Pricing API
Pricing API
Pricing API
In this Document
The goal of this document is to address the question "How Are ATTRIBUTE_GROUPING_NO and PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX Used in API
For example, reference this oracle standard QPPLXMP2.sql to write a script to upload mass price lists using
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(J).ATTRIBUTE_GROUPING_NO := 1;
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(J).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 1;
(it appears that on the price list form this uses sequence..when I enter one manually and
click Pricing Attributes, attribute_grouping_No is assigned a seq number not 1; however, if
one copies a price list line using the attribute_grouping_no is the same for the next price list line).
We are not using attribute grouping number in pricing attributes this is not a required value, you can ignore this and/or set it to 1.
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(J).ATTRIBUTE_GROUPING_NO := 1;
Price_list_line_index is to identify the price list line to which the pricing attribute is attaching.
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(J).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 1;
Line A - 1
Line B - 2
Line C - 3
for Line A -1
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Document 1620289.1
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(1).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 1;
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(2).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 1;
for Line B -2
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(1).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 2;
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(2).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 2;
for Line C -3
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(1).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 3;
gpr_pricing_attr_tbl(2).PRICE_LIST_LINE_INDEX := 3;
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