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Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA

SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin

2012 August 1-3, 2012



Raymond Sterling Garay1, Andrea Costa1, Thomas Messervey2, Christian Mastrodonato3 and
Marcus M. Keane1
Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering, Ryan Institute, NUI Galway, Ireland
R2M Solution, Catania, Italy
D’Appolonia S.p.A, Genoa, Italy

The European Union (EU) has shown deep concern

ABSTRACT about the above mentioned statistics and has put in
This paper presents a novel methodology for motion a series of mechanisms to reduce energy
applying modelling and simulation techniques to a consumption and CO2 emissions. In this regard, the
swimming pool environment aimed at achieving EU has published the Directive on the energy
energy savings by optimising the end of setback performance of buildings (European Parliament &
(EoS) schedule of the heating, ventilation and air Council of Europe 2010) aimed at assessing static
conditioning (HVAC) system. The Building Controls energy consumption in buildings as a first step
Virtual Test-Bed (BCVTB) simulation platform is measure to evaluate the performance of the building
used to integrate different modelling and simulation sector. The recent Europe 2020 flagship initiative
tools to improve the accuracy of the simulations (European Commission 2011), place incentives
while reducing modelling effort. To test the towards a reduction of 20% of energy consumption
feasibility of using artificial intelligence techniques in and CO2 emissions by the year 2020 and 50% by the
optimising the EoS, an application using artificial year 2050.
neural networks (ANN) is developed and discussed. Within the building sector, up to 10% of the overall
A detailed case study is also presented and discussed. energy consumption is consumed by sport and leisure
facilities (ENERinTOWN Project Consortium 2008)
Keywords where a dynamic adjustment of the operational
Reduced Order HVAC Systems, Building Modelling behaviour of the HVAC systems serving these
and Simulation, Artificial Neural Networks, facilities is expected to result in significant energy
Swimming Pool Modelling and Simulation savings (SportE2 Project Consortium 2011).
Swimming pools in particular are large energy
consumers and controlling air temperature and
RATIONALE humidity to minimise evaporation is an important
The building sector is responsible for over 40% of energy savings strategy.
Europe’s total energy consumption and over 25% of
Modelling and simulation allows for the effective and
the overall CO2 emissions (EUROSTAT 2010)
efficient assessment of the impact of different
(European Environment Agency 2011). HVAC
approaches to energy reduction in buildings. In doing
systems consume around 20% of the total energy
so, accuracy and complexity must be balanced, such
consumption in developed countries (Pérez-Lombard
that system aspects and energy relationships are
et al. 2008). HVAC systems frequently serve
captured without the simulation effort becoming
facilities with very dynamic occupational behaviour
prohibitive (time or computing cost). Traditionally,
but also with well-established schedules that allow an
energy simulation tools provide accurate solutions for
operational set-back during unoccupied hours thus
part of the HVAC system like overall energy
reducing energy consumption during this period of
consumption while making significant assumptions
on other areas like immediate production of hot air at

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

desired temperature. To address this problem, this Units (AHUs) which maintain a constant air
paper proposes a methodology for integrating temperature of 30ºC in the swimming pool hall. Each
different modelling and simulation tools using the AHU consists of supply and return fan (6.6 m3/s),
BCVTB with a focus on a swimming pool water-to-air heat exchanger frost coil (73 kW), an air-
environment. Matlab/Simulink was used for to-air cross flow without mixing heat recovery unit
simulation of time dynamics of both the, water and and a water-to-air heat exchanger heating coil (250
air handling side of a swimming pool hall’s HVAC, kW). Figure 2 provides a schematic of these systems.
while the hall’s zone model (building envelope, The sport centre is open daily with week/weekend
materials, internal loads and weather) was developed schedule and its occupancy is constantly monitored
and simulated using EnergyPlus. Energy flows through the use of an access control. Figure 1 depicts
between the pool water and the hall air were the swimming pool facility and a Google SketchUp
implemented inside the BCVTB. Both, model of the swimming pool environment.
Matlab/Simulink and EnergyPlus are simulation tools
widely used in industry and academia for modelling
and simulation of complex systems and energy flows
in buildings respectively.
Applications of ANNs for energy efficiency in
buildings encompass solar radiation prediction
performance prediction of water heating systems,
heating and cooling loads estimation and prediction Figure 1. Swimming pool hall picture and model
of energy consumption among others (Kalogirou
2006). Prediction is one of the main applications of Modelling and simulation of a swimming pool
artificial neural networks in energy efficiency in environment is a complex task due to the strong
buildings and in particular, the work carried out by coupling between water, air temperature and relative
Yang (Yang 2003), provides a basis for the humidity. Simulation tools that approach swimming
application of neural networks to predict optimal End pools are scarce and many of them have limitations.
of Setback (EoS) of a HVAC system. TRNSYS simulation software includes models for
This paper approaches the integration of two swimming pools (Auer 1996). Ribeiro et al. (Ribeiro
simulation tools aiming at improving the accuracy of et al. 2011) describe a procedure to model swimming
the simulations by the means of splitting the pools in ESP-r. However, neither ESP-r nor TRNSYS
workload between simulation tools and assigning to are, at the moment of writing this paper, officially
each one the part the best suits its capabilities. It also integrated with the BCVTB and thus models
presents the basis for integrating artificial intelligence developed in EnergyPlus and Matlab were preferred.
techniques such as neural networks in the
optimisation and control of building performance by HVAC REDUCED ORDER MODEL
means of using both, simulated and real data for
As can be deduced from the description of the AHUs,
training and validating the neural networks.
there are three components that are used to control
Furthermore a case study is presented of a swimming
the temperature of the air. As such, the AHUs can be
pool hall environment at the National University of
modelled as three heat exchangers in series with the
Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), where important
first and last heat exchangers corresponding to water-
energy reduction can be achieved yet there is still
to-air frost coil and heating coil and the middle one to
little research addressed particularly to sport
an air-to-air heat recovery coil. For the purposes of
this paper, filters, fans and duct-work effects on the
air temperature are not considered. Filters have little
SWIMMING POOL HALL OF THE effect over temperature changes in the air. Effects of
SPORTS CENTRE AT NUI GALWAY duct-work on temperature should be considered for
The case study used for this research corresponds to systems with a long network of ducts which is not the
the swimming pool hall of the sport facility located at case for the presented case study and fans present a
the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) predictable temperature raise that is outside the scope
which is owned by the university and run by a private of this research work.
company specialising in sport facilities management (Underwood 1990) presented a set of ordinary
(Kingfisher Club Ltd.). The swimming pool hall has a differential equations (ODE) for the reduced order
floor plan area of 700 m2 with a 25 m swimming modelling of the heat transfer between the hot and
pool. This is served by two identical Air Handling cold fluid in a heating coil. Assuming that no

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

Figure 2. Air Handling Unit Representation

condensation occurs in the heat exchangers since, for
the purposes of this paper, the operation mode SWIMMING POOL LOADS
considered is such that only sensible load is added to CALCULATION
the air, the equations that represent the system are:
The key point in calculating the load added to the
ṁ hf (t) · Cphf · [Thfi (t) − Thfo (t)] + zone by the swimming pool is to be able to split the
(1) load calculation into the sensible and latent
dThfo (t)
UA · [Tcfi (t) − ����
Thf (t)] = Chf · components. The evaporation related latent load of
dt the pool and the AHU are being modelled outside
EnergyPlus. The water evaporation calculation is
̇ (t) · Cpcf · [Tcfi (t) − Tcfo (t)] +
mcf carried out in the BCVTB and the AHU model is
dTcfo (t) (2) divided between Matlab/Simulink and the BCVTB.
UA · [T hf (t) − Tcfi (t)] = Ccf · The resulting loads are then added into the zone
dt model developed in EnergyPlus.
In the above, equation (1) represents the heat transfer
for the hot fluid and equation (2) for the cold fluid. Swimming pool loads calculation
A proper implementation of the model requires the Based on the previous work (Costa et al. 2011), the
calculation of the parameters UA, Chf and Ccf. These heat exchange between the water in the pool and the
parameters are dependent on the geometrical and air in the hall is modelled by the means of the
physical characteristics of the coil and fluids. In this calculation of the sensible and latent loads
study, the calculation of UA at the operation point respectively. Sensible load has been modelled as a
was done using the ε-NTU method (ASHRAE 2009). surface at the constant water temperature. Latent load
Once the base calculation was done, the UA is calculated using the following equation:
parameter was programmed to be automatically
updated at every time step based on methodology 𝑄̇𝑙 = 𝑚̇𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ∙ 𝐿𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑝 ∙ 𝐴𝑝𝑜𝑜𝑙 (4)
presented in (Wetter 1999). The calculation of Chf
and Ccf is done following the methodology suggested
In equation (4) the water evaporation rate is
by Sørensen (Sørensen & Novakovic 1995) where the
calculated as a function of the water temperature, air
calculation follows equation (3)
temperature and relative humidity, area of the pool
and pool type. The calculation uses the analytical
Cxf = mc · Cpc + mx · Cpxf (3) formulas published in (ASHRAE 2007) on its section
dedicated to natatoriums and applying the necessary
Equations and calculation steps to update parameters corrective factors in agreement with the type of
of the heat exchangers at every time-step were activity performed in the pool. The water latent heat
developed using Matlab/Simulink. In particular, a of vaporization is calculated using Watson’s equation
user interface was designed so that the actual user (Vidal 2003) that accounts only for water temperature
would only need to input a set of design data from the and other physical properties of the water; since the
heat exchanger such as duty, fluids flow rates, fluids water temperature is assumed constant, the water
temperature, type of heat exchanger (counter flow, latent heat of vaporization is also a constant.
cross flow, etc.) specific heat of the fluids, coil
material specific heat and coil weight.

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

conditions (temperature and humidity)(Figure 3).

The HVAC model developed in Matlab/Simulink was
integrated to the Swimming pool hall model
developed in EnergyPlus by the means of the
BCVTB which provides basic information as set-
points, schedule of the facility for the night set-back,
etc. The BCVTB serves as bridge for the data flow
between EnergyPlus and Matlab. HVAC model and
control were developed in Simulink and an interface
between the BCVTB and Simulink was developed in
Matlab as explained in (Sterling et al. 2012), to
Figure 3. Simplified Psychrometric Chart overcome issues arising in the Simulink solver due to
the necessity of using a fixed time-step imposed by
AHUs load calculation the BCVTB.
The AHU is modelled to control the supply air Figure 4 shows the data flow diagram of the BCVTB
temperature in order to maintain air temperature in integration showing the variables that are
the zone close to the heating set point in the zone. interchanged between the different programs. As
The AHU model in Matlab Simulink calculates the explained in a previous section, the calculation of the
supply air temperature into the zone. Give the supply latent and sensible loads due to the energy exchange
air temperature (form Matlab/Simulink Model, the between the water in the swimming pool and the air
return air temperature and humidity ratio form the in the hall are done within the BCVTB. Also within
zone (from the Energy Plus model) and the outdoor the BCVTB the heat exchange between the supply air
air humidity ratio (given by the weather file used in coming from both AHUs and the swimming pool hall
EnergyPlus), it is possible (in the BCVTB) to air is split into sensible and latent before being sent as
determine specific enthalpy (ASHRAE 2009) and input to EnergyPlus (Figure 6). An operational
difference between return air and supply air. The scheduler was developed using the internal BCVTB
enthalpy difference (h2-h1) together with the mass tools to allow for rapid developing and testing of
flow rate of the AHU allows to determine both the different operation scenarios.
resulting sensible (h0-h1) and latent (h2-h0) load
associated to the AHU effect on the zone air The BCVTB acts as a central hub of communications
between the programs providing a framework for the

Figure 4. BCVTB Operation Data Flow

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

exchange of variables between the different models. established at 7.00h during weekdays and 9.00h
In particular it synchronizes the bi-directional data during weekends. On Figure 5 the behaviour of the
flow between Matlab and EnergyPlus while adding system under the above mentioned schedule and for
the latent and sensible load values to the data one week of operation can be observed.


BCVTB set up
Figure 6 shows the integration in the BCVTB
environment where the four main actors can be
clearly identified. The “HVAC” actor contains all the
necessary information to run the Matlab/Simulink
simulation, the “Scheduler” actor allows dynamic
modification of the set points depending on the time
and the type of day (week, weekend). The “Pool
Evaporation Latent Load [W]” actor calculates the
latent load due to evaporation of the water from the
swimming pool. The “AHU Load Splitter” returns the Figure 5. Week Simulation with BCVTB
separated latent and sensible loads due to the supply
air. Finally the “Swimming Pool Hall” is the actor in
charge of running the EnergyPlus simulation Artificial Neural Network Implementation
consisting of the hall’ zone model. Simulation results were used to train an artificial
neural network (ANN) to determine the optimal end
In this research work, the main objective with the use
of set back of the system so it will reach comfort
of the BCVTB is the possibility to model and test
conditions at the opening time. Given the discrete
different operational scenarios for energy efficiency
nature of the model, instead of predicting the actual
in already existing buildings with focus on sport
time the ANN the focus was on learning the number
facilities. The idea is to provide a framework for
of time steps the system would take to reach comfort
rapid modelling of the facility and reliable results of
conditions. A simple algorithm was then developed to
different operational scenarios. The operational
translate the ANN prediction into a signal for the
scenario tested was that of the set-back operation
EoS. The algorithm takes as input the actual time, the
during non-occupied hours of the facility. This is
opening time and the output from the ANN and
common practice for energy efficiency and previous
produces a signal for changing from set-back set-
studies performed in EnergyPlus (Costa et al. 2011)
point to normal operation set-point.
have shown a reduction of up to 30% of energy
consumption if the temperature set point of the The ANN developed has 2 inputs corresponding to
swimming pool hall is reduced during night. outdoor and indoor temperature, 25 neurons in the
However restrictions in the operational schedules of hidden layer with sigmoid transfer function and one
the EnergyPlus model limited the reach of the study output with linear transfer function corresponding to
to fixed times for the setback and EoS of the system the number of time steps it would take to reach the
as opposed to the dynamic EoS presented in this comfort conditions if the system was brought back to
paper. With the use of the BCVTB a dynamic normal operation. Inputs and outputs were
schedule of the facility was implemented allowing for normalized to prevent prevalence of one variable over
a further study of the feasibility of establishing a other. The training dataset was originated by
dynamic EoS algorithm based on ANN. simulating the system over one month. Training was
done using the levenberg-marquardt backpropagation
Simulations algorithm. To test the efficiency of the approach the
ANN and the algorithm to translate the results of the
A simulation time-step of 1 minute was chosen to
ANN were used to substitute the scheduler. This new
account for dynamics of the system when the set-
system was simulated over one week during the next
point is modified. The first implementation used a
month. Results showed that the ANN was able to
week / weekend schedule that switch the system to
accurately predict the optimal EoS for the system
set back set-point at 21.00h during week days and at
such that comfort conditions were reached by the
20.00h during weekends. The schedule for bringing
opening time of the facility.
back the system to normal operation set-point is

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

Figure 6. BCVTB Screenshot

presented case study. As shown in Figure 4, at every
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS ANALYSIS time-step Matlab sends to Simulink the present
This section presents the results obtained from the values of the variables needed to perform the
integration of Matlab/Simulink and EnergyPlus by calculation of the interactions in the HVAC unit
means of the BCVTB applied to the swimming pool while Simulink returns the updated supply
hall at the National University of Ireland, Galway. temperature and a set of state variables that are
needed for initialization of the values of the variables
One of main advantages found in the use of the inside the AHU for the next time-step. This
BCVTB is the possibility to easily implement procedure allows for the implementation of different
different operational scenarios that otherwise would time-steps in the BCVTB without the need to fix a
require separate simulations such as the modelling time-step in Simulink. Such is achieved by running,
and simulation of different operational scenarios at every time-step, the Simulink model for a period
where faults occur and the particular response of the of time equal to the time-step while leaving Simulink
system to each individual fault. As well, the case to decide the best time-step.
where different EoS times can be implemented, the
BCVTB offers an intuitive and straight forward With the ANN approach, it was possible to predict
approach for the modelling and simulation of the optimal EoS time for the simulated system and
operational scenarios without requiring advance through the use of the BCVTB a dynamic schedule
language scripting or adding new objects like in could also be implemented. Simulation results
EnergyPlus (Basarkar et al. 2011). obtained with the use of the ANN-based dynamic
EoS showed a reduction of energy consumption by
In the implementation and methodology developed 1% over the case with a fixed scheduled EoS that
and presented in this paper, no particular knowledge ensures 0% of discomfort and provides 30% energy
about the HVAC controls was assumed. Therefore, it savings when compared with the case where no set-
is left to the user to specify and implement the type of back is in operation.
controller that better fits the needs. For the
Swimming pool at the NUI Galway, two PID Even though the controlled conditions of the
(proportional, integral and derivative) controllers experiment left little room for the possible
were implemented. One PID controls the frost coil improvement of the EoS using the ANN approach, in
and ensures that the temperature of the air leaving the the case of variable zonal loads, the potential of the
coils is never below a 5ºC. The other PID controls the ANN provides much more scope for exploitation.
heating coil to maintain the swimming pool hall Otherwise, a fixed EoS is suggested.
temperature at the set-point temperature. Simulation time is the biggest drawback of the
Of special interest is the use of Matlab as an extra developed integration. The cascade processing of
interface to connect the BCVTB with Simulink in the information seemed to have slowed down simulations

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

to the point where a week’s simulation would take expert to develop model using own tool and then
around 20 minutes to be processed on an Intel Core i5 integrating the solutions into one whole. This last is
processor at 2.67GHz with 8GB of RAM memory often the case of the whole building energy modelling
and under Windows 7 operating system. and simulation developments.
As with any model, the HVAC model developed in
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK the research work is an approximation to the real
This paper presents and discusses a methodology for functioning of the systems allowing for improvement
the application of simulation techniques to a in the accuracy of the simulations. In future work, it
swimming pool environment aimed at its application is foreseen to use real operational data to calibrate the
in energy efficiency studies. The proposed models and to bring the results as close to real
methodology leverages in the use of the Building operation as possible (Raftery et al. 2011). The work
Control Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB) to couple will leverage the use of artificial intelligence
different simulation environments in order integrate techniques, particularly artificial neural networks
and complement the capabilities of the different tools. (ANN) since its learning capability is most suited for
Results obtained from the simulation of the case these types of problems. Through the inclusion of
study were used to train an artificial neural network ANN in the model, it will be possible to implement a
(ANN) to predict the optimal end of setback of the continuous learning mechanism that will account for
swimming pool hall if the temperature set-point is the variation over time of the normal functioning of
reduced during unoccupied hours. the system and will be helpful in future prediction
and control purposes.
The BCVTB provides researchers with an innovative
and powerful tool for the study of complex systems. Real operation data will allow a fine tuning of the
The idea of divide and conquer can be easily ANN and this is a necessary step to be taken to assess
implemented by using the best modelling and the real impact of the use of neural networks for
simulation tool for each subsystem and then optimising EoS. In any case, the large potential of the
integrating them in the BCVTB to form the desired family of learning algorithms can be extended to
complex system. In the research work presented in predictive controllers, energy consumption
this paper, Matlab/Simulink was used for modelling predictions and decision making for interaction and
and simulation of the HVAC system, EnergyPlus was integration with smart grids among others.
selected to model the swimming pool hall and latent In future work, a more complete model considering a
loads calculations were performed using tools variable pool water temperature will be developed.
provided by the BCVTB itself. Furthermore, it is envisaged the substitution of the
The capabilities of the BCVTB allow for rapid HVAC model developed in Matlab/Simulink for a
prototyping and testing of different operational model based on the modelling language Modelica to
scenarios and its impact over the systems under assess the advantages of this modelling and
study. In this paper in particular, a best control over simulation programming language.
the operation schedules of the system was achieved Operational scenarios including faulty conditions will
as opposed to what was achieved with the sole use of be developed to provide the basis for a future
EnergyPlus to model and simulate the whole system. research of the use of the BCVTB for the study of
Also the BCVTB presents the opportunity for fault detection and diagnosis in HVAC systems.
developing graphical user interfaces on top of the
models that will permit building manager to test
energy optimisation scenarios safely prior the
application on the facility and without the need to The authors would like to thank Barry Phelan NUIG
have any programming skills. sport centre energy and facility manager for his
support in this work. This research work was funded
Care should be taken when deciding on the modelling
by the Irish Research Council for Science,
and simulation methodology to pursue since,
Engineering & Technology (IRCSET), D’Appolonia
depending on the application, less modelling and
S.p.A, the ITOBO Science Foundation Ireland
simulation effort might be achieved with the use of a
Strategic Research Cluster (SRC) and the European
single tool. However, the BCVTB has proven to be
Community's Seventh Framework Programme
well-suited to approach problems where part of the
(FP7/2007-2013) under the SportE2 project with grant
model is already developed and new additions are to
agreement No. FP7-2010-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-
be made but the new modeller has little knowledge of
ICT-EeB 260124
the modelling tool used. Also the BCVTB is useful
for cross-discipline cooperative work, allowing each

Fifth National Conference of IBPSA-USA
SimBuild Madison, Wisconsin
2012 August 1-3, 2012

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