Practice Set 3 (B)

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ELASTICITY : Bulk Modulus

Work done in Stretching a Wire (a) 34 m (b) 30 m

1. A wire suspended vertically from one of its (c) 300 m (d) 3m
ends is stretched by attaching a weight of 200 7. The wires A and B shown in the figure are
N to the lower end. The weight stretches the made of the same material and have radii rA
wire by 1 mm, then the elastic energy stored in and rB respectively. The block between them
the wire is has a mass m. When the force F is mg/3, one
(a) 0.1 J b) 0.2 J of the wires
(c) 10 J d) 20 J break A
2. The graph shows the behaviour of length of m
wire in the region for which the substance B
obeys Hooke’s law. P and Q represent F
(a) P = applied force, Q = extension
(b) P = extension, Q = applied force
(c) P = extension, Q = stored elastic
energy (a) A will break before B if rA = rB
(d) P = stored elastic energy, Q = (b) A will break before B if rA < 2rB
extension (c) Either A or B may break if rA = 2rB
3. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a light spring (d) The lengths of A and B must be known
that obeys Hooke’s law, the spring stretches by 2 cms. to predict which wire will break
The work required to be done by an external agent in 8. A body of mass 10 kg is attached to a wire 0.3
the stretching this spring by 5 cms will be (g = 9.8 m/s ) 7 2
m long. Its breaking stress is 4.8×10 N /m .
(a) 4.900 J b) 2.450 J
The area of cross-section of the wire is
(c) 0.495 J (d) 0.245 J −6 2
10 m . What is the maximum angular
4. A rod of iron of Young’s modulus
11 2 velocity with which it can be rotated in the
Y =2. 0×10 N /m just fits the gap horizontal circle
between two rigid supports 1m apart. If the (a) 1 rad/sec (b) 2 rad/sec
rod is heated through 100 C the strain (c) 4 rad/sec (d) 8 rad/sec
−6 o −1
energy of the rod is ( α=18×10 C and 9. Two block of masses 1 kg and 4 kg are
2 connected by a metal wire going over a
area of cross-section A=1 cm )
smooth pulley as shown in the figure. The
(a) 32.4 J (b) 32.4 Mj
breaking stress of the metal is
(c) 26.4 J (d) 26.4 mJ
5. Which of the following cases will have the 3.18×1010 N /m2 . The minimum radius of
greatest strain energy (F is the stretching the wire so it will not break is
force, A is the area of cross section and s is
the strain) 1kg
(a) F = 10 N, A = 1 cm2, s = 10–3
4 kg
(b) F = 15 N, A = 2 cm2, s = 10–3
1 (a) 1×10−5 m (b) 2×10−5 m
F = 10 N, A = 2 cm2, s = 10–4 −5 −5
(c) (c) 3×10 m (d) 4×10 m
(d) F = 5 N, A = 3 cm2, s = 10–3 Bulk modulus
Breaking of Wire 10. When a pressure of 100 atmosphere is
6. A wire of diameter 1 mm breaks under a applied on a spherical ball of rubber, then its
tension of 1000 N. Another volume reduces to 0.01%. The bulk modulus
wir-----------------------------------e of same of the material of the rubber in dyne/cm2 is
material as that of the first one, but of (a) 10×10 12 (b)
diameter 2 mm breaks under a tension of 100×10

(a) 500 N (b) 1000 N 1×1012

(c) (d)
(c) 10000 N (d) 4000uired. If 12
3 3 20×10
the density of the material is 3×10 kg/m , 11. Coefficient of isothermal elasticity E and
then the length of the wire which will break by its coefficient of adiabatic elasticity E are related
own weight will be [Roorkee 1979] by (γ=C p /C v )
ELASTICITY : Bulk Modulus

Eθ =γ Eφ (b) Eφ =γ Eθ (a) 2.4 (b) 1.2

(a) (c) 0.4 (d) 0.2
(c) Eθ =γ/ Eφ (d) Eθ =γ E φ 20. There is no change in the volume of a wire
12. A uniform cube is subjected to volume due to change in its length on stretching. The
compression. If each side is decreased by Poisson’s ratio of the material of the wire is
1%,then bulk strain is (a) + 0.50 (b) – 0.50
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.06 (c) + 0.25 d) – 0.25
(c) 0.02 (d) 0.03 21. The values of Young’s and bulk modulus of
10 2
13. A ball falling in a lake of depth 200 m shows elasticity of a material are 8×10 N /m
10 2
0.1% decrease in its volume at the bottom. and 10×10 N /m respectively. The value
What is the bulk modulus of the material of of Poisson’s ratio for the material will be
the ball (a) 0.25 (b) – 0.25
8 2
(a) 19.6×10 N /m (b) (c) 0.37 (d) – 0.37
10 2 2
(c) 19.6×10 N /m 22. The Poisson’s ratio for a metal is 0.25. If
(d) 19 .6×10 N /m
14. The ratio of the adiabatic to isothermal lateral strain is 0.0125, the longitudinal strain
elasticities of a triatomic gas is will be
3 4 (a) 0.125 (b) 0.05
4 3 (c) 0.215 (d) 0.0125
(a) (b)
3 23. The ‘’ of a material is 0.20. If a longitudinal
(c) 1 (d) −3
15. A gas undergoes a change according to the strain of 4. 0×10 is caused, by what
αV percentage will the volume change
law P=P0 e . The bulk modulus of the gas (a) 0.48% (b) 0.32%
is (c) 0.24% (d) 0.50%
(a) P (b) PV
PV 24. Mark the wrong statement
(c) P (d) α (a) Sliding of molecular layer is much
16. The ratio of two specific heats of gas C p /C v easier than compression or expansion
for argon is1.6 and for hydrogen is 1.4. (b) Reciprocal of bulk modulus of
Adiabatic elasticity of argon at pressure P is E. elasticity
Adiabatic elasticity of hydrogen will also be is called compressibility
equal to E at the pressure (c) It is difficult to twist a long rod as
8 7 compared to small rod
(a) P (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) Hollow shaft is much stronger than
(d) 1.4 P solid rod of same length and same
17. The pressure applied from all directions on a mass
cube is P. How much its temperature should be 25. A rod of length l and radius r is joined to a rod
raised to maintain the original volume ? The of length l / 2 and radius r / 2 of same
volume elasticity of the cube is  and the material. The free end of small rod is fixed to
coefficient of volume expansion is  a rigid base and the free end of larger rod is
P Pα given a twist of , the twist angle at the joint
αβ β will be (a) /4
(a) (b)
Pβ αβ (b) /2 (c) 5 / 6
α P (d) 8 / 9
(c) (d)
26. The upper end of a wire of radius 4 mm and
18. Minimum and maximum values of Poisson’s
length 100 cm is clamped and its other end is
ratio for a metal lies between o
(a) –  to +  (b) 0 to 1 twisted through an angle of 30 . Then
(c) –  to 1 (d) 0 to 0.5 angle of shear is
o o
19. For a given material, the Young’s modulus is (a) 12 (b) 0 .12
2.4 times that of rigidity modulus. Its (c) 1.2o (d)
Poisson’s ratio is 0 . 012
ELASTICITY : Bulk Modulus

29. Two wires A and B of same length and of the

same material have the respective radii r1
and r2. Their one end is fixed with a rigid
support, and at the other end equal twisting
couple is applied. Then the ratio of the
angle of twist at the end of A and the angle
of twist at the end of B will be
r 21 r 22
2 2
./(a) r2 (b) r1
r 42 r 41
4 4
(c) r1 d) r2
30. The work done in twisting a steel wire of length
25 cm and radius 2mm through 45 will be
(η=8×1010 N /m2 )
(a) 2.48 J (b) 3.1 J
c) 15.47 J (d) 18.79 J
31. The mean distance between the atoms of
iron is 3×10 m and interatomic force
constant for iron is 7 N/m. The Young’s
modulus of elasticity for iron is
5 2 10 2
(a) 2.33×10 N /m (b) 23.3×10 N /m
10 2 10 2
(c) 233×10 N /m (d) 2.33×10 N /m
32. The Young’s modulus for steel is
Y =2×1011 N /m2 . If the inter-atomic
is 3.2Å, the inter atomic force constant in N/
Å will be
(a) 6 . 4×10 (b)
−9 9
6 . 4×10 (c) 3 .2×10 (d)
3 .2×10

1 1
U= Fl= ×200×1×10−3 =0 .1 J
1. : (a) Elastic energy stored in wire = 2 2
2. (c) The graph between applied force and extension will be straight line because in elastic
range applied force ¿ extension, but the graph between extension and stored elastic energy will
be parabolic in nature.
U= kx 2 2
As 2 or U ∝ x
3. When a 4 kg mass is hung vertically on a spring, it stretches
F 4×9 . 8
∴ k= = =1960 N /m
by 2 cm x 2×10−2
U= kx 2
Now work done in stretching this spring by 5 cms 2
= ×1960(5×10−2 )2
2 =2 . 45 J.
1 1
U= ×Y ×(strain)2 ×volume = ×Y (α Δθ )2× A×L
4. (a) 2 2

(Thermal strain Ll =α Δθ )
= ×(2×1011 )×(18×10−6 ×100)2 ×1×10−4 ×1 −1
2 =324×10 = 32.4 J.
1 1 F
= ׿ ¿ = ×
5. (b) Strain energy 2 stress × strain × volume 2 A ×
= ×F׿ ¿
strain × AL 2 strain × L
U= ×10×10−3 ×L=5×10−3 L
For wire (a) 2 ; For wire (b)
U= ×15×10−3 ×L=7 . 5×10−3 L
U= ×10×10−4 ×L=0. 5×10−3 L
For wire (c) 2 ; For wire (d)
1 −3 −3
U= ×5×10 =2. 5×10 L
For a given length wire (b) will have greatest strain energy.
2 2
6. (d) Breaking force ¿ area of cross-section (πr )∝d
F2 d2 2 F2 2 mm 2
F1 d1( ) =
 1000 1 mm
( )  F2 =1000×4=4000 N .
7. (d) Strain ∴ Stress = Y × Strain =2×1011×0. 15
10 2
=0 . 3×10 11 =3×10 N /m
8. (a) Length of the wire which will break by its own weight
P 10 6 100
L= = 3
dg 3×10 ×10 3 =33 . 3 m ≃ 34 m.
9. (a,b,c) When force 3 is applied at the lower end then
F mg F +mg
= =
Stress in wire B πr B 3 πr 2B
and stress in wire A = πr 2A
3 4 mg
= =
π r 2A 3 π r 2A
mg 4
(i) if r A =r B =r (Let) then stress in wire 3 πr 2 and stress in wire A = 3
. πr
i.e. stress in wire A > stress in wire B so the A will break before B
(ii) if r B =r , (let) then r A =2r
mg 4 mg mg
= 2
= 2
Stress in wire B = 3 πr 2
and Stress in wire A 3 π (2 r ) 3 πr
i.e. stress in wire A = stress in wire B. It means either A or B may break.
(iii) If r A <2 r B then stress in A will be more than B. i.e. A will break before B.
10 : (c) Breaking force = centrifugal force
Breaking stress × area of cross-section = mω l
7 −6
4 . 8×10 ×10 =10×ω ×0 . 3
⇒ ω2 =16 ⇒ ω=4rad /sec
2 m1 m2 2×1×4
T= g T= ×10
11. (d)Tension in the wire m1 +m 2  1+ 4  T =16 N
Breaking force = Breaking stress × Area of cross-section
10 2
Tension in the wire = 3 .18×10 ×πr
16=3. 18×10 ×πr
10 2

√ 3 .18×1010×3 .14 =4×10 m.

Bulk modulus
7 2
12 : (c)
1 atm =10 N /m
∴ 100 atm=10 N /m and ΔV =0.01%V 
=0 . 0001
P 107 Dyne
K= = =1×1011 N /m2=1×1012
ΔV /V 0 . 0001 cm 2 .

13. : (b) Adiabatic elasticity =γ׿ ¿ isothermal elasticity  Eφ =γ Eθ .

14. (d) Volume of cube V =L
 Percentage change in V =3  (percentage change in L)= 3 (1%) =3%
ΔV 3
= = =0 . 03
∴ ΔV =3% of V  Volumetric strain V 100

P hdg 200×103 ×9 .8
K= = =
15. : (a) ΔV /V ΔV /V 0 . 001 =19 . 6×10 8 N /m2
16. : (b)For triatomic gas γ=4/3 ∴ Ratio of adiabatic to isothermal elasticity
3 .
P=Po e
αV =Po e αV α αV
17. : (b)  dV =Pα [As P=Po e ]
dP dP
V =Pα V =Pα V
dV  ( dV /V ) ∴ K=Pα V
18. (b)Adiabatic elasticity =  (pressure)
For Argon ( Eφ )Ar=1 .6P
( Eφ )H 2=1 . 4 P
and for Hydrogen
16 8
( Eφ )H =( Εφ ) Ar P' = P = P
According to problem 2 
1. 4 P =1. 6 P  14 7 .
19. : (a) Change in volume due to rise in temperature ΔV =Vα Δθ
= =α Δθ
∴ volumetric strain V
stress P P
β= = ∴ Δθ=
But bulk modulus  strain α Δθ αβ
20. : (d)
21 : (d) Y =2 η(1+σ )
 2. 4η=2η(1+σ )  1. 2=1+σ  σ =0 .2
dV dL dL dL
= +2 σ =(1+2σ )
22. : (b) V L L L =0
[As there is no change in the volume of the wire]
σ =−
∴ 1+2σ =0  2

23. : (c) Y =3 K (1−2σ )  8×1010=3×10×1010 (1−2 σ )  σ =0 .37

Lateral strain Lateral strain 0 . 0125
σ= = =
24. : (b) Longitudinal strain ∴ Longitudinal strain σ 0 .25
=0 . 05
25. (c) Longitudinal strain =4×10 or 0.4%
Lateral strain =σ ×0 . 4 %=0. 2×0. 4 % =0.08%

∴ Volumetric strain = longitudinal strain – 2 lateral strain = 0.4−2×(0.08) =

∴ Volume will change by 0.24%.
26, (c)
27. (d) If torque  is applied at the free end of larger rod and twist  is given to it then
twist at joint is θ1 and twist at the upper end (fixed base) θ2
πη r (θ−θ 1 )
πη ()
( θ1 −θ2 )
2l 2(l/2 )
( θ1−0)
(θ−θ 1 )=
 8 [As θ2 =0 ]

8 θ−8θ 1=θ 1 ⇒ 9θ 1=8θ θ1 =
  9 .
−3 o
rθ 4×10 ×30
∴ φ= =
29. (b) Lφ=rθ L 1 =0 . 12o
πη r 41 θ1 πη r 24 θ2 θ r

30. (c) τ 1 =τ 2  2l 1
2 l2
⇒ 1= 2
θ2 r 1 ( )
4 2 10 −3 4 2
1 πη r θ 3 .14×8×10 ×(2×10 ) ×(π /4 )
W= Cθ 2 = =
31 : (a) 2 4l 4×25×10−2 =2.48 J
Interatomic Force Constant
k 7
Y= = =2 .33×1010 N /m2
32 : (d) r o 3×10−10 .
: (b) k =Y ×r 0
11 −10 −9
33. =2×10 ×3 . 2×10 =6 . 4×10 N /m = 6 . 4×10 N / Å .

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