D S Henderson Napier University, UK.: Variable Speed Electric Drives - Characteristics and Applications
D S Henderson Napier University, UK.: Variable Speed Electric Drives - Characteristics and Applications
D S Henderson Napier University, UK.: Variable Speed Electric Drives - Characteristics and Applications
D S Henderson
The term “inverter” nearly always implies a static Until recently, the fact that line-frequency thyristors
switching system which synthesises a varying frequency with simple commutation circuits were suitable for the
and controlled amplitude three phase system from a inverter switches was an important asset of CSI drives.
direct current or voltage supply. The simplest from of With the availability of higher power rated controllable
such a system is shown in Figure 2 where six switches switches, nowadays CSI drives are used mostly in very
are arranged in a bridge pattern across a d.c. supply. In large power applications only. Drives are available with
theory it is possible to adopt any switching sequence of converter voltages of up to 10 kV, rated currents up to
these devices, but in practice there are constraints 2000 A and rated powers of up to 60 MW.
necessary to avoid a short-circuit on the d.c. side. In
addition, as the inverter load is usually an inductive Voltage source inverters (VSI’s)
(motor) one, freewheel diodes are required in parallel
with each device to protect against overvoltages. Method of operation
In the voltage source inverter, a firm d.c. link voltage is
A common switching sequence results in the so-called switched between the motor windings, and the load
“quasi-square” waveform shown in Figure 3. Any currents establish themselves depending on the load
desired three-phase output frequency can be obtained impedance of the motor. The d.c. link voltage is
within the switching rate capabilities of the devices maintained by the presence of a capacitor in the d.c.
used, however control of the output amplitude requires link, Figure 4b.
further control action.
Characteristics and applications
The source of the d.c. input to the inverter is the starting The polarity of the d.c. link voltage can not be reversed,
point for describing the different inverter types. If an and so regeneration requires the reversal of the link
uncontrolled diode bridge rectifier is used, the d.c. current. In order to recover such regenerative power, it
output is a substantially constant voltage. This has the is thus necessary to deploy a four quadrant converter
advantage that a battery can be used as a standby power (switch-mode or back-to-back) at the input bridge stage.
source. The disadvantage is that if control of the
inverter output voltage is required, then this has to be The majority of inverter drives used nowadays are
done separately. If a controlled rectifier is used, then the fundamentally of the VSI type. Different methods of
d.c. voltage can be varied by firing angle control of the control of the output voltage and different speed control
input bridge, and reverse power flow is also possible (if techniques give rise to a multitude of overall drive
fully controlled). topologies.
There are two approaches to the control of the d.c. link; The simplest of these is the quasi-square wave or six-
either voltage control or current control. These step inverter. Each inverter switch is on for half a cycle
approaches give rise to the two fundamental inverter and a total of three switches are on at any one time.
types; current-source inverters and voltage-source Control of the output voltage is achieved by varying the
inverters. d.c. link voltage. This can be done either with a d.c
chopper circuit in the link itself, or through controlled
Current source inverters (CSI’s) rectification at the input bridge. Low-order harmonics
are a feature of this drive which gives rise to operational
Method of operation problems such as torque pulsations and noise at low
In the current source inverter, a controlled d.c. link speeds. This type of drive has been superseded in
current is switched between the motor windings in a performance several times over and is rarely applied
sequential pattern, and the load voltages establish nowadays.
themselves depending on the particular speed, torque
and rotational direction of the motor. The “hard” d.c.
link current is maintained by the presence of a large
inductor in the d.c. link, Figure 4c.
Characteristics and applications This drive is suitable for use with both induction and
Open loop speed control matches that of closed loop synchronous type a.c. motors. The cycloconverter
flux vector control. Through the use of a feedback employs a line commutation phase control method first
encoder, closed loop speed control can be provided with developed for producing 16.66 Hertz for traction
improved accuracy, a value of 0.01% being quoted by purposes. Within its operational limits, it is an infinitely
the manufacturers. variable frequency drive with regenerative capabilities.
Drives with rated output powers in the range 2.2 kW to Method of operation
315 kW are presently available. Again this type of drive The basic operation of the cycloconverter is illustrated
is best suited to high performance applications such as by the fact that 9 controllable switches enable any
mixers, conveyors, lifts, cranes and winders, as well as portion of a 3-phase supply to be connected to any
fans and pumps. phase of a 3-phase load. Consequently a 3-phase
variable voltage and frequency output can by
synthesised directly, i.e. without the intermediate d.c.
SYNCHRONOUS DRIVES link. In practice, each phase requires a “positive” bridge
for operation when the supply voltage is positive and a
“negative” bridge for operation when the supply voltage
All of the drives previously described have been is negative, Figure 9. Hence each phase of the motor
designed for operation with a standard cage induction requires its own double bridge converter, consisting of
motor. The drive described in this section is designed 12 thyristors, and so the three phase drive requires a
specifically for operation with a synchronous motor. total of 36 devices. Although this represents a high
device count, the advantage is that natural commutation
Method of operation means that standard converter grade devices can be used
The basic drive, Figure 8, is similar to the CSI drive. and there are no forced commutation circuits.
The input bridge is a fully controlled rectifier, the d.c.
link has a smoothing inductor and the output bridge is a Characteristics and applications
standard thyristor inverter. There are however, two Cycloconverters are only capable of producing
major differences. Firstly the switching points of the acceptable output waveforms at frequencies well below
inverter devices are set by a shaft encoder on the motor. the 50 Hz supply system value, typically one third of
Secondly, commutation of the inverter devices is mains frequency. Again, power ratings are theoretically
achieved by the use of the back EMF generated by the unlimited. Drives with converter voltages of up to 18
motor field. Natural commutation allows the use of kV and rated currents of up to 2500 A are available.
standard converter grade devices.
Typical applications are in traction and haulage. The
Characteristics and applications combination of multi-pole, slow speed motors and the
The d.c. link voltage is reversible, and so regeneration infinitely variable low frequency drive makes this a
is possible without the use of any additional converters. good option as a very low speed, direct drive for mine-
High speeds up to 10000 rev/min are possible and high winding, kiln and crusher applications.
power ratings are also possible, theoretically unlimited.
Converter voltages of up to 18 kV and rated currents of
up to 2000 A are available. SLIP-ENERGY RECOVERY DRIVES
More onerous speed control applications may require Cegelec Drives, Standard products and systems drives:
the deployment of the, now standard, vector control application guide.
drive. Such drives compare favourably with their d.c.
counterpart in respect of their dynamic and speed ABB, 1995, Technical Guide No. 1, Direct Torque
holding accuracy. Largely these are closed-loop speed Control.
Figure 1 - Variable Speed Drive block diagram