Escuchar A Los Murcielagos

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*1" _Y_
I Brl
tc1.A lc l.B

11 Bc547B


Guy Boniface and

the loudspeal<er. Do note that bats won't fly fier lC3 is adjusted automatically by transistor
Jean Rowenczyn (France)
about under some weather condition (rain, T4 and T5 depending on the amplification of
Here's a novel way of listening to bats over the strong winds, etc.) the signal by T3, filtered by R7 and C14. The
Summer. Put the receiver- powered by four impedance between lC3 pin 2 and ground is
AA (R6) cells - on a window-ledge, for exam- The detector receives the ultrasonic sig- what determines the amplifier gain.
ple, preferably aiming the ultrasonic detector nals, which are amplified by T1, T2, and T3,
towards an outdoor light or some trees. Run then sent to lC1 which is wired as a thresh- The 40 kHz ultrasonic receiver used (MA40-R
out a few metres of cable so as to install the old detector. lt converts the analogue signal or SQ40-R) is available from Conrad Electron-
small loudspeaker inside the house. Wait for into digital pulses which it sends to lC2, which ics (# 182281-62) or Farnell (#213226).
nightfall and, if there are bats around, you'll divides the signal by ten so as to mal<e it audi- (oqo6:l-l)

hear a sound lil<e bursts of cracl<ling from ble to the human ear. The gain of the LF ampli-

Flashing Lights for Planes and Helicopters

Jean-Louis Roche (France) the steady lights, there may also be flashing decade counter with ten decoded outPuts,
There are two sorts of lights on aircraft: red white strobe lights. The position light simu- also in SMD version. Normally, each output is
or white flashing lights, which are called lator given here tal<es a few liberties with the used independently. ln this circuit,two out-
'anti-collision lights', and steady lights, red real position lights, mal<ing them flash (it's puts are coupled with a one-output gap: Q0
on the tip of the left wing, green on the tip more fun!) and using a little trick to simulate and Q2 (front left, red LED), Q1 and Q3 (rear
of the right wing, and white at the tail, called the strobe effect. left, red LED), Q5 and Q7 (front right, green
'position lights', which enable an observer LED), Q6 and Q8 (rear right, green LED). To
to see if the aircraft is approaching or going The well-known NE555 is found in its 5MD ver- avoid the low output's shorting the High out-
away. On the tip of each wing, in addition to sion forthe timebase, combined with a 4017 put, a diode is used in series with each output.

54 718-zoto elektor

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