Part 02 Question (458 - 472)

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Elasticity 13

4. The ratio of the lengths of two wires A and B of the force required is [Y for steel
11 2
same material is 1 : 2 and the ratio of their  2.2 10 N / m ]] [MP PET/PMT 1988]
diameter is 2 : 1. They are stretched by the same
force, then the ratio of increase in length will be (a) 1.1 105 N (b) 1.1 104 N
[MP PMT 1986; MP PET/PMT 1988]
(c) 1.1 103 N (d) 1.1 102 N
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 4
12. If Young's modulus of iron is 2  1011 N / m2 and
(c) 1 : 8 (d) 8 : 1
the interatomic spacing between two molecules is
5. The Young's modulus of a wire of length L and
radius r is Y N/m2. If the length and radius are 3  1010 metre, the interatomic force constant
reduced to L/2 and r/2, then its Young's modulus is
will be [JIPMER 1978]

[MP PMT 1985; MP PET 1997; KCET 1999] (a) 60 N/m (b) 120 N/m
(c) 30 N/m (d) 180 N/m
(a) Y/2 (b) Y
13. In CGS system, the Young's modulus of a steel wire
(c) 2Y (d) 4Y
is 2 1012 . To double the length of a wire of unit
6. A beam of metal supported at the two ends is cross-section area, the force required is
loaded at the centre. The depression at the centre [MP PMT 1989]
is proportional to
(a) 4 10 dynes (b) 2 1012 dynes
[CPMT 1983, 84]
(c) 2 1012 newtons (d) 2 108 dynes
(a) Y 2 (b) Y
14. The material which practically does not show
(c) 1/Y (d) 1 / Y 2 elastic after effect is [JIPMER 1997; AMU (Engg.)
7. When a certain weight is suspended from a long (a) Copper (b) Rubber
uniform wire, its length increases by one cm. If the
(c) Steel (d) Quartz
same weight is suspended from another wire of
the same material and length but having a 15. If the temperature increases, the modulus of
diameter half of the first one then the increase in elasticity
length will be [CPMT 1984, 90] (a) Decreases (b) Increases
(a) 0.5 cm (b) 2 cm (c) Remains constant (d) Becomes zero
16. A force F is needed to break a copper wire having
(c) 4 cm (d) 8 cm
radius R. The force needed to break a copper wire
8. Hook's law defines [MP PMT/PET 1988] of radius 2R will be
(a) Stress (b) Strain [MP PET 1990]
(a) F/2 (b) 2F
(c) Modulus of elasticity (d) Elastic limit
(c) 4F (d) F/4
9. A wire is loaded by 6 kg at its one end, the
17. The relationship between Young's modulus Y, Bulk
increase in length is 12 mm. If the radius of the
wire is doubled and all other magnitudes are modulus K and modulus of rigidity  is
unchanged, then increase in length will be [MP [MP PET 1991; MP PMT 1997]
PMT 1987; AI SSCE 1982] 9K 9YK
(a) Y  (b)
(a) 6 mm (b) 3 mm   3K Y  3K
(c) 24 mm (d) 48 mm 9K 3K
(c) Y  (d) Y 
10. The area of cross-section of a wire of length 1.1 3 K 9  K
metre is 1 mm2. It is loaded with 1 kg. If Young's
18. The diameter of a brass rod is 4 mm and Young's
modulus of copper is 1.1 1011 N / m2 , then the
modulus of brass is 9  1010 N / m2 . The force
increase in length will be (If g  10m / s2) required to stretch by 0.1% of its length is [MP PET
[MP PET 1989] 1991; BVP 2003]

(a) 0.01 mm (b) 0.075 mm (a) 360N (b) 36 N

(c) 0.1 mm (d) 0. 15 mm (c) 144  103 N (d) 36  105 N

11. On increasing the length by 0.5 mm in a steel wire 19. If x longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of
of length 2 m and area of cross-section 2mm2 , Young's modulus y, then energy stored in the
material of the wire per unit volume is
14 Elasticity
[MP PMT 1987, 89, 92; CPMT 1997; Pb. PMT (d) One-fourth for wire A as for wire B
1999; KCET 2000; AIIMS 2001]
27. Why the spring is made up of steel in comparison
(a) yx2 (b) 2 yx2 of copper
1 2 1 (a) Copper is more costly than steel
(c) y x (d) yx2 (b) Copper is more elastic than steel
2 2
(c) Steel is more elastic than copper
20. In a wire of length L, the increase in its length is l.
If the length is reduced to half, the increase in its (d) None of the above
length will be 28. Steel and copper wires of same length are
(a) l (b) 2l stretched by the same weight one after the other.
Young's modulus of steel and copper are
(c) (d) None of the above 2  1011 N / m2 and 1.2 1011 N / m2 . The ratio
of increase in length [MP PET 1984]
21. The Young's modulus of a rubber string 8 cm long
2 3
and density 1.5 kg / m3 is 5  108 N / m2 , is (a) (b)
5 5
suspended on the ceiling in a room. The increase
in length due to its own weight will be 5 5
(c) (d)
[AIIMS 1986] 4 2
(a) 9.6  105 m (b) 9.6  1011 m 29. An area of cross-section of rubber string is 2 cm2
(c) 9.6  10 m (d) 9.6 m . Its length is doubled when stretched with a linear
22. A and B are two wires. The radius of A is twice that force of 2 105 dynes. The Young's modulus of
of B. They are stretched by the some load. Then the rubber in dyne/ cm2 will be
the stress on B is [MP PET 1985]
[MP PMT 1993]
(a) 4 10 5 (b) 1 105
(a) Equal to that on A (b) Four times that on A
(c) Two times that on A (d) Half that on A (c) 2 105 (d) 1 104
23. If the length of a wire is reduced to half, then it 30. Increase in length of a wire is 1 mm when
can hold the ......... load suspended by a weight. If the same weight is
(a) Half (b) Same suspended on a wire of double its length and
(c) Double (d) One fourth double its radius, the increase in length will be
[CPMT 1976]
24. To double the length of a iron wire having
2 (a) 2 mm (b) 0.5 mm
0.5 cm area of cross-section, the required force
(c) 4 mm (d) 0.25 mm
will be (Y  1012 dyne/ cm2) 31. The temperature of a wire of length 1 metre and
[MP PMT 1987]
area of cross-section 1cm2 is increased from
(a) 1.0  10 7 (b) 1.0  10 N 7
N 0°C to 100°C. If the rod is not allowed to increase
(c) 0.5  10 7 (d) 0.5  10 12 dyne in length, the force required will be
25. The spring balance does not read properly after its (  105 / C and Y  1011 N / m2)
long use, because [NCERT 1976; CPMT 1982, 91]
(a) The elasticity of spring increases (a) 103 N (b) 104 N
(b) The elasticity decreases
(c) 105 N (d) 109 N
(c) Its plastic power decreases
32. A rod of length l and area of cross-section A is
(d) Its plastic power increases
heated from 0°C to 100°C. The rod is so placed
26. Two wires of equal lengths are made of the same that it is not allowed to increase in length, then
material. Wire A has a diameter that is twice as the force developed is proportional to
that of wire B. If identical weights are suspended [NCERT 1976]
from the ends of these wires, the increase in
(a) l (b) l 1
length is
[EAMCET 1983; MP PMT 1990; MP PET 1995] (c) A (d) A1
(a) Four times for wire A as for wire B 33. An aluminum rod (Young's modulus
(b) Twice for wire A as for wire B  7  109 N / m2) has a breaking strain of 0.2%.
(c) Half for wire A as for wire B
Elasticity 15
The minimum cross-sectional area of the rod in (c) 10.8  1019 (d) 2.4  1010
order to support a load of 10 Newton's is
41. Two identical wires of rubber and iron are
[MP PMT 1991] stretched by the same weight, then the number of
(a) 1 102 m2 (b) 1.4  103 m2 atoms in the iron wire will be
[DPMT 1999]
(c) 3.5  103 m2 (d) 7.1 104 m2
(a) Equal to that of rubber
34. Two wires of copper having the length in the ratio (b) Less than that of the rubber
4 : 1 and their radii ratio as 1 : 4 are stretched by
the same force. The ratio of longitudinal strain in (c) More than that of the rubber
the two will be (d) None of the above
(a) 1 : 16 (b) 16 : 1 42. The force constant of a wire does not depend on
(c) 1 : 64 (d) 64 : 1 (a) Nature of the material (b) Radius of the wire
35. A weight of 200 kg is suspended by vertical wire (c) Length of the wire (d) None of the above
of length 600.5 cm. The area of cross-section of
43. The elasticity of invar
wire is 1mm2 . When the load is removed, the
(a) Increases with temperature rise
wire contracts by 0.5 cm. The Young's modulus of
the material of wire will be (b) Decreases with temperature rise

(a) 2.35 10 12
N /m2
(b) 1.35 10 10
N /m 2 (c) Does not depend on temperature
(d) None of the above
(c) 13.5  1011 N / m2 (d) 23.5  109 N / m2
44. After effects of elasticity are maximum for
36. If a load of 9 kg is suspended on a wire, the
increase in length is 4.5 mm. The force constant of (a) Glass (b) Quartz
the wire is (c) Rubber (d) Metal
4 4
(a) 0.49 10 N / m (b) 1.96 10 N / m 45. In suspended type moving coil galvanometer,
quartz suspension is used because
(c) 4.9  104 N / m (d) 0.196 104 N / m
(a) It is good conductor of electricity
37. The ratio of diameters of two wires of same
(b) Elastic after effects are negligible
material is n : 1. The length of wires are 4 m each.
On applying the same load, the increase in length (c) Young's modulus is greater
of thin wire will be (d) There is no elastic limit
(a) n2 times (b) n times 46. A force of 200 N is applied at one end of a wire of
length 2 m and having area of cross-section
(c) 2n times (d) None of the above
102 cm2 . The other end of the wire is rigidly
38. Longitudinal stress of 1kg / mm2 is applied on a fixed. If coefficient of linear expansion of the wire
wire. The percentage increase in length is
  8  106 / C and Young's modulus
(Y  1011 N / m2) 11 2
Y  2.2 10 N /m and its temperature is
(a) 0.002 (b) 0.001 increased by 5°C, then the increase in the tension
(c) 0.003 (d) 0.01 of the wire will be
39. A steel wire is stretched with a definite load. If the (a) 4.2 N (b) 4.4 N
Young's modulus of the wire is Y. For decreasing (c) 2.4 N (d) 8.8 N
the value of Y
47. When compared with solids and liquids, the gases
(a) Radius is to be decreased have
(b) Radius is to be increased (a) Minimum volume elasticity
(c) Length is to be increased (b) Maximum volume elasticity
(d) None of the above (c) Maximum Young's modulus
40. The interatomic distance for a metal is
(d) Maximum modulus of rigidity
3  1010 m . If the interatomic force constant is
48. The length of a wire is 1.0 m and the area of cross-
3.6  109 N / Å , then the Young's modulus in section is 1.0  102 cm2 . If the work done for
N / m will be increase in length by 0.2 cm is 0.4 joule, then
Young's modulus of the material of the wire is
(a) 1.2 1011 (b) 4.2  1011
16 Elasticity
(a) 2.0  1010 N / m2 (b) 4  1010 N / m2 radius 2r is stretched with a force of 2F, the
increase in its length will be
(c) 2.0  1011 N / m2 (d) 2 1010 N / m2 [NCERT 1980; AIIMS 1980;
49. The quality of the material which opposes the MP PET 1989, 92; MP PET/PMT 1988;
change in shape, volume or length is called MP PMT 1996, 2002; UPSEAT 2002]

(a) Intermolecular repulsion (a) l (b) 2l

(b) Intermolecular behaviour l l

(c) (d)
(c) Viscosity 2 4
(d) Elasticity 58. In steel, the Young's modulus and the strain at the
breaking point are 2  1011 Nm2 and 0.15
50. For silver, Young's modulus is 7.25 1010 N / m2
respectively. The stress at the breaking point for
and Bulk modulus is 11 1010 N / m2 . Its steel is therefore
Poisson's ratio will be [MP PET 1990; MP PMT 1992; DPMT 2001]
(a) – 1 (b) 0.5 (a) 1.33 1011 Nm2 (b) 1.33 1012 Nm2
(c) 0.39 (d) 0.25 (c) 7.5  1013 Nm2 (d) 3  1010 Nm2
51. The longitudinal strain is only possible in 59. Which of the following statements is correct [MP
(a) Gases (b) Fluids PET 1992]

(c) Solids (d) Liquids (a) Hooke's law is applicable only within elastic
52. If the density of the material increases, the value
of Young's modulus (b) The adiabatic and isothermal elastic constants
of a gas are equal
(a) Increases
(c) Young's modulus is dimensionless
(b) Decreases (d) Stress multiplied by strain is equal to the
(c) First increases then decreases stored energy
(d) First decreases then increases 60. The force required to stretch a steel wire of
1cm2 cross-section to 1.1 times its length would
53. Young's modulus of rubber is 104 N / m2 and area
of cross-section is 2 cm2 . If force of 2 105 be (Y  2  1011 Nm2)

dynes is applied along its length, then its initial [MP PET 1992]
length l becomes (a) 2 10 N 6
(b) 2 10 N 3

(a) 3L (b) 4L
(c) 2 106 N (d) 2  107 N
(c) 2L (d) None of the above
61. Which one of the following substances possesses
54. The elastic limit for a gas the highest elasticity [MP PMT 1992;
(a) Exists RPMT 1999; RPET 2000; MH CET (Med.) 2001]
(b) Exists only at absolute zero (a) Rubber (b) Glass
(c) Exists for a perfect gas (c) Steel (d) Copper
(d) Does not exist 62. Which one of the following quantities does not
55. If Young's modulus for a material is zero, then the have the unit of force per unit area
state of material should be [MP PMT 1992]
(a) Solid (b) Solid but powder (a) Stress
(c) Gas (d) None of the above (b) Strain
56. Liquids have no Poisson's ratio, because (c) Young's modulus of elasticity
(a) It has no definite shape (d) Pressure
(b) It has greater volume
63. A copper wire and a steel wire of the same
(c) It has lesser density than solid diameter and length are connected end to end and
(d) None of the above a force is applied, which stretches their combined
57. A wire of length L and radius r is rigidly fixed at length by 1 cm. The two wires will have
one end. On stretching the other end of the wire [MP PMT 1992]
with a force F, the increase in its length is l. If (a) Different stresses and strains
another wire of same material but of length 2L and (b) The same stress and strain
Elasticity 17
(c) The same strain but different stresses 70. Density of rubber is d. A thick rubber cord of
(d) The same stress but different strains length L and cross-section area A undergoes
elongation under its own weight on suspending it.
64. A steel ring of radius r and cross-section area ‘A’ is This elongation is proportional to
fitted on to a wooden disc of radius R(R  r) . If
(a) dL (b) Ad/L
Young's modulus be E, then the force with which
(c) Ad / L 2 (d) dL2
the steel ring is expanded is
[EAMCET 1986] 71. The ratio of two specific heats of gas C p / C v for
R Rr argon is 1.6 and for hydrogen is 1.4. Adiabatic
(a) AE (b) AE  elasticity of argon at pressure P is E. Adiabatic
r  r 
elasticity of hydrogen will also be equal to E at the
E Rr Er pressure
(c)   (d)
A A  AR 8
(a) P (b) P
65. A wire extends by 1 mm when a force is applied. 7
Double the force is applied to another wire of 7
same material and length but half the radius of (c) P (d) 1.4 P
cross-section. The elongation of the wire in mm
will be [EAMCET 1986] 72. The relation between  , and K for a elastic
(a) 8 (b) 4 material is
(c) 2 (d) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(a)   (b)  
66. Two wires of the same material have lengths in the  3 9K K 3 9
ratio 1 : 2 and their radii are in the ratio 1 : 2 . If 1 1 1 1 1 1
(c)   (d)  
they are stretched by applying equal forces, the  3K 9  3 9K
increase in their lengths will be in the ratio
[MP PET 1994] 73. A fixed volume of iron is drawn into a wire of
length L. The extension x produced in this wire by
(a) 2 : 2 (b) 2:2 a constant force F is proportional to
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 2 [MP PMT 1999]

67. When a weight of 10 kg is suspended from a 1 1

(a) (b)
copper wire of length 3 metres and diameter 0.4
L2 L
mm, its length increases by 2.4 cm. If the
diameter of the wire is doubled, then the (c) L2 (d) L
extension in its length will be
[MP PMT 1994] 74. A wire of cross-sectional area 3mm2 is first

(a) 9.6 cm (b) 4.8 cm stretched between two fixed points at a

temperature of 20°C. Determine the tension when
(c) 1.2 cm (d) 0.6 cm the temperature falls to 10°C. Coefficient of linear
68. 3
A force of 10 newton stretches the length of a expansion   105C 1 and
hanging wire by 1 millimetre. The force required to Y  2  10 11 2
N /m [EAMCET 1994]
stretch a wire of same material and length but
having four times the diameter by 1 millimetre is (a) 20 N (b) 30 N
[MP PMT 1995] (c) 60 N (d) 120 N
(a) 4  103 N (b) 16 103 N 75. To keep constant time, watches are fitted with
balance wheel made of [EAMCET 1994]
1 1
(c)  103 N (d)  103 N (a) Invar (b) Stainless steel
4 16
(c) Tungsten (d) Platinum
69. Two wires ‘A’ and ‘B’ of the same material have 76. A wire is stretched by 0.01 m by a certain force F.
radii in the ratio 2 : 1 and lengths in the ratio 4 : 1. Another wire of same material whose diameter
The ratio of the normal forces required to produce and length are double to the original wire is
the same change in the lengths of these two wires stretched by the same force. Then its elongation
is [Haryana CEE 1996]
will be [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; CPMT 2001]
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 (a) 0.005 m (b) 0.01 m
(c) 1 : 4 (d) 1 : 2 (c) 0.02 m (d) 0.002 m
18 Elasticity
77. The possible value of Poisson's ratio is 84. Which of the following affects the elasticity of a
[EAMCET (Med.) 1995] substance
(a) 1 (b) 0.9 [AIIMS 1999]
(c) 0.8 (d) 0.4 (a) Hammering and annealing
78. The coefficient of linear expansion of brass and (b) Change in temperature
steel are  1 and  2 . If we take a brass rod of (c) Impurity in substance
(d) All of these
length l1 and steel rod of length l 2 at 0°C, their
85. An iron rod of length 2m and cross section area of
difference in length (l 2  l1 ) will remain the same 50mm2 , stretched by 0.5 mm, when a mass of
at a temperature if [EAMCET (Med.) 1995] 250 kg is hung from its lower end. Young's
(a)  1l 2   2l1 (b)  1l 22   2l12 modulus of the iron rod is
[AFMC 1999]
(c)  12l1   22l 2 (d)  1l1   2l 2
10 2
(a) 19.6  10 N /m (b) 19.6  1015 N / m2
79. A rod is fixed between two points at 20°C. The
coefficient of linear expansion of material of rod is (c) 19.6  1018 N / m2 (d) 19.6  1020 N / m2
1.1  105 / C and Young's modulus is 86. In solids, inter-atomic forces are
1.2  10 11
N / m . Find the stress developed in [DCE 1999]

the rod if temperature of rod becomes 10°C (a) Totally repulsive

[RPET 1997] (b) Totally attractive
(a) 1.32 107 N / m2 (b) 1.10 1015 N / m2 (c) Combination of (a) and (b)
(c) 1.32 108 N / m2 (d) 1.10 106 N / m2 (d) None of these

80. The extension of a wire by the application of load 87. A force F is applied on the wire of radius r and
is 3 mm. The extension in a wire of the same length L and change in the length of wire is l. If
material and length but half the radius by the the same force F is applied on the wire of the
same load is [CMEET Bihar 1995] same material and radius 2r and length 2L, Then
the change in length of the other wire is
(a) 12 mm (b) 0.75 mm
[RPMT 1999]
(c) 15 mm (d) 6 mm
(a) l (b) 2l
81. A rubber pipe of density 1.5  103 N/m2 and
(c) l/2 (d) 4l
Young's modulus 5  106 N / m2 is suspended
88. The modulus of elasticity is dimensionally
from the roof. The length of the pipe is 8 m. What
equivalent to
will be the change in length due to its own weight
[RPET 1996] [MH CET (Med.) 1999]

(a) 9.6 m (b) 9.6  103 m (a) Surface tension (b) Stress
(c) Strain (d) None of these
(c) 19.2  102 m (d) 9.6  102 m
89. Under elastic limit the stress is
82. In which case there is maximum extension in the
wire, if same force is applied on each wire [MH CET 1999; KCET 1999]
[AFMC 1997] (a) Inversely, proportional to strain
(a) L = 500 cm, d = 0.05 mm
(b) Directly proportional to strain
(b) L = 200 cm, d = 0.02 mm
(c) Square root of strain
(c) L = 300 cm, d = 0.03 mm
(d) Independent of strain
(d) L = 400 cm, d = 0.01 mm
83. If a spring is extended to length l, then according 90. A steel wire of lm long and 1mm2 cross section
to Hook's law area is hang from rigid end. When weight of 1kg is
[CPMT 1997] hung from it then change in length will be (given
k Y  2  1011N / m2)
(a) F  kl (b) F 
l [RPMT 2000]
k (a) 0.5 mm (b) 0.25 mm
(c) F  k 2l (d) F 
l (c) 0.05 mm (d) 5 mm
Elasticity 19
91. A load W produces an extension of 1mm in a 98. The length of an elastic string is a metre when the
thread of radius r. Now if the load is made 4W and longitudinal tension is 4 N and b metre when the
radius is made 2r all other things remaining same, longitudinal tension is 5 N. The length of the string
the extension will become in metre when the longitudinal tension is 9 N is
[EAMCET 2001]
[RPET 2000]
(a) 4 mm (b) 16 mm (a) a b (b) 5b  4a
(c) 1 mm (d) 0.25 mm 1
(c) 2b  a (d) 4a  3b
92. The units of Young ‘s modulus of elasticity are 4
[CPMT 2000; KCET 2000] 99. Stress to strain ratio is equivalent to [RPET 2001]
(a) Nm1 (b) N-m (a) Modulus of elasticity

(c) Nm2 (d) N-m2 (b) Poission’s Ratio

(c) Reyhold number
93. Two similar wires under the same load yield
elongation of 0.1 mm and 0.05 mm respectively. If (d) Fund number
the area of cross- section of the first wire is 100. Which is correct relation [RPET 2001]
4mm2, then the area of cross section of the (a) Y   (b) Y  
second wire is [CPMT 2000; Pb. PET 2002]
(c) Y   (d)   1
(a) 6mm2 (b) 8mm2
101. If the interatomic spacing in a steel wire is 3.0Å
(c) 10mm2 (d) 12mm2 and Ysteel= 20 1010 N / m2 then force constant

94. A 5 m long aluminium wire ( Y  7  1010 N / m2) of is

diameter 3 mm supports a 40 kg mass. In order to [RPET 2001]

have the same elongation in a copper wire (a) 6  10 2
N/Å (b) 6  10 9
(Y  12 1010 N / m2) of the same length under
(c) 4  105 N / Å (d) 6  105 N / Å
the same weight, the diameter should now be, in
mm. [AMU 2000] 102. A copper wire of length 4.0m and area of cross-
(a) 1.75 (b) 1.5 section 1.2 cm2 is stretched with a force of
(c) 2.5 (d) 5.0 4.8  10 N. If Young’s modulus for copper is
95. How much force is required to produce an increase 1.2 10 N / m2, the increase in the length of
of 0.2% in the length of a brass wire of diameter the wire will be [MP PET 2001]
0.6 mm
(a) 1.33 mm (b) 1.33 cm
[MP PMT 2000]
(c) 2.66 mm (d) 2.66 cm
(Young’s modulus for brass = 0.9  1011 N / m2 )
103. A metal bar of length L and area of cross-section A
(a) Nearly 17 N (b) Nearly 34 N is clamped between two rigid supports. For the
material of the rod, its Young’s modulus is Y and
(c) Nearly 51 N (d) Nearly 68 N
coefficient of linear expansion is  . If the
96. On applying a stress of 20 108 N/ m 2 the temperature of the rod is increased by toC,
length of a perfectly elastic wire is doubled. Its
the force exerted by the rod on the supports is
Young’s modulus will be
[MP PMT 2001]
[MP PET 2000]
(a) Y A L t (b) Y A  t
(a) 40 108 N / m2 (b) 20 108 N / m2
YL t
(c) 10 108 N / m2 (d) 5  108 N / m2 (c) (d) Y  A L t
97. When a uniform wire of radius r is stretched by a
104. According to Hook’s law of elasticity, if stress is
2kg weight, the increase in its length is 2.00 mm.
increased, the ratio of stress to strain [KCET
If the radius of the wire is r/2 and other conditions
2000 AIIMS 2001]
remain the same, the increase in its length is
[EAMCET (Engg.) 2000] (a) Increases (b) Decreases
(a) 2.00 mm (b) 4.00 mm (c) Becomes zero (d) Remains constant
(c) 6.00mm (d) 8.00 mm
20 Elasticity
105. A pan with set of weights is attached with a light 10cm. It is stretched to 5 cm. and then
spring. When disturbed, the mass-spring system released to project a missile of mass 5gm.
oscillates with a time period of 0.6 s. When some
additional weights are added then time period is Taking Yrubber  5  108 N / m2 velocity of
0.7s. The extension caused by the additional projected missile is
weights is approximately given by
[CPMT 2002]
[UPSEAT 2002]
(a) 20ms1 (b) 100ms1
(a) 1.38 cm (b) 3.5 cm
(c) 1.75 cm (d) 2.45 cm (c) 250ms1 (d) 200ms1
106. A uniform plank of Young’s modulus Y is moved 112. According to Hook’s law force is proportional to
over a smooth horizontal surface by a constant
[RPET 2003]
horizontal force F. The area of cross section of the
plank is A. The compressive strain on the plank in 1 1
(a) (b)
the direction of the force is x x2
[Kerala PET 2002]
(c) x (d) x 2
(a) F / AY (b) 2F / AY
113. In the Young’s experiment, If length of wire and
1 radius both are doubled then the value of Y will
(c) (F / AY ) (d) 3F / AY
2 become [RPET 2003]
107. The mean distance between the atoms of iron is (a) 2 times (b) 4 times
3  10 m and interatomic force constant for (c) Remains same (d) Half
iron is 7 N / m The Young’s modulus of elasticity 114. Minimum and maximum values of Poisson’s ratio for a
for iron is [JIPMER 2002] metal lies between [Orissa JEE 2003]
(a) 2.33 105 N / m2 (b) 23.3  1010 N / m2 (a)  to +  (b) 0 to 1
(c) 233 1010 N / m2 (d) 2.33 1010 N / m2 (c)  to 1 (d) 0 to 0.5
108. Two wires A and B are of same materials. Their 115. A wire of diameter 1mm breaks under a tension of
lengths are in the ratio 1 : 2 and diameters are in 1000 N. Another wire, of same material as that of
the ratio 2 : 1 when stretched by force FA and the first one, but of diameter 2 mm breaks under a
tension of
FB respectively they get equal increase in their
[Orissa JEE 2003]
lengths. Then the ratio FA / FB should be (a) 500 N (b) 1000 N
[Orissa JEE 2002] (c) 10000 N (d) 4000 N
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 1 116. Young’s modulus of perfectly rigid body material is
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 8 : 1 [KCET 2003]

109. The breaking stress of a wire depends upon [AIIMS (a) Zero (b) Infinity
(c) 1 1010 N / m2 (d) 10 1010 N / m2
(a) Length of the wire
117. A wire of length 2 m is made from 10 cm3 of
(b) Radius of the wire
copper. A force F is applied so that its length
(c) Material of the wire increases by 2 mm. Another wire of length 8 m is
(d) Shape of the cross section made from the same volume of copper. If the force
F is applied to it, its length will increase by
110. The area of cross section of a steel wire [MP PET 2003]
11 2 2
(Y  2.0  10 N / m ) is 0.1 cm . The force (a) 0.8 cm (b) 1.6 cm
required to double its length will be (c) 2.4 cm (d) 3.2 cm
[MP PET 2002]
118. A wire of cross section 4 mm2 is stretched by 0.1
(a) 2 10 N 12 (b) 2 10 N 11
mm by a certain weight. How far (length) will be
wire of same material and length but of area 8
(c) 2 1010 N (d) 2 106 N mm2 stretch under the action of same force
111. A rubber cord catapult has cross-sectional area [Kerala PMT 2004]
(a) 0.05 mm (b) 0.10 mm
25mm2 and initial length of rubber cord is
Elasticity 21
(c) 0.15 mm (d) 0.20 mm 2. The adiabatic elasticity of a gas is equal to [CPMT
(e) 0.25 mm 1982]

119. A substance breaks down by a stress of 10 6 N/m2.

If the density of the material of the wire is 3×10 3
(a)   density (b)   volume
kg/m3, then the length of the wire of the substance
which will break under its own weight when (c)   pressure (d)   specific heat
suspended vertically, is [DPMT 2004]
3. The specific heat at constant pressure and at
(a) 66.6 m (b) 60.0 m
constant volume for an ideal gas are C p and
(c) 33.3 m (d) 30.0 m
120. A rubber cord 10 m long is suspended vertically.
Cv and its adiabatic and isothermal elasticities
How much does it stretch under its own weight are E and E respectively. The ratio of E
(Density of rubber is 1500 kg/m3, Y = 5×108 N/m2,
g = 10 m/s2) [Pb. PET 2001] to E is [MP PMT 1989; MP PET 1992]

(a) 15×10–4 m (b) 7.5×10–4 m (a) Cv / C p (b) C p / Cv

(c) 12×10 m (d) 25×10–4 m
(c) C pCv (d) 1 / C pCv
121. The value of Poisson's ratio lies between
[AIIMS 1985; MP PET 1986; DPMT 2002] 4. The only elastic modulus that applies to fluids is
[BCECE 2003]
1 3 1
(a) –1 to (b)  to  (a) Young's modulus (b) Shear modulus
2 4 2
(c) Modulus of rigidity (d) Bulk modulus
(c)  to 1 (d) 1 to 2 5. The ratio of the adiabatic to isothermal elasticities
2 of a triatomic gas is [MP PET 1991]
122. The Poisson's ratio cannot have the value [EAMCET (a) 3/4 (b) 4/3
(c) 1 (d) 5/3
(a) 0.7 (b) 0.2
6. If the volume of the given mass of a gas is
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.5
increased four times, the temperature is raised
123. There is no change in the volume of a wire due to from 27°C to 127°C. The elasticity will become
change in its length on stretching. The Poisson's
(a) 4 times (b) 1/4 times
ratio of the material of the wire is
[MH CET 2004] (c) 3 times (d) 1/3 times
(a) + 0.50 (b) – 0.50 7. The compressibility of water is 4  105 per unit
(c) 0.25 (d) – 0.25 atmospheric pressure. The decrease in volume of
124. A material has Poisson's ratio 0.50. If a uniform rod 100 cubic centimeter of water under a pressure of
100 atmosphere will be
of it suffers a longitudinal strain of 2  103 , then
[MP PMT 1990]
the percentage change in volume is
[EAMCET 1987] (a) 0.4 cc (b) 4  105 cc
(a) 0.6 (b) 0.4 (c) 0.025 cc (d) 0.004 cc
(c) 0.2 (d) Zero 8. If a rubber ball is taken at the depth of 200 m in a
125. Four identical rods are stretched by same force. pool, its volume decreases by 0.1%. If the density
Maximum extension is produced in of the water is 1 103 kg / m3 and g  10m / s2 ,
(a) L  10cm, D  1mm (b) then the volume elasticity in N / m2 will be
L  100cm, D  2mm [MP PMT 1991]

(c) L  200cm, D  3mm (d) (a) 108 (b) 2 108

L  300cm, D  4 mm
(c) 109 (d) 2 109

Bulk Modulus 9. The compressibility of a material is

(a) Product of volume and its pressure
1. The isothermal elasticity of a gas is equal to (b) The change in pressure per unit change in
[CPMT 1981; MP PMT 2004] volume strain
(a) Density (b) Volume (c) The fractional change in volume per unit
(c) Pressure (d) Specific heat change in pressure
22 Elasticity
(d) None of the above (c) Is equal to its pressure p (d) Can not be
10. When a pressure of 100 atmosphere is applied on determined
a spherical ball, then its volume reduces to 0.01%. 18. The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is
The bulk modulus of the material of the rubber in [BHU 2004]
dyne/ cm2 is (a) Zero (b) Unity
[MP PET 1985; DPMT 2002] (c) Infinity (d) Between 0 to 1
(a) 10 1012 (b) 100 1012 19. The pressure applied from all directions on a cube
(c) 1 1012 (d) 20 1012 is P. How much its temperature should be raised to
maintain the original volume ? The volume
11. In the three states of matter, the elastic coefficient elasticity of the cube is  and the coefficient of
can be
volume expansion is 
(a) Young's modulus
(b) Coefficient of volume elasticity P P
(a) (b)
 
(c) Modulus of rigidity
(d) Poisson's ratio P 
(c) (d)
12. Bulk modulus was first defined by  P
[CPMT 1987]
20. The pressure of a medium is changed from 1.01 
(a) Young (b) Bulk
105 Pa to 1.165  105 Pa and change in volume is
(c) Maxwell (d) None of the above 10% keeping temperature constant. The Bulk
13. A uniform cube is subjected to volume modulus of the medium is
compression. If each side is decreased by 1%, (a) 204.8  105 Pa (b) 102.4  105 Pa
then bulk strain is
(c) 51.2  105 Pa (d) 1.55  105 Pa
[EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; DPMT 2000]
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.06 21. For a constant hydraulic stress on an object, the
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.03  V 
fractional change in the object's volume  
14. A ball falling in a lake of depth 200 m shows 0.1%  V 
decrease in its volume at the bottom. What is the and its bulk modulus (B) are related as
bulk modulus of the material of the ball
[AFMC 1997] V V 1
(a) B (b) 
(a) 19.6  108 N / m2 (b) 19.6  1010 N / m2 V V B

(c) 19.6  1010 N / m2 (d) 19.6  108 N / m2

V V
(c)  B2 (d)  B2
15. The isothermal bulk modulus of a gas at
atmospheric pressure is [AIIMS 2000; Rigidity Modulus
KCET 1999; Pb. PMT 2003]
1. Modulus of rigidity of diamond is
(a) 1 mmof Hg (b) 13.6 mmof Hg
(a) Too less
(c) 1.013 105 N / m2 (d) 2.026 105 N / m2
(b) Greater than all matters
16. Coefficient of isothermal elasticity E and
(c) Less than all matters
coefficient of adiabatic elasticity E are related (d) Zero
by (  C p / Cv ) 2. The ratio of lengths of two rods A and B of same
[MP PET 2000] material is 1 : 2 and the ratio of their radii is 2 : 1,
then the ratio of modulus of rigidity of A and B will
(a) E   E (b) E   E be
(c) E   / E
(d) E   E (a) 4 : 1 (b) 16 : 1

17. The bulk modulus of an ideal gas at constant (c) 8 : 1 (d) 1 : 1

temperature 3. Which statement is true for a metal [DPMT 2001]
[MP PMT 2004]
(a) Y   (b) Y  
(a) Is equal to its volume V (b) Is equal to p/2
(c) Y   (d) Y  1 / 
Elasticity 23
4. Which of the following relations is true [CPMT 11. A cube of aluminium of sides 0.1 m is subjected to
1984] a shearing force of 100 N. The top face of the cube
is displaced through 0.02 cm with respect to the
(a) 3Y  K (1   ) (b) K  bottom face. The shearing strain would be
Y 

0.5Y   (a) 0.02 (b) 0.1

(c)   (6K   )Y (d)  
 (c) 0.005 (d) 0.002
5. Two wires A and B of same length and of the same 12. The reason for the change in shape of a regular
material have the respective radii r1 and r2 . body is
Their one end is fixed with a rigid support, and at [EAMCET 1980]
the other end equal twisting couple is applied. (a) Volume stress (b) Shearing strain
Then the ratio of the angle of twist at the end of A
(c) Longitudinal strain (d) Metallic strain
and the angle of twist at the end of B will be
13. The lower surface of a cube is fixed. On its upper
[AIIMS 1980]
surface, force is applied at an angle of 30° from its
r12 r22 surface. The change will be of the type
(a) (b) (a) Shape (b) Size
r22 r12
(c) None (d) Shape and size
r24 r14 14. The upper end of a wire of radius 4 mm and length
(c) (d) 100 cm is clamped and its other end is twisted
r14 r24 through an angle of 30°. Then angle of shear is
[NCERT 1990; MP PMT 1996]
6. When a spiral spring is stretched by suspending a
load on it, the strain produced is called (a) 12° (b) 0.12°
(c) 1.2° (d) 0.012°
(a) Shearing (b) Longitudinal
15. Mark the wrong statement
(c) Volume (d) Transverse [MP PMT 2003]
7. The Young's modulus of the material of a wire is (a) Sliding of molecular layer is much easier than
6  1012 N / m2 and there is no transverse strain compression or expansion
in it, then its modulus of rigidity will be (b) Reciprocal of bulk modulus of elasticity is
called compressibility
(a) 3  1012 N / m2 (b) 2 1012 N / m2
(c) It is difficult to twist a long rod as compared to
(c) 1012 N / m2 (d) None of the above small rod
(d) Hollow shaft is much stronger than a solid rod
8. If the Young's modulus of the material is 3 times
of same length and same mass
its modulus of rigidity, then its volume elasticity
will be 16. A 2 m long rod of radius 1 cm which is fixed from
one end is given a twist of 0.8 radians. The shear
(a) Zero (b) Infinity strain developed will be
10 2 [RPET 1997]
(c) 2 10 N /m (d) 3  1010 N / m2
(a) 0.002 (b) 0.004
9. Modulus of rigidity of a liquid
(c) 0.008 (d) 0.016
[RPET 2000]
17. A rod of length l and radius r is joined to a rod of
(a) Non zero constant
length l/2 and radius r/2 of same material. The free
(b) Infinite end of small rod is fixed to a rigid base and the
(c) Zero free end of larger rod is given a twist of   , the
twist angle at the joint will be [RPET 1997]
(d) Can not be predicted
(a)  / 4 (b)  / 2
10. For a given material, the Young's modulus is 2.4
times that of rigidity modulus. Its Poisson's ratio is (c) 5 / 6 (d) 8 / 9
[EAMCET 1990; RPET 2001] 18. Shearing stress causes change in
(a) 2.4 (b) 1.2 [RPET 2002; BCECE 2001, 04]
(a) Length (b) Breadth
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.2
(c) Shape (d) Volume
24 Elasticity
Work Done in Stretching a Wire (a) Remains constant (b) Decreases
(c) Increases (d) None of the above
1. If the potential energy of a spring is V on
stretching it by 2 cm, then its potential energy 9. When shearing force is applied on a body, then the
when it is stretched by 10 cm will be elastic potential energy is stored in it. On
[CPMT 1976] removing the force, this energy
(a) V/25 (b) 5V (a) Converts into kinetic energy
(c) V/5 (d) 25V (b) Converts into heat energy
2. The work done in stretching an elastic wire per (c) Remains as potential energy
unit volume is or strain energy in a stretched
string is (d) None of the above
[NCERT 1981; EAMCET (Med.) 1995; MNR 1981; 10. A brass rod of cross-sectional area 1cm2 and
MP PET 1984; RPMT 1999; DCE 2003] length 0.2 m is compressed lengthwise by a
weight of 5 kg. If Young's modulus of elasticity of
(a) Stress  Strain (b)  Stress  brass is 1 1011 N / m2 and g  10m / sec2 ,
2 then increase in the energy of the rod will be
Strain [MP PMT 1991]

(c) 2 strain stress (d) Stress/Strain (a) 105 J (b) 2.5  105 J
3. Calculate the work done, if a wire is loaded by 'Mg'
(c) 5  105 J (d) 2.5  104 J
weight and the increase in length is 'l'
11. If one end of a wire is fixed with a rigid support
[CPMT 1999; DCE 1999, 2001; Pb. PET 2000, 01]
and the other end is stretched by a force of 10 N,
(a) Mgl (b) Zero then the increase in length is 0.5 mm. The ratio of
(c) Mgl/2 (d) 2Mgl the energy of the wire and the work done in
displacing it through 1.5 mm by the weight is
4. Two wires of same diameter of the same material
having the length l and 2l. If the force F is applied 1 1
(a) (b)
on each, the ratio of the work done in the two 3 4
wires will be [MP PET 1989]
(c) (d) 1
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 4 2
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1 12. A wire is suspended by one end. At the other end a
weight equivalent to 20 N force is applied. If the
5. A 5 metre long wire is fixed to the ceiling. A weight
increase in length is 1.0 mm, the increase in
of 10 kg is hung at the lower end and is 1 metre
energy of the wire will be
above the floor. The wire was elongated by 1 mm.
The energy stored in the wire due to stretching is (a) 0.01 J (b) 0.02 J
[MP PET 1989] (c) 0.04 J (d) 1.00 J
(a) Zero (b) 0.05 joule 13. In the above question, the ratio of the increase in
energy of the wire to the decrease in gravitational
(c) 100 joule (d) 500 joule potential energy when load moves downwards by
6. If the force constant of a wire is K, the work done 1 mm, will be
in increasing the length of the wire by l is [MP PMT 1
1989] (a) 1 (b)
(a) Kl/2 (b) Kl
1 1
(c) (d)
(c) Kl 2 / 2 (d) Kl 2 3 2
7. If the tension on a wire is removed at once, then 14. The Young's modulus of a wire is Y. If the energy
per unit volume is E, then the strain will be
(a) It will break
(b) Its temperature will reduce (a) (b) 2EY
(c) There will be no change in its temperature
(d) Its temperature increases (c) EY (d)
8. When strain is produced in a body within elastic 15. The ratio of Young's modulus of the material of two
limit, its internal energy wires is 2 : 3. If the same stress is applied on both,
Elasticity 25
then the ratio of elastic energy per unit volume YxA Yx 2 A
will be (a) (b)
2L L
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3
(c) 3 : 4 (d) 4 : 3 Yx 2 A 2Yx 2 A
(c) (d)
16. The length of a rod is 20 cm and area of cross- 2L L
section 2 cm2 . The Young's modulus of the 23. The elastic energy stored in a wire of Young's
11 2 modulus Y is
material of wire is 1.4  10 N / m . If the rod is
[MP PMT 1999]
compressed by 5 kg-wt along its length, then
increase in the energy of the rod in joules will be Strain
(a) Y 
(a) 8.57 10 6 (b) 22.5  104 Volume

(c) 9.8  105 (d) 45.0  105 (b) Stress  Strain  Volume
17. If a spring extends by x on loading, then the Stress  Volume
energy stored by the spring is (if T is tension in the 2Y
spring and k is spring constant)
[AIIMS 1997] 1
2 2
(d) Y Stress  Strain  Volume
T 2
2x 2k 24. A wire of length 50 cm and cross sectional area of
2x 2T 2 1 sq. mm is extended by 1 mm. The required work
(c) (d)
T2 k will be (Y  2  1010 Nm2 )
[RPET 1999]
18. On stretching a wire, the elastic energy stored per
unit volume is [MP PMT/PET 1988] (a) 6  102 J (b) 4  102 J
(a) Fl / 2AL (b) FA / 2L (c) 2  102 J (d) 1  102 J
(c) FL / 2A (d) FL / 2 25. The work per unit volume to stretch the length by
19. When a force is applied on a wire of uniform cross- 1% of a wire with cross sectional area of 1mm2
6 2
sectional area 3  10 m and length 4m, the
will be. [Y  9  1011 N / m2 ]
increase in length is 1 mm. Energy stored in it will [RPET 1999]
be (Y  2  1011 N / m2 ) (a) 9  10 11
J (b) 4.5  107 J
[MP PET 1995; Pb. PET 2002]
(c) 9  107 J (d) 4.5  1011 J
(a) 6250 J (b) 0.177 J
(c) 0.075 J (d) 0.150 J 26. When load of 5kg is hung on a wire then extension
20. K is the force constant of a spring. The work done of 3m takes place, then work done will be [RPMT
in increasing its extension from l1 to l 2 will be
(a) 75 joule (b) 60 joule
[MP PET 1995; MP PMT 1996]
(c) 50 joule (d) 100 joule
(a) K (l 2  l1 ) (b) (l 2  l1 ) 27. A stretched rubber has [AIIMS 2000]
2 (a) Increased kinetic energy
K 2 (b) Increased potential energy
(c) K (l 22  l12 ) (d) (l 2  l12 )
2 (c) Decreased kinetic energy
21. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light (d) Decreased potential energy
spring that obeys Hooke's law, the spring
28. Which of the following is true for elastic potential
stretches by 2 cms. The work required to be done
energy density [RPET 2001]
by an external agent in stretching this spring by 5
/ sexc2 )
cms will be (g  9.8 metres 1
(a) Energy density =  strain stress
[MP PMT 1995]
(a) 4.900 joule (b) 2.450 joule 2
(b) Energy density = (strain)  volume
(c) 0.495 joule (d) 0.245 joule
(c) Energy density = (strain)× volume
22. A wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is
(d) Energy density = (stress)× volume
made of a material of Young's modulus Y. It is
stretched by an amount x. The work done is 29. A wire suspended vertically from one of its ends is
[MP PET 1996; BVP 2003; UPSEAT 2001] stretched by attaching a weight of 200 N to the
26 Elasticity
lower end. The weight stretches the wire by 1 mm (c) 1.50 v (d) 0.75 v
Then the elastic energy stored in the wire is 5. One end of a uniform wire of length L and of
[AIEEE 2003]
weight W is attached rigidly to a point in the roof
(a) 0.1 J (b) 0.2 J and a weight W1 is suspended from its lower
(c) 10 J (d) 20 end. If S is the area of cross-section of the wire,
30. Wires A and B are made from the same material. A the stress in the wire at a height 3L/4 from its
has twice the diameter and three times the length lower end is [IIT 1992]
of B. If the elastic limits are not reached, when
each is stretched by the same tension, the ratio of W1 W1  (W / 4)
(a) (b)
energy stored in A to that in B is S S
[Kerala PMT 2004]
W1  (3W / 4) W1  W
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 3 : 4 (c) (d)
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 6 : 1
6. There are two wires of same material and same
length while the diameter of second wire is 2
times the diameter of first wire, then ratio of
extension produced in the wires by applying same
load will be
[DCE 2000; Roorkee 2000; DCE 2003]
1. An Indian rubber cord L metre long and area of
2 is suspended vertically.
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1
cross-section A metre
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 4 : 1
Density of rubber is D kg / metre and Young's
7. A particle of mass m is under the influence of a
modulus of rubber is E newton/ metre 2 . If the
force F which varies with the displacement x
wire extends by l metre under its own weight, then according to the relation F  kx  F0 in which k
extension l is
and F0 are constants. The particle when
(a) L2Dg / E (b) L2Dg / 2E
disturbed will oscillate [UPSEAT 2001]
(c) L2Dg / 4E (d) L (a) about x  0, with  k/m
2. To break a wire, a force of 106 N / m2 is required. (b) about x  0, with  k/m
If the density of the material is 3  103 kg / m3 ,
(c) about x  F0 / k with  k/m
then the length of the wire which will break by its
own weight will be (d) about x  F0/k with  k/m
[Roorkee 1979; DPMT 2004]
8. An elastic material of Young's modulus Y is
(a) 34 m (b) 30 m
subjected to a stress S. The elastic energy stored
(c) 300 m (d) 3 m
per unit volume of the material is
3. Two rods of different materials having coefficients [MP PET 1991;
of linear expansion 1, 2 and Young's moduli MP PMT 1990, 96; IIT 1992; AIIMS 1997]

Y1 and Y2 respectively are fixed between two 2Y S2

(a) (b)
rigid massive walls. The rods are heated such that S2 2Y
they undergo the same increase in temperature.
S S2
There is no bending of rods. If  1 :  2  2 : 3 , the (c) (d)
2Y Y
thermal stresses developed in the two rods are
equally provided Y1 : Y 2 is equal to
[IIT 1989]
(a) 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 1
(c) 3 : 2 (d) 4 : 9
4. The extension in a string obeying Hooke's law is x. 1. The graph shown was obtained from experimental
The speed of sound in the stretched string is v. If measurements of the period of oscillations T for
the extension in the string is increased to 1.5x, the different masses M placed in the scale pan on the
speed of sound will be lower end of the spring balance. The most likely
[IIT 1996] reason for the line not passing through the origin
(a) 1.22 v (b) 0.61 v is that the [NCERT 1978]
Elasticity 27
I. It will be easier to compress this rubber than
T2 expand it
II. Rubber does not return to its original length
after it is stretched
III. The rubber band will get heated if it is
M stretched and released
(a) Spring did not obey Hooke's Law
Which of these can be deduced from the graph
(b) Amplitude of the oscillations was too large
(c) Clock used needed regulating (a) III only (b) II and III

(d) Mass of the pan was neglected (c) I and III (d) I only
2. A graph is shown between stress and strain for a 7. The stress versus strain graphs for wires of two
metal. The part in which Hooke's law holds good is materials A and B are as shown in the figure. If
Y A and YB are the Young ‘s modulii of the
materials, then

(a) OA
Y [Kerala (Engg.) 2001]
(b) AB
(c) BC (a) YB  2Y A A

(d) CD D
(b) Y A  YB
3. In the above graph, point B indicates 60o
O (c) YB  3Y A
(a) Breaking point (b) LimitingStrain
point 30o X
O Strain
(c) Yield point (d) None of the above (d) Y A  3YB
4. In the above graph, point D indicates 8. The load versus elongation graph for four wires of
(a) Limiting point (b) Yield point the same material is shown in the figure. The
thickest wire is represented by the line [KCET
(c) Breaking point (d) None of the above 2001]
5. The strain-stress curves of three wires of different Load D
materials are shown in the figure. P, Q and R are
the elastic limits of the wires. The figure shows (a) OD C
that (b) OC B

(c) OB

(d) OA O Elongation
9. The adjacent graph shows the extension (l) of
a wire of length 1m suspended from the top of a
R roof at one end with a load W connected to the
other end. If the cross sectional area of the wire is
(a) Elasticity of wire P is maximum
O 106 m2, calculate the young’s modulus of the
(b) Elasticity of wire Q is Stress
material of the wire [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2003]
(c) Tensile strength of R is maximum

(a) 2  1011 N / m2
(d) None of the above is true

(b) 2  1011 N / m2

6. The diagram shows a force-extension graph for a

rubber band. Consider the following statements
(c) 3  10 12 2 3
[AMU 2001] N /m
(d) 2  1013 N / m2 1

10. The graph is drawn between 20 the40applied force F

60 80 W(N)
and the strain (x) for a thin uniform wire. The wire
behaves as a liquid in the part [CPMT 1988]
(a) ab d

28 Elasticity
(b) bc (a) 24 1011
(c) cd
(b) 8.0  1011
(d) oa
11. The graph shows the behaviour of a length of wire (c) 10 1011
in the region for which the substance obeys (d) 2.0  1011
Hook’s law. P and Q represent [AMU 2001]
16. The diagram shows the change x in the length of
a thin uniform wire caused by the application of
stress F at two different temperatures T1 and T2.
The variations shown suggest that
(a) P = applied force, Q = extension [CPMT 1988]
(b) P = extension, Q = applied force (a) T1  T2 T2
(c) P = extension, Q = stored elastic energy T1
Q (b) T1  T2
(d) P = stored elastic energy, Q = extension
12. The potential energy U between two molecules as (c) T1  T2 x
a function of the distance X between them hasP (d) None of these
been shown in the figure. The two molecules are
[CPMT 1986, 88, 91] 17. A student plots a graph from his reading on the
determination of Young’s modulus of a metal wire
U but forgets to label. The quantities on X and Y
axes may be respectively.
0 X

(a) Attracted when x lies between A and B and are (a) Weight hung and length increased
repelled when X lies between B and C
(b) Stress applied and length increased
(b) Attracted when x lies between B and C and are
repelled when X lies between A and B (c) Stress applied and strain developed
(c) Attracted when they reach B (d) Length increased and weight hung
(d) Repelled when they reach B 18. The points of maximum and minimum attraction
13. The value of force constant between the applied in the curve between potential energy (U) and
elastic force F and displacement will be distance (r)of a diatomic molecules are
(a) respectively U P

(b) Q
3 (a) Sand R r
1 (b) T and S
(c) 30o S
2 X (c) R and S
O Displacemen
3 t (d) S and T
2 19. The stress-strain curves for brass, steel and
rubber are shown in the figure. The lines A, B and
14. The diagram shows stress v/s strain curve for the
C are for
materials A and B. From the curves we infer that
[AIIMS 1987]


(a) A is brittle but B is ductile A

(b) A is ductile and B is brittle
(c) Both A and B are ductile Strain
(d) Both A and B are brittle Strain (a) Rubber, brass and steel respectively
15. Which one of the following is the Young’s modulus (b) Brass, steel and rubber respectively
Stress (107

(in N/m2) for the wire having the stress-strain (c) Steel, brass and rubber respectively

curve shown in the figure

(d) Steel, rubber and brass respectively

O Strain
2 4 6 8  10–
Elasticity 29
Reason : For a perfectly plastic body, restoring
force is zero.
11. Assertion : Identical springs of steel and copper
are equally stretched. More work will
be done on the steel spring.
Reason : Steel is more elastic than copper.
Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the
12. Assertion : Sterss is the internal force per unit area
correct option out of the options given below:
of a body.
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the Reason :
reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. Rubber is less elastic than steel.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
1. Assertion : The stretching of a coil is determined
by its shear modulus.
Reason : Shear modulus change only shape of
a body keeping its dimensions
2. Assertion : Spring balances show correct readings
even after they had been used for a
long time interval.
Reason : On using for long time, spring
balances losses its elastic strength.
3. Assertion : Steel is more elastic than rubber.
Reason : Under given deforming force, steel is
deformed less than rubber.
4. Assertion : Glassy solids have sharp melting
Reason : The bonds between the atoms of
glassy solids get broken at the same
5. Assertion : A hollow shaft is found to be stronger
than a solid shaft made of same
Reason : The torque required to produce a
given twist in hollow cylinder is
greater than that required to twist a
solid cylinder of same size and
6. Assertion : Bulk modulus of elasticity (K)
represents incompressibility of the
Reason : Bulk modulus of elasticity is
proportional to change in pressure.
7. Assertion : Strain is a unitless quantity.
Reason : Strain is equivalent to force.
8. Assertion : The bridges declared unsafe after a
long use.
Reason : Elastic strength of bridges losses with
9. Assertion : Two identical solid balls, one of ivory
and the other of wet-clay are dropped
from the same height on the floor.
Both the balls will rise to same height
after bouncing.
Reason : Ivory and wet-clay have same
10. Assertion : Young’s modulus for a perfectly plastic
body is zero.

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