D5408 PDF
D5408 PDF
D5408 PDF
1. Scope elements, for example “Format of Other Data,” are only suggestions.
These lists can be modified, expanded, or reduced for the purpose intended
1.1 This guide is Part One of three guides to be used in by the company or agency maintaining the ground-water data file.
conjunction with Practice D 5254 that delineates the data NOTE 5—Use of trade names in this guide is for identification purposes
desirable to describe a ground-water data collection or sam- only and does not constitute endorsement by ASTM.
pling site. This guide describes additional information beyond 1.3 This guide includes the data elements desirable to
the minimum set of data elements that may be needed to identify a ground-water site beyond those given in the “Mini-
identify a ground-water site. Part Two identifies physical mum Set of Data Elements.” Some examples of the data
descriptors, such as construction, for a site, while Part Three elements are map identification, permitting facts, and support-
identifies usage descriptors, such as monitoring, for an indi- ing information. No single site will need every data element,
vidual ground-water site. for example, many ground-water sites do not need the data
NOTE 1—A ground-water site is defined as any source, location, or elements described in the legal record group. Each record
sampling station capable of producing water or hydrologic data from a (group of related data elements) for a site has mandatory data
natural stratum from below the surface of the earth. A source or facility elements, such as the date for the ownership record. However,
can include a well, spring or seep, and drain or tunnel (nearly horizontal
these elements are considered necessary only when that spe-
in orientation). Other sources, such as excavations, driven devices, bore
holes, ponds, lakes, and sinkholes, that can be shown to be hydraulically cific record is gathered for the site.
connected to the ground water, are appropriate for the use intended. 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
NOTE 2—Part Two (Guide D 5409) includes individual site character- as the standard. The SI units given in parentheses are for
istic descriptors (7 data elements), construction descriptors (56 data information only.
elements), lift descriptors (16 data elements), geologic descriptors (26 data 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
elements), hydraulic descriptors (20 data elements), and spring descriptors safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
(11 data elements). Part Three (Guide D 5410) includes monitoring
descriptors (77 data elements), irrigation descriptors (4 data elements),
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
waste site descriptors (9 data elements), and decommissioning descriptors priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
(8 data elements). For a list of descriptors in this guide, see 4. bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.6 This guide offers an organized collection of information
1.2 These data elements are described in terms used by
or a series of options and does not recommend a specific
ground-water hydrologists. Standard references, such as the
course of action. This document cannot replace education or
Glossary of Geology and various hydrogeologic professional
experience and should be used in conjunction with professional
publications, are used to determine these definitions. Many of
judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all
the suggested elements and their representative codes are those
circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-
established by the Water Resources Division of the U.S.
sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of
Geological Survey and used in the National Water Information
a given professional service must be judged, nor should this
Systems computerized data base (1-9).2
document be applied without consideration of a project’s many
NOTE 3—The purpose of this guide is to suggest data elements that can unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this
be collected for ground-water sites. This does not uniquely imply a document means only that the document has been approved
computer data base, but rather data elements for entry into any type of through the ASTM consensus process.
permanent file.
NOTE 4—Component and code lists given with some of the data 2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
Rockand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Ground Water and Fluids3
Vadose Zone Investigations.
Current edition approved May 15, 1993. Published November 1993.
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
the text. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.08.
D 5408
D 5254 Practice for the Minimum Set of Data Elements to Repeated Elements
Identify a Ground-Water Site4 Legal Record Group:
Legal Record:
D 5409 Guide for Set of Data Elements to Describe a Permitting Agency
Ground-Water Site; Part Two—Physical Descriptors4 Priority Date
D 5410 Guide for Set of Data Elements to Describe a Application Number
Application Date
Ground-Water Site; Part Three—Usage Descriptors4 Certification Number
Certification Date
3. Terminology Permit Number
Permit Date
3.1 Definitions: Water Allocation
3.1.1 For definitions of terms applicable to this guide, see Supporting Information Record Group
Terminology D 653. Owner Record:
Date of Ownership
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: Owner’s Name
3.2.1 code—a suggested abbreviation for a component, for Site Visits Record:
example, “F” is the code suggested for the “Files (Raw Data)” Date of Visit
Person Who Made Visit
component of data element “Format of Other Data.” Purpose of Visit
3.2.2 component—a subdivision of a data element, for Other Identification Record:
example, “Files (Raw Data)” is one of four components Other Name, Number, or Identification
suggested for data element “Format of Other Data.” Other Data Record:
3.2.3 data element—an individual segment of information Other Data Type
Other Data Location
about a ground-water site, for example, “Format of Other
Format of Other Data
Data.” The data element is in the “Other Data Record” record. Remarks Record:
3.2.4 record—a set of related data elements that may need Remark Date
to be repeated to fully describe a ground-water site. For Remark Source
example, a ground-water site that has a series of separate data
files will need more than one “Other Data Record” record (the 5. Significance and Use
record includes data elements, other data type, other data
5.1 Data at ground-water sites are gathered for many pur-
location, and format of other data) to fully document the
poses, each of which generally requires a specific set of data
history of the site. However, if only a single separate data file
elements. For example, when ground-water quality is a con-
exists for the well, the record is utilized once.
cern, not only are the minimum set of data elements required
3.2.5 record group—a set of related records. For example,
for the site, but information concerning the sample collection
the “Supporting Information Record Group” includes the
depth interval, method of collection, and date and time of
owner record, site visits record, other identification record,
collection are needed to fully qualify the data. Another group
other data record, and remarks record. Some record groups
of elements are recommended for each use of the data, such as
consist of only one record, for example, the “Legal Record
aquifer characteristics or water-level records. Normally the
Group” includes only the legal record.
more information that is gathered about a site by field
4. Summary of Guide personnel, the easier it is to understand the ground-water
conditions and to reach valid conclusions and interpretations
4.1 This guide includes the following additional identifica-
regarding the site.
tion descriptor data elements to describe a ground-water site.
5.2 The data elements listed in this guide and Guides
The universal element accompanies any data element requiring
D 5409 and D 5410 should assist in planning what information
a confidence classification. Single elements usually need one
can be gathered for a ground-water site and how to document
entry for a site, while repeated elements commonly require
these data.
several records to fully describe the conditions and history of
the site: NOTE 6—Some important data elements may change during the exist-
Universal Element
ence of a site. For example, the elevation of the measuring point used for
Data Confidence Classification the measurement of water levels may be modified because of repair or
Single Elements replacement of equipment. This frequently occurs when the measuring
Geographic Location: point is an opening in the pump and the pump is modified or replaced.
Land-Net Location Because changes cannot always be anticipated, it is preferable to reference
Location Map the height of the measuring point to a nearby, permanent altitude datum.
Map Scale
Method Altitude Determined
The measuring point is referenced by being the same altitude (zero
Political Regimes correction) or above (negative correction) or below (plus correction) the
Congressional District altitude datum. All appropriate measurements should be corrected in
Source Identifiers: reference to the altitude datum before entry into the permanent record.
Mean Greenwich Time Offset Care must be exercised to keep the relationship of these data elements
Site Reference in Report consistent throughout the duration of the site.
Site in a Computer Data Base
Photography/Sketch Available of Site 5.3 Some data elements have an extensive list of compo-
nents. For example, the aquifer identification list described in
Guide D 5409, has over 5000 components. Lengthy lists of
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09. possible components are not included in this guide, however,
D 5408
information on where to obtain these components is included water agencies, in the many parts of the country, as the primary
with the specific data element. method of systematically cataloging ground-water sites. The
method allows for the location of sites to a minimum of a
NOTE 7—This guide identifies many sources, lists, etc. of information
required to completely document information about any ground-water 21⁄2-acre (one hectare) tract (1⁄256th of a section) within a
site. specified section, township, range, and meridian. The meridian
designation must be included to denote where the township and
6. Documentation of Universal Element range are located in the National grid system. An example of a
6.1 For any element that requires a Confidence Classifica- 21⁄2-acre (one hectare) location is “Northeast 1⁄4 of the South-
tion, document the data confidence classification for that east 1⁄4 of the Northwest 1⁄4 of the Southwest 1⁄4, Section 22,
specified critical data element for the ground-water site. Township 45 South, Range 87 West, Boise meridian.” This
Field-measured or laboratory-determined values have varying location is usually abbreviated to a form similar to “NESEN-
degrees of accuracy depending upon the methods used to WSW Sec. 22, T45S, R87W B.” A number of formats
obtain the information. This subjective or judged confidence comparable to this abbreviation have been established by the
should be documented for each measured data element by the various agencies that use the system, however, they basically
agency or company that gathered or recorded the information, communicate the same results (5, 6, 11, 12).
or both. Suggested components for the data confidence classi-
NOTE 10—The accuracy of this location method for the minimum
fication and representative codes are as follows: 21⁄2-acre (one hectare) area is about 230 ft (70.104 m), that corresponds to
A—Value is accurate to within the tolerance of the mea- between 2 and 3 s of latitude or longitude. Surveying errors are common
surement instrument.
in the original measurements. See FIPS PUB 70-1.5
I—Value is judged to be inaccurate due to improper instru-
mentation or bias instrumentation or laboratory methods. NOTE 11—To supplement the description of the location of a ground-
N—Not verified, value was obtained from another source water site, a common method used is to draw a sketch showing the
and due to the mature of the data, cannot be verified. relationship of the site to other features in the immediate area, such as
roads, buildings, etc. In addition, a sketch of the measuring point can assist
NOTE 8—At a minimum, it is important, and often sufficient, that data
in defining its exact location at the site. Photographs of the site and
be classified subjectively by experienced professionals. It is not always
measuring point commonly are used as a part of the description.
possible, or necessary to objectively quantify the confidence that a data
user might have in a data value, but a professional classification can be 7.2.2 Location Map— The location map name that is
useful. For the purposes of the three guides, the word confidence refers to documented is that or the best available map of the area where
a subjective professional judgment on data accuracy as represented by the the site is located. Much of the United States is covered by U.S.
three data confidence classification components, and does not imply the
Geological Survey (USGS) topographic quadrangles. How-
more rigorous confidence limits or interval as used by statisticians.
NOTE 9—A critical data element is one that the value can be field ever, for those areas without USGS maps, the name of the map
measured or laboratory determined with an instrument that has a statisti- that shows the site’s location should be documented. In
cally resolved degree of precision. Many data elements gathered for addition, record the map’s source, such as county highway or
ground-water sites require no accompanying confidence classification, for Army Map Service. The availability and identification of the
example, owner’s name, location map, type of lift, etc. Each data element USGS maps are given on individual State topographic map
that generally requires an accompanying confidence classification will be indexes. These indexes and the individual topographic maps
so noted in these guides.
can be obtained from USGS Public Inquires Office (5, 9, 13).6
7. Documentation of Miscellaneous Singular Data NOTE 12—Many mapped areas are available on a computer-stored
Elements Geographical Information System (GIS). Document information required
7.1 Introduction— A vast number of data elements can be to identify and obtain the GIS map of the area where the site is located.
documented about a ground-water site to thoroughly describe 7.2.3 Map Scale—Document the scale of the map that is
its location, physical features, relationship to other features on used to locate the site. This value helps to define the accuracy
the earth’s surface, and to designate what information is of the site location data (5).
gathered at the site. These data elements typically are tran-
scribed once for a site, in contrast to data elements that may be NOTE 13—The map scale is the ratio between the linear distance on a
map and the corresponding distance on the surface being mapped. For
repetitive, such as water levels. Many of these data are example, 1 in. 5 1 mile (1 mm 5 1 m) or the equivalent 1:63 360, are
extremely valuable in the characterization of sites that fall into ways of expressing the same ratio.
certain categories, for example wells, for which the location
7.2.4 Method Altitude Determined—Document the method
map is an essential element to assist in properly positioning the
used to determine the altitude of the reference datum at the
ground-water site. Suggested method altitude determined com-
7.2 Geographic Location:
ponents and representative codes are as follows (5):
7.2.1 Land-Net Location—In addition to the locational data
required by the minimum set of data elements, land-net L—-Level or other surveying method,
location may be a general land office description of the site’s
position on the surface of the earth. This description is used in
many parts of the United states to subdivide the land into
sections, townships, and ranges for the purpose of governmen- FIPS PUB 70-1, Representation of Geographic Point Locations for Information
Interchange, is available from National Technical Information Service, U.S.
tal administration and originally was used (beginning in 1786) Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.
as a systematic method for the disposal of unoccupied land 6
Public Inquires Office, U.S. Geological Survey, 503 National Center, Room
(10). An abbreviated form of this description is used by many 1-C-402, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 22092.
D 5408
M—-Interpolated from topographic map, and
Z—-Other, explain (for example, historical local datum).
D 5408 Certification Date—If applicable, document the cer- Other Name, Number, or Identification—If appli-
tification date, in year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD), for cable, document the ground-water site identification that was
the ground-water site. If necessary, document the time of day. assigned by the other company or agency. Permit Number— If applicable, document the num- Assigner—Document the name and address of the
ber or identification assigned by the agency to the permit for person, company, or agency that assigned the other identifica-
the use of water at the site. tion for this event record. Permit Date— If applicable, document the date, in 8.3.4 Other Data Record—The other data available record
year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD), the permit was issued is used to indicate the availability of additional data pertinent
for the ground-water site by the responsible agency. If neces- to the ground-water site. Many sites have detailed information,
sary, document the time of day. such as continuous water-level recorder charts, geophysical Water Allocation— If applicable, document the logs, detailed geological logs, and extensive water-quality
amount of water allocated by the permitting agency to the analyses, that may not be filed at a central location. These data
permit holder for the subject permit. Include the measurement are valuable in understanding conditions at the site (5).
unit utilized for the water allocation. Other Data Type— If applicable, describe the type
8.3 Supporting Information Record Group: of other data available for the ground-water site.
8.3.1 Owner Record— The owner’s record is used to Other Data Location—If applicable, document the
document a history of ownership of the ground-water site. This location of the other data for the ground-water site. The
record is important to aid in the proper identification of the site complete name and address of the holder of the data should be
and to assign the responsibility for the facility. The following documented.
data elements are required to document the history of owner- Format of Other Data—If applicable, document the
ship (5).
format of the other data available. Suggested other data Date of Ownership—If applicable, document the
available components and representative codes are as follows
date, in year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD), that the owner
F—-Files (raw data),
acquired possession of the ground-water site. M—-Machine readable (computer), Owner’s Name— Document the name of the owner P—-Published (report or basic-data release), and
and owner’s address that corresponds with the date of owner- Z—-Other (describe).
ship for the event record. 8.3.5 Remarks Record—The remarks record is used for
8.3.2 Site Visits Record—The sites visits record is used to documenting meaningful information about the site for which
document data collection, verification, and quality-control no specific data elements are defined (5).
visits to the ground-water site. The following data elements are Remark Date—If applicable, document the date, in
required to document the history of these site visits (5).
year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD), of the origin of the Date of Visit—If applicable, document the date, in
year, month, and day (YYYYMMDD), that the site was Remark—If applicable, document information con-
visited. If necessary, document the time of day.
cerning the site that does not conform to any of the data Person Who Made Visit—If applicable, document
elements that are listed in these guides.
the name, title, and address of person who made the visit to the
ground-water site for the record event. Remark Source—Document the name and address of Purpose of Visit— If applicable, document a de- the person, company, or agency that wrote the remark for this
scription of the purpose of the visit to the ground-water site. event record.
8.3.3 Other Identification Record—Many ground-water
sites have more than one identification. These identifiers can be 9. Keywords
assigned by a company, state agency or federal agency to 9.1 data confidence classification; data element; ground
conform with an internal file system. To aid in the tracking of water; monitoring location; sampling site; site identification;
data for a site the following data elements may be required (5). site location; water allocation; water quality
D 5408
(1) Bates, Robert L., and Jackson, Julia A., Glossary of Geology, Third (9) van der Leedan, Frits, Troise, Fred L., and Todd, David Keith, 1990,
Edition; American Geological Institute, Alexandria, Virginia, 1987. The Water Encyclopedia, Geraghty and Miller Ground-Water Series,
(2) Bureau of Reclamation, Ground-Water Manual, A Water Resources 2nd Edition, Third Printing, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, Michi-
Technical Publication, Revised Reprint; U.S. Department of Interior, gan, 1991.
Bureau of Reclamation, Washington, DC, 1981.
(10) Stewart, Lowell O., Public Land Survey; Iowa State University Press,
(3) Campbell, Michael D., and Lehr, Jay H., Water Well Technology;
Ames, Iowa, 1936.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1973.
(4) Heath, Ralph C., Basic Ground-Water Hydrology; U.S. Geological (11) Morgan, Charles O., and McNellis, Jesse M., FORTRAN IV Program
Survey Water-Supply Paper 2220, 1983. KANS, for the Conversion of General Land Offıce Locations to
(5) Mathey, Sharon B., Editor, National Water Information System User’s Latitude and Longitude Coordinates; Kansas State Geological Survey
Manual, Vol 2, Chapter 4, Ground-Water Site Inventory System; U.S. Special Distribution Publication 42, 1969.
Geological Survey, Open-File Report 89-587, 1990. (12) U.S. Department of Commerce, Representation of Geographic Point
(6) Texas Natural Resources Information System, Ground-Water Data Locations for Information Interchange, Federal Information Stan-
INTERFACE, Users Reference Manual; Texas Natural Resources dards (FIPS) Publication 70-1, National Institute for Standards and
Information System, Nov. 20, 1986. Technology, Washington, DC, June 23, 1986.
(7) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Handbook of Suggested Prac-
(13) U.S. Geological Survey, Guide to Obtaining USGS Information, U.S.
tices for the Design and Installation of Ground-Water Monitoring
Wells ; Office of Research and Development, U.S. EPA, March 1991, Geological Survey Circular 900, 1989.
Washington, DC, 1991. (14) U.S. Department of Commerce, Congressional Districts of the United
(8) U.S. Geological Survey, National Handbook of Recommended Meth- States, Federal Information Standards (FIPS) Publication 9-1, Na-
ods for Water-Data Acquisition, Chapter 2—Ground Water;Office of tional Institute for Standards and Technology, Washington, DC, Nov.
Data Coordination, Reston, Virginia, 1980, pp. 2-1 to 2-149. 30, 1990.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.