Lesson Plan - Reading and Writing Skills

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Lesson Plan – Reading and Writing Skills

Date / Day : 3 September 2018 (Monday)

Time : 9:00 – 10:00am

Class : 6A

Number of students : 16 students

Proficiency level : Mix ability

Subject : English

Theme : World of self, friends & family

Topic : Unit 2 Appreciating Others

Focused Skills : Writing

Content Standards : 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear

and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print

materials using a range of strategies to construct


3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be

able to form letters and words in neat legible print

including cursive writing.

Learning Standards : 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences


(a) linear texts

(b) non-linear texts

3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print with correct spelling:

(a) sentences

(b) paragraphs
Behavioural Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

a) Read and pronounce at least five out of six new

vocabularies in correct tone and pronunciation.

b) Spell at least four out of six new vocabularies


c) Construct sentences with correct spelling in neat

legible writing:

Remedial – Construct at least one out of three

sentences with correct spelling in neat

legible writing.

Intermittent – Construct at least three out of five

sentences with correct spelling in neat

legible writing.

Enrichment – Construct at least five out of eight

sentences with correct spelling in neat

legible writing.

Moral values : Appreciating everyone in your life.

Teaching Aids : Pictures, video, colour papers, manila card, sample of

thank you card, sticky notes.

Cross Curricular : Contextual learning, Information and Communication

Emphases Technology Skills (ICT), High Order Thinking Skills,

Creativity and innovation, Constructivism

Previous Knowledge : Send or receive thank you cards to and from others.

/ Teaching Content Teaching Activity Remarks


Set Example of thank you card 1. Teacher asks the pupils: Teaching aids:

induction to attract pupils’ attention a) Have you ever sent or Example of thank

(5 mins) received a thank you you card

Teacher introduces topic of card before? (Refer to

the day: b) Who did you send or Appendix 1)

‘Appreciating others’ receive the thank you

card to? MI:

c) What is the purpose of Visual-spatial

sending and receiving

thank you card? CCE:



Pre- 1. Video: 1. Teacher shows a video Teaching aids:

Reading & about loving and  Videos

Writing appreciating mothers to (https://www.

(10 mins) the pupils. youtube.com/


2. Pupils read the beZOz6YA )

2. Carry out an activity: conversation between the  Colour

‘Exchange Feeling’ man and the girl in the papers

3. Each pupil writes down MI:

their feeling after Visual-spatial,

watching the video in a Verbal-linguistics

piece of colour paper

which prepared by the CCE:

teacher. Information and


4. Every pupils share their Technology Skills

‘feeling’ about the video. (ICT)

5. Pupils exchange their

‘feeling’ with their friends.

6. Teacher selects the

pupils randomly to share

their ‘feeling’.

While- Reading thank you letter 1. Teacher reads the thank Teaching aids:

Reading entitled “A thank you letter to you letter first with correct  Thank you

& my parents” tone and pronunciation. letter entitled

Writing “A thank you

(20 mins) 2. Pupils are assigned into letter to my

group. parents”

(Refer to

Appendix 2)
3. Pupils do individual silent

reading on the thank you MI:

letter in the group. Visual-spatial,


4. After reading the thank

you letter, each group CCE:

identifies two unfamiliar Higher Order

vocabularies. Thinking Skills,


5. Each group is required to

identify different

unfamiliar vocabularies to

avoid overlapping occur.

6. Each group is given a

dictionary, pupils find the

meaning of unfamiliar


7. Pupils construct

sentences by using the

unfamiliar vocabularies.

8. Pupils in each group will

share their sentences

with the others.

9. Teacher correct pupils’

mistakes immediately

after they share their


Post- Create a thank you card for 1. Pupils are assigned into Teaching aids:

Reading their parents. three groups according to  Manila cards

&  Writing of short text their English proficiency.

Writing about appreciating their  Remedial MI:

(20 mins) parents.  Intermittent Visual-spatial,

 Decorate the thank you  Enrichment Verbal-linguistics


2. Remedial: CCE:

 Pupils are required to High Order

write at least three Thinking Skills,

sentences to form one Creativity and

short text in the thank innovation

you card for their


 Pupils decorate the

thank you card.

3. Intermittent:

 Pupils are required to

write at least five

sentences to form a

short text in the thank

you card for their


 Pupils decorate the

thank you card.

4. Enrichment:

 Pupils are required to

write at least eight

sentences to form

one thank you card

for their parents.

 Pupils decorate the

thank you card.

Closure Sending thank you text to 1. Teacher distributes a Teaching aids:

(5 mins) others anonymously. sticky note to each pupil.  Sticky notes

Reflection 2. Pupils write their MI:

appreciating letters to Visual-spatial,

their teachers or Verbal-linguistics

classmates in the sticky CCE:

notes anonymously.
High Order

3. Pupils send their Thinking Skills

appreciating letters to

their teachers or Moral Value:

classmates during recess Appreciating

time secretly. everyone in your


4. Teacher implies moral


5. Pupils do conclusion in

A Thank You Letter To
My Parents
Dear Mom and Dad,

There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am to the both of you. I know I
don't show how grateful I am enough, but I really am. You both have taught me so
much, and going away to college and being apart from you has made me realize how
much you both mean to me.

Thank you for your endless amounts of love, even when I probably don't deserve it.

Thank you for all your support, no matter what.

Thank you for listening to my elated and despairing stories.

Thank you for editing my papers (even though I'm old enough to do that on my own).

Thank you for making me laugh when I'm in sorrow.

Thank you for the meals, the birthday parties, and everything in between.

Thank you for all the advice, even when I don't take it. You guys are always right.

Thank you for the "I love you" texts. They truly make my day.

Thank you for making me so happy.

Thank you for working so, so, so hard to be able to send me to school. That means the
absolute world to me, and for that, I will never be able to repay you.

Thank you for giving me the life every child deserves, and being such wonderful parents.
When I have children, I want to be just like you.

Thank you for always being there for me. Without the two of you, I don't know where I
would be.

So, mom and dad... Thank you. For everything. I promise I will work hard to make
you proud.

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