Big Book of Feats

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The document provides an overview of over 650 official Dungeons & Dragons feats across multiple editions, organized into categories like combat, spellcasting, skills, and more.

The document covers general feats, armor proficiency feats, bardic feats, combat feats, magical feats, psionic feats, skill feats, social feats, weapon proficiency feats, and more.

Some combat feats mentioned include Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Combat Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, and Whirlwind Attack.

D&D Official Feats

Stephen D'Angelo ( -- Web location -

Revised on April 8, 2003

Table of Contents
General Feats .............................................................. 3 Magical Feats.............................................................31
General Feats (Part 1 of 2)........................................ 3 Spellcaster Feats (Part 1 of 4) .................................31
Armor Proficiency Feats........................................... 5 Metamagic Feats (Part 1 of 3) .................................35
Bardic Feats .............................................................. 6 Shadow Metamagic Feats........................................38
Fame and Reputation Feats....................................... 7 Magic Item Creation Feats (Part 1 of 2)..................39
Gaining Hit Points .................................................... 8 Clerical Feats (Part 1 of 2) ......................................40
Initiative Modifiers ................................................... 8 Familiar Feats..........................................................42
Operating at Negative Hit Points .............................. 8 Wild Feats ...............................................................43
Rage Feats ................................................................ 9 Psionic Feats ..............................................................44
Saving Throw Feats (1 of 2) ................................... 10 General Psionic Feats (Part 1 of 3)..........................44
Skill Feats (Part 1 of 3)........................................... 12 Psionic Combat Feats..............................................47
Social Feats............................................................. 15 Psionic Item Creation Feats.....................................48
Weapon Proficiency Feats ...................................... 15 Metapsionic Feats (Part 1 of 2) ...............................48
Combat Feats ............................................................ 16 Unusual Feats ............................................................50
General Combat Feats (Part 1 of 4) ........................ 16 Flying Feats.............................................................50
Defensive Combat Feats (Part 1 of 3)..................... 20 Genasi Feats ............................................................50
Favored Enemy Feats ............................................. 22 Kaiju Feats ..............................................................51
Mounted Combat Feats........................................... 23 Multi-arm Feats.......................................................52
Ranged Combat Feats (Part 1 of 2)......................... 24 Non-Human.............................................................53
Smite Feats ............................................................. 26 Vile Feats ................................................................54
Sneak Attack Feats ................................................. 26
Two-Handed Combat Feats .................................... 27 Index of Feats ............................................................55
Unarmed Combat Feats (Part 1 of 3) ...................... 28
686 Official D&D feats (998 references)
Official Sourcebooks:
BVD = Book of Vile Darkness LD = Lords of Darkness
D&D = Dieties & Demigods MM = Monster Manual
DMG = Dungeon Master’s Guide MM2 = Monster Manual II
DOF = Defenders of the Faith MOF = Magic of Faerun
DR### = Dragon Magazine (with issue number) MoW = Masters of the Wild
DR-A# = Dragon Magazine Annual (with issue number) OA = Oriental Adventures
DU### = Dungeon Magazine (with issue number) PHB = Player’s Handbook
E&A = Enemies and Allies PSI = Psionics Handbook
ELH = Epic Level Handbook SBG = Stronghold Builder’s Guidebook
FAQ = D&D FAQ (02/27/2002 version) S&F = Sword and Fist
FR = Forgotten Realms S&S = Song and Silence
T&B = Tome and Blood
Official feats are marked by having their source highlighted.
Unofficial Sourcebooks:
ASM = Arcana: Societies of Magic (Green Ronin) POD = Wheel of Time: Prophecies of the Dragon (WotC)
AZ = Aztecs: Empire of the Dying Sun (Avalanche) POJ = Star Wars: Power of the Jedi (Wizards of the Coast)
BEB = Interludes: Brief Expeditions to Bluffside (Thunderhead) QC = The Quintessential Cleric (Mongoose)
BEM = The Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc) QD = The Quintessential Dwarf (Mongoose)
BF = Black Flags (Avalanche) QE = The Quintessential Elf (Mongoose)
BM = Battle Magic (Mongoose) QF = The Quintessential Fighter (Mongoose)
CA = Sovereign Stone: Codex Arcanis (Paradigm Concepts) QR = The Quintessential Rogue (Mongoose)
CAM## = Campaign Magazine, with issue number QW = The Quintessential Wizard (Mongoose)
CCW = Star Wars: Coruscant and the Core Worlds (WotC) RL = Ravenloft Campaign Setting (Swords & Sorcery)
CM = Sovereign Stone: Codex Mysterium RO = L5R: Rokugan Setting (AEG)
CoC = Call of Cthulhu (Wizards of the Coast) R&R = Relics and Rituals (Swords & Sorcery)
CWS = Chaos Magic: Wild Sorcery (Mongoose) SA = 7th Sea: Swashbuckling Adventures (AEG)
DGY = Demonology (Mongoose) SAR = 7th Sea: Swashbuckling Arcana (AEG)
DL = Deadlands: Core Rulebook (AEG) SB = Seas of Blood (Mongoose)
DLOM = Dragon Lords of Melnibone (Chaosium) SG = Star Wars: Starships of the Galaxy (WotC)
DP = Dinosaur Planet: Core Rulebook (Goodman) SH = Seafarer’s Handbook (Fantasy Flight Games)
DRG = Dragons (AEG) SHH = The Shaman’s Handbook (Green Ronin)
DS = Star Wars: Dark Side Handbook (WotC) SPS = Spells & Spellcraft (Fantasy Flight Games)
DSH = Dragonstar: Starfarer’s Handbook (Fantasy Flight) SPY = Spycraft (AEG)
DUN = Dungeons (AEG) SS = Seven Strongholds (Penumbra)
EVIL = Evil (AEG) SSS = Sovereign Stone: Campaign Sourcebook (Sovereign)
FIW = Kalamar: Fury in the Wastelands (Kenzer) SST = Sovereign Stone: The Taan (Sovereign)
FS = Fading Suns: Core Rulebook (Holistic) SW = Star Wars: Core Rulebook (Wizards of the Coast)
FW = L5R: Fortune & Winds (AEG) SW2 = Star Wars: Core Rulebook Revised Ed (WotC)
GA = Spycraft: Gentleman’s Agreement (AEG) SWG## = Star Wars Gamer Magazine (with issue number)
GL = Gladiator (Mongoose) TA = Twilight of Atlantis (Avalance)
HF = Hollowfaust: City of Necromancers TBG = Touched by the Gods (Penumbra)
HVM = 7th Sea: Heroes, Villains, and Monsters (AEG) TC = Twin Crowns (Living Imagination)
IOG = 7th Sea: Islands of Gold (AEG) T&T = Traps & Treachery (Fantasy Flight Games)
ITCK = If Thoughts Could Kill (Malhavoc) UD = Undead (AEG)
JS = Jade and Steel (Avalanche) WAR = War (AEG)
KPG = Kingdoms of Klamar: Player’s Guide (Kenzer) WoG = Deadlands: The Way of the Gun (AEG)
Mon = Monster (AEG) WoH = Deadlands: The Way of the Huckster (AEG)
MoR = L5R: Magic of Rokugan (AEG) WoN = L5R: Way of the Ninja (AEG)
MR = Mythic Races (Fantasy Flight Games) WoS = L5R: Way of the Samurai (AEG)
MW = Mystic Warrior (Mystic Eye Games) WOT = Wheel of Time: Core Rulebook (WotC)
NE = Nile Empire (Avalanche) WSJ = L5R: Way of the Shugenja (AEG)
NEC = Necromancy (Mongoose)
NJO = Star Wars: New Jedi Order (Wizards of the Coast)
NOD# = Nodwick comic book, issue # (Dork Storm)

Change Notes:
November 2002: Add AZ, BVD, DR301, DU095, MM2, QC, QD, QE, QW.
April 2003: Add CCW, DU096, FIW, GA, HVM, IOG, KPG, SA, SAR.

General Feats
General Feats (Part 1 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 50 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different type of
Additional Magic Item
Space Choose an item type that has a limit on the number of magic items
of that type you can wear at once. You can wear one more item of
this type.
Normally you are limited to one headband, hat, or helmet; one pair
of eye lenses or goggles; one cloak, cape, or mantle; one amulet,
broach, medallion, necklace, periapt, or scarab; one suit of armor or
robe; one vest, vestment, or shirt; one pair of bracers or bracelets;
one pair of gloves or gauntlets; two rings; one belt; and one pair of
ELH 51 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each time adding more
Blinding Speed
DEX 25+ rounds.
You can act as is Hasted for 5 rounds each day. These need not be
consecutive rounds. This power is activated as a free action.
MoW STR 13+ You may move through trees at your base ground movement speed.
Brachiation 21
CCW Climb skill 6+ This only works in wooded areas with trees no further apart than 15
116 Jump skill 6+ feet, and you cannot wear armor heavier than medium.
DR301 Alertness When you would be surprised, make a WIS check DC 15 to avoid
Danger Sense (p36)
WIS 15+ being surprised.
S&S 38 If you are wearing light armor or no armor, then your base speed is
5 higher than normal.
PHB 82 +4 on checks for performing a physical action over a period of time,
Endurance CoC 40
SW 93 such as swimming and running.
SW2 SW2 adds +4 CON checks to hold your breath and to avoid damage
108 from starvation or thirst. +4 to Fortitude checks to avoid damage
WOT 92
SPY 69 from hot or cold environments or from oxygen deprivation.
(ph 30)
ELH 54 Epic Character You get +10 when you make a check for performing a task over a
Epic Endurance
CON 25+ long period of time (swimming, running, holding your breath, etc).
ELH 54 Epic Character Your speed increases by 30 feet while you are wearing medium,
Epic Speed
DEX 21+ light, or no armor. This does not stack with increased speed granted
Run by magic items or nonpermanent magic effects.
ELH 56 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Extended Lifespan
Add one half the maximum result or your race’s maximum age
modifier to your normal middle age, old, and venerable age
categories. For example, a human would be middle age at 58 rather
than 38, etc. This feat will not move you back an age category even
if you are now younger than the boundary.
MoW +5 Base Fortitude Save You recover lost hit points and ability score points faster than
Faster Healing 22
normal. Hit points recover at the following rates: strenuous
activity= 1 (normally 0), light activity= 1.5 (normally 1), bed rest=
2 (normally 1.5). Double this rate when under long term care from
a successful Heal check. Ability points recover at 2 per day
regardless of activity level (normally 0, 1, or 2 depending on
activity level). The rate is 3 per day when under long term care
from a successful Heal check.
DR285 Handle Animal 1+ When riding a mount with no more than a light load, its base speed
Fast Rider p98
Ride 1+ increases by 10 feet. Its overland movement rate increases by 1
mile an hour (8 miles a day).
S&S 39 DEX 15+ When running or charging, you may make a single direction change
Fleet of Foot D&D 50
Run of up to 90 degrees. You may only use this feat while wearing light
or no armor, and while carrying a light load.
ELH 56 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Charisma
You gain +1 CHA.
ELH 56 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Constitution
You gain +1 CON.
ELH 56 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Dexterity
You gain +1 DEX.
MoW Damage reduction ability Your damage reduction increases by +1/-.
Greater Resiliency 23

General Feats (Part 2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 56 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Intelligence
You gain +1 INT.
ELH 57 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Strength
You gain +1 STR.
ELH 57 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Great Wisdom
You gain +1 WIS.
DR292 CON 13+ Your encumbrance and carrying capacity are calculated as if your
Improved Encumbrance (p114)
STR were 4 points higher.
MoW Swim skill 6+ You swim at one half your land speed as a move equivalent action
Improved Swimming 23
(normally one quarter), or at three-quarters your land speed as a full
round action (normally one half).
DR297 Epic Character You can use weapons with chaotic, lawful, holy, or unholy qualities
Infusion of Balance (p28)
CHA 19+ as if you were the most beneficial alignment. If you make your save
Part neutral alignment against a chaotic, lawful, good, or evil spell or ability that allows a
save for half damage, then you take no damage.
SBG 10 Level 9+ You gain a fund that can be spent on building a stronghold. This
fund’s base value can be found on SBG 11. This feat also matches
any other expenditures you make on strongholds with additional
FR 36 INT 10+ You may only take this feat at first level.
Magical Training
Forgotten Realms regions: Halruaa.
You may cast the 0-level arcane spells Dancing Lights, Daze, and
Mage Hand each once a day. Spell failure due to armor still applies.
You are treated as a Wizard of your arcane spellcaster level (level 1
if you are not a spellcaster) for purposes of this casting.
DR-A01 WIS 13+ You may make a WIS check DC 20 to avoid being surprised. A
Neck Hairs Rise (p12)
DU090 successful check allows you to act in the surprise round as if you
(ph44) were not surprised.
DR292 CHA 13+ Once per day, you can cast Augury as a Sorcerer of your level. This
Predict Outcome (p114)
WIS 13+ is a spell-like ability.
S&S 40 If you set something on fire, the flames do 1 extra point of damage
Pyro KPG 90
per die and the Reflex save DC to extinguish the fire is +5.
S&S 40 DEX 19+ While under direct observation, you may make a Bluff check
Quicker Than the Eye
(opposed by Spot) as a move equivalent action. If you succeed, you
may take a partial action against someone that failed the check (and
that opponent is denied their DEX bonus to AC).
MoW +8 Base Fortitude Save You may take this feat more than once, with different energy types
Resistance to Energy 25
or to stack the bonus on one type.
Choose an energy form. You gain resistance 5 against that type of
energy. This means you ignore the first 5 points of damage of that
type each round. This resistance does not stack with any spells or
magic items.
PHB 84 When doing a run action, you move at 5 times your base movement
Run CoC 41
SW 96 (instead of 4 times). Running jumps increase by 25% (but no more
SW2 than your maximum).
WOT 94
SPY 70
FR 38 You may only take this feat at first level.
Thunder Twin
Forgotten Realms regions: Gold dwarf and shield dwarf.
You get +2 on CHA checks. You have a twin brother or sister.
You can determine the direction of your twin by making an Intuit
Direction with DC 15, but only if they are alive and on the same
plane. You may retry once per round.
PHB 85 Rangers get this feat for free.
Track CoC 42
SW 97 You can follow and read tracks.
WOT 95
SPY 90
Wildspeak DR291 Gnome Race You can Speak with Animals as a 1st level Druid up to your CHA
CHA 15+ bonus times per day. This is a spell-like ability. This feat replaces
the gnome’s more limited Speak with Animals ability.

Armor Proficiency Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PHB 80 All D&D classes except wizards, sorcerers and monks get this feat
Armor (Light) WOT 91
When you wear armor you are not proficient in, you get the armor
check penalty applied to all skill checks that involve movement and
on attack rolls. If you are proficient, you only take this penalty on
Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick
Pockets, and Tumble.
PHB 80 Armor (Light) D&D classes Fighters, barbarians, paladins, rangers, clerics,
Armor (Medium) WOT 91
druids, and bards get this feat free.
PHB 80 Armor (Light) D&D classes Fighters, paladins, and clerics, get this feat free.
Armor (Heavy) WOT 91
Armor (Medium)
DR284 DEX 13+ You can don or remove any sort of armor in 5 rounds. This time is
Fast Armor p123
not improved if another person assists or if you try to "don hastily".
PHB 84 Fighters, barbarians, paladins, rangers, clerics, druids, and bards
Shield WOT 94
get this feat free.
S&F 9 +3 Base Attack You may make an off-hand attack with your shield without
Shield Expert
Shield proficiency sacrificing the AC bonus it grants.

Bardic Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR301 Craft skill 5+ You can create a masterpiece performance. This is a way to
Craft Masterpiece (p49)
encapsulate a spell effect into a song and works like a scroll does.
ELH 52 Epic Character You can use one of your song uses to deafen all creatures of your
Deafening Song
Bardic music ability choice within 30 feet of you unless they make a Fortitude save DC
Perform skill 24+ 10+your CHA bonus+half your level. This lasts as long as you
play. You can perform mundane tasks, but not combat or magic
during this time.
ELH 54 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Epic Inspiration
Bardic music ability The bonuses granted by your inspiration ability are increased by
CHA 25+ their base value. This means the bonus is doubled the first time you
Perform skill 30+ take this feat and is additive thereafter.
S&S 39 Bardic music ability You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Music D&D 50
You can use your bardic music four extra times per day.
S&S 39 Bardic music ability You can alter your music or virtuoso performance effects so they
Green Ear
Perform skill 10+ influence plants and plant creatures in addition to any other
creatures they would affect.
ELH 57 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Group Inspiration
Bardic music ability The number of allies you can affect with your inspiration ability is
Perform skill 30+ increased by their base value. This means the number is doubled
the first time you take this feat and is additive thereafter. When
inspiring competence in multiple allies, you can choose a different
skill for each ally.
ELH 57 Epic Character You can use one of your song uses to prevent all creatures of your
Hindering Song
Bardic music ability choice within 30 feet of you from casting spells unless they make a
Deafening Song Concentration check as if casting defensively with a penalty of half
Perform skill 27+ your level. This lasts as long as you play. You can perform
mundane tasks, but not combat or magic during this time.
ELH 61 Epic Character You can use one of your song uses to grant a +4 competence bonus
Inspire Excellence
Bardic music ability to one ability (same ability for all allies) to the same number of
Perform skill 30+ allies that your inspiration ability can affect. They must listen to the
bard for one round. The effect lasts until 5 rounds after you finish
singing. This is a supernatural, mind-affecting ability. This is
considered a bardic music inspiration ability.
ELH 61 Epic Character The duration of your bardic music inspiration abilities lasts for 10
Lasting Inspiration
Bardic music ability times as long after you stop singing. Note that some inspiration
Perform skill 25+ abilities last zero rounds after you stop.
S&S 40 Bardic music ability Your music effects that inspire competence, courage, or greatness
Lingering Song
last twice as long as they otherwise would.
ELH 63 Epic Character Your bardic music abilities can affect creatures normally immune to
Music of the Gods
Bardic music ability mind-affecting effects. They receive a +10 bonus on their Will save
CHA 25+ to resist such effects.
Perform skill 30+
S&S 40 Bardic knowledge ability +3 on Bardic Knowledge checks.
Obscure Lore
ELH 65 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Ranged Inspiration
Bardic music ability The range of your inspiration abilities is increased by its base value.
Perform skill 25+ This means the ranged is doubled the first time you take this feat
and is additive thereafter.
ELH 66 Epic Character Your bardic music abilities may be started using a standard action
Rapid Inspiration
Bardic music ability instead of a full round action.
Perform skill 25+
ELH 66 Epic Character You can begin a countersong at any time, even when it is not your
Reactive Countersong
Bardic music ability turn and even if you did not ready it as an action. Note that you
Combat Reflexes cannot use other bardic music abilities while countersinging.
Perform skill 30+
S&S 40 Bardic music ability You can alter your music or virtuoso performance effects so they
Perform skill 12+ influence undead in addition to any other creatures they would
S&S 40 Bardic music ability You can perform your Bardic music so that it is not heard but still
Perform skill 10+ have its full effect.

Fame and Reputation Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR294 Intimidate skill 1+ Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Bully (p62)
When calculating your base reputation, you may choose to add your
Intimidate skill ranks three times instead of adding your Bluff and
Diplomacy skill ranks.
DR294 Perform(Wit) skill 1+ Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Cunning Wit (p62)
+4 on Perform(Wit) when used to damage a person’s reputation.
DR294 Diplomacy skill 1+ Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Diplomat (p62)
When calculating your base reputation, you may choose to add your
Diplomacy skill ranks three times instead of adding your Bluff and
Intimidate skill ranks.
DR294 This feat may be taken multiple times.
Enhanced Reputation (p62)
Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
+10 base reputation.
DR294 Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Face in the Crowd (p62)
You can ignore your negative CHA modifier when calculating your
base reputation and when determining damage from your insults.
DR294 Cunning Wit Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Rapier Wit (p62)
Perform(Wit) skill 1+ When damaging an opponent’s reputation, you deal 1d10 + CHA
modifier (instead of 1d6 + CHA modifier).
DR294 Cunning Wit Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Scathing Wit {2} (p62)
Rapier Wit If you successfully damage a person’s reputation in their presence,
Perform(Wit) skill 1+ they make a Fortitude save DC 10 + your Perform(Wit) skill
modifier. If they fail the save, they break out in hives or boils that
result in subdual damage equal to the amount of reputation damage
DR294 Cunning Wit Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Shatter Confidence (p62)
Perform(Wit) skill 1+ By conversing with someone, you can make a Perform(Wit) check
of DC of 10 + that person’s CHA score. If successful, choose one
of their skills. The next time they use that skill, it is at -5 due to a
morale penalty.
DR294 Bluff skill 1+ Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Sly (p62)
When calculating your base reputation, you may choose to add your
Bluff skill ranks three times instead of adding your Diplomacy and
Intimidate skill ranks.
DR294 Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Sterling Reputation (p62)
You recover your full reputation in 3 weeks (instead of one month).
When determining reputation for a .heroic deed, you gain 1d10 +
your CHA modifier (instead of 1d6 + your CHA modifier).
DR294 Cunning Wit Uses reputation system in DR294 p59.
Thorny Reputation (p62)
Perform(Wit) skill 1+ When someone tries to damage your reputation and fails to beat the
DC by 5 or more, their own reputation takes 1d4 + your CHA
modifier damage.

Gaining Hit Points
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MoW +11 Base Fortitude Save You can take this feat multiple times.
Dragon’s Toughness 22
Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
+12 hit points.
MoW +5 Base Fortitude Save 5+ You can take this feat multiple times.
Dwarf’s Toughness 22
Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
+6 hit points.
ELH 55 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Epic Toughness
+20 hit points.
MoW +8 Base Fortitude Save You can take this feat multiple times.
Giant’s Toughness 23
Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
+9 hit points.
FR 37 You may only take this feat at first level.
Mind Over Body
Forgotten Realms regions: Calimshan, Thay, moon elf, and sun elf.
You may use your INT modifier instead of your CON modifier at
first level to determine bonus hit points. You gain 1 hit point every
time you learn a Metamagic feat.
PHB 85 You can take this feat multiple times.
Toughness {1} CoC 42
SW 97 +3 hit points.
SW2 Note: In settings that use vitality and wound points, this feat
116 grants Wound points instead.
WOT 95
(ph 43)

Initiative Modifiers
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
FR 33 Forgotten Realms regions: Dalelands, Nelanther Isles, Sembia,
Blooded WOT 42
Silverymoon, Tethyr, Vaasa.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Aiel, Borderlander.
+2 on Spot. +2 on initiative checks.
PHB 83 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Initiative CoC 40
SW 95 +4 initiative.
WOT 93
SPY 69
ELH 67 Epic Character +8 initiative (instead of the +4 from Improved Initiative).
Superior Initiative
Improved Initiative
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Calimshan, Dragon Coast, Moonsea,
Thug DR-A5
p107 Nelanther Isles, Unther, the Vast, Vilhon Reach, and Waterdeep.
+2 on Intimidate. +2 on initiative checks.

Operating at Negative Hit Points

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
S&F 9 Endurance When your hit points are between 0 and –9, you may take one
Remain Conscious OA 65
MoW Iron Will partial action each round.
25 Toughness {1}
+2 Base Attack

Rage Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 51 Epic Character Any weapon you wield while in a rage is considered a Chaotic
Chaotic Rage
Rage 5/day weapon. This means it deals +2d6 against lawful creatures.
Chaotic alignment
MoW Ability to Rage While raging, you get +8 on STR checks made to break open doors
Destructive Rage 22
or to break inanimate, immobile objects.
MoW Ability to Rage This feat may be taken multiple times.
Extended Rage 22
Your rages last an additional 5 rounds.
MoW Ability to Rage This feat may be taken multiple times.
Extra Rage 22
You can rage two more times per day.
ELH 60 Epic Character You may have any and all allies within 60.feet of you (that want to)
Incite Rage
CHA 25+ enter a rage with you. Their duration is 3+their CON modifier
Greater Rage ability rounds. This is a mind-affecting effect.
MoW Ability to Rage You can rage at any time, even when it is not your turn or when you
Instantaneous Rage 23
are surprised.
MoW Ability to Rage When you rage, you may designate a single foe within 30 feet. That
Intimidating Rage 24
foe makes a Will save DC 10 + half your level + your CHA
modifier or they become shaken (-2 morale penalty on attacks,
saves, and checks) for as long as you rage and they can see you.
This does not work on creature immune to fear or that cannot see
ELH 63 Epic Character When you rage, you get +8 on STR and CON (instead of +4) and a
Mighty Rage
STR 21 +4 morale bonus on Will saves (instead of +2).
CON 21
Greater Rage ability
ELH 66 Epic Character When in a rage, you ignore the hardness of any object you strike.
Ruinous Rage
STR 25+ Also double your STR bonus for the purpose of any STR check
Rage 5/day made to break an object with sudden force instead of with damage.
Power Attack
ELH 68 Epic Character Any enemy that views you while raging makes a Will save opposed
Terrifying Rage
Rage 5/day by your Intimidate check. If they fail and have fewer hit dice than
Intimidate skill 25+ you, they become panicked for 4d6 rounds. If they fail and have at
least as many hit dice as you, they become shaken for 4d6 rounds.
ELH 68 Epic Character Any weapon you wield while in a rage is considered a Thundering
Thundering Rage
STR 25+ weapon. The DC to avoid deafness is 10+half your level. If the
Rage 5/day\ weapon already had Thundering, use the higher of the two DC

Saving Throw Feats (1 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
FR 34 You may only take this feat at first level.
Bloodline of Fire
Forgotten Realms regions: Calimshan.
You receive a +4 bonus on saving throws versus fire effects. You
also add +2 to the DC of saving throws of any fire spells you cast.
This benefit stacks with Spell Focus {1}.
BVD 47 Evil Alignment +2 profane bonus to spell resistance.
Boost Spell Resistance
Spell resistance
FR 34 Forgotten Realms regions: Damara, Dragon Coast, the Great Dale,
Bullheaded WOT 42
Moonshaes, Narfell, Nelanther Isles, Rashemen, Vaasa, Western
Heartlands, gold dwarf, gray dwarf, and shield dwarf.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Aiel, Midlander.
+1 on Will saves. +2 on Intimidate skill checks.
ELH 53 Epic Character Once per round, when targeted by an effect that requires a Fortitude
Dexterous Fortitude
DEX 25+ save, you may make a Reflex save instead.
Slippery Mind ability
ELH 53 Epic Character Once per round, when targeted by an effect that requires a Will
Dexterous Will
DEX 25+ save, you may make a Reflex save instead.
Slippery Mind ability
FR 34 Forgotten Realms regions: Aglarond, Anauroch, Cormyr, Impiltur,
Disciplined WOT 42
Thay, strongheart halfling, sun elf, and rock gnome.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Aiel, Atha'an Miere.
+1 on Will saves. +2 on Concentration skill checks.
ELH 54 Epic Character +4 on Fortitude saves.
Epic Fortitude
ELH 54 Epic Character +4 on Reflex saves.
Epic Reflexes
ELH 54 Epic Character +4 on Will saves.
Epic Will
PHB 82 +2 on Fortitude saves.
Great Fortitude CoC 40
SW 95
WOT 93
SPY 69
ELH 57 Epic Character Your aura of courage grants a +8 morale bonus on saves against
Improved Aura of
CHA 25+ fear.
Courage Aura of Courage ability
ELH 57 Epic Character Your aura of despair grants a -4 morale penalty on all saves.
Improved Aura of Despair
CHA 25+
Aura of Despair ability
ELH 60 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times
Improved Spell
Spell Resistance 1+ +2 on Spell Resistance.
PHB 83 +2 on Will saves.
Iron Will CoC 40
SW 95
WOT 93
SPY 69
PHB 83 +2 on Reflex saves.
Lightning Reflexes {1} CoC 40
SW 95
WOT 93
SPY 69
FR 36 Forgotten Realms regions: Aglarond, Dalelands, Tethyr, and the
Luck of Heroes OA 64
WOT 43 Vast.
DR-A5 Rokugan Ancestor Feat (starting character only)
p107 Wheel of Time backgrounds: Midlander.
+1 on Fortitude, +1 on Will, and +1 on Reflex saves.
ELH 63 Epic Character You are immune to all nonmagical diseases and to poisons with a
Perfect Health
CON 25 Fortitude save DC of 25 or less.
Great Fortitude
BVD 49 This feat may be taken multiple times, each for a different poison.
Poison Immunity {3}
Choose one poison to become completely immune to. +1 on saves
versus all other poisons (does not stack with itself).
ELH Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Resist Death 111
Level 21+ or HD 21+ Normally, when taking massive damage (50 HP or more from a
single attack for medium size) you make a Fortitude save DC 15 or
die. Each time you take this feat, add your base amount again (for
example 50 becomes 100 then 150).

Saving Throw Feats (2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MoW You get +4 on Fortitude saves against diseases.
Resist Disease 25
KPG 90
MoW Forgotten Realms regions: Gray dwarf, half-orc, and orc.
Resist Poison {1} 25
FR 37 In Rokugan, you may only take this feat at first level.
OA 65 Rokugan Ancestor Feat
You get +4 on Fortitude saves versus poison.
FR 38 You may only take this feat at first level.
Snake Blood
Regions: Chult, Tashalar, and the Vilhon Reach (Hlondeth only).
You get +2 on Fortitude saves versus poison and +1 on Reflex
DR284 CON 13+ You automatically make your save when subjected to massive
Stoic Composure p123
Endurance damage. In addition, if you are brought to negative hit points, you
Toughness {1} have a 50% chance to stabilize at the end of each round. This feat
does not prevent you from being killed by being reduced to -10 hit
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Dalelands, Moonshaes, deep gnome,
Strong Soul WOT 43
ghostwise halfling, lightfoot halfling, moon elf, rock gnome,
strongheart halfling, sun elf, wild elf, and wood elf.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Borderlander, Midlander.
+1 on Fortitude and +1 on Will saves. You also gain an additional
+1 on saves versus energy draining and death effects.
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Anauroch, Chondalwood, Chult,
Survivor WOT 43
Damara, Hordelands, Moonshaes, Narfell, the North, the Shaar,
Rashemen, Silverymoon, Vaasa, Vilhon Reach, Western Heartlands,
deep gnome, drow elf, lightfoot halfling, ghostwise halfling, shield
dwarf, and wild elf.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Aiel.
+1 on Fortitude saves. +2 on Wilderness Lore skill checks.
ELH 69 Epic Character Your aura of courage affects all allies within 100 feet.
Widen Aura of Courage
CHA 25+
Aura of Courage ability
ELH 69 Epic Character Your aura of despair affects all allies within 100 feet.
Widen Aura of Despair
CHA 25+
Aura of Despair ability

Skill Feats (Part 1 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
S&S 38 +2 on Jump. +2 on Tumble.
Acrobatic {1} SW 92
CoC 39
(ph 40)
(ph 29)
PHB 80 +2 on Listen. +2 on Spot.
Alertness {1} CoC 39
SW 92
WOT 89
S&S 38 Persuasive {1} +2 on Diplomacy. +2 on save DCs against your mind-affecting,
Trustworthy language-dependent spells.
FR 33 Forgotten Realms regions: Chessenta, Evermeet, Waterdeep, and
Artist {1} OA 61
WOT 42 rock gnomes.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Taraboner,Ogier.
Rokugan Ancestor Feat (starting character only)
+2 on Perform. +2 on a single Craft skill that involves art.
S&S 38 +2 on Climb. +2 on Swim.
Athletic {1} CoC 39
SW 93
WOT 91
(ph 43)
(ph 29)
ELH 51 Epic Character You can make an alchemical substance more powerful by raising
Augmented Alchemy
INT 21+ the DC by 20 and multiplying the cost by 5. If it deals damage,
Alchemy skill 24+ double the damage; else double the duration; else double all the
dimensions of the area.
S&S 38 +2 on Bluff. +2 on Disguise.
FR 34 Forgotten Realms regions: Amn and Waterdeep.
Cosmopolitan WOT 42
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Cairienin, Domani, Ebou Dari,
Illianer, Tar Valoner.
+2 on one skill that is not a class skill for you. That skill becomes a
class skill.
FR 34 Forgotten Realms regions: Evermeet and Halruaa.
Courteous Magocracy
+2 on Diplomacy. +2 on Spellcraft.
FR 34 Forgotten Realms regions: Amn, Chessenta, Cormyr, Evermeet,
Education {1} WOT 42
Lantan, Mulhorand, Sembia, Silverymoon, Waterdeep, moon elf,
and sun elf. (Take this feat only at first level)
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Tar Valoner, Ogier.
All Knowledge skills are class skills for you. +1 on each of two
Knowledge skills of your choice.
ELH 54 Epic Character +4 on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and
Epic Reputation
ELH 54 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different skill.
Epic Skill Focus
20 ranks in the skill Choose a skill. +10 on the chosen skill.
FR 35 Forgotten Realms regions: Chondalwood, Dalelands, the Great
Dale, the High Forest, ghostwise, halfling, moon elf, wild elf, and
wood elf.
+2 on Heal. +2 on Wilderness Lore.
DR279 DEX 13+ You can take 10 on Jump and Tumble checks, even during combat.
Grasshopper Strike p63
Dodge This means you can jump as part of your move without making a
Mobility {1} roll.
Spring Attack
+4 Base Attack
Tumble skill 5+
Jump skill 5+
S&S 40 Character level 8+ You may use any skill untrained, even if it would normally be
Jack of All Trades {1} D&D 51
denied to you entirely. This does not grant the ability to gain ranks
in any skill you are normally denied.
ELH 61 Epic Character You can ignore any penalties for accelerated (normally –5 for full
Legendary Climber
DEX 21+ speed) or rapid climbing (normally –20 for double speed).
Balance skill 12+
Climb skill 24+

Skill Feats (Part 2 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 62 Epic Character Your height no longer restricts your jumping distance.
Legendary Leaper
Jump skill 24+
ELH 62 Epic Character You take no penalty for riding an unfamiliar mount or for riding
Legendary Rider
Ride skill 24+ without a saddle. You do not need to make Ride checks to control a
mount in combat, even if the mount is untrained.
ELH 62 Epic Character You can track creatures across water (DC 60), under water (DC 80),
Legendary Tracker
WIS 25+ and through the air (DC 120).
Wilderness Lore 30+
Knowledge(nature) 30+
FR 35 Forgotten Realms regions: Impiltur, Lake of Steam, Lantan, Semba,
Mercantile Background WOT 43
DR-A5 Tashalar, Tethyr, Thest, the Vast, deep gnome, and gray dwarf.
p107 Wheel of Time backgrounds: Atha'an Miere, Ebou Dari, Illianer,
Taraboner, Tairen.
+2 on all checks for a single Craft or Profession of your choice. +2
on Appraise.
DR285 WIS 13+ +2 on Sense Motive checks and Gather Information checks.
Nobody's Fool p33
S&S 40 +2 on Bluff. +2 on Intimidate.
Persuasive {1} CoC 41
SW 96
WOT 94
DU 090
(ph 43)
ELH 65 Epic Character You can speak all languages. If you can read/write, then you can
INT 25+ also read/write all languages (but not magical script).
Speak 5 languages
DR292 WIS 13+ Once per day, you may pick a creature you can see. For the
Predict Path (p114)
remainder of that day, you receive a +2 insight bonus to Sense
Motive against that creature. You also receive a +2 insight bonus to
Spot, Search, and Wilderness Lore checks to track or see the
FR 37 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Saddleback OA 65
WOT 43 Forgotten Realms regions: Cormyr, Hordelands, Narfell, the North,
and Western Heartlands.
Rokugan Ancestor Feat (starting character only)
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Borderlander, Tairen.
+3 on Ride.
ELH 66 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, with the percentage stacking
DEX 30+ to a maximum of 50%.
Hide skill 30+ Attacks against you have a 10% miss chance. You lose this benefit
Tumble skill 30+ if you lose your DEX bonus to AC.
Improved evasion ability
S&S 40 +2 on Hide and +2 on Spot while following someone.
Shadow {2} MoW
FR 37 Forgotten Realms regions: Amn, Dragon Coast, Great Dale,
Silver Palm WOT 43
Impiltur, Moonsea, Sembia, the Shaar, Thesk,Vilhon Reach, gold
dwarf, and gray dwarf.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Atha'an Miere, Cairhienin, Illianer.
+2 on Bluff. +2 on Appraise.
PHB 85 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different skill).
Skill Focus
+2 on any one skill.
FR 37 Forgotten Realms regions: Luiren, Silverymoon, Thesk, Waterdeep,
Smooth Talk OA 66
WOT 43 gold dwarf, lightfoot halfling.
Rokugan Ancestor Feat (starting character only)
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Atha'an Miere, Cairhienin, Tar
Valoner, Ogier.
+2 on Diplomacy. +2 on Sense Motive.
DR298 WIS 13+ +2 on Search, Spot, and Climb when in natural caverns and tunnels
Spelunker (p60)
Alertness {1} (but not worked stone or masonry areas).

Skill Feats (Part 3 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Drow elf, half-orc, ghostwise halfling,
Stealthy {1} CoC 42
WOT 43 lightfoot halfling, and strongheart halfling.
WOT 95 Wheel of Time backgrounds: Aiel, Borderlander.
SW 97 +2 on Hide. +2 on Move Silently.
T&T 39
(ph 45)
(ph 43)
(ph 30)
(ph 38)
DR-A01 +2 on Intimidate checks. You can use Intimidate as a move
Steely Gaze (p12)
DU090 equivalent action (instead of a full round action).
(ph 46)
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Amn, Calimshan, Chessnta, Moonsea,
Street Smart WOT 43
and Unther.
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Cairhienin, Domani, Ebou Dari,
+2 on Bluff. +2 on Gather Information.
ELH 68 Epic Character If you pass within 5 feet of a trap, you are entitled to a Search check
Trap Sense
Search skill 25+ as if you were actively looking for it.
Spot skill 25+
Find trap ability as a
FR 38 Forgotten Realms regions: Aglarond, Chondalwood, High Forest,
ghostwise halfling, wild elf, and wood elf.
+2 on Climb. You do not lose your DEX bonus on your AC and do
not give those attacking you a +2 while you are climbing.
S&S 40 +2 on Diplomacy. +2 on Gather Information.
Trustworthy CoC 42
SW 98
WOT 96
(ph 46)
(ph 43)
RO 55 This feat can be taken multiple times.
Select two cross-class skills. These are always in-class skills for
SST 83 Supposedly limited to the Taan race in Sovereign Stone.
+2 on Swim.
RO 57 INT 13+ Rokugan clans: Sparrow.
Way of the Sparrow
All knowledge skills are in class skills for you. +2 on all Perform
skill checks.

Social Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 54 Epic Character See ELH page 37.
Epic Leadership
CHA 25+
Leadership score 25+
PHB 83 Level (6+) See DMG page 45.
ELH 62 Epic Character Multiply the number of followers you can lead of each level by 10.
Legendary Commander
CHA 25+ This has no effect on cohorts.
Epic Leadership
Leadership score 25+
Diplomacy skill 30+
Rule a kingdom
Own a stronghold
S&S 40 Speak their Language Choose a humanoid race other than your own. Members of that
race react favorably to you. +4 on CHA checks to alter those of the
chosen race.
DR291 As a full round action, you can belittle and insult a single creature
Scathing Wit {1} (p31)
that can understand you and is within 30 feet. Make an opposed
Intimidate check. If you win, the target suffers -1 morale penalty to
attack, weapon damage, skill checks, ability checks, and saving
throws for your CHA bonus in rounds (minimum 1 round). You
can only do this to each person once per day.

Weapon Proficiency Feats

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PHB 85 All classes except druids, monks, rogues, and wizards get this feat
Simple Weapon WOT 95
for free.
You may use all simple weapons without the –4 penalty.
PHB 83 Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers get this feat for all
Martial Weapon WOT 93
martial weapons for free.
You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
You may use one specific martial weapon without the –4 penalty.
PHB 82 +1 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Exotic Weapon SW 93
SW2 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
108 You may use one specific exotic weapon without the –4 penalty.
WOT 92
(ph 43)
PHB 85 All classes except druids, monks, rogues, and wizards get this feat
Simple Weapon WOT 95
for free.
You may use all simple weapons without the –4 penalty.
PHB 83 Barbarians, fighters, paladins, and rangers get this feat for all
Martial Weapon WOT 93
martial weapons for free.
You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
You may use one specific martial weapon without the –4 penalty.
PHB 82 +1 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Exotic Weapon SW 93
SW2 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
108 You may use one specific exotic weapon without the –4 penalty.
WOT 92
(ph 43)
FR 35 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Horse Nomad
Forgotten Realms regions: Hordelands, the Shaar, Vaasa (the Ride
You gain proficiency in composite short bow (a martial weapon)
and get +2 on Ride checks.
DR295 You suffer only a -2 (instead of -4) penalty for using objects as
Improvised Weapon {1} (p73)
FR 36 Forgotten Realms regions: Dalelands, Impiltur, Luiren, strongheart
Militia WOT 43
Wheel of Time backgrounds: Cairhienin, Domani, Illianer,
Midlander, Tar Valoner, Tairen.
You gain proficiency in long bow and long spear (both are martial
weapons). Small characters may choose short bow and short spear

Combat Feats
General Combat Feats (Part 1 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR297 Epic Character When in melee combat, you may add your CHA bonus as an insight
Battle Dance (p28)
DEX 21+ bonus to your AC, attack rolls, and Reflex saves.
CHA 21+
Perform skill 30+
PHB 80 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Blind-Fight {1} CoC 39
SW 93 You still get your DEX bonus in melee against an invisible
SW2 opponent. You suffer only half the movement penalty for poor
106 visibility or darkness. If you miss a melee attack due to
WOT 91
concealment, you may re-roll the concealment percentage once.
S&F 5 WIS 19+ You can use your other senses to accurately “see” invisible
Blindsight, 5-foot radius D&D 49
Blind-Fight {1} creatures or in darkness within a 5-foot radius. Does not work on
{1} +4 Base Attack non-corporeal beings.
S&S 38 INT 13+ You may take a standard action to study an opponent. Your next
Chink in the Armor
Expertise single attack on that opponent ignores half of the bonus due to their
armor. Note: This does not affect the bonus due to a shield, natural
armor, any enhancement bonuses on the armor, or any non-armor
bonuses to AC.
PHB 80 STR 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Cleave CoC 40
SW 93 Power Attack If your attack deals enough damage to drop a creature, you
SW2 immediately get another attack using the same weapon and attack
106 bonus on another creature within range. Usable once per round.
WOT 91
SPY 72
PHB 80 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Combat Reflexes SW2
107 You may make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed. You may
WOT 91 make up to your DEX bonus in attacks of opportunity per round
(instead of the normal limit of 1), but only one such attack per
creature each round.
S&F 6 Improved Initiative You can perform a coup de grace against an opponent as a standard
Death Blow
+2 Base Attack action instead of a full round action.
OA 62 INT 13+ If an opponent attacks you and misses while you are using a total
Defensive Strike
DEX 13+ defense, you get +4 to attack that opponent on your next turn.
ELH 53 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon
Devastating Critical
STR 25+ type.
Weapon Focus Choose a weapon type. When you score a critical hit with this
Power Attack weapon, the target dies instantly unless it makes a Fortitude save
Cleave DC 10+your STR bonus+half your level. Creatures immune to
Great Cleave criticals are also immune to this effect.
Improved Critical
Overwhelming Critical
ELH 53 Epic Character If you charge an opponent in the first round of combat you act in,
Dire Charge
Improved Initiative you can make a full attack against the opponent you charge.
S&F 6 +2 Base Attack When making a full attack, if you hit with a melee attack, you do
Dirty Fighting
+1d4 damage.
S&F 6 Combat Reflexes When you and an ally flank an opponent, you both get +4 to hit
Dual Strike
+3 Base Attack instead of +2 because you know how to combine your attacks.
ELH 54 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Epic Prowess
+1 on all attacks.
ELH 55 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon
Epic Weapon Focus
Weapon Focus type.
Choose a weapon type. Add +2 to attack rolls with this weapon
ELH 55 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon
Epic Weapon
Weapon Focus type.
Specialization Epic Weapon Focus Choose a weapon type. Add +4 to damage rolls with this weapon
Weapon Specialization type. If it is a ranged weapon, the extra damage only applies within
30 feet.
S&F 6 DEX 13+ When an opponent you are in melee range of is denied their DEX
Expert Tactician S&S 38
KPG 85 Combat Reflexes bonus to AC, you get an extra attack action either before or after
+2 Base Attack your normal action. This can be used to perform any attack action,
such as a trip, disarm, or grapple. You can only get one extra
partial action each round.
Note: The S&S version replaces the S&F version.

General Combat Feats (Part 2 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
S&S 39 DEX 17+ If you draw a light weapon and make a melee attack with it in the
Flick of the Wrist
Quick Draw {1} same round, you catch the opponent flat-footed for this one attack.
This only works once per combat.
FR 34 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Foe Hunter
You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different foe).
Forgotten Realms regions: Chult, Cormyr, Dmara, the Lake of
Steam, the North, the Moonsea, Tashalar, Tethyr, Vaasa, shield
dwarf, and wood elf.
You gain a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls with melee
attacks and with ranged attacks of up to 30 feet against your chosen
foe. You also act as if you had the Improved Critical feat. The foe
is typically chosen based on your homeland to be a specific monster
PHB 82 STR 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Great Cleave SW 95
SW2 Power Attack The Spycraft setting only requires +3 Base Attack.
110 Cleave Like Cleave, but usable as many times as you want per round.
WOT 92 +4 Base Attack
SPY 73
OA 63 CHA 13+ When you make a Ki Shout, your opponents make a Will save DC
Great Ki Shout
Ki Shout 10 + half your character level + your CHA modifier. If they fail,
+9 Base Attack they are panicked (instead of shaken) for 2d6 rounds.
PHB 82 STR 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Bull Rush WOT 93
Power Attack When you do a bull rush action, your opponent does not get an
attack of opportunity on you.
ELH 57 Epic Character There is no limit to the number of attacks of opportunity you can
Improved Combat
DEX 21+ make in one round. You are still limited to one attack of
Reflexes Combat Reflexes opportunity per round against each opponent.
PHB 82 +8 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Critical {1} CoC 40
WOT 93 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
Spellcasters may use this feat with Ray, Energy Missile, or Touch
spell choices.
Doubles the threat range for a single weapon you are proficient in.
For example, 20 becomes 19-20 and 19-20 becomes 17-20.
SW2 +8 Base Attack You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
Improved Critical {2} 110
Increases the threat range for a single weapon you are proficient in
by 1. For example, 20 becomes 19-20 and 19-20 becomes 18-20.
FAQ 73 Dirty Fighting You may perform a full attack action and only make one attack (at
Improved Dirty Fighting DR282
(p108) +6 Base Attack your best bonus). If you hit, you do additional damage of: +2d4 (if
your base attack is +5 to +9), +3d4 (if +10 to +14), +4d4 (if +15 to
+19), or +5d4 (if +20 or greater).
PHB 83 INT 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Disarm {1} WOT 93
SW2 Expertise When you do a disarm action, your opponent does not get an attack
111 of opportunity or a chance to disarm you.
{The SW2 version requires Combat Expertise which is identical to the
Expertise feat.}
DR285 DEX 13+ When using the Low Blow feat, the opponent does not get an attack
Improved Low Blow (p33)
Dodge of opportunity.
Mobility {1}
Low Blow
+4 Base Attack
S&F 7 STR 13+ When you attempt to overrun an opponent that is smaller than you,
Improved Overrun
INT 13+ they cannot avoid you. If you knock them down, you get an attack
Expertise of opportunity on them (with the normal +4 bonus against a prone
Improved Bull Rush target).
Improved Trip
Power Attack
DOF 20 STR 13+ Any shield bash you make with a small or large shield (not a
Improved Shield Bash
Power Attack buckler) also affects your opponent as if you performed a bull rush.
You do not actually move into your opponent's square or incur
attacks of opportunity. You cannot move your opponent more than
5 feet.
S&F 7 STR 13+ You do double damage when striking an opponent’s weapon.
Improved Sunder D&D 51
E&A 42 Sunder
+2 Base Attack

General Combat Feats (Part 3 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PHB 83 INT 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Trip WOT 93
SW2 Expertise Monks get this feat for free at 6th level.
111 When you successfully do a trip action, you may then attack that
opponent as if you didn’t use your action for the trip.
{The SW2 version requires the Combat Expertise feat, which is identical to
the Expertise feat.}
ELH 60 Epic Character As a full round action, you may make one attack at your full base
Improved Whirlwind
INT 13+ attack bonus against every opponent that you threaten.
Attack DEX 23+
Spring Attack
Whirlwind Attack
OA 63 DEX 13+ You may specify on your turn that you are taking a -4 AC during
Karmic Strike
Dodge the coming round. When an opponent hits you in melee during this
time, you may make an attack of opportunity on them. You and
your opponent deal damage simultaneously.
DR301 Alertness An opponent that is standing up from being prone provokes an
Kick Them While They’re (p36)
+3 Base Attack attack of opportunity by you.
OA 64 CHA 13+ You may make a Ki Shout that causes your opponents within 30
Ki Shout
+1 Base Attack feet that can hear you to make a Will save DC 10 + half your
character level + your CHA modifier. If they fail, they are shaken
for 1d6 rounds.
S&F 7 STR 15+ Whenever you do 10 or more damage to an opponent in melee, you
Knock-Down D&D 51
Improved Trip may make a trip action against that opponent as a free action.
+2 Base Attack
S&F 7 Monk(7+) When an opponent is within your maximum jump range, you may
Mantis Leap
Jump skill (5+) make a Jump check. If successful, you make a charge attack on the
opponent in which your STR bonus to damage is doubled.
S&F 7 STR 13+ You can use a melee weapon one size larger than you as a one-
Monkey Grip
Weapon Focus handed weapon instead of taking a –2 penalty to hit or using it as a
+3 Base Attack two-handed weapon.
ELH 63 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon
Overwhelming Critical
STR 23+ type.
Weapon Focus Choose a weapon type. When you make a critical hit with this
Power Attack weapon, it deals +1d6 damage (if it is X2), +2d6 damage (if it is
Cleave X3), or +3d6 damage (if it is X4). This feat does not work on
Great Cleave creatures immune to critical hits.
Improved Critical
DR279 INT 13+ When attempting to trip an opponent two or more sizes larger than
Pebble Underfoot p63
Expertise you, you get a +4 on your attempt and if you fail, he does not get to
Improved Trip trip you.
ELH 63 Epic Character Creatures you attack act as if they have a required enhancement
Penetrate Damage
bonus to hit that was 2 less. For example, a creature with damage
Reduction reduction 35/+3 could be hit by you with a +1 weapon.
PHB 84 STR 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Power Attack CoC 41
SW 96 Before you make any attacks during your action, you may take –X
SW2 to hit and get +X to your damage until your next action. X can be
114 up to your base attack bonus.
WOT 94
SPY 74
MoW Improved Critical {1} This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon
Power Critical 24
D&D 51 +12 Base Attack that you have Improved Critical for already. You may use this feat
once per weapon per day.
Once per day, you may declare an attack roll with this weapon to
automatically be a threat before you roll it. If you hit, roll again to
see if it’s a critical hit.
S&F 8 STR 13+ When you successfully charge an opponent, you deal twice your
Power Lunge E&A 50
Power Attack normal STR bonus in the damage, but your opponent gets an attack
+3 Base Attack of opportunity on you.
S&F 8 DEX 15+ You may attack while prone with no penalty. If your attack is
Prone Attack OA 65
Lightning Reflexes {1} successful, you may regain your feet as a free action.
+2 Base Attack
PHB 84 +1 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Quick Draw {1} CoC 41
SW 96 You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move-
SW2 equivalent action.
WOT 94

General Combat Feats (Part 4 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
E&A 41 STR 13+ At the beginning of your action, you may take -4 AC until your next
Reckless Offensive
Power Attack action to gain +2 competence bonus on melee attacks until your
+2 Base Attack next action..
DOF 20 STR 13+ When you attack with your shield as part of a charge action, you do
Shield Charge
Power Attack double damage.
Improved Shield Bash
S&S 40 INT 13+ When you succeed at disarming an opponent and you have a free
Snatch Weapon DR301
(p36) Expertise hand, you may catch the weapon instead of letting it fall to the
Improved Disarm {1} ground. If you do so and you can wield the weapon, you may make
a single attack with it immediately (any off hand second attack
penalties apply).
(The Dragon Magazine version does not grant the free attack.)
ELH 67 Epic Character Any spellcaster you threaten in melee takes a penalty on their
Spellcasting Harrier
Combat Reflexes Concentration checks made to cast defensively equal to half your
PHB 85 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Spring Attack CoC 42
SW 96 Dodge When doing a melee attack, you may move, attack, and then
SW2 Mobility {1} continue the movement (up to double movement). This does not
115 +4 Base Attack provoke an attack of opportunity. You cannot use this feat in heavy
WOT 95
PHB 85 STR 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Sunder SW2
116 Power Attack When you attack an opponent’s weapon, you do not provoke an
attack of opportunity.
PHB 85 STR 13+ When fighting a large (or bigger) creature and you score a critical
Sunder Natural Weapon
Power Attack hit, you may choose to give one of the creature's natural attacks a -2
Sunder penalty instead of dealing extra damage. This penalty lasts until the
creature is healed to full hit points.
DR285 Small Size You may occupy the same 5-foot square with another allied small
Swarmfighting p33
DEX 13+ sized creature that possesses this feat. When you attack a medium
+1 Base Attack (or larger) opponent with a melee attack, you get a +1 morale bonus
to hit for every ally in the same square as you. The maximum
bonus is equal to your DEX bonus.
DR295 WIS 13+ You may make a DEX check instead of a STR check when
Unbalancing Blow (p75)
Balance skill 5+ attempting a trip action.
BVD 50 CHA 15+ This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different weapon.
Vile Martial Strike
Weapon Focus Choose a weapon. When you deal damage from attacks with the
chosen weapon, you deal 1 additional point of vile damage.
DR285 STR 13+ When damaging an object, you ignore the first 5 points of hardness.
Wall Breaker (p98)
Power Attack Note that this is not extra damage, so it is only useful on objects
with hardness.
PHB 86 +1 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Weapon Finesse CoC 42
SW 98 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
SW2 A spellcaster may choose Touch Spells as a weapon type.
117 You may use your DEX bonus instead of your STR bonus on your
WOT 95
SPY 74 attack roll with one weapon. Only applies to light weapons.
(ph 46)
PHB 86 +1 Base Attack Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Weapon Focus CoC 43
SW 98 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
SW2 A spellcaster may choose Ray, Energy Missile, or Touch Spell as a
117 weapon type.
WOT 95
SPY 71 +1 on attack roll with one weapon.
PHB 86 Fighter(4+) Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Weapon Specialization WOT 95
Weapon Focus You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
+2 damage with the weapon.
PHB 86 INT 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Whirlwind Attack {1} SW 98
SW2 DEX 13+ When taking a full attack action, you can attack all opponents
117 Expertise within 5 feet at your full attack bonus.
WOT 95 Dodge
156 Mobility {1}
Spring Attack
+4 Base Attack

Defensive Combat Feats (Part 1 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR301 DEX 13+ You may parry while wearing heavy armor.
Armored Fencer (Heavy) (p36)
INT 13+
Parry {3}
Armored Fencer (Medium)
Armor Proficiency
DR301 DEX 13+ You may parry while wearing medium armor.
Armored Fencer (p36)
INT 13+
(Medium) Expertise
Parry {3}
Armor Proficiency
ELH 50 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Armor Skin
You gain a +2 natural armor bonus to AC due to your skin being
tough. This does not stack with natural armor bonuses from magic
items and nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with
DR292 DEX 13+ When a critical hit is scored on you, you may make a Tumble skill
Avoid Critical Hit (p114)
Dodge check. If your check is higher than the roll made to confirm the
Skill Focus(Tumble) critical hit, then the hit is treated as a normal hit.
+8 Base Attack
Tumble skill 1+
ELH 51 Epic Character Your defensive stance bonus is now +4 STR, +6 CON, +4
Bulwark of Defense
CON 25+ resistance bonus to all saves, and +6 dodge bonus to AC.
Defensive stance 3/day
DR301 DEX 13+ You may choose to receive a +1 AC bonus against all opponents
Circle Master (p33)
Dodge you threaten and a +1 competence bonus to attack them. If you do
Circle Student so, you receive -2 AC against opponents you do not threaten. This
Concentration skill 2+ does not stack with Circle Student.
+3 Base Attack
DR301 DEX 13+ You may choose to receive an additional +1 AC against your
Circle Student (p33)
Dodge Dodge opponent and a +1 competence bonus to attack that
Concentration skill 1+ opponent. If you do so, you are -2 AC to all other opponents.
S&F 5 +3 Base Attack When an opponent attempts to grapple you, any damage done by
Close Quarters Fighting
your attack of opportunity on them is added to your check to avoid
{1} being grappled.
DR284 DEX 13+ You gain a +4 bonus on your Reflex save against an attack, spell, or
Combat Agility p123
Dodge ability made by an opponent within 5 feet of you. You also gain a
Lightning Reflexes {1} +4 dodge bonus on your AC against ranged attack and ranged touch
attack by an opponent within 5 feet of you. You must be able to see
the opponent to use this feat.
DR301 STR 13+ When you succeed with a parry, you may attempt to sunder your
Crushing Defense (p37)
DEX 13+ opponent’s weapon if your weapon is no more than 1 size smaller
INT 13+ than your opponent’s weapon. You deal damage to your
Expertise opponent’s weapon. If it is destroyed, your opponent does not get a
Parry {3} disarm attempt on you.
Power Attack
+4 Base Attack
ELH 52 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Damage Reduction
CON 21+ You gain a +3/- damage reduction. This does not stack with
damage reduction granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical
effects, but it does stack with itself and with class features.
WAR DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Distract {2} 44
Dodge +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity caused by
non-movement actions, such as casting a spell or firing a ranged
PHB 81 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Dodge CoC 40
SW 93 During your action, you can specify an opponent that you will get
SW2 +1 AC (dodge bonus) against until your next action.
WOT 92
ELH 53 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, with the same or different
Energy Resistance
energy types.
Choose an energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). You
gain resistance +10 to that type of energy. This does not stack with
magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with

Defensive Combat Feats (Part 2 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 54 Epic Character Once per round, when hit by the opponent that you chose for your
Epic Dodge
DEX 25+ Dodge ability, you may ignore all damage from that attack.
Tumble skill 30+
Improved evasion ability
Defensive roll ability
PHB 82 INT 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Expertise CoC 40
SW 94 When you attack (or full attack), you may take –X to hit and get +X
SPY 69 to your AC until your next action. X can be up to the lower of 5 or
your base attack bonus.
DR301 DEX 13+ You can parry the same opponent more than once per round.
Expert Parry (p37)
INT 13+
Parry {3}
Combat Reflexes
Improved Parry
S&F 6 WIS 19+ When you have your DEX bonus to AC, opponents do not get a
Eyes in the Back of Your D&D 50
+3 Base Attack bonus against you when you are flanked.
DR301 DEX 13+ When you make a parry attempt, your opponent does not receive
Guarded Defense (p37)
INT 13+ the free disarm attempt.
Parry {3}
Improved Disarm
+4 Base Attack\
S&F 7 Combat Reflexes When an opponent charges you, you get an attack of opportunity on
Hold the Line D&D 51
+2 Base Attack them before their attack on you is resolved.
DR301 DEX 13+ You can parry more than once per round. Each parry attempt past
Improved Parry (p37)
INT 13+ the first uses an attack of opportunity granted by Combat Reflexes.
Expertise You cannot parry the same opponent more than once each round.
Parry {3}
Combat Reflexes\
DR301 DEX 13+ This feat may be taken multiple times, each time adding 1 size to the
Incredible Parry (p38)
INT 13+ limit.
Expertise You can parry an attack from a weapon up to 3 sizes larger than
Parry {3} your parry weapon.
+6 Base Attack\
ELH 63 Epic Character While in a defensive stance, you can take one 5-foot step each
Mobile Defense
DEX 15+ round without losing the benefits.
Spring Attack
Defensive stance 5/day
PHB 83 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Mobility {1} CoC 41
SW 96 Dodge +4 AC (dodge bonus) against attacks of opportunity on you. Only
SW2 applies when you would get your DEX bonus to AC.
WOT 94
DR301 DEX 13+ Once per round, if a melee attack would hit you, you may attempt
Parry {3} (p36)
INT 13+ to parry before damage is rolled. To do so, make an attack roll that
Expertise exceeds your opponent’s attack roll. If you do, no damage is dealt
to you. Regardless, your opponent gets a free disarm attempt on
your parrying weapon that does not provoke an attack of
opportunity and does not give you a chance to disarm if they fail.
You get +4 on your parry attack roll if the weapon you hold is light.
You cannot parry a weapon that is more than 2 sizes larger than
your parrying weapon. Natural weapons are considered 2 sizes
smaller than the creature. You cannot parry when unarmed, when
denied your DEX bonus to AC, or when wearing medium or heavy
LD 189 When using a large shield and a light weapon, you gain a +1 AC
Phalanx Fighting
bonus that stacks with the armor bonus. If you are within 5 feet of
an ally similarly equipped that also has this feat, you may form a
shield wall. This provides one quarter cover (+2 AC, +1 Reflex
DR301 DEX 13+ When a creature you threaten is attacked, you may use a parry
Protective Parry (p38)
INT 13+ attempt to parry an attack on that creature. You cannot protect the
Expertise same creature more than once (unless you have Expert Parry).
Parry {3}

Defensive Combat Feats (Part 3 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR301 INT 13+ When fighting with a weapon you have Weapon Focus with and
Single Blade Style (p36)
Expertise you have nothing in your off hand and you are wearing light or no
Weapon Focus armor, you receive a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
DR301 DEX 13+ You can parry when unarmed. Your hand counts as a weapon two
Steel Skin (p38)
INT 13+ sizes smaller than you are.
Parry {3}
Improved Unarmed Strike
+4 Base Attack
D&D 52 INT 13+ When you use the Expertise ability, any value up to your Base
Superior Expertise OA 66
Expertise Attack (not just 5) can be used.
+6 Base Attack

Favored Enemy Feats

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 51 Epic Character Any weapon you wield against a favored enemy is considered a
Bane of Enemies
5+ favored enemies Bane weapon for that creature type. This means it gets +2 to hit and
Wilderness Lore 24+ deals +2d6 damage.
ELH 51 Epic Character Any time you make a critical hit against your favored enemy, it dies
Death to Enemies
5+ favored enemies instantly unless it makes a Fortitude save DC 10+your WIS
Bane of Enemies bonus+half your level.
Wilderness Lore 30+
MoW Have a favored enemy You gain one additional favored enemy.
Extra Favored Enemy 22
+5 Base Attack
MoW Have a favored enemy This feat can be taken multiple times, each with a different enemy.
Favored Critical 23
+5 Base Attack Your critical threat range is doubled for one type of favored enemy.
Pick one that is normally subject to critical hits. This does not stack
with Improved Critical.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Favored
5+ favored enemies Add +1 to your bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and
Enemies Wilderness Lore check and to damage rolls against all your favored
MoW Have a favored enemy When your attack on a favored enemy would be a critical hit, except
Supernatural Blow 25
+7 Base Attack the enemy is immune to critical hits, you deal +1d6 damage per
damage die your weapon would do on a critical hit. Your favored
enemy bonus applies to creatures that are immune to critical hits.

Mounted Combat Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
S&F 78 Chariot Combat You suffer only -2 (instead of -4) for ranged attacks from a chariot
Chariot Archery
Handle Animal skill 1+ performing a double move, and -4 (instead of -8) for ranged attacks
when it is running.
S&F 79 Chariot Combat When on a chariot performing the charge action, you deal double
Chariot Charge
Chariot Sideswipe damage with your melee weapon (triple damage if it is a spear or
Handle Animal skill 1+ lance).
S&F 78 Handle Animal skill 1+ Once per round, you may oppose an attack roll made on one of your
Chariot Combat
steeds using your Handle Animal skill. If your roll is higher, then
you negate the hit.
S&F 79 Chariot Combat You may charge just to the side of an opponent in a straight line. If
Chariot Sideswipe
Handle Animal skill 1+ you do so, you may attack the opponent and any scythes on your
chariot may also attack without provoking any attacks of
S&F 78 Chariot Combat When you overrun an opponent using your chariot the opponent
Chariot Trample
Handle Animal skill 1+ cannot choose to avoid you. If you know the target down, your
steeds may each make one hoof attack against the target at +4
(because they target is prone). In addition, the wheels do 2d6
damage. Make a Handle Animal skill to keep the chariot under
control with DC 10 (if small person), DC 15 (if medium), DC 20 (if
DR285 Mounted Combat You no longer have a penalty for attacking from your mount while
Improved Mounted (p98)
Mounted Archery it is doing a double move. Your penalty when your mount is
Archery Ride skill (1+) running is -2 (instead of -4). You can move before and after your
attack as long as the total movement limit is not exceeded.
PHB 83 Mounted Combat Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Mounted Archery WOT 94
Ride skill (1+) You take half the penalty when firing from horseback (-2 instead of
–4 when mount is double-moving, and –4 instead of –8 when
PHB 83 Ride skill (1+) Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Mounted Combat WOT 94
Once per round, if your mount is hit in combat, you may make a
Ride check. If this check is greater than the attack roll, you negate
the hit.
PHB 84 Mounted Combat Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Ride-By-Attack WOT 94
Ride skill(1+) When doing a charge action on your mount, you may move, attack,
and then continue the movement (up to double movement). This
does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
PHB 85 Mounted Combat Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Spirited Charge WOT 95
Ride-By-Attack When attacking using a charge on a mount, you do double damage
Ride skill(1+) (triple with a lance).
PHB 86 Mounted Combat Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Trample WOT 95
Ride skill(1+) When overrunning an opponent while mounted, they may not avoid
you. If you knock them down, your mount may make one hoof
attack (including the +4 bonus on prone targets).

Ranged Combat Feats (Part 1 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 52 Epic Character Firing a bow when threatened does not incur an attack of
Combat Archery
DEX 13+ opportunity on you.
Point Blank Shot
DR274 DEX 13+ When you ready an action against an opponent with a missile
Deflect Ranged Attack P60
Point Blank Shot weapon, you may react to the opponent's attack by making your
Precise Shot own attack with AC 23 (thrown dagger), AC 25 (arrow), or AC 28
Ranged Disarm (crossbow). If you hit, their attack is deflected and their weapon
+5 Base Attack takes damage from yours. You can take this feat for one bow which
you are proficient.
ELH 53 Epic Character You can make ranged attacks within line of sight with no penalty
Distant Shot
DEX 25+ due to range.
Point Blank Shot
Far Shot
Spot skill 20+
PHB 82 Point Blank Shot Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Far Shot CoC 40
SW 94 Range increment of projectile weapons you use is multiplied by 1.5.
SW2 Range increment for thrown weapons is multiplied by 2.
WOT 92
SPY 75
(ph 36)
ELH 57 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Arrow of Death
DEX 19+ Add +2 to the DC of your arrow of death ability.
WIS 19+
Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Arrow of Death ability
ELH 59 Epic Character You can fire multiple arrows at one target within 30 feet using a
Improved Manyshot
DEX 19+ single attack roll at -2. The number is your base attack bonus
Point Blank Shot divided by 5, round fractions up. Sneak attack or favored enemy
Rapid Shot damage is applied once, not once per arrow. A critical hit doubles
Manyshot the damage of only one arrow of your choice.
+21 Base Attack
DR275 DEX 13+ When using the Rapid Shot {1} feat, you may ignore the -2 penalty
Improved Rapid Shot p41
Point Blank Shot on all your ranged attacks.
Rapid Shot {1}
+2 Base Attack
DR295 Improvised Weapon {1} You can attempt to trip an opponent at range by throwing a weapon
Improvised Trip Attack P73
+3 Base Attack or improvised weapon at them. Make a ranged touch attack. If you
hit, make an opponents STR check using the normal trip rules but
compare the weapon size (rather than your size) to the opponent’s
size for determining the penalty or bonus. For example, a small
weapon used on a medium size target yields -4 penalty.
Note: The Brawler’s improvised weapon ability can be used in
place of the feat to meet the requirement.
ELH 61 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different kind of
Instant Reload
Quick Draw crossbow.
Weapon Focus You can reload your crossbow and fire at the same rate you would
Rapid Reload fire a bow.
+2 Base Attack
Crossbow proficiency
DR297 Epic Character If you have already hidden 10 or more feet away from your target,
Legendary Sniper (p29)
DEX 21+ you may make one ranged attack and then hide again as a move
Hide skill 24+ equivalent action without suffering a penalty on your Hide check
Skill Focus(Hide) (normally -20). When you make a sneak attack with a ranged
weapon, you deal +1 damage per sneak attack die you have.
ELH 70 DEX 15+ You can fire multiple arrows at one target within 30 feet using a
Point Blank Shot single attack roll at -2. The number is 2 (if +6 to +10 base attack),
Rapid Shot 3 (if +11 to +15), 4 (if +16 or greater). Sneak attack or favored
+6 Base Attack enemy damage is applied once, not once per arrow. A critical hit
doubles the damage of only one arrow of your choice.

Ranged Combat Feats (Part 2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PHB 84 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Point Blank Shot CoC 41
SW 96 The Spycraf setting gives the bonus to one range increment instead
SW2 of always 30 feet.
114 +1 to hit and damage with ranged weapons at ranges up to 30 feet.
WOT 94
SPY 76 A spellcaster with this feat gets this bonus for rays and energy
DU093 missiles within this range.
(ph 36)
PHB 84 Point Blank Shot Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Precise Shot CoC 41
SW 96 You can use ranged weapons into melee without taking a –4
SW2 penalty. A spellcaster may use this feat to cast a ray or energy
114 missile spell similarly.
SPY 76
(ph 36)
DR274 DEX 13+ You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different weapon).
Ranged Disarm P60
Point Blank Shot You can perform a disarm action with a single type of bow that you
Precise Shot are proficient with.
+5 Base Attack
DR274 DEX 13+ If your opponent is within 5 feet of a tree, wall, or other surface you
Ranged Pin P60
Point Blank Shot can stick an arrow in, you may perform a ranged grapple attack.
Precise Shot Once stuck, the opponent may use a partial action to perform a STR
+5 Base Attack check (DC15) or Escape Artist check (DC 15).
DR274 DEX 13+ When attacking objects with a ranged weapon, you deal normal
Ranged Sunder P60
Point Blank Shot damage instead of 1/2 damage.
Precise Shot
Ranged Pin
+5 Base Attack
S&F 8 +2 Base Attack You can reload a hand or light crossbow as a free action. You can
Rapid Reload {1} ELH 70
DU092 Crossbow proficiency reload a heavy crossbow as a move-equivalent action. This can be
(p87) used once per round. It provokes an attack of opportunity.
PHB 84 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Rapid Shot {1} CoC 41
SW 96 Point Blank Shot When making a full attack with a ranged weapon, you may take one
SW2 extra attack (at your highest base attack bonus-2), but all your other
115 attacks are at –2.
WOT 94
S&F 9 Point Blank Shot When attacking an opponent from range that has cover, you get +2
Sharp Shooting D&D 52
SPY 77 Precise Shot to hit. This effectively negates some of the cover bonus.
+3 Base Attack
PHB 85 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Shot on the Run {1} CoC 41
SW 96 Point Blank Shot When attacking with a ranged weapon, you can move before and
SW2 Dodge after the attack (up to your base movement total).
115 Mobility {1}
WOT 95
(ph 38)
ELH 67 Epic Character As a full round action, you may throw a light weapon at your full
Storm of Throws
DEX 23+ base attack bonus at each opponent within 30 feet. The weapons
Quick Draw need not be of the same type.
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
ELH 67 Epic Character As a full round action, you may fire an arrow at your full base
Swarm of Arrows
DEX 23+ attack bonus at each opponent within 30 feet.
Weapon Focus
Point Blank Shot
Rapid Shot
S&F 9 DEX 15+ You can throw any weapon using a 10 foot range increment.
Throw Anything
+2 Base Attack
ELH 68 Epic Character When throwing or shooting at range, you ignore any AC bonus due
Uncanny Accuracy
DEX 21+ to cover (to a max of nine-tenths cover) and any miss chance due to
Point Blank Shot concealment (to a max of nine-tenths concealment). If the target
Rapid Shot has full cover or full concealment, this feat does not apply.
Spot skill 20+
S&F 9 WIS 13+ You can use your WIS bonus instead of your DEX bonus when
Zen Archery
+3 Base Attack making a ranged attack within 30 feet.

Smite Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DOF 20 Class Level(4+) You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Smiting
Smite ability When you take this feat, you gain one additional smiting attempt per
ELH 56 Epic Character You may take this feat multiple times.
Great Smiting
CHA 25+ When you succeed with a smite attack, you do your level in damage
Smite ability in addition to other smite damage. This is cumulative.
ELH 57 Epic Character Any weapon you wield is treated as a Holy weapon and it is
Holy Strike
Smite evil ability Blessesd. Being Holy means it deals +2d6 damage against evil
Good alignment creatures.
ELH 52 Epic Character Any weapon you wield is treated as an Unholy weapon. This means
Unholy Strike
Smite good ability it deals +2d6 damage against good creatures.
Evil alignment

Sneak Attack Feats

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
S&S 38 Sneak attack ability When you successfully make a sneak attack, you may forgo +1d6 of
Arterial Strike KPG 81
+4 Base Attack extra damage in order to deliver a wound that continues bleeding
for 1 damage each round until a Heal check or some magical
healing is used on that person. These wounds are cumulative, so
that two will cause 2 damage each round.
DR297 Epic Character You can do death attacks against plants, undead, and constructs.
Destructive Attack (p28)
STR 21+ This attack destroys the target if it fails its save. If it makes the
Sneak attack +5d6 save, it still suffers damage from the attack, including sneak attack
Death attack ability damage.
Power Attack
Improved Death Attack
S&S 39 Sneak attack ability If you hit with a sneak attack, you may forgo +2d6 of damage to
+4 Base Attack instead reduce your opponent's land speed to 1/2 of normal.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Death Attack
Sneak attack damage +5d6 Add +2 to the DC of your death attack.
Death attack ability
ELH 59 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Sneak Attack
Sneak attack damage +8d6 Add +1d6 to your sneak attack damage.
ELH 62 Epic Character Any time you deal damage to an opponent with a sneak attack, that
Lingering Damage DU092
(p87) Sneak attack ability +8d6 opponent takes your sneak attack damage again on your next turn.
Crippling strike ability
DR297 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Lingering Death (p29)
CHA 21+ If you make a death attack that deals extra sneak attack damage but
Sneak attack +5d6 fails to kill the target, the target makes the same save again during
Death attack ability the next round to avoid being slain. Each additional time you take
Improved Death Attack this feat means the save must be attempted one additional round.
ELH 66 Epic Character Any attack of opportunity you take is considered a sneak attack.
Sneak Attack of
Sneak attack damage +8d6
Opportunity Opportunist ability
DR297 Epic Character When you inflict sneak attack damage, you may choose to do –X
Staggering Strike (p29)
STR 21+ dice of sneak attack damage. If you do, the target makes a
Sneak attack +8d6 Fortitude save DC 10 + your STR bonus + X. If the target fails,
they may only take a partial action whenever they would act
normally for the next X rounds.

Two-Handed Combat Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PHB 80 DEX 15+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Ambidexterity CoC 39
SW 92 You are not left or right handed. You ignore the –4 penalty for off-
SW2 hand attacks in combat.
WOT 91
SPY 68
MoW Ambidexterity Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Greater Two-Weapon 23
Two-Weapon Fighting You get a third attack with your off-hand weapon, but this attack is
Fighting D&D 50
Improved Two-Weapon at -10.
ELH 69
DU093 Fighting (Note: DU093 lists the Base Attack requirement as +11, but this is a typo.)
(ph 36)
+15 Base Attack
PHB 83 Two-Weapon Fighting Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Improved Two-Weapon SW 95
Ambidexterity You get a second extra attack (at –5 base) with your off-hand
Fighting SW2
+9 Base Attack weapon.
WOT 93
SPY 69
S&F 7 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Off-Hand Parry MoW
24 Ambidexterity When making a full attack while fighting with two weapons, you
Two-Weapon Fighting may choose to take no attacks with your off hand and instead get a
+3 Base Attack +2 dodge bonus to your AC. You still suffer penalties for your
other hand as if you were fighting two handed. Only works if the
off hand has a buckler, bladed, or hafted weapon of a size smaller
than you.
Note: S&F required DEX 15+, but this has been overridden by
ELH 64 Epic Character You can make as many attacks with your off hand as you can with
Perfect Two-Weapon DU092
DEX 25+ your primary weapon, using the same base attack bonuses.
Fighting (p87)
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon
Greater Two-Weapon
S&F 8 Two-Weapon Fighting When attacking with two weapons and your opponent has a shield,
Pin Shield
+4 Base Attack you may attack with your off hand to strike their shield. If
successful, you get an attack of opportunity with your primary hand
against that opponent and they do not get their shield AC bonus
during this time.
FR 39 Two-Weapon Fighting Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Twin Sword Style
Forgotten Realms regions: Sembia, Waterdeep, and drow elf.
When fighting with two swords (dagger, longsword, rapier,
scimitar, or short sword in any combination), you can designate a
melee opponent and get +2 AC against that opponent. You can
change the choice on each action. The bonus is lost if you lose your
DEX bonus.
PHB 86 Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Two-Weapon Fighting CoC 42
SW 98 Reduces penalties for two-weapon fighting by –2 on each attack.
WOT 95
SPY 71
ELH 68 DEX 15+ If you hit an opponent with a weapon in both hands during the same
Two-Weapon Rend
Ambidexterity round, you may rend the opponent. This deals additional damage
Two-Weapon Fighting equal to the smaller weapon plus 1.5 times your STR modifier.
Improved Two-Weapon You can only rend once per round.
+9 Base Attack

Unarmed Combat Feats (Part 1 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
OA 61 Improve Unarmed Strike If you pin your opponent while grappling and maintain this for one
Choke Hold
Improved Grapple {1} full round, at the end of the round the opponent makes a Fortitude
Stunning Fist save DC 10 + half your level + your WIS modifier. If they fail,
they fall unconscious for 1d3 rounds.
S&F 5 DEX 15+ When making a full attack, if you hit an opponent with an unarmed
Circle Kick
Improved Unarmed Strike attack, you may attack a different opponent within range.
+3 Base Attack
MoW Improved Unarmed Strike When your opponent is larger than medium size, you gain a
Clever Wrestling 22
Small or Medium sized circumstance bonus to escape a grapple or pin. This bonus is:
large=+2, huge=+4, gargantuan=+6, colossal=+8.
OA 62 DEX 13+ If the opponent you chose to receive the AC bonus from Dodge
Defensive Throw
INT 13+ attacks you and misses, you get an attack of opportunity that can
Improved Unarmed Strike only be used to make an improved trip attack on that opponent.
Improved Trip
Combat Reflexes
PHB 81 DEX 13+ Monks get this for free at 2nd level.
Deflect Arrows
Improved Unarmed Strike Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Once per round, if you have a free hand and would be hit by a
ranged weapon, you may make a Reflex save against DC 20
(+magic bonus of weapon) in order to deflect the weapon.
S&F 6 DEX 15+ You can attack an opponent’s weapon or shield with an unarmed
Eagle Claw Attack OA 62
Improved Unarmed Strike attack. You can shatter objects this way.
+2 Base Attack
OA 62 STR 15+ If you pin your opponent while grappling, each round you maintain
Earth's Embrace
Improved Unarmed Strike the pin you deal critical (double normal) damage. You must stay
Improved Grapple {1} immobile, giving opponents +4 to hit you.
ELH 55 Epic Character You can deflect any ranged attack (including spells) as if they were
Exceptional Deflection
DEX 21+ arrows. For spells, add the level of the spell to the deflection DC.
WIS 19+
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
S&F 6 DEX 13+ You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Stunning Attacks
INT 13+ You can make 3 extra stun attacks per day.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
+8 Base Attack
OA 62 WIS 17+ You may make an unarmed attack to blind a humanoid opponent.
Falling Star Strike
Improved Unarmed Strike If you hit, the opponent makes a Fortitude save DC 10 + half your
Stunning Fist character level + your WIS modifier. If they fail, they are blinded
+4 Base Attack for your level in rounds.
S&F 6 Improved Unarmed Strike When unarmed, if you make a Bluff check against your opponent’s
Feign Weakness
+2 Base Attack Sense Motive, you can trick them into a false attack of opportunity
on you. You get to make an attack on them during which they are
considered to be “flat footed” (no DEX bonus to AC), but then they
still get the attack on you. You can try this with a concealed small
or tiny weapon (at –4 or –2 penalty on your Bluff).
S&F 6 Improved Unarmed Strike You can deal +1d4 damage from an unarmed strike. You can do
Fists of Iron OA 62
DR296 +2 Base Attack this only 3+(WIS bonus) times per day, and you have to announce
(p72) before attacking so that a miss uses up one of your uses.
OA 62 STR 13+ When using the charge action for an unarmed attack, you deal
Flying Kick
Power Attack double damage.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Jump skill 4+
OA 62 WIS 17+ You may make an unarmed attack to paralyze a humanoid
Freezing the Lifeblood
Improved Unarmed Strike opponent. If you hit, you deal no damage and the opponent makes
Stunning Fist a Fortitude save DC 10 + half your character level + your WIS
+5 Base Attack modifier. If they fail the save, they are paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds.
OA 63 DEX 13+ Once per round, when you would normally be hit in melee, you
Grappling Block
Improved Unarmed Strike may make an attack of opportunity that may only be used for a
Deflect Arrows disarm attempt. You make an attack roll (unarmed or sai, or jitte)
Expertise opposed against the opponent's attack roll (modified by the size of
Improved Disarm {1} their weapon compared to your size with a maximum upward of
Combat Reflexes two size differences). If you succeed, you either knock their
weapon to the ground or have it in your hands. This may only be
attempted if you have both hands free or have a sai or jitte in hand.

Unarmed Combat Feats (Part 2 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
FAQ 65 DEX 13+ When you perform an unarmed trip action against an opponent of
Great Throw
Improved Unarmed Strike your size or smaller, you do your unarmed strike damage to them
Dodge and you get to place them in any square you threaten. When you
Improved Trip use this feat, you may not also get a bonus attack as per the
Combat Reflexes Improved Trip feat.
DR279 STR 13+ You add 1.5 times your STR bonus to damage. This only works
Hammer Fist p63
Improved Unarmed Strike when both hands are used and when you are not doing a flurry of
blows attack.
D&D 51 Improved Unarmed Strike If you hit with an unarmed strike, you do damage and can attempt
Improved Grapple {1} OA 63
DR290 to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
(p91) opportunity. In addition, you can deal normal damage while
grappling (instead of subdual damage) without penalty.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Ki Strike
WIS 21+ Add +1 to the effective enhancement bonus of your unarmed
Ki Strike +3 attacks.
ELH 60 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Stunning Fist
DEX 19+ Add +2 to the DC of your stunning fist.
WIS 19+
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
PHB 83 Monks get this feat for free.
Improved Unarmed Strike WOT 93
Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
You are skilled at unarmed combat. You are considered armed
even when you don’t have a weapon.
ELH 61 Epic Character You can perform any number of deflections per round.
Infinite Deflection
DEX 25+
Combat Reflexes
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
ELH 61 Epic Character Your unarmed strike may be considered a slashing Keen weapon,
Keen Strike
STR 23+ so it threatens a critical on 19-20. This does not stack with similar
WIS 23+ abilities that set the type of your unarmed attack.
Improved Critical
Ki Strike +3
ELH 62 Epic Character Monks qualify for this feat without Improved Unarmed Strike.
Legendary Wrestler
STR 21+ +10 on grapple checks.
DEX 21+
Improved Unarmed Strike
Escape Artist skill 15+
S&F 7 DEX 15+ When making a full attack, you get two extra attacks this round, but
Lightning Fists
Monk(4+) all attacks are at –5.
S&F 8 WIS 19+ When you successfully stun someone up to one size larger than you,
Pain Touch OA 64
DEX 13+ they are also nauseated for one round.
Stunning Fist
Improved Unarmed Strike
+8 Base Attack
ELH 66 Epic Character When you deflect an arrow or other ranged attack, it is directed
Reflect Arrows
DEX 25+ back at the attacker using your base ranged attack bonus.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows
ELH 66 Epic Character Your unarmed strike is treated as a Lawful weapon. This means it
Righteous Strike
WIS 19+ deals +2d6 to chaotic creatures.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Lawful alignment
OA 65 STR 15+ If you make a successful critical hit with an unarmed strike, you
Roundabout Kick
Power Attack immediately get another unarmed strike on that opponent at the
Improved Unarmed Strike same base attack.
ELH 66 Epic Character As a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, you
Shattering Strike
Weapon Focus (unarmed) may attempt to break an object with sudden force instead of with
Epic Weapon Focus damage. To do so, make a Concentration check instead of a STR
(unarmed) check against the break DC. You must have the ability to move to
Ki Strike +3 make this strike.
Concentration skill 25+
S&F 9 DEX 15+ When using the Deflect Arrows feat, you may instead catch the
Snatch Arrows
Deflect Arrows projectile.
Improved Unarmed Strike
+3 Base Attack

Unarmed Combat Feats (Part 3 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR279 Monk (2+) When you successfully make an unarmed strike on a stunned
Staggering Blow p63
DEX 13+ opponent, they become staggered. This means they only get partial
WIS 13+ actions each round for a number of rounds equal to half your Monk
STR 15+ level.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
+8 Base Attack
PHB 85 DEX 13+ Fighters may take this feat as one of their bonus feats.
Stunning Fist
WIS 13+ If you hit with an unarmed attack, opponent saves versus a DC of
Improved Unarmed Strike 10 + (1/2 of your level)+(WIS bonus) or they are stunned for 1
+8 Base Attack round (until just before your next action). While stunned they do
not get a DEX bonus to AC and attackers get an additional +2 to
hit. You can do this once per round and no more than once per day
for every 4 levels you have.
OA 66 WIS 15+ You may make an unarmed attack to unbalance a humanoid
Unbalancing Strike
Improved Unarmed Strike opponent. If you hit, you deal normal damage. In addition, the
Stunning Fist opponent makes a Reflex save DC 10 + half your character level +
your WIS modifier. If they fail, for one round they lose their DEX
bonus and attackers get an additional +2 to hit.
DR279 Monk(6+) You may use one light weapon of choice as if you were unarmed,
Unorthodox Flurry p63
granting you your unarmed base attack, number of attacks per
round, and the ability to make a flurry of blows. If the weapon is
exotic, you must gain proficiency with it first, otherwise you
automatically gain proficiency with the weapon as part of this feat.
BVD 50 CHA 15+ When you deal damage from an unarmed strike, you deal 1
Vile Ki Strike
Improved Unarmed Strike additional point of vile damage.
ELH 68 Epic Character Your unarmed strike may be considered a slashing Vorpal weapon.
Vorpal Strike
STR 25+ This does not stack with similar abilities that set the type of your
WIS 25+ unarmed attack.
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Ki Strike +3
Keen Strike
Improved Critical

Magical Feats
Spellcaster Feats (Part 1 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MoW Animal Defiance You can rebuke or command animals like an evil Cleric does with
Animal Control 20
Ability to cast Speak with undead. Use your highest divine caster level against the animal’s
Animals and Animal hit dice. You may do this up to 3 + CHA bonus times each day. To
Friendship issue commands, the animals must be able to understand you, so
Speak with Animals is normally required. Animals under your
control count against your Speak with Animals limit (even if you
did not use the spell).
MoW Ability to cast Speak with You can turn (but not destroy) animals like a Cleric turns undead.
Animal Defiance 20
Animals and Animal Use your highest divine caster level against the animal’s hit dice.
Friendship You may do this up to 3 + CHA bonus times each day.
DR298 Improved Animation Undead you create using Animate Dead or Create Undead spells
Animation Mastery (p64)
Desecrated Animation have maximum hit points and an additional +2 turn resistance.
Spell Focus(Necromancy)
Knowledge(Religion) 12+
T&B 38 Spell Focus {1} You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different school).
Arcane Defense
+2 on your save versus spells from a given school.
T&B 38 Bard (1+) or Sorcerer (1+) You may prepare a spell ahead of time the way a Wizard does.
Arcane Preparation FR 33
This spell remains in your mind and occupies the spell slot until
you change it or cast it. Preparing a spell with a Metamagic feat
allows you to later cast that spell as a normal action instead of a full
round action.
FR 33 You may only take this feat at first level.
Arcane Schooling
Forgotten Realms regions: Chessenta, Halruaa, Lantan,
Mulhorand, Unther.
When you take this feat, choose one arcane spell casting class. It
becomes a favored class (in addition to any others you have) for
purposes of multi-classing.
T&B 39 Spellcaster (2+) Creatures you conjure with a summon spell gain +1 HP per hit die,
Augment Summoning MOF 21
+1 to hit, and +1 to damage.
BVD 47 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
Boost Spell-Like Ability
by 3 per day.
You can add +2 to the DC of each of your spell-like abilities 3
times per day.
PHB 80 +4 on Concentration when used for a spell while on the defensive
Combat Casting {1} CoC 40
during combat.
BVD 48 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
Corrupt Spell-Like
Evil Alignment by 3 per day.
Ability You can add the “Evil” descriptor to each of your spell-like abilities
up to 3 times per day. If you do this and the spell deals damage,
half of that damage (round down) is considered “unholy”.
DR298 Ability to cast Desecrate Undead you create using Animate Dead or Create Undead spells
Desecrated Animation (p65)
Knowledge(Religion) 5+ have +2 turn resistance.
BVD 49 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
Empower Spell-Like
by 2 per day.
Ability You can multiply the variable effects by 1.5 for of each of your
spell-like abilities up to 2 times per day.
ELH 55 Epic Character You can cast Epic spells. You can cast a number of spells equal to
Epic Spellcasting
Spellcraft skill 24+ your * skill divided by 10. The * skill for arcane spells is
Knowledge(*) skill 24+ “Arcana”, for divine spells is “Religion” and for druid spells is
Ability to cast 9th level “Nature”. If you can cast 9th level spells and have 24+ ranks in
spells more than one spell type, then you can add the number of spells
from each type to get your total Epic spell count.
ELH 54 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different school.
Epic Spell Focus
Spell Focus {1} Choose a school. Add +6 to the DC of spells you cast from this
Greater Spell Focus school. This replaces the bonus for Greater Spell Focus and Spell
Ability to cast a 9th level Focus.
spell in the school
ELH 54 Epic Character Add +6 to the caster check to beat a creature’s spell resistance.
Epic Spell Penetration
Spell Penetration This replaces the bonus for Greater Spell Penetration and Spell
Greater Spell Penetration Penetration.
FR 34 Female Forgotten Realms region: Rashemen.
CHA 11+ You are a member of the Witches of Rashemen. +2 on Animal
Spellcaster (1+) Empathy. +2 on Intuit Direction. +2 on CHA checks against others
Society approval with this feat.

Spellcaster Feats (Part 2 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
T&B 40 Spellcaster (4+) You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Slot
When you take this feat, you gain one extra spell slot of any level
up to one level lower than the maximum level of spell you can
currently cast.
T&B 40 Spellcaster (3+) You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Spell
When you take this feat, you learn one extra spell slot of any level
up to one level lower than the maximum level of spell you can
currently cast. This is useful for Sorcerers, since they do not learn
spells as quickly as Wizards.
ELH 56 Epic Character The ability requirement matches the key ability for your type of
Familiar Spell
INT 25+ or CHA 25+ spellcaster.
This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Choose a spell of 8th level or lower that has no XP cost and a
material component cost of no more than 1 gp. Your familiar can
cast this spell once per day as a spell-like ability.
T&B 40 Spell Focus {1} You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different school).
Greater Spell Focus FR 35
D&D 50 +4 on DC for others to save versus your spells from a given school.
ELH 69 This replaces your Spell Focus {1} bonus. It does not stack.
T&B 40 Spell Penetration +4 on caster level checks to beat spell resistance. This replaces
Greater Spell Penetration FR 35
D&D 50 your Spell Penetration bonus. It does not stack.
ELH 69
DR298 CHA 15+ When casting Animate Dead, you can create and control an
Greater Undead Legion (p65)
Undead Legion additional 8 hit dice of undead. When you try to command undead
Knowledge(Religion) 10+ using a turning check, you can control an additional 4 hit dice.
When you try to command a single undead with a turning check,
you can control one with up to 4 hit dice more than your level
without concentrating continuously. These effects replace the
benefits of Undead Legion.
ELH 57 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different domain.
Improved Alignment-
Access to domain of Choose an alignment domain. You cast spells with the chosen
Based Casting Chaos,Evil, Good, or Law alignment descriptor with an effective caster level of +3.
Alignment match for
Ability to cast 9th level
divine spells
DR298 Spellcaster level 6+ Undead you create using Animate Dead or Create Undead spells
Improved Animation (p65)
Knowledge(Religion) 5+ have +1 hit die (but do not increase in size) and +1 competence
bonus to attack and damage rolls.
ELH 57 Epic Character You do not incur attacks of opportunity for casting spells while
Improved Combat Casting
Combat Casting threatened.
Concentration skill 25+
FR 35 When countering a spell, instead of using the exact same spell, you
Improved Counterspell ELH 70
DR298 may use any spell from that spell's school that is at least one level
(p57) higher.
ELH 59 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Spell Capacity
Ability to cast spells of the You gain one spell slot for a given class of any level up to the
maximum level in a maximum level of spell you can cast in that class +1.
spellcasting class
BVD 49 Evil Alignment +2 on the DC to save against your “Evil” spells.
Malign Spell Focus
BVD 49 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
by 5 per day.
You can make your damage-dealing spell-like abilities deal +2d6
damage to living non-outsiders, but only half damage (round down)
to outsiders, undead, and constructs. This can be used up to 5 times
per ability each day.
ELH 64 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different
Permanent Emanation
Spellcraft skill 25+ emanation spell you can cast.
Choose a spell that emanates from you, such as Detect Magic. This
spell is permanently available to you to turn on/off as a free action.
Effects that would dispel this spell instead suppress it for 2d4
MoW Plant Defiance You can rebuke or command plants like an evil Cleric does with
Plant Control 24
D&D 51 Ability to cast Detect undead. Use your highest divine caster level against the plant’s hit
Animals or Plants and dice. You may do this up to 3 + CHA bonus times each day. To
Speak with Plants issue commands, the plants must be able to understand you, so
Speak with Plants is normally required.

Spellcaster Feats (Part 3 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MoW Ability to cast Detect You can turn (but not destroy) plants like a Cleric turns undead.
Plant Defiance 24
D&D 51 Animals or Plants Note that most plants are immobile so they will not be able to flee.
Use your highest divine caster level against the plant’s hit dice.
You may do this up to 3 + CHA bonus times each day.
MM2 18 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
Quicken Spell-Like BVD 49
by 1 per day.
Ability You can quicken each of your spell-like abilities 1 time per day. A
quickened ability is a free action. You can do no more than one
quickened action per round. An ability that duplicates a spell action
that takes longer than 1 round to cast cannot be quickened.
DR-A5 Adds +2 to the DC for saves against your ray spells. This stacks
Ray Focus p26
with Spell Focus {1}.
MOF 22 Improved Initiative Once per round you may counter a spell even if you did not ready
Reactive Counterspell
Improved Counterspell that action. This uses up your next action.
FR 37 Wizard (1+) You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different spell
Signature Spell
Spell Mastery {1} you've mastered with Spell Mastery {1}).
Choose a spell when you take this feat. You may convert any
prepared spell into the chosen spell (if the prepared spell is of the
same or higher level). This is similar to how a cleric can convert
spells into healing spells.
FR 38 You may only take this feat at first level.
Spellcasting Prodigy
Your primary ability used for your starting spellcaster class is
considered to be 2 higher for purposes of determining bonus spells
and for the DC to save against your spells. This is CHA for
sorcerers and bards, INT for wizards, and WIS for divine
MOF 23 You may only take this feat at first level.
Spellfire Wielder
You can use spellfire to absorb spell energy, fire, destructive blasts,
or heal others. See MOF 17-19 for details.
PHB 85 You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different school).
Spell Focus {1}
+2 on DC for others to save versus your spells from a given school.
MOF 22 Dispel checks against your spells are at -2.
Spell Girding
ELH 67 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Spell Knowledge {1}
Ability to cast the You can learn two new arcane spells of any spell level up the
maximum level spells of maximum level you can cast. This does not grant additional spell
an arcane spellcasting class slots.
PHB 85 Wizard (1+) You can take this feat multiple times.
Spell Mastery {1}
The Wizard may now prepare their INT bonus in spells of their
choice (that they already know) without need of a spellbook.
ELH 67 Epic Character Whenever you are allowed an attack of opportunity, you may use a
Spell Opportunity
Combat Casting touch spell for this attack. This spell incurs attacks of opportunity
Combat Reflexes just as would other spells.
Quicken Spell
Spellcraft skill 25+
PHB 85 +2 on caster level checks to beat spell resistance.
Spell Penetration
T&B 42 Weapon Focus(*) You must has Weapon Focus with the chosen type of Ray or of
Spell Specialization {1}
Spellcaster (4+) Energy Missile Spells. You can take this feat multiple times, each
with a different choice (Ray or Energy Missile Spells).
Your damage dealing spells that make a ranged touch attack do +2
damage if the target is within 30 feet.
ELH 67 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Spell Stowaway
Spellcraft 24+ Choose a spell. You are attuned to this spell so that if any other
Caster level 12+ spellcaster within 300 feet and in line of sight casts it, you may
choose to gain the effects of the spell as if it had been cast on you as
well by the same caster.
MOF 22 Ability to cast an illusion Alters the special effects of all your spells to fit a theme. This does
Spell Thematics
not alter the actual spell effect. For example, if you choose "fire",
your Magic Missile spells look like bolts of fire but do not do fire
damage. Gives +5 to the DC of Spellcraft checks used to identify
your spell.
ELH 67 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Spontaneous Spell
Spellcraft 25+ Choose a spell. You can spontaneously convert any prepared spell
Ability to cast spells of the of the same level as this spell into this spell, exactly like a cleric can
maximum level of a class convert spells into cure spells.
FR 38 Specialized in a school Forgotten Realms region: Thay.
Tattoo Focus
You get +1 on the DC to save against spells you cast from your
school. You get +1 on your checks to beat spell resistance when
casting a spell from your school.

Spellcaster Feats (Part 4 of 4)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 68 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Tenacious Spell
Spellcraft skill 15+ Choose a spell you can cast or spell like ability you possess. If this
spell or ability would be dispelled, it is instead suppressed for 1d4
rounds, then it continues for the rest of its duration. The suppressed
rounds do not count against the duration.
DR298 CHA 13+ When casting Animate Dead, you can create and control an
Undead Legion (p65)
Knowledge(Religion) 5+ additional 4 hit dice of undead. When you try to command undead
using a turning check, you can control an additional 2 hit dice.
When you try to command a single undead with a turning check,
you can control one with up to 2 hit dice more than your level
without concentrating continuously.
BVD 50 Have a spell-like ability This feat may be taken multiple times, each time increases the limit
Violate Spell-Like Ability
by 2 per day.
You can add the “Vile” attribute to each of your spell-like abilities
2 times per day. In addition, if the ability deals damage, half of the
damage (round down) is considered “Vile” damage.

Metamagic Feats (Part 1 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 50 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Automatic Quicken Spell
Quicken Spell {1} You can cast 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as quickened spells
Spellcraft skill 30+ without using higher level spell slots and without lengthening the
Ability to cast 9th level casting time (as sometimes happens when using metamagic). If you
spells take this feat a second time, you can cast up to 6th level spells this
way. If you take this feat a third time, you can cast up to 9th level
spells this way.
ELH 51 Epic Character You can take this feat multiple times.
Automatic Silent Spell DU092
(p87) Silent Spell {1} You can cast 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as silent spells without
Spellcraft skill 24+ using higher level spell slots and without lengthening the casting
Ability to cast 9th level time (as sometimes happens when using metamagic). If you take
spells this feat a second time, you can cast up to 6th level spells this way.
If you take this feat a third time, you can cast up to 9th level spells
this way.
ELH 51 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Automatic Still Spell
Still Spell {1} You can cast 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells as stilled spells
Spellcraft skill 27+ without using higher level spell slots and without lengthening the
Ability to cast 9th level casting time (as sometimes happens when using metamagic). If you
spells take this feat a second time, you can cast up to 6th level spells this
way. If you take this feat a third time, you can cast up to 9th level
spells this way.
DR291 Increases spell slot level by 1. Target creatures receive no cover
Bend Spell (p31)
bonuses to AC and any saving throws made by creatures in the area
of effect gain no cover bonuses. This does not allow the spell to
affect creatures it would not normally affect, such as those with
total cover.
T&B 39 Any other Metamagic feat Just like “Chain Spell {1}” except the prerequisite has been added
Chain Spell {2}
and it allows any ranged spell with a single target to be modified
(instead of just a ray or cone)..
T&B 39 Any other Metamagic feat You can cast the same spell as a group of other spellcasters that are
Cooperative Spell
adjacent to each other (each adjacent to at least two others). When
this is done, a single spell effect is generated. This spell uses the
base save DC and level check of the best spellcaster in the group,
then add +1 to the DC and +1 to the level check to beat spell
resistance (if any) for each spellcaster beyond the first.
BVD 47 Evil Alignment This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Corrupt Spell
This feat applies to one spell chosen at the time you take it.
Increases spell slot level by 1. The spell has the “Evil” attribute. If
the spell deals damage, half the damage (round down), is considered
“unholy” damage.
T&B 39 Any other Metamagic feat Increases spell slot level by 3. Instead of taking effect when done
Delay Spell FR 34
DR275 casting, the spell waits for 1 to 5 rounds (your choice) before having
P41 its effect. Only usable on personal, touch, and area of affect spells.
The spell can be detected and dispelled during the delay.
S&S 38 Bardic music ability Increases spell slot level by 1. You can cast a spell during the
Disguise Spell D&D 50
Perform skill 12+ middle of a performance in such a way that no one knows you cast
the spell (unless the effects give you away).
PHB 82 Increases spell slot level by 2. All variable numeric effects of a
Empower Spell {1}
spell are multiplied by 1.5. Cumulative with Maximize Spell {1}.
T&B 39 Any other Metamagic feat You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different
Energy Admixture
Energy Substitution energy type.
Knowledge(arcana) 5+ Increases spell slot level by 4. Choose an energy type when you
take this feat. Choices are: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
You may alter any spell (including one altered with Energy
Substitution) with an energy type to add the use the chosen energy
type to the existing energy type. The spell uses both energy types,
each type dealing full damage.
T&B 40 Any other Metamagic feat You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different
Energy Substitution MOF 21
D&D 50 Knowledge(arcana) 5+ energy type. Choose an energy type when you take this feat.
Choices are: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic. You may alter
any spell with an energy type to use the chosen energy type instead.
This does not change the amount of damage or the level of the
altered spell's slot. It also does not remove any secondary effects.
For example, if you change from Sonic to Fire, the Shout spell still
deafens affected creatures.

Metamagic Feats (Part 2 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 53 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Enhance Spell
Maximize Spell {1} Increases spell slot level by 4. The damage limit for your spells
increases by 10 dice (for spells that deal damage dice based on your
level) or by 5 dice (for spells that deal damage dice based on half
your level). This effect does not apply to spells like Magic Missile,
Melf’s Acid Arrow, or Produce Flame because these spells only
indirectly use your level. If you take this feat multiple times, the
effects can be stacked, but so is the spell slot. A double-enhanced
spell requires an increase of 8 spell slot levels.
PHB 82 Increases spell slot level by 1. Doubles the range of the spell. Area
Enlarge Spell {1}
of effect spells that have the area depend on range (such as cone of
cold) are extended.
T&B 40 Any other Metamagic feat You can cast a spell without material components, if the
Eschew Materials MOF 22
LD 189 components cost less than 1 gp.
D&D 50
ELH 69
PHB 82 Increases spell slot level by 1. Doubles the duration of the spell.
Extend Spell {1}
PHB 82 You can cast a spell as if the spell’s level were higher than it
Heighten Spell
actually is. This makes it harder to save against.
ELH 57 Epic Character You may cast your spells without material components. This does
Ignore Material
Eschew Materials not affect the need for a divine focus.
Components Spellcraft skill 25+
Ability to cast 9th level
ELH 58 Epic Character Your Heighten Spell feat is no longer limited to 9th level.
Improved Heighten Spell
Heighten Spell
Spellcraft skill 20+
ELH 59 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Metamagic
Four metamagic feats The spell slot level modifier of all your metamagic feats is
Spellcraft skill 30+ decreased by one, to a minimum of +1.
T&B 41 Quicken Spell {1} You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different spell.
Innate Spell FR 36
Silent Spell {1} When you take this feat, select one spell and permanently lose a
Still Spell {1} single spell slot 8 levels higher than the chosen spell. You can now
cast this spell at will, as a spell-like ability, once per round. If the
spell has an XP cost, you pay that cost each time. If the spell has a
costly material component, you use a single item of that type, but 50
times the cost, as a focus for the ability.
This is not actually a Metamagic feat. It is included in this section
because it has Metamagic prerequisites.
ELH 61 Epic Character Increases spell slot level by 7. All variable, numeric effects of an
Intensify Spell
Empower Spell {1} intensified spell are maximized and then doubled. Saving throws
Maximize Spell {1} and opposed rolls are not affected. This feat cannot be combined
Spellcraft skill 30+ with others that affects variable, numeric effects.
Ability to cast 9th level
divine spells
PHB 83 Increases spell slot level by 3. Maximizes all variable numeric
Maximize Spell {1}
effects of a spell. Cumulative with Empower Spell {1}.
ELH 63 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Quicken Spell {1} You can cast one additional quickened spell per round.
Ability to cast 9th level
T&B 41 Extend Spell {1} Increases spell slot level by 4. Extends the duration of a personal or
Persistent Spell FR 37
D&D 51 fixed range spell's duration to 24 hours.
PHB 84 Increases spell slot level by 4. Allows a spell of up to 1 round
Quicken Spell {1}
casting time to be cast as a free action.
DR-A5 Increases spell slot level by 3. Changes a ray to be a 30-foot radius
Ray Burst p26
burst from the caster. Those within 10 feet are hit. Those within 30
feet make a Reflex save.
DR-A5 Increases spell slot level by 2. Changes a ray to be a 30-foot cone.
Ray Coning p26
Those in the area may make a Reflex save.
DR-A5 Increases spell slot level by 1. You may continue to attack with the
Ray Extension p26
ray for a second round (unless the spell is disrupted).
DR-A5 Increases spell slot level by 2. You may attack three adjacent
Ray Splitting p26
targets with the ray using a ranged touch at -4 to hit each of them.
DOF 20 Increases spell slot level by 2. You may cast a touch spell at a
Reach Spell D&D 51
range of up to 30 feet. The spell effectively becomes a ray and you
need to make a ranged touch attack to hit with it.

Metamagic Feats (Part 3 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
T&B 41 Any other Metamagic feat Increases spell slot level by 3. The spell has a normal effect this
Repeat Spell D&D 51
round. Next round on your turn, the spell happens a second time.
This does not work for touch spells or if there was a target and it
has moved more than 30 feet from its location. If you have moved,
the spell originates from the location you were at last round.
DOF 20 Able to cast Divine spells Increases spell slot level by 2. When used on a divine spell, half of
Sacred Spell D&D 51
the damage done by the spell is "sacred" damage. This means that
the damage cannot be prevented by Protection from Elements or
similar magic. The other half of the damage is dealt normally.
T&B 41 Any other Metamagic feat You can specify an area to be your sanctum. To do this, spend 3
Sanctum Spell
months (cumulative) in the area, designate it, and then wait 7 days.
The area is a circle of 10 feet per level in radius. You may have
only one sanctum. If you designate a second one, the first one loses
its status.
When a Wizard prepares a spell or a Sorcerer casts it, you designate
whether the spell is affected by this feat. If it is, the effective spell
level at time of casting is one level higher while you are within the
sanctum and one level lower while you are away from the sanctum.
T&B 42 Any other Metamagic feat Increases spell slot level by 1. You can change any area of effect
Sculpt Spell
spell to a different area shape. Choices for the new shape are:
cylinder (10 foot radius, 30 feet high), cone (40 feet long, 40 feet
wide at the base), four 10 foot cubes, or a sphere (20 foot radius).
PHB 85 Increases spell slot level by 1. The spell no longer has a verbal
Silent Spell {1}
component. Bard spells may not use this feat.
T&B 42 Any other Metamagic feat You can split any ray that specifies a single target so that it affects
Split Ray
two targets that are within 30 feet of each other (or the same target
twice). If the spell does damage, each target takes half damage.
PHB 85 Increases spell slot level by 1. The spell no longer has a somatic
Still Spell {1}
component (so no armor check is needed).
T&B 42 Any other Metamagic feat You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different
Subdual Substitution D&D 52
Knowledge(Arcana) 5+ energy type. Choose an energy type when you take this feat.
Choices are: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic. You may alter
any spell with an energy type to do subdual damage instead of
normal damage.
T&B 42 Any other Metamagic feat Increases spell slot level by 4. The spell has its full effect take
Twin Spell FR 39
place twice, as if two spells were cast at the same time with the
identical targets and other choices.
BVD 50 Evil Alignment This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different spell.
Violate Spell
This feat applies to one spell chosen at the time you take it.
Increases spell slot level by 1. The spell has the “Vile” attribute. If
the spell deals damage, half the damage (round down), is considered
“vile” damage.
T&B 42 Increases spell slot level by 3. The area of effect of a burst,
Widen Spell MOF 23
D&D 52 emanation or spread spell is increased by 50%.

Shadow Metamagic Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
FR 36 WIS 13+ When an opponent without the Shadow Weave Magic feat uses a
Insidious Magic
(or Shar as patron diety) divination spell to detect one of your spells (other than Evocation
Shadow Weave Magic and Transmutation spells), they need to make a level check of DC
11 + your caster level. You are similarly impaired when you use
divination spells on magic that is not a Shadow Weave (other than
Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy). You need to make a level
check of DC 9 + its caster level. One check is made per divination
spell, not once per spell effect that could be detected.
FR 37 WIS 13+ Your spells resist counterspell attempts using spells (other than
Pernicious Magic
(or Shar as patron diety) Dispel Magic) by opponents without the Shadow Weave Magic
Shadow Weave Magic feat. They need to make a level check of DC 11 + your caster level
or fail to counter your spell. This does not apply to your Evocation
or Transmutation spells. You are similarly impaired when you try to
counter spells on magic that is not a Shadow Weave (other than
Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy). You need to make a level
check of DC 9 + its caster level. You may counterspell with Dispel
Magic without making this check.
FR 37 WIS 13+ Once you take this feat, your spells draw on the Shadow Weave
Shadow Weave Magic
(or Shar as patron diety) instead of the normal source of magic. You can also activate items
that use the Shadow Weave without taking damage. You
permanently lose 2 points of WIS. This WIS can only be regained
by pleading to and receiving an Atonement spell from a cleric of
Your effective level for Evocation and Transmutation spells is
reduced by one. Your Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy
spells have a +1 on the DC to save against them. You also get a +1
on level checks to overcome spell resistance with these spells. You
can no longer cast spells with the Light descriptor and you cannot
use items that provide light based on spell completion or spell
FR 38 WIS 13+ Your spells resist dispelling attempts by opponents without the
Tenacious Magic
(or Shar as patron diety) Shadow Weave Magic feat. They need to make a level check of
Shadow Weave Magic DC 15 + your caster level or fail to dispel your spell. This does not
apply to your Evocation or Transmutation spells. You are similarly
impaired when you try to dispel spells on magic that is not a
Shadow Weave (other than Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy).
You need to make a level check of DC 13 + its caster level.

Magic Item Creation Feats (Part 1 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MOF 21 INT 13+ You can store an arcane spell in a gem.
Attune Gem
Arcane Spellcaster (3+)
Craft(Gemcutting) 1+
PHB 80 Spellcaster (3+) You can create a potion of any spell of 3rd level or lower that
Brew Potion {1} CAM04
(p50) targets a creature.
OA 61 Spellcaster (7+) You can forge weapons out of Kuni crystal.
Craft Crystal Weapon
Craft Magic Arms &
Armor {1}
Craft(Weaponsmith) skill
ELH 52 Epic Character You have no more limits when you craft magic arms and armor.
Craft Epic Magic Arms
Craft Magic Arms & This means you can give more than +5, have more than a +10 total
and Armor Armor {1} effective bonus, and use higher than 9th level spells.
Spellcraft skill 28+
Knowledge(arcane) 28+
ELH 52 Epic Character You have no more limits when you craft rods. This means you can
Craft Epic Rod
Craft Rod {1} give more than +5, have more than a +10 total effective bonus, and
Spellcraft skill 32+ use higher than 9th level spells.
Knowledge(arcane) 32+
ELH 52 Epic Character You have no more limits when you craft staves. This means you
Craft Epic Staff
Craft Staff {1} can give more than +5, have more than a +10 total effective bonus,
Spellcraft skill 35+ and use higher than 9th level spells.
Knowledge(arcane) 35+
ELH 52 Epic Character You have no more limits when you craft wondrous items. This
Craft Epic Wondrous Item
Craft Wondrous Item {1} means you can give more than +6 and use higher than 9th level
Spellcraft skill 26+ spells.
Knowledge(arcane) 26+
PHB 81 Spellcaster (5+) You can make or mend magic armor, weapons, and shields.
Craft Magic Arms &
Armor {1}
PHB 81 Spellcaster (9+) You can create rods.
Craft Rod {1}
PHB 81 Spellcaster (12+) You can create a staff.
Craft Staff {1}
OA 61 INT 13+ You can create a one-use talisman. This talisman functions much
Craft Talisman
Spellcaster (1+) like a scroll does.
Appropriate Craft skill
PHB 81 Spellcaster (5+) You can create a wand of any spell of 4th level of lower.
Craft Wand {1}
PHB 81 Spellcaster (3+) You can create or mend a miscellaneous magic item.
Craft Wondrous Item {1}
MoW Spellcaster (3+) You can create an infusion of any divine spell you can cast.
Create Infusion 22
Wilderness Lore skill 4+
FR 34 Spellcaster (3+) You can create a portal. See FR pages 34 and 61 for details.
Create Portal SBG 50
Craft Wondrous Item {1}
ELH 53 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different item
Efficient Item Creation
An item creation feat creation feat.
Spellcraft skill 24+ Choose an item creation feat. Creating a magic item using this feat
Knowledge(arcane) 24+ requires one day per 10,000 gp cost with a minimum of 1 day..
ELH Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each for a different item
Enhance Item 114
Any item creation feat creation feat.
Choose an item creation feat. Items you create with that feat add
your key ability’s modifier to the save DC (rather than the
minimum required modifier).
ELH 56 Epic Character You have no more limits when you forge rings. This means you
Forge Epic Ring
Forge Ring {1} can give more than +5 and use higher than 9th level spells.
Spellcraft skill 35+
Knowledge(arcane) 35+
PHB 82 Spellcaster (12+) You can create a ring.
Forge Ring {1}
FR 36 INT 13+ You may cast a divine spell and create a rune from it. See FR pages
Inscribe Rune
Divine spellcaster (3+) 36 and 58 for details
A Craft skill 1+
FR 36 Any item creation feat Rokugan Ancestor Feat (starting character only)
Magical Artisan OA 64
You can take this feat multiple times (each with a different item
creation feat).
Choose an item creation feat. You can now create items of that
type for 75% of the normal cost.
This feat is not actually an item creation feat.

Magic Item Creation Feats (Part 2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 63 Epic Character When you activate a staff, you may choose to power the effect
Master Staff
Craft Staff {1} using a spell slot instead of a charge. The slot must be at least the
Spellcraft skill 15+ level of the spell the effect is based on (including any metamagic).
This feat cannot be used on staff abilities that do not have a
corresponding spell, such as increasing damage or to hit bonuses.
ELH 63 Epic Character When you activate a wand, you may choose to power the effect
Master Wand
Craft Wand {1} using a spell slot instead of a charge. The slot must be at least the
Spellcraft skill 15+ level of the spell the effect is based on (including any metamagic).
This feat cannot be used on staff abilities that do not have a
corresponding spell, such as increasing damage or to hit bonuses.
ELH 66 Epic Character You have no more limits when you scribe scrolls. This means you
Scribe Epic Scroll
Scribe Scroll {1} can use higher than 9th level spells and higher than 20th level
Spellcraft skill 24+ effective caster level. This feat does not allow the scribing of Epic
Knowledge(arcane) 24+ spells.
PHB 84 Spellcaster (1+) Wizards get this feat free.
Scribe Scroll {1} CAM04
(p50) You can create a scroll.
LD 189 Spellcaster (3+) You can create a tattoo that functions much like a scroll. See
Tattoo Magic
Calligraphy or Painting source for details.

Clerical Feats (Part 1 of 2)

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 51 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Bonus Domain
WIS 21+ Choose an additional domain from your diety’s domain list. You
Ability to cast 9th level now have access to that domain’s spells for your domain spells.
divine spells
DOF 19 CHA 13+ You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to grant all
Divine Cleansing
Ability to turn undead allies within a 60 foot burst of yourself (and including yourself) a
Extra Turning +2 sacred bonus on Fortitude saves for a number of rounds equal to
your CHA bonus.
DOF 19 CHA 13+ You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to add your
Divine Might D&D 50
STR 13+ CHA bonus to your weapon damage for a number of rounds equal
Ability to turn undead to your CHA bonus.
Power Attack
DOF 19 CHA 13+ You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to grant all
Divine Resistance
Ability to turn undead allies within a 60 foot burst of yourself (and including yourself) 5
Extra Turning point resistance to cold, fire, and electricity. This resistance does
Divine Cleansing not stack with any other resistance effects. The effect lasts until the
end of your next turn.
DOF 19 Ability to turn undead You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to add your
Divine Shield
CHA 13+ CHA bonus to your shield as an enhancement bonus (much like
STR 13+ having it be magical) for a number of rounds equal to your CHA
Power Attack bonus. The shield's bonus applies to defense and to any attacks
Improved Shield Bash made with the shield.
DOF 20 Ability to turn undead You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to add 2d6
Divine Vengeance D&D 50
Extra Turning sacred energy damage to all successful melee attacks you make on
undead until the end of your next turn.
DOF 20 CHA 13+ You can spend one of your turn/rebuke undead attempts to increase
Divine Vigor
Ability to turn undead your base speed by 10 feet and to get +1 CON (enhancement bonus)
Extra Turning for a number of minutes equal to your CHA bonus.
DOF 20 CHA 13+ You can choose to take a -2 on an attempt to turn undead. If you do
Empower Turning
Ability to turn undead so and you still succeed, you do +2d6 turning damage.
Extra Turning
PHB 82 Ability to turn undead You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Turning
You can turn 4 more times per day than normal.
DOF 20 CHA 13+ You can choose to take +X on an attempt to turn undead. If you do
Heighten Turning
Ability to turn undead so and you still succeed, you do -X turning damage. X is any
Extra Turning number of your choosing that is less than your cleric level.
ELH 63 Epic Character You can use a turn/rebuke undead as a standard action to unleash a
Negative Energy Burst
CHA 25+ wave of negative energy in a 60 foot burst. Roll the rebuke or
Ability to rebuke undead command check against living creatures in the area, and any that
Can cast Inflict Critical would be rebuked take 1 negative level and ones that would be
Wounds commanded take 2 negative levels. The Fortitude save DC to
Evil alignment remove these levels one day later is 10+your CHA modifier+one
half your effective turning level.

Clerical Feats (Part 2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 64 Epic Character You can turn or rebuke outsiders as if they were undead. Outsiders
Planar Turning
WIS 25+ have a turn resistance equal to half their spell resistance. If you can
CHA 25+ turn undead, you turn/destroy evil outsiders and rebuke/command
Ability to turn undead nonevil outsiders. If you can rebuke undead, you rebuke evil
outsiders and rebuke/command nonevil outsiders.
ELH 65 Epic Character Every undead creature that comes within 15 feet of you is
Positive Energy Aura
CHA 25+ automatically affected as if you turned it. This does not cost a
Can cast Dispel Evil turning attempt and you don’t roll damage, but it only affects
Ability to turn undead undead of hit dice equal to or less than your effective cleric level –
10 (destroys if cleric level -20).
DOF 20 CHA 13+ You can choose to turn/rebuke undead as a free action. If you do
Quicken Turning
Ability to turn undead so, your attempt is at -4 and you do -4 turning damage. You may
Extra Turning still only make one turning attempt each round. This feat may not
be used to power a Divine feat.
ELH 66 Epic Character Your attacks deal damage normally against incorporeal creatures
Spectral Strike
WIS 19+ (normally a 50% chance of no damage even if you can hit them).
Ability to turn undead
ELH 67 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times, each for a different domain.
Spontaneous Domain
WIS 25+ Pick a domain. You may spontaneously convert any prepared cleric
Access Ability to cast 9th level spell (except a domain spell) into a domain spell of the same level
divine spells from the chosen domain.
Spellcraft skill 30+
ELH 68 Epic Character You may command up to ten times your level in HD of undead.
Undead Mastery
CHA 21+
Ability to rebuke or
command undead
ELH 69 Epic Character You may use a rebuke/command attempt to animate corpses within
Zone of Animation
CHA 25+ range of your rebuke/command attempt. You can affect a total hit
Undead Mastery dice equal to the number you could command. If you already are
Ability to rebuke or commanding some undead, you cannot animate more than it takes
command undead to meet your maximum. Fresh corpses become Zombies and old
ones become Skeletons.

Familiar Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR280 You can cast spells on your familiar within 1 mile as if you were
Enspell Familiar p62
touching it.
DR280 You can take this feat multiple times.
Extra Familiar {1} p62
You are allowed to have an additional familiar. Normally, the limit
is one.
DR280 You can have a familiar that is a construct (as per MM page 5)
Construct Familiar p62
instead of a living creature.
T&B 40 When choosing a familiar, several magic creatures are now
Improved Familiar FR 35
available. They are: Shocker Lizard, Stirge, Formian worker, Imp,
Pseudodragon, and Quasit. Other magic creatures are also possible.
See T&B page 40 and FR page 35 for details on these familiars and
DR280 You can convert your familiar to and from a small stone figure.
Token Familiar p62
This makes it easy to carry, but you don't get any benefits while it is
in figurine form.
DR280 You can have a familiar that is undead instead of a living creature.
Undead Familiar p62

Wild Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
ELH 51 Epic Character Your animal companion ability can be used on beasts. These beasts
Beast Companion
Wild Shape 6/day will not perform tasks that animals cannot accomplish. Your total
Knowledge(Nature) 24+ HD in companions is limited to twice your caster level.
ELH 51 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a beast of any size you
Beast Wild Shape
Wild Shape 6/day can with an animal.
Knowledge(Nature) 24+
MoW Ability to become a Dire You have the extraordinary ability to see in the dark like a bat. You
Blindsight 21
Bat with Wild Shape have blindsight (see DMG) as long as you can hear. You emit high-
frequency sounds when doing this that most creatures cannot hear.
ELH 52 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a colossal animal.
Colossal Wild Shape
Ability to Wild Shape into
a Gargantuan animal
ELH 53 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a diminutive animal.
Diminutive Wild Shape
Ability to Wild Shape into
a Huge animal
ELH 53 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a dragon of any size
Dragon Wild Shape
Wild Shape 6/day you can with an animal. You gain its extraordinary and
WIS 30+ supernatural abilities. Legal dragon types are: black, blue, green,
Knowledge(Nature) 30+ red, white, brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver.
MoW Ability to use Wild Shape You may take this feat multiple times.
Extra Wild Shape 22
Each time you take this feat, you may use Wild Shape two
additional times per day. If you are able to use Wild Shape to
become and elemental, you gain an additional one time per day with
elemental shapes.
MoW DEX 13+ You can use Wild Shape as a move-equivalent action (instead of a
Fast Wild Shape 22
Ability to use Wild Shape standard action).
to become a Dire animal
ELH 56 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a fine animal.
Fine Wild Shape
Ability to Wild Shape into
a Diminutive animal
ELH 56 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a gargantuan animal.
Gargantuan Wild Shape DU092
(p87) Ability to Wild Shape into
a Huge animal
ELH 58 Epic Character You can Wild Shape to any type of elemental (not just air, earth,
Improved Elemental Wild DU092
WIS 25+ fire, and water) and of any size you can Wild Shape with animals.
Shape (p87)
Ability to Wild Shape into
an elemental
ELH 62 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a magical beast of any
Magical Beast Wild
Wild Shape 6/day size you can with an animal. You gain the supernatural abilities of
Shape WIS 25+ this beast.
Beast Wild Shape
Knowledge(Nature) 27+
MoW WIS 13+ You can complete verbal and somatic components of spells while in
Natural Spell 24
DU092 Ability to use Wild Shape a Wild Shape.
ELH 65 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a plant of any size you
Plant Wild Shape
Wild Shape 6/day can with an animal.
Beast Wild Shape
Knowledge(Nature) 24+
DR297 Epic Character You can change forms using the wild shape ability as a free action.
Quicken Wildshape (p29)
DEX 21+ This counts as your one quickened action per round.
Ability to use Wild Shape
to become a Dire animal
Fast Wild Shape
MoW Ability to use Wild Shape You can use Wild Shape to become an animal that is the same size
Proportionate Wild Shape 24
Not small or medium size category as you are. This feat is only applicable if your normal size
is not small or medium.
MoW WIS 11+ You gain the scent extraordinary ability (see DMG) while in any
Scent 25
Ability to use Wild Shape form.
to become a Wolf
MoW INT 13+ While in a Wild Shape, you act as if you had Speak with Animals in
Speaking Wild Shape 25
Ability to use Wild Shape effect for all animals of the same type as you.
ELH 65 Epic Character You can use Wild Shape to take the shape of a vermin of any size
Vermin Wild Shape
Wild Shape 6/day you can with an animal.
Beast Wild Shape
Knowledge(Nature) 24+

Psionic Feats
General Psionic Feats (Part 1 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR287 Psionic Astral constructs you create get +1 hit point per hit die, +1 to attack,
Augment Construction p54
Manifester level 2+ and +1 on damage.
PSI 24 Psionic You can take temporary ability point damage to generate power
Body Fuel
Inner Strength points. Each 2 points of ability generates 1 power point.
Talented {1}
PSI 24 Psionic +4 on Concentration when used for a manifesting a power while on
Combat Manifestation
the defensive during combat.
PSI 25 Psionic When you successfully deal ability damage with a psionic attack,
Disarm Mind
CHA 13+ you may spend 3 additional power points in order to drain your
Mental Adversary opponent of your CHA modifier * 4 power points.
DR287 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times.
Extra Power p55
Manifester level 3+ You learn one additional power of any level up to one level less
than the highest level power you know.
PSI 26 Psionic You get a +4 bonus on level checks to beat a creature's power
Greater Power Penetration
Power Penetration resistance. This does not stack with Power Penetration.
PSI 26 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different
Greater Psionic Focus
Psionic Focus discipline. The first time you take this feat, it must be for your
primary discipline. Additional times you must already have Psionic
Focus with the chosen discipline.
You add +4 to the DC for others to save against psionic powers in
the chosen discipline. This does not stack with Psionic Focus.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Manifestation
Psionic Choose a psionic class that you can already manifest powers of the
maximum level available. Your maximum power point limit for
this class is increased by 2 (normally it is your level minus 1). You
still must meet the ability score requirement of the max power cost
being the ability score plus 2.
PSI 26 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times.
Improved Psicrystal
Each time you take this feat you may add another personality
fragment to your psicrystal. The personality adjusts to be a blend of
all its personality fragments.
PSI 26 Psionic As long as you have any unspent power points, you get +4 AC due
Inertial Armor
1+ Available Power Points to a psionic field (which may or may not glow at your choice). This
AC bonus does not stack with normal armor and shield AC
bonuses. This bonus does apply to non-corporeal beings which can
ignore normal armor.
PSI 26 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times.
Inner Strength
The first time you take this feat you get +1 base power points. The
second time, +2 (for a total of +3). The third time, +3 (for a total of
+6). And so on.
PSI 27 Psionic You can take this feat multiple times.
Mental Adversary
CHA 13+ When you successfully perform a psionic attack and your opponent
fails their Will save, you may spend 3 additional power points to do
+1 point of ability damage.
If you have taken this feat more than one time, you may do up to 1
additional points of ability damage for each additional time you
take the feat, but at a cost of 8 power points per additional point of
PSI 27 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times.
Mental Leap
STR 13+ You jump twice as high or twice as far as indicated by your jump
Jump skill (6+) check. The extra distance is not counted against your movement for
3+ Available Power Points the round.
If you have taken this feat more than one time, you may choose to
jump one additional multiple for each time but each multiple
requires your available power points be 8 higher. For example, if
you have taken the feat twice, you may jump 3 times normal
distance, but need 11 power points. If you have taken it three times,
you may jump 4 times normal distance, but need 19 power points.
DR287 Psionic You permanently get a mental hardness of 3 that stacks with other
Mind Blind p55
Psychic Bastion bonuses. You get a -3 on psionic attack damage (minimum 1).
PSI 27 Psionic When you successfully deal ability damage with a psionic attack,
Mind Trap
Psychic Bastion you may spend power points equal to 3 plus the cost of their psionic
defense to drain off 10 plus your CHA modifier power points from
your opponent.

General Psionic Feats (Part 2 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PSI 27 Psionic You get a +2 bonus on level checks to beat a creature's power
Power Penetration
DR287 Psionic +2 damage on ranged touch attack powers if the target is within 30
Power Specialization p56
Weapon Focus(Ray) feet.
Manifester level 4+
PSI 27 Psionic When you get an attack of opportunity, you may manifest a touch
Power Touch
STR 13+ range power as this attack. This costs 2 power points in addition to
Psionic Fist the cost of the power you use. (Note: If you also use the Quicken
Power metapsionic feat, this 2 point cost is waived.)
PSI 27 Psionic You may only take this feat as a first level character.
Psionic Body
You gain 1 hit point each time you take a metapsionic feat.
Your hit point bonus at first level is based on your discipline's
ability modifier instead of your CON modifier. After that, your
CON modifier is used as normal.
PSI 28 Psionic When taking a charge action, instead of simply going in a straight
Psionic Charge
WIS 13+ line you may take a number of turns (up to 90 degrees) equal to
Speed of Thought your DEX modifier.
3+ Available Power Points
DR287 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different
Psionic Defense p54
Choose a discipline. You gain +2 on saves versus powers of that
PSI 28 Psionic When making an unarmed melee attack, you may spend 1 power
Psionic Fist
STR 13+ point before rolling. If you hit, you do +1d4 points of bludgeoning
damage. The power point is spent even if you miss. You can spend
the points in advance and leave your hand or foot "charged" for up
to your STR modifier + 1 rounds.
PSI 28 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times, each with a different
Psionic Focus
discipline. The first time you take this feat, it must be for your
primary discipline.
You add +2 to the DC for others to save against psionic powers in
the chosen discipline.
PSI 28 Psionic As long as you are conscious, you may spend 1 power point each
Psionic Metabolism
CON 13+ hour to convert 1 point of normal damage into a point of subdual
Rapid Metabolism damage.
PSI 28 Psionic You can take this feat multiple times.
Psychic Bastion
When you fail your Will save against an opponent's psionic attack,
you may spend 3 additional power points to get +1 mental hardness.
If you have taken this feat more than one time, you may get up to
+1 additional hardness for each additional time you take the feat,
but at a cost of 8 power points per additional point of hardness you
want to use.
PSI 29 Psionic You can activate this feat to detect lies from living humanoids.
Psychic Inquisitor
CHA 13+ This works for up to your CHA modifier in lies per conversation
Psychoanalyst and only for one conversation per 8 hour period.
PSI 29 Psionic You get +2 on Diplomacy, Bluff, and Intimidate checks and CHA
CHA 13+ checks used to influence living humanoids with INT 4+.
PSI 29 Psionic In addition to the normal healing rate for hit points, you heal your
Rapid Metabolism
CON 13+ CON bonus in hit points for each day of rest.
DR287 Psionic You may gain a Metapsionic feat instead of gaining a new combat
Resculpt Mind p56
Psion level 3+ mode when achieving level 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. If you skip gaining
one or more combat modes, you gain them at levels 13, 15, 17, and
19 (as appropriate). You cannot use this feat on the modes gained
at these levels.
ITCK Psionic After each day’s period of rest and concentration used to recharge
Sequester Power 40
Inner Strength your power points, you may choose to sequester any number of
Manifester level 3+ your powers. If you do so, you lose the use of those powers until
the next day’s recharge time. In return you gain power points equal
to the cost of those powers for the same period. You cannot
sequester all powers of a given level in your discipline, and you
cannot gain more power points than half your normal power points.
PSI 29 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times.
Speed of Thought
WIS 13+ Your base speed increases by 10.
1+ Available Power Points If you have taken this feat multiple times, your base speed increases
by 10 each time, but the available power points required increases
by 4 each time.

General Psionic Feats (Part 3 of 3)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PSI 29 Psionic When an opponent's movement provokes an attack of opportunity
Stand Still
STR 13+ and you hit them with that attack, they save against DC of 10 plus
1+ Available Power Points the damage you did. If they fail, their movement ends. [This feat is
more complicated than this.]
PSI 30 Psionic You can manifest 3 more level 0 powers free per day than normal.
Talented {1}
Inner Strength
PSI 30 Psionic You may take this feat multiple times, each time with a different
Trigger Power
Inner Strength power of level 3 or less.
Talented {1} When manifesting the chosen power, you may make an ability
check against the power's discipline's ability. The DC is 11 plus 2
times the level of the power. If successful, you manifest the power
at no cost. If you fail, you pay the cost as normal. You must have
enough power points to pay the cost as normal. This cannot be used
on psionic attack or defense mode powers.
PSI 30 Psionic You may spend 5 power points to allow your unarmed attack to be
Unavoidable Strike
STR 13+ rolled against your opponent's AC to be touched, which is likely
Psionic Fist lower than their AC to be hit. The points are spent even if you
+3 Base Attack miss. You can spend the points in advance and leave your hand or
foot "charged" for up to your STR modifier + 1 rounds.
DR287 Psionic You can shift your psionic powers based on chains in order to
Upgrade Power p56
Another Psionc or replace lower power ones as you gain higher power ones. See
Metapsionic feat DR287 pg 55-56 for a description of the chains.
PSI 30 Psionic You can take any portion of your movement as standing on walls
Up the Walls
Speed of Thought (but not ceilings) as long as you begin and end your move on a
Psionic Charge horizontal surface. Moving from a horizontal to vertical surface
5+ Available Power Points costs 5' of movement. If you do not end on a horizontal surface,
you fall to the ground prone.

Psionic Combat Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PSI 25 Psionic You may spend 5 power points to allow your melee weapon attack
Deep Impact
STR 13+ to be rolled against your opponent's AC to be touched, which is
Power Attack likely lower than their AC to be hit. The points are spent even if
Psionic Weapon you miss. You can spend the points in advance and leave the
+3 Base Attack weapon "charged" for up to your STR modifier + 1 rounds.
PSI 25 Psionic You may spend 5 power points to allow your ranged weapon attack
Fell Shot
DEX 13+ to be rolled against your opponent's AC to be touched, which is
Point Blank Shot likely lower than their AC to be hit. The points are spent even if
Psionic Shot you miss. You can spend the points in advance and leave the
+3 Base Attack weapon "charged" for up to your DEX modifier + 1 rounds.
PSI 26 Psionic When you strike an opponent's weapon, you ignore half of the
Great Sunder
STR 13+ weapon's total hardness with modifiers (round down). Note that to
Power Attack strike a magical or psionicly enhanced weapon you still need a
Sunder weapon of equal or better enchantment. This feat may also be used
5+ Available Power Points to lower the effective hardness of hard construction like doors and
PSI 28 Psionic During your action, you can specify an opponent that you will get
Psionic Dodge
DEX 13+ +1 AC (dodge bonus) against until your next action. This choice
Dodge may be the same as or different from your choice for the Dodge
5+ Available Power Points feat.
PSI 28 Psionic When making a ranged weapon attack, you may spend 1 power
Psionic Shot
DEX 13+ point before rolling. If you hit, you do +1d4 points of damage. The
Point Blank Shot power point is spent even if you miss. You can spend the points in
advance and leave your missile "charged" for up to your STR
modifier + 1 rounds.
PSI 28 Psionic When making a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1 power point
Psionic Weapon
STR 13+ before rolling. If you hit, you do +1d4 points of damage. The
Power Attack power point is spent even if you miss. You can spend the points in
advance and leave your weapon "charged" for up to your STR
modifier + 1 rounds.
PSI 29 Psionic Once per round when you would be hit by a ranged weapon and
Return Shot
DEX 13+ you have not already acted this round, you may make a Reflex save
Point Blank Shot against DC 20 (plus enhancement bonus of the weapon) to catch the
Psionic Shot missile. If you have the appropriate means, you may immediately
5+ Available Power Points return the missile. Shooting a bow is a move-equivalent action, a
crossbow is a standard action, and a spear or knife is a free action to
throw back. Your return attack is at your full ranged attack bonus
plus half of your opponent's ranged attack bonus. (Note: If you also
have the Deflect Arrows feat your return attack uses your
opponent's full ranged attack bonus instead of just half.)

Psionic Item Creation Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
PSI 24 Psion Manifester(9+) You can create psionic crystal capacitors that store power points.
Craft Crystal Capacitor
PSI 24 Psion Manifester(5+) You can make crystal wands that have psionic powers.
Craft Dorje
PSI 24 Psion Manifester(5+) You can create psionic weapons and armor.
Craft Psionic Arms and
PSI 24 Psion Manifester(3+) You can create a miscellaneous psionic item.
Craft Universal Item
PSI 25 Psion Manifester(1+) You can create a power stone that stores psionic powers.
Encode Stone
PSI 27 Psionic item creation feat You may take this feat multiple times, each for a different item
creation feat.
The XP and raw material costs for creating an item using the chosen
feat is 75% of normal.
PSI 29 Psion Manifester(3+) You can create psionic tattoos that store powers in their designs.
Scribe Tattoo

Metapsionic Feats (Part 1 of 2)

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 6. You can "chain" any power that
Chain Power p54
Another Metapsionic feat specifies a single target with a range greater than touch. The
"chain" affects the primary target fully, then it can continue through
a number of additional targets equal to your manifester level (for a
total of manifester level + 1 targets) that are within 30 feet of the
primary target. Each additional target takes half as much damage as
the primary target (if the spell deals damage) or each additional
target gets a -4 on the DC to save (if the power does not deal
PSI 25 Psionic Increases power point cost by 6. Instead of taking effect when done
Delay Power
manifesting, the power waits for 1 to 5 rounds (your choice) before
having its effect. Only usable on personal, touch, and area of affect
powers. The power can be detected and negated during the delay.
PSI 25 Psionic Increases power point cost by 2. Doubles the range of the power.
Enlarge Power
Area of effect powers operate as if you were two levels higher.
PSI 25 Psionic Increases power point cost by 2. Doubles the duration of the power.
Extend Power
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 2 for each time you fortify the power
Fortify Power p55
to a maximum of manifester level -1 total power points for the
power. All variable numeric effects of the power are increased by
25% per time. For example, at +6 cost you get +75%.
PSI 26 Psionic Increases the power point cost of the power to be the same as a
Heighten Power
power of the chosen level. You can manifest a power as if its level
were higher than it actually is (to a maximum of 9th). This makes it
harder to save against.
PSI 26 Psionic You can take this feat once for each characteristic: auditory,
Hide Power
material, mental, olfactory, or visual.
Increases power point cost by 2. You can manifest a power without
the normal display with the given characteristic.
PSI 26 Psionic You can manifest the power of a Dorje using your own power
Master Dorje
points instead of using a charge. You spend the power's cost plus 2
points to do this.
PSI 26 Psionic Increases power point cost by 6. Maximizes all variable numeric
Maximize Power
effects of a power.
PSI 27 Psionic Increases power point cost by 8. You can make a personal or fixed
Persistent Power
range power last 24 hours.
DR287 Psionic You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different
Psionic Energy p55
Another Metapsionic feat energy type.
Admixture Psionc Energy Substitution Increases power point cost by 8. Choose an energy type when you
Knowledge(Psionics) 5+ take this feat. Choices are: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
You may alter any power (including one altered with Energy
Substitution) with an energy type to add the use the chosen energy
type to the existing energy type. The power uses both energy types,
each type dealing full damage.

Metapsionic Feats (Part 2 of 2)
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR287 Psionic You can take this feat multiple times, each time for a different
Psionic Energy p54
Another Metapsionic feat energy type.
Substitution Knowledge(Psionics) 5+ Choose an energy type when you take this feat. Choices are: Acid,
Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic. You may alter any power with an
energy type to use the chosen energy type instead. This does not
change the amount of damage. It also does not remove any
secondary effects.
PSI 29 Psionic Increases power point cost by 8. Allows a power of up to 1 round
Quicken Power
manifesting time to be manifested as a free action. You may
manifest only one power per round using this feat.
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 4. You may use a touch power at a
Reach Power p55
Enlarge Power range of up to 25 feet. The power effectively becomes a ray and
you need to make a ranged touch attack to hit with it.
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 6. The power has a normal effect this
Repeat Power p56
Another Metapsionic feat round. Next round on your turn, the power happens a second time.
This does not work for touch powers or if there was a target and it
has moved more than 30 feet from its location. If you have moved,
the power originates from the location you were at last round.
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 2. You can change any area of effect
Sculpt Power p56
Another Metapsionic feat power to a different area shape. Choices for the new shape are:
cylinder (10 foot radius, 30 feet high), cone (40 feet long, 40 feet
wide at the base), four 10 foot cubes, or a sphere (20 foot radius).
DR287 Psionic You can split any ray that specifies a single target so that it affects
Split Psionic Ray p56
Another Metapsionic feat two targets that are within 30 feet of each other (or the same target
twice). If the power does damage, each target takes half damage.
PSI 30 Psionic Increases power point cost by 8. The power you manifest is
Twin Power
actually manifested twice with the same target or area. Each of the
two uses is treated separately.
DR287 Psionic Increases power point cost by 6. The area of effect of a burst,
Widen Power p56
Another Metapsionic feat emanation or spread power is increased by 50%.

Unusual Feats
Flying Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MM 11 Ability to Fly You can take a partial action during the middle of a flying move
Flyby Attack MM2 18
MoW action. You cannot take a second move action that round.
MM2 18 Ability to Fly You may halt your forward motion and hover regardless of
MoW Ability to Fly Your maneuverability improves by one grade. For example, from
Improved Flight {1} 23
poor to good.
ELH 70 Ability to Fly You can perform a Flyby Attack without provoking attacks of
Improved Flyby Attack
Flyby Attack opportunity by your target.
DR289 Ability to Fly Your maneuverability advanced to Good (from Average). You can
Improved Flying p63
DEX 13+ now hover, fly backward, and turn up to 90 degrees midflight.
+11 Base Attack
MM2 18 Ability to Fly You may turn at an angle of up to 180 degrees regardless of
Wingover MoW
25 maneuverability and in addition to other turns allowed. You cannot
gain altitude during a round when you do this, but you can dive.

Genasi Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR293 Water Genasi This feat may be taken multiple times.
Breathing Link (p59)
+2 Base Will Save You may only affect one creature within 5 feet of you at a time.
This creature can breath water for as long as they are within range
and you wish to continue the effect. Each time you take this feat
allows an additional creature to be affected simultaneously.
DR293 Genasi +4 Fortitude save against poison, sleep, paralysis, or stunning. You
Elemental Bloodline (p59)0
+5 Base Fortitude Save have a 25% chance of turning a critical ht or sneak attack into a
normal hit.
DR293 Fire Genasi When using your Control Flame ability, you may instead touch the
Healing Flames (p59)0
+3 Base Will Save flame and heal yourself of some damage. The amount depends on
the size of the fire: 1 HP = fine (a piece of smoking tinder), 1d3 HP
= diminutive (a torch), 1d6 HP = tiny (a small campfire), 2d6 =
small (a large campfire), 3d6 = medium (a forge), 4d6 = large (a
bonfire), 5d6 = huge; 6d6 = gargantuan, 7d6 = Colossal.
DR293 Natural ability to levitate You may use your Levitate ability in 10 minute increments instead
Improved Levitation (p61)
of all at once.
DR293 Water Genasi Your base swim speed is 50 feet instead of the normal 30 feet.
Rapid Swimming (p61)
+2 Base Fortitude Save
DR293 Earth Genasi When you attack or full attack, you may take a penalty to attack of
Stone Colossus (p61)
+3 Base Fortitude Save –X, but in return you get +X to your AC as a natural armor. X can
be between 0 and 5, inclusive.
DR293 Earth Genasi You may use Meld Into Stone as a replacement for one of your uses
Stone Slide (p61)
+4 Base Fortitude Save of Pass without Trace.

Kaiju Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
DR289 Kaiju Template A Kaiju is a colossal sized creature, such as Godzilla.
Battle Roar p70
As a move equivalent action, you can perform a battle roar. All
creatures of 6 hit dice or less within 1,200 feet become shaken (-2
morale penalty on attack, damage, and saves). Creatures of 7 or
more hit dice suffer the same unless they make a Will save DC 10 +
half your hit dice + your CHA modifier. A deaf character is
immune to all Roar feats, and a bard may use a countersong to
replace any saves with their perform feat.
DR289 Kaiju Template A Kaiju is a colossal sized creature, such as Godzilla.
Improved Trample p70
Trampling a creature does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Trampling an object causes double damage.
DR289 Kaiju Template A Kaiju is a colossal sized creature, such as Godzilla.
Penetrate Hardness p70
Improved Critical {1} When you strike an object with a melee attack using the Improved
Critical feat, the hardness of the object is treated as if it were halved
(round down).
DR289 Kaiju Template A Kaiju is a colossal sized creature, such as Godzilla.
Stunning Roar p70
Battle Roar As a full round action, you may perform a stunning roar. All the
Thunderous Roar effects of Thunderous Roar apply. In addition, creatures of 6 hit
dice or less are stunned for 1d4 rounds. Creatures of 7 hit dice or
more suffer the same unless they make a Fortitude save of DC 10 +
half your hit dice + your CHA modifier.
DR289 Kaiju Template A Kaiju is a colossal sized creature, such as Godzilla.
Thunderous Roar p70
Battle Roar As a standard action, you can perform a thunderous roar. All the
effects of Battle Roar apply. In addition, creatures of 6 hit dice or
less are deafened for 3d6 rounds. Creatures of 7 hit dice or more
suffer the same unless they make a Fortitude save of DC 10 + half
your hit dice + your CHA modifier.

Multi-arm Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
D&D 50 3 or more arms In addition to the standard single attack with each off-hand weapon,
Greater Multiweapon ELH 69
DEX 19+ you get two more attacks with each weapon. The first of these
Fighting Multiweapon Fighting attacks is at -5 and the other is at -10.
Improved Multiweapon
+15 Base Attack
ELH 70 3 or more natural weapons Secondary attacks with natural weapons are at -0 instead of -5.
Improved Multiattack
MR 137 3 or more arms In addition to the standard single attack with each off hand weapon,
Improved Multiweapon D&D 50
DEX 15+ you get a second attack with each weapon at a -5 penalty.
Fighting ELH 70
Multiweapon Fighting
+9 Base Attack
MM 11 3 or more natural weapons Secondary attacks with natural weapons are at -2 instead of -5.
Multi-Attack MM2 18
MR 77
MM 11 3 or more arms Also see Ambidexterity.
Multidexterity MM2 18
MR 137 DEX 15+ You ignore the –4 penalty for off-hand attacks in combat.
S&F 62 3 or more natural weapons If you have four or more arms, you may use each pair of arms to
DEX 15+ perform a different partial action. For example, you could attack
INT 13+ with one or two arms while using a magic item, reloading a
Multi-Attack crossbow, or even casting a spell with the other two arms.
Two-Weapon Fighting
Improved Two-Weapon
MM 11 3 or more hands Also see Two-Weapon Fighting.
Multi-Weapon Fighting MM2 18
MR 137 Reduces penalties for two-weapon fighting by –2 on each attack.
ELH 63 Epic Character If you hit an opponent with multiple weapons in different hands
Multiweapon Rend
3 or more arms during the same round, you may rend the opponent. This does
DEX 15+ additional damage equal to the smallest weapon that hit plus 1.5
Multiweapon Fighting times your STR modifier. You can only rend once per round.
+9 Base Attack
ELH 63 Epic Character You may make as many attacks with your other arms as you do
Perfect Multiweapon
3 or more arms with you primary arm using the same base attack values.
Fighting DEX 25+
Multiweapon Fighting
Greater Multiweapon
+9 Base Attack

Feat Name Prerequisites Description
MM2 18 This feat may be taken multiple times, each with a different special
Ability Focus
+2 DC on one special attack ability.
FR 34 If you are a creature that suffers from penalties when exposed to
Daylight Adaptation
bright light (such as Drow and Duergar), you no longer suffer those
DR298 Damage bonus against You gain a +2 insight bonus on saves against spells and spell like
Drow Slayer (p60)
Drow Elves abilities of Drow Elves.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Darkvision {1}
Darkvision ability The range of your darkvision is doubled. If taken additional times
it becomes x3, x4, etc.
ELH 58 Epic Character This feat may be taken multiple times.
Improved Low-Light
Low-light vision ability The range of your low light vision is doubled. If taken additional
Vision {1} times it becomes x3, x4, etc.
S&F 61 Size Large (or larger) When you make a successful attack of opportunity against an
Large and in Charge
with reach opponent who is moving inside your threatened area, you may
STR 17+ make an opposed STR check against that opponent to force them
back to the space they were in prior to the attack. You get +4 for
each size category larger than the opponent and +1 for ever 5 points
of damage you dealt.
DR291 Gnome You may only take this feat at first level.
Magically Adept (p31)
INT 10+ Instead of having Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, and
Prestidigitation spells each once per day, you may choose 3 spells
from the Druid, Sorcerer, or Wizard zero level spell lists. You can
choose a spell more than once, resulting in it being castable that
many times per day. The spell is always considered arcane, even if
chosen from the Druid list.
MM2 18 Natural weapons If you hit with a claw or bite attack, you may start a grapple as a
Snatch MoW
25 free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If you
attack with a claw and the opponent is 4 or more sizes smaller than
you, you deal your claw attack damage each round you maintain the
grapple. If you attack with a bite and the opponent is 3 or more
sizes smaller than you, you deal your bite damage each round you
maintain the grapple. If you used your bite and take no other action
that round, you deal double your bite damage. As a standard action,
you may fling the opponent 10 feet (and dealing 1d6 damage) for
each size category greater than small that you are. This ends the

Vile Feats
Feat Name Prerequisites Description
BVD 48 INT 15+ You can use the Dark Speech ability. You gain a +4 circumstance
Dark Speech
CHA 15+ bonus against the use of the Dark Speech on you.
Will Save +5
BVD 48 Willing Deformity You have sharp claws that deal 1d6 damage. You are considered
Deformity (Clawed
armed even without a weapon. Your unarmed attacks do not
Hands) provoke an attack of opportunity.
BVD 48 Willing Deformity You have drilled a third eye in your forehead or have spiritually
Deformity (Eyes)
scarred one of your eyes. You can use See Invisibility for 1 minute
per day. You get a -2 deformity penalty on Spot and Search checks.
BVD 48 Willing Deformity You have a hideous face due to mutilation. +2 on Intimidate. +2 on
Deformity (Face)
Diplomacy with evil creatures of a different race.
BVD 48 Willing Deformity You have skeletal appearance and weight half the normal weight.
Deformity (Gaunt)
+2 deformity bonus to DEX, -2 deformity bonus to CON, +2
circumstance bonus on Escape Artist and Intimidate checks.
BVD 48 Willing Deformity You are grossly overweight, being at least triple the normal weight
Deformity (Obese)
for your race. +2 deformity bonus to CON, -2 deformity bonus to
DEX, +2 circumstance bonus to Intimidate, +2 circumstance bonus
to save against poison. You cannot also have the Deformity(Gaunt)
BVD 49 You are the servant of a devil. Once per day you may take a +1
Disciple of Darkness
luck bonus on any one die roll while performing an evil act. You
cannot also have the Thrall to Demon feat.
BVD 49 You are physically marked forever as a servant of evil in such a way
Evil Brand
that it is obvious to all others. +2 on Diplomacy and Intimidate
checks against evil creatures.
BVD 49 Evil Brand Mindless undead see you as an undead. +1 circumstance bonus on
saves against mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis,
stunning, and disease.
BVD 50 WIS 15+ +4 profane bonus on Knowledge(Religion) checks made when
Sacrificial Mastery
performing a sacrifice.
BVD 50 You are the servant of a demon. Once per day you may take a +1
Thrall to Demon
luck bonus on any one die roll while performing an evil act.
BVD 50 CHA 15+ If a vermin is about to attack you, make a CHA check DC 20 to
make it refuse to attack you for 24 hours.
BVD 50 Natural attack Each time you deal damage with natural attacks that deal 1d8
Vile Natural Attack
+5 Base Attack damage or more, you deal 1 additional point of vile damage.

Index of Feats
Ability Focus, 53 Bulwark of Defense, 20 Danger Sense, 3 Endurance, 3
Acrobatic {1}, 12 Chain Power, 48 Dark Speech, 54 Energy Admixture, 35
Additional Magic Item Chain Spell {2}, 35 Dash, 3 Energy Resistance, 20
Space, 3 Chaotic Rage, 9 Daylight Adaptation, 53 Energy Substitution, 35
Alertness {1}, 12 Chariot Archery, 23 Deafening Song, 6 Enhance Item, 39
Alluring, 12 Chariot Charge, 23 Death Blow, 16 Enhance Spell, 36
Ambidexterity, 27 Chariot Combat, 23 Death to Enemies, 22 Enhanced Reputation, 7
Animal Control, 31 Chariot Sideswipe, 23 Deep Impact, 47 Enlarge Power, 48
Animal Defiance, 31 Chariot Trample, 23 Defensive Strike, 16 Enlarge Spell {1}, 36
Animation Mastery, 31 Charlatan, 12 Defensive Throw, 28 Enspell Familiar, 42
Arcane Defense, 31 Chink in the Armor, 16 Deflect Arrows, 28 Epic Dodge, 21
Arcane Preparation, 31 Choke Hold, 28 Deflect Ranged Attack, 24 Epic Endurance, 3
Arcane Schooling, 31 Circle Kick, 28 Deformity (Clawed Hands), Epic Fortitude, 10
Armor Proficiency Circle Master, 20 54 Epic Inspiration, 6
(Heavy), 5 Circle Student, 20 Deformity (Eyes), 54 Epic Leadership, 15
Armor Proficiency (Light), Deformity (Face), 54
Cleave, 16 Epic Prowess, 16
5 Deformity (Gaunt), 54
Clever Wrestling, 28 Epic Reflexes, 10
Armor Proficiency
Close Quarters Fighting Deformity (Obese), 54 Epic Reputation, 12
(Medium), 5
{1}, 20 Delay Power, 48 Epic Skill Focus, 12
Armor Skin, 20
Colossal Wild Shape, 43 Delay Spell, 35 Epic Speed, 3
Armored Fencer (Heavy),
20 Combat Agility, 20 Desecrated Animation, 31 Epic Spell Focus, 31
Armored Fencer (Medium), Combat Archery, 24 Destructive Attack, 26 Epic Spell Penetration, 31
20 Combat Casting {1}, 31 Destructive Rage, 9 Epic Spellcasting, 31
Arterial Strike, 26 Combat Manifestation, 44 Devastating Critical, 16 Epic Toughness, 8
Artist {1}, 12 Combat Reflexes, 16 Dexterous Fortitude, 10 Epic Weapon Focus, 16
Athletic {1}, 12 Construct Familiar, 42 Dexterous Will, 10 Epic Weapon
Attune Gem, 39 Cooperative Spell, 35 Diminutive Wild Shape, 43 Specialization, 16
Augment Construction, 44 Corrupt Spell, 35 Diplomat, 7 Epic Will, 10
Augment Summoning, 31 Corrupt Spell-Like Ability, Dire Charge, 16 Eschew Materials, 36
Augmented Alchemy, 12 31 Dirty Fighting, 16 Ethran, 31
Automatic Quicken Spell, Cosmopolitan, 12 Disarm Mind, 44 Evil Brand, 54
35 Courteous Magocracy, 12 Disciple of Darkness, 54 Exceptional Deflection, 28
Automatic Silent Spell, 35 Craft Crystal Capacitor, 48 Disciplined, 10 Exotic Weapon
Automatic Still Spell, 35 Craft Crystal Weapon, 39 Disguise Spell, 35 Proficiency, 15
Avoid Critical Hit, 20 Craft Dorje, 48 Distant Shot, 24 Expert Parry, 21
Bane of Enemies, 22 Craft Epic Magic Arms and Distract {2}, 20 Expert Tactician, 16
Battle Dance, 16 Armor, 39 Divine Cleansing, 40 Expertise, 21
Battle Roar, 51 Craft Epic Rod, 39 Extend Power, 48
Divine Might, 40
Beast Companion, 43 Craft Epic Staff, 39 Divine Resistance, 40 Extend Spell {1}, 36
Beast Wild Shape, 43 Craft Epic Wondrous Item, Extended Lifespan, 3
Divine Shield, 40
39 Extended Rage, 9
Bend Spell, 35 Divine Vengeance, 40
Craft Magic Arms &
Blind-Fight {1}, 16 Divine Vigor, 40 Extra Familiar, 42
Armor {1}, 39
Blinding Speed, 3 Dodge, 20 Extra Favored Enemy, 22
Craft Masterpiece
Blindsight, 43 Performance, 6 Dragon Wild Shape, 43 Extra Music, 6
Blindsight, 5-foot radius Craft Psionic Arms and Dragon’s Toughness, 8 Extra Power, 44
{1}, 16 Armor, 48 Drow Slayer, 53 Extra Rage, 9
Blooded, 8 Craft Rod {1}, 39 Dual Strike, 16 Extra Slot, 32
Bloodline of Fire, 10 Craft Staff {1}, 39 Dwarf’s Toughness, 8 Extra Smiting, 26
Body Fuel, 44 Craft Talisman, 39 Eagle Claw Attack, 28 Extra Spell, 32
Bonus Domain, 40 Craft Universal Item, 48 Earth's Embrace, 28 Extra Stunning Attacks, 28
Boost Spell Resistance, 10 Craft Wand {1}, 39 Education {1}, 12 Extra Turning, 40
Boost Spell-Like Ability, Craft Wondrous Item {1}, Efficient Item Creation, 39 Extra Wild Shape, 43
31 39 Eyes in the Back of Your
Elemental Bloodline, 50
Brachiation, 3 Create Infusion, 39 Head, 21
Empower Spell {1}, 35
Breathing Link, 50 Create Portal, 39 Face in the Crowd, 7
Empower Spell-Like
Brew Potion {1}, 39 Crushing Defense, 20 Ability, 31 Falling Star Strike, 28
Bullheaded, 10 Cunning Wit, 7 Empower Turning, 40 Familiar Spell, 32
Bully, 7 Damage Reduction, 20 Encode Stone, 48 Far Shot, 24

Fast Armor, 5 Ignore Material Improved Swimming, 4 Master Dorje, 48
Fast Rider, 3 Components, 36 Improved Trample, 51 Master Staff, 40
Fast Wild Shape, 43 Improved Alignment Based Improved Trip, 18 Master Wand, 40
Casting, 32
Faster Healing, 3 Improved Two-Weapon Maximize Power, 48
Favored Critical, 22 Improved Animation, 32 Fighting, 27 Maximize Spell {1}, 36
Improved Arrow of Death, Improved Unarmed Strike,
Feign Weakness, 28 Mental Adversary, 44
24 29
Fell Shot, 47 Mental Leap, 44
Improved Aura of Courage, Improved Whirlwind
Fine Wild Shape, 43 10 Mercantile Background, 13
Attack, 18
Fists of Iron, 28 Improved Aura of Despair, Metacreative, 48
Improvised Trip Attack, 24
Fleet of Foot, 3 10 Mighty Rage, 9
Improvised Weapon {1},
Flick of the Wrist, 17 Improved Bull Rush, 17 15 Militia, 15
Flyby Attack, 50 Improved Combat Casting, Incite Rage, 9 Mind Blind, 44
Flying Kick, 28 32 Mind Over Body, 8
Incredible Parry, 21
Foe Hunter, 17 Improved Combat Inertial Armor, 44 Mind Trap, 44
Forester, 12 Reflexes, 17 Mobile Defense, 21
Infinite Deflection, 29
Forge Epic Ring, 39 Improved Counterspell, 32 Mobility {1}, 21
Infusion of Balance, 4
Forge Ring {1}, 39 Improved Critical {1}, 17 Monkey Grip, 18
Innate Spell, 36
Fortify Power, 48 Improved Critical {2}, 17 Mortalbane, 32
Inner Strength, 44
Freezing the Lifeblood, 28 Improved Darkvision {1}, Mounted Archery, 23
53 Inscribe Rune, 39
Gargantuan Wild Shape, 43 Insidious Magic, 38 Mounted Combat, 23
Improved Death Attack, 26
Giant’s Toughness, 8 Inspire Excellence, 6 Multdexterity, 52
Improved Dirty Fighting,
Grappling Block, 28 Instant Reload, 24 Multi-Attack, 52
Grasshopper Strike, 12 Instantaneous Rage, 9 Multicultural, 15
Improved Disarm {1}, 17
Great Charisma, 3 Intensify Spell, 36 Multispell, 36
Improved Elemental Wild
Great Cleave, 17 Shape, 43 Intimidating Rage, 9 Multi-Tasking, 52
Great Constitution, 3 Improved Encumbrance, 4 Iron Will, 10 Multi-Weapon Fighting, 52
Great Dexterity, 3 Improved Familiar, 42 Jack of All Trades {1}, 12 Multiweapon Rend, 52
Great Fortitude, 10 Improved Favored Karmic Strike, 18 Music of the Gods, 6
Great Intelligence, 4 Enemies, 22 Keen Strike, 29 Natural Spell, 43
Great Ki Shout, 17 Improved Flight {1}, 50 Ki Shout, 18 Neck Hairs Rise, 4
Great Smiting, 26 Improved Flyby Attack, 50 Kick Them While They’re Negative Energy Burst, 40
Great Strength, 4 Improved Flying, 50 Down, 18 Nobody's Fool, 13
Great Sunder, 47 Improved Grapple {1}, 29 Knock-Down, 18 Obscure Lore, 6
Great Throw, 29 Improved Heighten Spell, Landlord, 4 Off-Hand Parry, 27
Great Wisdom, 4 36 Large and in Charge, 53 Overwhelming Critical, 18
Greater Multiweapon Improved Initiative, 8 Lasting Inspiration, 6 Pain Touch, 29
Fighting, 52 Improved Ki Strike, 29 Leadership, 15 Parry {3}, 21
Greater Power Penetration, Improved Levitation, 50 Legendary Climber, 12 Pebble Underfoot, 18
44 Improved Low Blow, 17 Legendary Commander, 15 Penetrate Damage
Greater Psionic Focus, 44 Improved Low-Light Reduction, 18
Legendary Leaper, 13
Greater Resiliency, 3 Vision {1}, 53 Penetrate Hardness, 51
Legendary Rider, 13
Greater Spell Focus, 32 Improved Manifestation, 44 Perfect Health, 10
Legendary Sniper, 24
Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Manyshot, 24 Perfect Multiweapon
Legendary Tracker, 13
32 Improved Metamagic, 36 Fighting, 52
Greater Two-Weapon Legendary Wrestler, 29
Improved Mounted Perfect Two-Weapon
Fighting, 27 Lichloved, 54
Archery, 23 Fighting, 27
Greater Undead Legion, 32 Lightning Fists, 29
Improved Multiattack, 52 Permanent Emanation, 32
Green Ear, 6 Lightning Reflexes {1}, 10 Pernicious Magic, 38
Improved Multiweapon
Group Inspiration, 6 Fighting, 52 Lingering Damage, 26
Persistent Power, 48
Guarded Defense, 21 Improved Overrun, 17 Lingering Death, 26
Persistent Spell, 36
Hammer Fist, 29 Improved Parry, 21 Lingering Song, 6 Persuasive {1}, 13
Hamstring, 26 Improved Psicrystal, 44 Luck of Heroes, 10
Phalanx Fighting, 21
Healing Flames, 50 Improved Rapid Shot, 24 Magical Artisan, 39
Pin Shield, 27
Heighten Power, 48 Improved Shield Bash, 17 Magical Beast Wild Shape, Planar Turning, 41
Heighten Spell, 36 Improved Sneak Attack Plant Control, 32
Heighten Turning, 40 {1}, 26 Magical Training, 4
Plant Defiance, 33
Improved Spell Capacity, Magically Adept, 53
Hide Power, 48 Plant Wild Shape, 43
32 Malign Spell Focus, 32
Hindering Song, 6 Point Blank Shot, 25
Hold the Line, 21 Improved Spell Resistance, Mantis Leap, 18
10 Poison Immunity {3}, 10
Manyshot, 24
Holy Strike, 26 Polyglot, 13
Improved Stunning Fist, 29 Martial Weapon
Horse Nomad, 15 Positive Energy Aura, 41
Improved Sunder, 17 Proficiency, 15
Hover, 50 Power Attack, 18
Power Critical, 18 Reflect Arrows, 29 Speed of Thought, 45 Thug, 8
Power Lunge, 18 Remain Conscious, 8 Spell Focus {1}, 33 Thunder Twin, 4
Power Penetration, 45 Repeat Power, 49 Spell Girding, 33 Thundering Rage, 9
Power Specialization, 45 Repeat Spell, 37 Spell Knowledge {1}, 33 Thunderous Roar, 51
Power Touch, 45 Requiem, 6 Spell Mastery {1}, 33 Token Familiar, 42
Precise Shot, 25 Resculpt Mind, 45 Spell Opportunity, 33 Toughness {1}, 8
Predict Outcome, 4 Resist Death, 10 Spell Penetration, 33 Track, 4
Predict Path, 13 Resist Disease, 11 Spell Specialization {1}, 33 Trample, 23
Prone Attack, 18 Resist Poison {1}, 11 Spell Stowaway, 33 Trap Sense, 14
Proportionate Wild Shape, Resistance to Energy, 4 Spell Thematics, 33 Treetopper, 14
43 Return Shot, 47 Spellcasting Harrier, 19 Trigger Power, 46
Protective Parry, 21 Ride-By-Attack, 23 Spellcasting Prodigy, 33 Trustworthy, 14
Psionic Body, 45 Righteous Strike, 29 Spellfire Wielder, 33 Twin Power, 49
Psionic Charge, 45 Roundabout Kick, 29 Spelunker, 13 Twin Spell, 37
Psionic Defense, 45 Ruinous Rage, 9 Spirited Charge, 23 Twin Sword Style, 27
Psionic Dodge, 47 Run, 4 Split Psionic Ray, 49 Two-Weapon Fighting, 27
Psionic Energy Admixture, Sacred Spell, 37 Split Ray, 37 Two-Weapon Rend, 27
Sacrificial Mastery, 54 Spontaneous Domain Unavoidable Strike, 46
Psionic Energy Saddleback, 13 Access, 41 Unbalancing Blow, 19
Substitution, 49
Sanctum Spell, 37 Spontaneous Spell, 33 Unbalancing Strike, 30
Psionic Fist, 45 Spring Attack, 19
Scathing Wit {1}, 15 Uncanny Accuracy, 25
Psionic Focus, 45
Scathing Wit {2}, 7 Staggering Blow, 30 Undead Familiar, 42
Psionic Metabolism, 45
Scent, 43 Staggering Strike, 26 Undead Legion, 34
Psionic Shot, 47 Stand Still, 46
Scribe Epic Scroll, 40 Undead Mastery, 41
Psionic Weapon, 47
Scribe Scroll {1}, 40 Stealthy {1}, 14 Unholy Strike, 26
Psychic Bastion, 45
Scribe Tattoo, 48 Steel Skin, 22 Unorthodox Flurry, 30
Psychic Inquisitor, 45 Steely Gaze, 14
Sculpt Power, 49 Up the Walls, 46
Psychoanalyst, 45
Sculpt Spell, 37 Sterling Reputation, 7 Upgrade Power, 46
Pyro, 4
Self-Concealment, 13 Still Spell {1}, 37 Vermin Wild Shape, 43
Quick Draw {1}, 18 Stoic Composure, 11
Sequester Power, 45 Verminfriend, 54
Quicken Power, 49
Shadow {2}, 13 Stone Colossus, 50 Versatile, 14
Quicken Spell {1}, 36
Shadow Weave Magic, 38 Stone Slide, 50 Vile Ki Strike, 30
Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Storm of Throws, 25
33 Sharp Shooting, 25 Vile Martial Strike, 19
Shatter Confidence, 7 Street Smart, 14 Vile Natural Attack, 54
Quicken Turning, 41
Shattering Strike, 29 Strong Soul, 11 Violate Spell, 37
Quicken Wildshape, 43
Shield Charge, 19 Stunning Fist, 30 Violate Spell-Like Ability,
Quicker Than the Eye, 4
Shield Expert, 5 Stunning Roar, 51 34
Ranged Disarm, 25
Shield Proficiency, 5 Subdual Substitution, 37 Vorpal Strike, 30
Ranged Inspiration, 6
Shot on the Run {1}, 25 Subsonics, 6 Wall Breaker, 19
Ranged Pin, 25
Signature Spell, 33 Sunder, 19 Water-ken, 14
Ranged Sunder, 25
Silent Spell {1}, 37 Sunder Natural Weapon, 19 Way of the Sparrow, 14
Rapid Inspiration, 6
Silver Palm, 13 Superior Expertise, 22 Weapon Finesse, 19
Rapid Metabolism, 45
Simple Weapon Superior Initiative, 8 Weapon Focus, 19
Rapid Reload {1}, 25
Proficiency, 15 Supernatural Blow, 22 Weapon Specialization, 19
Rapid Shot {1}, 25
Single Blade Style, 22 Survivor, 11 Whirlwind Attack {1}, 19
Rapid Swimming, 50
Skill Focus, 13 Swarm of Arrows, 25 Widen Aura of Courage, 11
Rapier Wit, 7
Sly, 7 Swarmfighting, 19 Widen Aura of Despair, 11
Ray Burst, 36
Smooth Talk, 13 Talented {1}, 46 Widen Power, 49
Ray Coning, 36
Snake Blood, 11 Tattoo Focus, 33 Widen Spell, 37
Ray Extension, 36
Snatch, 53 Tattoo Magic, 40 Wildspeak, 4
Ray Focus, 33
Snatch Arrows, 29 Tenacious Magic, 38 Wingover, 50
Ray Splitting, 36
Snatch Weapon, 19 Tenacious Spell, 34 Zen Archery, 25
Reach Power, 49
Sneak Attack of Terrifying Rage, 9 Zone of Animation, 41
Reach Spell, 36
Opportunity, 26 Thorny Reputation, 7
Reactive Countersong, 6 Speaking Wild Shape, 43 Thrall to Demon, 54
Reactive Counterspell, 33
Spectral Strike, 41 Throw Anything, 25
Reckless Offensive, 19


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