DNV-OS-C301 (Stability & Watertight Integrity)

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Since issued in print (January 2001), this booklet has been amended, latest in April 2007.
See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.


DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
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DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
— Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-
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— Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as
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H) Marine Operations
J) Wind Turbines

Amendments and Corrections

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Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Contents – Page 3


CH. 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 5 Sec. 2 Watertight Integrity, Freeboard and

Weathertight Closing Appliances...................... 17
Sec. 1 Introduction........................................................... 7
A. General..................................................................................17
A. General.................................................................................... 7 A 100 Application ..................................................................... 17
A 100 Introduction....................................................................... 7
A 200 Objectives ......................................................................... 7 B. Watertight Integrity ..............................................................17
B 100 General............................................................................ 17
B. Normative References ............................................................ 7 B 200 Internal openings ............................................................ 17
B 300 External openings ........................................................... 17
B 100 General.............................................................................. 7 B 400 Strength of watertight doors and hatch covers ............... 17
B 200 Reference documents........................................................ 7 B 500 Operation and control of watertight doors
and hatch covers ............................................................. 18
C. Informative References........................................................... 7
C 100 General.............................................................................. 7 C. Freeboard ..............................................................................19
C 100 General............................................................................ 19
D. Definitions ............................................................................. 7 C 200 Self elevating units or installations................................. 19
D 100 Verbal forms ..................................................................... 7 C 300 Column stabilised units or installations.......................... 19
D 200 Definitions ........................................................................ 8
D 300 Abbreviations and symbols............................................... 8 D. Weathertight Closing Appliances .........................................19
D 100 General............................................................................ 19
D 200 Weathertight doors.......................................................... 19
E. Documentation........................................................................ 9 D 300 Weathertight hatch coamings and covers ....................... 20
E 100 General.............................................................................. 9 D 400 Gaskets and closing devices ........................................... 20
CH. 2 TECHNICAL PROVISIONS ............................ 11 E. Ventilators and Air Pipes......................................................20
E 100 General............................................................................ 20
Sec. 1 Stability................................................................ 13
F. Inlets, Discharges and Scuppers ...........................................21
A. General.................................................................................. 13 F 100 Sea inlets and discharges in closed systems ................... 21
A 100 Scope............................................................................... 13 F 200 Discharges....................................................................... 21
F 300 Scuppers.......................................................................... 21
B. Determination of Wind Forces ............................................. 13
G. Side Scuttles and Windows ..................................................21
B 100 Heeling moment curves .................................................. 13 G 100 General............................................................................ 21
C. Determination of Lightweight .............................................. 14 H. Testing of Doors and Hatch Covers......................................21
C 100 Inclining test ................................................................... 14 H 100 Pressure testing of watertight doors and
hatch covers .................................................................... 21
D. Intact Stability Requirements ............................................... 14 H 200 Hose testing of watertight and weathertight doors
D 100 General............................................................................ 14 and hatch covers ............................................................. 21
D 200 Ship shaped units or installations ................................... 14 H 300 Function testing of watertight doors and
D 300 Column stabilised units................................................... 14 hatch covers .................................................................... 22
D 400 Self elevating units or installations................................. 14
I. Closing Arrangements for Doors and Hatch Covers ............22
D 500 Deep draught floating installations ................................. 14 I 100 Description of waterlines................................................ 22
I 200 Description of location of openings................................ 22
E. Damage Stability Requirements ........................................... 14 I 300 Operation and locking..................................................... 22
E 100General............................................................................ 14
E 200Ship shaped units or installations ................................... 15 CH. 3 CERTIFICATION AND
E 300Self elevating units or installations................................. 15 CLASSIFICATION............................................ 25
E 400Column stabilised units or installations .......................... 15
E 500Deep draught floating installations ................................. 15 Sec. 1 General ................................................................ 27
E 600Extent of damage – ship shaped and self
elevating units or installations ........................................ 15 A. Introduction...........................................................................27
E 700 Extent of damage – column stabilised units and A 100 Application ..................................................................... 27
deep draught floating installations.................................. 16
E 800 Chain lockers .................................................................. 16 B. Design Review......................................................................27
B 100 Documentation requirements.......................................... 27
E 900 Load line and draught marks .......................................... 16 B 200 Specific classification requirements ............................... 27
E 1000 Extent of watertight and weathertight closing
of external openings........................................................ 16 C. Certification of Materials and Components..........................27
E 1100 Internal watertight integrity and subdivision .................. 16 C 100 General............................................................................ 27
E 1200 Loading computers ......................................................... 16 C 200 Certification requirements under DNV-OS-C301 .......... 27


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 4 – Contents see note on front cover






Sec. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 7


A. General B 200 Reference documents

201 Applicable DNV documents are given in Table B1.
A 100 Introduction
101 This offshore standard provides principles, technical Table B1 DNV Rules, Guidelines, Standards and Recommended
requirements and guidance related to stability, watertight Practices
integrity, freeboard and weathertight closing appliances for Reference Title
mobile offshore units and floating offshore installations. DNV-OS-C201 Structural Design of Offshore Units (WSD
The types of units and installations that are covered by this DNV-OS-D101 Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment
standard include: Rules for Classification of Ships
Guideline No.17 Plan Approval Documentation Types –
— ship shaped units Definitions
— column stabilised units
— self elevating units 202 Other reference documents are given in Table B2.
— deep draught units.
Table B2 Normative references
Guidance note: Reference Title
For novel designs, not recognised by the typical features of a ILLC 1966 International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
known type of design, the stability requirements have to be con- IMO MODU Code for the Construction and Equipment of
sidered separately and based on an evaluation of risks reflecting Code, 1989 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989
the unit's design, the intended operational aspects and the envi-
ronmental conditions.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- C. Informative References
102 The standard has been written for general worldwide C 100 General
application. Governmental regulations may include require-
ments in excess of the provisions by this standard depending 101 Informative references are not considered mandatory in
the application of this offshore standard, but may be applied or
on the size, type, location and intended service of the offshore used for background information.
unit or installation.
102 Informative references are given in Table C1.
A 200 Objectives
Table C1 Informative references
201 The objectives of this standard are to: Reference Title
— provide an internationally acceptable standard of safety by ISO 1751 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Ships’ side
defining minimum requirements for stability, watertight
ISO 3903 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Ships’
integrity, freeboard and weathertight closing appliances ordinary rectangular windows
— serve as a contractual reference document between suppli- ISO 1095 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Tough-
ers and purchasers ened safety glass panes for side scuttles
— serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers ISO 614 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Tough-
and regulators ened safety glass panes for rectangular windows
and side scuttles - Punch method of non-
— specify procedures and requirements for units or installa- destructive testing
tions subject to DNV certification and classification. SOLAS 1974 The International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974, as amended

B. Normative References
D. Definitions
B 100 General
101 The standards given in 200 include provisions which, D 100 Verbal forms
through reference in the text, constitute provisions of this off- 101 Shall: Indicates requirements strictly to be followed in
shore standard. The latest issue of the references shall be used order to conform to this standard and from which no deviation
unless otherwise agreed. is permitted.
102 Other recognised standards may be used provided it can 102 Should: Indicates that among several possibilities one is
be demonstrated that these meet or exceed the requirements of recommended as particularly suitable, without mentioning or
excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred
the standards given in 200. but not necessarily required. Other possibilities may be applied
103 Any deviations, exceptions and modifications to the subject to agreement.
design codes and standards shall be documented and agreed 103 May: Verbal form used to indicate a course of action
between the contractor, purchaser and verifier, as applicable. permissible within the limits of the standard.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 8 – Ch.1 Sec.1 see note on front cover

D 200 Definitions 211 Lightweight: The unvariable weight of the unit; i.e. the
201 Column stabilised unit: A unit with the main deck con- basis for calculating the loading conditions. Anchors and
nected to the underwater hull or footings by columns. cables are to be excluded from the lightweight and included in
the loading conditions as variable loads.
202 Damage penetration zone: Defined as 1.5 m from the
outer skin. The damage penetration zone is limited to exposed 212 Maximum allowable vertical centre of gravity: The
portions only. maximum vertical centre of gravity (VCG) which complies
with both intact and damage stability requirements at a given
203 Damage waterline: The final equilibrium waterline, draught and service mode. All loading conditions are to have a
including the wind heeling moment, after a damage. VCG below the maximum allowable value for the given
204 Downflooding: Any flooding of the interior of any part draught and service mode. The free surface effect of each slack
of the buoyant structure of a unit through openings which can- tank should be calculated about the axis at which the moment
not be closed watertight, as appropriate, in order to meet the of inertia is the greatest.
intact or damage stability criteria, or which are required for 213 Mobile offshore unit: A buoyant construction engaged in
operational reason to be left open. offshore operations including drilling, production, storage or
205 Dynamic angle: The angle of heel where the area support functions, not intended for service at one particular
requirement according to the stability requirements of Ch.2 offshore site and which can be relocated without major dis-
Sec.1 is achieved. mantling or modification.
206 Exposed portions: Those portions of the structure that 214 Offshore installation: A collective term to cover any
are exposed to collision from other units. construction, buoyant or non-buoyant, designed and built for
Guidance note: installation at a particular offshore location.
For a column stabilised unit, the exposed portions are the por- 215 Position 1 and 2: In accordance with Regulation 13 of
tions of the columns, pontoons and bracings which are located the International Convention on Load Line 1966 (ILLC 1966),
outboard of a line drawn through the centres of the periphery col- adapted to mobile offshore units.
umns, see Fig. 1.
216 Safe draught: A draught which can be accepted under
loading condition corresponding to damaged condition with
respect to strength, and the requirement for minimum airgap is
217 Second intercept: The angle of heel where the righting
moment curve intercepts the heeling moment curve for the sec-
ond time.
218 Self evating unit: A unit with movable legs capable of
raising its hull above the surface of the sea.
219 Service modes:

— operation condition, i.e. normal working condition

— temporary conditions, i.e. transient conditions during
change of draught to reach another service mode or instal-
lation mode
— survival condition, i.e. in case of severe storms
Figure 1 — transit condition.
Exposed portions of a column stabilised unit
220 Ship shaped unit: A unit with a ship or barge type dis-
placement hull of single or multiple hull construction intended
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- for operation in the floating condition.
207 Field move: The transit voyage which can be completed 221 Variable load: The load that varies with the operation
within 12 hours (transit time) or within the limits of favourable of the unit such as deck cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast
reliable weather forecasts, whichever is less. However, for water, fresh water, feedwater in tanks, consumable stores and
certain operating areas and seasons, a field move may exceed crew and their effects.
12 hours if justified by independent reliable evidence. 222 Watertight: Capable of preventing the passage of water
Guidance note: through the structure under a head of water for which the sur-
Weather may be considered favourable up to Beaufort condition rounding structure is designed.
6, i.e. average wind speed of 24 knots.
223 Weatertight: Water will not penetrate into the unit in
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- any sea conditions.
208 First intercept: The angle of heel where the righting D 300 Abbreviations and symbols
moment curve intercepts the heeling moment curve for the first
time. The first intercept is also known as the static angle of 301 Abbreviations used are given in Table C1.
Table C1 Abbreviations
209 Floating offshore installation: A buoyant construction
Abbreviation Full text
engaged in offshore operations including drilling, production,
storage or support functions, and which is designed and built CIBS Classification Information Breakdown Structure
for installation at a particular offshore location. DNV Det Norske Veritas
210 Freeboard: The distance measured vertically down- ILLC International Convention on Load Lines
wards amidship from the upper edge of the deck line to the IMO International Maritime Organization
upper edge in the related load line. ISO International Organisation for Standardisation


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.1 Sec.1 – Page 9

Table C1 Abbreviations (Continued) duced to document aspects covered by this standard:

Abbreviation Full text
— lines plan or offset tables
MODU Mobile offshore drilling unit
— stability analysis
OS Offshore standard
— external watertight integrity plan
RP Recommended practice
— internal watertight integrity plan
VCG Vertical centre of gravity
— inclining test procedure
— inclining test report
— stability manual or stability part of the operations manual
E. Documentation — freeboard plan.
E 100 General 102 For documentation requirements related to certification
101 The following types of documentation are normally pro- and classification, see Ch.3.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 10 – Ch.1 Sec.1 see note on front cover






Sec. 1 Stability .................................................................................................................................... 13
Sec. 2 Watertight Integrity, Freeboard and Weathertight Closing Appliances................................... 17


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 13


A. General tions (protected inland waters such as lakes, bays,

swamps, rivers, etc.) consideration shall be given to a
A 100 Scope reduced wind velocity of not less than 25.8 m/s (50 knots)
101 This section gives requirements related to the following for normal operating conditions.
design parameters of mobile offshore units and floating off- 103 In calculating the projected areas to the vertical plane,
shore installations: the area of surfaces exposed to wind due to heel or trim, such
1) Buoyancy and floatability. as under-deck surfaces, etc., shall be included using the appro-
priate shape factor. Open truss work may be approximated by
2) Wind exposed portions. taking 30% of the projected block area of both the front and
3) Draught range at various modes of service. back section, i.e. 60% of the projected area of one side.
4) Watertight and weathertight closing of external openings. 104 In calculating the wind heeling moments, the lever of the
wind overturning force shall be taken vertically from the centre
5) Internal watertight integrity and watertight subdivision.
of pressure of all surfaces exposed to the wind to the centre of
6) Lightweight and loading conditions. lateral resistance of the underwater body of the unit. The unit is
to be assumed floating free of mooring restraint.
102 The combination of the design parameters under 101 (1-
5) will determine the maximum allowable vertical centre of 105 For units supported by dynamic positioning systems,
gravity (VCG) of the unit or installation at the applicable serv- the centre of the thruster force shall be applied as the centre of
ice draughts and modes. lateral resistance.
103 The loading of the unit or installation at various service Table B1 Values of the coefficient Cs
draughts and modes shall be within the limits of maximum
allowable VCG-curves. Shape Cs
Spherical 0.4
104 In order to determine VCG of the actual loading condi-
tions, the lightweight and its centre of gravity must be known. Cylindrical 0.5
This shall be obtained by an inclining test carried out in Large flat surface (hull, deckhouse, smooth under-deck 1.0
accordance with C. areas)
105 The requirements of this section are based on the IMO Drilling derrick 1.25
MODU Code, 1989. Text which has been taken directly from Wires 1.2
the code is written in italics. Exposed beams and girders under deck 1.3
106 Deep draught floating installations (e.g. SPARs) are not Small parts 1.4
directly covered by the IMO MODU Code. Criteria identical to Isolated shapes (crane, beam, etc.) 1.5
those of a column stabilised unit or installations have been Clustered deckhouses or similar structures 1.1
Table B2 Values of the coefficient Ch
Height above sea level (metres) Ch
B. Determination of Wind Forces 0 – 15.3 1.00
15.3 – 30.5 1.10
B 100 Heeling moment curves 30.5 – 46.0 1.20
101 The curves of wind heeling moments should be drawn for 46.0 – 61.0 1.30
wind forces calculated by the following formula: 61.0 – 76.0 1.37
F = 0,5 C s ⋅ C h ⋅ P ⋅ V ⋅ A 76.0 – 91.5 1.43
91.5 – 106.5 1.48
F = the wind force (Newton) 106.5 – 122.0 1.52
Cs = the shape coefficient depending on the shape of the struc- 122.0 – 137.0 1.56
tural member exposed to the wind (see Table B1) 137.0 – 152.5 1.60
Ch = the height coefficient depending on the height above sea 152.5 – 167.5 1.63
level of the structural member exposed to wind (see Table
167.5 – 183.0 1.67
183.0 – 198.0 1.70
P = the air mass density (1.222 kg/m3)
198.0 – 213.5 1.72
V = the wind velocity (metres per second)
213.5 – 228.5 1.75
A = the projected area of all exposed surfaces in either the
upright or the heeled condition (square metres) 228.5 – 244.0 1.77
244.0 – 256.0 1.79
102 Wind forces shall be considered from any direction rela-
Above 256 1.80
tive to the unit and the value of the wind velocity shall be as fol-
lows: 106 The wind heeling moment curve shall be calculated for a
sufficient number of heel angles to define the curve. For ship-
— in general a minimum wind velocity of 36 m/s (70 knots) for
shaped hulls the curve may be assumed to vary as the cosine
offshore service shall be used for normal operating condi-
function of vessel heel.
tions and a minimum wind velocity of 51.5 m/s (100 knots)
shall be used for the severe storm conditions 107 Wind heeling moments derived from wind tunnel tests on
— where a unit is to be limited in operation to sheltered loca- a representative model of the unit may be considered as alter-


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 14 – Ch.2 Sec.1 see note on front cover

natives to the methods given in 101. D 200 Ship shaped units or installations
201 For units or installations having a ship shaped hull form,
the intact stability requirements of the Rules for Classification
of Ships, Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.3 A100, shall be met.
C. Determination of Lightweight
202 The area under the righting moment curve to the second
C 100 Inclining test intercept or downflooding angle, whichever is less, shall be not
less than 40% in excess of the area under the wind heeling
101 An inclining test shall be required for the first unit of a moment curve to the same limiting angle. See Figure 1.
design, when the unit is as near to completion as possible, to
determine accurately the light ship data (weight and position of
centre of gravity).
102 For successive units which are identical by design, the
light ship data of the first unit of the series may be accepted in
lieu of an inclining test, provided the difference in light ship dis-
placement or position of centre of gravity due to weight changes
for minor differences in machinery, outfitting or equipment, con-
firmed by the results of a deadweight survey, are less than 1%
of the values of the light ship displacement and principal hori-
zontal dimensions as determined for the first series.
Such dispensation cannot be granted for column stabilised

Figure 1
D. Intact Stability Requirements Righting moment and heeling moment curves

D 100 General
D 300 Column stabilised units
101 Each unit shall be capable of attaining a severe storm
condition in a period of time consistent with the meteorological 301 The area under the righting moment curve to the angle of
conditions. The procedures recommended and the approxi- downflooding shall be not less than 30% in excess of the area
mate length of time required, considering both operating condi- under the wind heeling moment curve to the same limiting
tions and transit conditions, shall be contained in the stability angle.
manual. It shall be possible to achieve the severe storm condi- 302 The righting moment curve shall be positive over the
tion without the removal or relocation of solid consumables or entire range of angles from upright to the second intercept.
other variable load. However, it may be acceptable loading a
unit past the point at which solid consumables would have to be D 400 Self elevating units or installations
removed or relocated to go to severe storm condition under the
following conditions, provided the allowable VCG requirement 401 The area under the righting moment curve to the second
is not exceeded: intercept or downflooding angle, whichever is less, shall be not
less than 40% in excess of the area under the wind heeling
1) In a geographic location where weather conditions annual- moment curve to the same limiting angle.
ly or seasonally do not become sufficiently severe to re- 402 The righting moment curve shall be positive over the
quire a unit to go to severe storm condition, or
entire range of angles from upright to the second intercept.
2) Where a unit is required to support extra deck load for a
short period of time that falls well within a period for which D 500 Deep draught floating installations
the weather forecast is favourable.
501 The area under the righting moment curve to the second
The geographic locations, weather conditions and loading con- intercept or downflooding angle, whichever is less, shall be not
ditions in which this is permitted shall be identified in the stabil- less than 30% in excess of the area under the wind heeling
ity manual. moment curve to the same limiting angle.
102 Alternative stability criteria may be acceptable, provided 502 The righting moment curve shall be positive over the
an equivalent level of safety is maintained and if it can demon- entire range of angles from upright to the second intercept.
strate to afford adequate positive initial stability. In determining
the acceptability of such criteria, the following will be consid-
ered and taken into account as appropriate:
E. Damage Stability Requirements
1) Environmental conditions representing realistic winds (in-
cluding gusts) and waves appropriate for world-wide serv- E 100 General
ice in various modes of operation; 101 It shall be demonstrated that the unit or installation com-
2) Dynamic response of a unit. Analysis should include the re- plies with the requirements of 200 to 500 by calculations,
sults of wind tunnel tests, wave tank model tests, and non- which take into consideration the proportions and design char-
linear simulation, where appropriate. Any wind and wave acteristics of the unit or installation and the arrangements and
spectra used shall cover sufficient frequency ranges to en- configuration of the damaged compartments. In making these
sure that critical motion responses are obtained; calculations it shall be assumed that the unit or installation is in
3) Potential for flooding taking into account dynamic respons- the worst anticipated service condition as regards stability and
es in a seaway; is floating free of mooring restraints.
4) Susceptibility to capsizing considering the unit's restoration 102 The ability to reduce angles of inclination by pumping out
energy and the static inclination due to the mean wind or ballasting compartments or application of mooring forces,
speed and the maximum dynamic response; etc., shall not be considered as justifying any relaxation of the
5) An adequate safety margin to account for uncertainties. requirements.


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 15

103 The following permeability factors shall be assumed in

the calculations:

Store rooms: 0.60

Engine room: 0.85
Tanks, void spaces etc: 0.95
Other permeabilities may be accepted if documented by calcu-
104 Alternative subdivision and damage stability criteria may
be acceptable provided an equivalent level of safety is main-
tained. The alternative stability criteria, should consider at
least the following and take into account:

1) Extent of damage as set out in 600 and 700;

2) On column stabilised units, the flooding of any compart- Figure 2
ment as set out in 402; Righting moment and wind heeling moment curves
3) The provision of an adequate margin against capsizing.
402 The unit shall provide sufficient buoyancy and stability in
E 200 Ship shaped units or installations any operating or transit condition to withstand the flooding of
201 The unit shall have sufficient freeboard and be subdi- any watertight compartment wholly or partially below the water-
vided by means of watertight decks and bulkheads to provide line in question, which is a pump-room, a room containing
sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand in general the machinery with a salt water cooling system or a compartment
flooding of any one compartment in any operating or transit adjacent to the sea, taking the following considerations into
condition consistent with the damage assumptions set out in account:
1) The angle of inclination after flooding shall not be greater
202 The unit should have sufficient reserve stability in a dam- than 25°;
aged condition to withstand the wind heeling moment based on 2) Any opening below the final waterline shall be made water-
a wind velocity of 25.8 m/s (50 knots) superimposed from any tight;
direction. In this condition the final waterline, after flooding, 3) A range of positive stability shall be provided, beyond the
should be below the lower edge of any downflooding opening. calculated angle of inclination in these conditions, of at
least 7°.
E 300 Self elevating units or installations
E 500 Deep draught floating installations
301 The unit shall have sufficient freeboard and be subdi- 501 The installation shall have sufficient freeboard and be
vided by means of watertight decks and bulkheads to provide subdivided by means of watertight decks and bulkheads to pro-
sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand in general the vide sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand a wind
flooding of any compartment in any operating or transit condi- heeling moment induced by a wind velocity of 25.8 m/s (50
tion consistent with the damage assumptions set out in 600. knots) superimposed from any direction in any operating or
transit condition, taking the following considerations into
302 The unit shall have sufficient reserve stability in a dam- account:
aged condition to withstand the wind heeling moment based on
a wind velocity of 25.8 m/s (50 knots) superimposed from any 1) The angle of inclination after the damage set out in 700
direction. shall not be greater than 17°;
2) Any opening through which progressive flooding may
E 400 Column stabilised units or installations occur below the final waterline shall be made watertight,
401 The unit shall have sufficient freeboard and be subdi- and openings within 4 m above the final waterline shall be
made weathertight;
vided by means of watertight decks and bulkheads to provide
sufficient buoyancy and stability to withstand a wind heeling 3) The righting moment curve, after the damage set out
moment induced by a wind velocity of 25.8 m/s (50 knots) above, shall have, from the first intercept to the lesser of
superimposed from any direction in any operating or transit
the extent of weathertight integrity required by 401 2) and
the second intercept, a range of at least 7°. Within this
condition, taking the following considerations into account: range, the righting moment curve shall reach a value of at
least twice the wind heeling moment curve, both being
1) The angle of inclination after the damage set out in 700 measured at the same angle. See Figure 2.
shall not be greater than 17°;
2) Any opening (through which progressive flooding may E 600 Extent of damage – ship shaped and self elevating
occur) below the final waterline shall be made watertight, units or installations
and openings within 4 m above the final waterline shall be 601 In assessing the damage stability of such units the fol-
made weathertight; lowing extent of damage is assumed to occur between effec-
3) The righting moment curve, after the damage set out tive watertight bulkheads:
above, shall have, from the first intercept to the lesser of
1) Horizontal penetration: 1.5 m.
the extent of weathertight integrity required by 401 2) and
the second intercept, a range of at least 7°. Within this 2) Vertical extent: from the base line upwards without limit.
range, the righting moment curve shall reach a value of at The distance between effective watertight bulkheads or their
least twice the wind heeling moment curve, both being nearest stepped portions which are positioned within the
measured at the same angle. See Figure 2. assumed extent of horizontal penetration shall be not less than


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 16 – Ch.2 Sec.1 see note on front cover

3.0 m; where there is a lesser distance one or more of the adja- closing appliances, shall be provided with level alarm or
cent bulkheads shall be disregarded. sounding and bilge arrangement or drainage system in accord-
Where damage of a lesser extent than the above results in a ance with DNV-OS-D101. In this case the chain pipes will be
more severe condition, such lesser extent shall be assumed. regarded as downflooding points.
Where a mat is fitted for self elevating units the above extent of 802 When chain lockers without weathertight closing appli-
damage shall be applied to both the platform and the mat but ances are used as ballast tanks, downflooding through chain
not simultaneously, unless deemed necessary due to their pipes can be disregarded at a given draught provided that chain
close proximity to each other. lockers are:
All piping, ventilation systems, trunks, etc., within the extent of — equipped as ballast tanks according to DNV-OS-D101
damage shall be assumed damaged. Positive means of closure — kept full at the given draught. This shall be stated in the
shall be provided at watertight boundaries to preclude the pro- stability manual.
gressive flooding of other spaces which are intended to be
intact. Conditions during the cleaning of chain lockers shall be con-
sidered as temporary conditions.
E 700 Extent of damage – column stabilised units and
deep draught floating installations E 900 Load line and draught marks
701 In assessing the damage stability of such units, the fol- 901 The unit or installation shall have load line marks
lowing extent of damage shall be assumed: according to the maximum permissible draught in the afloat
l) Only those columns, underwater hulls and braces on the
periphery of the unit shall be assumed to be damaged, and 902 The load line marks will be assigned on the basis of
the damage shall be assumed in the exposed portions of compliance with the requirements of this section as well as
the columns, underwater hulls and braces. other applicable requirements.
2) Columns and braces shall be assumed flooded by damage 903 Draught marks shall be located in positions, which will
having a vertical extent of 3.0 m occurring at any level ensure accurate determination of draughts, trim and heel and
between 5.0 m above and 3.0 m below the draughts spec- where they are clearly visible to personnel operating the unit or
ified in the stability manual. Where a watertight flat is installation. The reference line shall be defined in the stability
located within this region, the damage shall be assumed to manual.
have occurred in both compartments above and below the
watertight flat in question. Lesser distances above or E 1000 Extent of watertight and weathertight closing of
below the draughts may be applied upon consideration, external openings
taking into account the actual operating conditions. How-
ever, the required damage region shall extend at least 1.5 1001 Watertight closing appliances are required for those
m above and below the draught specified in the operating external openings being submerged at least up to an angle of
manual. heel equal to the first intercept in intact or damage condition,
3) No vertical bulkhead shall be assumed damaged, except whichever is greater.
where bulkheads are spaced closer than a distance of one 1002 Weathertight closing appliances are required for those
eighth of the column perimeter at the draught under con- external openings being submerged at least up to an angle of
sideration, measured at the periphery, in which case one heel equal to the dynamic angle. This applies to any opening
or more of the bulkheads shall be disregarded. within 4.0 m above the final waterline as well.
4) Horizontal penetration of damage shall be assumed to be
1.5 m. E 1100 Internal watertight integrity and subdivision
5) Underwater hull or footings shall be assumed damaged 1101 The internal subdivision shall be adequate to enable the
when operating in a transit condition in the same manner unit or installation to comply with the damage stability require-
as indicated in 1), 2), 4) and either 3) or 6), having regard ments of this section.
to their shape.
6) All piping, ventilation systems, trunks, etc., within the 1102 Ducts or piping, which may cause progressive flooding
extent of damage shall be assumed damaged. Positive in case of damage, shall generally not be used in the damage
means of closure shall be provided at watertight bounda- penetration zone.
ries to preclude the progressive flooding of other spaces
that are intended to be intact. E 1200 Loading computers
1201 Loading computers for stability calculation shall be
E 800 Chain lockers considered as supplementary to the stability manual or the sta-
801 Chain lockers, which are not provided with weathertight bility part of the operation manual.


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 17


A. General which are kept permanently closed during the operation of the
unit or installation, a notice shall be affixed to each such clos-
A 100 Application ing appliance to the effect that it is to be kept closed. Manholes
fitted with closely bolted covers need not be so marked.
101 This section provides requirements with regards to
arrangement and design of watertight integrity and freeboard 203 Where valves are provided at watertight boundaries to
for self elevating and column stabilised units and installations. maintain watertight integrity, these valves shall be capable of
being operated from a control room. Valve position indicators
102 Watertight integrity, freeboard plan and weathertight shall be provided at the remote control station.
closing appliances for ship shaped units or installations shall
comply with the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.3 Ch.1, If the valves are remotely operated by means of mechanical
Ch.4 and Ch.5 with the following additional requirements: devices, operation from a deck, which is above any final water-
line after flooding will be accepted. Valve position indicators
a) Doors in unprotected fronts and sides shall be of steel. shall be provided at the remote control station.
b) For doors located in exposed positions in sides and front B 300 External openings
bulkheads, the requirements to sill heights apply one deck
higher than given by the Rules for Classification of Ships 301 Where watertight integrity is dependent on external
Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.11 B. openings, which are used during the operation of the unit or
installation while afloat, they shall comply with a), b) and c).
103 Piping and electrical systems for operation of watertight
closing appliances shall be in accordance with relevant a) The lower edge of openings of air pipes (regardless of their
requirements given in DNV-OS-D101 unless otherwise speci- closing appliances) shall be above the damage waterline.
fied in this section. b) The lower edge of ventilator openings, doors and hatch
covers with manually operated means of weathertight clo-
sures shall be above damage waterline, unless 303 applies.
B. Watertight Integrity c) Openings such as manholes fitted with closely bolted cov-
ers, and side scuttles or windows of the non-opening type
B 100 General with inside hinged deadlights may be submerged.
101 The number of openings in watertight subdivisions shall 302 The requirements of 301 b) apply where the watertight
be kept to a minimum compatible with the design and proper integrity is dependent on external openings, which are perma-
working of the unit or installation. Where penetrations of nently closed during the operation of the unit or installation,
watertight decks and bulkheads are necessary for access, pip- while afloat.
ing, ventilation, electrical cables etc., arrangements shall be
made to maintain the watertight integrity of the enclosed com- 303 External doors and hatch covers of limited size may be
partments. accepted between the damage waterline and freeboard deck
provided they are watertight closeable locally and by remote
102 Locations of openings where watertight integrity is operation of the closing appliances from the control room, with
required, are illustrated in I. indicators showing whether the openings are closed or open.
103 The strength and arrangement of doors and hatch covers
and their frames as well as the capacity of the closing systems B 400 Strength of watertight doors and hatch covers
shall be sufficient to ensure efficient closing of doors and hatch 401 Watertight doors and hatch covers for internal and exter-
covers when water with a head of 2.0 m is flowing through the nal openings shall be designed with a strength equivalent to or
opening, and at an inclination of 17 ° in any direction. better than required for the watertightness of the structure in
which they are positioned.
B 200 Internal openings
402 Provided flooding is a possible mode of failure based
201 The means to ensure the watertight integrity of internal upon the damage assumptions as given in Sec.1, for compart-
openings which are used during the operation of the unit or ments on both sides of a watertight door or hatch cover, the
installation while afloat, shall comply with a) and b). watertight door or hatch cover shall be designed to withstand
the design pressure from both sides.
a) Doors and hatch covers that are frequently used may nor-
mally be open if provided for remote closing from a cen- 403 The design pressure shall be taken as the waterhead cor-
tral control room on a deck, which is above any final responding to the vertical distance between the load point and
waterline after flooding and are also to be operable locally the deepest waterline after damage.
from each side of the bulkhead. Indicators shall be pro- 404 Plating
vided at the control room showing whether the doors or
hatch covers are open or closed. The thickness of plating subjected to lateral pressure shall not
be less than:
b) The requirements regarding remote control in a) may be
dispensed with for those doors or hatch covers, which are
normally closed, provided an alarm system (e.g. light sig- 16.5k a s p
nals) is arranged, showing personnel in the control room t = -------------------------- (mm)
whether the doors or hatch covers in question are open or σf kp
closed. A notice shall be affixed to each such door or hatch
cover to the effect that it is not to be left open.
ka = correction factor for aspect ratio of plate field
202 To ensure the watertight integrity of internal openings = (1.1 minus 0.25 sl/)2


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 18 – Ch.2 Sec.2 see note on front cover

= maximum 1.0 for s/l = 0.4 408 Stresses in door and hatch cover frames and their con-
nections to the supporting structure
= minimum 0.72 for s/l = 1.0
= design pressure in kN/m2 corresponding to the The stresses shall not exceed the following values:
head of water to damage waterline — normal stresses = 220 f1 N/mm2
p = design pressure in kN/m corresponding to the head — shear stresses =120 f1 N/mm2.
of water to damage waterline
kp is dependent on support condition: The material factor f1 for forgings and castings shall be taken
kp = 1.0 for clamped edges σF a
= 0.5 for simply supported edges f 1 = ⎛ ---------⎞
⎝ 240⎠
σf = minimum yield strength
s = stiffener spacing in m σf = minimum upper yield stress in N/mm2, not to be taken
l = stiffener span in m. greater than 70% of the ultimate tensile strength
a = 0.75 for σF > 240
Guidance note:
= 1.0 for σF < 240.
The plating is normally assumed to be simply supported along
the edges. 409 The end connections of the frames and the supporting
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- structure shall be taken into consideration when calculating the
stress levels in the frames.
405 Stiffeners on doors and hatch covers 410 Cleatings (securing devices) shall be designed for sea
The section modulus of panel stiffeners and edge stiffeners pressure acting on the opposite side of which they are posi-
shall not be less than: tioned.
B 500 Operation and control of watertight doors and
2 hatch covers
l sp 3
Z = --------------- ( mm ) 501 Frequently used watertight doors or hatch covers shall
m σf ks be arranged for emergency remote closing according to the
3 3 principles given in 200.
minimum 15 10 mm
502 In addition to means for remote closing, it shall be pos-
sible to open and close the doors or hatch covers locally from
both sides by use of e.g. a mechanical device or hydraulic sys-
l = stiffener span in m. For doors with stiffeners in one tem with stored energy. The stored energy may be a hydraulic
direction only l. shall be taken as the span length accumulator connected to a centralised hydraulic system by a
between cleat support points in door non-return valve. The capacity shall be sufficient for opening
and closing the door or hatch cover three times.
m = 8 if simply supported
503 The device for local operation shall be designed with a
= 12 if fixed at ends neutral spring return position in which the doors or hatch cov-
ks is dependent on support condition: ers shall stop closing. The device shall be located easily acces-
ks = 1.0 if at least one end is clamped sible for the personnel passing the door or hatchway.
= 0.9 if both ends are simply supported. 504 The movement of the local operating device shall be in
the same direction as the movement of door or hatch cover.
406 Minimum stiffness of door and hatch cover edge stiffen- 505 The arrangement shall be such that the door or hatch
ers cover will close automatically only if opened by local control
Moment of inertia of the side element of the door shall gener- after being closed from the central control station. The total
ally not be less than the value given by the formula: closing time shall not be less than 30 s or more than 60 s.
506 Red lights shall be arranged for warning of personnel
locally operating the doors or hatch covers that these have been
4 4 4
I = 8 pa 10 ( mm ) remotely closed.
507 An audible local alarm shall sound when the doors or
hatch covers are moving to closed position.
p = packing line pressure along edges in N/mm, mini- 508 All watertight doors or hatch covers shall be provided
mum 5 N/mm with positive means of indication which will show at a central
a = spacing of bolts or other securing devices in m. control station whether the doors or hatch covers are open or
407 Stiffness of door and hatch cover frames
509 Any failure of the remote control system shall not cause
The frames shall have necessary stiffness to avoid deflections opening of closed doors or hatch covers. Failure on one door
resulting in leakage in the damage condition. or hatch cover shall not put any other door or hatch cover out
The frame shall be continuous on all four sides and is to be of function.
designed to have a section moment of inertia on each side of 510 Power supply shall be a separate independent source
not less than the value given by the formula: with stored energy for each door or hatch cover or a common
redundant system with two independent sources capable of
3 4 4
I = 3.2 pbh 10 (mm ) closing at least 50% of all doors or hatch covers in not more
than 60 s.
511 The electrical power required for operation, control and
b = the shorter dimension of the opening in m monitoring shall be supplied from the emergency switchboard
h = the longer dimension of the opening in m. either directly or by a dedicated distribution board situated


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 19

above the area that may be flooded in a damage condition. fitted with inside hinged deadlights if they are not below dam-
512 The power sources for operation, control and monitoring age waterline.
shall be monitored by alarm. For the second tier, weathertight closing appliances are
required, but sill or coaming heights may be omitted.
Above the second tier, weathertight closing appliances are
required if openings give access to a space below the freeboard
C. Freeboard deck or a space included in the buoyant volume.
C 100 General 307 Deckhouses and wells on the first and second tiers,
101 The requirements of the ILLC 1966 with respect to which are not weathertight closed as described in 306, shall be
weathertightness and watertightness of decks, superstructures, provided with satisfactory drainage. The total drainage cross
deckhouses, doors, hatchway covers, other openings, ventila- sectional area shall not be less than 0,30% of the deck area for
tors, air pipes, scuppers, inlets and discharges, etc. are taken as the deckhouse or well. The drainage shall be arranged so that
a basis for all units or installations in the afloat condition. it will prevent accumulation of water in any part of the space.
102 The requirements for hatchways, doors and ventilators
are depending upon the position as defined in the ILLC 1966,
Reg. 13. D. Weathertight Closing Appliances
103 The minimum freeboard of units or installations, which
cannot be computed by the normal methods laid down by the D 100 General
ILLC 1966 shall be determined on the basis of meeting the 101 This sub-section gives requirements for the arrangement
applicable intact stability, damage stability and structural of weathertight openings and their closing appliances. The
requirements for transit and operational conditions while closing appliances shall in general have a strength at least cor-
afloat. The freeboard shall not be less than that calculated in responding to the required strength of the part of the hull in
accordance with the ILLC 1966, where applicable. which they are fitted.
C 200 Self elevating units or installations For side scuttles and windows, however, the pressure head
shall not be taken less than 2.5 m water column.
201 Load lines for self elevating units are calculated under
Guidance note:
the terms of the ILLC 1966. When floating or when in transit
from one operational area to another, the units shall be subject Some requirements are also governed by the regulations in the
«International Convention of Load Lines 1966»:
to all the conditions of assignment of the ILLC 1966 unless
specifically excepted. The regulations of relevant national - doors in reg.12
authorities shall also be observed. - definition of positions in reg.13
- hatchways in reg.14 to reg.16
202 Self elevating units or installations shall not be subject - machinery space openings in reg.17
to the terms of the ILLC 1966 while they are supported by the - miscellaneous openings in reg.18
seabed or are in the process of lowering or raising their legs. - ventilators in reg.19
203 In general, heights of hatch and ventilator coamings, air - air pipes in reg.20
- scuppers, inlets and discharges in reg.22
pipes, door sills, etc. in exposed positions and their means of - side scuttles in reg.23
closing are determined by consideration of both intact and - freeing ports in reg.24
damage stability requirements. - special requirements in reg.25 to reg.27.
204 Side scuttles below freeboard deck shall be of the non- ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
opening type with inside hinged deadlight.
Regarding location of openings where weathertight integrity is
C 300 Column stabilised units or installations required, see I.
301 Load lines for column stabilised units or installations
shall be based on: D 200 Weathertight doors
201 Weathertight doors shall be of steel or equivalent mate-
— the strength of the structure rial.
— the air gap between waterline and deck structure
— the intact and damage stability requirements. The doors shall be designed for a strength equivalent to or bet-
ter than that required for the weathertightness of the structure
302 The conditions of assignment shall be based on the in which they are positioned.
requirements of the ILLC 1966. The regulations of relevant Doors should generally open outwards to provide additional
national authorities shall also be observed. security against impact of the sea.
303 In general, heights of hatch and ventilator coamings, air 202 Sill heights
pipes, door sills, etc., in exposed positions and their means of
closing are determined by consideration of both intact and Openings as mentioned in 201 shall in general have a sill
damage stability requirements. height of not less than 380 mm.
304 The freeboard deck (reference deck) is defined as the The following openings in position 1 shall have sill heights not
lowest continuous deck exposed to weather and sea, which has less than 600 mm:
permanent means of closing and below which all openings are
watertight closed at sea. — companionways
— openings in superstructures and in bulkheads at ends and
305 Side scuttles and windows, including those of non-open- sides of deckhouses where access is not provided from the
ing type, or other similar openings, shall not be fitted below the deck above
freeboard deck. — openings in engine casings.
306 For the first tier on the freeboard deck, the requirements
as for position 2 in the ILLC 1966 apply with respect to open- D 300 Weathertight hatch coamings and covers
ings, sill heights, coaming heights and weathertight closing 301 The minimum height of coamings for hatch covers with
appliances. Side scuttles and windows on first tier need not be weathertight covers shall normally not be less than:


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 20 – Ch.2 Sec.2 see note on front cover

— 600 mm in position 1 The bolt diameter shall not be less than 16 mm.
— 450 mm in position 2. 407 The bolt diameter shall not be less than 22 mm for hatch-
ways exceeding 5 m2 in area.
302 Manholes and small scuttles with coaming height less
than given in 301 and flush scuttles may be allowed when they 408 Between cover elements the gasket line pressure shall
are closed by watertight covers. Unless secured by closely be maintained by a bolt area as given in 406.
spaced bolts, the covers shall be permanently attached. 409 For gasket line pressures exceeding 5 N/mm, the net bolt
303 Coamings with height less than given in 301 may be area shall be increased accordingly. The gasket line pressure
accepted for column stabilised units or installations upon spe- shall be specified.
cial consideration. 410 Hatch covers on exposed decks with reduced coaming
304 Hatch covers shall be mechanically lockable in the open height shall be especially considered.
305 Materials for steel hatch covers shall satisfy the require-
ments given for structural materials. E. Ventilators and Air Pipes
Other material than steel may be used, provided the strength
and stiffness of the covers are equivalent to the strength and E 100 General
stiffness of steel covers. 101 Ventilators to spaces below freeboard deck or to deck-
306 The design sea pressure on weathertight deck hatch cov- houses closed weathertight shall have a coaming height of at
ers is given in the section for design loads in the offshore stand- least:
ard relevant for type of unit or installation considered.
— 900 mm in position 1
307 The plating thickness depending on lateral pressure is — 760 mm in position 2.
given in DNV-OS-C201. The thickness of the top plating shall
not be less than 6 mm. 102 The thickness of ventilator coamings, air pipes, and
exhaust pipes shall not be less than given in the Tables E1 and
308 The section modulus requirement of stiffeners is given E2.
in DNV-OS-C201. The requirements for section modulus and
moment of inertia of hatch girders are given in DNV-OS- Table E1 Thickness for self elevating units
External diameter Wall thickness
D 400 Gaskets and closing devices mm mm
≤ 80 6
401 The requirements in 402 to 410 apply to steel hatch cov- ≥ 165 8.5
ers on weather decks with ordinary gasket arrangement
between hatch cover and coaming and gaskets arranged for Table E2 Thickness for column stabilised units or installations
vertical gasket pressure in joints between hatch cover ele-
External diameter Wall thickness
ments. mm Above freeboard deck
Other gasket arrangements shall be specially considered. mm
≤ 80 5
402 The gasket material shall be of satisfactory air- and sea- ≥ 165 7.0
water-, and if necessary, oil-resistant quality, effectively
secured along the edges of the hatch cover. For intermediate external diameters the wall thickness shall be
The hatchway coamings or steel parts on adjacent covers in obtained by linear interpolation. Coamings with height
contact with the gaskets shall be well rounded where neces- exceeding 900 mm shall be supported by stays or equivalent
sary. arrangements.
Where necessitated by the type and design of the unit or instal- 103 The deck plating in way of deck openings for ventilator
lation, mass forces from heavy covers or cargo stowed on the coamings shall be of sufficient thickness and efficiently stiff-
hatch covers as well as forces due to sea pressure should be ened.
transferred to the coaming or the deck by direct contact, 104 The openings shall be provided with permanently
obtained by suitable devices, while sealing is achieved by attached weathertight efficient means of closing.
means of relatively soft gaskets.
105 Ventilators with coaming height of more than 4.5 m in
403 The gaskets and securing arrangements shall either be position 1, or more than 2.3 m in position 2, need not be fitted
designed for the expected relative movement between cover with closing arrangement.
and coaming, or special devices shall be fitted to restrict such
movement. 106 Stability requirements may necessitate closing appli-
404 Panel hatch covers on weather decks shall be secured by Guidance note:
bolts, wedges or similar arrangement, suitably spaced along-
side the coamings and between the hatch cover sections. Special closing arrangement may be required by national mari-
time administrations.
405 Where hydraulic cleating is applied, the system shall ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
remain mechanically locked in closed position in the event of
failure of the hydraulic system or power supply. 107 The height of air pipes, measured from the deck to the
406 Ordinary gasketed hatch covers shall be secured to the point where water may have access below, shall not be less
coaming by a net bolt area for each bolt not less than: than 760 mm on freeboard deck and 450 mm on superstructure
2 108 Where air pipes of heights as required in 106 will cause
A = 1.4 a (cm ) difficulties in operation of the unit or installation, a lower
height may be accepted, provided that relevant regulatory bod-
ies are satisfied that the closing arrangement and other circum-
A = spacing of bolts in m. stances justify a lower height.


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 21

109 Openings of air pipes shall be provided with perma- effective drainage, shall be fitted to all decks.
nently attached efficient means of closing. The closing appli-
ances shall be so constructed that damage to the tanks by 302 Scuppers on weather portions of decks and scuppers
overpumping or occasionally possible vacuum by discharging leading from superstructures or deckhouses not provided with
is prevented. weathertight closing appliances shall be led overboard.
110 All air pipes shall be well protected. 303 Scuppers through the deck or shell shall comply with
requirements for material and thickness as given for dis-
304 Scupper pipes shall be well stayed to prevent any vibra-
F. Inlets, Discharges and Scuppers tions. However, sufficient possibility for expansion of the
pipes shall be provided where necessary.
F 100 Sea inlets and discharges in closed systems
305 Scuppers from spaces below the freeboard deck or
101 Valves for sea inlets and discharges shall be arranged for spaces within closed superstructures, may be led to bilges.
direct manual operation by means of a mechanical device or
permanently installed hand pump. Any valve serving a sea 306 Scuppers leading overboard from spaces mentioned in
inlet or a discharge below the load waterline shall be remotely 305 shall comply with the requirements given for discharges.
operated from above the damage waterline. Scuppers and drains from compartments of exposed super-
structure decks led through the unit or installation’s side below
Discharges between load waterline and damage waterline may the freeboard deck and not having closable valves, shall have
be fitted with one locally closable non-return valve. The valves additional wall thickness as required in 204.
shall be fitted as close to the inlet or discharge as possible.
The controls shall be readily accessible and are to be provided
with indicators showing whether the valves are open or closed.
All connections to sea shall be marked: G. Side Scuttles and Windows
SEA DIRECT. G 100 General
102 The wall thickness of the pipes shall be as required in 101 Acceptable standards for side scuttles and windows are
204 and DNV-OS-D101. ISO 1751 and ISO 3903 with glass according to ISO 1095 and
testing according to ISO 614. National standards equivalent to
F 200 Discharges the ISO standards are also acceptable.
201 Discharges leading through the shell either from spaces
below the freeboard deck or from spaces required to be water- 102 Side scuttles and windows in the first tier and second tier
tight above the freeboard deck, shall be fitted with one auto- with direct access below the freeboard deck, shall have hinged
matic non-return valve at the outboard end with positive means inside deadlights arranged so that they can be effectively
of closing located at a suitable position above the damage closed and secured watertight.
waterline. 103 Deadlights as required in 102 may be hinged on the out-
202 If a septic tank is arranged in the system, a discharge side, provided there is easy access for closing.
with inboard opening located lower than the uppermost load 104 No side scuttle shall be fitted in a position with its sill
line may be accepted when a loop of the pipe is arranged, below a line drawn parallel to the freeboard deck. The lowest
extended not less than 0.02 L above the summer load water- point shall be minimum 0.025 B above the summer load water-
line, where L is the length of the unit or installation. line, or 500 mm, whichever is the greater distance. B is the
203 Discharges from spaces above the freeboard deck shall breadth of the unit or installation.
be of steel or material especially resistant to corrosion.
204 The wall thickness of steel piping between the hull plat-
ing and a closable or non-return valve below freeboard deck H. Testing of Doors and Hatch Covers
shall not be less than given in the Table F1.
H 100 Pressure testing of watertight doors and hatch
Table F1 Wall thickness of steel piping covers
External diameter Wall thickness
mm mm 101 Before installation (i.e. normally at the manufacturer)
the watertight doors or hatch covers shall be hydraulically
≤ 80 7.0 tested with exposure to the side most prone to leakage.
= 180 10.0
≥ 220 12.5 102 The test pressure shall correspond to the pressure height
+ 0,05 N/mm2 (5 m water), and the acceptance criteria shall be:
For intermediate external diameters the wall thickness shall be
obtained by linear interpolation. — no leakage for doors or hatch covers with gaskets
205 General requirements for pipes are given in DNV-OS- — maximum water leakage 1 litre per minute for doors or
D101. hatch covers with metallic sealing.
206 Adequate arrangement shall be provided to protect H 200 Hose testing of watertight and weathertight doors
valves or pipes from being damaged. and hatch covers
207 The piping shall be of steel or equivalent material. 201 After installation onboard all watertight and weather-
Valves and shell fittings shall be of steel, bronze or other duc- tight doors or hatch covers shall be hose tested. The water pres-
tile material. Valves of ordinary cast iron are not acceptable. sure shall be at least 0.2 mm2 (2 bar), and the nozzle shall be
208 Where plastic piping is used, the connection between held at a distance of maximum 1.5 m from the door or hatch
plastic and steel shall be considered as the inboard opening. cover. No leakage shall be accepted.
As an alternative to hose testing, chalk testing may be applied
F 300 Scuppers under special circumstances upon acceptance by all parties
301 A sufficient number of scuppers, arranged to provide involved.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 22 – Ch.2 Sec.2 see note on front cover

H 300 Function testing of watertight doors and hatch between righting and wind heeling moment curves in
covers damage condition.
301 After installation onboard the operation, control and V External openings:
alarm functions for all watertight doors and hatch covers shall 1) on first and second tier
be tested.
2) submerged between equilibrium position at first inter-
The following shall be verified: cept (line A) and compliance with area requirement
a) It shall be possible to close all doors or hatch covers in one (line B).
group simultaneously within 60 s from the control room. VI External openings:
b) It shall be possible to open and close the doors or hatch
covers three times by means of a local device and stored 1) on and above third tier
energy. 2) above waterline B.
c) It shall be possible for a person to pass through the door-
way or hatchway and at the same time hold both handles I 300 Operation and locking
in the «open position». 301 The requirements for operation and locking of doors and
d) It shall be possible to open the door or hatch cover locally hatch covers are given in Table I1, in relation to the locations
from both sides, after being closed centrally, and the door defined in 200.
or hatch cover shall close automatically after such open-
e) The door or hatch cover shall be mechanically locked in
closed position.
f) The light and sound signals shall give warning when the
door or hatch cover is closed centrally.
g) The remote position indicator for doors or hatch covers
shall function properly.
h) The alarms for the following conditions shall function
— start of standby pump
— loss of power to control, alarm and indicating system
— low pressure (below lowest permissible).

I. Closing Arrangements for Doors and Hatch

I 100 Description of waterlines
101 The following waterlines are defined:
— Waterline A; waterline showing equilibrium position at
first intercept between righting and wind heeling moment
curves in damage condition
— Waterline B; waterline according to area requirement of
righting and wind heeling moment curves, either in intact
or damage condition, whichever is the most severe.
I 200 Description of location of openings
201 The location of openings in relation to the waterlines are
defined as (see Figure 1):
I Internal openings in watertight bulkheads, i.e. internal
bulkheads assumed watertight in stability calculations.
II External openings below deepest draught according to
ILLC 1966.
III External openings between deepest draught and freeboard
IV External openings above freeboard deck, submerged Figure 1
before equilibrium position at first intercept (line A) Location of openings


Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 23

Table I1 Requirements regarding operation and locking of doors and hatch covers
Locking in
Operation of door or
Pressure side Type of door or hatch cover closed posi-
hatch cover tion
Sliding 1) Rolling 2) Hinged Bolted
opening One Both Mechani-
Local Remote
side sides cal 3)

X X 4) NA X
NA means «not applicable»
1) Sliding door: moving along and supported by trackway grooves, with built-in «mechanical» locking due to the tapered form and friction, and a pos-
itive force is required to re-open the door.
2) Rolling door: guided and supported by steel rollers with hydraulic cleating.
3) Mechanical locking: by means of wedges, bars or similar devices, which are self-locking.
4) The door or hatch cover shall be fitted with a notice board stating that the door or hatch cover is to be kept closed while the unit or installation is
afloat at sea (for self elevating units) and at sea (for column stabilised units or installations). The door or hatch cover may be only locally operable.


Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001 Amended April 2007
Page 24 – Ch.2 Sec.2 see note on front cover






Sec. 1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 27


Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
Amended April 2007 Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C301, January 2001
see note on front cover Ch.3 Sec.1 – Page 27


A. Introduction during production and/or of the final product.

102 Components shall be certified consistent with its func-
A 100 Application tions and importance for safety. The principles of categorisa-
101 As well as representing DNV’s recommendations on tion of component certification are given in the relevant
safe engineering practice for general use by the offshore indus- offshore service specifications, see Table A1.
try, the offshore standards also provide the technical basis for 103 Product certification shall be documented by the follow-
DNV classification, certification and verification services. ing types of documents:
102 A complete description of principles, procedures, appli-
cable class notations and technical basis for offshore classifi- a) Det Norske Veritas Product Certificate (NV):
cation is given by the offshore service specifications for A document signed by a DNV surveyor stating:
classification, see Table A1.
— conformity with rules and standard requirements
Table A1 DNV Offshore Service Specifications — that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
No. Title — that tests are made on samples taken from the certified
DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and
product itself
Support Units — that tests are performed in presence of the surveyor or
in accordance with special agreements.
DNV OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production,
Storage and Loading Units b) Works Certificate (W):
A document signed by the manufacturer stating:

B. Design Review — conformity with rules and standard requirements

— that tests are carried out on the certified product itself
B 100 Documentation requirements — that tests are made on samples taken from the certified
product itself
101 Documentation for classification shall be in accordance — that tests are witnessed and signed by a qualified
with the NPS DocReq (DNV Nauticus Production System for department of the manufacturers.
documentation requirements) and Guideline No.17.
c) Test Report (TR):
B 200 Specific classification requirements
201 Freeboard, see Ch.2 Sec.2 C — conformity with rules and standard requirements
— that tests are carried out on samples from the current
The computation of freeboard is not subject to classification. production.
However, the requirements, including those relating to certifi-
cation, of the International Convention on Load Lines 1966 C 200 Certification requirements under DNV-OS-C301
(ILLC 1966) apply to all units and installations.
201 Certification requirements for components are given in
Table C1.

C. Certification of Materials Table C1 Certification of components

and Components Item Certificate
Watertight doors and hatch covers NV
C 100 General Weathertight doors W
101 The product certification is a conformity assessment Side scuttles and windows W
normally including both design and production assessment. Ventilator closing devices NV
The production assessment includes inspection and testing Valves for sea inlet or discharge NV


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