The Study of Diet Plan and Life Style of A Bodybuilder
The Study of Diet Plan and Life Style of A Bodybuilder
The Study of Diet Plan and Life Style of A Bodybuilder
Bodybuilding define
Bodybuilding is the use of progressive resistance exercise to control and develop
one's musculature for aesthetic purposes.[1] An individual who engages in this activity is referred
to as a bodybuilder. In professional bodybuilding, bodybuilders appear in lineups and perform
specified poses (and later individual posing routines) for a panel of judges who rank the
competitors based on criteria such as symmetry, muscularity, and conditioning. Bodybuilders
prepare for competitions through the elimination of nonessential body fat, enhanced at the last
stage by a combination of intentional dehydration and carbohydrate loading, to achieve
maximum muscular definition and vascularity, as well as tanning to accentuate the contrast of the
skin under the spotlights. Bodybuilders may use anabolic steroids and other performance
enhancing drugs to build muscles.
History of bodybuilding
Early history
Stone-lifting traditions were practiced in ancient Egypt, Greece and Tamilakam.[2] Western
weightlifting developed in Europe from 1880 to 1953, with strongmen displaying feats
of strength for the public and challenging each other. The focus was not on their physique, and
they often had large bellies and fatty limbs.[3]
Eugen Sandow[edit]
Bodybuilding developed in the late 19th century, promoted in England by German Eugen
Sandow, now considered as the "Father of Bodybuilding". He allowed audiences to enjoy viewing
his physique in "muscle display performances". Although audiences were thrilled to see a well-
developed physique, the men simply displayed their bodies as part of strength demonstrations or
wrestling matches. Sandow had a stage show built around these displays through his
manager, Florenz Ziegfeld. The Oscar-winning 1936 musical film The Great Ziegfeld depicts the
beginning of modern bodybuilding, when Sandow began to display his body for carnivals.
Sandow was so successful at flexing and posing his physique that he later created several
businesses around his fame, and was among the first to market products branded with his name.
He was credited with inventing and selling the first exercise equipment for the masses:
machined dumbbells, spring pulleys, and tension bands. Even his image was sold by the
thousands in "cabinet cards" and other prints. Sandow was a perfect "Gracilian", a standard
of ideal body proportionsclose to those of ancient Greek and Roman statues. Men's physiques
were then judged by how closely they matched these proportions.
Nutrition define
Nutrition is the science that interprets the interaction
of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to
maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and
disease of an organism. It includes food intake,
absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism, and
Essential nutrients
Essential nutrients are compounds that the body can’t make or can’t make
in sufficient quantity. According to the World Health Organization, these
nutrients must come from food, and they’re vital for disease prevention,
growth, and good health.
While there are many essential nutrients, they can be broken into two
categories: macronutrients and micronutrients.
Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients, and small doses go a long way.
There are six main groups of essential micronutrients and macronutrients.
1. Protein
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Protein is having its moment, and not just in the workout community. But
all of the hype is for a good reason. Protein is essential for good health.
Protein provides the building blocks of the body, and not just for muscle.
Every cell, from bone to skin to hair, contains protein.
Proteins are made of up different amino acids. While the body can create
some amino acids on its own, there are many essential amino acids that can
only come from food. You need a variety of amino acids for your body to
function properly.
The good news is that you don’t need to eat all of the amino acids at once.
Your body can create complete proteins from the foods you eat throughout
the day.
Healthy sources
While meat, fish, and eggs are good sources of essential amino acids, you
can also get protein from plant sources like beans, soy, nuts, and some
grains. Exactly how much protein you need daily depends on a variety of
factors including how active you are, and your age.
2. Carbohydrates
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Don’t let the low-carb craze fool you. Carbohydrates are necessary for a healthy
body. Carbs fuel your body, especially your central nervous system and brain, and
protect against disease, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Before you reach for the white bread or pasta, keep in mind that the type of carb
you eat matters. Some carbs are healthier than others. Opt for whole grains, beans,
and fiber-rich vegetables and fruits instead of refined grains and products with
added sugar.
3. Fats
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Fats often get a bad rap, but recent research has shown that healthy fats
are an important part of a healthy diet.
Yes, fat is high in calories, but those calories are an important energy
source for your body.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that 20 to 35 percent of
your daily calories come from fat, but the World Health
Organization suggests keeping it under 30 percent of your calories.
Including healthy fats in your diet can help you to balance your blood
sugar, decrease your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and improve
your brain function. They’re also powerful anti-inflammatories, and they
may lower your risk of arthritis, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Healthy sources
The most famous unsaturated fats are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Unsaturated fats are important for your body as they provide essential fatty
acids your body can’t make. You can find these healthy fats in nuts, seeds,
fish, and vegetable oils (like olive, avocado, and flaxseed). Coconut oil
provides plant-based fats in the form of medium-chain triglycerides which
impart health benefits like faster utilization by organs as fuel and appetite
Avoid trans fats and limit your intake of saturated animal-based fats like
butter, cheese, red meat, and ice cream.
4. Vitamins
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Vitamins are vital for warding off disease and staying healthy. The body needs
these micronutrients to support its functions. There are 13 essential vitamins that
the body needs to function properly, including vitamins A, C, B6, and D.
Each vitamin plays an important role in the body, and not getting enough of them
can cause health problems and disease. Many Americans do not get enough of
many essential vitamins. Vitamins are essential for healthy vision, skin, and bones.
Vitamins may lower the risk of lung and prostate cancer, and they’re powerful
antioxidants. Vitamins like vitamin C boost the immune system and help the body
Healthy sources
If you eat a varied, well-balanced diet full of vegetables and fruits, and have a
normal and healthy functioning digestive tract, you likely don’t need to take
vitamin supplements.
5. Minerals
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Much like vitamins, minerals help support the body. They’re essential for many
body functions, including building strong bones and teeth, regulating your
metabolism, and staying properly hydrated. Some of the most common minerals
are calcium, iron, and zinc.
6. Water
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You can go for weeks without food, but you can’t last more than a few days
without water. Water is absolutely crucial for every system in your body. It’s also
the main thing you are made of. About 62 percent of your body weight is water.
Water improves your brain function and mood. It acts a shock absorber and a
lubricant in the body. It also helps flush out toxins, carry nutrients to cells, hydrate
the body, and prevent constipation.
Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and impair your concentration and
physical performance.
Healthy sources
You don’t have to chug water to stay hydrated. Fruits and vegetables can also be a
great source. Munch on some spinach or watermelon to stay hydrated.
The best way to know if you’re properly hydrated is the color and volume of your
urine. If your urine isn’t frequent and pale yellow or nearly clear, you need more
Nutrients are the substances found in food which drive biological activity, and are
essential for the human body. They are categorized as proteins, fats, carbohydrates
(sugars, dietary fiber), vitamins, and minerals, and perform the following vital
1. 1Building all parts of the body such as muscle, bone, teeth, and blood
2. 2Producing energy (power and heat)
3. 3Keeping the body in good working order
Proteins: the building blocks of the body
Protein is the main constituent of the body, making up the muscles, internal organs,
skin, and blood, etc. If compared to a car, it would be the material from which the
body and engine are made. Just like a car cannot be driven fast without a solid
frame, without protein the human body cannot be kept in a healthy state. There are 20
kinds of amino acids that make up proteins, 9 of which are not synthesized in the
body, and are therefore called essential amino acids. These essential amino acids
must be supplemented from meals.
Metabolism simply put is the sum total of all chemical processes that occur in your
body on a daily basis. Every one of these processes require energy to one degree or
another and when you add all those energy demands up that is your daily caloric
need or your metabolic rate.
When we exercise we increase our metabolic rate by increasing our demand. Think
of metabolism as a checking account; when you eat you put money into the account
but as the day goes on the account just keeps leaking money based on every little
thing you do and when you do big things like exercise the money comes out way
faster. If you have more money going out then coming in you lose weight. If you have
more money coming in then going out you gain weight.
You’ve most likely heard a lot about metabolism in relation to weight loss. Simply put,
metabolism – or to be more precise “metabolic rate” - is the rate at which your body burns
calories. The rate varies depending on what you're doing. For instance, “basal metabolic
rate” is when you’re burning the least amount of calories; that’s when you’re sleeping and it
has been at least 10 hours since your last meal (digestion increases metabolic rate because
it takes energy to digest food). Basal metabolic rate reflects the amount of calories needed
to maintain your body’s basic functions, such as keeping your heart beating, your lungs
pumping, your temperature steady, and your gastrointestinal tract moving. When you
exercise, however, your metabolic rate goes up and you burn more calories per minute
because you're working hard - your heart is pumping blood to all of your body, your muscles
are contracting, and your breathing is rapid. How much your metabolic rate increases when
you work out is directly related to your exercise intensity. The longer and harder you work
out, the higher your metabolic rate, and thus, the more calories you burn. Plus, you get a
little metabolic rate hike for an hour or so after working out.
Exercise can also increase basal metabolic rate - that’s the real weight loss
payoff. Working out - especially weight training - builds muscle, and muscle requires
calories to maintain, even at rest. So, the more muscle you have, the higher your basal
metabolic rate, which means you’ll burn more calories than a less active person, even while
Digestion process and its information
At first, food travels relatively quickly through your digestive system. Within
six to eight hours, the food has moved its way through your stomach, small
intestine, and large intestine.
Once in your large intestine, the partially digested contents of your meal
can sit for more than a day while it’s broken down even more. A Mayo
Clinic study found that the average time food spends in the large intestine
varies by gender: 33 hours for men and 47 hours for women.
Your digestion rate is also based on what you’ve eaten. Meat and fish can
take as long as two days to fully digest. The proteins and fats they contain
are complex molecules that take longer for your body to pull apart.
By contrast, fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber, move through
your system in less than a day. In fact, these high-fiber foods help your
digestive track run more efficiently in general.
The quickest to digest are processed, sugary junk foods like candy bars.
Your body tears through them in a matter of hours, quickly leaving you
hungry again.
What happens during digestion
Digestion is the process by which your body breaks down food and pulls out the
nutrients your body needs to operate. Anything left is a waste product, which your
body removes.
small intestine
large intestine
As you chew, glands in your mouth release saliva. This digestive liquid contains
enzymes that break down the starches in your food. The result is a mushy mass
called a bolus that’s easier to swallow.
When you swallow, the food moves down your esophagus — the pipe that
connects your mouth to your stomach. A muscular gate called the lower
esophageal sphincter opens to let the food move into your stomach.
Acids in your stomach break down the food even more. This produces a mushy
mixture of gastric juices and partially digested food, called chyme. This mixture
moves on to your small intestine.
In your small intestine, your pancreas and liver contribute their own digestive
juices to the mix. Pancreatic juices break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Bile from your liver dissolves fat. Vitamins, other nutrients, and water move
through the walls of your small intestine into your bloodstream. The undigested
part that remains moves on to your large intestine.
The large intestine absorbs any leftover nutrients from the food. The rest becomes
solid waste, called stool.
Your rectum stores stool until you’re ready to have a bowel movement.
Acid reflux happens when the lower esophageal sphincter weakens. This
allows acid to back up from your stomach into your esophagus. The main
symptom is heartburn.
Celiac disease involves your immune system attacking and damaging
your intestines when you eat gluten.
Constipation is fewer bowel movements than usual. When you do go, the
stool is firm and hard to pass. Constipation causes symptoms like
bloating and abdominal pain.
Diverticulosis creates small, inflamed pouches in your intestines.
Symptoms include abdominal pain, constipation, and bloating.
Inflammatory bowel disease includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis. These conditions produce inflammation in your intestines.
Irritable bowel syndrome causes uncomfortable symptoms such as gas,
diarrhea, and constipation.
Lactose intolerance means your body lacks the enzyme needed to break
down the sugar in dairy products. When you eat dairy, you get
symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
Tips for better digestion
To keep food moving smoothly through your digestive system and prevent issues
like diarrhea and constipation, try these tips:
Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are all rich sources of fiber. Fiber helps food
move through your digestive system more easily.
Meat takes longer for your digestive tract to break down. Plus, it produces
chemicals that can damage your digestive tract.
These beneficial bacteria help crowd out the harmful bugs in your digestive tract.
You’ll find them in foods like yogurt and kefir, and in supplements.
Exercise daily
Moving your body keeps your digestive tract moving, too. Taking a walk after
meals can prevent gas and bloating. Exercise also keeps your weight in check,
which lowers your risk for certain cancers and other diseases of the digestive
A lack of sleep is linked to obesity, which can contribute to problems with your
digestive system.
Manage stress
You can often see how this works when you look at the goals of many other bodybuilders who
work with the seasons. They establish and work toward a particular goal during different
It is advisable to avoid continuing the same regimen for too long a period of time. Your body
needs the occasional change of pace in order to maximize recovery and keep your routine from
getting stale as well as just plain boring. There's no better way to do this than by working with the
seasons. Change and variety are important concepts in bodybuilding and we can use the
seasons to ensure we are reminded of this fact.
In the Winter I worry little about gaining fat and stay focused on gaining as much mass as I
possibly can. This is the time of year when I'm wearing baggy clothes and jackets so a few extra
pounds is likely to go unnoticed.
This season is the apex of my bulking. I am eating more calories than any other time during the
year and I am generally minimizing the cardio I do. It's far too cold to be performing any kind of
cardio in an outdoor environment so I usually limit myself to a few minutes on the treadmill prior
to weight training. This is simply to get warmed up and not to control weight.
Many people, myself included, feel like they have a free pass to overindulge in food during the
winter months. It is very tempting during this time to justify eating anything and everything you
want. After all it's the holiday season and to top that off your trying to eat more and pack on
It is important to realize that just because you are bulking doesn't mean you should eat
excessively and consume unhealthy foods that provide no nutritional benefit. Use common sense
and good judgment when determining what foods you will eat as well as how much.
That said, you do not need to torture yourself by avoiding the foods you enjoy all of the time. It is
fine to enjoy the occasional sugar-laden desert without feeling guilty.
My winter training usually entails following a program like HST. Every few weeks I will throw in
volume training just to keep my body from getting adjusted to anything. I'm concerned with
adding muscle so I keep my training very intense and my nutrition meticulous to make sure I
avoid overtraining and stay in an anabolic state.
The spring is the time I start to implement a cutting program that will allow me to lose the fat
I accumulated while bulking in the winter, and minimizing loss of the muscle I managed to
With the beginning of spring there is no rush to shed the fat off at a rapid rate. It's still
relatively cold outside and it will still be some time before I need to hit the beach or some
other place where I will have to wear clothing that reveals my physique.
The coming of spring means it is time to add more cardio to the mix. Even when cutting is a
priority, I do not let myself get caught up in the trap of thinking more is better when it comes
to burning fat with cardio. I believe in high intensity cardio, such as running, performed for a
maximum of thirty minutes per day and no more than four days per week. I do not want to
sacrifice muscle at the expense of burning additional calories
My weight training in the spring involves using heavy weight in the 4-6 rep range. Not only does
this increase strength but it also burns significantly more calories than higher rep ranges with
less weight. This can increase the basal metabolic rate throughout the day even long after my
weight training session comes to an end. With more cardio and heavy weights my body is primed
to lose the fat that has come from winter bulking and I'm closer to being ready for the summer.
The summer is the season that I consider the height of my training. In addition, I look it as the
ultimate test of how well the year has turned out as a whole. It is the time of the year when you
find yourself going to places such as the beach, river, lake, pool, etc. and being in a position
where you have little choice but to reveal what kind of physique you possess.
Many people go on vacations where they will be putting on display the kind of bodies they have
been developing. I want to ensure that I have planned my bodybuilding regimen meticulously and
that the results I have obtained reflect this. Viewing myself in front of a mirror I can get a very
good indication of how much mass I have been able to gain as well as how much I retained
during the cutting process.
As far as weight training goes, I alternate between the heavy weight training I employed during
the spring along with volume training. I have been using German Volume Training (GVT) for
years as a way to keep my body from getting stale and it has worked wonders.
I never use GVT for more than four consecutive weeks but it has really accelerated my gains
when employed occasionally in my regimen. I feel like the combination of heavy weight training
and volume training serves to increase my strength and enhance fat loss which are important
during the summer when I will be eating less in order to stave off any fat gain.
Cardio in the summer, in contrast to the colder seasons, is actually a fun activity for me. It gives
me the opportunity to swim and run outdoors which are two physical activities I really enjoy. I
know of very few people who enjoy aerobic activity in freezing temperatures. Performing cardio
without breaking a sweat just doesn't feel right anyway. I would rather be enjoying the summer
sun and being outdoors getting exercise.
Upon reaching my goal for the summer, however, I do not sit back and rest with a simple
satisfaction that my body is beach-ready and where it needs to be. My goals must continue and I
have to ensure that I push myself to improve continuously. The training, the proper diet, and the
overall careful attention to details must still dominate my concern. I want to continue gaining new
muscle while avoiding fat gain while the summer season goes on.
Fall marks a period of transition in which I try to begin the process of bulking while avoiding fat
gain. To do this I incorporate a strategy of clean bulking. I eat slightly above maintenance but
stick to clean foods that will help me keep the fat off.
Protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats enable me to ease back into bulking without
having to worry too much. There are still warm days left and I usually have the opportunity to do
many of the things I did during the summer like spending time outdoors and even swimming until
the weather really starts getting cool.
My training in the fall begins with high volume which I follow for four weeks. I then switch to HST
for about six weeks. With the leaves beginning to pour down off the trees, the fall feels like a true
season of changes and always encourages me to keep variety in my training.
Due to my work, the middle of fall is the time of year when my job is the most strenuous and I
find myself very exhausted after a day's work. I have to take this into consideration and ensure
that I don't overtrain. If I need to lower the volume or frequency then I do so accordingly.
Many people have jobs where there is a certain time of the year when there is more laborious
work or more stress-related work than others. This is important to factor into the equation so you
do not let the combination of work and working out lead you to burnout or overtraining.
Winter To Summer
How Does The Transition From Winter To Summer Impact Your Bodybuilding Progress?
The transition from winter to summer is the most rewarding of all for me. This is a period of time
when the fat I have added while bulking gets carefully disposed of. I make sure that I grant
myself plenty of time to lose fat while maintaining the muscle I have put on. I do not want to lose
any more than two pounds per week in order to prevent loss of muscle.
The spring season, however, gives me a sufficient amount of time to do this. I can carefully lose
fat at the rate of about two pounds per week maximum. This ensures that I can avoid the loss of
muscle that happens to many while cutting. As weather of spring makes the temperature more
comfortable I can get outside and do some running for cardio.
Seeing the grass become green once again and the flowers start to bloom makes me realize that
summer is just around the corner and I need to be prepared to be in the best condition I can. I
love the symbolism of the seasons when it comes to my bodybuilding progress because it serves
as a constant reminder of important concepts such as change, variety, and the need for timely
Favorite Season
Which Is Your Favorite Season? Why?
Despite the fact that summer is, in my opinion, representative of the year's accomplishments, I
must say that winter is my favorite season when it comes to bodybuilding training.
I love bulking not just because it allows me to eat more than usual, but because I have an
opportunity to pack on as much mass as possible. It's rewarding to be able to see the muscle
being added as a result of good training and a good diet. It is difficult to do this during the spring
and summer when cutting and staying lean become the top priorities.
Although I begin a very clean bulk in the fall, it is not until the winter months that bulking
becomes my dominant goal. There are still some heated days in the fall so I'm never ready to
risk putting on much fat at this point in time.
The new year begins in winter and this gives me a chance to do what most others do and make
resolutions that will help me accomplish my goals for the rest of the year. I can reflect on what I
did the previous year and how satisfied I am with the results. I can make changes based on what
I've learned and implement them into my training so as to improve even more.
As I mentioned earlier there is great symbolism in the seasons when it comes to bodybuilding.
Winter symbolizes to me the need to train indoors with weights while avoiding excessive cardio
which could hinder my ability to add as much muscle as possible.
Number Of Repetitions:
During the Off-Season, my workouts consist of low rep exercises. The reason behind this is
because of the focus of my training. The Off-Season is a time to gain the maximum amount of
strength possible before Football-Season. My repetitions vary between 3-5 repetition workouts
and 6-8 repetition workouts.
As we all know, 3-5 repetitions would be the best rep-range to gain strength. The problem with
this is the fact that a person is sure to plateau by only staying in one rep-range. Even though
most "bodybuilding experts" suggest going from the 3-5 rep-range to the 6-8 rep-range and then
to the 10-12 rep-range, it is safe to say only cycling between two of these rep-ranges is an
effective plateau-buster.
Another misinterpreted thing about these "bodybuilding experts" is that for the most part, a
football player is not necessarily trying to follow a bodybuilding routine. Instead, a football player
should be trying to follow a strength-building routine. Cycling between a 3-5 repetition workout
and a 6-8 repetition workout on the Off-Season is the best possible way to boost your strength
During the Football-Season, my workouts consist of much higher reps in my exercises. The
reason behind this is because rather than focusing on gaining strength, I try to tone up, which
means losing weight and can result in being faster.
While the Off-Season is for gaining strength, the Football-Season is for maintaining that strength
(rather than improving it) and losing easy excess fat. My repetitions during the Football season
consist of a 12-15 repetition workout.
This works out great for me because I am not trying to bust any plateaus (remember, I'm
maintaining strength, not gaining). Sticking with a 12-15 rep-range workout during the Football-
Season is the best possible way to maintain strength and tone-up.
The secret to building muscle and losing body fat at the same time is mastering your Glucose
Economy. Anyone can do it.
This "braking" effect of dietary carbohydrate on your fat-burning metabolism increases the risk
that any fat eaten alongside that carbohydrate will be stored. That's a good reason to choose
carbohydrate sources that are low in fat ("Lean Carbs"). Of course, at the end of the day, it's how
many total calories you've consumed that's most important.
As you reduce your intake of carbohydrate, or your muscles burn glucose up with exercise, your
Glucose Economy shrinks. This prompts your body to burn more fat, thereby preserving any
available glucose for those tissues that really need it (e.g., your brain). Your body will use fat to
fuel the conversion of protein-derived amino acids into glucose. (As you'll see shortly, this is a
good reason to consume more protein than is required to satisfy only muscle-building needs!)
Thus, if you want to build or even just maintain muscles that bulge with size, shape, and
definition, you've got to keep them full of glycogen. That means you've got to eat enough
Lean Carbs
Brown rice
Shredded wheat
Vegetables - broccoli, asparagus, corn, spinach (contains lots of ecdysteroids)
Fruit (grapefruit, blueberries, oranges
Lean Proteins
Protein powders
Skinned chicken breasts
Egg whites
Non-fat dairy (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk)
Low-fat fish (tuna, sole)
Protein is built of amino acids. Some of the excess amino acids you eat can be converted into
glucose. This "costs" energy, which your body gets from the burning of fat.
That's at least partly why Forslund et al. (1999), as well as other researchers, have found that
healthy subjects eating diets providing more protein than is considered adequate for building
muscle burn more fat both at rest and while exercising! The higher-protein dieters in Forslund's
study consumed about 1.2g of protein/lb body weight/day. They burned more fat and they
showed signs of achieving a more positive "protein balance" - an essential requirement for
building bigger muscles! Those eating the "adequate" protein diet (0.73g of protein/lb), by
contrast, burned less fat and failed to achieve a positive protein balance (Forslund et al., 1999).
While you may burn more fat by eating more than 1.2g protein/lb, this will require that you reduce
your intake of carbohydrate. This increases your risk of "muscle deflation syndrome."
Whey protein is often marketed separately from milk protein (casein), and sold as a stand-alone
protein supplement. However, when combined, whey and casein may actually do a better job at
promoting muscle growth. Look for a low-fat protein powder or meal-replacement drink mix
containing a blend of casein and whey. Or mix your whey protein into low fat milk, which is about
80% casein. If you need more carbohydrate, simply add some fruit or toss your protein powder
on some shredded wheat cereal (very tasty!).
Don't go looking for fat (it'll be there anyway).
Eat the most nutritious, low-fat carbohydrate and protein sources you can find. Virtually all of the
food recommendations below contain some fat. Don't go searching for more.
Fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g., leafy greens) contain essential fatty acids (e.g., alpha-linolenic
acid), but if you want extra insurance, take an essential fatty acid supplement or a tablespoon of
flax seed oil every other day or so.
Using this approach, you'll likely be consuming no more than 10% of your calories as fat,
possibly less. Because of this, you don't need to track your fat intake. If you keep your protein
intake constant, all you need to do is adjust your carbohydrate intake up or down with time as
your mirror instructs you to do.
Don't go looking for fat (it'll be there anyway).
Eat the most nutritious, low-fat carbohydrate and protein sources you can find. Virtually all of the
food recommendations below contain some fat. Don't go searching for more.
Fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g., leafy greens) contain essential fatty acids (e.g., alpha-linolenic
acid), but if you want extra insurance, take an essential fatty acid supplement or a tablespoon of
flax seed oil every other day or so.
Using this approach, you'll likely be consuming no more than 10% of your calories as fat,
possibly less. Because of this, you don't need to track your fat intake. If you keep your protein
intake constant, all you need to do is adjust your carbohydrate intake up or down with time as
your mirror instructs you to do.
Vitamins and mineral intake for atheles
Is used for the formation and maintenance of skin, hair, and mucous membranes.
Vitamin A helps with bone and tooth growth. It helps you see in dim light.
Best sources of vitamin A are: yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy
vegetables, fortified oatmeal, liver, and dairy products.
Helps the body release energy from carbohydrates. Helps with growth and muscle
Best sources of vitamin B1 are: fortified cereals and oatmeal, meats, rice, pasta,
whole grains, and liver.
Helps the body release energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
Best sources of vitamin B2 are: whole grains, green leafy vegetables, organ meats,
milk, and eggs.
Best sources of vitamin B3 are: meat, poultry, fish, enriched cereals, peanuts,
potatoes, dairy products, and eggs.
Best sources of vitamin B5 are: meats, whole grains, legumes, fruits, and
Aids cell development, functioning of the nervous system, and the metabolism of
protein and fat.
Best sources of vitamin B12 are: meats, dairy products, and seafood.
Best sources of biotin are: grain products, yeast, legumes, and liver.
Aids in genetic material development and involved in red blood cell production.
Best sources of folic acid are: green leafy vegetables, organ meats, peas, beans, and
Essential for structure of bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels. Helps
maintain capillaries and gums, aids in the absorption of iron. Helps boost the
immune system and is good for reducing muscle soreness after a workout.
Aids in bone and tooth formation, helps maintain heart action and nervous system.
Best sources of vitamin D are: fortified milk, sunlight, fish, eggs, butter, and
fortified margarine.
Protects body cells, body tissue, and essential fatty acids from harmful destruction
in the body. Helps boost the immune system and is good for reducing preventing
some of the side effects from overtraining such as infection and sickness.
Best sources of vitamin E are: multigrain cereals, nuts, wheat germ, vegetable oils,
and green leafy vegetables.
Vitamin K - recommended intake 125 mcg/day
Best sources of vitamin K are: green leafy vegetables, fruit, dairy products, and
grain products
Calcium helps strengthen bones, teeth, and muscle tissue. It regulates heartbeat,
muscle action, nervous function, and blood clotting.
Best sources of chromium are: corn oil, clams, whole grains, and brewers yeast.
Helps with the formation of red blood cells, bone growth and health. Works with
vitamin C to form elasin.
Best sources of magnesium are: nuts, green vegetables, and whole grains.
Helps with enzyme activation; carbohydrate and fat production; sex hormone
production; skeletal development.
Best sources of manganese are: nuts, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Helps with one development and is important in protein, carbohydrate, and fat
Best sources of phosphorous are: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and grains.
Protects body tissues against oxidative damage from radiation, pollution, and
normal metabolic processing.
Best sources of selenium are: seafood, organ meats, meats, and grains.
Best sources of zinc are: meats, liver, eggs, seafood, and whole grains.
Helps with fluid balance. Controls activity of heart muscle, nervous system, and
Eating a well balanced diet that includes lean meats, poultry, fish, fruits,
vegetables, dairy products, and grain products will cover most of your vitamin and
mineral needs. You should also take a multivitamin and mineral supplement
capsule in the morning with your breakfast and another one in the evening with
your dinner. This will ensure that you are getting ample amounts of vitamins and
minerals in your daily diet. If you sweat a lot during the day (i.e. during workouts)
you should also use a little table salt on your food to help replace lost sodium and
prevent muscle cramps.