Current Electricty by Baba Gang

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Current Electricity

3.2 Electric Current 3.9 Electrical Energy, Power

3.3 Electric Currents in Conductors 3.10 Combination of Resistors-Series and Parallel
3.4 Ohm’s Law 3.11 Cells, emf, Internal Resistance
3.5 Drift of Electrons and the Origin of 3.12 Cells in Series and in Parallel
Resistivity 3.13 Kirchhoff’s Rules
3.6 Limitations of Ohm’s Law 3.14 Wheatstone Bridge
3.7 Resistivity of Various Materials 3.15 Meter Bridge
3.8 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity 3.16 Potentiometer

Topicwise Analysis of Last 10 Years’ CBSE Board Questions (2016-2007)



Number of questions

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16

8 Maximum weightage is of Drift of Electrons and 8 Maximum SA II and LA type questions were
the Origin of Resistivity. asked from Drift of Electrons and the Origin of
Resistivity and Potentiometer.
8 Maximum VSA type questions were asked from
Temperature Dependence of Resistivity. 8 No VBQ type questions were asked till now.

8 Electric current : It is defined as the rate of flow dq
conductor. I =
of electric charge through a cross-section of the dt
If the current is steady i.e. it does not change If area A is not normal to the current but makes
with time, then an angle q with the direction of current, then
q I  
I= =j = or I jA cos q= j ⋅ A
t A cos q
where q is the charge that flows across the cross-
X Current density is a vector quantity.
sectional area in time t.
X SI unit is A m–2.
X Current is a scalar quantity. It is not a vector
quantity as it does not follow the laws of vector Dimensional formula is [M0L–2T0A].
addition. 8 Drift velocity : It is defined as the average
X SI unit and Dimension : velocity with which free electrons get drifted
– The dimensional formula of current is towards the positive end of the conductor under
[M0L0T0A]. the influence of an external electric field.
– The SI unit of current is ampere. It is X Drift velocity of electrons is given by
denoted by symbol A. It is also a practical 
 eE
unit of current. v d = − t
1C where e is the charge on electron, m is the mass
A = 6.25 × 1018 electrons/s 
1s of the electron, E is the electric field applied
and t is the time of relaxation.
X Conventionally, the direction of current is
–ve sign shows that drift velocity of electrons
taken to be the direction of flow of positive
is in a direction opposite to that of the external
charges. Since electrons are negatively charged,
electric field.
hence their direction will be opposite to that of
X Drift velocity depends on electric field as
the conventional current flow.
vd ∝ E. So greater the electric field, larger will be
X If n particles, each having a charge q cross
the drift velocity.
through a given area in time t, then
X Unit of drift velocity is m s–1 and its dimensions
nq is [M0 L T–1].
I= .
t X Relationship between current and drift velocity
X The current is the same for all cross-section of a I = nAe vd
conductor of non-uniform cross-section. where n is the number density of electrons or
X Current in different situations is due to motion number of electrons per unit volume of the
of different charge carriers. conductor and A is the area of cross-section of
– Current in conductors and vacuum tubes is the conductor.
due to motion of electrons. X Relationship between current density and drift
– In electrolytes due to motion of both positive velocity
and negative ions. j = nevd
– In semiconductors due to motion of where symbols have their usual meaning.
electrons and holes.
8 Mobility : It is defined as the magnitude of drift
– In discharge tube (containing atomic gases) velocity per unit electric field. It is denoted by
due to motion of positive ions and negative symbol m.
| vd | qEt / m qt
8 Current density : Current density at a point =m = =
E E m
inside the conductor is defined as the amount of
current flowing per unit area around that point where q, t and m are charge, relaxation time
of the conductor, provided the area is held in a and mass of a charge carrier respectively.
direction normal to the current. It is denoted by X The SI unit of mobility is m2 V–1 s–1 and its
symbol j. dimensional formula is [M–1L0T2A].
I 8 Ohm’s law : It states that the current (I) flowing
j= through a conductor is directly proportional to
A the potential difference (V) across the ends of
the conductor, provided physical conditions of X If radius of the given metallic wire of resistance
the conductor such as temperature, mechanical R becomes n times, its resistance becomes
strain etc. are kept constant. (1/n4)R.
V ∝ I or V = RI X If the area of cross-section of the given metallic
where the constant of proportionality R is called wire of resistance R becomes n times, then its
resistance of the conductor. resistance becomes (1/n2)R.
X The graph between potential difference (V) X Conductivity : The reciprocal of resistivity is
and current (I) through a metallic conductor known as conductivity or specific conductance.
is a straight line passing through the origin as It is denoted by symbol s.
shown in figure.
1 ne 2 t  As m vd = et 
The reciprocal of slope of line gives resistance. =
s= = =
nem 
r m E m 
V 1
R = – The SI unit of conductivity is W–1 m–1 or S m–1
I tan q (slope of I -V )
or mho m–1 and its dimensional formula is
I [M–1L–3T3A2].
8 Relationship between j, s and E
slope = tan
j = sE

V It is a microscopic form of Ohm’s law.
X The resistance of a conductor is obstruction 8 Ohmic and non-ohmic conductors
posed by the conductor to the flow of current X Ohmic conductors : Those conductors which
through it. obey Ohm’s law are known as ohmic conductors,
X The SI unit of resistance is ohm (W) and its e.g. metals. For ohmic conductors, the graph
dimensional formula is [ML2T–3A–2]. between current and potential difference is a
X The resistance of a conductor is straight line passing through the origin.
m l l m X Non-ohmic conductors : Those conductors
=R = r where r = 2
2 A
ne t A ne t which do not obey Ohm’s law are known
where m is the mass of electron, e is charge of as non-ohmic conductors e.g. diode valve,
electron, n is the number density of electrons, t junction diode.
is the relaxation time, l is the length of conductor X For non-ohmic conductors, the graph between
and A is its area of cross section, r is the specific the current (I) and potential difference (V) has
resistance or resistivity of the conductor. one or more of the following characteristics:
X Resistivity : The specific resistance offered by – The relation between V and I is non-linear.
the conductor of unit length and unit cross- I
section area. It is denoted by r.
– The SI unit of resistivity is W m and its
dimensional formula is [ML3T–3A–2].
X If the conductor is in the form of wire of length
l and a radius r, then its resistance is – The relation between V and I depends on
rl the sign of V.
R= 2
pr I (mA)

X If a conductor has mass m, volume V and

density d, then its resistance R is V V

rl rl 2 rl 2 rl 2 d
R == = = I (A)
A Al V m
X If length of a given metallic wire of resistance – The relation between V and I is not unique,
R is stretched to n times, its resistance becomes i.e., there is more than one value of V for the
n2R but its resistivity remains unchanged. same current I.
I (mA) X The resistance of a conductor at temperature
t°C is given by
Rt = R0 (1 + at)
where Rt is the resistance at t °C, R0 is the
resistance at 0°C and a is the characteristics
constants of the material of the conductor.
8 Colour code of carbon resistors : A colour
– Over a limited range of temperatures, that
code is used to indicate the resistance value and
is not too large. The resistivity of a metallic
its percentage accuracy. Every resistor has a set
conductor is approximately given by
of coloured rings on it. The first two coloured
rt = r0(1 + at).
rings from the left end indicate the first two
where a is the temperature coefficient of
significant figures of the resistance in ohms.
resistivity. Its unit is K–1 or °C–1.
The third colour ring indicates the decimal
– In the temperature range in which resistivity
multiplier and the last colour ring stands for the
increases linearly with temperature, the
tolerence in percent.
temperature coefficient of resistivity a
X The colour code of a resistor is as shown in the
is defined as the fractional increase in
resistivity per unit increase in temperature.
Colour Number Multiplier Tolerance (%) X For metals, a is positive i.e., resistance increases
with rise in temperature.
Black 0 100 X For insulators and semiconductors, a is
Brown 1 10 1 negative i.e., resistance decreases with rise in
Red 2 102
8 Resistors in series and parallel
Orange 3 103
X Resistors in series : The various resistors
Yellow 4 104 are said to be connected in series if they are
Green 5 105 connected as shown in the figure.
Blue 6 106 A I B
R1 I R2 I R3
Violet 7 107 I I
Gray 8 108
+ –
White 9 109 I
– The equivalent resistance of the combination
Gold 10–1 5
of resistors is
Silver 10–2 10 Rs = R1 + R2 + R3
No colour 20 – The current through each resistor is the
X Suppose a resistor has yellow, violet, brown and
X Resistors in parallel : The various resistors
gold rings as shown in the figure below. The
are said to be connected in parallel if they are
resistance of the resistor is (47 × 10 W) ± 5%.
connected as shown in figure.
Violet Brown
Yellow R1
I2 R2
8 Effect of temperature on resistance and

restistivity +
X The resistance of a metallic conductor increases – The equivalent resistance of the combination
with increase in temperature. of resistors is
1 1 1 1 X During discharging of a cell, terminal potential
= + + . difference = emf of a cell – voltage drop across
Rp R1 R2 R3
– The potential difference is same across each the internal resistance of a cell. i.e., terminal
resistor. potential difference across it is less than emf of
– If a wire of resistance R is cut into n equal the cell. The direction of current inside the cell
parts, then resistance of each part = R/n. is from negative terminal to positive terminal.
X During charging of a cell, terminal potential
8 Cells, emf, internal resistance
difference = emf of a cell + voltage drop
X Electrochemical cell : It is a device which,
across internal resistance of a cell i.e., terminal
converts chemical energy into electrical energy,
potential difference becomes greater than the
maintains the flow of charge in a circuit.
emf of the cell. The direction of current inside
X Electromotive force (emf) of a cell
the cell is from positive terminal to negative
– It is defined as the potential difference
between the two terminals of a cell in an
open circuit i.e., when no current flows 8 Grouping of cells : Cells can be grouped in the
through the cell. It is denoted by symbol e. following three ways:
– The SI unit of emf is joule/coulomb Series grouping
or volt and its dimensional formula is Parallel grouping
[ML2T–3A–1]. Mixed grouping
– The emf of a cell depends upon the nature X Series grouping : If n identical cells each of emf
of electrodes, nature and the concentration e and internal resistance r are connected to the
of electrolyte used in the cell and its external resistor of resistance R as shown in the
temperature. figure, they are said to be connected in series
X Terminal potential difference : It is defined as grouping.
the potential difference between two terminals r r r  r
of a cell in a closed circuit i.e., when current is
flowing through the cell.
X Internal resistance of a cell
– It is defined as the resistance offered by the I
electrolyte and electrodes of a cell when the
current flows through it.
– Internal resistance of a cell depends upon eeq = ne and req = nr
the following factors: \ Current in the circuit, I = ne
R + nr
Distance between the electrodes X Special cases :
The nature of the electrolyte ne e
– If R < < nr, then=
I = .
The nature of electrodes nr r
Area of the electrodes, immersed in the – If R > > nr, then I = ne .
electrolyte. R
X Relationship between e, V and r : When a cell X Parallel grouping : If ,r
of emf e and internal resistance r is connected m identical cells each
to an external resistance R as shown in the of emf e and internal ,r
figure. resistance r are connected
The voltage across R is to the external resistor
V = IR of resistance R as shown
r ,r
e in figure, they are said to
= R
R+r  be connected in parallel R
or e =IR + Ir I I
or V =e – Ir eeq = e and req = r .
R m
or e =V + Ir e
\ The current in the circuit, I = .
or=r R
V (
−1 ) ( )
R+ r
X Special cases : – Kirchhoff ’s second law supports the law of
r e conservation of energy.
– If << R , then I = .
m R – According to sign convention while
r e traversing a closed loop (in clockwise or
– If >> R , then I = m .
m r
anti-clockwise direction), if negative pole
X Mixed grouping : If the cells are connected as of the cell is encountered first then its emf
shown in figure they are said to be connected is positive, otherwise negative. The product
in mixed grouping. Let there be n cells in series of resistance and current in an arm of the
in one row and m such rows of cells in parallel. circuit is taken positive if the direction of
Suppose all the cells are identical. Let each cell current in that arm is in the same sense
be of emf e and internal resistance r. as one moves in a closed loop and is taken
n negative if the direction of current in that
arm is opposite to the sense as one moves in
m the closed loop.
8 Wheatstone’s bridge : It is an arrangement
of four resistances P, Q, R and S connected as
shown in the figure.

nr ne
=eeq n=
e and req \I=
m  nr 
 m 
In case of mixed grouping of cells, current in
the circuit will be maximum, when
i.e., external resistance = total internal resistance Their values are so adjusted that the galvanometer
of all cells G shows no deflection. The bridge is then said
8 Kirchhoff ’s laws : Kirchhoff in 1942 put to be balanced. When this happens, the points
forward the following two laws to solve the B and D are at the same potential and it can be
complicated circuits. These two laws are stated shown that
as follows : P R
X Kirchhoff ’s first law or Kirchhoff ’s junction =
rule or Kirchhoff ’s current law : It states that
the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a This is called the balancing condition. If any
junction is zero. three resistances are known, the fourth can be
– Kirchhoff ’s first law supports the law of found.
conservation of charge. 8 Metre bridge or slide wire bridge
– According to sign convention the current X It is based on the principle of Wheatstone’s
flowing towards a junction is taken as bridge.
positive and the current flowing away from
the junction is taken as negative.
X Kirchhoff ’s second law or Kirchhoff ’s loop law
or Kirchhoff ’s voltage law : It states that in a
closed loop, the algebraic sum of the emfs is
equal to the algebraic sum of the products of the
resistance and the respective currents flowing
through them.
∑ e =∑ IR
Sl series with the cell whose internal resistance is
X The unknown resistance, R = , where l is to be determined.
100 − l
the balancing length of metre bridge. 8 Joule’s Law of Heating : According to Joule’s
heating effect of current, the amount of heat
8 Potentiometer produced (H) in a conductor of resistance R,
X Principle of potentiometer : It is based on the carrying current I for time t is
fact that the fall of potential across any portion H = I2Rt (in joule)
of the wire is directly proportional to the length I 2 Rt
of that portion provided the wire is of uniform or H = (in calorie)
area of cross-section and a constant current is where J is Joule’s mechanical equivalent of heat
flowing through it. (= 4.2 J/cal).
i.e., V ∝ l (If I and A are constant)
8 Electric power : It is defined as the rate at
or V = Kl
which work is done by the source of emf in
where K is known as potential gradient i.e., fall
maintaining the current in the electric circuit.
of potential per unit length of the given wire.
electric work done
X Comparison of emfs of two cells by using Electric power P =
time taken
= = I2R =
P VI .
X SI unit and Dimensions :
– The SI unit of power is watt (W).
– The practical unit of power is kilowatt (kW)
and horse power (hp).
– Dimension of power [ML2 T–3 A2]
X Power dissipated in connecting wires, which is
wasted is Pc given by
P 2 Rc
Pc = I2Rc =
e1 l1 V2
= X If P1, P2, P3 .... are the powers of electric
e 2 l2
appliances in series with source of rated voltage
where l1, l2 are the balancing lengths of
V, the effective power consumed is
potentiometer wire for the emfs e1 and e2 of
1 1 1 1
two cells respectively. = + + + ......
PS P1 P2 P3
X Determination of internal resistance of a cell
X If P1, P2, P3 are the powers of electric appliances
by potentiometer
in parallel with a source of rated voltage V, the
effective power consumed is
PP = P1 + P2 + P3 + .....
8 Electric energy : It is defined as the total electric
workdone or energy supplied by the source of
emf in maintaining the current in an electric
circuit for a given time.
Electric energy = electric power × time = P × t.
l −l  X The SI unit of electrical energy is joule (J).
r =  1 2 R X The commercial unit of electric energy is
 l2 
kilowatt-hour (kWh),
where l1 = balancing length of potentiometer
wire corresponding to emf of the cell, l2 = 1 kWh = 1000 Wh = 3.6 × 106 J = one unit of
balancing length of potentiometer wire electricity consumed.
corresponding to terminal potential difference X The number of units of electricity consumed is
of the cell when a resistance R is connected in n = (total wattage × time in hour)/1000.

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