Ordinance No. 054 S 2017 PDF
Ordinance No. 054 S 2017 PDF
Ordinance No. 054 S 2017 PDF
Hon. Jose Rafael E. Diaz Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer
Hon. Roherto C. San Pedro Councilor
Hon. Jaime RomelM. Roxas Councilor
Hon. Cristeo B. Cruz Councilor
Hon. Joel P. Diaz Councilor
Hon. Ergr. Rogelio J. San Miguel Councilor
Hon, Leo S. Buenviaje Councilor
Hon. Anrin A. Mariano Councilor
Hon. Edilberto C. Angel President, Liga ng mga Barangay
Hon. liary Grace C. Diaz Councilor
WHEREAS: The protection and promotion of the health, and the right to a clean environment
of its constituency is the primary concem of the Municipality;
WHEREAS: lt is the policy of the Municipality to promote the preservation, protection, and
revival of the ecosystem through prevention, control, and abatement of air, water,
and land pollution and spread of hazardous wastes in the environment, in
harmonization with the sustained development of the Municipality;
WHEREAS: The Sangguniang Bayan, being the legislative body of the Municipality and as
mandated by the Local Government Code of 1991, has enacted and approved
ordinances, in addition to and in adoption of laws passed by the national
government to protect the environment and impose appropriate penalties for acts
which endanger the environment;
WHEREAS: There is a need tc update, integrate, and codify these environmental laws to
ensure that they are in consonance and in keeping with modem standards of
environmental laws, and provide a handy reference and guide for their
implementation and enforcement;
NOW THEREFORE' on motion of Councilor Roberto C. San Pedro duly seconded by Councilor
Cristeo B. Cruz and Councilor Rogelio J. San Miguel, BE IT ORDAIHED by the
Sangguniang Bayan of the Local Government of San Mateo in session assembled,
Ordinan ce N a. A il-$-241 7
An ardinance providing for the Environmenl
Code of San Mateo, Rizal.
August 15, 2417
Page 2 ot 54
General Provisions
SECTION 1. TITLE - This Code shall be known as the "Environment Code of San Mateo,
SECTIOH 3. OPERATIVE PRINCIPLES.This code is based on the vision, mission, goals, and
objectives of the Municipality to attain sustainable development based on the
following principles:
e. Climate Change is a reality and adaptation and mitigation to its impacts can be
addressed by intensifying preparedness through access, availability, and
provision of accurate information and skills to the people of the Municipality.
g. The State shall protect and promote the right to health of people and instill
SECTION 4. DEFINITIOI,I OF TERMS.As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall be
defined as:
5. Cease and De$ist Order - refers to the ex-pafte Order directing the
discontinuance of the operation resulting in the emission or discharge of
pollutants exceeding the emission standards or whenever such emission or
discharge constitutes imminent threat to human, animal, or plant life, public
health, or public safety. Non-compliance with an undertaking or agreement
submitted to the concerned Office shall likewise be a ground for issuance of a
7. Cetl - refers to a unit service area where solid wastes are generated in such
volume and bulk as would require special services to collect, transport, and
dispose properly and the volume of wastes generated is equivalent to one
truckload of solid wastes. Depending on the rnethod of waste collection,
Iocation, and proximity of waste generators and the nature of wastes
generated, a cell is classified either as a Main Road Cell, a Single/Multiple
Source Cell or a Barangay Cell.
10. Collection - refers to the ac't of removing solid wastes from source or from a
communal storage point to be transported properly to the designated disposal
12. Compost- decayed organic material for use as soil conditioner or fertilizer.
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17. Decibel refers to a measure of sound level and is equal to 10x the
logarithm of the square of a measured sound pressure level (SPL) divided
by a reference sound pressure.
19. Discharge - includes, but not limited to, the act of spilling, leaking, pumping,
pouring, emitting, emptying, releasing, or dumping of any material into a
body of water, or onto land, from which it might flow or drain into said body
of water.
20. Disposal refers to the discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking, or
placing of any solid waste into or in any land.
21. Domestic Sewage - refers to wastewater composed of raw liquid and solid
waste coming from residential and commercial uses, exclusive of industrial
and hazardous waste.
25. Dumping refers to any unauthorized or illegal disposal into any body of
water or land, of wastes or toxic or hazardous material. Provided,that it does
not mean the release of effluent coming from commercial, industrial, and
domestic sources which are within the effluent standards;
to. Effluent - refers to the discharges from known source which is passed into
a body of water or land, or wastewater flowing out of a manufacturing plant,
industrial plant including domestic, commercial, and recreationalfacilities.
28. Emission - refers to any measurable air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream,
or unwanted sound from a known source which is passed into the
29. Enforcer - refers to bona fide personnel duly authorized by the Head of the
concerned Office to implement this Code.
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Freshwater -
refers to water containing less than 500 ppm dissolved
common salt, sodium chloride, such as that in groundwater, river, pond, and
37. lndustrial waste refers to any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste material
with no commercial value released by a manufacturing or proce$sing plant
other than excluded material.
44. Mature Trees - refers to trees that has reached a size of seven (7) feet.
41. Motor Vehicle - refers to any vehicle propelled by a gasoline engine or by
any means other than human or animal power, constructed and operated
principally for the conveyance of persons or the transportation of goods in a
public highway or street open to public use.
42. Motor Vehicle Registraticn {MVR} - refers to the official recording of motor
vehicle by the Land Transportation office (LTo) subject to the conformanee
of the vehicle to the safety and emission standards provided under Section
21 of Republic Act No. 8749 or the Clean Air Act, including the pre-
evaluation of the documents/requirements pursuant to Section 5 of Republic
A rdin an ce N a. Oil-S.zAi 7
An ordinance providing far the Enviranrnent
Gode of San Mateo, Rizat.
August t5,2A17
Page 6 of 54
Act No. 4136 as amended, othewise known as the Land Transportation Code.
43. Municipal Waste - refers to waste produced from activities within local
government units which include a combination of domestic, commercial,
institutional, and industrialwastes and street litters.
44. Native Trees - refers to trees which are endemic andlor indigenous in the
47. Nuisance - refers to anything that injures health, endangers life, offends the
senses, or produces discomfort to the community.
48. Opacity -
refers to the amount of light obscured by particle pollution in the
50. Operator -
refers to a person or entity that manages a transport business
but not necessarily a vehicle owner.
51. OVR -refers to the Ordinance Violation Receipt issued to motor vehicles
violating the smoke emission standards set underthis Code.
52. Particulate Matter - refers to any material other than uncombined water
which exists in a finely divided form as a solid or liquid.
53. PoisonousfToxic Fumes - refers to any emission and fumes which do not
conform to internationally-accepted standards, including but not limited to,
World Health Organ ization (WHO)-g uideli ne values.
54. Pollutant -
refers to any substance, whether solid, liquid, gaseous, or
radioactive, which directly or indirectly:
a. alters the quality of any segment of the receiving body of water to affect
or tend to affect adversely any beneficial use thereof;
b. is hazardous or potentially hazardous to health;
Ordinance No. 0il-S-201 7
An ordinance providing for the Environment
Code ofSan ldateo, Rizal,
August 15, 2Al7
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56. Puhlic Places - refer to enclosed or confined areas of all hospitals, medical
clinics, schools, public transportation terminals and offices, and buildings
such as private and public offices, recreational places, shopping malls,
movie houses, hotels, restaurants, and the like where people generally
eome and go.
58. Recycling -refers to any process by which solid waste materials are
transformed into new products in such a manner that the original products
may lose their identity, and which may be used as raw material to produce
other goods or services.
59. Reuse - refers to the process of recovering materials intended for the same
or different purpose without the alteration of physical and chemical
62. $eptage- refers to the combination of scum, sludge, and liquid from
household septic tanks.
64. Sewage - refers to water-borne human or animal wa$tes, excluding oil or oil
wastes removed from residences, buildings, institutions, industrial, and
commercial establishments together with such groundwater, surface water,
and siorm water as maybe present including such waste from vessel,
offshore structures, other receptacles intended to receive or retain, wastes,
or other places, or the combination thereof.
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66. Sludge - refers to any solid, semi-solid, or liquid waste or residue generated
from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or water-
control pollution facility, or any other such waste having similar
characteristies and effects.
68. Solid Waste - refers to all refuse arising from human, animal and industrial
activities that are normally solid in nature and discarded or thrown away as
useless andlor unwanted. They are normally classified into degradable
(biodegradabtre) and non-degradable (recyclablelre-usable) and
characterized into diverse types, i.e. garbage, rubbish, junk vehicles and
appliances, industrial and special waste and generated from residential,
market, ccmmercial (malls, restaurants, hotels, etc.) street sweepings,
construction and demolition debris.
75. Water Body - refers to both natural and man-made bodies of fresh,
brackish, and saline waters, and includes, but not limited to, aquifers,
groundwater, springs, creeks, streams, rivers, ponds, Iagoons, water
reservoirs, lakes, bays, estuarine, coastal and marine waters. Water bodies
do not refer to those constructed, developed and used purposely as water
treatment facilities andlor water storage for recycling and reuse, which are
integralto the process industry or manufacturing.
O rdinance N o. 0 il-S-ZAI 7
An ordinance providing for the Erwironment
Code of San lllateo, Rizal.
Augusf t5,2A17
Fage 9 of 5zl
78. Yard Waste - refers to wood, small, or chipped branches, leaves, grass
clippings, garden debris, vegetable residue that is recognizable as part of a
plant or vegetable.
a. UUords and Phrases. Words and phrases shall be construed and understood
according to their common and approved usages. Words and phrases which
may require a technical, peculiar, and appropriate meaning under this Code
shall be construed and understood according to such technical, peculiar, or
appropriate meaning.
b. Gender and Number. Every word in the Code importing the rnasculine
gender shall extend and apply to both male and female. Every word importing
the singular number shall extend and apply to several persons or things as
well. Every word importing the plural number shall extend and apply to one
person orthing as well.
The Municipal Environmentaland Natural Resources Office
OF THE OFFICE The Office shall develop and directly
administer a Comprehensive Environmental Protection Prcgram, which shall
specifically cover a garbage collection systern and pollution control. lt shall:
e. Establish linkages and coordinate with proper offices of the Local Government
and other national and local government agencies for the promoiion of
environmental management programs and projects in $an Mateo, Rizal.
4. Establish and maintain a monitoring system that will ensure the proper
implementation of the garbage collection and disposal in the Municipality.
6. Take full responsibility in monitoring divisions of the Office with the end in
view of assessing and evaluating accomplishments relative to
programmed targets and outputs.
8. $hall be responsible for the collection and analysis of data and information
related to environmental management with the end in view of establishing
a data bank for San Mateo, Rizal.
14. Coordinate with the General Services Department for the allocation of
supplies on stock, janitorial, and mobility requirement functions of the
16. Coordinate with the Central Records Office regarding record retention and
disposal, routing, and messenger requirements and records preservation.
18. Coordinate with the Budget Office for the processing and approval of the
Office's budget.
a. The Head of the Office shall have the authority, duties, and responsibilities to
implement any or all part of the provision of this Code.
b. The Head of the Office shall have the power to delegate such authority,
duties, and responsibilities to any bona ftde employee or any authorized
representative of the Office; Provided,that the delegation of authority is
subject to issuance of Mission Order, Office Order, or similar order of
c. In the interest of public safety and health, the Head of the Office can issue a
Cease and Desist Order (CDO) for the pollution source as may be deemed
sEcTroN 5. AUTHORITY OF THE OFFICE PERSONNEL -Upon the authority of the Head of
Office, personnel of the Office conducting fieldwork such as, but not limited to,
Environmental Enforcers, Environment Police, lndustrial lnspectors, Project
Development Officers, Project Coordinators, and Monitcrs, shall administer
envirohmental functions in areas under their jurisdiction and assignment, and
enforce the provisions of this Code and the rules and regulations promulgated by
the Head of Office under this Code.
authorized representative of the Office shall, after properly announcing the
purpose of his visit through the presentation of the mission order, have the
authority to enter, inspect, investigate, verify, monitor, or take pictures at any time
during operating hours, any building or premises, or part thereof that may contain
noxious or foul odor, liquid andior chemical pollutants, solid waste and such other
pollutants, hazardous and ozone-depleting substances, or any other pollutants,
or noise pollutants coming from business establishments operating as videoke
and karaoke bars, disco houses, live bands and/ or similar establishment, and
other sources and/or potential sources of pollution or emission.
Ordinance No. 0il-S-2017
An ordinance providing for the Etwironment
Code of San Mateo, Nzal.
August rS, 2417
Page 13 cf 54
SECTION 1. UHAUTHORIZED CUTTING OF TREES -lt shall be unlawful to cut or uproot
matured trees along roads, highways, parks, riverways, and other deelared public
and private places. Removal of trees can be done through earth-balling or
cutting. When establishing infrastructure projects, removal of trees shall be
considered the last option. However, there are conditions when removal or
cutting of trees may be allowed based on the following;
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b. Any tree or other vegetation in public and private places unavoidably affected
by infrastructure projects, such as road widening, bridges, building
construction, government projects, such as road expansion and widening, are
on-going, or when such trees pose imminent danger to the public, and shall
be covered by a valid clearance from the MENRO, duly approved by the
Municipal Mayor.
Diameter Classes of
Required No. of Sapling
Replacements per Tree to be
Treels to be removed
Less than 3 cm, 1 0 pcs.
3-9 cm. 20 pcs.
10-19 cm. 30 pcs.
20-29 cm. 40 pcs.
30 cm. and above 50 pcs.
The following shall plant trees in accordance with the provisions of P.D g53;
a. Every person who owns land adjoining an existing river or creek, shall plant
trees extending at least five meters on his Iand adjoining the edge of the bank
of the river or creek.
b. Every owner of an existing subdivision shall plant trees in the open spaces
required to be reserved for the common use and enjoyment of the owners of
the lots therein as well as along the roads and service streets.
Only small trees shall be planted on road sides and front yards to avoid the
electrical wirings. Big trees and fruit-bearing trees shall be planted at bigger open
spaces or inner part of the residential properties to avoid untoward arcidents.
Ordinance No. 0il-5.2A17
An ordinance praviding for the Environment
Code ofSan Mateo, Rizal.
August 15,2A17
Page 15 of 54
SECTION 3. At the Barangay level, all Barangay Officials and school authorities including
officers and members of Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) in coordination
with MENRO shall be the prime movers in pursuing the objective of celebration
by implementing tree planting projects and giving instructions and guidance to
schoollchildren-participants, and infusing in their minds the significance and
importance of planting trees to one's environment.
SECTION 6. PENALTIES {a) Any person who violates Sections and hereof 1
(CuttinglBalling Trees) shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not less
than Two Thousand Pesos {Php2,000.00} and not more than Two Thousand Five
Hundred Pesos (Php2,500.00) confiscation of the cut trees, cutting equipment
and tools, or with imprisonment of not less than six (6) months nor more than one
(1) year or both, ai the discretion of the Court.
(b) Those found guilty under paragraph (a) of this section shall likewise be
required to grow a tree, ten times the number of trees cut in a place determined
(c) Any person, contractors and developers who violates Section 5 shall not
comply with any provision of this Ordinance shall be subjected to a fine of Two
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php2,500.00) and revocation of development
violates Section 7 of this Chapter shall, upon convic{ion, be punished with a fine
of not less than Two Thousand Pesos {Php2,000.00) and not more than Two
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos {Php2,500.00) confiscation of the prohibited
endangered and exotic species, or with imprisonment of not less than six (6)
months, or both, at the discretion of the Court.
Ordinance Nc. Ag-S-201 7
An ardinance providing for the Enviranment
Code of San Matea, Rizal.
August 15,2017
Page 16 of 54
Solid Waste Management
a. The owners or developers of the vacant and/or idle lots shall be primarily
responsible in maintaining its cleanliness.
b. The owners or developers of the vacant andlor idle lots shall be primarily
responsible in securing the lot from being a garbage dumping area.
c. lf the owners or developers of the vacant andlor idle lots failed to comply with
this provision, the Municipal Government shall undertake the necessary
Ardinance Na. 0il-S-2017
An ordinance providing far the Environment
Code ofSan Matea, Rizal.
August t5,2017
Page'17 of 54
d. The Municipal Government and the barangays, with the consent of the owners
or developers, may utilize the yacant and/or idle lots as area for the
implementation of environment-related projects or food securing programs for
the immediate community.
c. For residential units with five (5) or more lessees, the owner of the residential
unit is required to provide proper garbage storage area for domestic
biodegradable, non-biodegradable residual, and
d. Segregated garbage bins and storage area of the commercial and business
establishments, industries, and institutions, depending on its use, shall be
properly marked or identified for on-site collection.
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k. Wastes that are not properly packed and tied shall not be collected.
m. Scavenging is prohibited.
c. Tree cuttings shall be cut into less than one (1) meter in length and bundled
into convenient weight while grass cuttings and other yard wastes shall be
put into sacks for easy handling and collection.
f. Busted fluorescent lamps and spent batteries from the households shall be
brought to the Barangay Materials Recovery Facility for temporary storage
until collection by the Municipal Government.
g. Collection of busted fluorescent lamps, spent batteries, and other toxic and
hazardous wastes frorn commercial and business e$tablishments, industries,
and institutions is not the responsibility of the Municipal Government.
I. The Municipal Government shall conduct at least two (2) recyclables trading
activities per year as support to this provision.
1. l't
Offenss -One Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00)
2. znd Offense - Two Thousand Pesos (Php2,000.00)
3. 3"' Offense - Two Thousand Five Hundied Pesos (Php2,500.00)
a. For existing subdivisions in San Mateo, Rizal, all owners and/or developers
are mandated to provide a sufficient space for the establishment of Materials
Recovery Facility (MRF) to store recyclables and process compostable
materials of the homeowners.
c. The Office shall provide technical assistance in the operations of the MRF.
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e. The Municipal Government thru the Engineering Depadment and other
concerned Departments, shall ensure that the establishment of MRF is
incorporated in the subdivision lay-out plan prior to approval.
a. All drivers and operators are mandated to provide a garbage receptacle for
biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes, placed eonspicuously inside
their vehicles for the proper disposal of garbage of their pa$sengers.
b. The receptacle shall be properly labeled with "Dito ltapon ang Basurang
Nabubulok," "Dito ltapon ang Basurang Di-Nabubulok".
a. lt shall be unlawfulfor any person to litter or illegally dump solid wastes in any
public or private place, including vacant lots and waterways pursuant to
Ordinance No. 2014-014.
b. Any area in San Mateo, Rizal, whether public or private place, that has stored
more than 4 cubic meters of mixed waste is prohibited.
lllegal Dumping
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PRIVATE PLACES -No person shall engage in open burning of trash, garbage,
dried leaves, twigs, branches, grass, and solid waste or any refuse within the
territorialjurisdiction of San Mateo, Rizal.
I't Offense - Five Hundred Pesos (Php500.00) or community service for one
(1) day.
I"t Offense -Five Hundred Pesos (Php500.00) or community service for one
(1) day.
2'd Offense -One Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Phpl,500.00i or
community service for three (3) days.
3'd Offense -Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php2,500.00) or
community sen/ice for five (5) days
SECTION {T. JUNKSHOP ltllORATORlUM.At the end af Zlfi alljunkshop within the territorial
jurisdiction of San Mateo, Rizal shall be closed pursuant to Ordinance 2014-026.
c. To ensure the recovery of ptastic bags from the waste stream, consumers
who will not bring with them "reusable bags" andior redeem "used plastic
bags" for a new plastic bag, shall be charged with a "plastic recovery system
fee". Said fee shall be indicated in the customer's transaction receipt as a
reminder that they can save money if they use reusable bags and/or if they
bring used plastic bags in exchange for a new plastic bag.
Ordinance No. 0il-S-2017
An ordinance providing for the Environment
Code ofSan Mateo, Rizal.
August 15, 2417
d. Stall ownersilessees in wet and dry markets will not be allowed to directty
distribute plastic carryout bags with handles, holes or string usually made
from HDPE, LDPE/LLDPE, and PP plastic materials.
e. Plastic bags with no handles, holes, or strings commonly used for wrapping
unpacked fresh foods and cooked foods at supermad<ets, wet and dry
markets, restaurants, canteen$, and the like shall not be included under the
scheme as the usage of such plastic bag is justified on the grounds of public
g. The Plastic Recovery System Fee shall be earmarked for a "green fund" that
shall be maintained by the stores to fund other initiatives that would benefit
the environment. These initiatives must be implemented within the jurisdiction
of San Mateo, Rizalonly.
2. "Take-out Bag" * reusable bag to be used for carrying food and drinks for
two or more persons, applicable for fast food chains.
3. -
"Agora Bag" reusable bag to be used in carrying goods from wet and
dry markets such as meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and other goods. The
market management may assign an area within the market where this
bag can be purchased.
4. "Medicine Bag" -
reusable bag or medicine kit appropriate to carry smatl
quantity of medicines suchas tablets and capsules, botiled
syrupslsuspensions, and the like. Applicable for drugstores and
lncentives for using "Reusable Bags" andlor the Redemption of Used plastic
Bags - To mainstream the use of reusable bags as well as encourage the
redemption of used plastic bags, stores are hereby instructed to formulate
appropriate incentives to consumers, which may include, but not limited to the
1. .Point
System Scheme" - For those stores implementing the point system
scheme to their regular customers, additional points may be given to
those who are using "reusable shopping bag" and/or redeeming "r.rsed
plastic bags'.
2. "Green Lane" - All stores shall provide special counters or express lanes
to be called a$ "green lane" to cater to customers using reusable bags
trf#;::#? :,tr:;;l'{o, *. E nv ir on m e nt
Code ofSan Mateo, Rizal.
ffi#tr* -
and/or those redeeming used plastic bags to encourage greater number
2. -
Recyclables Trading Activity at Establishments The stores may also
bring their accumulated used plastic bags to the waste markets provided
by the Office.
a. The use of plastic bags and polystyrene materials, commonly known as styro,
in all Municipality-owned facilities is prohibited.
b. Concessionaires and vendors are prohibited to utilize, offer and/or sell plastic
bags and styro as primary and secondary packaging materialfor dry goods.
c. Concessionaires and vendors selling wet goods can use plastic bags as
primary packaging only for hygienic purposes.
d. Concessionaires and vendors are prohibited to utilize plastic bags and styro
as packaging container for food and drinks whether as primary or secondary
f. Serving of food and drinks by any employee utilizing plastic bags andlor styro
during meetings, conferences, orientations, seminars, and other ac;tivities is
proh ibited in all M u nici pality-owned faci lities.
Air Pollution
SECTION 1. THE PHILIPPIHE CLEAN AIR ACT - Republic Ac-t No. 8749 otherwise known
as the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 aims at providing for a comprehensive air
pollution control policy in the country.
SECTION 2. APPLICABILITY - This Chapter shall be applicable within the entire territory and
jurisdiction of San Mateo, Rizal and shall be implemented by the of the Pollution
Control Division cf the Office (Titles 1, 2 and 3) and the Municipal Health
Department {Title 4).
certificate of conformity to standards set by the EMB-DENR. The program shall
include training on the correct use, maintenance and calibration of smoke-testing
equipment. No individual shall be deputized without satisfactorily completing the
implement the emission standards for motor vehicles pursuant to and as provided
in RA 8749. All in-use motor vehicles registered for the first time on dates
indicated below shall comply with the emission standards as stated in the latest
issuance of the DENR
co HC
Vehicle Registration {% by (ppm as
volumel hexane)
Registered for the flrst time
0.5 254
after Decernber 31 ,2AO7
Registered forthe flrst time
on or after January 1, 2003 3.5 600
but before January 1, 2008
Registered for the first time
on or before December 31, 4.5 800
c. Should there be new emission standard for motor vehicles set by the National
Government, that new standard shall be observed.
Emission Standards
Vehicle Registration Carbon Hydro- White
Monoxide Carbon Smoke
t% bv volumel {ppm} {% opacitv}
Registered for the first
time prior to January 1, 6.0 6,500 30
Parameter Reference
Hydrocarbon At idle per Annex C of DENR
and Carbon Administrative Order 2000-8 1
Opacity at % maximum RPM or
based on manufacturefs manual.
White Srnoke
Test procedure based on free
vehicles (PUVs) such as, but not limited to, public utility buses (PUBs), public
utility jeepneys (PUJs), UV Express SeMce and taxi cabs that are occupying or
utilizing garages and terminals within the territorialjurisdiction of the Municipality
and operated by organized transport groups or private companies are required to
submit a copy of their current and valid motor vehicle smoke density test results
or CEC from D0TC-authorized and DTl-accredited PETC or LTO-Motor Vehicle
lnspection Station (LTO-MVIS) as a pre-requisite in the issuance of an
Environmental Clearance from the Office for the garage or terminals being
b. Vehicle Preparation
2" With the accelerator in the rest position, make sure that the idling speed or
the engine rpm conforms with the vehicle manufacrtureCs recommendation;
All accessories like rear window heating, air-conditioning system, air fan,
and other equipment necessary for the vehicle operation at idle should be
4. Check that the temperature of the engine is at least 70"C; otherwise run the
vehicle for at least 15 minutes on a normal road before testing;
( Ensure that the vehicle exhaust system of the engine is reasonably leak-
proof and will allow the insertion of the sampling probe by at least 30 cm.
from the tailpipe outlet. lf this is not possible due to tailpipe configuration,
use the appropriate correction factor.
2. While the engine idles, insert the sampling probe into the exhaust pipe as
deeply as possible which shall not be less than 30 cm. Wait for twenty
(20) seconds and take the CO/HC reading;
3. lf the vehicle has multiple exhaust outlets, the arithmetic average of the
CO/HC readings in each exhaust outlet is taken as the result.
1. . Prepare, use, and maintain the analyzer following the directions given in
the instrument manufacturef s operation manual and service the
instrument at such intervals as to ensure accuracy.
2. Carry out a span and zero calibration within a period of four (4) hours
before the instrument is moved or transferred to a new lacation. The
calibration shall be performed well away from the exhaust of motor
vehicles whose engines are running.
4. lf the sample handling system is not integral with the analyzer, make
certain that the effectiveness of the gas sampling system is leak-proof.
A rdinan ce N a. {} il-S-ZAl 7
Ap ordinance providing for the Enviranment
Code of San fillateo, Rizal.
August 15, 2417
';':::':.. ,nu*ffihrx
Check that filters are clean, that filter holders are fitted with their gaskets
and that these are all in good condition.
5. Ensure that the sample handling line probe is free from contaminants.
1. The test shall be carried out on a stationary vehicle and the engine shall be
first brought to normal operating conditions during a road run or dynamic
test. Cooling water and oil should be at normaltemperature.
2. The combustion chamber should not have been cooled or fouled due to
prolonged period of idling preceding the test.
3. The exhaust system shall not have any orifice or leaks wherein gases
emitted by the engine might be diluted.
b. Test Equipment
The light-absorption coefficient of the exhaust gases shall be measured with a
Smoke Opacity Meter {Opacimeter) satisfying the conditions laid down in ECE
Regulation No. 24, Revision 2HECEITRANS 505. Rev Add 23 Rev 2, Annex
8: Characteristics of the Opacimeter.
2. Set the vehicle gear-change control in the neutral position and the hand-
brake effectively engaged ;
4. Accelerate the engine two {2) to three {3} times prior to smoke sampling to
remove deposits of soot and other carbon particles in the tail pipe.
5. lnsert the opacimetefs probe tip in the tail pipe of the apprehended
6. With the engine idling, depress the accelerator quickly, but jolt violently to
obtain maximum delivery from the injection pump. Maintain this position
until maximum engine speed is reached for about two (2) to four (4)
seconds and the governor comes into action. As soon as this speed is
reached, release the accelerator until the engine resumes its idling speed.
Record the maximum reading of the smoke meter;
7. The operation described in paragraph 6 shall be repeated not less than six
(6) times to clearthe exhaust system and to allow for any necessary
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8. For motor vehicles designed with $everal exhaust outlets that are
individually connected from paired exhaust ports, the free acceleration test
shall be carried out on each outlet. ln this case, the values used for
calculating the correction to the absorption coefficient shall be arithmetical
mean values recorded at each outlet and the test shall be valid only if the
extreme values do not differ by more than 0.15 m-{.For more vehicles
designed with several exhaust outlets connected from one (1) exhaust
pipe coming from the engine's exhaust manifold collector, the free
acceleration test shall be carried out only on one exhaust outlet, the other
outlets effectively blocked to prevent leaks.
9. Seal the full load screw of the injection pump/delivery system of the motor
vehicle after a passtest to prevent tampering.
b. The apprehending officer shall approach the flagged down vehicle and
inform the driver that the vehicle is being stopped because it is visually
emitting smoke and therefore, must be tested for smoke opacity sampling as
specified under this Code. Helshe shall request from the driver to present
his driveCs license and a photocopy of the vehicle's ORICR issued by the
LTO to check if the description of these documents matches the vehicle;
e. After the test procedure, the depressor shall signal the prober to remove
the opacimetefs probe tip from the tail pipe and alight from the vehicle;
panifng fx
An xdinance fre &wiraratlent
Codec'fSan #ate*,Rizal.
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f. The machine operator shall print the computerized result of the smoke
emission test generated from the opacimeter, submit it to the apprehending
officer and inform the latter whether the vehicle passed or failed the smoke
emission standard.
g. If the computerized print-out result shows that the vehicle passed the smoke
emission standard, the apprehending officer shall return all the vehicle's
documents and drivefs license he requested earlier before releasing the
h. On the other hand, if the computerized print-out result shows that the vehicle
failed, this print-out shall serve as prima facie evidence of violation of the
smoke emission standards and the apprehending officer shall issue an
TVR indicating the results of the test and shall also confiscate the driver's
license. Confiscated drivefs license will be fonrarded to the AAPS
Redemption Area located at the office of the Departrnent for safekeeping.
The validity of the driver's TVR should be seven (7) days only pending the
fulfillment of the undertaking by the driverlownerloperator of the motor
vehicle to make the necessary repairs to comply with the emission
k. Once the vehicle meets the standards, the authorized and accredited
emission testing center shall issue an original CEC to the
driver/owner/operator of the vehicle to redeem the confiscated license at the
AAPS Redemption Area. The CEC will have no validity period, its sole
purpose is to secure the release of the confiscated license which was a
consequence of that specific violation.
b. Payment of the fine indicated in the order of payment shall be paid at the
Municipal Treasurer's Office Payment Counters. Once payment has been
made, he/she shall return to the AAP$ Redemption Area to present the
original Official Receipt and submit a photocopy of this receipt to the AAPS
Redemption Officer.
c. The driver, operator, owner, or any of hislher representative, must also submit
a photocopy of the CEC heishe presented earlier to the AAPS Redemption
Officer to facilitate the release of the confiscated item or driver's license.
d. Failure of the drive#operator to comply and pay the corresponding fines and
penalties within the prescribed period shall compel the Office to initiate
necessary action by fonuarding the name/s of the violator/s to the Municipal
Legal Department forthe appropriate legal action.
Ordlnance No. 0U-S-2A17
An ordinance providing for the Environment
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w:.::.*-* . x.-"Dx
e. ln the event the driver of the apprehended vehicle contests the apprehension
and/or result of the emission standards, he may appeal the same to the
Municipal Legal Department where he will be given the opportunity to be
heard and present his evidence.
MOTOR VEHICLES - Vehicle found to have exceeded the emission standards
for motor vehicles shall suffer the following penalties:
Fines for violation of Emission Limits for Public Utility Vehicles and Private
ln case three (3) offenses were committed within a year, the AAPS of the Office
shall endorse the case to LTO for the suspension of the Motor Vehicle
Registration (MVR) for a period of one (1) year.
establishments with air pollution source installation are required to put up air
pollution control deviceslfacilities such as, but not limited to, chimney stacks,
water scrubbers, water curtain, dust collectors, filters, painting booth, etc. As
such, concerned business establishments shall cornply with pertinent National
Permits (e.9. PO-APSI) as wellas Local Permits (e.9. Environmental Clearance).
2. Second Offense -
Two Thousand Pesos {Php2,000.00i and issuance of
Cease and Desist Order (CDO) for the pollution source
?:v:a**.- b*Ewx
For the first offense, a period of compliance of not more than six (6) months shall
be given to the establishment to institute correc,tive measure afier which, the
concerned establishment shall be charged of second offense and third offense,
respectively for continuous violation.
SECTION 15. Area Sources operating without the required National Permits from concerned
National Government Agencies shall be issr.red with a Notice of Violation (NOV)
and a fine of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php2,500.00). Thereafter, the
case shall be endorsed to the local and national agencies concerned for
appropriate action.
SECTION 16. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF DEVELOPI,IENT - ln view of the fact that there
is an ever-growing development process in San Mateo, Rizal, its impact on the
environment is also increasing, that might lead to deterioration in environmental
Every owner/developer in San Mateo, Rizal, such as but not limited to, Shopping
Malls, Residential Subdivision, Commercial Subdivision, Residential
Townhouses, is hereby required to submit to the Municipal Planning and
Development Ofiice, a copy or copies, as required, of the Environmental lmpact
Assessment Study, duly approved and certified by the DENR, as one (1) of the
requirements for the issuance of a Locational Clearance.
SEGTION 17. Prohibited Acts - The following acts are declared unlawful and prohibited by
this Ordinance:
Ordering, instructing or cornpelling a minor to use, light up, buy, sell,
distribute, advertise or promote tcbacco products,
k. Selling or distributing of sweets, snacks, toys or any other objects in the form
of tobacco products which may appeal to minors;
Section 18. Designated Smoking Area - All DSA shall strictly comply with the following
1. There shall be no opening that will allow air to escape from the
Designated Smoking area to the smoke free area of the building or
conveyance, except for a single door equipped with an automatic door
closer provided that the DS is not located in an open spaee such door
shall open directly towards a Non-Smoking Buffer Zone .
2. The DSA shall not be located in or within then (10) meters from
entrances, exits or any place where people pass or congregate, or in front
of airtake ducts;
3. The combined area of the DSA and the Buffer Zone shall not be larger
than 20% of the total area of the building or conveyance, provided that in
no case shall such area be less than (10) square meters
5. The ventilation system for the DSA other than in an open $pace and for
the buffer zone shall be independent of all ventilation systems servicing
the rest of the building or conveyance;
6. Minors shall not be allowed inside the DSA and the BufferZone;
7. The DSA shall have the following signages highly visible and prominently
a. Prominently post and display the "No Smoking" signage, in the locations most
visible to the public in the areas where smoking is prohibited. At the very
Ieast, the "No Smoking" signage must be posted at the entrance to the area,
which shall be make at least I x 11 inches in size, where the symbol/s shall
occupy no less than 60% of the signage. The remaining 40olo of the signage
shall show the following information:
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An ordinance providing for the Erwiranment
Code of San Matea, Rizal,
August 15, 2017
Rgmove from the places where smoking is prohibited all ashtrays and any
other receptacles for disposing of cigarette refuse;
product $elling, advertising andlor promotion located within 100 meters from
its perimeter;
5. Ensure that all the employees in the establishment are aware of this
ordinance and the procedure and measures for implementing and
enforcing it;
6. Allow inspectors which may include other members of the Task Force or
the designated civil society organization, entry into the establishment or
public conveyance during regular business hours for the purpose of
inspecting its compliance with this Ordinance;
7. For all signage required to be posted under (ai, (b), {e) and (h) above,
provide for versions of them in the local dialect or in English;
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Section 20. Persons Liable. - The following persons shall be liable under this Ordinance:
a. Any person or entity who commits any of the prohibited acts stated in Secfion
f 7 hereof;
lf the violator is a minor, the enforcer of this Ordinance shall report the
incident to the school principalldean exercising jurisdiction over the minor-
offender where he shall be required to comply with disciplinary measures
under the school where helshe is enrolled, and/or to the Municipal Social
Welfare and Development Office for appropriate action or interyention,
pursuant to Republic Act 9344. Should the school have no policy for offenses
committed by their pupils outside school premises or it the minor is an out-of-
school youth, the enforcer shall ensure that the minor is referred to the
Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, which may likewise
involve the parents or guardians and/or a Barangay Official where the minor
is a resident.
Section 21. Penalties. - The fotlowing penalties shall be imposed on violators of this
3v :Y.* ...
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$ECTION 22. Under no circumstances shall any mark, device, word or image associated with
any tobacco company or product be included in any of these signs and materials.
Non-smoking areas shall likewise have at least one (1) legible and visible sign
posted saying "NON-SMOKING AREA" or "NO SMOKING".
The penalties provided under Section 't2 of this Chapter shall likewise be applied
in case of violation of the immediately preceding paragraph.
SECTIOH 25. All establishments open to the public and all government offices must provide
adequate smoking areas which may duly designated and identified with sufficient
markings for publie information.
Water Pollution
SECTION 1. THE PHILIPPINE CLEAN WATER ACT - Republic Act No. 9275, othenruise
known as The Clean Water Aet of 2AA4, aims for a more efficient prevention,
control, and abatement of water pollution and effective management of the
country's water resou rces.
SECTIOH 2. PROHIBITED ACTS ON WATER POLLUTION * The following acts are hereby
The local property taxes, {real estate taxes} of the land and the building where
these rainwater collectors are constructed, established, operated and maintained
shall be adjusted accordingly by the Municipal assessor.
The municipal mayor is hereby authorized to implement rules and regulation from
time to time for smooth implementation of this section and further, to issue cease
and desist orders against any person, entity or corporation violating the same.
?r:::t:-* ..N@n-.---x
d. Oil and Water Separator - gasoline stations, machine shops, car wash, motor
pool, auto repairlsupply surplus shops, public transport terminalslgarage, and
other similar esiablishments.
znd Offense -
Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos {Php2,500.00) and
issuance of Cease and Desist Order (CDO) for the pollution source.
For the first offense, a period of compliance of not more than six (6) months shall
be given to the establishment to institute corrective measures, after which, the
concerned establishment shall be charged of second offense and third offense,
respectively for continuous violation. Thereafter, the case shall be endorsed to the
Iocal and national agencies concerned for appropriate action.
Effluent shall conform to effluent standard set by the DENR. A Discharge Permit
from concerned National Government Agencies shall also be secured.
operations are necessary and the polluter fails to immediately undertake the
same, the Office, in coordination with other government agencies concerned,
shall conduct containment, removal, and clean-up operations, Expenses incurred
in said operations shall be reimbursed by the persons found to have caused such
pollution upon proper administrative determination in accordance with this Code.
COVERAGE Towards this end, the Municipality shall abide by the following
Sewerage and Septage Management Principles pursuant to Ordinance No. 028-
b. Untreated excreta from residential areas without septic tanks and untreated
wastewater from industrial and public establishments shall not be discharged
to open drainage canals or piped drainage systems.
b. No business owner shall be issued new business permit unless heishe has
obtained the necessary clearances and permits such as dischargepermits
and environmental sanitation clearances as may be prescribed by existing
laws or as maybe required by the DENR, LLDA, and/or DOH and its
DOH accredited private entities complete with permits shall be allowed to provide
septage collection and transport services. Collected septage shall only be
disposed and treated in a DENR and/or DOH accredited disposal/treatment
facility with pertinent permits.
septic tanks shall be required to desludge it on an average of once every three (3)
to five (5) years or when the sludge volume is around one third (1/.) of the total
volume of the septic tank, whichever comes earlier.
Septic tanks shall be accessible always. Further, no structure shall be built on top
of any septic tank.
The inspection and opening of septic tanks shall only be done by the Municipal
Health Department, Barangay Officials, representative of the Department of
Building Official, MWSS or any of its Concessionaires.
Violation of this provision shall subject the owner and/or user of the septic tank to
the penalty as stipulated in Section 18.
SECTION 12. DESIGN OF SEPTIC TANKS - All septic tanks shall be designed to exclude
stormwateriflow from downspouts and such other requirements and
specifications as provided by national standards. The Municipal Building Official
is mandated to ensure that appropriate standard designs of septic tanks are
enforced in the evaluation and processing of plans, permits, and inspection
SECTION ,l3. REGULATION OF DESLUDGERS - Liquid and/or solid materials removed from
septic tanks shall be transported by a DENRIDOH accredited septage
haulerlpumper to the approved septage treatment facilities pursuant to the
regulations prescribed by the Department of Health (DOH). Unless otherwise
provided by law, no septage hauleripumper shall be allowed to collect, transport,
and unload or dispose of septage in other places, including bodies of water,
agriculturalfields, and the drainage system within the Municipality.
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An ordinance providing for the Environment
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SECTIOH 14. PERMITTING REQUIREIiENTS -All entities engaged in desludging activities are
required to secure Permit to Transport from the DENR, Environmental Sanitation
Clearance (ESC) from the DOH, Sanitary Permit from the Municipal Health
Department, Environmental Clearance from the Office, and other pertinent
permits as may be deemed necessary as part of the requirements for issuance of
annual business permit from $an Mateo, Rizal.
f. Sewer Line Connection - The DBO shall coordinate with the MWSS and its
concessionaires in the mandatory connection to existing sewer lines and to
impose penalty for any illegal connection/tapping.
h. lnformation and Education Campaign - The Office and the Municipal Health
Depadment shall implement an information and education campaign about the
proper wastewater and septage management to increase the level of
awareness and commitment of the public to address problems on water
pollution control, sewerage, and sanitation.
The DBO and Municipal Health Department shall oversee the MWSS or its
Concessionaires to ensure connection of the existing sewage line found in all
subdivisions, commercial centers, hotels, sports and recreational facilities,
hospitals, market places, public buildings, industrial complex, and other similar
establishments including households to available sewerage system. Provided,
that the said connection shall be subject to sewerage services chargelfees in
accordance with existing laws, rules, or regulations unless the sources had
already utilized their own sewerage system.
NUISANCE DEFINED As used in this Chapter, nuisance refers to any act,
CImission, establishment, business, condition of property, or any else which:
c. Foul odor emanating from residence$ or any business operation that adversely
affect health and sanitation.
e. Public or private places that shall be used and maintained as a disposal site of
refuse or any other noxious waste unless the site has been designated for such
purpose and with the approval of concerned National Agencies.
f. Siockades, cages or pens for fighting cocks, pigs and other animals raised and
intended for commercial purposes that shall be constructed, operated, and
maintained adjacent to any place of human habitation.
g. Livestock and dogs or pets, including birds under lhe control of the owner or
keeper which disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood by constant
barking or whining, or cause unnecessary noise, and that causes or emits foul
odor due to disease or uncleaned animalwaste.
j Growth of weeds, grasses, and bushes outside or within the premises of the
establishment, abandoned houses or in any public or private vacant lots that
shall become breeding grounds for snakes and other harmful insects or
k. Animalexcreta.
SECTION 3.IMPOUNDED STRAY DOGS.Stray dogs shall be caught and impounded at their
respective Barangay Animal Control Center by authorized dog trappers. The
rightful owner may claim the animal afier complying with all the requirements as
may be prescrtbed by the Municipal Rabies Control Center (MRCC) pursuant to
Ordinance 045-5-2017.
lmpounded dogs may be claimed by their owners upon payment to the Barangay
Treasurer of the amount of Two Hundred Pesos (P200.00) on the first three (3)
days and an additional Twenty Five Pesos (P25.00) per day until the Sthday. After
five (5) days and the owner fails to claim the impounded animal, the respective
barangay in coordination with the MRCC shall turn-over the said animal to the
Municipal Agriculture Office.
SECTION 6. NOISE NUISANCE -The maximum allowable noise quality standards (in
decibels) in general areas shall be as follows:
Class D 70 db 75 db 70 db 65 db
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The use of loud sound systems during special occasions like birthdays, wedding
days, anniversaries, f,estas, civic activities, special occasions, and other public
celebrations identified by the Municipal Mayor or Barangay Officials shall be
allowed with time restrictions.
EXEMPTION TO SOUNDPROOFING Business establishments as mentioned
in Section I
may be exempted in the soundproofing measure if the activity
confomns with the ambient noise quality standards under this Code and its
operation has no outstanding complaint of noise nuisance.
MATEO, RIZAL. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 036-5-2017 the following acts are
c. Modified/open mufflers on all types of vehicles which increase the noise and
creates irritating sounds.
Any person who shall not comply with the above mentioned provision shall be
penalized by confiscation of the prohibited device and shall be fined as follows:
I't offense - A fine of Php1,500,00 and confiscation fee of Php200.00 per day to
retrieve said device.
Refusal to pay the fines shall authorize the Head to cause the institution of
summary proceedings against the violator, or the filing of necessary criminal
charges in court.
1. 1*t Offense - An imprisonment of not less than fifteen days (15), or not more
than thirty (30) days
2. znd Offense * An imprisonment of not less than forty-five (45) days but not
more than sixty (60) days
3. 3'd Offense - An imprisonment of not less than ninety (90) days but not more
than 120 days.
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Envi ronmental Clearance
business, industrial, commercial, or agricultural establishments/building shall
appoint or designate an Environmental Protection Ofiicer (EPO) duly accredited
by the Office for purposes of superuision and enforcement of existing rules and
regulations for the protection of the environment and to promote general welfare
and shall pay an Annual Accreditation Fee of Three Hundred Pesos (P300.00).
3. 3'd Offense - Two Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (Php2,500.00) and the
imposition of a Closure Order.
Refusal to pay the fines shall authorize the Head to cause the institution of
summary proceedings against the violator, or the filing of necessary
criminal charges in court.
lnstitutional Arra n gements
SECTION 1. THE OFFICE - Administrative cases on pollution and other forms of nuisance
shall be facilitated by the Office. As such, the Office is hereby authorized to
perform the following:
e. Recommend the issuance of a Cease and Desist Order {CDO) andlor Closure
Order (CO) of business to the Business Permits and Licensing Office;
Permits and Licensing Office shall issue a Cease and Desist Order (CDO) andlor
Closure Order to the concerned business establishment as recommended by the
Department for non-compliance on its directives.
a. To re-hear and deliberate pollution cases whenever the decision of the Office
on pollution cases is being contested by concerned respondents and/or
Public lnformation and Education
a. Aim to develop public awareness of the ill-effects of, and the community-
based solutions to, environmental problems;
b. Concentrate on ac{ivities which are feasible and which will have the greatest
impact on the environmental problems of San Mateo, Rizal; and
Collection and Disposition of Fines
SECTION {' COLLECTION ANB DISPOSITION OF FINES - The fines collected in violation
of this Code shall accrue in favor of the following:
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b. 40olo to the Office for Research and Development Fund for environmental
10% for the incentive program of the Office for its personnel
Final Provision
consultation with key stakeholders (Municipal Environment and Natural
Resources Office, Municipal Health Department, Business Permits and Licensing
Office) may issue an implementing rules and regulations for the effective
implementation of this Code.
SECTION 2. ACCESSORY PENALTIES -ln addition to the imposable penalties for any
violation of this Environment Code, all improvements introduced, and all the
tools, equipment, devices and all conveyances used in the commission of the
offense shall be confiscated in favor of the Municipal Government.
SECTION 3. COMMUNITY SERVICE - lf the violator cannot pay the fine or penalty provided
in the preceding section, the Court may impose thirty (30) days community
SEGTION 4. APPROPRIATIONS -For the effeclive implementation of this Code and upon
availability of funds, a sum sufficient in amount shall be appropriated and
included in the annual budget and/or supplemental budget of the Municipal
SECTIOH 5. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE -lf any provision, section, or part of this Code is
declared unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such judgment
shall not affect or impair the remaining provisions, sections, or parts which shall
continue to be in force and effect.
SECTION 6. APPLICABILITY CLAUSE - All other matters relating to the impositions in this
Code shall be governed by pertinent provisions of existing laws and other
SECTION 7. REPEALING CLAUSE - All ordinances, rules and regulations, or parts thereof, in
conflict with, or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Code are hereby
repealed or amended accordingly.
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SECTION 8. EFFEGTIVITY - This Code shall take effect within fifteen (15) days following its
publication in any nelrspaper of general publication.
;eMayor and
siding Officer
Approved by: