Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Control For Variable-Speed Wind Power Generation System
Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Control For Variable-Speed Wind Power Generation System
Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Control For Variable-Speed Wind Power Generation System
was derived from the error
between the active power reference and the actual active
power by tuning a PI controller, as shown in Fig. 7. Similarly,
a reference current i
was obtained from the error between
the reactive power reference and the actual reactive power, as
shown in Fig.8. Then, both reference currents were
transformed to their natural reference frame that is the rotor
frame. These rotor current references, after a dq-to abc
transformation, were used for implementing the hysteresis
modulation on the rotor side three-phase converter.
Neglecting the loss and the voltage drop of inductors and
considering the power balance between the AC-side and DC-
side of the converter,the DC-link voltage can be
approximated by :
= m i - i
) (16)
dt C 2 q c
Where m is the SVPWM modulation index.
From (16), it can be found that the DC-link voltage is
controlled by the current i
.Therefore the output of the
voltage control loop corrector is selected as the reference of
the q - axis component of the AC currents. The reference of
the d - axis component is dependent on the optimal reactive
power splitting.The space vector control scheme for the grid-
side converter is shown in Fig.6.
Fig. 7. Obtaining quadrature axis rotor reference current in stator
flux-oriented frame
Fig. 8. Obtaining direct axis, quadrature axis rotor reference current in
stator flux-oriented frame.
B. Grid side converter control
The grid side converter control begins with transforming
the grid voltages to the stationary reference frame to obtain
the voltage vector angle as given by Eq. As seen before, the
de link voltage can be controlled by control of the direct axis
current ix in the voltage vector-oriented reference frame.
Thus, a reference current i rx,rej was derived from the de link
voltage error of the converter bridge by tuning a second PI
controller, as shown in Fig. 9. The current i rx,rej was forced
to zero so as to make the displacement equal to zero.
Figure.6. The control structure for grid-side converter
There are many popular simulation tools such as ACSL,
MATLAB/Simulink and PSCAD that can be used to simulate
electric drives, power systems, power electronic circuits or a
combination of those. However, as is the case with any
software, there are certain advantages and disadvantages
associated with any one of the above mentioned software and
discretion has be used while choosing one of those depending
on the type of application it is used for.
PSCAD was selected for the simulations effort in this
study as it already has models for wind turbine , wind turbine
governor, and the wind resource in addition to having a
powerful simulation engine that is suitable for simulating
time domain instantaneous responses.
The main circuit developed in PSCAD contains a wound
rotor generator shaft connected to a wind turbine shaft by
means of a gearbox as modeled in PSCAD. The stator
terminals are directly connected to the grid and the rotor
terminals are connected to the grid by means of a back-to
back power converter bridge. The pitch angle adjustment for
the turbine is done by a wind turbine governor.
The rotor side power converter controls the stator active
and reactive powers and the grid side converter maintains the
de link voltage. To simulate these control schemes two
subsystems were developed-c-one for the rotor side converter
control and the other for the grid side converter control. A
hysteresis modulation strategy was used to implement the
The reference currents in the grid voltage vector-oriented
frame were then transformed to their natural frame of
reference - the stationary frame. An inverse transformation
was used to obtain the reference currents as phase currents .
With the reference currents for both rotor side and grid side
converters, hysteresis modulation may then be implemented
for both converters.
I x.ref
Fig. 9. Obtaining tbe reference current
Simulation studies for various wind conditions were
performed and the control response observed for each. Only
the following conditions are shown in this paper Fig. I0:
: : : : : J
':' ':' ':'
iJ':' " ':' ':' ':'
" "
: : .,
f :j
':' ':' ':' ':'
':' ':'
-0 ,
S ':1
':' ':'
':' ':'
..(J3.75 e
'" '" "
u s r.a 125
I=f : : : : : : : : < ,
" " "
I! 10
':"" u" '??]
-2 0 Cl2 oe '" , 12 ,. 16 II 2
Fig. 10. Response to step increase in wind speed.
Poor power factors in some fixed speed wind machines
may result in the wind generator drawing high amounts of
reactive power resulting in unnecessary stress on the
transmission network. With the variable speed strategy and by
use of a power converter in conjunction with a DFIG, the
reactive power becomes controllable. Thus, the wind
generator can be operated at near unity power factor or any
desirable power factor. By software simulations, this paper
has proven that such a strategy will work well under wind
The simulation model can also be used to test the
controller 's performance under network disturbances. A
single lineto-ground (SLG) fault will result in a dip in the de
link voltage, but the controller should be able to recover and
continue the tracking of stator and rotor currents after the
fault is removed. However, the line-line (LL), a double line-
to-ground (LLG) or a three-phase fault is likely to have a
catastrophic effect on the controller as it may lose tracking of
the current thereby resulting in a possible collapse of the de
link voltage. Induction generators, in general, cannot sustain
an appreciable fault current for a fault at their terminals for a
long time due to the collapse of excitation source voltage
during the fault. However, they will inject a large amount of
current for a short transient period of time and this can
impact the power system.
The results obtained from the laboratory setup have
shown that the real power output of the induction generator
can be varied by controlling the power handled at the rotor.
This factor is helpful in optimally trapping the maximum
amount of wind energy available in an efficient manner.
Moreover, the power factor and hence the reactive power of
the generator can be controlled. Near unity power factors
have been achieved. The sub- and super-synchronous modes
of operation could be easily combined to provide a continuous
operation of the system at various speed ranges. The
laboratory results also validate the results obtained from the
software simulations. Similar rotor and stator power
variations may be seen in both results.
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