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Designation: D 5412 – 93


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Method for

Quantification of Complex Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
Mixtures or Petroleum Oils in Water1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5412; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope E 131 Terminology Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy4

1.1 This test method covers a means for quantifying or E 169 Practices for General Techniques of Ultraviolet-
characterizing total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) Visible Quantitative Analysis4
by fluorescence spectroscopy (Fl) for waterborne samples. The E 275 Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance
characterization step is for the purpose of finding an appropri- of Ultraviolet, Visible, and New Infrared Spectrophotom-
ate calibration standard with similiar emission and synchro- eters4
nous fluorescence spectra. E 388 Test Method for Spectral Bandwidth and Wavelength
Accuracy of Fluorescence Spectrometers4
1.2 This test method is applicable to PAHs resulting from
E 578 Test Method for Linearity of Fluorescence Measuring
petroleum oils, fuel oils, creosotes, or industrial organic
mixtures. Samples can be weathered or unweathered, but either
E 579 Test Method for Limit of Detection of Fluorescence
the same material or appropriately characterized site-specific
of Quinine Sulfate4
PAH or petroleum oil calibration standards with similar fluo-
rescence spectra should be chosen. The degree of spectral 3. Terminology
similarity needed will depend on the desired level of quantifi- 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
cation and on the required data quality objectives. method, refer to Terminology D 1129, Terminology E 131, and
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the Practice D 3415.
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4. Summary of Test Method
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 4.1 This test method consists of fluorescence analysis of
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. dilute solutions of PAHs or petroleum oils in appropriate
solvents (spectroquality solvents such as cyclohexane or other
2. Referenced Documents appropriate solvents, for example, ethanol, depending on
polarity considerations of the sample). The test method re-
2.1 ASTM Standards: quires an initial qualitative characterization step involving both
D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water2 fluorescence emission and synchronous spectroscopy in order
D 1193 Specification for Reagent Water2 to select appropriate calibration standards with similar fluores-
D 2777 Practice for Determination of Precision and Bias of cence spectra as compared to the samples (see Annex A1 for
Applicable Methods of Committee D-19 on Water2 the definition of spectral similarity). Intensities of peak
D 3325 Practice for Preservation of Waterborne Oil maxima of suitable emission spectra are then used to develop
Samples3 calibration curves for quantification.
D 3326 Practices for Preparation of Samples for Identifica-
tion of Waterborne Oils3 NOTE 1—Although some sections of the characterization part of this
test method are similar to Test Method D 3650, there are also significant
D 3415 Practice for Identification of Waterborne Oils3 differences (See Annex A1). Since the purpose and intent of the two test
D 3650 Test Method for Comparison of Waterborne Petro- methods are different, one should not be substituted for the other.
leum Oils by Fluorescence Analysis3
D 4489 Practices for Sampling of Waterborne Oils3 5. Significance and Use
D 4657 Test Method for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocar- 5.1 This test method is useful for characterization and rapid
bons in Water3 quantification of PAH mixtures including petroleum oils, fuels,
creosotes, and industrial organic mixtures, either waterborne or
obtained from tanks.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-19 on Water 5.2 The unknown PAH mixture is first characterized by its
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D19.06 on Methods for Analysis for
Organic Substances in Water.
fluorescence emission and synchronous scanning spectra. Then
Current edition approved May 15, 1993. Published August 1993.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.
3 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.01.

D 5412
a suitable site-specific calibration standard with similar spectral although the characterization portion of the test method for
characteristics is selected as described in Annex A1. This PAHs given in Annex A1 would be unaffected.
calibration standard may also be well-characterized by other
7. Apparatus
independent methods such as gas chromatography (GC), GC-
mass spectrometry (GC-MS), or high performance liquid 7.1 Fluorescence Spectrometer—An instrument recording
chromatography (HPLC). Some suggested independent ana- in the spectral range of 250 nm to at least 600 nm for both
lytical methods are included in References (1–7)5 and Test excitation and emission responses and capable of scanning
Method D 4657. Other analytical methods can be substituted both monochromators simultaneously at a constant speed with
by an experienced analyst depending on the intended data a constant wavelength offset between them for synchronous
quality objectives. Peak maxima intensities of appropriate scanning. The instrument should meet the specifications in
fluorescence emission spectra are then used to set up suitable Table 1. (Also known as spectrofluorometer or fluorescence
calibration curves as a function of concentration. Further spectrophotometer). Consult manufacturer’s instrument manu-
discussion of fluorescence techniques as applied to the char- als for specific operating instructions.
acterization and quantification of PAHs and petroleum oils can NOTE 5—Although the characterization section of this test method
be found in References (8–18). (given in Annex A1) is similar to Test Method D 3650 in many respects,
5.3 For the purpose of the present test method polynuclear there are differences in the purpose and intents of the two test methods.
aromatic hydrocarbons are defined to include substituted poly- The purpose of the characterization step of this test method is to find an
cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with functional groups such as oil with similar fluorescence properties as the sample in order to serve as
an appropriate calibration standard for quantification. Other differences
carboxyl acid, hydroxy, carbonyl and amino groups, and between the test methods are instrumentation requirements and the use of
heterocycles giving similar fluorescence responses to PAHs of synchronous spectra as well as emission spectra for this test method.
similar molecular weight ranges. If PAHs in the more classic
definition, that is, unsubstituted PAHs, are desired, chemical 7.2 Excitation Source—A high-pressure xenon lamp (a
reactions, extractions, or chromatographic procedures may be 150-W continuous xenon lamp or a 10-W pulsed xenon lamp
required to eliminate these other components. Fortunately, for has been proven acceptable). Other continuum sources (either
the most commonly expected PAH mixtures, such substituted continuous or pulsed) having sufficient intensity throughout the
PAHs and heterocycles are not major components of the ultraviolet and visible regions may also be used.
mixtures and do not cause serious errors. 7.3 Fluorescence Cells—Standard cells made from
fluorescence-free fused silica with a path length of 10 mm and
6. Interferences a height of at least 45 mm. Stoppered cells may be preferred to
prevent sample evaporation and contamination.
6.1 The fluorescence spectra may be distorted or quantifi-
7.4 Data Recording System—Preferably the instrument
cation may be affected if the sample is contaminated with an
should be interfaced to a suitable computer system compatible
appreciable amount of other fluorescent chemicals that are
with the instrument and with suitable software for spectral data
excited and which fluoresce in the same spectral regions with
manipulation. Use of a strip chart or X-Y recorder with a
relatively high fluorescence yields. Usually the fluorescence
response time of less than 1 s for full-scale deflection is
spectra would be distorted at levels greater than 1 to 2 % of
such impurities before the quantification would be seriously
7.5 Micropipet, glass, 10 to 50-µL capacity.
7.6 Weighing Pans, 5 to 7-mm diameter, 18-mm thick, made
NOTE 2—Caution: Storage of samples in improper containers (for of aluminum or equivalent. Check pans for contamination.
example, plastics other than TFE-fluorocarbon) may result in contamina-
tion. 8. Reagents and Materials
NOTE 3—Spectroquality solvents may not have low enough fluores- 8.1 Purity of Reagents—Use spectroquality grade reagents
cence background to be used as solvent blanks. Solvent lots vary in the
in all instances unless otherwise stated. Since the goal is to
content of fluorescent impurities that may increase with storage time even
for unopened bottles. have as low a fluorescence blank as possible, and since
NOTE 4—This test method is normally used without a matrix spike due different brands and lots of spectroquality solvent may vary,
to possible fluorescence interference by the spike. If a spike is to be used, check reagents frequently.
it must fluoresce in a spectral region where it will not interfere with the
quantification process. Compounds that could be used are dyes that TABLE 1 Specifications for Fluorescence Spectrometers
fluoresce at longer wavelengths than the emission of the PAH mixture. Wavelength Reproducibility
Excitation monochromator 62 nm or better
6.2 If the PAH mixture to be analyzed is a complex mixture Emission monochromator 62 nm or better
such as an oil or creosote, it is assumed that a well- Gratings (Typical Values)
characterized sample of the same or similar material is avail- Excitation monochromator minimum of 600 lines/mm
blazed at 300 nm
able as a calibration standard so the fluorescent fraction of the Emission monochromator minimum of 600 lines/mm
mixture can be ratioed against the total mixture. Otherwise, blazed at 300 nm or 500 nm
Photomultiplier Tube
since the samples and standards are weighed, the nonfluores- S-20 or S-5 response or equivalent
cent portion of the mixture would bias the quantification Spectral Resolutions
Excitation monochromator spectral bandpass of 2.5 nm or less
Emission monochromator spectral bandpass 2.5 nm or less
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of Maximum bandpasses for both monochromators at least 10 nm
this standard.

D 5412
8.2 Purity of Water—References to water mean Type IV percent recovery (tilt the flask to see the separation between the
water conforming to Specification D 1193. Since fluorescent two layers more easily). Add 5.0 mL of cyclohexane to the
organic impurities in the water may introduce an interference, aqueous layer and perform a second extraction. Combine the
check the purity of the water by analyzing a water blank using two cyclohexane extracts and dilute to 10.0 mL with cyclo-
the same instrumental conditions as for the solvent blank. hexane.
8.3 Acetone, spectroquality, (CH3COCH3). See 12.6 to check extraction recoveries. Other ex-
8.4 Cyclohexane, spectroquality or HPLC grade. The fluo- traction methods can be used at the discretion of the analyst, by
rescence solvent blank must be as low as possible and less than adding an appropriate solvent exchange step to cyclohexane
5 % of the intensity of the maximum emission peak for the and by checking for recoveries and interferences. As is always
lowest concentration of PAHs analyzed. Dispense cyclohexane the case, the analyst shall demonstrate method performance
during the procedure from either a TFE-fluorocarbon or glass when changing the method. At the mg/L level or above, the
wash bottle, but, for prolonged storage, store cyclohexane only PAH mixture might not be totally in solution. If the PAH
in glass. mixture is emulsified in water, is sparingly soluble in water, or
8.5 Nitric Acid (1 + 1)—Carefully add one volume of con- if the concentration of the unknown must be known more
centrated HNO3(sp gr 1.42) to one volume of water.. accurately, it may be necessary to evaporate the solution to
8.6 TFE-Fluorocarbon Strips, 25 mm by 75 mm, 0.25-mm dryness or to extract the PAH mixture into a suitable solvent,
thickness. Use TFE strips when sampling neat PAH films on followed by evaporation, weighing, and redissolving in cyclo-
water as described in Practice D 4489. hexane. At the mg/L level or above, the PAH mixture in
9. Sampling and Sample Preparation water might not be totally in solution.
9.1 Collect a representative sample (see Practice D 4489 for 9.5 Sample bottles must be made of glass, precleaned with
water samples). dilute nitric acid (1 + 1) and sealed with plastic screw caps
9.2 Preserve samples in containers as specified in Practice having TFE-fluorocarbon liners. Solutions must be prepared in
D 3325. Do not cool samples below 5°C to avoid dewaxing of precleaned volumetric flasks. Because many aromatics are
oil or creosote samples. subject to photodegradation, flasks must be low-actinic (am-
9.3 Neat PAH samples (including surface films or layers on ber) or covered with aluminum foil. Volumetric flasks and
water) require only dilution in spectroquality cyclohexane. fluorescence cells must be cleaned with dilute nitric acid
Prepare initial concentration for the unknown at 100 µg/mL for followed by rinsing with water and then air-drying them. To
a check of the fluorescence signal. Further dilutions down to 1 remove the water more quickly, use a triple rinse with
µ/mL may be needed to bring the fluorescence signal into the spectroquality acetone. As a final step, triple rinse glassware
linear range and to avoid self-absorption effects in the solution. and cells with the solvent used for analysis, usually cyclohex-
Most PAH mixtures and oils have been found to be soluble in ane.
cyclohexane at the concentrations listed. Alternative solvents
can be substituted with appropriate tests. 10. Preparation of Apparatus
9.4 If any unknown PAH mixture is dissolved in water, test 10.1 Set up and calibrate the fluorescence spectrometer
the mixture with appropriate dilutions or preconcentrations as according to the manufacturer’s instructions and Practices
required. The assumption is that no naturally-occurring fluo- E 169, E 275, E 388, E 578 and E 579. Include in the calibra-
rescent materials such as humic or fulvic acids are present at tion procedures a check of wavelength accuracy using a low
levels interfering with the determination (refer to Fig. A2.5 and pressure mercury lamp (or similar line source). Allow an
Fig. A2.6 to show that humic acid does not interfere with the appropriate period of time (usually 15 min) for the instrument
test method even at high (µg/L) levels). This usually becomes electronics to stabilize. The instrument specifications must
a problem only at PAH levels in the low µg/L range. Extraction meet the specifications of Table 1, with fixed or variable slits
methods (or separation by column chromatography) are listed capable of covering the range of spectral resolution specified in
in Practice D 3326. the test method (2.5 nm to 10 nm) and capable of scanning both
9.4.1 An extraction method that proved satisfactory for the monochromators synchronously as well as individually.
collaborative test is as follows: Pour 50.0 mL of the sample into a separatory funnel, 11. Procedure
add 5.0 mL of cyclohexane and shake for 2 min. Vent the 11.1 Select an appropriate standard based on the character-
separatory funnel occasionally. Withdraw the aqueous layer ization procedure described in Annex A1 that entails examina-
(keep this for a second extraction). Collect the cyclohexane tion of fluorescence emission and synchronous spectra of
extract in a 10-mL volumetric flask. Add 5.0 mL of cyclohex- unknown sample(s). Do not use this quantification procedure
ane to the aqueous layer and perform a second extraction. until the sample is characterized and a suitable calibration
Combine the two extracts and dilute to 10.0 mL with cyclo- standard is selected based on the procedure in Annex A1. This
hexane. PAH standard must be site-specific and should consist of a For field use, it has proven satisfactory to use a sample of unweathered or weathered oil that might be the same
reagent bottle instead of a separatory funnel. Pour 50.0 mL of oil or an oil of the same type with similar fluorescence spectral
the sample in the bottle and add 5.0 mL of cyclohexane, shake properties. Preferably select a PAH mixture that has been well
for 2 min and collect most of the top layer with a Pasteur pipet. characterized by other methods (GC, GC-MS, HPLC, see test
It is important to collect most of the top layer to maximize methods listed in Test D4657 and References (1–7)). If this is

D 5412
not possible, one must rely on the known composition of unknown sample with the calibration curve. Since the lamp
similar oils. If a neat sample of the unknown PAH mixture is intensity of the fluorescence spectrometer may fluctuate with
available, compare the fluorescence intensity of this material at time, repeat at least one standard at frequent intervals to check
known weight/volume ratio in the spectroquality solvent to the the stability of the source and instrumentation as needed.
selected standard under the same instrumental and experimen- Analyze at least 3 different concentrations of the standard with
tal conditions. For best quantification results, the intensities each set of samples.
must agree to within 10 % of the fluorescence intensity at peak 11.5 Determine the concentration of the diluted unknown
maxima. Empirically, PAH mixtures with very similar spectral sample solution by referring the intensity to the calibration
characteristics have been usually found to have similar fluo- curve.
rescence intensities. In some cases, for example, an aromatic 11.5.1 Calculate concentration of the original extracted
solvent spill, use an appropriate single aromatic compound or sample as follows:
simple PAH mixture as the standard. concentration, µg/mL 5 Cc ~Vs/VT!
11.2 Once an appropriate calibration standard is selected,
prepare standard solutions, starting at 100 µg/mL in spectro- where:
quality cyclohexane and diluting down. These standard solu- Cc 5 concentration from calibration curve, µg/mL,
VS 5 volume of diluted extract, mL, and
tions, depending on instrumental conditions, can span a range
VT 5 volume of water that sample was extracted from, mL.
from 5 µg/mL to 5 ng/mL or lower. Use these data to generate
a calibration plot, which should be linear over this range.
Since the original concentration and Cc are related to a
Higher concentrations would require dilution to avoid self-
site-specific standard, express concentration either as total oil
absorption (inner-filter effect) and to stay in the linear range. It or as total PAH (if the percentage of PAH in the original
is preferable to prepare solutions fresh each day, but they may standard is known or if the standard is 100 % PAH).
be held up to 3 days if stored in a refrigerator. In all cases, treat 11.6 The reliability of this fluorescence method will depend
sample and calibration solutions in the same manner. For each critically on the proper choice of standards for each site or
concentration, scan the emission spectra and take the maxi- project.
mum intensity value for a data point. Once the wavelength
corresponding to the maximum emission is known, record the 12. Quality Control Measures
emission intensity at the wavelength corresponding to the peak
12.1 Calibrate the fluorescence spectrometer frequently to
maximum for a fixed period of time (usually 1 s) for subse-
check the wavelength accuracy with an appropriate mercury or
quent samples rather than scanning the whole spectrum. If the other line source and check relative peak ratios for appropriate
whole spectrum is recorded, use either the emission intensity of PAHs (as a check on any spectral correction factor). Check its
the peak maximum or the area under the fluorescence spectral sensitivity periodically (weekly) using appropriate PAH
envelope for quantification. For some PAH mixtures, spectral standards (plastic standards, commercially available, or PAH
areas may yield better quantitative results than peak maxima. mixtures in cyclohexane). Naphthalene and anthracene are
In each case, use these peak maxima or spectral area values to recommended as instrumental standards. Pyrene, chrysene, or
create the calibration curve. Preliminary data indicates that the ovalene emit at longer wavelengths and are appropriate for
peak maxima usually are satisfactory for quantification. The heavier PAH mixtures that also have emission maxima at
time scan at the emission peak maximum allows for faster longer wavelengths.
sample analysis. Multichannel detectors may also be used with 12.2 Measure solvent blanks with each sample
an appropriate intensity value recorded. If it is necessary to measurement to check the purity of the solvent and the
change instrumental conditions, check instrument conditions cleanliness of the fluorescence cells. At low concentrations it
and determine the correction factor. Suggested instrumental may be necessary to subtract out solvent blanks for accurate
conditions are as follows: excitation monochromator bandpass quantification. Treat sample and standard spectra in the same
10 nm or less, emission monochromator bandpass 2.5 nm or manner.
less, and an excitation wavelength of 254 nm (for oil), other 12.3 For each set of samples, measure one sample in
PAH mixtures may require different excitation wavelengths. triplicate using separate aliquots of the same sample extract.
Measure and substract the solvent blank, preferably in the same For each set of samples, carry one sample through the entire
cell, if necessary, with each measurement. Make all measure- sample extraction, preparation and analysis procedure in
ments with the same instrumental conditions. triplicate.
11.3 Create a calibration curve by plotting the intensity 12.4 For test method validation (or when a new type of
measurements against the concentration of standards. matrix is being extracted) make at least three separate
11.4 Once the calibration plot for quantification has been determinations (taking each sample through the entire sample
generated, prepare and measure unknown samples in the same extraction and analysis procedure) for at least five
fashion, provided that their characterization spectra show good concentrations.
agreement with the spectra of the calibration standard (see 12.5 Measure standards (PAH mixtures or site-specific,
Annex A1). If an extraction step is necessary, weigh the well-characterized oils) with each set of samples. Standard
original sample (before and after drying). The extracted sample solutions can be kept up to 3 days, if stored in the refrigerator
may also need to be evaporated down and weighed, or measure and away from light. Generate a new calibration curve when
in a known volume. Compare the spectral intensity of the the standard changes or when deviations are noted from the

D 5412
standard curve for fresh standard solutions. Set control limits
depending on the desired accuracy for the experiment.
12.6 Check recoveries, where extraction steps are involved
for a few selected samples, by extracting the same material
with a second aliquot of solvent. Where the amount of PAH
material extracted in the second aliquot exceeds a certain
amount (15 to 30 %) depending on desired accuracy, combine
the two aliquots and perform a third extraction. (This might
indicate the need for a different extraction solvent or
12.7 For a complex PAH mixture, spikes of a specific PAH
are not appropriate, but for a single aromatic compound or
simple PAH mixture, a PAH spike can be added that does not
interfere spectrally with the determination. Such a spike should
be carried throughout the whole procedure including sample FIG. 1 Total and Single-Operator Standard Deviation
extraction. Also, such a PAH spike can be introduced into a
clean matrix as an alternate check on extraction efficiency. TABLE 2 Recoveries of Known Amount of Oil from Reagent
12.8 For situations requiring an additional degree of Water
reliability it is desirable that an independent method be used to Statistically
Amount Added, Amount Found,µ
define the calibration curve. µg/mL g/mL
% Bias Significant (95 %
Conf. Level)
13. Precision and Bias 0.091 0.085 −6 no
0.440 0.333 −24 yes
13.1 An interlaboratory study was conducted using an 0.782 0.541 −31 yes
unknown oil and four standard oils: Prudhoe Bay Crude,
Arabian Light Crude, South Louisiana Crude and #2 Fuel Oil. 13.4 The data from the seven participating laboratories
The laboratories participating were asked to characterize the show that a negative bias is expected when performing this test
unknown oil by comparing it with the emission and method. A negative bias would be expected of any test method
synchronous fluorescence spectra of the standard oils and then having an extraction step; the magnitude of the bias in this test
to select an appropriate standard (with similar spectral shape method would depend on the efficiency of the extraction and
and intensity). After the characterization was reported, they the volatility of the light components of the oil. In this test
proceeded to quantify the three different concentrations of method cyclohexane, a not very efficient solvent, is used in the
unknown oil. The precision and bias statements were based on extraction step because of its ease of use under field conditions,
Practice D 2777. its low fluorescence interference and background. Other
13.2 Precision—Based on the results of seven laboratories, extraction techniques using a more efficient solvent have to be
conducting triplicate test on three levels of concentrations, the tested by the chemist before they are recommended for use.
precision of the test method within its designed range is linear Another factor that affected the negative bias was that in this
with concentration in accordance with Fig. 1 and may be study an unweathered, light oil was chosen as the unknown
expressed as: (this type of oil is composed of a considerable amount of
Reagent water: St 5 0.285x 1 0.0145 volatile components that are more likely to be lost during
So 5 0.0975x 1 0.0122 extraction). A smaller bias should be expected for a heavier and
weathered oil (these types of oils have less volatile
where: components). Many real oil samples are weathered oils; they
St 5 overall precision, µg/mL, may have lost the volatile components by the time they are
So 5 pooled single-operator precision, µg/mL, and extracted.
x 5 concentration of oil in water, µg/mL.
13.3 Bias—Recoveries of known amount of oil from 14. Keywords
reagent water were as shown in Table 2. These collaborative 14.1 creosotes; fluorescence; fuel oils; oil characterization;
test data were obtained on reagent-grade water. Single operator oil classification; oil quantification; PAH quantification; PAHs;
data obtained on tap water were also consistent with the results petroleum oils; synchronous fluorescence; ultraviolet-visible
of the collaborative study. These data may not apply to untested fluorescence
matrices, which should be tested by the analyst.

D 5412


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Emission Spectra oils are given in Annex A2.

A1.1.1 Set up and calibrate the spectrofluorometer as A1.2 Synchronous Spectra
recommended in Section 10. Analyze a solvent blank with the
A1.2.1 After putting the fluorescence cell containing the
same instrumental conditions used for analysis to check cell
sample solution (at 1 to 10 µg/mL concentration) in place,
cleanup procedures and to ascertain that the blank is negligible
adjust the excitation and emission slits to bandpasses of 2.5 nm
or can be subtracted out. Transfer a portion of the unknown
or less and adjust the offset between the excitation and
solution, usually at a concentration range of 10 µg/mL or less,
emission monochromators to 6 nm. Other slit widths and
into a clean fluorescence cell using a disposable Pasteur pipet.
offsets may be used, although, obviously, the offset must
Do not contaminate the outside of the cell with the solution or
always be larger than the combined bandpasses of the slits to
with fingerprints. Gently clean the outside of the cell with lens
avoid scatter. Starting at an excitation monochromator setting
paper (non-silicone treated) wetted with spectroquality
of 250 nm and an emission monochromator setting of 256 nm,
cyclohexane, if needed. Verify that the solution is not visibly
scan the two monochromators simultaneously to an emission
colored or turbid. Place the full cell into the cell holder, making
setting of 600 nm recording the fluorescence intensity as a
sure to protect the detector from ambient light, if necessary. Set
function of emission wavelength. The bandpasses and offsets
the excitation monochromator slits at bandpasses of 10 nm or
listed have been found to be satisfactory for oil, although for a
less, emission monochromator slits to 2.5 nm or less. Set the
simple PAH mixture a bandpass of 1 nm and an offset of 3 to
excitation monochromator to 254 nm and examine the cell and
5 nm might be preferable for yielding spectra with maximum
look for the fluorescence visually. Verify that the fluorescence
structure. The offset should ideally be the same as the
cell is fully illuminated without attenuation of light passing
wavelength shift between the absorption and the emission
through the cell due to self-absorption (inner filter effect). Set
spectra (Stokes shift) and should roughly separate PAHs
the emission monochromator to the wavelength corresponding
according to the number of fused aromatic rings (in a
to the maximum fluorescence intensity and adjust the
homologous series). See Vo-Dinh (14) for an explanation.
instrument as needed to bring the signal to approximately full
A1.2.2 Examples of synchronous spectra for typical
scale on the recorder chart or computer screen. If a strong
petroleum oils are given in Annex A3.
fluorescence signal is encountered, it may be desirable to dilute
the solution further to reduce the risk of spectral distortion. If A1.3 Interpretation
the signal is too weak (unlikely at 1 µg/mL or above), it may A1.3.1 Compare the fluorescence emission and
be desirable to open the emission slits to 5 nm or use a more synchronous spectra of the unknown sample with spectra
concentrated solution. Start the emission scan at 280 nm and analyzed under the same instrumental conditions for well
scan the full fluorescence spectrum out to 600 nm. characterized oils and PAH mixtures to select an appropriate
NOTE A1.1—For better results for emission spectra, if possible, first calibration standard. For petroleum oils, select a site-specific
measure an absorption spectrum on a suitable ultraviolet-visible standard taken from the same oil that has been characterized by
spectrophotometer to verify that the absorbance at the excitation several techniques (FI, GC, GC-MS, HPLC). Failing that,
wavelength is less than 0.02 absorbance units. Synchronous spectra may choose a well characterized oil showing similar spectral
require a higher absorbance depending on experimental conditions. structure and intensity, which should be adequate for field
A1.1.2 Without varying the instrumental conditions, make a screening purposes. On extraction of oils containing
similar scan using a matched cell or the same cell filled with a appreciable light aromatics the spectral intensities of peaks at
solvent blank. shorter wavelengths will decrease compared with the
A1.1.3 Usually a single emission scan exciting at 254 nm is unweathered and unextracted standard oils (because of loss of
sufficient if the PAH mixture is a typical petroleum oil. For volatile aromatic compounds in the extracted oil). The loss of
atypical PAH mixtures or for mixtures containing heavy PAHs volatile components will affect any method (GC, GC-MS,
it may be desirable to excite at different wavelengths, for FT-IR, etc.) that uses an extraction step. A suggested solution
example, 290 nm, 330 nm, or 375 nm. Repeat the solvent blank will consist of comparing the intensities and peaks ratios for
scan following each scan of the unknown sample. spectra of extracted oils with those for extracted standards. For
A1.1.4 Observe a Raman peak, characteristic of the solvent, the purpose of this test method, spectrally similar will be
especially at low concentrations of sample, that is, at high defined as having the same number of major spectral peaks at
instrument gain. This Raman shift, characteristic of the solvent, the same wavelength positions to within 5 nm and the relative
is constant in frequency, but varies in wavelength shift with intensities of peaks of the standards should be reasonably close
excitation wavelength. Use this Raman peak as a check of to the relative intensities of peaks for the sample, preferably
instrument sensitivity. within 610 %. The relative intensities or peak ratios are
A1.1.5 Examples of emission spectra for typical petroleum determined with respect to the main peak in the spectrum.

D 5412
Following similar treatment both portions of the definition of NOTE A1.2—During extraction some of the lighter aromatics and
spectrally similar should be easy to achieve. For selection of a polyaromatics will be lost. In the synchronous spectrum of the oil extract,
calibration standard for semiquantification, or if a lesser degree the peaks at shorter wavelengths (where the lighter aromatics and
of quantification is needed by the data quality objectives, this polyaromatics appear) may decrease or disappear.
definition of spectral similarity can be relaxed somewhat.


A2.1 Various fluorescence emission spectra are shown in

Figs. A2.1-A2.6.

FIG. A2.2 Emission Spectrum of South Louisiana Crude Oil US

EPA-API Reference Oil, WP 681

FIG. A2.1 Emission Spectrum of No. 2 Fuel Oil US EPA-API

Reference Oil, WP 681

FIG. A2.3 Emission Spectrum of Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil US EPA-

API Reference Oil, WP 681


D 5412

FIG. A2.4 Emission Spectrum of Arabian Light Crude Oil US EPA-

FIG. A2.6 Emission Spectrum of Cyclohexane Extraction from
API Reference Oil, WP 681
Water and Water with 10 ppm Humic Acid

FIG. A2.5 Emission Spectrum of Cyclohexane Extraction from FIG. A3.1 Synchronous Spectrum of No. 2 Fuel Oil US EPA-API
Water Containing 0.5 ppm Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil and Water with Reference Oil, WP 681
10 ppm Humic Acid Containing 0.5 ppm Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil

A3.1 Various fluorescence synchronous spectra are shown

in Figs. A3.1-A3.4.

FIG. A3.2 Synchronous Spectrum of South Louisiana Crude Oil

US EPA-API Reference Oil, WP 681

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FIG. A3.3 Synchronous Spectrum of Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil US

EPA-API Reference Oil, WP 681

FIG. A3.4 Synchronous Spectrum of Arabian Light Crude Oil US

EPA-API Reference Oil, WP 68122


(1) “GC Method 8100: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” EPA SW (9) Schulman, S. G., Molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy—Methods
846, Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 1986. and Apparatus, Part I, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1985.
(2) “GC-MS Method 8250: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for (10) Parker, C. A., Photoluminescence of Solutions, Elsevier, New York,
Semivolatile Organics: Packed Column Technique,” EPA SW 846, 1968.
Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 1986. (11) Berlman, I. B., Handbook of Fluorescence Spectra of Aromatic
(3) “GC-MS Method 8270: Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for Molecules, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York, 1971.
Semivolatile Organics: Capillary Column Technique,” EPA SW 846, (12) Eastwood, D., “Use of Luminescence Spectroscopy in Oil
Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 1986. Identification,” Modern Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Wehry, E., Ed.,
(4) “HPLC Method 8310: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” EPA Plenum Press, New York, 1981, p. 251.
SW 846, Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 1986. (13) Vo-Dinh, T., “A Ranking Index To Characterize Polynuclear
(5) “Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Method 610,” Methods for Aromatic Pollutants In Environmental Samples,” Environment
Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, International, Vol 10, 1984, p. 299.
Longbottom, J. E., Lichtenberg, J. J., Eds., EPA 600/4-82-057, July (14) Vo-Dinh, T., “Synchronous Excitation Spectroscopy,” op. cit., p.
1982. 167.
(6) “Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Method 627,” Methods for (15) Eastwood, D., Lidberg, R. L., “Application of Fluorescence and
Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, FT-IR Techniques for Screening and Classifying Hazardous Waste
Longbottom, J. E., Lichtenberg, J. J., Eds., EPA 600/4-82-057, July Samples,” Proceedings, 7th National Conference on Management of
1982. Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites, Washington, DC, 1986, p. 370.
(7) “Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons—Method 625,” Methods for (16) Bjorseth, A., Handbook of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,
Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983.
Longbottom, J. E., Lichtenberg, J. J., Eds., EPA 600/4-82-057, July (17) Karcher, W., Fordham, R. J., Dubois, J. J., Glaude, P. G., Ligthart,
1982. J. A., Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Kluwer
(8) U.V. Spectrometry Group, Miller, J. N. ed., Standards in Academic Publishers, Boston, Vol 1, 1985, Vol 2, 1988.
Fluorescence Spectrometry, Chapman and Hall, New York, 1981. (18) Hendrick, M. S., and Jadamec, J. R., “Evaluating the Relative

D 5412
Performance of ASTM Methods in the Laboratory and the Field,” STP 1102, Hall, J. R., Glysson, G. D., Eds., ASTM, 1991.
Monitoring Water in the 1990’s: Meeting New Challenges, ASTM

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