Jurnal Magnesium
Jurnal Magnesium
Jurnal Magnesium
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, IR Iran
: Zohreh Tavana, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Shiraz, IR Iran. Tel: +98-9173140076, Fax: +98-7112332365,
Received: January 21, 2013; Revised: April 27, 2013; Accepted: May 25, 2013
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy multisystem disorder of unknown etiology. It is a significant cause of maternal and fetal
morbidityBackground:and mortality.
Due to the significant role of magnesium in physiological regulation of blood pressure, this study was conducted to measure
theObjectives:levelofmagnesium in pre-eclampsia and control groups since the beginning of the pregnancy.
We enrolled 500 pregnant women with gestational age of 18-22 weeks who had referred to the Section of
ObstetricsMaterials andGynecologyMethods: of Hafez hospital of Shiraz. Initially, blood samples were obtained from all subjects. 26 cases
with diagnosis of preeclampsia were detected at the next referral. For each case, two normal pregnant women, at the same gestational age, were
considered as the control group. The second blood samples were obtained from all the cases and controls. All of the samples were sent to check
the level of magnesium. The data was analyzed with the SPSS and Student’s t-test.
The initial level of magnesium in pre-eclampsia women was not only significantly less than the control group (1.81 ± 0.25 mg/dl
vsResults:.2.3±0.44 mg/dl, P < 0.001), but also the secondary level was low, when the diagnosis was confirmed (1.72 ± 0.38 mg/dl vs. 2.2 ±
0.63 mg/ dl, P < 0.05). We found a gradual decrease in mean serum magnesium level with increasing period of gestation in the pre-eclampsia
womenCnclusions:.Thisimplicates that the level of magnesium in preeclampsia was lower than the control group since the beginning of
pregnancy. According to our results, checking the level of magnesium should be considered as the predicting factor of preeclampsia during the
first evaluation of pregnancy.
Keywords: Pre-Eclampsia; Serum; Magnesium; Pregnancy
mons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Tavana Z et al.
increased risks of cerebrovascular complications, dis- 2680 date: 6/06/2011). Informed consent was obtained
seminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), placental ab- from each participant before their recruitment.
ruption and maternal death. Preeclampsia in developing 3.2. Materials
countries has been found to have a great impact because
the diet of pregnant mothers are not rich enough with A demographic and pregnancy sheet and a laboratory
essential minerals and vitamins (6). Inadequate dietary
intake is harmful for the mother and the growing fetus. test were used in this study. The demographic sheet in-
Previous studies have shown a signifiicant reduction in cluded a few items about name and surname, contact
the level of serum magnesium in pre-eclampsia preg- number, age, parity, the gestational age of pregnancy
nant mothers (7). This result agrees with the physiologi- based on LMP or sono 8-12 Week and blood pressure. 5
cal role of magnesium; magnesium is one of the essential ml venous blood sample was aspirated from the partici-
intracellular cautions and an important cofactor for ac- pants’ antecubital vein. Blood samples were allowed to
tivation of many enzymes. Magnesium has a significant clot at room temperature and then centrifuged at 1500
role in pathophysiological regulation of blood pressure rpm for 15 minutes. The samples were sent to the labora-
because it effects contractility and tone of blood vessels tory to check the level of magnesium. Serum magnesium
(8). Results from various studies have shown the relation- was measured by the colorimetric method and use of
ship between level of elements in serum of mothers and Xylidl Blue by an auto-analyzer (Selectra, Netherlands).
Preeclampsia. Previous studies have evaluated the serum The coefficient of variance of intra-assay and inter-assay
magnesium of pregnant women with the diagnosis of precision of serum magnesium was 0.92% and 1.09%, re-
preeclampsia, but no one has measured the magnesium spectively.
level of the pre-eclampsia women since the beginning of 3.3. Procedure
their pregnancy. After completing the demographic sheet, the second
2. Objectives samples of venous blood were obtained from the cases
The aim of this study is to measure serum levels of mag- and controls. All of the serum samples were sent to
the laboratory of Faghihi hospital to check the level of
nesium in pre-eclampsia and normal pregnancy since magnesium. It is important to note that, there was no
the beginning of pregnancy. Each of the participants decrease in sample size during the study. The data was
were evaluated and followed from the beginning of their analyzed with the SPSS software package version 15.0 and
pregnancy. The main purpose of the present study was to expressed in terms of mean, standard deviation (SD), and
determine whether pregnant women with pre-eclampsia percentage. Continuous variables were compared with
would have lower serum magnesium levels in compari- the Student’s t-test and paired sample t-test. A P value of <
son with members of the control group. 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
3. Materials and Methods 4. Results
3.1. Participants The present study enrolled 500 pregnant women dur-
ing the first phase of the project. All of them were in the
This cross-sectional study was conducted in the depart- age group of 20-35 years (mean age ± SD = 29.7 ± 5.2), with
ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hafez Hospital of period of gestation between 18 and 22 weeks (mean ± SD
Shiraz University of Medical Science, Shiraz City, Iran. = 19.2 ± 3.5). During the next referral, from all subjects,
Sample size for 5% maximum error was estimated with 26 pregnant women were detected with preeclampsia
the Power SCC software to be 26 (alpha = 0.05, LST = 0.3, and were compared with the control group. 52 normal
SD = 0.33). The incidence of preeclampsia is about 8-10% of pregnant women, at the same gestational age, were con-
pregnancies (9). Research population in the present study sidered as the control group. Average gestational age at
included 500 pregnant women between 18-22 weeks of the time of the second sample was: 34.21 ± 3.58 for the
gestational age. Participants included 78 pregnant wom- preclamptic group and 33.4 ± 3.20 for the control group.
en in clinical (N = 26) and control (N = 52) groups that Demographic and clinical characteristics of the partici-
were selected by the purposive sampling method. Exclu- pants in both groups are shown in Table 1. Age, parity and
sion criteria for the members of the clinical group were: a gestational age between pre-eclampsia women and con-
history of chronic or transient hypertension, renal or car- trol group are not signifiicantly different (P < 0.05).
diovascular disease, diabetes mellitus or history of con- In Table 2, the serum magnesium in pre-eclampsia
sumption of magnesium supplement. The present study pregnant women was significantly less than the control
was approved by the ethical board of the Shiraz Univer- group that consisted of normal pregnant women (1.72 ±
sity of Medical Science (number of certificate: 89-01-01- 0.38 mg/dl vs. 2.2 ± 0.63 mg/dl, P < 0.05).
at different weeks of the gestational period. Initial level of magnesium of pre-eclampsia women were lower than
of magnesium was obtained when the women were at 18- the control. The serum magnesium decreased as the ges-
22 weeks of gestational age and secondary level was de- tational period increased. This decline was statistically
termined, when the diagnosis of preeclampsia was con- significant (Table 3).
Table 3. Serum Magnesium Levels at Different Gestation Periods
Period of Gestation, week Serum Magnesium of Con- Serum Magnesium of Pre- P value
trol Group (mg/dl) eclampsia Women (mg/dl)
18-22 2.3 ± 0.44 1.81 ± 0.25 < 0.001
30-35 2.2 ± 0.63 1.72 ± 0.38 0.006
Paired t test 0.35 (NS) 0.32 (NS)
Preeclampsia is a syndrome characterized by the onset when the diagnosis was confirmed, but also the initial
of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gesta- level from early on in the pregnancy was lower than the
tion and affects approximately 5-18% of pregnancies (1). control group. These fiindings confiirmed that hypomag-
Preeclampsia is an important disease to screen, as it is nesaemia may be one of the etiologies of preeclampsia.
common, has significant health outcomes and increases A study by Seydoux J revealed that serum magnesium
maternal and perinatal mortality. However, although decreased with progress in pregnancy (15), but the de-
numerous screening tests for preeclampsia have been sign and method of our study was different from similar
proposed over the past few decades, no test has so far previous studies. This was the first investigation, where
been able to appropriately screen for the disease and no serum magnesium level was measured in pre-eclampsia
well-established measurement for initial prevention has women and was compared with the control group since
been designed (10, 11). Mineral deficiencies like calcium, early on in the pregnancy. We found a gradual decrease in
magnesium, zinc, etc., have been identified to cause sig- mean serum magnesium level with increasing period of
nificant health problems for women of reproductive age, gestation in normotensive women, less than pre-eclamp-
especially in developing countries due to inadequate sia women. This suggests that level of magnesium in
dietary intake. The risk of deficiency becomes increased pre-eclampsia women was lower than the control group
during pregnancy because of increased need of the grow- since early in the pregnancy.
ing fetus for various nutrients (12). Changes in levels of In conclusion, according to the results from our re-
these elements could affect pregnancy. One of the prob- search, the level of magnesium should be considered as
lems that may be influenced by nutrient deficiencies is a predicting factor of preeclampsia during the first evalu-
preeclampsia. Recently, more emphasis has been laid on ation of pregnancy. A study by Kulier et al. (16) suggested
the relationship between maternal serum level of ele- that the intake of magnesium supplements since the be-
ments and occurrence of preeclampsia (13, 14). The pres- ginning of pregnancy may reduce the rate of preeclamp-
ent study showed that serum magnesium level was sig- sia among pregnant women. Some studies have reported
nificantly reduced in pre-eclampsia mothers compared that serum magnesium in preeclampsia is not diffferent
with the healthy control group. The level of magnesium from that of normal pregnancy (17, 18). This diffference
Iran Red Cres Med J. 2013;15(12):e10394 3
Tavana Z et
may be due to the variation in the study population and the
dietary intake. Systemically, magnesium lowers blood pressure
and alters peripheral vascular resistance. Thus, it can be
advantageous for pre-eclampsia women. How-ever, the actual
role of magnesium supplements should be further investigated
in prevention of preeclampsia.
Authors’ Contribution
Dr. Zohreh Tavana developed the original idea, protocol,
study concept and design and performed a critical revi-sion
of the manuscript for important intellectual con-tent. Dr.
Sara Hosseinmirzaei contributed to the develop-ment of the
protocol, analysis and interpretation of data and prepared
and wrote the manuscript.
Financial Disclosure
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.
This study was supported in part by a grant 89-01-01-26-
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