Tugas Jurnal Nita
Tugas Jurnal Nita
Tugas Jurnal Nita
1 Research and Development Division, Department of Public Health and Community Programs, Dhulikhel
Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital, Dhulikhel, Nepal, 2 Department of Sociology and Gerontology,
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, United States of America, 3 Department of Epidemiology and Public Health,
a1111111111 School of Medicine, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America, 4 Department of
a1111111111 Medicine, Janaki Medical College Teaching Hospital, Janakpur, Nepal, 5 Department of Public Health and
Nursing, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 6 School of Health Systems
and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, 7 Department of
a1111111111 Obstetrics and Gynecology, St Olav’s Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway,
a1111111111 8 Malawi-Liverpool-Wellcome Trust Research Institute, Blantyre, Malawi, 9 Institute of Life Course and
Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
* daseema17@gmail.com
significantly associated with gestational hypertension but was associated with preeclampsia
(OR = 3.39, p<0.001). Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia were not associated with
low birth weight.
In Nepal, women who develop preeclampsia seem at higher risk of having adverse preg-
nancy outcomes than women with gestational hypertension. These findings should be con-
sidered by national health authorities and other health organizations when setting new
priorities to improve pregnancy outcomes.
Worldwide, about 10% of pregnancies are complicated with hypertensive disorders, and gesta-
tional hypertension and preeclampsia account for the majority of these cases [1]. Gestational
hypertension (de novo) is defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure to 140 mm of Hg or
higher and/or diastolic blood pressure to 90 mm of Hg or higher respectively on two consecu-
tive readings (4 h apart) at �20 weeks of gestation in the absence of proteinuria or other find-
ings suggestive of preeclampsia [2]. Preeclampsia (de novo) is defined as gestational
hypertension accompanied by one or more of the following new-onset conditions at �20
weeks of gestation (i) proteinuria (24-h urine collection with a total protein excretion of
300mg or 1 + on urine dipstick); (ii) evidence of maternal organ dysfunction such as renal
insufficiency (creatinine � 90 umol/L), liver dysfunction (elevated transaminases with or with-
out right upper quadrant or epigastric abdominal pain), neurological complications (eclamp-
sia, altered mental status, blindness, stroke, severe headaches, or persistent visual scotomata),
pulmonary oedema, hematological complications (e.g., platelet count <150, 000/uL; and (iii)
uteroplacental dysfunction (such as placental abruption, angiogenic imbalance, fetal growth
restriction, abnormal umbilical artery Doppler waveform, or intrauterine fetal death) [2]. Ges-
tational hypertension is the most common complication which occurs in around 5%-10% of
pregnancies, whilst preeclampsia affects about 2%-5% of pregnancies [3]. The prevalence of
these disorders tends to be higher in lower and middle-income countries (LMIC) [4–6].
Both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia are associated with adverse maternal and
fetal outcomes, including increased risk of future maternal cardiovascular diseases [7, 8], how-
ever complications due to gestational hypertension are less severe compared to preeclampsia
[3]; still there is about 17% likelihood of progression of gestational hypertension towards pre-
eclampsia [5].
Several studies have been conducted in developed and developing countries around the
world to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes associated with the hypertensive dis-
order [1, 6, 9–12]. However there are only a few studies [13, 14] that focus on pregnancy out-
comes associated with these disorders in Nepal. Also, these studies did not compare the
pregnancy outcomes of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia using adjusted statistical
models [13, 14]. As such, the estimates from these [13, 14] studies does not account for con-
founding factors like maternal age and maternal comorbidity, which may lead to bias in risk
estimates and thereby difficult identifying the magnitude of effects of gestational hypertension
and preeclampsia on pregnancy outcomes. Addressing this gap will have important policy
implications for developing strategies to improve pregnancy outcomes among women with
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia in Nepal. Therefore, the aim of this study is to
determine the difference in pregnancy outcomes in women with gestational hypertension and
preeclampsia compared to women with normal pregnancies in one of the referral hospitals in
capital city of Nepal.
Outcome. The outcome variable of interest was pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy out-
comes included in this study were cesarean sections (both elective and emergency delivery),
low birth weight (defined as babies who are born weighing less than 2500 grams), and preterm
birth (defined as the birth of babies before 37 weeks gestation).
Exposure. The independent variables were gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. A
two-step process was implemented to identify the women with gestational hypertension and
preeclampsia. First, women with a recorded diagnosis of gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia were identified. Second, we reviewed patient’s charts for specific clinical and labora-
tory findings and compared them with World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.
According to WHO, gestational hypertension is defined as systolic and diastolic blood pres-
sure to �140 mm of Hg and �90 mm of Hg, respectively in two or more consecutive occasions
(�4 h apart) after 20 weeks of gestation without proteinuria [16]. Similarly, WHO defined pre-
eclampsia as an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure to �140 mm of Hg and �90
mm of Hg respectively in two or more consecutive occasions (�4 h apart) after 20 weeks of
gestation with proteinuria > 0.3 g/24 hour or � 1 measured by a urine dipstick [16].
Covariates. Maternal age, parity, type of pregnancy, previous cesarean section, and mater-
nal co-morbidity potential confounders were selected on the basis of existing literature and
biologic plausibility [3]. Maternal age at the time of delivery was categorized as � 30 years
and � 30 years. Parity was defined as the number of previous live births and stillbirths and was
dichotomized into primiparity and multiparity. The type of pregnancies was designated as sin-
gleton and twin pregnancy. Previous cesarean section and history of preeclampsia were
defined on the basis of recorded maternal history. Maternal co-morbidities included in the
study were: Chronic hypertension (recorded diagnosis); gestational diabetes mellitus (defined
as the increased blood sugar level after 20 weeks of gestational age, and fasting glucose
level � 6.7 mmol/L; urinary tract infection (recorded diagnosis and white blood cells in urine
sample and/or urine culture report); hypothyroidism (recorded diagnosis and/or abnormal
thyroid function test report); and asthma and sub-fertility treatment (recorded diagnosis). Par-
ticipants who were affected with at least one of these diseases were included in maternal co-
Statistical analysis. The information obtained was cleaned, sorted, and coded to facilitate
data analysis. The statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Science
(SPSS) version 24 (IBM, NY, USA). Frequency and percentage of maternal characteristics and
pregnancy outcomes were estimated for normal pregnancies (woman without gestational
Ethical consideration
Ethical approval was obtained from Nepal Health Research Council and a permission letter
was obtained from the research committee of the Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital.
Due to the retrospective study design, informed consents were not obtained, and all the col-
lected data were analyzed anonymously. Study participants or the public were not involved in
the design, conduct, reporting, or dissemination plans of our research.
Out of the total sample size of 4820, the incidence of preeclampsia was 85 (1.8%) and gesta-
tional hypertension was 205 (4.3%) among pregnant women admitted to Paropakar and
Women’s Maternity Hospital. Four women with both gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia were excluded making the final sample available for analysis, 4816.
Table 1 shows the distribution of maternal characteristics in pregnant women with normal
pregnancies, gestational hypertension, and preeclampsia. Compared to women who had a nor-
mal pregnancy (14.2%), preeclampsia (28.4%) and gestational hypertension (20.9%) were
more common among pregnant women over the age of 30 years (p = <0.001). Regarding
maternal comorbidity, and iron and calcium supplementation, the distribution of women with
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia was significantly different (p = <0.001). For mater-
nal co-morbidity, almost 19% of those with preeclampsia had at least one maternal co-morbid-
ity. In contrast, the proportions were comparatively low for gestational hypertension and
normal pregnancies at about 2%. Calcium supplementation was given to nearly 99% of women
with normal pregnancies and gestational hypertension, and only 90% of women with pre-
eclampsia (<0.001).
The distribution of pregnancy outcomes among women with normal pregnancies, gesta-
tional hypertension and preeclampsia is presented in Table 2. The pregnancy outcomes of
interest were the type of delivery, birth weight, and pre-term birth. A higher proportion of
Table 1. Distribution of maternal characteristics in pregnant women with normal pregnancies, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.
Normal pregnancies Gestational hypertension Preeclampsia
Maternal Characteristics n (%) n (%) n (%) p-value
Maternal age
�30 3888 (85.8) 159 (79.1) 58 (71.6) <0.001
>30 646 (14.2) 42 (20.9) 23 (28.4)
Primiparity 2545 (56.1) 116 (57.7) 53 (65.4) 0.228
Multiparity 1989 (43.9) 85 (42.3) 28 (34.6)
*Calcium Supplementation
No 45 (1.0) 3 (1.5) 8 (9.9) <0.001
Yes 4324 (99.0) 194 (98.5) 73 (90.1)
Singleton 4506 (99.4) 200 (99.5) 76 (93.8) <0.001
Twin birth 28 (0.6) 1 (0.5) 5 (6.2)
Previous Cesarean section
No 4321 (95.3) 189 (94.0) 78 (96.3) 0.642
Yes 213 (4.7) 12 (6.0) 3 (3.7)
Maternal co-morbidity†
No 4438 (97.9) 197 (98.0) 66 (81.5) <0.001
Yes 96 (2.1) 4 (2.0) 15 (18.5)
Maternal co-morbidity = Chronic Hypertension, Urinary Tract Infection, Hypothyroidism, Gestational Diabetes, Sub-fertility treatment, and Asthma.
*Missing data n = 169
Note: Four women with both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia were excluded from analysis
women with preeclampsia (72.8%) and women with gestational hypertension (39.3%) had
cesarean sections compared to normal pregnancies (25.5%) (p = <0.001). About 90% of new-
borns had a normal birth weight (>2500 g) in all three categories of pregnant women. In
women with preeclampsia 33.3% had a preterm birth which was significantly higher than ges-
tational hypertension (9.0%) and normal pregnancies (9.9%) (p = <0.001).
Table 2. Distribution of pregnancy outcomes of women with normal pregnancies, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.
Normal pregnancies Gestational hypertension Preeclampsia
Pregnancy outcomes n (%) n (%) n (%) p-value
Type of delivery
Normal 3377 (74.5) 122 (60.7) 22 (27.2) <0.001
Cesarean 1157 (25.5) 79 (39.3) 59 (72.8)
Birth weight*
<2500 4059 (90.0) 174 (88.8) 72 (88.9) 0.809
�2500 450 (10.0) 22 (11.2) 9 (11.1)
Preterm Birth
No 4085 (90.1) 183 (91.0) 54 (66.7) <0.001
Yes 449 (9.9) 18 (9.0) 27 (33.3)
* Missing data n = 30
Note: Four women with both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia excluded from analysis
Table 3. Crude odds ratio with 95% confidence interval of pregnancy outcomes of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.
Cesarean section Low birth weight Preterm Birth
Crude OR [95% CI] p-value Crude OR [95% CI] p-value Crude OR [95% CI] p-value
Gestational hypertension (Reference-Normal pregnancies) 1.89 [1.41–2.52] <0.001 1.14 [0.72–1.79] 0.56 0.89 [0.54–1.46] 0.65
Preeclampsia (Reference-Normal pregnancies) 7.83 [4.77–12.83] <0.001 1.13 [0.56–2.27] 0.72 4.55 [2.83–7.29] <0.001
Note: OR refers to odds ratio; CI refers to confidence interval; woman with both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia were excluded in this model
Table 4. Adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval of pregnancy outcomes of gestational hypertension and preeclampsia.
Cesarean sectiona Low birth weightb Preterm Birtha
Adjusted OR [95% CI] p-value Adjusted OR [95% CI] p-value Adjusted OR [95% CI] p-value
Gestational hypertension (Reference-Normal pregnancies) 1.89 [1.38–2.59] <0.001 1.04 [0.65–1.67] 0.87 0.89 [0.54–1.46] 0.63
Preeclampsia (Reference-Normal pregnancies) 8.11 [4.81–13.66] <0.001 1.14 [0.56–2.34] 0.72 3.39 [2.04–5.62] <0.001
adjusted for maternal age, parity, twin births, calcium supplementation, previous cesarean section, history of preeclampsia and maternal co-morbidity.
adjusted for maternal age, parity, twin birth, gestational age, calcium supplementation, previous cesarean section, history of preeclampsia and maternal co-morbidity.
Note: Woman with both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia were excluded in this model
Crude odds ratio with 95% confidence interval of pregnancy outcomes of gestational hyper-
tension and preeclampsia can be found in Table 3. The odds of cesarean section among
women with gestational hypertension were higher than the women with normal pregnancies
(OR = 1.89, p = <0.001). Likewise, women with preeclampsia were more likely to have cesar-
ean section than women with normal pregnancies (OR = 7.83, p = <0.001). The odds of low
birth weight among women with gestational hypertension and women with preeclampsia were
about 14% and 13% higher (respectively) to that of women with normal pregnancies; however,
the relationships were not statistically significant. Furthermore, there was no significant associ-
ation between gestational hypertension and preterm birth (p = 0.65). However, the odds of
preterm birth among women with preeclampsia were higher than the odds of the women with
normal pregnancies (OR = 4.55, p = <0.001).
Table 4 presents the results of a multivariable analysis assessing pregnancy outcomes of ges-
tational hypertension and preeclampsia. All adjusted odds were somewhat lower than crude
odds. Women with gestational hypertension were 89% more likely to have cesarean section
than that of women with normal pregnancies (AOR = 1.89, p = <0.001), controlling for mater-
nal age, parity, twin birth, calcium supplementation, previous cesarean section, history of pre-
eclampsia, and maternal co-morbidity. Similarly, compared to women with normal
pregnancies, women with preeclampsia were more likely to have cesarean section
(AOR = 8.11, p<0.001). Gestational hypertension was not significantly associated with low
birth weight (AOR = 1.04, p = 0.87) and preterm birth (AOR = 0.89, p = 0.63) in the present
study. Also, there was no significant relationship between preeclampsia and low birth weight
(AOR = 1.14, p = 0.72). However, the odds of preterm births were higher among women with
preeclampsia than that of women with normal pregnancies (AOR = 3.39, p = <0.001), control-
ling for all other variables in the model.
In this study, we found the pregnancy outcomes such as cesarean section, low birth weight
and preterm birth were common among women with preeclampsia and gestational
hypertension. Both crude odds ratio and adjusted odds ratio depicted the adverse effects on
pregnancy outcomes in women with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia compared
to women with normal pregnancies. However, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia
showed some differences with the occurrence of adverse effects on pregnancy outcomes.
Adverse pregnancy outcomes were more prevalent among the women with preeclampsia
compared to gestation hypertension including increased odds of delivery by cesarean sec-
tions and preterm birth.
Most of the women were under 30 years of age for gestational hypertension and preeclamp-
sia. The finding is slightly different in a similar study conducted among women with pre-
eclampsia in Finland [18]. However, our finding is in line with the study conducted among
women with gestational hypertension and preeclampsia in Nepal [14]. Advanced maternal
age, twin births, and maternal co-morbidity varied significantly across the three groups of
pregnant women whilst women with preeclampsia had higher age, twin births, and more
comorbidities. This is similar to have been reported in few studies [3, 6]. These discrepancies
with other studies might be due to ethnicity, cultural and geographical factors, and other con-
founding factors that were not controlled in our study.
Gestational hypertension and preeclampsia were associated with delivery type, and pre-
eclampsia with preterm birth. Birth weight however was not statistically significant with gesta-
tional hypertension and preeclampsia in this study. Our study showed that a higher
proportion of women with preeclampsia had a cesarean section. This was expected and similar
to what other studies on severe preeclampsia and hypertensive disorders have found [19, 20].
In both women with gestational hypertension and women with preeclampsia in this study,
around 12% of the newborn had low birth weight (<2500 g). This is somewhat lower than
what has been found previously in a systematic review, which reported a pooled prevalence of
low birth weight of 37% in women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy [21]. However, a
cohort study showed a higher incidence of preterm birth among the women with preeclampsia
[3] which is in line with our findings.
Similar to a previous study we found that both gestational hypertension and preeclampsia
are associated with cesarean section and the odds of cesarean section among women with pre-
eclampsia are significantly higher than that of gestational hypertension [3]. A higher risk of
cesarean section in the preeclampsia group compared to gestational hypertension might be
because preeclampsia requires a shorter time to develop complications affecting both mother
and fetus [3] and the definitive treatment is to end the pregnancy to ensure the safety of both
the mother and fetus [22]. Many patients and obstetricians prefer cesarean section over vaginal
delivery because cesarean section expedites delivery which might reduce the risk of morbidity
and perinatal death [23]. However, studies have supported and recommended vaginal delivery
in preeclampsia if there is no other indication of cesarean section [19, 24]; even so health pro-
fessionals fear that vaginal delivery will worsen the maternal and fetal condition [19, 23]. Fur-
ther, our study was not able to categorize preeclampsia with or without severe features; as
preeclampsia with severe features might lead to more cesarean deliveries [6]. Hence, further
research is required to find the reason for increased number of cesarean deliveries in pre-
eclampsia cases in Nepal.
Our study didn’t find a significant association between gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia with a low birth weight compared to normotensive women. This is interesting as
previous studies’ findings on this have been inconsistent [25, 26]. A retrospective study con-
ducted in Canada found no significant difference in the birth weight of full-term newborns
delivered by women with preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, and normotensive women at
term birth [25]. Similarly, a study conducted in an urban sub-Saharan African setting also
showed the same findings [27]. On the other hand in a different study in a low resources
setting in Ghana, women with preeclampsia had a higher risk of low birth weight than normo-
tensive women adjusted for gestational age, maternal age, parity, type of delivery, and educa-
tion [7]. A reason for not observing a higher risk of low birth weight among women with
gestational hypertension and preeclampsia is that we did not control for some of the con-
founders such as maternal body mass index, maternal nutrition, and other socio-demographic
factors. More research is required to explore the association of low birth weight with gesta-
tional hypertension and preeclampsia by controlling these confounders.
Several studies have [7, 12, 21, 26] shown that both gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia are associated with preterm birth. However, gestational hypertension increases the
risk of preterm birth with a much smaller effect size [3]. On the other hand, our study reported
a significant association of preeclampsia with an increased risk of preterm birth, while gesta-
tional hypertension was not significantly associated with preterm birth. This might be due to
the effects of confounders (body mass index, ethnicity, residence area, and socioeconomic sta-
tus), type of study design, and study population diversity. Similarly, there was a statistically sig-
nificant association between the severity of the hypertensive disorder and preterm birth [6].
Hence, it will be easier to manage less severe hypertensive disorders and prevent complications
like preterm birth if the frequency of antenatal visits increases as regular follow-up and ade-
quate antenatal screening are important for timely management and prevention of complica-
tions from hypertensive disorders in pregnancy [28]. Gestational hypertension is less severe
preeclampsia field [6] as preeclampsia is associated with vascular manifestations, oxidative
stress and endothelial damage leading to poor placental function [27]. Poor placental function
affects the perfusion and nutrients supplementation to the fetus, which can result in preterm
birth [27]. Similarly, iatrogenic preterm birth by early termination of pregnancy could also be
the reason for preterm birth [29].
Adverse pregnancy outcomes were more prevalent among the women with preeclampsia
including increased risk of cesarean sections and preterm birth. This indicates that women
who developed preeclampsia are potentially at higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes than
women with gestational hypertension. Therefore, the findings from this study will be valuable
for national health authorities and other health organizations when setting new priorities to
improve pregnancy outcomes. Antenatal consultation should be more focused on early recog-
nition of hypertensive disorders, better management and referral to higher centers which
might help to prevent complications in pregnancies and improve maternal and newborn out-
comes. This can be achieved through training and orientation programs for all health profes-
sionals involved in maternal and child health care at all levels in primary health care and
hospital. Also, these findings should alert policymakers to the increased rate of cesarean deliv-
eries in preeclampsia cases. However, more research is required to understand the impact of
hypertensive disorder in pregnancy in other clinical settings in Nepal such as primary and sec-
ondary healthcare facilities.
Supporting information
S1 Dataset.
We would like to acknowledge Paropakar Maternity and Women’s Hospital for giving access
to data. We would like to provide special thanks to Bina Jabegu for her contribution during
data collection. We would also like to thank all those who helped directly or indirectly to com-
plete this project.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Seema Das.
Data curation: Seema Das, Rupesh Das.
Formal analysis: Seema Das.
Funding acquisition: Seema Das, Rupesh Das.
Investigation: Seema Das.
Methodology: Seema Das.
Project administration: Seema Das.
Resources: Seema Das, Rupesh Das.
Software: Seema Das, Rupesh Das.
Supervision: Rashmita Bajracharya, Jon Øyvind Odland, Maria Lisa Odland.
Validation: Seema Das, Renusha Maharjan, Rashmita Bajracharya, Jon Øyvind Odland, Maria
Lisa Odland.
Visualization: Seema Das, Renusha Maharjan, Rashmita Bajracharya, Jon Øyvind Odland,
Maria Lisa Odland.
Writing – original draft: Seema Das, Renusha Maharjan, Rabina Shrestha, Sulata Karki.
Writing – review & editing: Rashmita Bajracharya, Rupesh Das, Jon Øyvind Odland, Maria
Lisa Odland.
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