PTC 19 3 TW Example Problem

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Example Problem:

Proper Design of a Thermowell in Power Piping

Suggested for thermowell design suitability analysis

Thermowells are used in measuring the temperature of a moving fluid, where the stream exerts an appreciable force and
the sensitive element cannot be placed directly into the medium whose temperature is to be measured. A thermowell is a
pressure tight receptacle that is adapted to receive a temperature sensing element and is provided with a variety of process
connections (flanges, external threads or a machined shoulder) for tight pressure attachment to a process fitting. The
purpose of this example problem is to determine whether or not a thermowell selected for temperature measurement is
strong enough to withstand specific application conditions of temperature, pressure, velocity and vibration.

Standards used in the Example Problem:

ASME B31.1-2014, Power Piping
ASME PTC 19.3 TW-2010, Thermowells
ASTM A 105-14, Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications

Proper design of a thermowell requires that the sensor mounted inside the thermowell attain thermal equilibrium with the
process fluid. Thermal modeling of the sensor response is outside the scope of this Standard (refer to the latest version of
PTC 19.3 for guidance). Adhering to a few general design rules will optimize the sensor performance within the
constraints of the mechanical strength
requirements. A high fluid-velocity rating for
the thermowell requires a sufficiently high
natural frequency for the thermowell and
sufficiently low oscillatory stresses. Higher
natural frequencies result from decreasing the
unsupported length, L, increasing the support-
plane diameter, A, and decreasing the tip
diameter, B. Lower oscillatory stresses result
from decreasing length, L, and increasing
diameter, A. A higher static pressure rating
requires increasing the value of tip diameter
B. In contrast, good thermal performance
favors increasing length, L, and decreasing
diameters, A and B.

In addition, if the thermowell is to be evaluated in accordance to ASME PTC 19.3 TW, it is fit for service if it meets these
four quantitative criteria:

(a) Frequency Limit. The resonance frequency of the thermowell shall be sufficiently high so that destructive oscillations
are not excited by the fluid flow.
(b) Dynamic Stress Limit. The maximum primary dynamic stress shall not exceed the allowable fatigue stress limit.
(c) Static Stress Limit. The maximum steady-state stress on the thermowell shall not exceed the allowable stress, as
determined by the Von Mises criteria.
(d) Hydrostatic Pressure Limit. The external pressure shall not exceed the pressure ratings of the thermowell tip, shank,
and flange.

In addition, the suitability of the thermowell material for the process environment (section 5) shall be considered.
Consider a thermowell for a steam bypass line, for use under ASME B31.1, Power Piping. The designer establishes the
process conditions to be:

(a) superheated steam pressure: P = 235 psig

(b) operating temperature: T = 450°F
(c) normal flow condition: V = 295 ft/sec
(d) steam density: ρ= 0.499 lb/ft3
(e) viscosity: μ= 0.0171 cP, or using the conversion factor 1 cP = 6.7197 ✕ 10-4 lb/(ft·sec), μ= 1.149 ✕ 10-5 lb/(ft·sec)

The designer selects a thermowell with a tapered shank, and

chooses to include a machined fillet at the root of the shank,
which is also the support plane. For this high velocity application,
the thermowell is welded directly into the process piping, with the
support plane in the heat-affected zone of the weld. The nominal
insertion of the thermowell into the process stream is 4 in. The
unsupported length, L, exceeds this nominal length due to the
possible incomplete penetration of the weld (see image below).

(a) root diameter: A = 1.5 in.

(b) tip diameter: B = 1.0 in.
(c) fillet radius at base: b = 0.0 in.
(d) bore: d = 0.26 in.
(e) unsupported length: L = 4.06 in.
(f) minimum wall thickness: t = 0.188 in

The designer decides to manufacture the thermowell from ASTM A 105 carbon steel to match the process piping, with the
following properties:

(a) from ASME B31.1, Table C-1 (interpolated in temperature), modulus of elasticity at service temperature: E = 27.5 ✕
106 psi
(b) from ASME B31.1, Table A-1, maximum allowable working stress: S = 19,800 psi
(c) thermowell construction is welded, then machined, so from ASME PTC 19.3 TW Table 6-12.3-1 (Class A, welded),
fatigue endurance limit, in the high-cycle limit: Sf = 3,000 psi
(d) from Metals Handbook Desk Edition (Davis J.R., CRC Press, 2008), mass density of carbon steel: ρm = 0.284 lb/in.3

For the rotational stiffness of the thermowell support, KM, the designer assumes the thermowell is mounted to a thick-wall
pipe (ASME PTC 19.3 TW subsection 6-6) and will use eq. (6-6-5).

For the average density of the temperature sensor, the designer chooses to use the default value found in ASME PTC 19.3
TW, ρs = 169 lb/ft3.

Reynolds and Strouhal Numbers

The Reynolds number is calculated [Eq. 6-4-3] as

Re 

295 ft/sec 1.0 in (0.499 lb/ft 3 )  1.068  10 6
 1.149  10-5 lb/ ft  sec12 in/ft 
For this example Re > 5 105, and either eq. (6-4-2) or (6-4-4) gives the Strouhal number NS = 0.22.
The force coefficients using eq. (6-4-5) are:

CD = 1.4
Cd = 0.1
Cl = 1.0

Natural Frequency Calculation.

Step 1. Approximate natural frequency [eq. (6-5-1)]:

I =  (Da4 – d4)/64
= [(1.25 in)4 – (0.26 in)4]/64
= 0.1196 in4
m = m (Da2 – d2)/4
= (0.284 lb/in3  [(1.25 in)2 – (0.26 in)2]/4
= 0.3334 lb/in

Da = (1.5 in + 1.0 in)/2 = 1.25 in

Calculate the approximate natural frequency of the thermowell as:

1/ 2
1.875 2  EI  1
fa   
2  m  L2
1/ 2
 (27.5  10 6 psi)(386.0 88 in  lb/(lbf  sec 2 ))(0.1196 in 4 ) 
1.875 2 1
  
2  0.3334 lb/in  (4.06 in ) 2
 2095 Hz

E = the elastic modulus at the operating temperature
I =  (Da4 – d4)/64, which is the second moment of inertia
L = unsupported length of the thermowell
m = m (Da2 – d2)/4 is the mass per unit length of the thermowell

The conversion factor 386.088 in.-lb = 1 lbfsec2 is necessary when E is given in units of pounds per square inch
(equivalent to lbf/in.2). (See para. 6-5.3, Step 2 and the Nonmandatory Appendix A.)

Step 2: Use the correlations of subsection 6-5 to correct for deviations from the approximate slender-beam theory:

Hf 

0.99 1  1  B A  1  B A

3(1 0.8( d / Da ))
1  1.1Da L 

0.99 1  1  0.6667  1  0.6667

3(1 0.8( 0.2080 ))
1  1.10.3079
 1.352

B/A = (1.0 in)/(1.5 in) = 0.6667
Da/L = (1.25 in)/(4.06 in) = 0.3079
d/Da = (0.26 in)/(1.25 in) = 0.2080
Step 3: Correct for the fluid mass:

H a, f  1 
2 m

 1
0.499 lb/ft  3

20.284 lb/in 1728 in

3 3
/ft 3 
 0.9995

Step 4: Correct for the sensor mass:

s  1 
H a,s  1   
2 m   D / d 2  1 
 a 

 1
169 lb/ft  3

1 

20.284 lb/in 1728 in
3 3
/ft 3
  4.808  1 

 0.9922

Da/d = (1.25 in)/(0.26 in) = 4.808

Step 5: The lowest-order natural frequency of the thermowell with ideal support [eq. (6-5-6)] is given by:

fn = Hf Ha,f Ha,s fa
= (1.352)(0.9995)(0.9922)(2095 Hz)
= 2809 Hz .

Step 6: Correct for foundation compliance [eq. (6-6-5)]:

( A / L)
H c  1  (0.61)
(1  1.5(b / A)) 2
 1  (0.61)
(1  1.5(0)) 2
 0.7746

A/L = (1.5 in.)/(4.06 in.) = 0.3695
b/A = (0.0 in.)/(1.5 in.) = 0.0

The in situ natural frequency of the mounted thermowell [eq. (6-6-1)] is given as

f nc  H c f n
 (0.7746)( 2809 Hz)
 2176 Hz
Scruton Number Calculation
Because the Reynolds number exceeds 105, the general frequency limits of para. 6-8.3 apply and no calculation of Scruton
number is needed. The calculation is included here as an example. We take a conservative value of 0.0005 for the
damping factor, , used in eq. (6-8-1):

N Sc   2  m   1  (d / B) 2 
 
 
0.284 lb/in 3
  2 (0.0005)  1  0.2600 2
  4
 0.499 lb/ft 5.787 10 ft /in
3 3 3 

 4.525 .

d/B = (0.26 in)/(1.0 in) = 0.26

Although NSc is greater than 2.5, the Reynolds number exceeds 105, and the in-line resonance cannot be assumed to be

Frequency Limit Calculation.

Step 1: From eq. (6-4-1), the vortex shedding rate with a Strouhal number NS = 0.22 and at the normal flow condition is

fS 
(0.22)( 295 ft/sec)(12 in/ft)

(1.0 in)
 778.8 Hz

Step 2: Check that the natural frequency of the mounted thermowell is sufficiently high. In the present example, the
thermowell passes the most stringent frequency limit [eq. (6-8-7)]:

f S  0.4 f nc ,
778.8 Hz  870.2 Hz  0.4(2176 Hz)

In this case, no calculation of cyclic stress at in-line resonance is needed, because the forced or Strouhal frequency is less
than the in-line resonance frequency. However, for the sake of completeness, calculation of this quantity is included in
para. 8-1.5.

Cyclic Stress at the In-line Resonance.

Step 1: Use eqs. (6-8-3) and (6-8-4) to establish the flow velocity corresponding to the in-line resonance:

Bf nc
(1.0 in )(12 in/ft ) 1 2176 Hz 

 412.0 ft/sec
Step 2: Evaluate cyclic drag stress at the root. The magnification factor (F’M) for the drag/in-line resonance is set at 1000
(see paras. 6-8.3, Step 1; and 6-9.2). Begin by evaluating the value of GSP, using eq. (6-10-7):

16 L2

3A 2 1  d / A
1  2( B A)
16(4.06 in) 2
 1  2(0.6667)

3 (1.5 in) 2 1  0.17332 
 29.05

d/A = (0.26 in)/(1.5 in) = 0.1733

From eq. (6-3-3), the force per unit area due to cyclic drag is

Pd   CdVIR 2

 
1 0.499 lb/ft 3 5.787 10 4 ft 3 /in 3 (0.1) 
(412.0 ft/sec)(12 in/ft) 2
2 (386.088 in  lb/(lbf  sec ))

 0.9143 psi

where the conversion factor 386.088 in.-lb = 1 lbfsec2 is included to give a final answer in units of pounds per square inch
The cyclic stresses due to cyclic drag [eq. (6-10-6)] at the in-line resonance condition are:

S d  GSP FM' Pd
 29.05(1000)(0.9143 psi)
 26,560 psi

Step 3: Evaluate the stress concentration factor from eq. (6-12-4):

Kt  2.2 .

Step 4: Evaluate combined drag and lift stresses, with lift stress set to zero, [eq. (6-12-3)]:

S o, max  K t S d  S L

2 1/ 2
 K t Sd
 58,430 psi

Step 5: Evaluate the temperature de-rating factor from eq. (6-12-6):

FT  E (T ) / E ref
27.5  10 6 psi

29.3  10 6 psi
 0.9386

The environmental de-rating factor FE is taken as unity for steam service.

Step 6: Compare the predicted stress with the fatigue stress limit, given by the right hand side of eq. (6-12-5):

FT FE S f  (0.9386)(1.0)(3000 psi)
 2816 psi

The fatigue stress limit, 2816 psi, is less than the combined stress, 58,430 psi. The thermowell would not pass the cyclic
stress condition for steady state operation at the in-line resonance, corresponding to a fluid velocity of 412.0 ft/sec, if the
vortex shedding frequency fs had been greater than 0.4 f n (see para. 8-1.4, Step 2).

Steady-state Stress at the Design Velocity

Step 1: Evaluate the radial, tangential, and axial stresses due to the external pressure, at the location of maximum stress
[eqs. (6-11-1 through (6-11.3)]:

S r  P  235 psi ,
1  (d / A) 2 1  (0.1733) 2
St  P  ( 235 psi)
1  (d / A) 2 1  (0.1733) 2
 249.6 psi ,
P 1
Sa   (235 psi)
1  (d / A) 2
1  (0.1733) 2
 242.3 psi .

Step 2: Evaluate steady-state drag stress at the root. First, evaluate the steady-state drag force per unit area:

PD   C DV 2

  
1 0.499 lb/ft 3 5.787 10 4 ft 3 /in 3 (1.4)
(295 ft/sec)(12 in/ft) 2
2 (386.088 in  lb/(lbf  sec ))

 6.561 psi ,

where the conversion factor 386.088 in.-lb = 1 lbfsec2 is included to give a final answer in units of pounds per square inch

Step 3: Evaluate the steady-state stress due to the drag force [eq. (6-10-4)]:

 29.05(6.561 psi)
 190.6 psi

Step 4: Before using the Von Mises criterion to assess the stress limit at the root, compute the maximum stress given by
eq. (6-12-1):

S max  S D  S a
 432.9 psi
Step 5: Compute the left hand side of the Von Mises criteria, [eq. (6-12-2)]:

S max
 S r   S max  S t   S t  S r 
2 2 2

 191.0 psi

Step 6: Compute the stress limit given by the right hand side (RHS) of the Von Mises criteria [eq. (6-12-2)]:

RHS  1.5S
 1.5(19,800 psi)
 29,700 psi

The Von Mises stress, 191.0 psi, does not exceed the stress limit, 29,700 psi, and the thermowell passes the steady-state
stress criterion.

Dynamic Stress at the Design Velocity

Step 1: The magnification factor for the lift (transverse) and drag (in-line) resonances are given by eqs. (6-9-1) and (6-9-
2), respectively:

f s 778.8 Hz
r   0.3580
f nc 2176 Hz
1 1
FM    1.147
1 r 2
1  0.35802
2 f s 2778.8 Hz 
r    0.7159
f nc 2176 Hz
FM   2.052
1  0.7159

Step 2: Evaluate the dynamic drag and lift stresses at the root. Using eq. (6-3-3), the force per unit area due to cyclic drag
and lift are:
Pd   C dV 2

  
1 0.499 lb/ft 3 5.787 10 4 ft 3 /in 3 (0.1)
(295 ft/sec)(12 in/ft) 2
2 (386.088 in  lb/(lbf  sec ))

 0.4686 psi
Pl   C lV 2

  
1 0.499 lb/ft 3 5.787 10 4 ft 3 /in 3 (1.0)
(295 ft/sec)(12 in/ft) 2
2 (386.088 in  lb/(lbf  sec ))

 4.686 psi
The cyclic stresses due to drag and lift [eqs. (6-10-5) and (6-10-6)] are:

S d  GSP FM' Pd
 (29.05)( 2.052)(0.4686 psi)
 27.93 psi
S l  GSP FM Pl
 (29.05)(1.147)( 4.686 psi)
 156.1 psi

The concentration factor is identical to the value calculate in para. 8-1.5, Step 3, Kt = 2.2.

Step 3: Evaluate combined drag and lift stresses, [eq. (6-12-3)]:

 
S o, max  K t S d  S l
2 2 1/ 2

 2.227.93 psi   156.1 psi  

2 2 1/ 2

 348.9 psi

Step 4: The temperature de-rating factor is identical to the value calculated in para. 8-1.5, Step 5, FT = 0.9386. The
environmental de-rating factor FE is taken as unity for steam service.

Step 5: Compare the predicted stress with the fatigue stress limit, given by the right hand side of eq. (6-12-5):

FT FE S f  (0.9386)(1.0)(3000 psi)
 2816 psi

The predicted stress of 348.9 psi is below the fatigue stress limit, and the thermowell passes the dynamic stress criterion.

Pressure Stress

Step1: Compute the external pressure rating for the shank using eq. (6-13-1):

 2.167 
Pc  0.66S   0.0833
 2 B / B  d  
 2.167 
 0.66(19,800 psi)   0.0833
 2(1.0 in)/(1.0 in  0.26 in) 
 9389 psi

Step 2: Compute the external pressure rating for the tip using eq. (6-13-2):

S t
Pt   
0.13  d 
19,800 psi  0.188 in 
  
0.13  0.26 in 
 79,630 psi
The pressure rating for the thermowell is the lesser of Pt and Pc, which is 9389 psi in the present case. This rating exceeds
the 235 psi operating pressure, and the thermowell passes the external pressure criterion.

The designer was pleased to see that for this set of process conditions, the thermowell was found to be fit for service.

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