Instructor'S Lesson Plan

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Subject: Science Instructor: Ms. McCoy

Title of Lesson: Habitats of Georgia

Date: February 1-2

Time Period: 2 Days


 S3L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the

similarities and differences between plants, animals, and
habitats found within geographic regions (Blue Ridge
Mountains, Piedmont, Coastal Plains, Valley and Ridge, and
Appalachian Plateau) of Georgia.

 Research the plants and animals in each Georgia habitat

 Present research to the class

 Make a book about the habitats


 Handout: Map of Habitats of Georgia

 Handout: Note Taking Guide

 Handout: Plants and Animals of Georgia (optional)

 Construction Paper

 Glue

 Scissors

 Markers/ Crayons

 Computers/ iPads

 Large pad of paper for making posters

 3 Hole Punch

 Yarn

Time Topical Outline

Instructional Aids/Strategies
Sequence of Activities
5 Set Induction Review definition of habitat.
What are some animals that live in Georgia?
10 Read Pop Up Book See Book
Day 1 Research Instructions:
1. Divide students into 5 groups
2. Assign each group a habitat to research
3. For each habitat, students should find a
description of the habitat, 5 animals that live
there, and 5 plants that are found there
4. Then, the students should make a poster on the
large paper to share their research with the class
- Each student should have a job which can be
decided by the group members
- Jobs include: Habitat Description Researcher,
Animal Researcher, Plant Researcher, Writer (for
poster), Presenter, Manager (keep everyone on
task and make notes about everyone’s
- Some jobs may not be used depending on number
of students per group
Day 2 Activity 1. Every student will receive a note taking guide
(see handout)
2. The groups will present their research one at a
3. As each group presents, the other students will
be filling out the note taking guide
4. Once all groups have presented and every
student has filled out the note taking guides,
each student will choose 7 pieces of construction
paper to make a book
5. 3 holes will be punched in the paper and string
will be used to bind the books together
6. Students will make a book of the habitats, gluing
the notes taken to the left page and drawing the
habitat on the right. Students can either draw
plants and animals or the teacher can make note
of the animals researched on day one and make a
handout with pictures of the plants and animals
for students to cut out and glue to their drawing.
A map of the habitats’ locations in Georgia can
be included for their title page.

Evaluation Students will be graded by a rubric

See rubric

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