Essay Second Hemisemester
Essay Second Hemisemester
Essay Second Hemisemester
Seventh semester
In a world of constant changes, it is common to find things that are not used anymore
and others that become a trend. Due to the fact that those things have stopped being necessary
for people of this new epoch, new things are created day by day because of the evolution of
society. Something similar happens in the linguistic field, some words called archaisms and
neologisms. Through time language subject to changes caused by the users of it, such as the
increase of number of words or the loss of those ones. These new items added to the current
language are spread due to the globalization of the information which become the adaptation
of the language as result of the society progress. Neologisms have had an important
development in the way in how were created and formed since the use of affixation until the
use of acronyms and others. In this process, neologisms have been determined as a new form
to communicate with others using words that are sometimes formed by the time that they are
used, having not only semantical changes but also morphological modifications.
In every single language exist words that nowadays are strange for most youths and adults
to hear, for example, thrice (three times) or yarely (briskly, lively) this phenomenon happens
because of the less usage that people have been given to this kinds of words that are consider
obsoletes. The mentioned words are called archaisms. According to Chiru, C (2015) “An
archaism is a form of speech or writing that is no longer current. Archaisms are most often
used in publications in the field of poetry, law, science, technology or geography” (p.1), this
concept clearly indicates the reason why it is difficult to hear any of these kind of words in a
Regarding the few uses of archaisms in the present time, it is essential to be conscious of
the importance of knowing how to use this type of words when they are necessary. The main
reason of the awareness of archaism usage is that it is going to help people to avoid
misunderstandings of word meaning in the context that it has been applied. Archaisms are
used to refer to old terms of specific fields, also in poetry like William Shakespeare´s
writings, sometimes can be confused with formal language due to the high level of complexity
that those terms seem to have. Szerszunowicz, J (2015) marks out that “archaisms can be
divided into three kinds according to the phraseological units of the language, they are
Historisms are words that do not exist any longer. They are a kind of realia and also they
are commonly showed as the names of very old things, for example, horse-drawn carriages
that are a vehicle used before the appearance of the motor-cars, but horse drawn carriages do
not exist anymore. Something similar happens to the archaic lexical constituents which are
words that are no longer used, for example aglet that is the final part of a lace or an object that
people use all the time, but the term is no longer produced by them since they do not need it.
Finally, paleosemantisms are words used with different meanings; for instance, the objects
that antique people used to call with one name, nowadays the same object has a different
name because of linguistic accommodations that the society do along the time.
As we can understand the context and origin of archaic terms, it is possible to be conscious
about the importance to know the function that those words carry out within the language.
Unfortunately, it has been created a great debate among linguists. On the one hand, some
believe that archaisms are only ancient words that do not need to be used anymore, and they
should be forgotten permanently because they hinder the use of language in every single field
of the daily life. On the other hand, there are others that say archaisms are a valuable part of
the language and they should be rescued by current people in order to increase the wealth of
the language, to give elegance to the speech. Moreover, some say that few archaic words let
new words called neologisms appear naturally. So, the apparition of neologisms and the
Thus, neologisms can be defined as words which already exist in a language but
acquires a new meaning over the current years: e.g. umbrella 1) ‘device used as protection
coined word or expression as a product of the constant changes and evolution of language
within a society, the use of new words produces the loss of other ones that conformed the
regular lexis used by a society or incorporation of new meanings to an existent word that has
become relevant in current days. While the main function of the use of archaism is the poetic
using trendy words stablished by the change in language due to social and cultural changes.
Due to the fact that the humanity evolves not only culturally but also even anatomically, the
The society progresses leaving behind them a lot of words that will be lost in the through
the pass of years. Even if these words are not more used right now, they do not lose their
semantic value. They will only be replaced by new words that will mean the same as them.
This means that the apparition of neologisms responds to the necessity of human beings to
give not only a new meaning for an already existing word but also a name for a novelty object
that nowadays exists as Sturtevant (1959) mentions “In the case of new inventions, scientific
discoveries, philosophical theories, etc., the new name is usually the work of one name or a
To understand better, we can say that this process is caused by current changes in
technology and research, research and social sciences, economics and sciences, and the last
but no less important the communication process as well as by the expansion of intercultural
interaction. Nowadays, the easy way of keep in contact in this globalized era can allow to
spread a new trendy word that used either in social medias or simply text chats. Then, most of
the neologisms that function in everyday language originate in socio-political, scientific and
cultural areas of human activity defining its meaning through social and cultural references as
The social and cultural reference of neologisms proves that they are more the
products of our conceptual system and not simply meaningful language signs. They
codify new cultural experience of society and provide evidence concerning the current
trends of its development. For this reason, by studying neologisms of a certain language
we can learn about present-day cultural values, way of thinking and living of the
This change in language or in other words, this novelty in language recognizes new
words or neologisms as useful tools for understanding how culture is evolving and provides a
Due to nowadays human beings live in a technological age, all the new words that are
incorporated to the most of the lexicon used by current society are provided by the
technological devices. “Considering the influence digital technology has had on society, it is
not surprising then that lexicographers have found that science and technology are by far the
most prolific sources of neologisms in recent times.” (McDonald, 2005) Thus, the most of
new words found by linguists responds to technological advance. For instance, the
incorporation of the neologism, 1) google to refers to the use of an online search engine as the
basis for looking up information on the World Wide Web or 2) tweet cred that means social
the language, some new words are being added to the lexicon managed by current people for
example, the word 1) chillax that means to calm down or relax or the term 2) staycation that
means to have a vacation at home or in the immediate local area; where both words were
suggests that a “nonce” is “a term describing a linguistic form which a speaker consciously
come to be adopted by the community – in which case they cease by definition to be ‘nonce’
and become neologisms.” (p.329) Thus, many neologisms created or adapted survive only by
the use of speakers. The rest of neologisms because of their spreading, they have been
accepted by the most of the speakers and this gives them more linguistic value to be accepted
by the lexicographers since many of the them consider that nonce words mutilate and demean
the language due to the accidents within the intentionality of the speakers.
Apart from the derivation of neologisms from nonce words, there are other ways of
neologisms development such as, 1) Semantic neologism and 2) Trans nomination. The first
one suggest that a lexical unit existing in the language can vary its meaning to define a new
object, e.g. “to cowboy" to drive recklessly" or shit "something excellent". And the second
one indicates that a new lexical item can be introduced to define an object which already has
Due to the fact that neologisms are new words or expressions, it is important to know
the way in how they are formed because of the necessity of speaker to communicate. In fact,
the technology has had a big impact in the society in order to name new discoveries and to
describe electronic devices such as laptop, smartphone or tablet, some new words have
appeared through this time. There are some examples in which the neologisms have been
adapted to a new language and have could been used in both, English and Spanish language.
For understanding the creation of neologism we must bear in mind their classification.
The first one is through affixation. It is important to remind that morphology is the branch of
linguistics that involves the process of affixation. According to Loman, Arens and
Cunningham (1995) “a neologism is a new word that is made of common prefixes, roots and
suffixes” (p. 24). For illustrate, there are Greek prefixes as “acro-, dis- and hemi-“ that
contribute to this process; for example, some Spanish words such as “acromático”,
“patriot+ero’’, both suffixes express exaggeration to illustrate the formation of new words as
In English occurs the same, neologisms formed from prefixes such as “cyber+speak”
or “franken+word”. Italian speakers use prefixes too; for instance, “archi + nariz” for the
creation of a new word “archinariz” that has a denotation of a person who has a big nose. In
French occurs the same case with the word “mot-valise” for referring a motel. The English
language use the same process as “sophaholic” or “drinkipoo”. For Italian language, the
process of using suffixes for forming neologisms is the same “nar+isimo”. In French the
words “hydrocèphale” and “dactylographe” are a good example that through suffix “–phale”
The second one is the existence of a semantic neologism where a word that has a
meaning is changed for another. According to Cabré, Domenech, and Estopá (2014)
“Semantic neologisms contribute to renewing and enlarging the capacity of expression and
communicating resources of languages. They usually help speakers to make their descriptions
more powerful and their speech more effective” (p. 179). For illustrate, in Spanish the word
“ratón” has another meaning apart from a kind of animal, nowadays this term is used for
referring to a device that belongs to a computer due to similar shape that show this
technological device.
For understanding the term semantic neologisms, it is important to know the causes
that contribute the change of the meaning of words that already exist. The first one is because
of linguistic reasons. In this aspect the acquisition of a new word is given through the
influence of context. The historical reasons are another factor that it is important to analyse.
The creation of new semantic fields in terms of technology have permitted that the
neologisms have had an upgrade in the world. For example, hardware, software, blogger and
Wi-Fi are terms that are used in the daily life by speakers around the world. The term hipster
is also a neologism of this era that denote a vintage style and is a good example of how the
beginning of a look can create new words. These two illustrations can exemplify the birth of
The social cause is another reason of what people tend to create a neologism. For
instance, the term euphemism is implicit in the process of neologism. It reflects the
and Taylor (1998) “euphemism evidently prevails in the context of reference to distasteful or
taboo matters” (p. 358). For example, in Spanish instead of saying “viejo” people say “adulto
mayor”. In English the situation is similar, instead of saying “cancer” people tend to say “the
big C”.
Talking about the different ways in how the neologism are created. It is important to
take into account that neologism could be formed from syntactic conversion. It means that
words can change the form through a grammatical category. For example, in Spanish the verb
“agenda” is from the noun “agenda”. The meaning denotes a situation that implies to
Addiotionally, there are neologisms that could be created from acronyms. According
to Rowe and Levine (2016) “acronyms are words formed from the first letter or letters of
more than one word. Acronyms are popular they can be said faster, and remembered, more
easily than the whole phrase they represent” (page 94). Due to the fact that neologisms are
new words that speakers create to easily communicate, acronyms contribute to the formation
of neologisms. For example, in Spain some citizens go to the “RENFE” for traveling. They do
not use all the terminology “Red Nacional de Ferrocarrriles Españoles”, so we could say that
this word is a neologism. In English occurs the same situation, some acronyms that are well
known pass to form a new word even if some acronyms are used for both English and
Spanish, such as the term “NASA” (The National Aeronautics and Space Agency) that is
Talking about a single word, the abbreviation is another way of forming neologisms.
For example, in Spanish the abbreviation of “universidad” is simplified not only in a sound
but also in a letter “u”. Even though in some countries as Spain people say “uni”. “Mañana
tengo que ir a la uni porque tengo examen” or in the case of the word “departamento” some
speakers use only the word “depa” for referring the same thing. In English the application
In summary, archaisms play a fundamental role in language where they can be seen as
the background for the language evolution. Archaisms are ancient words that even though they
seem to be useless nowadays, the roots that they have provide the society the previous
unconscious knowledge that they need to construct the meaning of new terminology for the
vocabulary of a language. While archaisms are sometimes not used any more, neologisms open a
new gate to the adaptation of the language through the addition of new words that correspond to
the evidence of progress of the society not only technologically but also culturally. Finally, the
formation of neologisms has the capacity of forming new words that are incorporated to a
lexicon and are used by a lot of speakers. This process involves linguistics changes that are a
result of social, cultural and political reasons. Neologisms are flexible words due to the fact that
it can be modified through different resources that a community need in order to express new
meaning. It can be said that at the end neologisms are significant language items that show the
evolution of a society.
Bibliographic References