Summary Table For Statistical Techniques
Summary Table For Statistical Techniques
Summary Table For Statistical Techniques
Type of Minitab
Inference Parameter Statistic Examples Analysis Conditions
Data Command
What is the average
weight of adults? 1-sample t-interval Data approximately normal
s Stat > Basic statistics OR
Estimating a population Sample mean
Numerical What is the average
x ± tα / 2 > 1-sample t Have a large sample
mean mean µ x n
cholesterol level of size (n ≥ 30)
adult females?
Ho : p1 = p2
Is the percentage of
males with lung
Ha : p1 ≠ p2 or Ha : p1 > p2
Difference in cancer higher or Ha : p1 < p2
Difference in The two proportion z test: Independent samples
two than the percentage
two sample pˆ 1 − pˆ 2 from the two populations.
Test to population of females with lung Stat > Basic
10 compare two proportions proportions Categorical
z= statistics
(binary) 1 1 > 2 proportions
Have at least 5 in each
pˆ (1 − pˆ ) + category for both
p1- p2 pˆ 1 − pˆ 2 Are the percentages n1 n2 populations.
of upper- and lower-
class binge drinkers x + x2
different? pˆ = 1
n1 + n2
Relationship Is there a Ho : The two variables are
between two relationship not related
categorical between smoking Ha : The two variables are All expected counts should
variables and lung cancer? related Stat >Tables be greater than 1
OR The observed
Relationship The chi-square statistic: > CrossTabu-
11 in a 2-way Difference in counts in a Categorical Do the proportions lation > Chi- At least 80% of the cells
two-way table c2 = should have an expected
table two or more of students in each Square analysis
population class who smoke (Observed − Expected ) 2 count greater than 5
proportions differ? ∑
all Expected
Type of Minitab
Inference Parameter Statistic Examples Analysis Conditions
Data Command
The form of the equation
that links the two variables
Ho : β1 = 0 must be correct
Slope of the
population Sample
Ha : β1 ≠ 0 or Ha : β1 > 0
Is there a linear or Ha : β1 < 0 The error terms
regression estimate of Stat >
Test about a relationship between The t test with n-2 degrees of are normally distributed
12 slope
line the slope Numerical
height and weight of
freedom: > Regression
a person? b −0 The errors terms have equal
β1 b1
t= 1 Variances
s.e.(b1 )
The error terms are
independent of each other
Each population is normally
Ho : µ1 = µ2=˙˙˙ = µt Distributed
Population Ha : not all the means are
Test to Sample mean Is there a difference
means of the equal
compare of the t between the mean Independent samples
t populations Stat >ANOVA
13 several populations Numerical GPA of Freshman, The F test for one-way
> Oneway
from the t populations
means Sophomore, Junior ANOVA:
µ1,µ2,….., ,µt
x1,x2,….., ,xt and Senior classes? MSTR Equal population standard
F= deviations
Test of 2 variables are continuous
& Population Ho: ρ = 0 Related pairs
Direction Correlation Sample
correlation Is there a linear H a: ρ ≠ 0 Stat > Basic
of Linear No significant outliers
14 Relationsh ρ
Numerical relationship between Statistics >
height and weight? Correlation
ip of 2 r 𝑟𝑟√𝑛𝑛 − 2 Normality of both variables
Quantitati "rho" 𝑡𝑡 =
ve √1 − 𝑟𝑟 2 Linear relationship between the
Variables variables
Company B