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General Profile
Petroleum refining begins with the distillation, or fractionation, of crude oils into separate
hydrocarbon groups. The resultant products are directly related to the characteristics of the crude oil
being processed. Most of these products of distillation are further converted into more useable
products by changing their physical and molecular structures through cracking, reforming and other
conversion processes. These products are subsequently subjected to various treatment and
separation processes, such as extraction, hydrotreating and sweetening, in order to produce finished
products. Whereas the simplest refineries are usually limited to atmospheric and vacuum distillation,
integrated refineries incorporate fractionation, conversion, treatment and blending with lubricant,
heavy fuels and asphalt manufacturing; they may also include petrochemical processing.
The first refinery, which opened in 1861, produced kerosene by simple atmospheric distillation. Its
by-products included tar and naphtha. It was soon discovered that high-quality lubricating oils could
be produced by distilling petroleum under vacuum. However, for the next 30 years, kerosene was
the product consumers wanted most. The two most significant events which changed this situation
the invention of the electric light, which decreased the demand for kerosene
the invention of the internal-combustion engine, which created a demand for diesel fuel and
gasoline (naphtha).
With the advent of mass production and the First World War, the number of gasoline-powered
vehicles increased dramatically, and the demand for gasoline grew accordingly. However, only a
certain amount of gasoline could be obtained from crude oil through atmospheric and vacuum
distillation processes. The first thermal cracking process was developed in 1913. Thermal cracking
subjected heavy fuels to both pressure and intense heat, physically breaking their large molecules
into smaller ones, producing additional gasoline and distillate fuels. A sophisticated form of thermal
cracking, visbreaking, was developed in the late 1930s to produce more desirable and valuable
As higher-compression gasoline engines were developed, there was a demand for higher-octane
gasoline with better anti-knock characteristics. The introduction of catalytic cracking and poly-
merization processes in the mid- to late 1930s met this demand by providing improved gasoline
yields and higher octane numbers. Alkylation, another catalytic process, was developed in the early
1940s to produce more high-octane aviation gasoline and petrochemical feedstocks, the starting
materials, for explosives and synthetic rubber. Subsequently, catalytic isomerization was developed
to convert hydrocarbons to produce increased quantities of alkylation feedstocks.
Following the Second World War, various reforming processes were introduced which improved
gasoline quality and yield, and produced higher-quality products. Some of these involved the use of
catalysts and/or hydrogen to change molecules and remove sulphur. Improved catalysts, and
process methods such as hydrocracking and reforming, were developed throughout the 1960s to
increase gasoline yields and improve anti-knock characteristics. These catalytic processes also
produced molecules with a double bond (alkenes), forming the basis of the modern petrochemical
The numbers and types of different processes used in modern refineries depend primarily on the
nature of the crude feedstock and finished product requirements. Processes are also affected by
economic factors including crude costs, product values, availability of utilities and transportation. The
chronology of the introduction of various processes is given in table 1.
Petroleum refining processes and operations can be classified into the following basic areas:
separation, conversion, treatment, formulating and blending, auxiliary refining operations and
refining non-process operations. See figure 1 for a simplified flow chart.
Separation. Crude oil is physically separated by fractionation in atmospheric and vacuum distillation
towers, into groups of hydrocarbon molecules with various boiling-point ranges, called “fractions” or
Conversion. Conversion processes used to change the size and/or structure of hydrocarbon
molecules include:
decomposition (dividing) by hydro-, thermal and catalytic cracking, coking and visbreaking
unification (combining) through alkylation and polymerization
alteration (rearranging) with isomerization and catalytic reforming
Since the beginning of refining, various treatment methods have been used to remove non-
hydrocarbons, impurities and other constituents that adversely affect the performance properties of
finished products or reduce the efficiency of the conversion processes. Treatment involves both
chemical reactions and physical separation, such as dissolving, absorption or precipitation, using a
variety and combination of processes. Treatment methods include removing or separating aromatics
and naphthenes, as well as removing impurities and undesirable contaminants. Sweetening
compounds and acids are used to desulphurize crude oil before processing, and to treat products
during and after processing. Other treatment methods include crude desalting, chemical sweetening,
acid treating, clay contacting, hydrodesulphurizing, solvent refining, caustic washing, hydrotreating,
drying, solvent extraction and solvent dewaxing.
Formulating and blending is the process of mixing and combining hydrocarbon fractions, additives
and other components to produce finished products with specific desired performance properties.
Auxiliary refining operations. Other refinery operations which are required to support hydrocarbon
processing include light ends recovery; sour water stripping; solid waste, waste water and process
water treatment and cooling; hydrogen production; sulphur recovery; and acid and tail gas treatment.
Other process functions are providing catalysts, reagents, steam, air, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen
and fuel gases.
Refinery non-process facilities. All refineries have a multitude of facilities, functions, equipment and
systems which support the hydrocarbon process operations. Typical support operations are heat and
power generation; product movement; tank storage; shipping and handling; flares and relief systems;
furnaces and heaters; alarms and sensors; and sampling, testing and inspecting. Non-process
facilities and systems include firefighting, water and protection systems, noise and pollution controls,
laboratories, control rooms, warehouses, maintenance and administrative facilities.
Petroleum refining has evolved continuously in response to changing consumer demand for better
and different products. The original process requirement was to produce kerosene as a cheaper and
better source of fuel for lighting than whale oil. The development of the internal combustion engine
led to the production of benzene, gasoline and diesel fuels. The evolution of the airplane created a
need for high-octane aviation gasoline and jet fuel, which is a sophisticated form of the original
refinery product, kerosene. Present-day refineries produce a variety of products, including many
which are used as feedstocks for cracking processes and lubricant manufacturing, and for the
petrochemical industry. These products can be broadly classified as fuels, petrochemical feedstocks,
solvents, process oils, lubricants and special products such as wax, asphalt and coke. (See table 2.)
Light distillates
Heavy distillates
Petrolatum Petroleum jelly
Rust inhibitors and lubricants
Cable coating compounds
Refinery by-products
Sulphonates Emulsifiers
Sulphur Chemicals
A number of chemicals are used in, or formed as a result of, hydrocarbon processing. A brief
description of those which are specific and pertinent to refining follows:
Sulphur Dioxide
Flue gas from burning high-sulphur-content fuels usually contains high levels of sulphur dioxide,
which usually is removed by water scrubbing.
Caustics are added to desalting water to neutralize acids and reduce corrosion. Caustics are also
added to desalted crude in order to reduce the amount of corrosive chlorides in the tower overheads.
They are used in refinery treating processes to remove contaminants from hydrocarbon streams.
Flue gas contains up to 200 ppm of nitric oxide, which reacts slowly with oxygen to form nitrogen
dioxide. Nitric oxide is not removed by water scrubbing, and nitrogen dioxide can dissolve in water to
form nitrous and nitric acid. Flue gas normally contains only a slight amount of carbon monoxide,
unless combustion is abnormal.
Hydrogen sulphide
Hydrogen sulphide is found naturally in most crude oils and is also formed during processing by the
decomposition of unstable sulphur compounds. Hydrogen sulphide is an extremely toxic, colourless,
flammable gas which is heavier than air and soluble in water. It has a rotten egg odour which is
discernible at concentrations well below its very low exposure limit. This smell cannot be relied upon
to provide adequate warning as the senses are almost immediately desensitized upon exposure.
Special detectors are required to alert workers to the presence of hydrogen sulphide, and proper
respiratory protection should be used in the presence of the gas. Exposure to low levels of hydrogen
sulphide will cause irritation, dizziness and headaches, while exposure to levels in excess of the
prescribed limits will cause nervous system depression and eventually death.
Sour water
Sour water is process water which contains hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, phenols, hydrocarbons
and low-molecular-weight sulphur compounds. Sour water is produced by steam stripping
hydrocarbon fractions during distillation, regenerating catalyst, or steam stripping hydrogen sulphide
during hydrotreating and hydrofinishing. Sour water is also generated by the addition of water to
processes to absorb hydrogen sulphide and ammonia.
Sulphuric acid and hydrofluoric acid are used as catalysts in alkylation processes. Sulphuric acid is
also used in some of the treatment processes.
Solid catalysts
A number of different solid catalysts in many forms and shapes, from pellets to granular beads to
dusts, made of various materials and having various compositions, are used in refining processes.
Extruded pellet catalysts are used in moving and fixed bed units, while fluid bed processes use fine,
spherical particulate catalysts. Catalysts used in processes which remove sulphur are impregnated
with cobalt, nickel or molybdenum. Cracking units use acid-function catalysts, such as natural clay,
silica alumina and synthetic zeolites. Acid-function catalysts impregnated with platinum or other
noble metals are used in isomerization and reforming. Used catalysts require special handling and
protection from exposures, as they may contain metals, aromatic oils, carcinogenic polycyclic
aromatic compounds or other hazardous materials, and may also be pyrophoric.
The principal fuel products are liquefied petroleum gas, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel fuel and
heating oil and residual fuel oils.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), which consists of mixtures of paraffinic and olefinic hydrocarbons
such as propane and butane, is produced for use as a fuel, and is stored and handled as liquids
under pressure. LPG has boiling points ranging from about –74 °C to
38 °C, is colourless, and the vapours are heavier than air and extremely flammable. The important
qualities from an occupational health and safety perspective of LPGs are vapour pressure and
control of contaminants.
Gasoline. The most important refinery product is motor gasoline, a blend of relatively low-boiling
hydrocarbon fractions, including reformate, alkylate, aliphatic naphtha (light straight-run naphtha),
aromatic naphtha (thermal and catalytic cracked naphtha) and additives. Gasoline blending stocks
have boiling points which range from ambient temperatures to about 204 °C, and a flashpoint below
–40 °C. The critical qualities for gasoline are octane number (anti-knock), volatility (starting and
vapour lock) and vapour pressure (environmental control). Additives are used to enhance gasoline
performance and provide protection against oxidation and rust formation. Aviation gasoline is a high-
octane product, specially blended to perform well at high altitudes.
Tetra ethyl lead (TEL) and tetra methyl lead (TML) are gasoline additives which improve octane
ratings and anti-knock performance. In an effort to reduce lead in automotive exhaust emissions,
these additives are no longer in common use, except in aviation gasoline.
Ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE), methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), tertiary amyl methyl ether
(TAME) and other oxygenated compounds are used in lieu of TEL and TML to improve unleaded
gasoline anti-knock performance and reduce carbon monoxide emissions.
Jet fuel and kerosene. Kerosene is a mixture of paraffins and naphthenes with usually less than 20%
aromatics. It has a flashpoint above 38 °C and a boiling range of 160 °C to 288 °C, and is used for
lighting, heating, solvents and blending into diesel fuel. Jet fuel is a middle distillate kerosene
product whose critical qualities are freezepoint, flashpoint and smokepoint. Commercial jet fuel has a
boiling range of about 191 °C to 274 °C, and military jet fuel from 55 °C to 288 °C.
Distillate fuels. Diesel fuels and domestic heating oils are light-coloured mixtures of paraffins,
naphthenes and aromatics, and may contain moderate quantities of olefins. Distillate fuels have
flashpoints above 60 °C and boiling ranges of about 163 °C to 371 °C, and are often
hydrodesulphurized for improved stability. Distillate fuels are combustible and when heated may emit
vapours which can form ignitable mixtures with air. The desirable qualities required for distillate fuels
include controlled flash- and pourpoints, clean burning, no deposit formation in storage tanks, and a
proper diesel fuel cetane rating for good starting and combustion.
Residual fuels. Many ships and commercial and industrial facilities use residual fuels or
combinations of residual and distillate fuels, for power, heat and processing. Residual fuels are dark-
coloured, highly viscous liquid mixtures of large hydrocarbon molecules, with flashpoints above 121
°C and high boiling points. The critical specifications for residual fuels are viscosity and low sulphur
content (for environmental control).
The primary safety hazard of LPG and gasoline is fire. The high volatility and high flammability of the
lower-boiling-point products allows vapours to evaporate readily into air and form flammable
mixtures which can be easily ignited. This is a recognized hazard that requires specific storage,
containment and handling precautions, and safety measures to assure that releases of vapours and
sources of ignition are controlled so that fires do not occur. The less volatile fuels, such as kerosene
and diesel fuel, should be handled carefully to prevent spills and possible ignition, as their vapours
are also combustible when mixed with air in the flammable range. When working in atmospheres
containing fuel vapours, concentrations of highly volatile, flammable product vapours in air are often
restricted to no more than 10% of the lower flammable limits (LFL), and concentrations of less
volatile, combustible product vapours to no more than 20% LFL, depending on applicable company
and government regulations, in order to reduce the risk of ignition.
Although gasoline vapour levels in air mixtures are typically maintained below 10% of the LFL for
safety purposes, this concentration is considerably above the exposure limits to be observed for
health reasons. When inhaled, small amounts of gasoline vapour in air, well below the lower
flammable limit, can cause irritation, headaches and dizziness, while inhalation of larger
concentrations can cause loss of consciousness and eventually death. Long-term health effects may
also be possible. Gasoline contains benzene, for example, a known carcinogen with allowable
exposure limits of only a few parts per million. Therefore, even working in gasoline vapour
atmospheres at levels below 10% LFL requires appropriate industrial hygiene precautions, such as
respiratory protection or local exhaust ventilation.
In the past, many gasolines contained tetra-ethyl or tetra methyl alky lead anti-knock additives,
which are toxic and present serious lead absorption hazards by skin contact or inhalation. Tanks or
vessels which contained leaded gasoline at any time during their use must be vented, thoroughly
cleaned, tested with a special “lead-in-air” test device and certified to be lead-free to assure that
workers can enter without using self-contained or supplied breathing air equipment, even though
oxygen levels are normal and the tanks now contain unleaded gasoline or other products.
Gaseous petroleum fractions and the more highly volatile fuel products have a mild anaesthetic
effect, generally in inverse ratio to molecular weight. Lower-boiling-point liquid fuels, such as
gasoline and kerosene, produce a severe chemical pneumonitis if inhaled, and should not be
siphoned by mouth or accidentally ingested. Gases and vapours may also be present in sufficiently
high concentrations to displace oxygen (in the air) below normal breathing levels. Maintaining vapour
concentrations below the exposure limits and oxygen levels at normal breathing ranges, is usually
accomplished by purging or ventilation.
Cracked distillates contain small amounts of carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs);
therefore, exposure should be limited. Dermatitis may also develop from exposure to gasoline,
kerosene and distillate fuels, as they have a tendency to defat the skin. Prevention is accomplished
by use of personal protective equipment, barrier creams or reduced contact and good hygienic
practices, such as washing with warm water and soap instead of cleaning hands with gasoline,
kerosene or solvents. Some persons have skin sensitivity to the dyes used to colour gasoline and
other distillate products.
Residual fuel oils contain traces of metals and may have entrained hydrogen sulphide, which is
extremely toxic. Residual fuels which have high cracked stocks boiling above 370 °C contain
carcinogenic PAHs. Repeated exposure to residual fuels without appropriate personal protection,
should be avoided, especially when opening tanks and vessels, as hydrogen sulphide gas may be
Petrochemical feedstocks
Many products derived from crude-oil refining, such as ethylene, propylene and butadiene, are
olefinic hydrocarbons derived from refinery cracking processes, and are intended for use in the
petrochemical industry as feedstocks for the production of plastics, ammonia, synthetic rubber,
glycol and so on.
Petroleum solvents
A variety of pure compounds, including benzene, toluene, xylene, hexane and heptane, whose
boiling points and hydrocarbon composition are closely controlled, are produced for use as solvents.
Solvents may be classified as aromatic or non-aromatic, depending on their composition. Their use
as paint thinners, dry-cleaning fluids, degreasers, industrial and pesticide solvents and so on, is
generally determined by their flashpoints, which vary from well below –18 °C to above 60 °C.
The hazards associated with solvents are similar to those of fuels in that the lower flashpoint
solvents are flammable and their vapours, when mixed with air in the flammable range, are ignitable.
Aromatic solvents will usually have more toxicity than non-aromatic solvents.
Process oils
Process oils include the high boiling range, straight run atmospheric or vacuum distillate streams
and those which are produced by catalytic or thermal cracking. These complex mixtures, which
contain large paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbon molecules with more than 15 carbon
atoms, are used as feedstocks for cracking or lubricant manufacturing. Process oils have fairly high
viscosities, boiling points ranging from 260 °C to 538 °C, and flashpoints above 121 °C.
Process oils are irritating to the skin and contain high concentrations of PAHs as well as sulphur,
nitrogen and oxygen compounds. Inhalation of vapours and mists should be avoided, and skin
exposure should be controlled by the use of personal protection and good hygienic practices.
Lubricating oil base stocks are produced by special refining processes to meet specific consumer
requirements. Lubricating base stocks are light- to medium-coloured, low-volatile, medium- to high-
viscous mixtures of paraffinic, naphthenic and aromatic oils, with boiling ranges from 371 °C to 538
°C. Additives, such as demulsifiers, anti-oxidants and viscosity improvers, are blended into the
lubricating oil base stocks to provide the characteristics required for motor oils, turbine and hydraulic
oils, industrial greases, lubricants, gear oils and cutting oils. The most critical quality for lubricating
oil base stock is a high viscosity index, providing for less change in viscosity under varying
temperatures. This characteristic may be present in the crude oil feed stock or attained through the
use of viscosity index improver additives. Detergents are added to keep in suspension any sludge
formed during the use of the oil.
Greases are mixtures of lubricating oils and metallic soaps, with the addition of special-purpose
materials such as asbestos, graphite, molybdenum, silicones and talc to provide insulation or
lubricity. Cutting and metal-process oils are lubricating oils with special additives such as chlorine,
sulphur and fatty-acid additives which react under heat to provide lubrication and protection to the
cutting tools. Emulsifiers and bacteria prevention agents are added to water-soluble cutting oils.
Although lubricating oils by themselves are non-irritating and have little toxicity, hazards may be
presented by the additives. Users should consult supplier material safety data information to
determine the hazards of specific additives, lubricants, cutting oils and greases. The primary
lubricant hazard is dermatitis, which can usually be controlled by the use of personal protective
equipment together with proper hygienic practices. Occasionally workers may develop a sensitivity
to cutting oils or lubricants which will require reassignment to a job where contact cannot occur.
There are some concerns about carcinogenic exposure to mists from naphthenic-based cutting and
light spindle oils, which can be controlled by substitution, engineering controls or personal protection.
The hazards of exposure to grease are similar to those of lubricating oil, with the addition of any
hazards presented by the grease materials or additives. Most of these hazards are discussed
elsewhere in this Encyclopaedia.
Special products
Wax is used for protecting food products; in coatings; as an ingredient in other products such as
cosmetics and shoe polish and for candles.
Sulphur is produced as a result of petroleum refining. It is stored either as a heated, molten liquid in
closed tanks or as a solid in containers or outdoors.
Coke is almost pure carbon, with a variety of uses from electrodes to charcoal briquettes, depending
on its physical characteristics, which result from the coking process.
Asphalt, which is primarily used for paving roads and roofing materials, should be inert to most
chemicals and weather conditions.
Waxes and asphalts are solid at ambient temperatures, and higher temperatures are needed for
storage, handling and transportation, with the resulting hazard of burns. Petroleum wax is so highly
refined that it usually does not present any hazards. Skin contact with wax can lead to plugging of
pores, which can be controlled by proper hygienic practices. Exposure to hydrogen sulphide when
asphalt and molten sulphur tanks are opened can be controlled by the use of appropriate
engineering controls or respiratory protection. Sulphur is also readily ignitable at elevated
temperatures. Asphalt is discussed elsewhere in the Encyclopaedia.
Hydrocarbon refining is the use of chemicals, catalysts, heat and pressure to separate and combine
the basic types of hydrocarbon molecules naturally found in crude oil into groups of similar
molecules. The refining process also rearranges the structures and bonding patterns of the basic
molecules into different, more desirable hydrocarbon molecules and compounds. The type of
hydrocarbon (paraffinic, naphthenic or aromatic) rather than the specific chemical compounds
present, is the most significant factor in the refining process.
Throughout the refinery, operations procedures, safe work practices and the use of appropriate
personal protective clothing and equipment, including approved respiratory protection, is needed for
fire, chemical, particulate, heat and noise exposures and during process operations, sampling,
inspection, turnaround and maintenance activities. As most refinery processes are continuous and
the process streams are contained in enclosed vessels and piping, there is limited potential for
exposure. However, the potential for fire exists because even though refinery operations are closed
processes, if a leak or release of hydrocarbon liquid, vapour or gas occurs, the heaters, furnaces
and heat exchangers throughout the process units are sources of ignition.
Crude oil often contains water, inorganic salts, suspended solids and water-soluble trace metals.
The first step in the refining process is to remove these contaminants by desalting (dehydration) in
order to reduce corrosion, plugging and fouling of equipment, and to prevent poisoning the catalysts
in processing units. Chemical desalting, electrostatic separation and filtering are three typical
methods of crude-oil desalting. In chemical desalting, water and chemical surfactants (demulsifiers)
are added to the crude oil, heated so that salts and other impurities dissolve into the water or attach
to the water, and are then held in a tank where they settle out. Electrical desalting applies high-
voltage electrostatic charges in order to concentrate suspended water globules in the bottom portion
of the settling tank. Surfactants are added only when the crude oil has a large amount of suspended
solids. A third, less common process involves filtering heated crude oil using diatomaceous earth as
a filtration medium.
In chemical and electrostatic desalting, the crude feedstock is heated to between 66 °C and 177 °C,
to reduce viscosity and surface tension for easier mixing and separation of the water. The
temperature is limited by the vapour pressure of the crude-oil feedstock. Both methods of desalting
are continuous. Caustic or acid may be added to adjust the pH of the water wash, and ammonia
added to reduce corrosion. Waste water, together with contaminants, is discharged from the bottom
of the settling tank to the waste water treatment facility. The desalted crude oil is continuously drawn
from the top of the settling tanks and sent to an atmospheric crude distillation (fractionating) tower.
(See figure 2.)
Corrosion, which occurs due to the presence of hydrogen sulphide, hydrogen chloride, naphthenic
(organic) acids and other contaminants in the crude oil, also causes equipment failure. Corrosion
occurs when neutralized salts (ammonium chlorides and sulphides) are moistened by condensed
water. Because desalting is a closed process, there is little potential for exposure to crude oil or
process chemicals, unless a leak or release occurs. A fire may occur as a result of a leak in the
heaters, allowing a release of low-boiling-point components of crude oil.
There is the possibility of exposure to ammonia, dry chemical demulsifiers, caustics and/or acids
during desalting. Where elevated operating temperatures are used when desalting sour crude oils,
hydrogen sulphide will be present. Depending on the crude feedstock and the treatment chemicals
used, the waste water will contain varying amounts of chlorides, sulphides, bicarbonates, ammonia,
hydrocarbons, phenol and suspended solids. If diatomaceous earth is used in filtration, exposures
should be minimized or controlled since diatomaceous earth can contain silica with a very fine
particle size, making it a potential respiratory hazard.
The first step in petroleum refining is the fractionation of crude oil in atmospheric and vacuum
distillation towers. Heated crude oil is physically separated into various fractions, or straight-run cuts,
differentiated by specific boiling-point ranges and classified, in order of decreasing volatility, as
gases, light distillates, middle distillates, gas oils and residuum. Fractionation works because the
gradation in temperature from the bottom to the top of the distillation tower causes the higher-boiling-
point components to condense first, while the lower-boiling-point fractions rise higher in the tower
before they condense. Within the tower, the rising vapours and the descending liquids (reflux) mix at
levels where they have compositions in equilibrium with each other. Special trays are located at
these levels (or stages) which remove a fraction of the liquid which condenses at each level. In a
typical two-stage crude unit, the atmospheric tower, producing light fractions and distillate, is
immediately followed by a vacuum tower which processes the atmospheric residuals. After
distillation, only a few hydrocarbons are suitable for use as finished products without further
Atmospheric distillation
In atmospheric distillation towers, the desalted crude feedstock is preheated using recovered
process heat. It then flows to a direct-fired crude charge heater, where it is fed into the vertical
distillation column just above the bottom at pressures slightly above atmosphere and at
temperatures from 343 °C to 371 °C, to avoid undesirable thermal cracking at higher temperatures.
The lighter (lower boiling point) fractions diffuse into the upper part of the tower, and are
continuously drawn off and directed to other units for further processing, treating, blending and
Fractions with the lowest boiling points, such as fuel gas and light naphtha, are removed from the
top of the tower by an overhead line as vapours. Naphtha, or straight-run gasoline, is taken from the
upper section of the tower as an overhead stream. These products are used as petrochemical and
reformer feedstocks, gasoline blending stocks, solvents and LPGs.
Intermediate boiling range fractions, including gas oil, heavy naphtha and distillates, are removed
from the middle section of the tower as side streams. These are sent to finishing operations for use
as kerosene, diesel fuel, fuel oil, jet fuel, catalytic cracker feedstock and blending stocks. Some of
these liquid fractions are stripped of their lighter ends, which are returned to the tower as
downflowing reflux streams.
The heavier, higher-boiling-point fractions (called residuum, bottoms or topped crude) which
condense or remain at the bottom of the tower, are used for fuel oil, bitumen manufacturing or
cracking feedstock, or are directed to a heater and into the vacuum distillation tower for further
fractionation. (See figure 3 and figure 4.)
Vacuum distillation
Vacuum distillation towers provide the reduced pressure required to prevent thermal cracking when
distilling the residuum, or topped crude, from the atmospheric tower at higher temperatures. The
internal designs of some vacuum towers are different from atmospheric towers in that random
packing and demister pads are used instead of trays. Larger diameter towers may also be used to
keep velocities lower. A typical first-phase vacuum tower may produce gas oils, lubricating oil base
stocks and heavy residual for propane deasphalting. A second-phase tower, operating at a lower
vacuum, distills surplus residuum from the atmospheric tower which is not used for lube stock
processing, and surplus residuum from the first vacuum tower not used for deasphalting.
Vacuum towers are typically used to separate catalytic cracker feedstocks from surplus residuum.
Vacuum tower bottoms may also be sent to a coker, used as lubricant or asphalt stock or
desulphurized and blended into low-sulphur fuel oil. (See figure 5 and figure 6.)
Distillation columns
Within refineries there are numerous other smaller distillation towers, called columns, designed to
separate specific and unique products, which all work on the same principles as atmospheric towers.
For example, a depropanizer is a small column designed to separate propane from isobutane and
heavier components. Another larger column is used to separate ethyl benzene and xylene. Small
“bubbler” towers, called strippers, use steam to remove trace amounts of light products (gasoline)
from heavier product streams.
Control temperatures, pressures and reflux must be maintained within operating parameters to
prevent thermal cracking from taking place within distillation towers. Relief systems are provided
because excursions in pressure, temperature or liquid levels may occur if automatic control devices
fail. Operations are monitored in order to prevent crude from entering the reformer charge. Crude
feedstocks may contain appreciable amounts of water in suspension which separate during start-up
and, along with water remaining in the tower from steam purging, settle in the bottom of the tower.
This water may heat to the boiling point and create an instantaneous vaporization explosion upon
contact with the oil in the unit.
The preheat exchanger, preheat furnace and bottoms exchanger, atmospheric tower and vacuum
furnace, vacuum tower and overhead are susceptible to corrosion from hydrochloric acid (HCl),
hydrogen sulphide (H2S), water, sulphur compounds and organic acids. When processing sour
crudes, severe corrosion can occur in both atmospheric and vacuum towers where metal
temperatures exceed 232 °C, and in furnace tubing. Wet H2S will also cause cracks in steel. When
processing high-nitrogen crudes, nitrogen oxides, which are corrosive to steel when cooled to low
temperatures in the presence of water, form in the flue gases of furnaces.
Chemicals are used to control corrosion by hydrochloric acid produced in distillation units. Ammonia
may be injected into the overhead stream prior to initial condensation, and/or an alkaline solution
may be carefully injected into the hot crude oil feed. If sufficient wash water is not injected, deposits
of ammonium chloride can form, causing serious corrosion.
Atmospheric and vacuum distillation are closed processes, and exposures are minimal. When sour
(high sulphur) crudes are processed, there may be potential exposure to hydrogen sulphide in the
preheat exchanger and furnace, tower flash zone and overhead system, vacuum furnace and tower,
and bottoms exchanger. Crude oils and distillation products all contain high-boiling aromatic
compounds, including carcinogenic PAHs. Short-term exposure to high concentrations of naphtha
vapour can result in headaches, nausea and dizziness, and long-term exposure can result in loss of
consciousness. Benzene is present in aromatic naphthas, and exposure must be limited. The
dehexanizer overhead may contain large amounts of normal hexane, which can affect the nervous
system. Hydrogen chloride may be present in the preheat exchanger, tower top zones and
overheads. Waste water may contain water-soluble sulphides in high concentrations and other
water-soluble compounds, such as ammonia, chlorides, phenol and mercaptan, depending upon the
crude feedstock and the treatment chemicals.
Conversion processes, such as cracking, combining and rearranging, change the size and structure
of hydrocarbon molecules in order to convert fractions into more desirable products. (See table 3.)
Fractionation processes
Conversion processes—Decomposition
Conversion processes—Unification
Conversion processes—Alteration/rearrangement
Treatment processes
Desalting (pre- Dehydratio Absorption Remove Crude oil Desalted crude oil
treatment) n contamin
A number of hydrocarbon molecules not normally found in crude oil but important to the refining
process are created as a result of conversion. Olefins (alkenes, di-olefins and alkynes) are
unsaturated chain- or ring-type hydrocarbon molecules with at least one double bond. They are
usually formed by thermal and catalytic cracking and rarely occur naturally in unprocessed crude oil.
Alkenes are straight-chain molecules with the formula CnHn containing at least one double bond
(unsaturated) linkage in the chain. The simplest alkene molecule is the mono-olefin ethylene, with
two carbon atoms, joined by a double bond, and four hydrogen atoms. Di-olefins (containing two
double bonds), such as 1,2-butadiene and 1,3-butadiene, and alkynes (containing a triple bond),
such as acetylene, occur in C5 and lighter fractions from cracking. Olefins are more reactive than
paraffins or naphthenes, and readily combine with other elements such as hydrogen, chlorine and
Cracking processes
Following distillation, subsequent refinery processes are used to alter the molecular structures of the
fractions to create more desirable products. One of these processes, cracking, breaks (or cracks)
heavier, higher-boiling-point petroleum fractions into more valuable products such as gaseous
hydrocarbons, gasoline blending stocks, gas oil and fuel oil. During the process, some of the
molecules combine (polymerize) to form larger molecules. The basic types of cracking are thermal
cracking, catalytic cracking and hydro-cracking.
Thermal cracking processes, developed in 1913, heat distillate fuels and heavy oils under pressure
in large drums until they crack (divide) into smaller molecules with better anti-knock characteristics.
This early method, which produced large amounts of solid, unwanted coke, has evolved into modern
thermal cracking processes including visbreaking, steam cracking and coking.
Visbreaking is a mild form of thermal cracking which reduces the pour point of waxy residues and
significantly lowers the viscosity of feedstock without affecting its boiling-point range. Residual from
the atmospheric distillation tower is mildly cracked in a heater at atmospheric pressure. It is then
quenched with cool gas oil to control overcracking, and flashed in a distillation tower. The thermally
cracked residue tar, which accumulates in the bottom of the fractionation tower, is vacuum flashed in
a stripper and the distillate is recycled. (See figure 7.)
Steam cracking
Steam cracking produces olefins by thermally cracking large hydrocarbon molecule feedstocks at
pressures slightly above atmospheric and at very high temperatures. Residual from steam cracking
is blended into heavy fuels. Naphtha produced from steam cracking usually contains benzene, which
is extracted prior to hydrotreating.
Coking is a severe form of thermal cracking used to obtain straight-run gasoline (coker naphtha) and
various middle distillate fractions used as catalytic cracking feedstocks. This process so completely
reduces hydrogen from the hydrocarbon molecule, that the residue is a form of almost pure carbon
called coke. The two most common coking processes are delayed coking and continuous (contact or
fluid) coking, which, depending upon the reaction mechanism, time, temperature and the crude
feedstock, produce three types of coke—sponge, honeycomb and needle coke. (See figure 8.)
In coking, temperature control should be held within a close range, as high temperatures will
produce coke which is too hard to cut out of the drum. Conversely, temperatures which are too low
will result in a high asphaltic content slurry. Should coking temperatures get out of control, an
exothermic reaction could occur.
In thermal cracking when sour crudes are processed, corrosion can occur where metal temperatures
are between 232 °C and 482 °C. It appears that coke forms a protective layer on the metal above
482 °C. However, hydrogen sulphide corrosion occurs when temperatures are not properly
controlled above 482 °C. The lower part of the tower, high temperature exchangers, furnace and
soaking drums are subject to corrosion. Continuous thermal changes cause coke drum shells to
bulge and crack.
Water or steam injection is used to prevent buildup of coke in delayed coker furnace tubes. Water
must be completely drained from the coker, so as not to cause an explosion upon recharging with
hot coke. In emergencies, alternate means of egress from the working platform on top of coke drums
is needed.
Burns may occur when handling hot coke, from steam in the event of a steam line leak, or from hot
water, hot coke or hot slurry which may be expelled when opening cokers. The potential exists for
exposure to aromatic naphthas containing benzene, hydrogen sulphide and carbon monoxide gases,
and to trace amounts of carcinogenic PAHs associated with coking operations. Waste sour water
may be highly alkaline, and contain oil, sulphides, ammonia and phenol. When coke is moved as a
slurry, oxygen depletion may occur within confined spaces such as storage silos, because wet
carbon adsorbs oxygen.
Catalytic cracking breaks up complex hydrocarbons into simpler molecules in order to increase the
quality and quantity of lighter, more desirable products and decrease the amount of residuals. Heavy
hydrocarbons are exposed at high temperature and low pressure to catalysts which promote
chemical reactions. This process rearranges the molecular structure, converting heavy hydrocarbon
feedstocks into lighter fractions such as kerosene, gasoline, LPG, heating oil and petrochemical
feedstocks (see figure 9 and figure 10). Selection of a catalyst depends upon a combination of the
greatest possible reactivity and the best resistance to attrition. The catalysts used in refinery
cracking units are typically solid materials (zeolite, aluminium hydrosilicate, treated bentonite clay,
Fuller’s earth, bauxite and silica-alumina) which are in the form of powders, beads, pellets or shaped
materials called extrudites.
Fluid-bed catalytic crackers have a catalyst section (riser, reactor and regenerator) and a
fractionating section, both operating together as an integrated processing unit. The FCC uses finely
powdered catalyst, suspended in oil vapour or gas, which acts as a fluid. Cracking takes place in the
feed pipe (riser) in which the mixture of catalyst and hydrocarbons flow through the reactor.
The FCC process mixes a preheated hydrocarbon charge with hot, regenerated catalyst as it enters
the riser leading to the reactor. The charge combines with recycle oil within the riser, is vaporized
and is raised to reactor temperature by the hot catalyst. As the mixture travels up the reactor, the
charge is cracked at low pressure. This cracking continues until the oil vapours are separated from
the catalyst in the reactor cyclones. The resultant product stream enters a column where it is
separated into fractions, with some of the heavy oil directed back into the riser as recycle oil.
Spent catalyst is regenerated to remove coke which collects on the catalyst during the process.
Spent catalyst flows through the catalyst stripper to the regenerator where it mixes with preheated
air, burning off most of the coke deposits. Fresh catalyst is added and worn-out catalyst removed to
optimize the cracking process.
Moving-bed catalytic cracking is similar to fluid catalytic cracking; however, the catalyst is in the form
of pellets instead of fine powder. The pellets move continuously by conveyor or pneumatic lift tubes
to a storage hopper at the top of the unit, and then flow downward by gravity through the reactor to a
regenerator. The regenerator and hopper are isolated from the reactor by steam seals. The cracked
product is separated into recycle gas, oil, clarified oil, distillate, naphtha and wet gas.
In thermofor catalytic cracking, the preheated feedstock flows by gravity through the catalytic reactor
bed. Vapours are separated from the catalyst and sent to a fractionating tower. The spent catalyst is
regenerated, cooled and recycled, and the flue gas from regeneration is sent to a carbon monoxide
boiler for heat recovery.
Regular sampling and testing of feedstock, product and recycle streams should be performed to
assure that the cracking process is working as intended and that no contaminants have entered the
process stream. Corrosives or deposits in feedstock can foul gas compressors. When processing
sour crude, corrosion may be expected where temperatures are below
482 °C. Corrosion takes place where both liquid and vapour phases exist and at areas subject to
local cooling, such as nozzles and platform supports. When processing high-nitrogen feedstocks,
exposure to ammonia and cyanide may subject carbon steel equipment in the FCC overhead system
to corrosion, cracking or hydrogen blistering, which can be minimized by water wash or by corrosion
inhibitors. Water wash may be used to protect overhead condensers in the main column subjected to
fouling from ammonium hydrosulphide.
Critical equipment, including pumps, compressors, furnaces and heat exchangers should be
inspected. Inspections should include checking for leaks due to erosion or other malfunctions such
as catalyst buildup on the expanders, coking in the overhead feeder lines from feedstock residues,
and other unusual operating conditions.
Liquid hydrocarbons in the catalyst or entering the heated combustion air stream can cause
exothermic reactions. In some processes, caution must be taken to assure that explosive
concentrations of catalyst dust are not present during recharge or disposal. When unloading coked
catalyst, the possibility of iron sulphide fires exists. Iron sulphide will ignite spontaneously when
exposed to air, and therefore needs to be wetted down with water to prevent it from becoming a
source of ignition for vapours. Coked catalyst may either be cooled to below 49 °C before dumping
from the reactor, or first dumped into containers purged with inert nitrogen and then cooled before
further handling.
The possibility of exposure to extremely hot hydrocarbon liquids or vapours is present during
process sampling or if a leak or release occurs. In addition, exposure to carcinogenic PAHs,
aromatic naphtha containing benzene, sour gas (fuel gas from processes such as catalytic cracking
and hydrotreating, which contains hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide), hydrogen sulphide and/or
carbon monoxide gas may occur during a release of product or vapour. Inadvertent formation of
highly toxic nickel carbonyl may occur in cracking processes that use nickel catalysts with resultant
potential for hazardous exposures.
Catalyst regeneration involves steam stripping and decoking, which results in potential exposure to
fluid waste streams which may contain varying amounts of sour water, hydrocarbon, phenol,
ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptan and other materials, depending upon the feedstocks,
crudes and processes. Safe work practices and the use of appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) are needed when handling spent catalyst, recharging catalyst, or if leaks or
releases occur.
Hydrocracking process
In the first stage, feedstock is mixed with recycled hydrogen, heated and sent to the primary reactor,
where a large amount of the feedstock is converted to middle distillates. Sulphur and nitrogen
compounds are converted by a catalyst in the primary stage reactor to hydrogen sulphide and
ammonia. The residual is heated and sent to a high-pressure separator, where hydrogen-rich gases
are removed and recycled. The remaining hydrocarbons are stripped or purified to remove the
hydrogen sulphide, ammonia and light gases, which are collected in an accumulator, where gasoline
is separated from sour gas.
The stripped liquid hydrocarbons from the primary reactor are mixed with hydrogen and sent to the
second-stage reactor, where they are cracked into high-quality gasoline, jet fuel and distillate
blending stocks. These products go through a series of high- and low-pressure separators to remove
gases, which are recycled. The liquid hydrocarbons are stabilized, split and stripped, with the light
naphtha products from the hydrocracker used to blend gasoline while the heavier naphthas are
recycled or sent to a catalytic reformer unit. (See figure 11.)
Inspection and testing of safety relief devices are important due to the very high pressures in this
process. Proper process control is needed to protect against plugging reactor beds. Because of the
operating temperatures and presence of hydrogen, the hydrogen sulphide content of the feedstock
must be strictly kept to a minimum in order to reduce the possibility of severe corrosion. Corrosion by
wet carbon dioxide in areas of condensation must also be considered. When processing high-
nitrogen feedstocks, the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide form ammonium hydrosulphide, which
causes serious corrosion at temperatures below the water dew point. Ammonium hydrosulphide is
also present in sour water stripping. Because the hydrocracker operates at very high pressures and
temperatures, control of both hydrocarbon leaks and hydrogen releases is important to prevent fires.
Because this is a closed process, exposures are minimal under normal operating conditions. There
is a potential for exposure to aliphatic naphtha containing benzene, carcinogenic PAHs, hydrocarbon
gas and vapour emissions, hydrogen-rich gas and hydrogen sulphide gas as a result of high-
pressure leaks. Large quantities of carbon monoxide may be released during catalyst regeneration
and changeover. Catalyst steam stripping and regeneration creates waste streams containing sour
water and ammonia. Safe work practices and appropriate personal protective equipment are needed
when handling spent catalyst. In some processes, care is needed to assure that explosive
concentrations of catalytic dust do not form during recharging. Unloading coked catalyst requires
special precautions to prevent iron sulphideinduced fires. The coked catalyst should either be cooled
to below 49 °C before dumping, or placed in nitrogen-inerted containers until cooled.
Combining processes
Two combining processes, polymerization and alkylation, are used to join together small hydrogen-
deficient molecules, called olefins, recovered from thermal and catalytic cracking, in order to create
more desirable gasoline blending stocks.
Polymerization is the process of combining two or more unsaturated organic molecules (olefins) to
form a single, heavier molecule with the same elements in the same proportion as the original
molecule. It converts gaseous olefins, such as ethylene, propylene and butylene converted by
thermal and fluid cracking units, into heavier, more complex, higher-octane molecules, including
naphtha and petrochemical feedstocks. The olefin feedstock is pretreated to remove sulphur
compounds and other undesirables, and then passed over a phosphorus catalyst, usually a solid
catalyst or liquid phosphoric acid, where an exothermic polymeric reaction occurs. This requires the
use of cooling water and the injection of cold feedstock into the reactor to control temperatures at
various pressures. Acid in the liquids is removed by caustic wash, the liquids are fractionated, and
the acid catalyst is recycled. The vapour is fractionated to remove butanes and neutralized to
remove traces of acid. (See figure 12.)
Severe corrosion, leading to equipment failure, will occur should water contact the phosphoric acid,
such as during water washing at shutdowns. Corrosion may also occur in piping manifolds, reboilers,
exchangers and other locations where acid may settle out. There is a potential for exposure to
caustic wash (sodium hydroxide), to phosphoric acid used in the process or washed out during
turnarounds, and to catalyst dust. The potential for an uncontrolled exothermic reaction exists should
loss of cooling water occur.
Alkylation combines the molecules of olefins produced from catalytic cracking with those of
isoparaffins in order to increase the volume and octane of gasoline blends. Olefins will react with
isoparaffins in the presence of a highly active catalyst, usually sulphuric acid or hydrofluoric acid (or
aluminium chloride) to create a long-branched-chain paraffinic molecule, called alkylate (iso-octane),
with exceptional anti-knock quality. The alkylate is then separated and fractionated. The relatively
low reaction temperatures of 10°C to 16°C for sulphuric acid, 27°C to 0°C for hydrofluoric acid (HF)
and 0°C for aluminium chloride, are controlled and maintained by refrigeration. (See figure 13.)
Sulphuric acid alkylation. In cascade-type sulphuric acid alkylation units, feedstocks, including
propylene, butylene, amylene and fresh isobutane, enter the reactor, where they contact the
sulphuric acid catalyst. The reactor is divided into zones, with olefins fed through distributors to each
zone, and the sulphuric acid and isobutanes flowing over baffles from zone to zone. Reaction heat is
removed by evaporation of isobutane. The isobutane gas is removed from the top of the reactor,
cooled and recycled, with a portion directed to the depropanizer tower. Residual from the reactor is
settled, and the sulphuric acid is removed from the bottom of the vessel and recirculated. Caustic
and/or water scrubbers are used to remove small amounts of acid from the process stream, which
then goes to a de-isobutanizer tower. The debutanizer isobutane overhead is recycled, and the
remaining hydrocarbons are separated in a rerun tower and/or sent to blending.
\ 1 Fundamentals of the Petroleum Refining Industry Presented by Michelle Dunbar Sr. Planning
Engineer Revision – Sept 2014 2 Agenda Part 1 • Petroleum Industry Segments • Refinery
Feedstocks • Refinery Products Part 2 • Refining Processes • Refineries Part 3 • Refinery
Profitability • People • Hydrocarbon production maps If we are successful…you will: • Gain
insight into the basics of the refining process • Understand how a refinery makes desired
products out of crude oil • Understand the factors that impact refinery profitability • Get ANY
question that you have answered 3 Petroleum Industry Segments Could include marine activity
as well 4 What a Refinery Does • “Left Side” Barrel does not provide market what it needs • A
refinery maximizes the conversion of crude oil into desirable products (transportation fuels) The
Refining Barrel 42 Gallons 4-6% Volume Expansion 5 World Wide Refining Approximately 650
Refineries in the world. HollyFrontier Refineries Largest Worldwide Refineries HFC Refinery
MBPD Capacity El Dorado, KS 135 Tulsa, OK 125 Navajo (NM) 100 Cheyenne, WY 52 Woods
Cross, UT 31 TOTAL 443 Source: Oil & Gas Journal 6 US Refining Overview • Number of U.S.
Refineries has decreased, but throughput per refinery is higher US Refineries vs. Crude
Throughput (EIA data 2012) 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 # Refineries 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Crude Throughput MMBPD
Crude Throughput # Refineries 7 Crude Oil Origin and Properties • Formed when dead sea
organisms (plankton and algae) are buried under sedimentary rock and are exposed to intense
heat and pressure • Key Properties – API Gravity - Heavy or Light (% of large HC molecules vs.
small) – Sulfur Content - Sour or Sweet (contains high sulfur or low) • Other Properties – Pour
Point deg F ( % straight chain / waxy vs. ring compounds) – Distillation Range - % fractions
boiled off at specified temperatures – Carbon Residue – solids after distillation, asphalt content –
TAN or Total Acid Number (corrosive acids present) – Contamination levels (sodium, metals,
chlorides) 8 Crude Oil Cost • High sulfur, heavy crude is lowest cost. Requires extremely
complex refinery to convert into high value products. • Low sulfur, light crude is highest cost.
Simple refining yields high value products. • Also a function of location of crude supply versus
refining centers. Refiners close to crude production enjoy advantage over refineries distant from
supply Heavy Light Sweet Sour Crude Value or Price 0.5% 1.5% Sulfur Content 2.0% 2.5% 10
20 30 40 API Gravity High Cost $$$$ Low Cost $ Function of Crude Quality and Location
Relative to Refinery 9 Refinery Crude Snapshot Dec 2012 – Delivered to Tulsa Refinery • WTI
– West Texas Intermediate – API 40.8 – 0.30% Sulfur – $88.25 / BBL • WTS – West Texas Sour
– API 32.1 – 1.9 % Sulfur – $81.41 / BBL • WCS – Western Canadian Select – API 20.3 – 3.4 %
Sulfur – $57.87 / BBL 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 API Gravity Sulfur % WTI
$88.25 WCS $57.87 WTS $81.41 $23.54 differential $6.84 differential Sour Sweet Heavy Light
These margins have a large impact on Refinery Crude Selection and can change drastically from
month to month 10 Hydrocarbon Chemistry • The chemistry of crude oil is hydrocarbon
chemistry • Understanding the molecule types and their properties is key to understanding the
refining process • Although it can be very complex, we will focus on the essential basics! 11
What are Hydrocarbons? • Molecules made of Hydrogen (H) and Carbon (C) atoms – Carbon
atoms have four valence electrons that can participate in the formation of chemical bonds –
Hydrogen has one electron that can participate – Think of each atom as having “hands” that
attach to each other (Carbon has 4, Hydrogen has 1) • Properties vary by the number of C and H
atoms and the way they hold hands! • As number of carbon atoms increases, the hydrocarbon
molecule… – Gets bigger and “heavier” – Is more viscous – Has a higher boiling point –
Becomes less volatile / less flammable • HC molecules can contain other elements, such as
Sulfur, Nitrogen, metals H C H # of Carbon Atoms Boiling Temperature 12 Hydrocarbon Names
• Hydrocarbon prefix names are assigned by longest chain of Carbon atoms Carbons Prefix
Examples 1 Meth Methane 2 Eth Ethane, Ehtylene 3 Prop Propane, Propylene 4 But Butane,
isobutane 5 Pent Pentane, cyclopentane 6 Hex Hexane, cyclohexane 7 Hept Normal hepatne 8
Oct Octane, isooctane 9 Non Nonane 10 Dec Decane 11 Undec Undecane 12 Dodec 2,2,4 tri-
methyl dodecane 13 Tridec Tridecalene 14 Tetradec Tetradecane 15 Pentadec Pantadecane
Names Commonly used in our industry 13 Contaminants • Non hydrocarbon atoms attached to
the HC molecules (organic), in solution, or as solids – Sulfur – Nitrogen – Oxygen – Metals
(iron, zinc, etc.) – Salts (Na, Mg, Ca) – Acids – Silt, Sediment • These contaminants cause
fouling of equipment, corrosion, catalyst poisoning, and unwanted emissions from produced
fuels • Non hydrocarbon molecules can also be contained in the HC mixture (inorganic or
elemental) • The refinery has processes to remove these contaminants Naphtenic acid N S H N S
C H C C C C C C C C C C H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 14 Refined
Products PRIMARY PRODUCTS • Gasoline – automobile, light truck, small engine fuel •
Diesel – automobile, heavy trucks, trains, heavy equipment • Jet Fuel– Commercial and military
aircraft SECONDARY PRODUCTS • Kerosene – Home heating, charcoal fluid • Liquified
Petroleum Gas (LPG) – Chemical feed, heating, commercial applications • Fuel Oil – Home
Heating, Ships, boilers, furnaces (1 through 6 Oil) • Asphalt – Roads, roofing material, sealants •
Carbon Black Oil – Carbon black manufacture, carbon composites, tires • Lubricating Oil –
Engine & machinery lubrication • Waxes – Candles, industrial sealants • Petroleum Coke – Coal
fired boilers, metals manufacture (anodes, fuel) • Sulfur – Chemical and fertilizer manufacture •
NaHS (sodium hydrosulfide) – paper, copper mining, leather industries (Holly emphasis) 15 200
100 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Gasoline 90-435 Kerosene 300-540 Diesel 350-680
LPG LIGHT GAS OI L HEAVY GAS OIL RESIDUUM Iinitital Boiling Point - Endpoint degF
Hydrocarbon Fractions 15 Refinery Products Boiling Points • Boiling point largely determines
the molecules destination • Overlap in boiling ranges provides flexibility in production
Distillation Curve Temperature 16 Product Specifications • Every refinery product has numerous
specifications that must be met • Specifications are determined by end user requirements,
regulatory agencies, and pipeline / terminal operators • Products are tested and certified by
Refinery Laboratories prior to shipment • Testing protocols are standardized for all products by
ASTM ( American Society for Testing and Materials) 17 Gasoline Specifications • Volatility
(Vapor Pressure, Distillation) – Easy start in cold weather, yet no vapor lock in warm weather,
minimize evaporative emissions – Higher boiling fractions do not burn as completely (ex. 380 F
90% point) • Combustion characteristics (octane rating) – Deliver adequate power without
engine knocking • Stability and Corrosiveness (copper strip corrosion, gum formation) – Does
not form harmful engine deposits, cause excessive wear, or contaminate or corrode the fuel
system • Automobile emissions reduction (Oxygenates, Sulfur, Benzene) – Oxygenates reduce
some emissions – Sulfur limited to reduce SO2 (