School Management Project Hard
School Management Project Hard
School Management Project Hard
Shweta Bharti(BCA/15052/14)
Shweta Bharti(BCA/15052/14)
The harmonius climate in our institute provided proper guide for preparing
the project. It was a privilege has been guided by Mr.SREEDHAR KUMAR
my friends.
Thanks to all my classmates who helped me during the development of this project
with their constructive criticism and advice.
In this recent year, a major trend towards the use of School Management is noticeable. The main
reasons for its popularity are as under:-
This project has been designed in such a manner that once a person has grasped
the concept of School Manegement. Every precaution has been taken to keep the project
error free but in spite of that, few errors might have crept in.
Hardware Used:
Processor Intel Celeron
Software Used:
Front-end: ADO.NET & VC#
RAM 256 MB
Software Required:
Admin Login:
User Login:
Class Fee
Class Int , NOT NULL Stores Class.
StudentName Varchar(25) Store the Name of Student
You might be inclined to skip portions of what the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM calls
for, but remember that the value of the process is that it forces you to follow a standardized
methodology for developing programs and systems. Skipping parts of the SCHOOL
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can be a big mistake, whereas adhering to it ensures that you give
the project the greatest chance for success.
To understand the structure and working of the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, we'll
examine each phase in turn.
Phases Implemented to complete the project
Phase1: Analysis
In the Analysis Phase, (sometimes called the Data Gathering Phase) we study the
problem, deficiency or new requirement in detail. Depending upon the size of the project
being undertaken, this phase could be as short as the Preliminary Investigation, or it could
take months.
Phase 2: Design
The exceptional programmer might begin coding without a good design. Programmers
who do so may find themselves going back to modify pieces of code they've already
written as they move through the project. With a good design, the likelihood of this
happening will be reduced dramatically. The end result is a program that will behave in
the way it was intended, and will generally have with a shorter overall program
development time.
By the end of the design phase, we would hope to have a formal Requirements Statement
for the program, and a rough sketch of what the user interface will look like.
Most programs are designed by first determining the output of the program. The
reasoning here is that if you know what the output of the program should be, you can
determine the input needed to produce that output pretty easily. Once you know both the
output from, and the input to the program, you can then determine what processing needs
to be performed to convert the input to output. You will also be in a position to consider
what information needs to be saved, and in what sort of file.
While doing the Output and Input designs, more information will be available to add to
the Requirements Statement. It is also possible that a first screen design will take shape
and at the end of these designs, and a sketch made of what the screen will look like.
At this stage of the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM it isn't necessary to discuss the
'how' of what the program will do, just to get the requirements down on paper.
Phase 3: Development
The Development Phase is in many ways the most exciting time of the SMS. That means
that we actually start coding the program.
Phase 4: Implementation
In the Implementation Phase, the project reaches fruition. After the Development phase of
the SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is complete, the system is implemented.
Software, which was designed in phase 2, and programmed in phase 4 of the SCHOOL
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, will be installed on any PCs that require it.
During the Implementation phase, both hardware and software is tested. Although the
programmer will find and fix many problems, almost invariably, the user will uncover
problems that the developer has been unable to simulate. This leads on to the fifth and
final stage
Phase5: Test.
During testing the major activities are centered on the examination and modification of
the code. Initially, small modules are tested in isolation from the rest of the software
product. There are problems associated with testing a module in isolation. How do we run
a module without anything to call it, to be called by it or possibly, to output intermediate
values obtained during execution? Such problems are solved in this phase and modules
are tested after writing some overhead code
Phase 6: Installation and checkout phase
All these phases are important for the project entitled SCHOOL MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM. All the above phase is used one by one for developing the project.
Planning may be the most important management activity. Without a proper plan, no real
monitoring or controlling of the project is possible. Planning may also perhaps the weakest
activity in many software projects, and many failures caused by mismanagement can be
attributed to lack of proper planning.
The basic goal of planning is to look into the future, identify the activity that needs to be
done to complete the project successfully, and plan the scheduling and resource allocation for
these activities. Ideally, all future activities should be planned. A good plan is flexible enough to
handle the unforeseen events that inevitably occur in a large project.
The project School Management System is the system, which works on a local
connection to give ease to the School administrator and Employee. It includes the following
The project aims at the creation of a secure School Management system. this will be accessible
to the School administrator and the employees working in the School who have valid user id and
password. In School there are few School administrators who administer the School can have
access the following facility-
Administrator will be having unique user id and password through which he can access the
above mention facilities.
General description
Product function and overview
Administrator section This section is developed using VC# and Ado.NET as front-end and
SqlServre 2005 as back-end. This section can be accessed by providing administrator password
and Staff login password. In this section the administrator can authorize employee to data entry
and create login credentials for new employees. The administrator can add or edit the master
table information.
Employee section Employees have only rights for reading and insertion
Data Updating Section
User interface of our project has several characteristics. They are as follows:
It is easy to use.
The time and effort required to initiate and execute different commands is minimum.
Once users learn how to use interface, their speed of recall about how to use the
It is attractive to use.
Main fields required in login verification:
Administrator user id
Administrator password
This module identifies Administrator by verifying valid login id and password.
If the user enters the user name and password having the administrators privilege then the
administrator window will be opened else the billing window will be opened.
In this module user by the help of this form user can take the fee of the Students.
Controls Used:-
9 textboxes
1 date time picker for reference of payment
1 Combo box for month
3 Buttons
This is the Home page of user. By which user has the rights to update and Delete the Records
from tables.
In this module any visitor who ever come to know anything from school gives its information.
By using the back button user can get access to home page
Controls used:-
4 Buttons
2 Date time picker
1 Combo Box
1 Group Box
10 labels
Employee ID
In this module admin has to select either the employee id from the text Box. Now admin can
Enter the new details of Employee.
In this Form user takes the relevant Information from the New Student and fill the form and also
takes the photo of student. By using the accept button Student admission to school get
By using the back button user can get access to home page.
In this form facilities provided to the students are shown.
Main fields required for checking the Salary Details
In this module user can see its Salary Details. He has to give only its Empid..
In this module a Grid view is taken in which data binding is made. A combo Box is
also taken for searching the details of employee fast you have to give only the
Empid of the particular Employee ,the particular Empid get highlighted in grid view..
Controls taken:-
A Button
A Combo box
Main fields required for changing own password:
Old password
New password
Functionality implemented:
User name of the logged on user will be displayed in user name text box.
Matches the old password for security reasons.
In this module the user who is logged on to the system can change password. He just has to enter
his old password and the desired new password. The password will be changed after pressing the
change button.
Further Enhancement
Everything that is made has some or the other things to be added to make it better than
revolutions. The project SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM also falls in the same domain.
Although it has been tried to develop a robust and fault free system, still enough
flexibility has been provided for further enhancements and modifications. As I mentioned earlier
then the designed forms are typically reflections of the developer, so I strongly believe that the
enhancement to be done with the project to be done with the design changes, coding changes.
But at the same time I would like to mention that since one can not claim himself as a master of
the technology there is always some scope of technical modifications in the project that may lead
to find code redundancy & storage space minimization.
Since the data is retrieved from the tables where everything is based on the coding system if
the coding system is changed then the system needs to be redesigned.
The number of queries can always be increased when needed by the user just by modifying
the code little bit, full concentration is maintained on the design of the system so that it can
be easily modified.
Design of the system can be changed in the sense of the flow of the control so that the coding
can be decreased to a considerable level.
The developed sub modules have all the related features but still improvement can be done.
The developed package is flexible enough to incorporate the modifications or enhancements
with less alteration.
Main fields required for login deletion:
Auto retrieval of existing employee id and first name whose login had been created on
tab load.
Auto retrieval of detail of employee on selection of either employee Id or first name.
In this module also admin has to select either the employee id or the first name from the drop
down combo box. The other fields are automatically retrieved from the database. Now admin can
delete the whole record of that employee from the database. Now the employee ID and the first
name will be available in the create login module.
Referenced Books:
Referenced Sites: