expertise, Skill Points: 2 Dex: Ride 2: Bonus feat
PGFB (p. 123) Two-Weapon Fighting, Attack: Rogue Con: Concentration 3: Focus weapon
Weapon Focus (quarterstaff), Good save: Fort, Will Int: Craft, 4: Bonus feat
Weapon Specialization Weap: Simple and martial Knowledge(arcana), 5: Armor sympathy (10%),
(quarterstaff) Armor: All, but not shields Spellcraft signature weapon
Spellcasting: Must be able to Spells: +1 to existing spells Cha: Handle Animal, 6: Bonus feat
cast 2nd level arcane spells. per level Intimidate 7: Martial spellcasting
Special: The character needs 8: Bonus feat
to find a mentor or school 9: Armor sympathy (15%)
that teaches this fighting style 10: Still spell, bonus feat
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Ability: Slow Fall 30 feet HD: d8 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Deck fighting, master of
Waverider (monk ability) Skill Points: 4 Dex: Balance, Escape Artist, rigging
PGMP (p. 123) Alignment: Any lawful Attack: Rogue Hide, Move Silently, Tumble, 2: Rigging dodge, seafarer’s
BAB: +4 Good save: Ref Use Rope skill
Feats: Skill Focus (Profession Weap: Improvised weapons Con: Concentration 3: Octopus entanglement,
[Sailor]), Waveriding found on a ship, these are Int: Craft, Knowledge (local) ride the breeze
Skills: Balance 8 ranks, considered monk weapons. Wis: Listen, Profession, Spot 4: Deck defense +1, rope
Profession (sailor) 6 ranks Armor: - Cha: Diplomacy walk (full movement)
Special: Must spend at least 6 Spells: - 5: Rigging mobility,
months studying the ways of seafarer’s survival
the sea on board a ship. 6: Crashing wave technique
Min lvl: Mnk 6 7: Rope walk (double move)
8: Strike as the wind
9: Deck defense +2, rigging
spring attack
10: Rope walk (running),
sea’s serenity
Feats: Spell Focus (Illusion), HD: d4 Con: Concentration 1: Herbal magic I
Weaver of Spirits Brew Potion Skill Points: 4 Int: Craft (Alchemy), 2: Shadow spirits (damage)
CST (p. 217) Skills: Craft (Alchemy) 5 Attack: Wizard Knowledge (arcane), 3: Herbal magic 2
ranks, Heal 5 ranks, Good save: Fort, Will Knowledge (nature), 4: Visions
Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, Weap: - Knowledge (religion), 5: Herbal magic 3
Profession (herbalist) 10 Armor: - Spellcraft 6: Shadow spirits (empower)
ranks Spells: +1 existing spells per Wis: Heal, Profession, 7: Herbal magic 4
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 5 level. Survival 8: Inflict hallucinations
illusion spells, one of which Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 9: Herbal magic 5
must be 3rd level; or ability to Animal 10: Shadow spirits
cast 3rd level druid spells. (maximize)
Min lvl: Drd 5, Wiz 5, Soc 6
Prestige Class Minimum Requirements Class Features Skills Level Dependent Class
Alignment: Lawful Evil HD: d10 Dex: Ride 1: Chardun’s Grace,
White Fist Race: Dwarf Skill Points: 2 Con: Concentration Chardun’s Protection, detect
F&F (p. 106) BAB: +4 Attack: Fighter Int: Craft, Knowledge chaos, Hands of Judgement
Skills: Knowledge (religion) Good save: Fort (religion) 2: Aura of Courage, Smite
3 ranks Weap: simple, martial Wis: Heal, Profession Chaos
Feats: Cleave, Power Attack Armor: all and shields Cha: Diplomacy, Handle 3: Extra Rebuking, Punish
Special: A white fist must Spells: +1 existing spells Animal, Intimidate 5: Special mount
swear to follow a strict code every other level starting at 6: Punish 2/week
of conduct and never to 2nd level. 7: Mount advances in
perform a single chaotic act abilities
in his life. Deviation from 8: Punish 3/week
this code will lead to a loss of 9: Mount advances in
all white fist prestige class abilities
special powers and abilities. 10: Mount advances in
Min lvl: Ftr 4, Rgr 4, Bbn 4, abilities, punish 4/week
Rog 6, Clr 6, Brd 6, Mnk 6,
Wiz 8, Soc 8
Ability to rage HD: d12 Str: Climb, Jump, Swim 1: Strength of the Huror
Whitefur Alignment: non-Lawful Skill Points: 2 Dex: Balance, Hide, Ride 2: Wind friend, huror’s stride
PGFB (p. 126) BAB: +7 Attack: Fighter Int: Craft 3: Child of the north 10
Feats: Great Fortitude Good save: Fort Wis: Heal, Listen, Spot, 4: Huror’s clench
Skills: Survival 10 ranks Weap: Simple and martial Survival 5: Child of the north 15
Special: The character must Armor: Light Cha: Handle Animal 6: Pelt of frost 1/day
have the huror’s paw magical 7: Child of the north 20
tattoo on their body 8: Eye of the storm 1/day
9: Child of the north 25, pelt
of frost 2/day
10: Eye of the storm 2/day
Spell Lists
1st Level
Bane(PH3.5 p.203) – Enemies take -1 on attack Cure Light Wounds(PH3.5 p.215) – Cures 1d8 Protection from Good(PH3.5 p.266) - +2 to AC and
rolls and saves against fear. damage +1/level (max +5) saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals
Chardun’s Glory(R&RII p. 97) – Caster gains +4 Ears of the Wolf(R&RII p.108) – Adds +1 insight and outsiders.
natural armor bonus, but is surrounded by a dark bonus per level to caster’s Listen checks. Rabbit Feet(R&R p.99) – Gives +2 bonus/level to
nimbus. Inflict Light Wounds(PH3.5 p.244) – Touch deals Move Silently
Command(PH3.5 p. 211) – One subject obeys 1d8 damage +1/level(max +5)
selected command for 1 round.
2nd Level
Bladethirst(R&RII p.90) – Weapon touched cuts or Foreaction(R&RII p.115) – Subject gains a +5 Inflict Moderate Wounds(PH3.5 p.244) – Touch
pierces deeper, inflicting more damage bonus to initiative. deals 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10)
Cure Moderate Wounds(PH3.5 p.216) – Cures 2d8 Hunter’s Stalk(R&R p.84) – Provides concealment Shocking Missile(R&RII p.134) – Enchants arrow
damage +1/level (max +10) in rustic surroundings or bolt to inflict 1d8+1/level (max 10d8+10)
electrical damage upon a successful hit.
3rd Level
Assassin’s Senses (R&R p.50) – Increases caster’s Cure Serious Wounds(PH3.5 p.216) – Cures 3d8 Inflict Serious Wounds(PH3.5 p.244) – Touch deals
critical threat range and multiplier by one. damage +1/level (max +15) 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15)
Chardun’s Torments(R&R p.58) – Victim takes Enhanced Senses(R&RII p.112) – Grants Prayer(PH3.5 p.264) – Allies +1 bonus on most
subdual damage and suffers penalties from pain. darkvision; +10 bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot; rolls, enemies -1 penalty
plus Scent ability.
4th Level
Chardun’s Presence(R&RII p.98) – Caster gains Haste(PH3.5 p.239) – One creature/level moves Inflict Critical Wounds(PH3.5 p.244) – Touch deals
1d4+3 Charisma and fear ability. faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20)
Cure Critical Wounds(PH3.5 p.216) – Cures 4d8
damage +1/level (max +20)
2nd Level:
Alter self Darkness Suggestion
Cat’s Grace Enthrall Undetectable Alignment
Commanding Presence(R&R Intoxicate(R&R
3rd Level:
Deeper darkness Invisibility
Emotion Nondetection
4th Level:
Dominate Person Poison
Improved Invisibility Rie’s dance of seduction(R&R
Gold Knight Spell List
Prepare and cast spells as a Paladin.
1st Level
Deathwatch Shield Other
2nd Level
Cure moderate wounds Lesser restoration
3rd Level
Cure serious wounds Life force transfer(R&R
4th Level
Cure critical wounds Holy channel(R&R Restoration
Death ward
Master of the Scaled Spell List
Spontaneous casting per bard spells, no arcane heat.
0th Level
Arcane Mark(PH3.5 p.201) – Inscribes a personal False Flavor(R&RII p.113) – Gives food or drink Quick Sober(R&R p.99) – Cures the target of
rune (visible or invisible). an illusory taste. alcoholic influences.
Clean(R&R p.58) – Cleans grime and dirt from one Filch(R&RII p.115) – Conjure a small nearby Rabbit Feet(R&R p.99) – Gives +2/level to Move
object or person. object into your hand. Silently
Dancing Lights(PH3.5 p.216) – Creates torches or Flare(PH3.5 p.232) – Dazzles one creature (-1 on Read Magic(PH3.5 p.269) - Read scrolls and
other lights. attack rolls). spellbooks.
Daze(PH3.5 p.217) – Humanoid creature of 4 HD Ghost Sound(PH3.5 p.235) – Figment sounds. Sneeze(R&R p.114) - Causes target to sneeze.
or less loses next action. Light(PH3.5 p.248) – Object shines like a torch. Spark(R&R p.116) - Creates a tiny spark.
Detect Magic(PH3.5 p.219) – Detects spells and Mage Hand(PH3.5 p.249) - 5-lb telekinesis Steal Sleep(R&R p.116) - Transfers need for sleep
magic items within 60 ft. Mending(PH3.5 p.253) – Makes minor repairs on to target creature.
Detect Poison(PH3.5 p.219) – Detects poison in an object. Ventriloquism(PH3.5 p.298) - Throws voice for 1
one creature or small object. Obscuring Mist(PH3.5 p.258) – Fog surrounds you. min/level.
Distort Shadow(R&R p.67) – Change the shape of Open/Close(PH3.5 p.258) – Opens or closes small
any ordinary shadow. or light things.
Elina’s Perfume(R&RII p.110) – Changes the scent Prestidigitation(PH3.5 p.) – Performs minor tricks.
of an object or person.
Enumerate(R&R p.72) – Allows caster to quickly
count a number of creatures or objects.
1st Level
Alarm(PH3.5 p.197) - Wards an area for 2 Elina’s Wardrobe(R&RII p.110) - Allows caster to Nystal’s Magical Aura(PH3.5
hours/level. change outfits quickly. Protection from Law(PH3.5
Animate Rope(PH3.5 p.199) - Makes a rope move Erase(PH3.5 p.227) - Mundane or magical writing Salamar’s Quiet Contemplation(R&R
at your command. vanishes. Serpent’s Stare(R&RII
Arrow Charm(R&R p.49) - Creates a magical Expeditious Retreat(PH3.5 p.228) - Your speed Shade’s Sight(R&R
pointer that leads the way to a prespecified object increases by 30 feet. Silent Image(PH3.5
or person. Feather Fall(PH3.5 p.229) - Objects or creatures Sleep(PH3.5
Chameleon Skin(R&R p.57) - Gives +1 bonus per fall slowly. Spider Climb(PH3.5
level to Hide (max +10). Flash(R&R p.73) - Causes a flash of light that Tensor’s Floating Disk(PH3.5
Change Self(replaced with Disguise Self)(PH3.5 blinds enemies. Unseen Servant(PH3.5
p.222) - Changes your appearance. Foreaction(R&RII p.115) - Subject gains a +5
Charm Person(PH3.5 p.209) - Makes one person bonus to initiative.
your friend. Glue(R&R p.76) - Makes a 10-ft square surface
Comprehend Languages(PH3.5 p.212) - You sticky.
understand all spoken and written languages. Grease(PH3.5 p.237) - Makes 10-ft square or one
Detect Gold(R&R p.66) - Detects gold or other object slippery.
metals. Hold Portal(PH3.5 p.241) - Holds door shut.
Detect Secret Doors(PH3.5 p.220) - Reveals hidden Hypnotism(PH3.5
doors within 60ft. Jump(PH3.5
Dissappear(R&R p.67) - Caster becomes invisible Message(PH3.5
for 2 rounds.
2nd Level
Alibi(R&R Ever Scent(R&R Nose of the Rat(R&RII
Alter Self(PH3.5 Fog Cloud(PH3.5 Obscure Object(PH3.5
Arcane Lock(PH3.5 Gloom(R&R Rie’s Lustful Gaze(R&RII
Aura of Menace(R&RII Hypnotic Pattern(PH3.5 Rope Trick(PH3.5
Blur(PH3.5 Intoxicate(R&R Whispering Wind(PH3.5
Cat’s Grace(PH3.5 Invisibility(PH3.5
Commanding Presence(replaced with Eagle’s Knock(PH3.5
Splendor)(PH3.5 Minor Image(PH3.5
Darkness(PH3.5 Mirror Image(PH3.5
Darkvision(PH3.5 Misdirection(PH3.5
3rd Level
Blink(PH3.5 Major Image(PH3.5 Tongues(PH3.5
Displacement(PH3.5 Mask Magic(R&RII Unbuckle(R&R
Haste(PH3.5 Mind Raid(R&R Veil of Lust(R&RII
Illusory Script(PH3.5 Nondetection(PH3.5
Lure(R&RII Scrying(PH3.5
4th Level
Accelerate Reflexes(R&RII Dimension Door(PH3.5 Improved Invisibility
Arcane Eye(PH3.5 Emotion(PH3.5 Mind Over Matter(R&R
Confusion(PH3.5 Enhanced Senses(R&RII Mirror Safe(R&R
Detect Scrying(PH3.5 Ghostdweomer(R&R Shadow form of Lyrand(R&R
Illusory Wall Tattoo Item(R&R
5th Level
Dominate Person Gullibility(R&RII Seeming
Feeblemind Prying Eyes Teleport
Gulaben’s Ecstasy(R&RII Rie’s Dance of Seduction(R&R
6th Level
Mislead Sequester Shadow Walk
2nd Level
Aura of Menace(R&RII Death Knell Rend the Soverign Soul(R&R
Bull’s Strength Desecrate Scare
Commanding Presence(R&R Inflict Moderate Wounds
3rd Level
Animate Dead Fist of Iron(? Suggestion
Chardun’s Torments(R&R Inflict Serious Wounds
Curse of Terror(R&R Repair Dead(R&RII
4th Level
Cloak of Righteousness(R&R Dominate Person Lesser geas
Chardun’s Presence(R&RII Fear Unholy Channel(R&R
Chains of Binding(R&RII Inflict Serious Wounds
5th Level
Circle of Doom Greater command(R&R Shadow Chains(R&RII
Create Undead Mind Fog Visage of the Overlord(D&D
Darksoul(R&RII Righteous Might
0th Level
Arcane Mark Detect Magic Prestidigitation
Dancing Lights Distort shadow(R&R Read Magic
1st Level
Gloom(R&R Penumbral Trap(R&R Shade’s Sight(R&R
Obscure shadow Reshape Shadow(R&R
2nd Level
Animate Shadow Dar’ Tan’s Shadow Bolt(R&R Shadow Images
Banish Shadow Minor Shadow Conjuration
3rd Level
Control Light Shadow Form of Lyrand Shadow Touch
Minor Shadow Evocation Shadow Strike *Battle Projection(R&RII
*Malicious Image(R&RII
4th Level
Imbue Shadow Shadow Conjuration Shadow Shield
*Shadow Chains(R&RII p.134) - Binds different
shadows together, holding their owners captive.
5th Level
Curtain of Darkness Shadow Evocation Shadow Weapon
6th Level
Shades Shadow Smash(R&R Transmute Flesh to Shadow(R&R
7th Level
Shade Evocation Shadow Storm Shadow Walk
8th Level
Blackflame(R&R Shadow Twin(R&R
9th Level
Eclipse(R&R *Tendrils of Eternal Night(R&RII p.143) -
Conjures 4 shadowy tentacles that pull their victim
through a portal.
Sea Witch Spell List
Prepared/Spontaneous casting as per previous spellcasting class. Ability same as previous spellcasting class.
*Modified to fit with 3.5 rules
0th Level
Clean(RR) Detect Magic Mending
Chill/Warmth(RR) Dowsing(RR) Quick Sober(RR)
Cure Minor Wounds False Flavor(RR2) Read Magic
Dancing Lights Filch(RR2)
Daze Flare
1st Level
Alarm *Charm Animal Expeditious Retreat
Animal Messenger *Charm Person Obscuring Mist
Bouyancy Net(R&R Chart Bearer(BS) Silent Image
Call aquatic animal I(R&R Comprehend Languages Sleep
Spider Climb Create Water Speak with Animals
Champion Swimmer(RR2) Swift Water Unseen Servant
Voice of the Deep. Allows the caster to remain on
land or aboard a ship and converse with a single
sentient creature underwater. (BS)
2nd Level
Animal Trance Charm Monster *Gust of Wind
Animate Rope Cold Snap Hold Animal
Augury Daylight Identify
Blur Detect Thoughts Invisibility
Call Aquatic Humanoid I(R&R Downdraft(RR2) Lure(RR2)
Fog Cloud Wind Wall
3rd Level
Battle Projection(RR2) Dispel Magic Shrink Item
Call Aquatic Animal II(R&R Dominate Animal Stinking Cloud
Call Lightening Gaseous Form Touch of the Eel(R&R
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance Gust of Wind Water Breathing
Create Food and Water Pressure Sphere(R&R Water Walk
4th Level
Air Walk Blood Water(RR2) Repel Vermin
Burning Sails (BS) Diminish Plants Ship Snare(RR)
Call Aquatic Monster(RR) Freedom of Movement Solid Fog
Control Water Hold Monster Water’s Embrace(RR)
Control Winds Improved Invisibility
Detect Scrying Live Wood(RR)
5th Level
Animal Growth Dark Water Hunter’s Pledge. (BS)
Awaken Dolomar’s Limited Liquification(RR) Ice Storm
Call Aquatic Humanoid II(RR) Fabricate Iron Wood(RR)
Call Celestial/Fiendish Aquatic Monster(RR) Find the Path Mislead
Cloudkill Greater Familiar(water elemental, avian, or aquatic Sending
Control Weather only)(RR) Undead Crew(RR2)
2nd Level:
Nondetection See Invisibility Summon monster II
3rd Level:
Dimensional Anchor Negative energy protection
Lesser planar binding Summon monster III
4th Level:
Dismissal Planar binding Summon monster IV
Twilight Warden Spell List:
1st Level
Cause light wounds Entangle Shockwave strike(R&R
Chameleon skin(R&R Magic Fang
Endure Elements Rabbit Feet(R&R
2nd Level
Animal Infusion(R&R Hunter’s Stalk Wolf’s Cry
Barkskin Speak with Animals
Flame/frost weapon(R&R Summon Swarm
3rd Level
Contagion Meld into Stone Wall of Hornets(R&R
Cause moderate wounds Neutralize Poison
Dominate Animal Poison
1st Level
Alarm Ears of the Wolf(R&RII Nose of the Rat(R&RII
Chameleon Skin(R&R Erase Rabbit Feet(R&RII
Charm Person Expeditious Retreat Read Magic
Detect Secret Doors Feather Fall Shade’s Sight(R&R
Dissappear(R&R Message Steal Sleep(R&R
2nd Level
Alibi(R&R Detect Thoughts Locate Object
Darkness Intoxicate(R&R Silence
Dead Man’s Eyes(R&R Invisibility Wispering Wind
3rd Level
Confusion Displacement Illusory Script
Dispel Magic Enhanced Senses(R&RII Mind Raid(R&R
4th Level
Detect Scrying Modify Memory Tatoo Item(R&R
Improved Invisibility Nondetection
1st Level
Alarm Delay Poison Pass without Trace
Calm Animals Detect Animals or Plants Rabbit Feet
Chameleon Skin(R&R Detect Snares and Pits Resist Elements
Chill/Warmth Dowsing Shade’s Sight
Clean Goodberry Speak with Animals
Steal Sleep
2nd Level
Animal Messenger Hunter’s Stalk Speak with Plants
Circle of Sounds Protection from Energy Warp Wood
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law Snare Wolf’s Cry
3rd Level
Animal Spy Neutralize Poison Spike Growth
Endurance Remove Disease Water Walk
4th Level
Animal Infusion Repel Vermin Wind Wall
Freedom of Movement Spike Stones
1st Level:
Bed Bug Bites(R&RII Delay Poison
2nd Level:
Remove Disease Sethris’ Potency(R&R
3rd Level:
Contagion Neutralize Poison
4th Level:
Poison Verminplague(R&R
5th Level:
Durlock’s Withering Pox(PGWBS Insect Plague
6th Level:
Chern’s Exhalation(R&RII Plague Touch(R&RII
7th Level:
8th Level:
Horrid Wilting
9th Level:
Prestige Class Availability
Lists the lowest level a single classed character can enter the specified Prestige Class. The lowest level calculation does not include any racial specific bonuses,
such as a human’s bonus feat, or an Elf’s weapon familiarities, etc.
Level Feats Class BAB Fort Ref Will Skill Skill CC Prestige Classes
1 1 Favored Enemy, Track, wild empathy 1 2 2 0 4 2.0
2 1 Combat style 2 3 3 0 5 2.5
3 2 Endurance 3 3 3 1 6 3.0
4 2 Animal Companion, Spells 4 4 4 1 7 3.5 Black Thorn Ranger
5 2 2nd Favored Enemy 5 4 4 1 8 4.0
6 3 Improved Combat Style 6 5 5 2 9 4.5
7 3 Woodland stride 7 5 5 2 10 5.0
8 3 Swift tracker 8 6 6 2 11 5.5
9 4 Evasion 9 6 6 3 12 6.0
10 4 3rd Favored Enemy 10 7 7 3 13 6.5
11 4 Combat style mastery 11 7 7 3 14 7.0
12 5 12 8 8 4 15 7.5
13 5 Camouflage 13 8 8 4 16 8.0
14 5 14 9 9 4 17 8.5
15 6 15 9 9 5 18 9.0
16 6 16 10 10 5 19 9.5
17 6 Hide in plain sight 17 10 10 5 20 10.0
18 7 18 11 11 6 21 10.5
19 7 19 11 11 6 22 11.0
20 7 20 12 12 6 23 11.5
Level Feats Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will Skill CC Prestige Classes
Bonus Save Save Save
1st 1 Fast movement, illiteracy, +1 +2 +0 +0 2.0
rage 1/day
2nd 1 Uncanny dodge +2 +3 +0 +0 2.5
3rd 2 Trap sense +1 +3 +3 +1 +1 3.0
4th 2 Rage 2/day +4 +4 +1 +1 3.5 Grenadier, Thorned
Purifier, Vigil Stalker,
White Fist
5th 2 Improved uncanny dodge +5 +4 +1 +1 4.0 Aerial Cavalier,
Lilliandeli Archer,
6th 3 Trap sense +2 +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 4.5 Horseman of Vangal,
Iron Lord, Shelazari
7th 3 Damage reduction 1/— +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 5.0 Tail-Fighter, Vigilant
8th 3 Rage 3/day +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 5.5
9th 4 Trap sense +3 +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 6.0 Bounty Hunter, Death-
Touched, Moonlight
Lord, The Unfailing,
Twilight Warden,
Kilharman League
10th 4 Damage reduction 2/— +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 6.5
11th 4 Greater rage +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 7.0 Relic Hunter
12th 5 Rage 4/day, trap sense +4 +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 7.5
13th 5 Damage reduction 3/— +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 8.0 Shade Touched
14th 5 Indomitable will +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 8.5
15th 6 Trap sense +5 +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 9.0
16th 6 Damage reduction 4/—, +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 9.5
rage 5/day
17th 6 Tireless rage +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 10.0 Mithril Disciple, One
in Black, Brother of
the Scarred Hand,
Khetan Phagist
18th 7 Trap sense +6 +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 10.5
19th 7 Damage reduction 5/— +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 11.0 Goreguard
20th 7 Mighty rage, rage 6/day +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 11.5
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Feats Special Bonus Save Save Save 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Prestige Classes
1 Bardic music, bardic
fascinate, inspire
1st courage +1 +0 +0 +2 +2 2 — — — — — —
2nd 1 +1 +0 +3 +3 3 0 — — — — —
3rd 2 Inspire competence +2 +1 +3 +3 3 1 — — — — —
2 Death-Touched, Dragon
Warrior, Mourner, Tepuje
4th +3 +1 +4 +4 3 2 0 — — — — Winddancer
2 Courtesan of Idra, High
Chorister, Keeper of Epics,
5th +3 +1 +4 +4 3 3 1 — — — — Master Cabalist, Summoner
3 Cultist of the Forge,
Grenadier, Kilharman League
Envoy, Rage-Bringer, Shelzari
Eroticist, Thorned Purifier,
6th Suggestion +4 +2 +5 +5 3 3 2 — — — — Trapmaster, White Fist
3 Blood Sea Pirate, Khetan
Phagist, Knight of the
Morning Sky, Lilliandeli
Archer, Moonwitch, One in
Black, Ornamancer, Relic
7th +5 +2 +5 +5 3 3 2 0 — — — Hunter, Sea Witch
3 Horseman of Vangal, Shelzari
8th Inspire courage +2 +6/+1 +2 +6 +6 3 3 3 1 — — — Knife-Fighter
4 Bounty Hunter, The Unfailing,
9th Inspire greatness +6/+1 +3 +6 +6 3 3 3 2 — — — Kilharman League Envoy
10th 4 +7/+2 +3 +7 +7 3 3 3 2 0 — — Penumbral Lord, Tail Fighter
4 Goreguard, Shade Touched,
11th +8/+3 +3 +7 +7 3 3 3 3 1 — — Vigilant, Relic Hunter
12th 5 Song of freedom +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 3 3 3 3 2 — — Ramrider, Twilight Warden
5 Aerial Cavalier, Shade
13th +9/+4 +4 +8 +8 3 3 3 3 2 0 — Touched
14th 5 Inspire courage +3 +10/+5 +4 +9 +9 4 3 3 3 3 1 —
15th 6 Inspire heroics +11/+6/+1 +5 +9 +9 4 4 3 3 3 2 — Moonlight Lord
16th 6 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 4 4 4 3 3 2 0
17th 6 +12/+7/+2 +5 +10 +10 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 Brother of the Scarred Hand
18th 7 Mass suggestion +13/+8/+3 +6 +11 +11 4 4 4 4 4 3 2
19th 7 +14/+9/+4 +6 +11 +11 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 Goreguard
20th 7 Inspire courage +4 +15/+10/+5 +6 +12 +12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Base Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Prestige Classes
Turn or
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 undead 3 1+1 — — — — — — — —
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 4 2+1 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 4 2+1 1+1 — — — — — — —
4th +3 Death-Touched, Dragon
+4 +1 +4 5 3+1 2+1 — — — — — — — Warrior
5th +3 Courtesan of Idra,
Forgemaster, Iron Knight,
Keeper of the Eternal Flame,
Moonwitch, Sea Witch,
+4 +1 +4 5 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — — — Summoner, Viromancer
6th +4 Cultist of the Forge, Defender
of the Faith, Grenadier, High
Judicator, Thorned Purifier,
+5 +2 +5 5 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — — — — White Fist
7th +5 Blood Sea Pirate, Knight of the
Morning Sky, One in Black,
Oracle of Hedrada, Relic
+5 +2 +5 6 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — — Hunter, Swan Knight
8th +6/+1 Divine Archer, Shelzari Knife-
+6 +2 +6 6 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — — — Fighter
9th +6/+1 Anchorite, Bounty Hunter,
Keeper of the Great Laws,
Lilliandeli Archer, Pursuivant,
+6 +3 +6 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — — Ramrider, Scourge of Tanil,
Speaker of the Dead, The
Unfailing, Kilharman League
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 6 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — — Mithril Disciple
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — — Vigilant
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 6 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — — — Twilight Warden
13th +9/+4 Aerial Cavalier, Shade
+8 +4 +8 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — — Touched
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 6 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 — —
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 — Moonlight Lord
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1 —
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 2+1 1+1 Khetan Phagist
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 2+1
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 3+1 3+1 Goreguard
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 6 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 5+1 4+1 4+1 4+1 4+1
Base Attack Fort Ref Will Prestige Classes
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
nature sense,
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 wild empathy 3 1 — — — — — — — —
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 stride 4 2 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Trackless step 4 2 1 — — — — — — —
Resist nature’s Dragon Warrior, Incarnate,
lure Seeker on the Wind
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 5 3 2 — — — — — — — (drd4/sor5)
Wild shape Aerial Cavalier, Courtesans
(1/day) of Idra, Incarnate, Initiate of
the Ram, Sea Witch,
Stormsinger (drd5/rog1),
Viromancer, Weaver of
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 5 3 2 1 — — — — — — Spirits
Wild shape Anchorite, Cultist of the
(2/day) Forge, Defender of the Faith,
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 5 3 3 2 — — — — — — Hornsaw Sentinel
Wild shape Blood Sea Pirate, Brother of
(3/day) the Crimson Temple,
Huntsmaster, Khetan
Phagist, Knight of the
Morning Sky, One in Black,
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 6 4 3 2 1 — — — — — Ramrider, Renewer, Vigilant
Wild shape Divine Archer
8th +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 (Large) 6 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
Venom Bounty Hunter, Death
immunity Touched, Lilliandeli Archer,
9th +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 6 4 4 3 2 1 — — — — Totem Caller
Wild shape
10th +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 (4/day) 6 4 4 3 3 2 — — — —
Wild shape Moonlight Lord
11th +8/+3 +7 +3 +7 (Tiny) 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 — — —
Wild shape
12th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 (plant) 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 — — —
A thousand Oaken Shadow, Summoner
13th +9/+4 +8 +4 +8 faces 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 — —
Wild shape
14th +10/+5 +9 +4 +9 (5/day) 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 — —
body, wild
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +5 +9 shape (Huge) 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 —
Wild shape
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 1/day) 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 —
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +10 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 Mithril Disciple
Wild shape
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +11 2/day) 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
19th +14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +11 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3
Wild shape
3/day, Huge
20th +15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +12 elemental) 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special Prestige Classes
Bonus Save Save Save
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Bonus feat Calastian Battle Mage
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Bonus feat
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Tepuje Winddancer
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bonus feat Grenadier, Thorned
Purifier, White Fist
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Aerial Cavalier,
Forgemaster, Lilliandeli
Archer, One in Black,
Ramrider, Swan Knight
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Bonus feat Ancestral Warrior,
Horseman of Vangal, Iron
Lord, Paragon Warrior,
Shelzari Knife-Fighter
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Knight of the Morning
Sky, Tail Fighter
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Bonus feat Dragon Knight
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Bounty Hunter, Death-
Touched, The Unfailing,
Twilight Warden
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Bonus feat
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Bonus feat
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Bonus feat
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Moonlight Lord
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Bonus feat
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Mithril Disciple
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Bonus feat
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Bonus feat
10/9/04 - Revision 3, added psionic prestige classes from R&RII which I missed the first time around, added min lvl to those prestige classes that were missing it,
added some class charts.
11/21/04 - Revision 4, added prestige classes from Burok Torn, Echoes of the Past, and Blood Sea
3/12/05 - Revision 5, added prestige classes from Players Guide to Fighters and Barbarians