Sample Exam Part 2 Solution: ECE 320 Energy Systems I Session 34, Page 1/2 Fall 2003
Sample Exam Part 2 Solution: ECE 320 Energy Systems I Session 34, Page 1/2 Fall 2003
Sample Exam Part 2 Solution: ECE 320 Energy Systems I Session 34, Page 1/2 Fall 2003
1. You are given a buck converter. You measure the input voltage to be 15 V from a 100W
source, and have an output current of 4 A. Assuming no power losses determine: average inp
current, output voltage, duty ratio. The filter inductance is 100 µH and the switching frequen
is 10 kHz. Will this converter be in continuous conduction. If not suggest two options to mo
it to continuous conduction.
Vd := 50V L := 100µH
fs := 10kHz
Io := 4A
Po := 100W Ts :=
Therefore we find:
Po Vo
Vo := Vo = 25 V D := D = 0.5 Id := Io⋅ D Id = 2 A
Io Vd
D⋅ Ts
ILB := ⋅ ( Vd − Vo) ILB = 6.25 A
2⋅ L
1. Increase L
D⋅ Ts D⋅ Ts
Lmin := ⋅ ( Vd − Vo) Lmin = 156.25 µH ILBn := ⋅ ( Vd − Vo)
2 ⋅ Io 2 ⋅ Lmin
ILBn = 4 A
D 1
fsnew := ⋅ ( Vd − Vo) fsnew = 15.625 kHz Tsn :=
2 ⋅ Io⋅ L fsnew
D⋅ Tsn
ILBn2 := ⋅ ( Vd − Vo) ILBn2 = 4 A
2⋅ L
ECE 320 Session 34, Page 2/2
Energy Systems I Fall 2003
2. Short Answer:
A. Why is it important to always provide an alternate current path when opening a switch in ser
with an inductor? What happens if you don't?
Solution: The inductor will act as a current source in the short term (you can't change the curren
through an inductor instantaneously). Therefore, if you open a switch in series with an inductor
the switch in a buck converter), you need an alternate path (like the diode in the buck converter
will pick up the current.
v = L⋅ i
dt This will be large enough to cause insulation to fail, most likely the switc
B. Why isn't the current through the inductor in the buck converter constant (since the average
output current is constant)?
Solution: While the switch is on, the voltage across the inductor is Vd - Voave, while the swit
is open, it is -Voave. Since neither voltage is zero, the current will ramp up while the switch i
closed, and down while it is open. Increasing L or increasing the switching frequency will mak
the variations smaller, but not zero (unless the switch is always closed or always open).