Method Statement For Floating Hose Testing

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2nd DAY 3rd DAY
1st DAY
Day Shi
Day shi
- Inspec on Internal Floa ng hose;
- Provision tes ng - Arrived at 500 m Zone area FPSO KAS 3;
- Assembly blind flange NS.12” 150# to Flange
equipment & AG - AG IRM Supervisor will joint Induc on, &
Floa ng hose No.1 up to No.6 using hand torque
IRM Team on AHT Project Coordinator mee ng on FPSO KAS 3;
750 Lbs for bolt ghtening;
PROSPERO 10 at - Dismantle floa ng hose from FPSO KAS 3
- Hydrotest with 3 Stage:
Surabaya port; - AHT Towing floa ng hose to out of 500 m
1st Pressure 0.7 Bar
- Sail way to 500 m Zone Area with TB. 26 m as Assist;
2nd Pressure 10 Bar (MWP)
out of Zone Area - Dismantle all joint Flange Floa ng hose on
3rd Hydrotest Pressure 15 Bar (1.5 x MWP)
FPSO KAS 3 AHT main deck with using rigging equipment
- Vacuum Test: - 620 mmhg;
& Flange management tools:
- Con nuity Test;
Pedestal Crane, A-Frame, Jack pallet &
impact wrench; Night Shi
- Clean up floa ng Hose surface from Marine - Assembly blind flange NS.12” 150# to Flange
Growth & Barnacles; Floa ng hose No.7 up to No.12 using hand torque
- Inspec on MBC Floater 750 Lbs for bolt ghtening;
- Inspec on POT oil; - Hydrotest with 3 Stage:
1st Pressure 0.7 Bar
Night Shi 2nd Pressure 10 Bar (MWP)
- Con nue for Clean-up floa ng Hose surface 3rd Hydrotest Pressure 15 Bar (1.5 x MWP)
from Marine Growth & Barnacles; - Vacuum Test: - 620 mmhg;
- Inspec on POT oil; - Con nuity Test;

6th DAY 5th DAY 4th DAY

Day Shi Day Shi
Day Shi - Inspec on Internal Floa ng hose;
- Disassembly/Broke up blind flange NS.12”
- Joint Inspec on at - Assembly blind flange NS.12” 150# to Flange
150# to Flange Floa ng hose No.19 up to
Flange joint Floa ng Floa ng hose No.13 up to No.18 using hand
hose to Flange torque 750 Lbs for bolt ghtening;
- Assembly/Joint all floa ng hose No.1 up to
Connec on at FPSO - Hydrotest with 3 Stage:
No.24 for Hydrotest packet prepara on;
KAS 3 between AG 1st Pressure 0.7 Bar
- Flange of Floa ng hose No.1 as pressure
IRM Supervisor with 2nd Pressure 10 Bar (MWP)
injec on on main deck AHT PROSPERO 10;
Client Representa ve; 3rd Hydrotest Pressure 15 Bar (1.5 x MWP)
- Flange of Floa ng hose No,24 as end Flange
- Hand over & Job - Vacuum Test: - 620 mmhg;
Floa ng Hose on Asist Tug 26 m;
Comple on; - Con nuity Test;
- Hydrotest with 3 Stage:
- Demobiliza on
1st Pressure 0.7 Bar Night Shi
2nd Pressure 10 Bar (MWP) - Assembly blind flange NS.12” 150# to Flange
- 3rd Hydrotest Pressure 15 Bar (1.5 x MWP Floa ng hose No.19 up to No.24
- Hydrotest with 3 Stage:
- Night Shi 1st Pressure 0.7 Bar
- Assembly Floa ng Hose who it passed for 2nd Pressure 10 Bar (MWP)
hydrotest to FPSO KAS 3 3rd Hydrotest Pressure 15 Bar (1.5 x MWP)
- Vacuum Test: - 620 mmhg;
- Con nuity Test;

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